"musbesch_explica":"A description of the museum as an institution dedicated to collecting, safe-keeping, and research. A good length is about 1000 characters (one to two paragraphs).<br><br>Of course, a very thorough description is an option, too. If you prefer this, please send the description to the administrator.",
"musfon_explica":"There are no rules on the formatting here but don't enter something like \"Tel. ...\". Enter the immediate number only.<br><br>Example 1: (0366) 121214<br>Example 2: 0366-121214",
"musfax_explica":"There are no rules on the formatting here but don't enter something like \"Fax ...\". Enter the immediate number only.<br><br>Example 1: (0366) 121214<br>Example 2: 0366-121214",
"musmail_explica":"Please enter a main mail address of the museum here<br><br>If an E-mail address has been entered here, users will have the option to ask for information or send notes by mail below the museum's objects. To not offer this option to the users, please leave this field empty.",
"musisil_explica":"Enter the ISIL number of your museum. ISIL numbers are especially important for the electronic exchange of data.<br><br>You can find your museum\u00b4s ISIL number at:<br><a href=\"http:\/\/www.museen-in-deutschland.de\" target=\"blank\"><img src=\"img\/go.gif\" alt=\"Go to www.museen-in-deutschland.de\"> www.museen-in-deutschland.de<\/a>",
"musurl_explica":"Please enter the URL of your museum's website. If your museum does not have a website, you can simply ignore this field.<br><br>Please use an absolute URL: Keep the \"http:\/\/\" or \"https:\/\/\" at the beginning of the URL.",
"musverb_explica":"Please enter the URL of the page of this museum on the museum associaton's website. If such a page does not exist, please just leave this field empty.<br><br>Please use an absolute URL: Keep the \"http:\/\/\" at the start of the URL.",
"musbild_explica":"Here you can enter a URL the user will be linked to upon clicking on the museum\u00b4s image. By this, the user might be linked to, for example, the website of the museum or a certain object on museum-digital.<br><br>Please use an absolute URL: Keep the \"http:\/\/\" or \"https:\/\/\" at the start of the URL.",
"musdaba_explica":"Please leave this field empty!<br><br>The internal place a document with a thorough description of your museum will be saved here. Usually this document is saved as a PDF file.",
"no_name":"A museum's name is required!<\/p><p class=\"ohne\">[Every museum has a name. Please use a succinct short form of the name if possible.]",
"no_description":"Please enter a description of the museum!<\/p><p class=\"ohne\">[The description is essential for this undertaking. After all, the museum should be represented as a place of safe-keeping, researching and collecting. At best, write about 1000 characters.]",
"no_zipcode":"Please enter a zip code and a city here!<\/p><p class=\"ohne\">[Please enter the museum's zip code and city here. Enter your zipcode without spaces; a space is used to differenciate the zipcode from the city.]",
"no_streetname":"Please enter your street address here!<\/p><p class=\"ohne\">[Let people find their way to your museum!]",
"museum_image":"Image for the museum's profile page",
"tour_tool_explica":"Using this tool, you can create tours through your museum. Each different picture is linked to a \"scene\", on which hotspots (small notifiers\/info markers) can be displayed. To position a hotspot, move the center of the picture (where you see that \"+\") to the spot to mark. Click on the input fields for \"pitch\" and \"yaw\" to enter the current position for a given hotspot.",
"survey_exhibition_space":"How large is your exhibition space (sqm)?",
"survey_md_use_case":"What does your institution use museum-digital for?",
"survey_intro":"Every now and than questions about who is actually using museum-digital arise. Thus far we ourselves can only guess or provide case studies but there is no quantifiable data available. To remidy this situation please help us by giving some basic information about your institution.",
"survey_public_private_type":"Is your institution a privately-run or a public institution?"