Approval in value-sets
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
"actor_variant_types_set": {
"birth_name": "Birth name",
"married_name": "Married name",
"monastic_name": "Monastic name",
"pseudonym": "Pseudonym",
"regnal_name": "Regnal name",
"nickname": "Nickname",
"artist_name": "Artist name",
"civil_name": "Civil name",
"generic_other_name": "Alternative Name (generic)"
"birth_name": "Nom de naissance",
"married_name": "Nom d'\u00e9pouse",
"monastic_name": "Nom d\u2019emprunt",
"pseudonym": "Pseudonyme",
"regnal_name": "Nom l\u00e9gal",
"nickname": "Surnom",
"artist_name": "Nom d'artiste",
"civil_name": "Nom civil",
"generic_other_name": "Orthographe alternative"
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"appointment_attendance_modes": {
"offline": "Offline",
"online": "Online",
"mixed": "Offline and online"
"offline": "Hors ligne",
"online": "En ligne",
"mixed": "Hors ligne et en ligne"
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"appointment_contributor_roles": {
"organizer": "Organizer",
"presenter": "Presenter"
"organizer": "Organisation",
"presenter": "Intervenant"
@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
"appointment_status": {
"scheduled": "Scheduled",
"cancelled": "Cancelled",
"moved_online": "Moved online",
"postponed": "Postponed"
"scheduled": "Planifi\u00e9",
"cancelled": "Annul\u00e9",
"moved_online": "Transform\u00e9 en \u00e9v\u00e9nement en ligne",
"postponed": "Report\u00e9"
@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
"closer_location_types_set": [
"Place of recording",
"Place of discovery",
"Former place"
"Lieu d\u2019enregistrement",
"Lieu de la d\u00e9couverte",
"Localisation pr\u00e9c\u00e9dente"
@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
"conservation_report_type_set": {
"damage": "Damage",
"damage": "Dommages",
"conservation": "Conservation",
"condition": "Condition",
"restoration": "Restoration",
"other_report": "Other report",
"other": "Other report"
"condition": "\u00c9tat",
"restoration": "Restauration",
"other_report": "Autre rapport",
"other": "Autre rapport"
@ -2,20 +2,20 @@
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"de-RM": "Reichsmark (Empire allemand)",
"es-Real": "Real (Espagne)",
"hu-Ft": "Forint",
"hu-Lari": "Lari",
"hu-Peng\u0151": "Peng\u0151",
"id-IDR": "Indonesian Rupiah",
"id-IDR": "Roupie indon\u00e9sienne",
"pl-Z\u0142oty": "Z\u0142oty",
"us-USD": "US Dollar",
"ddr-Mark": "Mark (GDR)",
"ddr-MDN": "MDN (GDR)",
"hu-Korona": "Austro-Hungarian krone",
"us-USD": "Dollar am\u00e9ricain",
"ddr-Mark": "Mark (RDA)",
"ddr-MDN": "MDN (RDA)",
"hu-Korona": "Couronne austro-hongroise",
"fr-FF": "French Franc"
"license_full_names": {
"CC BY-NC-ND": "Attribution - Non Commercial - No Derivates"
"CC BY-NC-ND": "Attribution - non commercial - pas de d\u00e9riv\u00e9s"
@ -1,22 +1,22 @@
"entry_types": {
"0": "",
"1": "Donation",
"2": "Purchase",
"3": "Excavation",
"4": "Emergency Rescue",
"5": "Inheritance",
"6": "Endowment",
"7": "Dispossession",
"8": "Original condition",
"9": "Loan",
"10": "Exchange",
"11": "In-house production",
"12": "Material Strain (T\u00f6rzsanyag)",
"14": "Vorlass",
"15": "Finding",
"98": "To be checked",
"99": "Other legal acquisition",
"16": "Permanent loan"
"1": "Don",
"2": "Achat",
"3": "Fouille",
"4": "Secours d\u2019urgence",
"5": "Succession",
"6": "Fondation",
"7": "Expropriation",
"8": "Stock d\u2019origine",
"9": "Pr\u00eat",
"10": "\u00c9change",
"11": "Production propre",
"12": "D\u00e9formation du mat\u00e9riau (T\u00f6rzsanyag)",
"14": "Abandon",
"15": "D\u00e9couverte",
"98": "Inconnu",
"99": "Autre acc\u00e8s l\u00e9gitime",
"16": "Pr\u00eat longue dur\u00e9e"
@ -1,51 +1,51 @@
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"2": "Found",
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"4": "Creation of reference",
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"6": "Was used",
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"9": "Painted",
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"11": "Received",
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"13": "Sent",
"14": "Issued",
"15": "Signed",
"16": "Type description",
"19": "Drawn",
"20": "Copied (by hand)",
"21": "Has lived",
"22": "[Relationship to location]",
"23": "[Relation to person or institution]",
"24": "[Relation to time]",
"25": "Commissioned",
"26": "Printed",
"27": "Recorded",
"28": "Sung",
"29": "Decor designed",
"30": "Form designed",
"31": "Modelled",
"32": "Autographed",
"33": "Mentioned",
"34": "Buried",
"35": "Intellectual creation",
"36": "Was depicted",
"37": "Painted on",
"38": "Illustrated",
"39": "Assembled",
"40": "Auctioned",
"41": "Bought",
"42": "Owned",
"43": "Sold",
"44": "Restorated",
"45": "Damaged",
"46": "Destroyed",
"47": "Lost",
"48": "Edited",
"1": "Fabriqu\u00e9",
"2": "Trouv\u00e9",
"3": "Publi\u00e9",
"4": "Pr\u00e9sentation",
"5": "A \u00e9t\u00e9 illustr\u00e9 (acteur)",
"6": "A \u00e9t\u00e9 utilis\u00e9",
"7": "\u00c9labor\u00e9",
"8": "Collect\u00e9",
"9": "Peint",
"10": "Enregistr\u00e9",
"11": "Re\u00e7u",
"12": "Produit par plaque d\u2019impression",
"13": "Envoy\u00e9",
"14": "Fabriqu\u00e9",
"15": "Sign\u00e9",
"16": "Premi\u00e8re description",
"19": "Dessin\u00e9",
"20": "R\u00e9dig\u00e9",
"21": "A v\u00e9cu",
"22": "[R\u00e9f\u00e9rence g\u00e9ographique]",
"23": "[R\u00e9f\u00e9rence personne-organisme]",
"24": "[R\u00e9f\u00e9rence temporelle]",
"25": "Demand\u00e9",
"26": "Imprim\u00e9",
"27": "Parl\u00e9",
"28": "Chant\u00e9",
"29": "D\u00e9cor\u00e9",
"30": "Forme \u00e9labor\u00e9e",
"31": "Mod\u00e9lis\u00e9",
"32": "Sign\u00e9",
"33": "A \u00e9t\u00e9 mentionn\u00e9",
"34": "Enfoui",
"35": "Cr\u00e9ation intellectuelle",
"36": "A \u00e9t\u00e9 illustr\u00e9 (lieu)",
"37": "Peint",
"38": "Illustr\u00e9",
"39": "Regroup\u00e9",
"40": "Augment\u00e9",
"41": "Achet\u00e9",
"42": "D\u00e9tenu",
"43": "Vendu",
"44": "Restaur\u00e9",
"45": "Endommag\u00e9",
"46": "D\u00e9truit",
"47": "Perdu",
"48": "\u00c9dit\u00e9",
"49": "Donated \/ present",
"50": "Inherited"
@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
"exhibition_contributor_roles": {
"concept": "Conception",
"curator": "Curator",
"design": "Dessin",
"coordinator": "Coordinateur",
"concept": "Concept",
"curator": "Conservateur",
"design": "Conception",
"coordinator": "Coordination",
"protagonist": "Protagoniste"
@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
"license_explica": {
"CC BY-NC-SA": "For non commercial purposes the material might be used (even changed) freely if the attribution is given. Rights status has to be kept as it is in case of distribution.",
"CC BY-NC-ND": "For non commercial purposes the material might be used freely if the attribution is given. It may not be altered.",
"CC BY-NC": "For non commercial purposes the material might be used freely if the attribution is given.",
"CC BY-ND": "The material might be used freely if the attribution is given. It may not be altered.",
"CC BY-SA": "The material might be used freely (and even altered) if the attribution is given. Rights status has to be kept as it is in case of distribution.",
"CC BY": "The material might be used freely (and even altered) if the attribution is given.",
"CC0": "No Rights Reserved. You only should use CC0 if you have the right to waive all rights.",
"RR-F": "Free access - no reuse.",
"RR-P": "Paid access - no reuse. Previews might be freely accessible.",
"RR-R": "Restricted access. Reserved rights.",
"Orphan Work": "The rightsholder could not be determined. The work is listed at the EU list of orphan works.",
"Public Domain Mark": "This work has been identified as being free of known restrictions under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights."
"CC BY-NC-SA": "Le mat\u00e9riel peut \u00eatre utilis\u00e9 librement (m\u00eame modifi\u00e9) \u00e0 des fins non commerciales avec attribution. En cas de transmission, le statut des droits doit \u00eatre conserv\u00e9.",
"CC BY-NC-ND": "Le mat\u00e9riel peut \u00eatre utilis\u00e9 librement \u00e0 des fins non commerciales avec attribution. Il ne doit pas \u00eatre modifi\u00e9.",
"CC BY-NC": "Le mat\u00e9riel peut \u00eatre utilis\u00e9 librement \u00e0 des fins non commerciales avec attribution.",
"CC BY-ND": "Le mat\u00e9riau peut \u00eatre utilis\u00e9 librement en cas d\u2019attribution. Il ne doit pas \u00eatre modifi\u00e9.",
"CC BY-SA": " Le mat\u00e9riau peut \u00eatre utilis\u00e9 librement (m\u00eame modifi\u00e9) en cas d\u2019attribution. En cas de transmission, le statut des droits doit \u00eatre conserv\u00e9.",
"CC BY": "Le mat\u00e9riau peut \u00eatre utilis\u00e9 librement en cas d\u2019attribution.",
"CC0": "Renonciation \u00e0 tous les droits. Ne doit \u00eatre s\u00e9lectionn\u00e9 que s\u2019il existe un droit de renonciation.",
"RR-F": "Acc\u00e8s libre - pas de r\u00e9utilisation.",
"RR-P": "Acc\u00e8s uniquement apr\u00e8s paiement - pas de r\u00e9utilisation. Les aper\u00e7us peuvent \u00eatre librement accessibles.",
"RR-R": "Acc\u00e8s restreint. Tous droits r\u00e9serv\u00e9s.",
"Orphan Work": "Le titulaire des droits ne peut plus \u00eatre identifi\u00e9 m\u00eame apr\u00e8s un examen approfondi.",
"Public Domain Mark": "Le mat\u00e9riel est dans le domaine public."
@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
"license_full_names": {
"CC BY-NC-SA": "Attribution - Non Commercial - Share Alike",
"CC BY-NC": "Attribution - Non Commercial",
"CC BY-ND": "Attribution - No Derivates",
"CC BY-SA": "Attribution - Share Alike",
"CC BY-NC-SA": "Attribution - non commercial - transmission dans les m\u00eames conditions",
"CC BY-NC": "Attribution - non commercial",
"CC BY-ND": "Attribution - pas de traitement",
"CC BY-SA": "Attribution - transmission dans les m\u00eames conditions",
"CC BY": "Attribution",
"CC0": "No Rights Reserved",
"RR-F": "Rights Reserved - Free Access",
"RR-P": "Rights Reserved - Paid Access",
"RR-R": "Rights Reserved - Restricted Access",
"Orphan Work": "Orphan Work",
"Public Domain Mark": "Public Domain Mark",
"CC BY-NC-ND": "Attribution - Non Commercial - No Derivates"
"CC0": "Domaine public (renonciation aux droits)",
"RR-F": "Acc\u00e8s libre - pas de r\u00e9utilisation",
"RR-P": "Acc\u00e8s payant - pas de r\u00e9utilisation",
"RR-R": "Acc\u00e8s restreint - tous droits r\u00e9serv\u00e9s",
"Orphan Work": "\u0152uvres orphelines",
"Public Domain Mark": "Domaine public",
"CC BY-NC-ND": "Attribution - non commercial - pas de traitements"
@ -1,23 +1,23 @@
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@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
"object_publication_background": [
"Image published",
"Transcript published",
"Illustration publi\u00e9e",
"Transcription publi\u00e9e",
@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
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"home": "Home",
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"work mobile": "Work mobile",
"work": "Travail",
"home": "Domicile",
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"work mobile": "Mobile : travail",
"fax": "Fax",
"fax work": "Fax (Work)"
"fax work": "Fax : travail"
@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
"tlPlacetypes": [
"Body of water",
"Milieu aquatique",
@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
"podcast_contributor_roles": {
"onair": "On air",
"recording": "Recording",
"technical_support": "Technical support",
"organization": "Organization"
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"recording": "Enregistrement",
"technical_support": "Technique",
"organization": "Organisation"
@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
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@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
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@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"research_status": {
"bad": "Not researched much",
"medium": "Partly researched",
"good": "Well researched"
"bad": "Mal \u00e9tudi\u00e9",
"medium": "Partiellement \u00e9tudi\u00e9",
"good": "Bien \u00e9tudi\u00e9"
@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
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"book": "Livre",
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"misc": "Autre",
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@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
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"ddb": "Biblioth\u00e8que num\u00e9rique allemande (DDB)",
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"kalliope-verbund": "Kalliope Verbund"
"kalliope-verbund": "Association Kalliope"
@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
"title_types_set": {
"": " ",
"Science": "Science",
"Everyday speech": "Everyday speech",
"Colloquial speech": "Colloquial speech",
"Dialect": "Dialect"
"Everyday speech": "Langage courant",
"Colloquial speech": "Argot",
"Dialect": "Dialecte"
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
"dm": "dm",
"cm": "cm",
"mm": "mm",
"ft": "ft",
"in": "inch"
"ft": "pieds",
"in": "pouces"
Reference in New Issue
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