Stand 2018-10-05.
This commit is contained in:
@ -1 +1,96 @@
{"action":{"museum_choose":"Ein Museum zum Bearbeiten ausw\u00e4hlen ...","museum_change":"Ein Museum bearbeiten ...","museum_input":"Ein Museum erfassen ...","collection_choose":"Eine Sammlung zum Bearbeiten ausw\u00e4hlen ...","collection_change":"Eine Sammlung bearbeiten ...","collection_input":"Eine Sammlung erfassen ...","object_choose":"Ein Objekt zum Bearbeiten ausw\u00e4hlen ...","object_change":"Ein Objekt bearbeiten ...","object_input":"Ein Objekt erfassen ...","event_choose":"Ein Ereignis zum Bearbeiten ausw\u00e4hlen ...","event_change":"Ein Ereignis bearbeiten ...","event_input":"Ein Ereignis erfassen ...","time_choose":"Einen Zeiteintrag zum Bearbeiten ausw\u00e4hlen ...","time_change":"Einen Zeiteintrag bearbeiten ...","time_input":"Einen Zeiteintrag erfassen ...","actor_choose":"Einen Akteur zum Bearbeiten ausw\u00e4hlen ...","actor_change":"Einen Akteur bearbeiten ...","actor_input":"Einen Akteur erfassen ...","place_choose":"Einen Ort zum Bearbeiten ausw\u00e4hlen ...","place_change":"Einen Ortseintrag bearbeiten ...","place_input":"Einen Ort erfassen ...","tag_choose":"Ein Schlagwort zum Bearbeiten ausw\u00e4hlen ...","tag_change":"Ein Schlagwort \u00e4ndern ...","tag_input":"Ein Schlagwort erfassen ...","literature_choose":"Einen Literatureintrag zum Bearbeiten ausw\u00e4hlen ...","literature_change":"Einen Literatureintrag \u00e4ndern ...","literature_input":"Einen Literatureintrag erfassen ...","link_choose":"Einen Link-Eintrag zum Bearbeiten ausw\u00e4hlen ...","link_change":"Einen Link-Eintrag \u00e4ndern ...","link_input":"Einen Link-Eintrag erfassen ...","project_choose":"Ein Projekt zum Bearbeiten ausw\u00e4hlen ...","project_change":"Ein Projekt \u00e4ndern ...","project_input":"Ein Projekt erfassen ...","settings_museum":"Einstellungen (Museum)","settings_private":"Pers\u00f6nliche Einstellungen","user_choose":"Nutzer zum Bearbeiten ausw\u00e4hlen ...","user_change":"Eintrag f\u00fcr einen Nutzer \u00e4ndern ...","user_input":"Erfassen eines neuen Nutzers ...","logged_in_as":"Angemeldet als","log_out":"Abmelden","go_home":"Geht zur Startseite","question":"Frage zu","ask_whom":"Frage an","notes":"Erl\u00e4uterungen","working_with_filters":"Arbeiten mit Filtern","working_with_watchlist":"Arbeiten mit der Merkliste","print_list_function":"Listendruck-Funktion","lists":"Listen","event_types":"Arten von Ereignissen","legal_forms":"Rechtsformen (Abbildungen)","database_services":"Datenbankdienste","data_export":"Datenexport","backup":"Datensicherung","watch_list":"Merkliste","events_using_list":"Ereigniseingabe \u00fcber Listen","tag_proposal":"Schlagwortvorschl\u00e4ge","enrichment_with_eol":"Anreicherung aus EOL","multiple_changes":"Globales \u00c4ndern","startpage":"Seite bei Programmstart","handbook":"Handbuch","tabs":"Registerkarten","statistics":"Zeigt aktuelle Zugriffe","change_language":"Sprachwahl","userroles":"Nutzerrollen","goodtimes":"Zeiten","introduction":"Kurze Einf\u00fchrung","add_persinst":"Person \/ Institution hinzuf\u00fcgen","add_place":"Einen Ortseintrag anlegen","link_obj_serie":"Objekt mit Serie verkn\u00fcpfen","advanced_search":"Erweiterte Suche","add_a_link":"Verkn\u00fcpfung hinzuf\u00fcgen","annotate_persinst":"Bemerkung zu Person \/ Institution hinzuf\u00fcgen","annotate_tag":"Bemerkung zu Schlagwort hinzuf\u00fcgen","annotate_time":"Bemerkung zu Zeiteintrag hinzuf\u00fcgen","add_alternative_language_record":"Einen Eintrag in einer alternativen Sprache verfassen","utilities":"Externe Tools","link_obj_collection":"Objekt mit Sammlung verkn\u00fcpfen","link_obj_document":"Objekt mit Dokument verkn\u00fcpfen","dashboard":"Dashboard","link_obj_literature":"Objekt mit Literatur verkn\u00fcpfen","select_event_type":"Einen Ereignistyp ausw\u00e4hlen","link_obj_object":"Objekt mit anderem Objekt verkn\u00fcpfen","link_obj_museum":"Objekt mit Museum verkn\u00fcpfen","resource_edit":"Resource bearbeiten","uploading_image":"Ein Bild hochladen","annotate_place":"Bemerkung zu Ort hinzuf\u00fcgen"}}
"action": {
"museum_choose": "Ein Museum zum Bearbeiten ausw\u00e4hlen ...",
"museum_change": "Ein Museum bearbeiten ...",
"museum_input": "Ein Museum erfassen ...",
"collection_choose": "Eine Sammlung zum Bearbeiten ausw\u00e4hlen ...",
"collection_change": "Eine Sammlung bearbeiten ...",
"collection_input": "Eine Sammlung erfassen ...",
"object_choose": "Ein Objekt zum Bearbeiten ausw\u00e4hlen ...",
"object_change": "Ein Objekt bearbeiten ...",
"object_input": "Ein Objekt erfassen ...",
"event_choose": "Ein Ereignis zum Bearbeiten ausw\u00e4hlen ...",
"event_change": "Ein Ereignis bearbeiten ...",
"event_input": "Ein Ereignis erfassen ...",
"time_choose": "Einen Zeiteintrag zum Bearbeiten ausw\u00e4hlen ...",
"time_change": "Einen Zeiteintrag bearbeiten ...",
"time_input": "Einen Zeiteintrag erfassen ...",
"actor_choose": "Einen Akteur zum Bearbeiten ausw\u00e4hlen ...",
"actor_change": "Einen Akteur bearbeiten ...",
"actor_input": "Einen Akteur erfassen ...",
"place_choose": "Einen Ort zum Bearbeiten ausw\u00e4hlen ...",
"place_change": "Einen Ortseintrag bearbeiten ...",
"place_input": "Einen Ort erfassen ...",
"tag_choose": "Ein Schlagwort zum Bearbeiten ausw\u00e4hlen ...",
"tag_change": "Ein Schlagwort \u00e4ndern ...",
"tag_input": "Ein Schlagwort erfassen ...",
"literature_choose": "Einen Literatureintrag zum Bearbeiten ausw\u00e4hlen ...",
"literature_change": "Einen Literatureintrag \u00e4ndern ...",
"literature_input": "Einen Literatureintrag erfassen ...",
"link_choose": "Einen Link-Eintrag zum Bearbeiten ausw\u00e4hlen ...",
"link_change": "Einen Link-Eintrag \u00e4ndern ...",
"link_input": "Einen Link-Eintrag erfassen ...",
"project_choose": "Ein Projekt zum Bearbeiten ausw\u00e4hlen ...",
"project_change": "Ein Projekt \u00e4ndern ...",
"project_input": "Ein Projekt erfassen ...",
"settings_museum": "Einstellungen (Museum)",
"settings_private": "Pers\u00f6nliche Einstellungen",
"user_choose": "Nutzer zum Bearbeiten ausw\u00e4hlen ...",
"user_change": "Eintrag f\u00fcr einen Nutzer \u00e4ndern ...",
"user_input": "Erfassen eines neuen Nutzers ...",
"logged_in_as": "Angemeldet als",
"log_out": "Abmelden",
"go_home": "Geht zur Startseite",
"question": "Frage zu",
"ask_whom": "Frage an",
"notes": "Erl\u00e4uterungen",
"working_with_filters": "Arbeiten mit Filtern",
"working_with_watchlist": "Arbeiten mit der Merkliste",
"print_list_function": "Listendruck-Funktion",
"lists": "Listen",
"event_types": "Arten von Ereignissen",
"legal_forms": "Rechtsformen (Abbildungen)",
"database_services": "Datenbankdienste",
"data_export": "Datenexport",
"backup": "Datensicherung",
"watch_list": "Merkliste",
"events_using_list": "Ereigniseingabe \u00fcber Listen",
"tag_proposal": "Schlagwortvorschl\u00e4ge",
"enrichment_with_eol": "Anreicherung aus EOL",
"multiple_changes": "Globales \u00c4ndern",
"startpage": "Seite bei Programmstart",
"handbook": "Handbuch",
"tabs": "Registerkarten",
"statistics": "Zeigt aktuelle Zugriffe",
"change_language": "Sprachwahl",
"userroles": "Nutzerrollen",
"goodtimes": "Zeiten",
"introduction": "Kurze Einf\u00fchrung",
"add_persinst": "Person \/ Institution hinzuf\u00fcgen",
"add_place": "Einen Ortseintrag anlegen",
"link_obj_serie": "Objekt mit Serie verkn\u00fcpfen",
"advanced_search": "Erweiterte Suche",
"add_a_link": "Verkn\u00fcpfung hinzuf\u00fcgen",
"annotate_persinst": "Bemerkung zu Person \/ Institution hinzuf\u00fcgen",
"annotate_tag": "Bemerkung zu Schlagwort hinzuf\u00fcgen",
"annotate_time": "Bemerkung zu Zeiteintrag hinzuf\u00fcgen",
"add_alternative_language_record": "Einen Eintrag in einer alternativen Sprache verfassen",
"utilities": "Externe Tools",
"link_obj_collection": "Objekt mit Sammlung verkn\u00fcpfen",
"link_obj_document": "Objekt mit Dokument verkn\u00fcpfen",
"dashboard": "Dashboard",
"link_obj_literature": "Objekt mit Literatur verkn\u00fcpfen",
"select_event_type": "Einen Ereignistyp ausw\u00e4hlen",
"link_obj_object": "Objekt mit anderem Objekt verkn\u00fcpfen",
"link_obj_museum": "Objekt mit Museum verkn\u00fcpfen",
"resource_edit": "Resource bearbeiten",
"uploading_image": "Ein Bild hochladen",
"annotate_place": "Bemerkung zu Ort hinzuf\u00fcgen",
"visitor_statistics": "Besucherstatistik",
"help": "Hilfe",
"help_handbook": "Hilfe: Handbuch",
"mail_to_admin": "Fragen an die Admins",
"toggle_watchlist": "Merkliste an\/aus-schalten",
"view_notifications": "Benachrichtigungen ansehen"
@ -45,6 +45,8 @@
"no_shortname": "Sie m\u00fcssen ein Kurzbezeichnung eingeben (kann mit der Langbezeichnung identisch sein)",
"actor_annotated": "Eine Anmerkung zu dieser Person oder Institution wurde gespeichert",
"added": "Ein neuer Akteur wurde erfasst",
"edited": "Information zum Akteur wurde erneuert"
"edited": "Information zum Akteur wurde erneuert",
"annotation": "Anmerkung",
"add_new_annotation": "Add a new annotation:"
@ -27,6 +27,10 @@
"start_time_min": "Minute",
"images": "Abbildungen",
"url": "URL",
"url_explica": "URL einer anderen Webseite, die diese Veranstaltung repr\u00e4sentiert. Muss eine valide URL sein; also mit http:\/\/ oder https:\/\/ beginnen."
"url_explica": "URL einer anderen Webseite, die diese Veranstaltung repr\u00e4sentiert. Muss eine valide URL sein; also mit http:\/\/ oder https:\/\/ beginnen.",
"allAppointments": "Alle Termine \/ Veranstaltungen",
"new_appointment": "Neue Veranstaltung",
"base_data": "Basisdaten zur Veranstaltung",
"no_appointments_text": "Es wurde noch kein Termin f\u00fcr Ihr Museum erfasst (entsprechend k\u00f6nnen wir keine auflisten). Sie k\u00f6nnen:"
@ -81,6 +81,23 @@
"appointments_choose": "Einen Termin ausw\u00e4hlen",
"link_no_url": "Der eingegebene Link ist keine valide URL.",
"yes": "Ja",
"no": "Nein"
"no": "Nein",
"more": "Mehr",
"amount_all": "Gesamt",
"icon": "Icon",
"actions": "Aktionen",
"add": "Hinzuf\u00fcgen",
"lists": "Listen",
"settings": "Einstellungen",
"public_page": "\u00d6ffentliche Seite",
"toggles": "Schalter",
"own_rule_create": "Hausregel erstellen",
"own_rule_delete": "Hausregel entfernen",
"own_rule_edit": "Hausregel bearbeiten",
"less": "Weniger",
"grid": "Grid",
"sort": "Sortieren",
"quilt": "Flexibles Grid",
"options": "Optionen"
@ -20,6 +20,10 @@
"yes_saveit": "Ja (Beziehung speichern)",
"new_term": "Neuen Begriff einf\u00fchren und mit Objekt verkn\u00fcpfen",
"found_similar": "\u00c4hnliche Begriffe gefunden",
"aborted_short_input": "Abbruch: Text ist zu kurz"
"aborted_short_input": "Abbruch: Text ist zu kurz",
"really_tag": "Wirklich ein Schlagwort?",
"tag_had_been_linked": "Das Schlagwort war schon verkn\u00fcpft.",
"input_too_short_aborted": "Ihre Eingabe war zu kurz. Abbruch.",
"minimum_3_characters": "Mindestens drei Zeichen"
@ -42,6 +42,17 @@
"collection_overview": "Sammlungs\u00fcbersicht",
"collection_order": "Reihenfolge",
"no_collection_yet": "Sie (oder ihre Institution) haben noch keine Sammlungen angelegt.",
"collection_moved": "Die Sammlung wurde bewegt"
"collection_moved": "Die Sammlung wurde bewegt",
"base_data": "Basisdaten zur Sammlung",
"related_collections": "Verkn\u00fcpfte Sammlungen",
"superordinate_collections": "\u00dcbergeordnete Sammlungen",
"subordinate_collections": "Untergeordnete Sammlungen",
"minimum_3_characters": "Mindestens drei Zeichen",
"collection_image_deleted": "Sammlungsbild wurde gel\u00f6scht",
"all_collections": "Alle Sammlungen",
"up": "Hoch",
"down": "Runter",
"main_image": "Hauptbild",
"add_alternative_language": "Alternativen Spracheintrag f\u00fcr diese Sammlung anlegen"
@ -35,7 +35,12 @@
"zip_code": "Postleitzahl",
"zip_code_explica": "Postleitzahl der Institution",
"contacts_added_loan": "Der Kontakt wurde hinzugef\u00fcgt. Sie k\u00f6nnen ihn nun verkn\u00fcpfen.",
"contacts_list_empty": "Ihr Adressbuch ist noch leer. F\u00fcgen Sie erst einen Kontakt hinzu."
"contacts_list_empty": "Ihr Adressbuch ist noch leer. F\u00fcgen Sie erst einen Kontakt hinzu.",
"all_contacts": "Alle Kontakte",
"contact_details": "Kontaktdetails",
"new_contact": "Neuer Kontakt",
"no_contacts": "Kontakt-Liste ist noch leer",
"no_contacts_text": "Es wurde noch kein Kontakt eingetragen (entsprechend k\u00f6nnen wir keine Auflisten). Sie k\u00f6nnen:"
"gender": [
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
"tlConversations": {
"start_conversation": "Konversation starten",
"view_conversation": "Konversation ansehen",
"conversations": "Konversationen",
"no_messages": "Hier gibt es keine Nachrichten."
@ -17,6 +17,10 @@
"added_obj_literature": "Der Literatureintrag wurde mit dem Objekt verkn\u00fcpft",
"added_obj_link": "Der Hyperlink wurde mit dem Objekt verkn\u00fcpft",
"added_obj_tag": "Das Objekt wurde mit Schlagwort(en) verkn\u00fcpft",
"annotation_deleted": "Die Anmerkung wurde entfernt"
"annotation_deleted": "Die Anmerkung wurde entfernt",
"obj_tag_already_added": "Der Tag war schon mit dem Objekt verkn\u00fcpft",
"obj_link_already_added": "Der Link war schon mit dem Objekt verkn\u00fcpft",
"obj_literature_already_added": "Der Literatureintrag war schon mit dem Objekt verkn\u00fcpft",
"obj_collection_already_added": "Die Sammlung war schon mit dem Objekt verkn\u00fcpft"
@ -84,6 +84,14 @@
"add_time_forth": "Sollte der gesuchte Zeitbegriff nicht im aufklappenden Fenster erscheinen, dann dr\u00fccken Sie bitte nach vollst\u00e4ndiger Eingabe Enter.",
"find_actor": "Einen Akteur finden",
"find_placename": "Einen Ortsnamen finden",
"find_time": "Einen Zeitbegriff finden"
"find_time": "Einen Zeitbegriff finden",
"input_too_short_aborted": "Ihre Eingabe war zu kurz. Abbruch.",
"check_already_special_relation": "ist bereits mit dem Objekt durch eine besondere Beziehung oder ein Ereignis verkn\u00fcpft",
"minimum_3_characters": "Mindestens drei Zeichen",
"86": "",
"similar_event_already_added": "Ein solches Ereignis war schon mit dem Objekt verkn\u00fcpft",
"88": "",
"event_added": "Ein Ereignis wurde gespeichert",
"90": ""
@ -25,14 +25,20 @@
"delete_image_pdf": "Abbildung l\u00f6schen",
"obj_link_with_exhibition": "Mit Ausstellung verkn\u00fcpfen",
"obj_linked_exhibitions": "Verkn\u00fcpfte Ausstellungen",
"exhibitions_list_empty": "Ihre Ausstellungsliste ist noch leer. F\u00fcgen Sie erst eine hinzu.",
"exhibitions_list_empty": "Ihre Ausstellungsliste ist noch leer.",
"remove_obj": "Entfernen",
"options": "Optionen",
"description_too_short": "Die Beschreibung ist zu kurz (min. 25 Zeichen)",
"url": "URL",
"url_explica": "URL einer anderen Webseite, die die Ausstellung repr\u00e4sentiert. Muss eine valide URL sein - also mit http:\/\/ oder https:\/\/ beginnen.",
"upload_image": "Abbildung heraufladen",
"add_tour": "Add tour of the exhibition",
"edit_tour": "Edit tour of the exhibition"
"add_tour": "Tour der Ausstellung hinzuf\u00fcgen",
"edit_tour": "Tour der Ausstellung bearbeiten",
"all_exhibitions": "Alle Ausstellungen",
"minimum_3_characters": "Mindestens drei Zeichen",
"base_data": "Basisdaten zur Ausstellung",
"exhibitions_list_empty_text": "Es wurde noch keine Ausstellung f\u00fcr Ihr Museum angelegt (entsprechend k\u00f6nnen wir keine auflisten). Sie k\u00f6nnen:",
"linked_an_exhibition": "Eine Ausstellung wurde mit dem Objekt verkn\u00fcpft",
"removed_obj_exh_link": "Verkn\u00fcpfung von Objekt und Ausstellung wurde gel\u00f6scht"
@ -44,7 +44,8 @@
"too_small": "Sie haben versucht ein Bild heraufzuladen das nicht die Mindestgr\u00f6\u00dfe von 540 Pixel f\u00fcr die kurze Seite hat",
"shortcuts": "Eingabehilfe",
"shortcut_description": "Anklicken um als Bildbeschreibung zu verwenden",
"global_max_upload_size": "Die Gr\u00f6\u00dfe aller bei einem Uploadvorgang hochgeladenen Bilder darf die folgende Gr\u00f6\u00dfe nicht \u00fcberschreiten: "
"global_max_upload_size": "Die Gr\u00f6\u00dfe aller bei einem Uploadvorgang hochgeladenen Bilder darf die folgende Gr\u00f6\u00dfe nicht \u00fcberschreiten: ",
"image_data": "Bilddaten"
"incha_image": {
"front": "Vorderseite",
@ -63,6 +63,24 @@
"objectgroup_visible": "Objektgruppe auf sichtbar geschaltet",
"objectgroup_visible_museumpage": "Die Objektgruppe wird auf der Museumsseite angezeigt",
"objectgroup_hidden_museumpage": "Die Objektgruppe wird auf der Museumsseite nicht angezeigt",
"link_edited": "Link wurde bearbeitet"
"link_edited": "Link wurde bearbeitet",
"files_in_index": "Eintr\u00e4ge im Index",
"links_good": "Links ohne Fehler",
"links_referral": "Links f\u00fchren zu Weiterleitung",
"links_error": "Fehlerhafte Links",
"index_more": "Mehr indizieren",
"url_simple": "URL",
"status_code": "Status Code",
"date_checked": "Zuletzt gecheckt",
"link_validity_check": "Link-Validit\u00e4tscheck",
"no_checks_run_yet": "Noch kein Check durchgelaufen",
"all_series": "Alle Objektgruppen",
"series_base_data": "Basisdaten zur Objektgruppe",
"series_objects": "Objekte der Objektgruppe",
"xml_export": "XML-Export",
"link_validation_tool": "Hyperlink-Pr\u00fcftool",
"linked_objects": "Verkn\u00fcpfte Objekte",
"series_deleted": "Die Objektgruppe wurde gel\u00f6scht",
"series_no_series_text": "F\u00fcr Ihr Museum wurde noch keine Serie \/ Objektgruppe erfasst (entsprechend k\u00f6nnen wir hier keine auflisten). Sie k\u00f6nnen:"
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
"kvk_explica": "Der rechts stehende Pfeil \u00f6ffnet ein Suchfenster im Karlsruher Virtuellen Katalog. Bitte nur ausf\u00fcllen, wenn die Literatur dort gefunden wurde<br><br>Vollst\u00e4ndige URL kopieren (mit \"http:\/\/\")<br><br><img src=\"img\/kvk.jpg\" width=\"350px\"><br><br>Bitte <b style=\"color:#990000;\">keine<\/b> Links zu DNB (eingeschr\u00e4nkte Angaben) oder zu Regionalverb\u00fcnden (z.B. GBV, der ist in Bayern uninteressant)",
"no_autor": "Bitte geben Sie einen Autor ein",
"where_inside": "Stelle in Literatur",
"where_in_explica": "Muss nicht ausgef\u00fcllt werden<br><br>An dieser Stelle k\u00f6nnen Sie eintragen, welche Stelle in der gew\u00e4hlten Literatur auf das Objekt weist. Bestenfalls nicht nur eine Zahl eingeben sondern auch sagen, was diese Zahl bedeuted:<br><br>Beispiel 1: \"Katalog Nr. 15\"<br>Beispiel 2: \"Seite 45\"<br>",
"where_in_explica": "An dieser Stelle k\u00f6nnen Sie eintragen, welche Stelle in der gew\u00e4hlten Literatur auf das Objekt weist. Bestenfalls nicht nur eine Zahl eingeben sondern auch sagen, was diese Zahl bedeuted:<br><br>Beispiel 1: \"Katalog Nr. 15\"<br>Beispiel 2: \"Seite 45\"<br>",
"no_where_inside": "Bitte ein Stelle in der Literatur eingeben",
"relate_to_object": "Verkn\u00fcpfung mit Objekt hinzuf\u00fcgen",
"insert_object_id": "Objektnummer angegen",
@ -41,6 +41,11 @@
"added": "Literatureintrag hinzugef\u00fcgt",
"edited": "\u00c4nderungen am Literatureintrag gespeichert",
"deleted": "Literatureintrag wurde gel\u00f6scht",
"multiple_institutions": "Der Literatureintrag geh\u00f6rt zu mehr als einer Institution"
"multiple_institutions": "Der Literatureintrag geh\u00f6rt zu mehr als einer Institution",
"all_literature_entries": "Alle Literatureintr\u00e4ge",
"base_data": "Basisdaten zum Literatureintrag",
"linked_objects": "Verkn\u00fcpfte Objekte",
"no_literature": "Noch keine Literatur",
"no_literature_text": "Es wurde noch keine Literatur f\u00fcr Ihr Museum hinzugef\u00fcgt (entsprechend k\u00f6nnen wir keine Auflisten). Sie k\u00f6nnen:"
@ -39,7 +39,13 @@
"updated_link_loan": "Verkn\u00fcpfung mit Leihvorgang wurde bearbeitet",
"deleted_link_obj_loan": "Verkn\u00fcpfung zwischen Leihvorgang und Objekt gel\u00f6scht",
"added_link_obj_loan": "Verkn\u00fcpfung zwischen Leihvorgang und Objekt hinzugef\u00fcgt",
"loans_list_empty": "Ihre Leihvorgangs-Liste ist noch leer.",
"view_contact_details": "Kontaktdetails ansehen"
"loans_list_empty": "Ihre Leihverkehrsliste ist noch leer",
"view_contact_details": "Kontaktdetails ansehen",
"select_loan_entry": "Leihvorgang ausw\u00e4hlen",
"base_data": "Basisdaten zum Leihverkehr",
"all_loan_entries": "Alle Leihverkehrseintr\u00e4ge",
"must_be_numeric": "Muss eine Zahl sein",
"insurance_currency": "Versicherungswert: W\u00e4hrung",
"loans_list_empty_text": "Es wurde noch kein Leihvorgang f\u00fcr Ihr Museum erfasst (entsprechend k\u00f6nnen wir keine Auflisten). Sie k\u00f6nnen:"
@ -63,7 +63,7 @@
"museumrecord_visibility_off": "Der alternative Spracheintrag wurde auf nicht \u00f6ffentlich geschaltet",
"museumrecord_visibility_on": "Der alternative Spracheintrag wurde ver\u00f6ffentlicht",
"collections": "Sammlungen",
"public": "Sichtbar",
"public": "\u00d6ffentlich?",
"add_edit_tour": "Tour des Museums hinzuf\u00fcgen \/ bearbeiten",
"tour_tool_headline": "Museumstour-Bearbeitungs-Tool",
"tour_tool_explica": "Using this tool, you can create tours through your museum. Each different picture is linked to a \"scene\", on which hotspots (small notifiers \/ info markers) can be displayed. To position a hotspot, move the center of the picture (where you see that \"+\") to the spot to mark. Click into the input fields for pitch and yaw to enter the current position for a given hotspot.",
@ -91,6 +91,55 @@
"sceneVaov": "vaov",
"sceneChange": "Szenenwechsel",
"return_to_museum": "Zur Museumsseite zur\u00fcckkehren",
"return_to_exhibition": "Zur Ausstellungsseite zur\u00fcckkehren"
"return_to_exhibition": "Zur Ausstellungsseite zur\u00fcckkehren",
"accessibility": "Barrierefreiheit",
"accessibility_explica": "Ist das Museum barrierefrei?",
"accessibility_text": "Notizen zur Barrierefreiheit?",
"accessibility_text_explica": "Hier k\u00f6nnen sie die Bedingungen bez\u00fcglich Barrierefreiheit genauer ausf\u00fchren",
"founding_date": "Gr\u00fcndungsjahr",
"founding_date_explica": "Das Jahr, in dem das Museum gegr\u00fcndet wurde",
"photos_allowed": "Fotografieren erlaubt?",
"photos_allowed_explica": "Ist es den Besuchern erlaubt, im Museum Fotos aufzunehmen?",
"cloakroom_available": "Gaderobe verf\u00fcgbar?",
"lockers_available": "Schlie\u00dff\u00e4cher verf\u00fcgbar?",
"lockers_available_explica": "Sind Schlie\u00dff\u00e4cher im Museum verf\u00fcgbar?",
"shop_available": "Museumsshop verf\u00fcgbar?",
"shop_available_explica": "Existiert ein Museumsshop",
"cafe_available": "Museums-Caf\u00e9?",
"cafe_available_explica": "Gibt es im Museum ein Museumskaffee?",
"babycare_room_available": "Wickelraum verf\u00fcgbar?",
"babycare_room_available_explica": "Ist ein Wickelraum im Museum verf\u00fcgbar?",
"cloakroom_available_explica": "Ist im Museum eine Gaderobe verf\u00fcgbar?",
"general_note_opening_hours": "Generelle Notiz zu \u00d6ffnungszeiten",
"start_hour": "Beginn (HH:MM)",
"end_hour": "Ende (HH:MM)",
"opening_hours_note": "Notiz f\u00fcr diesen Zeitblock",
"dow": "Wochentag",
"regular_opening_hours": "Regul\u00e4re \u00d6ffnungszeiten",
"new_entry": "Neuer Eintrag",
"entries": "Eintr\u00e4ge",
"ticket_types": "Eintrittskarten: Typen",
"new_ticket_type_name": "Neuer Typ Eintrittskarten: Name",
"price": "Preis",
"currency": "W\u00e4hrung",
"ticket_type_name": "Eintrittskarten-Typ: Name",
"view_visitor_statistics": "Besucherstatistik ansehen",
"dow_0": "Montag",
"dow_1": "Dienstag",
"dow_2": "Mittwoch",
"dow_3": "Donnerstag",
"dow_4": "Freitag",
"dow_5": "Samstag",
"dow_6": "Sonntag",
"base_data": "Basisdaten zum Museum",
"check_map": "Verf\u00fcgbarkeit von Karte pr\u00fcfen",
"public_page": "\u00d6ffentliche Seite des Museums",
"minimum_3_characters": "Mindestens drei Zeichen",
"all_museums": "Alle Museen",
"must_be_float": "Muss ein numerischer Wert sein, ggfs. mit Komma. Z.B. 5,2; 1.20, etc",
"opening_hours_have_been_edited": "Die \u00d6ffnungszeiten wurden ge\u00e4ndert",
"ticket_prices_have_been_edited": "Die \u00c4nderung an den Eintrittspreisen wurden gespeichert",
"zip_code": "Postleitzahl",
"place": "Ort"
@ -84,7 +84,11 @@
"generate_pdf": "Erzeuge PDF-Ausgabe",
"PuQi": "PuQi",
"assignment_wrong_user_role": "Zuordnungen zu Sammlungen, Objektgruppen und Literatureintr\u00e4gen sind immer institutionsbezogen. Diese Zuordnungen k\u00f6nnen nur in der Rolle Museumsdirektor ge\u00e4ndert werden. Bitte melden Sie sich bei Bedarf als Museumsdirektor an.",
"fulltext": "Volltext"
"fulltext": "Volltext",
"object_overview": "Objekt\u00fcbersicht",
"toggle_navigation": "Navigation ausklappen",
"main_image": "Hauptbild",
"find_an_expert": "Einen Experten finden"
"objekt": {
"assign_results": "Treffer zuordnen",
@ -31,6 +31,9 @@
"added": "Das Objekt wurde hinzugef\u00fcgt",
"edited": "Objekteintrag wurde ge\u00e4ndert",
"deleted": "Das Objekt wurde gel\u00f6scht",
"exact": "Exakt"
"exact": "Exakt",
"base_data": "Basisdaten zum Objekt",
"minimum_3_characters": "Mindestens drei Zeichen",
"add_alternative_language": "Add entry in alternative language"
@ -26,7 +26,11 @@
"uploaded_document": "Heraufgeladenes Dokument",
"internal_link": "Interner Link",
"external_link": "Externer Link",
"new_collection_hint": "Um eine neue Sammlung anzuf\u00fcgen nutzen Sie bitte das obere Menu",
"no_collection_permission": "Ihnen wurden keine Rechte an bestehenden Sammlungen dieses Museums zugestanden"
"new_collection_hint": "Um eine neue Sammlung anzuf\u00fcgen nutzen Sie bitte die Liste unten.",
"no_collection_permission": "Ihnen wurden keine Rechte an bestehenden Sammlungen dieses Museums zugestanden",
"linkable_collections": "Verkn\u00fcpfbare Sammlungen",
"switch_museum": "Museum auswechseln",
"select_a_museum": "Ein Museum ausw\u00e4hlen",
"links_object_with": "Verkn\u00fcpft das Objekt mit"
@ -27,7 +27,9 @@
"added": "Einen neuen Ort hinzugef\u00fcgt",
"edited": "Informationen \u00fcber einen Ort gespeichert",
"all_objects": "Alle Objekte !!",
"show_object": "Objekt zeigen"
"show_object": "Objekt zeigen",
"annotation": "Anmerkung",
"add_new_annotation": "Eine neue Anmerkung hier schreiben:"
"geo": {
"name": "Name",
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
"quite_long": "Das ist eher zu lang",
"too_long": "Das ist zu lang",
"no_mattech": "Feld \"Material\/Technik\" ist leer. Besser, wenn ein Hinweis dort steht",
"no_dimensions": "Feld \"Au\u00dfma\u00dfe\" ist leer. Besser, wenn ein Hinweis dort steht",
"no_dimensions": "Feld \"Ma\u00dfe\" ist leer. Besser, wenn ein Hinweis dort steht",
"no_collection": "Das Objekt wurde keiner Sammlung zugeordnet",
"no_event": "Dem Objekt wurde kein Ereignis zugeordnet",
"multiple_event": "Dem Objekt wurde mehr als ein Ereignis zugeordnet",
@ -53,6 +53,8 @@
"before_possibly": "m\u00f6glicherweise vor",
"after_possibly": "m\u00f6glicherweise nach",
"print_not_paint": "Gedrucktes kann nicht gemalt oder gezeichnet sein.",
"better_use": "Besser"
"better_use": "Besser",
"quality_index": "Qualit\u00e4tsindex",
"no_image": "Zum Objekt wurde noch kein Bild heraufgeladen."
@ -45,6 +45,12 @@
"following_cases_appear_select": "Die folgenden F\u00e4lle treten auf. Bitte w\u00e4hlen Sie den zu \u00e4ndernden Fall.",
"return_museum_list": "Zur Liste der Museen",
"return_settings_services": "Zur Seite: Einstellungen und Dienste",
"simple_inputs_no_symbols": "Bitte einfache Angaben verwenden, d.h. keine (c)-Zeichen und keine Angabe \"Fotograf:\" oder \"Foto:\" ... vor dem Fotografen-Namen."
"simple_inputs_no_symbols": "Bitte einfache Angaben verwenden, d.h. keine (c)-Zeichen und keine Angabe \"Fotograf:\" oder \"Foto:\" ... vor dem Fotografen-Namen.",
"institution_elsewhere": "Die Institution anderswo im Netz",
"elsewhere_link_text": "Linktext",
"elsewhere_link_url": "URL",
"elsewhere_link_added": "Link zu anderer Repr\u00e4sentation des Museums wurde hinzugef\u00fcgt",
"elsewhere_link_removed": "Link zu anderer Repr\u00e4sentation des Museums wurde entfernt",
"metadata_rights": "Rechte an (Objekt-)Metadaten:"
@ -13,6 +13,28 @@
"username": "Anmeldename",
"mail": "Mail",
"private_notice": "Pers\u00f6nliche Notizen",
"post": "Post"
"post": "Post",
"web_search_duckduckgo": "Web-Suche mit DuckDuckGo",
"search_the_web_duckduckgo": "Web-Suche mit DuckDuckGo durchf\u00fchren",
"link_validity_check": "Link-Validit\u00e4tscheck",
"tile": "Kachel",
"full_width": "Volle Breite",
"move_to_end": "Ans Ende",
"remove_tile": "Kachel entfernen",
"add_tile": "Kachel hinzuf\u00fcgen",
"customize_start_page": "Startseite bearbeiten",
"institution_elsewhere": "Meine Institution anderswo",
"visitors_statistics_today": "Museumsbesucher heute",
"visitors_statistics_week": "Museumsbesucher diese Woche",
"visitors_statistics_month": "Museumsbesucher in diesem Monat",
"visitors_statistics_year": "Museumsbesucher dieses Jahr",
"view_statistics": "Statistik ansehen",
"moved_tile_to_end": "Kachel wurde ans Ende bewegt",
"removed_tile": "Kachel wurde vom Dashboard entfernt",
"added_tile": "Kachel hinzugef\u00fcgt",
"set_background_image": "Hintergrundbild setzen",
"background_uploaded": "Neues Hintergrundbild wurde gesetzt",
"did_not_delete_no_image": "Hintergrundbild konnte nicht entfernt werden - es existiert nicht",
"removed_background_img_successfully": "Hintergrundbild wurde erfolgreich entfernt"
@ -2,9 +2,13 @@
"tag": {
"tag": "Schlagwort",
"english": "... in english",
"remarks": "Kurze Anmerkungen",
"remarks": "Anmerkungen",
"no_tag": "Bitte ein Schlagwort eingeben",
"not_related": "Dieses Schlagwort ist mit keinem Objekt verkn\u00fcpft",
"tag_annotated": "Anmerkung zum Schlagwort gespeichert"
"tag_annotated": "Anmerkung zum Schlagwort gespeichert",
"tag_name": "Name",
"engl": "(in Englisch)",
"annotation": "Anmerkung",
"add_new_annotation": "Add a new annotation:"
@ -39,6 +39,12 @@
"time_delete": "Den Zeiteintrag l\u00f6schen",
"time_annotated": "Anmerkung zum Zeiteintrag hinzugef\u00fcgt",
"added": "Ein neuer Zeiteintrag wurde erfasst",
"edited": "Information zu diesem Zeiteintrag wurde ge\u00e4ndert"
"edited": "Information zu diesem Zeiteintrag wurde ge\u00e4ndert",
"annotation": "Anmerkung",
"add_new_annotation": "Neue Anmerkung eintragen:",
"must_be_month": "Monat: Muss eine valide, zwei Zeichen lange Repr\u00e4sentation eines Monats sein. Etwa 01 f\u00fcr Januar, 12 f\u00fcr Dezember",
"must_be_day": "Tag: Muss eine valide, zwei Zeichen lange Repr\u00e4sentation eines Tages sein. Von 01 bis 31",
"must_be_year": "Jahr: Muss eine valide, vier Zeichen lange Repr\u00e4sentation eines Jahres sein. Von 0001 bis 9999.",
"must_be_+-": "Muss entweder + (nach Chr.) oder- (vor Chr.) sein"
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
"more_than_one": "Mehr (oder weniger) als einen Benutzer mit dieser ID gefunden",
"userlist": "Liste aller Benutzer",
"order_by": "Sortierung",
"last_login": "Letzte Anmeldung",
"last_login": "Zuletzt eingeloggt",
"registration": "Anmeldung",
"input_only": "Eingebender",
"visiting_scientist": "Visiting Scientist",
@ -79,6 +79,22 @@
"deletion_mail_sent": "Eine Best\u00e4tigungsmail wurde versandt.",
"delete": "L\u00f6schen",
"exportUserData": "Eigene Konto-Daten exportieren",
"automatic_mails": "Automatische Benachrichtigungen"
"automatic_mails": "Automatische Benachrichtigungen",
"new_user": "Neuer Benutzer",
"upload_image": "Bild hochladen",
"uploaded_profile_img": "Profilbild wurde heraufgeladen",
"delete_image": "Bild l\u00f6schen",
"deleted_image": "Profilbild wurde gel\u00f6scht",
"make_visible": "F\u00fcr andere Benutzer in musdb sichtbar machen",
"make_hidden": "Vor anderen Benutzern in musdb verstecken (default)",
"this_month": "In diesem Monat",
"this_year": "Dieses Jahr",
"within_X_month": "Innerhalb der letzten {x} Monate",
"within_X_years": "Innerhalb der letzten {x} Jahre",
"view_profile": "Profil ansehen",
"about": "\u00dcber",
"user_set_invisible": "Ihr Profil wurde f\u00fcr andere Benutzer in musdb auf \"nicht sichtbar\" gesetzt",
"user_set_visible": "Ihr Profil wurde f\u00fcr andere Benutzer in musdb auf \"sichtbar\" gesetzt",
"user_description_edited": "Ihre Beschreibung wurde gespeichert"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
"tlVisitors": {
"add_new_visitor": "Neuen Museumsbesucher eintragen",
"generate_qr_code": "Generate QR-Code",
"new_visitor_added": "Ein neuer Museumsbesucher wurde registriert",
"day": "Tag",
"week": "Woche",
"month": "Monat",
"all_time": "Alles",
"filter_by_time": "Zeitraum",
"time_context": "Datum (zeitlicher Kontext)",
"ticket_types": "Besuchertyp (nach Ticket)",
"amount": "Anzahl",
"other_not_categorized": "Andere \/ Ohne Kategorie",
"calendar_week": "Kalenderwoche",
"year": "Jahr",
"manually_add": "Manuelles hinzuf\u00fcgen",
"number_new_visitors": "Anzahl der Museumsbesucher",
"in_numbers": "In Zahlen",
"manage_ticket_types": "Eintrittskarten-Typen verwalten"
@ -85,6 +85,12 @@
"link_obj_museum": "Link object with a museum",
"resource_edit": "Edit a resource",
"uploading_image": "Uploading an image",
"annotate_place": "Annotate a place"
"annotate_place": "Annotate a place",
"visitor_statistics": "Besucherstatistik",
"help": "Help",
"help_handbook": "Help: Handbook",
"mail_to_admin": "Ask the admins",
"toggle_watchlist": "Toggle watchlist",
"view_notifications": "View Notifications"
@ -45,6 +45,8 @@
"no_shortname": "You have to provide a short form for the name (might be identical with the long version)",
"actor_annotated": "An annotation has been stored for this person \/ institution.",
"added": "A new actor has been added.",
"edited": "Information on this actor has been updated."
"edited": "Information on this actor has been updated.",
"annotation": "Annotation",
"add_new_annotation": "Add a new annotation:"
@ -27,6 +27,10 @@
"start_time_min": "Minute",
"images": "Images",
"url": "URL",
"url_explica": "URL to another web page representing the appointment. Needs to be a valid URL - starting with http:\/\/ or https:\/\/."
"url_explica": "URL to another web page representing the appointment. Needs to be a valid URL - starting with http:\/\/ or https:\/\/.",
"allAppointments": "All appointments",
"new_appointment": "New appointment",
"base_data": "Basic information about the appointment",
"no_appointments_text": "No appointment has been added for your museum yet (hence, we cannot list any). You may:"
@ -81,6 +81,23 @@
"appointments_choose": "Select an appointment",
"link_no_url": "The link you provided is no valid URL.",
"yes": "yes",
"no": "no"
"no": "no",
"more": "More",
"amount_all": "Total",
"icon": "Icon",
"actions": "Actions",
"add": "Add",
"lists": "Lists",
"settings": "Settings",
"public_page": "Public page",
"toggles": "Toggles",
"own_rule_create": "Create own rule",
"own_rule_delete": "Remove own rule",
"own_rule_edit": "Edit own rule",
"less": "Less",
"grid": "Grid",
"sort": "Sort",
"quilt": "Quilt",
"options": "Options"
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
"check_tag": {
"to_short": "The keyword you entered was too short",
"you_entered": "You entered",
"already_known_as": "This is already known as",
"already_known_as": "This is already known as a",
"unknown": "This term is unknown",
"proposals": "Probably you meant one of the following terms",
"persons_to_events": "Persons or Institutions should always be connected through an event. If, for example, a person is "shown at" or has "produced" the object, please use an event",
@ -20,6 +20,10 @@
"yes_saveit": "Yes (store relation)",
"new_term": "Introduce new term and relate to object",
"found_similar": "Found similar term(s)",
"aborted_short_input": "Aborted: Text is too short."
"aborted_short_input": "Aborted: Text is too short.",
"really_tag": "Really a tag?",
"tag_had_been_linked": "The tag had been linked before",
"input_too_short_aborted": "Your input was too short. Aborted.",
"minimum_3_characters": "3 characters minimum"
@ -42,6 +42,17 @@
"collection_overview": "Collection Overview",
"collection_order": "Order",
"no_collection_yet": "You (or your institution) doesn't yet have any collections.",
"collection_moved": "The collection was moved"
"collection_moved": "The collection was moved",
"base_data": "Basic information about the collection",
"related_collections": "Related collections",
"superordinate_collections": "Superordinate collections",
"subordinate_collections": "Subordinate collections",
"minimum_3_characters": "3 characters minimum",
"collection_image_deleted": "Deleted collection image",
"all_collections": "All collections",
"up": "Up",
"down": "Down",
"main_image": "Main image",
"add_alternative_language": "All alternative language entry for this collection"
@ -35,7 +35,12 @@
"zip_code": "Zip code",
"zip_code_explica": "ZIP code of the institution.",
"contacts_added_loan": "The contact has been added. You can now link it with the loan entry.",
"contacts_list_empty": "Your list of contacts is empty thus far."
"contacts_list_empty": "Your list of contacts is empty thus far.",
"all_contacts": "All contacts",
"contact_details": "Contact details",
"new_contact": "New contact",
"no_contacts": "Contacts list is empty",
"no_contacts_text": "No contact has been added for your museum yet (hence, we cannot list any). You may:"
"gender": [
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
"tlConversations": {
"start_conversation": "Start conversation",
"view_conversation": "View conversation",
"conversations": "Conversations",
"no_messages": "There are no messages here."
@ -17,6 +17,10 @@
"added_obj_literature": "The bibliographic entry has been linked with the object.",
"added_obj_link": "The link has been connected with the object.",
"added_obj_tag": "The object has been linked to tag(s)",
"annotation_deleted": "The annotation has been removed."
"annotation_deleted": "The annotation has been removed.",
"obj_tag_already_added": "The tag was already linked with the object",
"obj_link_already_added": "The link was already linked with the object",
"obj_literature_already_added": "The literature entry was already linked with the object",
"obj_collection_already_added": "The collection was already linked with the object"
@ -84,6 +84,10 @@
"add_time_forth": "If not, simply complete typing the time and press Enter.",
"find_actor": "Find an actor",
"find_placename": "Find a placename",
"find_time": "Find a time"
"find_time": "Find a time",
"input_too_short_aborted": "Your input was too short. Aborted.",
"minimum_3_characters": "3 characters minimum",
"similar_event_already_added": "A similar event had already been added",
"event_added": "The event has been added"
@ -33,6 +33,12 @@
"url_explica": "URL to another web page representing the exhibition. Needs to be a valid URL - starting with http:\/\/ or https:\/\/.",
"upload_image": "Upload image",
"add_tour": "Add tour of the exhibition",
"edit_tour": "Edit tour of the exhibition"
"edit_tour": "Edit tour of the exhibition",
"all_exhibitions": "All exhibitions",
"minimum_3_characters": "3 characters minimum",
"base_data": "Basic information about the exhibition",
"exhibitions_list_empty_text": "No exhibition entry has been added for your museum yet (hence, we cannot list any). You may:",
"linked_an_exhibition": "Linked an exhibition with the object",
"removed_obj_exh_link": "Removed link of object with an exhibition"
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
@ -64,6 +64,24 @@
"objectgroup_visible_museumpage": "The series will be shown at the museum page",
"objectgroup_hidden_museumpage": "The series will not be shown at the museum page",
"single_from": "From",
"link_edited": "Link was edited"
"link_edited": "Link was edited",
"files_in_index": "Files in index",
"links_good": "Links with no issues",
"links_referral": "Links with a referral only",
"links_error": "Links with errors",
"index_more": "Index more",
"url_simple": "URL",
"status_code": "Status Code",
"date_checked": "Date checked",
"link_validity_check": "Link validity check",
"no_checks_run_yet": "No checks run yet",
"all_series": "All series",
"series_base_data": "Basic information about the series",
"series_objects": "Objects for series",
"xml_export": "Export (XML)",
"link_validation_tool": "Hyperlink validation tool",
"linked_objects": "Linked objects",
"series_deleted": "The series has been deleted",
"series_no_series_text": "No series \/ object group has been added for your museum yet (hence, we cannot list any). You may:"
@ -41,6 +41,11 @@
"added": "Added the work of literature.",
"edited": "Your edits to the bibliographic entry have been stored.",
"deleted": "The bibliographic entry has been deleted.",
"multiple_institutions": "The bibliographic entry belongs to more than one institution."
"multiple_institutions": "The bibliographic entry belongs to more than one institution.",
"all_literature_entries": "All literature entries",
"base_data": "Basic information about the literature entry",
"linked_objects": "Linked objects",
"no_literature": "No literature entries yet",
"no_literature_text": "No literature entry has been added for your museum yet (hence, we cannot list any). You may:"
@ -40,6 +40,12 @@
"deleted_link_obj_loan": "Deleted link of object with loan entry",
"added_link_obj_loan": "Added link of object with loan entry",
"loans_list_empty": "Your list of loans is empty thus far.",
"view_contact_details": "View contact details"
"view_contact_details": "View contact details",
"select_loan_entry": "Select a loan entry",
"base_data": "Basic information about the loan entry",
"all_loan_entries": "All loan entries",
"must_be_numeric": "Must be a numeric value",
"insurance_currency": "Insurance value: currency",
"loans_list_empty_text": "No loan entry has been added for your museum yet (hence, we cannot list any). You may:"
@ -63,7 +63,7 @@
"museumrecord_visibility_off": "The alternative language record has been made non-public.",
"museumrecord_visibility_on": "The alternative language record has been made public.",
"collections": "Collections",
"public": "Visible",
"public": "Public",
"add_edit_tour": "Add \/ edit tour of the museum",
"tour_tool_headline": "Tour creation tool",
"tour_tool_explica": "Using this tool, you can create tours through your museum. Each different picture is linked to a \"scene\", on which hotspots (small notifiers \/ info markers) can be displayed. To position a hotspot, move the center of the picture (where you see that \"+\") to the spot to mark. Click into the input fields for pitch and yaw to enter the current position for a given hotspot.",
@ -91,6 +91,55 @@
"sceneVaov": "vaov",
"sceneChange": "Scene Change",
"return_to_museum": "Return to museum page",
"return_to_exhibition": "Return to exhibition page"
"return_to_exhibition": "Return to exhibition page",
"accessibility": "Accessibility",
"accessibility_explica": "Can the museum be categorized as accessible to disabled people or not?",
"accessibility_text": "Notes on accessibility",
"accessibility_text_explica": "Here you can describe the accessibility situation of the institution in detail.",
"founding_date": "Founding date",
"founding_date_explica": "Year the museum was founded.",
"photos_allowed": "Photos allowed?",
"photos_allowed_explica": "Is it allowed to take photos in the museum?",
"cloakroom_available": "Is a cloakroom available in the museum?",
"lockers_available": "Lockers available?",
"lockers_available_explica": "Are lockers available in the museum?",
"shop_available": "Shop available?",
"shop_available_explica": "Does the museum have a museum store?",
"cafe_available": "Caf\u00e9 available?",
"cafe_available_explica": "Does the museum have a museum caf\u00e9?",
"babycare_room_available": "Baby care room available",
"babycare_room_available_explica": "Is a baby care room available at the museum?",
"cloakroom_available_explica": "Is a cloakroom available in the museum?",
"general_note_opening_hours": "General note on opening hours",
"start_hour": "Start (HH:MM)",
"end_hour": "End (HH:MM)",
"opening_hours_note": "Note for this time time block",
"dow": "Day of week",
"regular_opening_hours": "Regular opening hours",
"new_entry": "New entry",
"entries": "Entries",
"ticket_types": "Ticket types",
"new_ticket_type_name": "New ticket type: name",
"price": "Price",
"currency": "Currency",
"ticket_type_name": "Ticket type: name",
"view_visitor_statistics": "View visitor statistics",
"dow_0": "Monday",
"dow_1": "Tuesday",
"dow_2": "Wednesday",
"dow_3": "Thursday",
"dow_4": "Friday",
"dow_5": "Saturday",
"dow_6": "Sunday",
"base_data": "Base data about the museum",
"check_map": "Check for availability of map",
"public_page": "Public page",
"minimum_3_characters": "3 characters minimum",
"all_museums": "All museums",
"must_be_float": "Muss ein numerischer Wert sein, ggfs. mit Komma. Z.B. 5,2; 1.20, etc",
"opening_hours_have_been_edited": "Edit to the opening hours has been saved",
"ticket_prices_have_been_edited": "Your edit to the ticket prices has been saved",
"zip_code": "Zip code",
"place": "Place"
@ -84,7 +84,11 @@
"generate_pdf": "Generate PDF",
"PuQi": "PuQi",
"assignment_wrong_user_role": "Assignments to collections, series, and literature entries are always bound to an institution. These assignments can only be set by users of the user role \"museum director\". Please log in as a museum director if need be.",
"fulltext": "Fulltext"
"fulltext": "Fulltext",
"object_overview": "Object overview",
"toggle_navigation": "Toggle navigation",
"main_image": "Main image",
"find_an_expert": "Find an expert"
"objekt": {
"assign_results": "Assign results",
@ -31,6 +31,9 @@
"added": "The object has been added.",
"edited": "The object has been edited.",
"deleted": "The object has been deleted.",
"exact": "Exact"
"exact": "Exact",
"base_data": "Basic information about the object",
"minimum_3_characters": "3 characters minimum",
"add_alternative_language": "Add entry in alternative language"
@ -26,7 +26,11 @@
"uploaded_document": "Uploaded document",
"internal_link": "Internal Link",
"external_link": "External Link",
"new_collection_hint": "To create a new collection use the menu above",
"no_collection_permission": "No permission granted to access any collection of this museum"
"new_collection_hint": "To create a new collection use the menu below",
"no_collection_permission": "No permission granted to access any collection of this museum",
"linkable_collections": "Linkable collections",
"switch_museum": "Switch museum",
"select_a_museum": "Select a museum",
"links_object_with": "Links the object with"
@ -27,7 +27,9 @@
"added": "Added a new place",
"edited": "Updated information on the place",
"all_objects": "List all objects",
"show_object": "Show object"
"show_object": "Show object",
"annotation": "Annotation",
"add_new_annotation": "Write a new annotation here:"
"geo": {
"name": "Name",
@ -53,6 +53,8 @@
"before_possibly": "possibly before",
"after_possibly": "possibly after",
"print_not_paint": "Something printed cannot be painted or drawn!",
"better_use": "Better use"
"better_use": "Better use",
"quality_index": "Quality index",
"no_image": "No image has been uploaded for the object yet."
@ -42,9 +42,15 @@
"delete": "Delete",
"edit_image_rights_by_group": "Edit image rights by group (only for uploaded objects)",
"mir_caution_message": "(Caution: Using this function, you can batch edit many entries in one go. Be cautious!)",
"following_cases_appear_select": "Die folgenden F\u00e4lle treten auf. Bitte w\u00e4hlen Sie den zu \u00e4ndernden Fall.",
"following_cases_appear_select": "The following cases appear. Please choose the case to edit.",
"return_museum_list": "Return to list of museums",
"return_settings_services": "Return to settings and services",
"simple_inputs_no_symbols": "Please use simple inputs. Say, avoid adding a copyright symbol before the rights holder, or \"photographer\" before the photographer's name."
"simple_inputs_no_symbols": "Please use simple inputs. Say, avoid adding a copyright symbol before the rights holder, or \"photographer\" before the photographer's name.",
"institution_elsewhere": "The institution elsewhere on the web",
"elsewhere_link_text": "Link text",
"elsewhere_link_url": "URL",
"elsewhere_link_added": "Added link to other representation of the museum",
"elsewhere_link_removed": "Removed link to other representation of the museum",
"metadata_rights": "Metadata rights:"
@ -13,6 +13,28 @@
"username": "Username",
"mail": "Mail",
"private_notice": "Private note",
"post": "Post"
"post": "Post",
"web_search_duckduckgo": "Web search with DuckDuckGo",
"search_the_web_duckduckgo": "Web search with DuckDuckGo",
"link_validity_check": "Link validity check",
"tile": "Tile",
"full_width": "Full width",
"move_to_end": "Move to end",
"remove_tile": "Remove tile",
"add_tile": "Add tile",
"customize_start_page": "Customize start page",
"institution_elsewhere": "My institution elsewhere",
"visitors_statistics_today": "Visitors statistics: Today",
"visitors_statistics_week": "Visitors statistics: this week",
"visitors_statistics_month": "Visitors statistics: this month",
"visitors_statistics_year": "Visitors statistics: this year",
"view_statistics": "View statistics",
"moved_tile_to_end": "Moved tile to end",
"removed_tile": "Removed tile",
"added_tile": "Added tile",
"set_background_image": "Set background image",
"background_uploaded": "A background image has been set",
"did_not_delete_no_image": "Could not unset background - there is no image",
"removed_background_img_successfully": "Removed background image successfully"
@ -5,6 +5,10 @@
"remarks": "Remarks",
"no_tag": "Please enter a keyword",
"not_related": "Keyword is not related to any object",
"tag_annotated": "The tag has been annotated."
"tag_annotated": "The tag has been annotated.",
"tag_name": "Name",
"engl": "(in English)",
"annotation": "Annotation",
"add_new_annotation": "Add a new annotation:"
@ -39,6 +39,12 @@
"time_delete": "Delete time term",
"time_annotated": "The time has been annotated.",
"added": "A new time entry has been added.",
"edited": "Information on this time entry has been updated."
"edited": "Information on this time entry has been updated.",
"annotation": "Annotation",
"add_new_annotation": "Add a new annotation:",
"must_be_month": "Month: Must be a valid, two-digit representation of a month. E.g. 01 for January, 12 for December",
"must_be_day": "Day: Must be a valid, two-digit representation of a day. From 01 to 31",
"must_be_year": "Year: Must be a valid, four-digit representation of a year. From 0001 to 9999.",
"must_be_+-": "Must be either + (common era) or - (before common era)"
@ -79,6 +79,22 @@
"deletion_mail_sent": "A mail has been sent, asking for your confirmation for deleting your account",
"delete": "Delete",
"exportUserData": "Export own account data",
"automatic_mails": "Automated news"
"automatic_mails": "Automated news",
"new_user": "New user",
"upload_image": "Upload image",
"uploaded_profile_img": "Uploaded profile picture",
"delete_image": "Delete image",
"deleted_image": "Profile picture has been deleted",
"make_visible": "Make visible to other users in musdb",
"make_hidden": "Hide your account from other users in musdb",
"this_month": "This month",
"this_year": "This year",
"within_X_month": "Within the last {x} month",
"within_X_years": "Within the last {x} years",
"view_profile": "View profile",
"about": "About",
"user_set_invisible": "Your profile has been set invisible to other users in musdb.",
"user_set_visible": "Your profile has been set visible to other users in musdb.",
"user_description_edited": "Your profile description has been edited"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
"tlVisitors": {
"add_new_visitor": "Neuen Besucher hinzuf\u00fcgen",
"generate_qr_code": "QR-Code generieren",
"new_visitor_added": "A new visitor has been registered",
"day": "Day",
"week": "Week",
"month": "Month",
"all_time": "All time",
"filter_by_time": "Filter by time",
"time_context": "Date (time context)",
"ticket_types": "Type of visitor (by ticket)",
"amount": "Amount",
"other_not_categorized": "Andere \/ Ohne Kategorie",
"calendar_week": "Calendar week",
"year": "Year",
"manually_add": "Manually add visitors",
"number_new_visitors": "Number of visitors to register",
"in_numbers": "In numbers",
"manage_ticket_types": "Manage ticket types"
@ -1 +1,96 @@
{"action":{"museum_choose":"Select a museum ...","museum_change":"Edit entry of a museum ...","museum_input":"Add a new museum ...","collection_choose":"Select a collection ...","collection_change":"Edit entry of a collection ...","collection_input":"Add new collection ...","object_choose":"Select an object ...","object_change":"Edit entry of an object ...","object_input":"Add new object ...","event_choose":"Select an event ...","event_change":"Edit an event ...","event_input":"Add new event ...","time_choose":"Select a time entry ...","time_change":"Edit a time entry ...","time_input":"Add new time ...","actor_choose":"Select an actor ...","actor_change":"Edit entry of an actor ...","actor_input":"Add new actor ...","place_choose":"Select a place ...","place_change":"Edit entry of a place ...","place_input":"Add new place ...","tag_choose":"Select a tag ...","tag_change":"Edit entry of a tag ...","tag_input":"Add new tag ...","literature_choose":"Select literature ...","literature_change":"Edit literature ...","literature_input":"Add literature ...","link_choose":"Select a link entry ...","link_change":"Edit a link entry ...","link_input":"Add a link ...","project_choose":"Select a project ...","project_change":"Edit a project ...","project_input":"Add a project ...","settings_museum":"Settings (institution)","settings_private":"Private settings","user_choose":"Select user to edit ...","user_change":"Edit entry of a user ...","user_input":"Add a new user ...","logged_in_as":"Logged in as","log_out":"Log out","go_home":"Goes to startpage","question":"Question related to","ask_whom":"Ask","notes":"Notes","working_with_filters":"Working with filters","working_with_watchlist":"Working with watch list","print_list_function":"Print list function","lists":"Lists","event_types":"Event types","legal_forms":"Legal forms (Images)","database_services":"Database services","data_export":"Data export","backup":"Backup","watch_list":"Watch list","events_using_list":"Input events using lists","tag_proposal":"Propose tags","enrichment_with_eol":"Enrichment using EOL","multiple_changes":"Multiple changes","startpage":"Start page","handbook":"User's manual","tabs":"Tabs","statistics":"Shows usage (live)","change_language":"Switch language","userroles":"User roles","goodtimes":"Times","introduction":"Short introduction","add_persinst":"Add a Person \/ Institution","add_place":"Add a Place Entry","link_obj_serie":"Link Object with Series","advanced_search":"Advanced Search","add_a_link":"Add a Link","annotate_persinst":"Annotate a Person \/ Institution Entry","annotate_tag":"Annotate a Tag","annotate_time":"Annotate a Time Entry","add_alternative_language_record":"Add an Alternative Language Record","utilities":"Utilities","link_obj_collection":"Link Object with a Collection","link_obj_document":"Link Object with a Document","dashboard":"Dashboard","link_obj_literature":"Link Object with Literature","select_event_type":"Select an Event Type","link_obj_object":"Link Object with Another Object","link_obj_museum":"Link Object with a Museum","resource_edit":"Edit Resource","uploading_image":"Uploading an Image","annotate_place":"Annotate a Place"}}
"action": {
"museum_choose": "Select a museum ...",
"museum_change": "Edit entry of a museum ...",
"museum_input": "Add a new museum ...",
"collection_choose": "Select a collection ...",
"collection_change": "Edit entry of a collection ...",
"collection_input": "Add new collection ...",
"object_choose": "Select an object ...",
"object_change": "Edit entry of an object ...",
"object_input": "Add new object ...",
"event_choose": "Select an event ...",
"event_change": "Edit an event ...",
"event_input": "Add new event ...",
"time_choose": "Select a time entry ...",
"time_change": "Edit a time entry ...",
"time_input": "Add new time ...",
"actor_choose": "Select an actor ...",
"actor_change": "Edit entry of an actor ...",
"actor_input": "Add new actor ...",
"place_choose": "Select a place ...",
"place_change": "Edit entry of a place ...",
"place_input": "Add new place ...",
"tag_choose": "Select a tag ...",
"tag_change": "Edit entry of a tag ...",
"tag_input": "Add new tag ...",
"literature_choose": "Select literature ...",
"literature_change": "Edit literature ...",
"literature_input": "Add literature ...",
"link_choose": "Select a link entry ...",
"link_change": "Edit a link entry ...",
"link_input": "Add a link ...",
"project_choose": "Select a project ...",
"project_change": "Edit a project ...",
"project_input": "Add a project ...",
"settings_museum": "Settings (institution)",
"settings_private": "Private settings",
"user_choose": "Select user to edit ...",
"user_change": "Edit entry of a user ...",
"user_input": "Add a new user ...",
"logged_in_as": "Logged in as",
"log_out": "Log out",
"go_home": "Goes to startpage",
"question": "Question related to",
"ask_whom": "Ask",
"notes": "Notes",
"working_with_filters": "Working with filters",
"working_with_watchlist": "Working with watch list",
"print_list_function": "Print list function",
"lists": "Lists",
"event_types": "Event types",
"legal_forms": "Legal forms (Images)",
"database_services": "Database services",
"data_export": "Data export",
"backup": "Backup",
"watch_list": "Watch list",
"events_using_list": "Input events using lists",
"tag_proposal": "Propose tags",
"enrichment_with_eol": "Enrichment using EOL",
"multiple_changes": "Multiple changes",
"startpage": "Start page",
"handbook": "User's manual",
"tabs": "Tabs",
"statistics": "Shows usage (live)",
"change_language": "Switch language",
"userroles": "User roles",
"goodtimes": "Times",
"introduction": "Short introduction",
"add_persinst": "Add a Person \/ Institution",
"add_place": "Add a Place Entry",
"link_obj_serie": "Link Object with Series",
"advanced_search": "Advanced Search",
"add_a_link": "Add a Link",
"annotate_persinst": "Annotate a Person \/ Institution Entry",
"annotate_tag": "Annotate a Tag",
"annotate_time": "Annotate a Time Entry",
"add_alternative_language_record": "Add an Alternative Language Record",
"utilities": "Utilities",
"link_obj_collection": "Link Object with a Collection",
"link_obj_document": "Link Object with a Document",
"dashboard": "Dashboard",
"link_obj_literature": "Link Object with Literature",
"select_event_type": "Select an Event Type",
"link_obj_object": "Link Object with Another Object",
"link_obj_museum": "Link Object with a Museum",
"resource_edit": "Edit Resource",
"uploading_image": "Uploading an Image",
"annotate_place": "Annotate a Place",
"visitor_statistics": "Besucherstatistik",
"help": "Help",
"help_handbook": "Help: Handbook",
"mail_to_admin": "Ask the admins",
"toggle_watchlist": "Toggle watchlist",
"view_notifications": "View Notifications"
@ -45,6 +45,8 @@
"no_shortname": "You have to provide a short form for the name (might be identical with the long version)",
"actor_annotated": "An annotation has been stored for this person \/ institution.",
"added": "A new actor has been added.",
"edited": "Information on this actor has been updated."
"edited": "Information on this actor has been updated.",
"annotation": "Annotation",
"add_new_annotation": "Add a new annotation:"
@ -27,6 +27,10 @@
"start_time_min": "Minute",
"images": "Images",
"url": "URL",
"url_explica": "URL to another web page representing the appointment. Needs to be a valid URL - starting with http:\/\/ or https:\/\/."
"url_explica": "URL to another web page representing the appointment. Needs to be a valid URL - starting with http:\/\/ or https:\/\/.",
"allAppointments": "All appointments",
"new_appointment": "New appointment",
"base_data": "Basic information about the appointment",
"no_appointments_text": "No appointment has been added for your museum yet (hence, we cannot list any). You may:"
@ -81,6 +81,23 @@
"appointments_choose": "Select an appointment",
"link_no_url": "The link you provided is no valid URL.",
"yes": "yes",
"no": "no"
"no": "no",
"more": "Mehr",
"amount_all": "Total",
"icon": "Icon",
"actions": "Actions",
"add": "Add",
"lists": "Lists",
"settings": "Settings",
"public_page": "Public page",
"toggles": "Toggles",
"own_rule_create": "Create own rule",
"own_rule_delete": "Remove own rule",
"own_rule_edit": "Edit own rule",
"less": "Less",
"grid": "Grid",
"sort": "Sort",
"quilt": "Quilt",
"options": "Options"
@ -20,6 +20,10 @@
"yes_saveit": "Yes (store relation)",
"new_term": "Introduce new term and relate to object",
"found_similar": "Found similar term(s)",
"aborted_short_input": "Aborted: Text is too short."
"aborted_short_input": "Aborted: Text is too short.",
"really_tag": "Really a tag?",
"tag_had_been_linked": "The tag had been linked before",
"input_too_short_aborted": "Your input was too short. Aborted.",
"minimum_3_characters": "3 characters minimum"
@ -42,6 +42,17 @@
"collection_overview": "Collection Overview",
"collection_order": "Order",
"no_collection_yet": "You (or your institution) doesn't yet have any collections.",
"collection_moved": "The collection was moved"
"collection_moved": "The collection was moved",
"base_data": "Basic information about the collection",
"related_collections": "Related collections",
"superordinate_collections": "Superordinate collections",
"subordinate_collections": "Subordinate collections",
"minimum_3_characters": "3 characters minimum",
"collection_image_deleted": "Deleted collection image",
"all_collections": "All collections",
"up": "Up",
"down": "Down",
"main_image": "Main image",
"add_alternative_language": "All alternative language entry for this collection"
@ -35,7 +35,12 @@
"zip_code": "Zip code",
"zip_code_explica": "ZIP code of the institution.",
"contacts_added_loan": "The contact has been added. You can now link it with the loan entry.",
"contacts_list_empty": "Your list of contacts is empty thus far."
"contacts_list_empty": "Your list of contacts is empty thus far.",
"all_contacts": "All contacts",
"contact_details": "Contact details",
"new_contact": "New contact",
"no_contacts": "Contacts list is empty",
"no_contacts_text": "No contact has been added for your museum yet (hence, we cannot list any). You may:"
"gender": [
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
"tlConversations": {
"start_conversation": "Start conversation",
"view_conversation": "View conversation",
"conversations": "Conversations",
"no_messages": "There are no messages here."
@ -17,6 +17,10 @@
"added_obj_literature": "The bibliographic entry has been linked with the object.",
"added_obj_link": "The link has been connected with the object.",
"added_obj_tag": "The object has been linked to tag(s)",
"annotation_deleted": "The annotation has been removed."
"annotation_deleted": "The annotation has been removed.",
"obj_tag_already_added": "The tag was already linked with the object",
"obj_link_already_added": "The link was already linked with the object",
"obj_literature_already_added": "The literature entry was already linked with the object",
"obj_collection_already_added": "The collection was already linked with the object"
@ -84,6 +84,10 @@
"add_time_forth": "If not, simply complete typing the time and press Enter.",
"find_actor": "Find an actor",
"find_placename": "Find a placename",
"find_time": "Find a time"
"find_time": "Find a time",
"input_too_short_aborted": "Your input was too short. Aborted.",
"minimum_3_characters": "3 characters minimum",
"similar_event_already_added": "A similar event had already been added",
"event_added": "The event has been added"
@ -33,6 +33,12 @@
"url_explica": "URL to another web page representing the exhibition. Needs to be a valid URL - starting with http:\/\/ or https:\/\/.",
"upload_image": "Upload image",
"add_tour": "Add tour of the exhibition",
"edit_tour": "Edit tour of the exhibition"
"edit_tour": "Edit tour of the exhibition",
"all_exhibitions": "All exhibitions",
"minimum_3_characters": "3 characters minimum",
"base_data": "Basic information about the exhibition",
"exhibitions_list_empty_text": "No exhibition entry has been added for your museum yet (hence, we cannot list any). You may:",
"linked_an_exhibition": "Linked an exhibition with the object",
"removed_obj_exh_link": "Removed link of object with an exhibition"
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
@ -64,6 +64,24 @@
"objectgroup_visible_museumpage": "The series will be shown at the museum page",
"objectgroup_hidden_museumpage": "The series will not be shown at the museum page",
"single_from": "From",
"link_edited": "Link was edited"
"link_edited": "Link was edited",
"files_in_index": "Files in index",
"links_good": "Links with no issues",
"links_referral": "Links with a referral only",
"links_error": "Links with errors",
"index_more": "Index more",
"url_simple": "URL",
"status_code": "Status Code",
"date_checked": "Date checked",
"link_validity_check": "Link validity check",
"no_checks_run_yet": "No checks run yet",
"all_series": "All series",
"series_base_data": "Basic information about the series",
"series_objects": "Objects for series",
"xml_export": "Export (XML)",
"link_validation_tool": "Hyperlink validation tool",
"linked_objects": "Linked objects",
"series_deleted": "The series has been deleted",
"series_no_series_text": "No series \/ object group has been added for your museum yet (hence, we cannot list any). You may:"
@ -41,6 +41,11 @@
"added": "Added the work of literature.",
"edited": "Your edits to the bibliographic entry have been stored.",
"deleted": "The bibliographic entry has been deleted.",
"multiple_institutions": "The bibliographic entry belongs to more than one institution."
"multiple_institutions": "The bibliographic entry belongs to more than one institution.",
"all_literature_entries": "All literature entries",
"base_data": "Basic information about the literature entry",
"linked_objects": "Linked objects",
"no_literature": "No literature entries yet",
"no_literature_text": "No literature entry has been added for your museum yet (hence, we cannot list any). You may:"
@ -40,6 +40,12 @@
"deleted_link_obj_loan": "Deleted link of object with loan entry",
"added_link_obj_loan": "Added link of object with loan entry",
"loans_list_empty": "Your list of loans is empty thus far.",
"view_contact_details": "View contact details"
"view_contact_details": "View contact details",
"select_loan_entry": "Select a loan entry",
"base_data": "Basic information about the loan entry",
"all_loan_entries": "All loan entries",
"must_be_numeric": "Must be a numeric value",
"insurance_currency": "Insurance value: currency",
"loans_list_empty_text": "No loan entry has been added for your museum yet (hence, we cannot list any). You may:"
@ -63,7 +63,7 @@
"museumrecord_visibility_off": "The alternative language record has been made non-public.",
"museumrecord_visibility_on": "The alternative language record has been made public.",
"collections": "Collections",
"public": "Visible",
"public": "Public",
"add_edit_tour": "Add \/ edit tour of the museum",
"tour_tool_headline": "Tour creation tool",
"tour_tool_explica": "Using this tool, you can create tours through your museum. Each different picture is linked to a \"scene\", on which hotspots (small notifiers \/ info markers) can be displayed. To position a hotspot, move the center of the picture (where you see that \"+\") to the spot to mark. Click into the input fields for pitch and yaw to enter the current position for a given hotspot.",
@ -91,6 +91,55 @@
"sceneVaov": "vaov",
"sceneChange": "Scene Change",
"return_to_museum": "Return to museum page",
"return_to_exhibition": "Return to exhibition page"
"return_to_exhibition": "Return to exhibition page",
"accessibility": "Accessibility",
"accessibility_explica": "Can the museum be categorized as accessible to disabled people or not?",
"accessibility_text": "Notes on accessibility",
"accessibility_text_explica": "Here you can describe the accessibility situation of the institution in detail.",
"founding_date": "Founding date",
"founding_date_explica": "Year the museum was founded.",
"photos_allowed": "Photos allowed?",
"photos_allowed_explica": "Is it allowed to take photos in the museum?",
"cloakroom_available": "Is a cloakroom available in the museum?",
"lockers_available": "Lockers available?",
"lockers_available_explica": "Are lockers available in the museum?",
"shop_available": "Shop available?",
"shop_available_explica": "Does the museum have a museum store?",
"cafe_available": "Caf\u00e9 available?",
"cafe_available_explica": "Does the museum have a museum caf\u00e9?",
"babycare_room_available": "Baby care room available",
"babycare_room_available_explica": "Is a baby care room available at the museum?",
"cloakroom_available_explica": "Is a cloakroom available in the museum?",
"general_note_opening_hours": "General note on opening hours",
"start_hour": "Start (HH:MM)",
"end_hour": "End (HH:MM)",
"opening_hours_note": "Note for this time time block",
"dow": "Day of week",
"regular_opening_hours": "Regular opening hours",
"new_entry": "New entry",
"entries": "Entries",
"ticket_types": "Ticket types",
"new_ticket_type_name": "New ticket type: name",
"price": "Price",
"currency": "Currency",
"ticket_type_name": "Ticket type: name",
"view_visitor_statistics": "View visitor statistics",
"dow_0": "Monday",
"dow_1": "Tuesday",
"dow_2": "Wednesday",
"dow_3": "Thursday",
"dow_4": "Friday",
"dow_5": "Saturday",
"dow_6": "Sunday",
"base_data": "Base data about the museum",
"check_map": "Check for availability of map",
"public_page": "Public page",
"minimum_3_characters": "3 characters minimum",
"all_museums": "All museums",
"must_be_float": "Muss ein numerischer Wert sein, ggfs. mit Komma. Z.B. 5,2; 1.20, etc",
"opening_hours_have_been_edited": "Edit to the opening hours has been saved",
"ticket_prices_have_been_edited": "Your edit to the ticket prices has been saved",
"zip_code": "Zip code",
"place": "Place"
@ -84,7 +84,11 @@
"generate_pdf": "Generate PDF",
"PuQi": "PuQi",
"assignment_wrong_user_role": "Assignments to collections, series, and literature entries are always bound to an institution. These assignments can only be set by users of the user role \"museum director\". Please log in as a museum director if need be.",
"fulltext": "Fulltext"
"fulltext": "Fulltext",
"object_overview": "Object overview",
"toggle_navigation": "Toggle navigation",
"main_image": "Main image",
"find_an_expert": "Find an expert"
"objekt": {
"assign_results": "Assign results",
@ -31,6 +31,9 @@
"added": "The object has been added.",
"edited": "The object has been edited.",
"deleted": "The object has been deleted.",
"exact": "Exakt"
"exact": "Exakt",
"base_data": "Basic information about the object",
"minimum_3_characters": "3 characters minimum",
"add_alternative_language": "Add entry in alternative language"
@ -27,6 +27,10 @@
"internal_link": "Internal Link",
"external_link": "External Link",
"new_collection_hint": "To create a new collection use the menu above",
"no_collection_permission": "No permission granted to access any collection of this museum"
"no_collection_permission": "No permission granted to access any collection of this museum",
"linkable_collections": "Linkable collections",
"switch_museum": "Switch museum",
"select_a_museum": "Select a museum",
"links_object_with": "Links the object with"
@ -27,7 +27,9 @@
"added": "Added a new place",
"edited": "Updated information on the place",
"all_objects": "List all objects",
"show_object": "Show object"
"show_object": "Show object",
"annotation": "Annotation",
"add_new_annotation": "Write a new annotation here:"
"geo": {
"name": "Name",
@ -53,6 +53,8 @@
"before_possibly": "possibly before",
"after_possibly": "possibly after",
"print_not_paint": "Something printed cannot be painted or drawn!",
"better_use": "Better use"
"better_use": "Better use",
"quality_index": "Quality index",
"no_image": "No image has been uploaded for the object yet."
@ -45,6 +45,12 @@
"following_cases_appear_select": "Die folgenden F\u00e4lle treten auf. Bitte w\u00e4hlen Sie den zu \u00e4ndernden Fall.",
"return_museum_list": "Return to list of museums",
"return_settings_services": "Return to settings and services",
"simple_inputs_no_symbols": "Please use simple inputs. Say, avoid adding a copyright symbol before the rights holder, or \"photographer\" before the photographer's name."
"simple_inputs_no_symbols": "Please use simple inputs. Say, avoid adding a copyright symbol before the rights holder, or \"photographer\" before the photographer's name.",
"institution_elsewhere": "The institution elsewhere on the web",
"elsewhere_link_text": "Link text",
"elsewhere_link_url": "URL",
"elsewhere_link_added": "Added link to other representation of the museum",
"elsewhere_link_removed": "Removed link to other representation of the museum",
"metadata_rights": "Metadata rights:"
@ -13,6 +13,28 @@
"username": "Username",
"mail": "Mail",
"private_notice": "Private note",
"post": "Post"
"post": "Post",
"web_search_duckduckgo": "Web search with DuckDuckGo",
"search_the_web_duckduckgo": "Web search with DuckDuckGo",
"link_validity_check": "Link validity check",
"tile": "Tile",
"full_width": "Full width",
"move_to_end": "Move to end",
"remove_tile": "Remove tile",
"add_tile": "Add tile",
"customize_start_page": "Customize start page",
"institution_elsewhere": "My institution elsewhere",
"visitors_statistics_today": "Visitors statistics: Today",
"visitors_statistics_week": "Visitors statistics: this week",
"visitors_statistics_month": "Visitors statistics: this month",
"visitors_statistics_year": "Visitors statistics: this year",
"view_statistics": "View statistics",
"moved_tile_to_end": "Moved tile to end",
"removed_tile": "Removed tile",
"added_tile": "Added tile",
"set_background_image": "Set background image",
"background_uploaded": "A background image has been set",
"did_not_delete_no_image": "Could not unset background - there is no image",
"removed_background_img_successfully": "Removed background image successfully"
@ -5,6 +5,10 @@
"remarks": "Remarks",
"no_tag": "Please enter a keyword",
"not_related": "Keyword is not related to any object",
"tag_annotated": "The tag has been annotated."
"tag_annotated": "The tag has been annotated.",
"tag_name": "Name",
"engl": "(in English)",
"annotation": "Annotation",
"add_new_annotation": "Add a new annotation:"
@ -39,6 +39,12 @@
"time_delete": "Delete time term",
"time_annotated": "The time has been annotated.",
"added": "A new time entry has been added.",
"edited": "Information on this time entry has been updated."
"edited": "Information on this time entry has been updated.",
"annotation": "Annotation",
"add_new_annotation": "Add a new annotation:",
"must_be_month": "Month: Must be a valid, two-digit representation of a month. E.g. 01 for January, 12 for December",
"must_be_day": "Day: Must be a valid, two-digit representation of a day. From 01 to 31",
"must_be_year": "Year: Must be a valid, four-digit representation of a year. From 0001 to 9999.",
"must_be_+-": "Must be either + (common era) or - (before common era)"
@ -79,6 +79,22 @@
"deletion_mail_sent": "A mail has been sent, asking for your confirmation for deleting your account",
"delete": "Delete",
"exportUserData": "Export own account data",
"automatic_mails": "Automatische Benachrichtigungen erhalten"
"automatic_mails": "Automatische Benachrichtigungen erhalten",
"new_user": "New user",
"upload_image": "Upload image",
"uploaded_profile_img": "Uploaded profile picture",
"delete_image": "Delete image",
"deleted_image": "Profile picture has been deleted",
"make_visible": "Make visible to other users in musdb",
"make_hidden": "Hide your account from other users in musdb",
"this_month": "This month",
"this_year": "This year",
"within_X_month": "Within the last {x} month",
"within_X_years": "Within the last {x} years",
"view_profile": "View profile",
"about": "About",
"user_set_invisible": "Your profile has been set invisible to other users in musdb.",
"user_set_visible": "Your profile has been set visible to other users in musdb.",
"user_description_edited": "Your profile description has been edited"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
"tlVisitors": {
"add_new_visitor": "Neuen Besucher hinzuf\u00fcgen",
"generate_qr_code": "QR-Code generieren",
"new_visitor_added": "A new visitor has been registered",
"day": "Day",
"week": "Week",
"month": "Month",
"all_time": "All time",
"filter_by_time": "Filter by time",
"time_context": "Date (time context)",
"ticket_types": "Type of visitor (by ticket)",
"amount": "Amount",
"other_not_categorized": "Andere \/ Ohne Kategorie",
"calendar_week": "Calendar week",
"year": "Year",
"manually_add": "Manually add visitors",
"number_new_visitors": "Number of visitors to register",
"in_numbers": "In numbers",
"manage_ticket_types": "Manage ticket types"
@ -85,6 +85,12 @@
"link_obj_museum": "T\u00e1rgy hozz\u00e1kapcsol\u00e1sa egy m\u00fazeumhoz",
"resource_edit": "Edit Resource",
"uploading_image": "K\u00e9p felt\u00f6lt\u00e9se",
"annotate_place": "Megyjegyz\u00e9s f\u00f6ldrajzi vonatkoz\u00e1shoz"
"annotate_place": "Megyjegyz\u00e9s f\u00f6ldrajzi vonatkoz\u00e1shoz",
"visitor_statistics": "Besucherstatistik",
"help": "Help",
"help_handbook": "Help: Handbook",
"mail_to_admin": "Ask the admins",
"toggle_watchlist": "Toggle watchlist",
"view_notifications": "View Notifications"
@ -45,6 +45,8 @@
"no_shortname": "Adja meg a n\u00e9v r\u00f6vid\u00edtett form\u00e1j\u00e1t (ez adott esetben megegyezhet a teljes n\u00e9vvel)",
"actor_annotated": "Ezen szem\u00e9ly \/ int\u00e9zm\u00e9ny komment\u00e1rral gazdagodott ",
"added": "Egy szerepl\u0151 lett hozz\u00e1adva ",
"edited": "A szerepl\u0151re vonatkoz\u00f3 inform\u00e1ci\u00f3k friss\u00fcltek"
"edited": "A szerepl\u0151re vonatkoz\u00f3 inform\u00e1ci\u00f3k friss\u00fcltek",
"annotation": "Annotation",
"add_new_annotation": "Add a new annotation:"
@ -27,6 +27,10 @@
"start_time_min": "Perc",
"images": "Images",
"url": "URL",
"url_explica": "URL to another web page representing the appointment. Needs to be a valid URL - starting with http:\/\/ or https:\/\/."
"url_explica": "URL to another web page representing the appointment. Needs to be a valid URL - starting with http:\/\/ or https:\/\/.",
"allAppointments": "All appointments",
"new_appointment": "New appointment",
"base_data": "Basic information about the appointment",
"no_appointments_text": "No appointment has been added for your museum yet (hence, we cannot list any). You may:"
@ -63,7 +63,7 @@
"restoration": "Restaur\u00e1l\u00e1s",
"provenanceresearch": "Proveniencia kutat\u00e1s",
"account_settings": "Saj\u00e1t fi\u00f3k",
"edit": "Szerkeszt\u00e9s",
"edit": "Edit",
"contacts": "Kapcsolatok",
"contacts_input": "Kapcsolat hozz\u00e1ad\u00e1sa",
"contacts_edit": "Kapcsolat szerkeszt\u00e9se",
@ -81,6 +81,23 @@
"appointments_choose": "Esem\u00e9ny kiv\u00e1laszt\u00e1sa",
"link_no_url": "The link you provided is no valid URL.",
"yes": "yes",
"no": "no"
"no": "no",
"more": "Mehr",
"amount_all": "Total",
"icon": "Icon",
"actions": "Actions",
"add": "Add",
"lists": "Lists",
"settings": "Settings",
"public_page": "Public page",
"toggles": "Toggles",
"own_rule_create": "Create own rule",
"own_rule_delete": "Remove own rule",
"own_rule_edit": "Edit own rule",
"less": "Less",
"grid": "Grid",
"sort": "Sort",
"quilt": "Quilt",
"options": "Options"
@ -20,6 +20,10 @@
"yes_saveit": "Rendben ( kapcsolat ment\u00e9se)",
"new_term": "\u00daj kulcssz\u00f3 megad\u00e1sa \u00e9s hozz\u00e1kapcsol\u00e1sa egy t\u00e1rgyhoz",
"found_similar": "Hasonl\u00f3 kulcsszavak keres\u00e9se",
"aborted_short_input": "Megszak\u00edtva: t\u00fal r\u00f6vid a sz\u00f6veg"
"aborted_short_input": "Megszak\u00edtva: t\u00fal r\u00f6vid a sz\u00f6veg",
"really_tag": "Really a tag?",
"tag_had_been_linked": "The tag had been linked before",
"input_too_short_aborted": "Your input was too short. Aborted.",
"minimum_3_characters": "3 characters minimum"
@ -42,6 +42,17 @@
"collection_overview": "Gy\u0171jtem\u00e9nyek \u00e1ttekint\u00e9se",
"collection_order": "Sorrend",
"no_collection_yet": "Az int\u00e9zm\u00e9nyhez m\u00e9g egy gy\u0171jtem\u00e9ny sem kapcsol\u00f3dik",
"collection_moved": "A gy\u0171jtem\u00e9nyt \u00e1tk\u00f6lt\u00f6ztette"
"collection_moved": "A gy\u0171jtem\u00e9nyt \u00e1tk\u00f6lt\u00f6ztette",
"base_data": "Basic information about the collection",
"related_collections": "Related collections",
"superordinate_collections": "Superordinate collections",
"subordinate_collections": "Subordinate collections",
"minimum_3_characters": "3 characters minimum",
"collection_image_deleted": "Deleted collection image",
"all_collections": "All collections",
"up": "Up",
"down": "Down",
"main_image": "Main image",
"add_alternative_language": "All alternative language entry for this collection"
@ -35,7 +35,12 @@
"zip_code": "Ir\u00e1nyit\u00f3sz\u00e1m",
"zip_code_explica": "Az kontakt int\u00e9zm\u00e9ny ir\u00e1ny\u00edt\u00f3sz\u00e1ma",
"contacts_added_loan": "L\u00e9trehozta a kontaktot. Ezek ut\u00e1n hozz\u00e1kapcsolhatja ezt egy haszonk\u00f6lcs\u00f6nh\u00f6z",
"contacts_list_empty": "A kapcsolatok list\u00e1ja \u00fcres"
"contacts_list_empty": "A kapcsolatok list\u00e1ja \u00fcres",
"all_contacts": "All contacts",
"contact_details": "Contact details",
"new_contact": "New contact",
"no_contacts": "Contacts list is empty",
"no_contacts_text": "No contact has been added for your museum yet (hence, we cannot list any). You may:"
"gender": [
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
"tlConversations": {
"start_conversation": "Start conversation",
"view_conversation": "View conversation",
"conversations": "Conversations",
"no_messages": "There are no messages here."
@ -17,6 +17,10 @@
"added_obj_literature": "A t\u00e1rgyhoz szakirodalmi vonatkoz\u00e1s lett hozz\u00e1adva.",
"added_obj_link": "A t\u00e1rgyhoz k\u00fcls\u0151 vonatkoz\u00e1s (hyperlink) lett hozz\u00e1adva.",
"added_obj_tag": "A kulcssz\u00f3hoz \u00faj t\u00e1gykapcsolat j\u00f6tt l\u00e9tre ",
"annotation_deleted": "A komment\u00e1r t\u00f6rl\u00e9sre ker\u00fclt."
"annotation_deleted": "A komment\u00e1r t\u00f6rl\u00e9sre ker\u00fclt.",
"obj_tag_already_added": "The tag was already linked with the object",
"obj_link_already_added": "The link was already linked with the object",
"obj_literature_already_added": "The literature entry was already linked with the object",
"obj_collection_already_added": "The collection was already linked with the object"
@ -84,6 +84,10 @@
"add_time_forth": "Ha nem jelenik meg az id\u0151beli vonatkoz\u00e1s a list\u00e1n, akkor \u00edrja be a teljes kifejez\u00e9st, majd nyomja meg az ENTER billenty\u0171t. ",
"find_actor": "Szem\u00e9ly \/ Int\u00e9zm\u00e9ny keres\u00e9se",
"find_placename": "F\u00f6ldrajzi vonatkoz\u00e1s keres\u00e9se",
"find_time": "Id\u0151beli vonatkoz\u00e1s keres\u00e9se"
"find_time": "Id\u0151beli vonatkoz\u00e1s keres\u00e9se",
"input_too_short_aborted": "Your input was too short. Aborted.",
"minimum_3_characters": "3 characters minimum",
"similar_event_already_added": "A similar event had already been added",
"event_added": "The event has been added"
@ -33,6 +33,12 @@
"url_explica": "URL to another web page representing the exhibition. Needs to be a valid URL - starting with http:\/\/ or https:\/\/.",
"upload_image": "Upload image",
"add_tour": "Add tour of the exhibition",
"edit_tour": "Edit tour of the exhibition"
"edit_tour": "Edit tour of the exhibition",
"all_exhibitions": "All exhibitions",
"minimum_3_characters": "3 characters minimum",
"base_data": "Basic information about the exhibition",
"exhibitions_list_empty_text": "No exhibition entry has been added for your museum yet (hence, we cannot list any). You may:",
"linked_an_exhibition": "Linked an exhibition with the object",
"removed_obj_exh_link": "Removed link of object with an exhibition"
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
@ -64,6 +64,24 @@
"objectgroup_visible_museumpage": "Ez a sorozat a m\u00fazeum oldal\u00e1n ker\u00fcl bemutat\u00e1sra",
"objectgroup_hidden_museumpage": "Ez a sorozat a m\u00fazeum oldal\u00e1n nem ker\u00fcl bemutat\u00e1sra",
"single_from": "Kezdve:",
"link_edited": "Link szerkesztve"
"link_edited": "Link szerkesztve",
"files_in_index": "Files in index",
"links_good": "Links with no issues",
"links_referral": "Links with a referral only",
"links_error": "Links with errors",
"index_more": "Index more",
"url_simple": "URL",
"status_code": "Status Code",
"date_checked": "Date checked",
"link_validity_check": "Link validity check",
"no_checks_run_yet": "No checks run yet",
"all_series": "All series",
"series_base_data": "Basic information about the series",
"series_objects": "Objects for series",
"xml_export": "Export (XML)",
"link_validation_tool": "Hyperlink validation tool",
"linked_objects": "Linked objects",
"series_deleted": "The series has been deleted",
"series_no_series_text": "No series \/ object group has been added for your museum yet (hence, we cannot list any). You may:"
@ -41,6 +41,11 @@
"added": "M\u00e1s szem\u00e9lyr\u0151l\/ int\u00e9zm\u00e9nyr\u0151l van sz\u00f3 (\u00faj szem\u00e9ny\/ int\u00e9zm\u00e9ny felv\u00e9tele)",
"edited": "Szem\u00e9ny\/ int\u00e9zm\u00e9ny felv\u00e9tele",
"deleted": "Szem\u00e9ny\/ int\u00e9zm\u00e9ny ignor\u00e1l\u00e1sa",
"multiple_institutions": "\u00daj szem\u00e9ny\/ int\u00e9zm\u00e9ny felv\u00e9tele"
"multiple_institutions": "\u00daj szem\u00e9ny\/ int\u00e9zm\u00e9ny felv\u00e9tele",
"all_literature_entries": "All literature entries",
"base_data": "Basic information about the literature entry",
"linked_objects": "Linked objects",
"no_literature": "No literature entries yet",
"no_literature_text": "No literature entry has been added for your museum yet (hence, we cannot list any). You may:"
@ -39,7 +39,13 @@
"updated_link_loan": "Haszonk\u00fclcs\u00f6nh\u00f6z tartoz\u00f3 link friss\u00edtve",
"deleted_link_obj_loan": "Haszonk\u00f6lcs\u00f6nben \u00e9rintett t\u00e1rgy linkj\u00e9nek t\u00f6rl\u00e9se",
"added_link_obj_loan": "Haszonk\u00f6lcs\u00f6nben \u00e9rintett t\u00e1rgy linkj\u00e9nek hozz\u00e1ad\u00e1sa",
"loans_list_empty": "Haszonk\u00f6lcs\u00f6n list\u00e1ja \u00fcres",
"view_contact_details": "View contact details"
"loans_list_empty": "Your list of loans is empty thus far.",
"view_contact_details": "View contact details",
"select_loan_entry": "Select a loan entry",
"base_data": "Basic information about the loan entry",
"all_loan_entries": "All loan entries",
"must_be_numeric": "Must be a numeric value",
"insurance_currency": "Insurance value: currency",
"loans_list_empty_text": "No loan entry has been added for your museum yet (hence, we cannot list any). You may:"
@ -63,7 +63,7 @@
"museumrecord_visibility_off": "Az alternat\u00edv nyelvi verzi\u00f3 elrejtve",
"museumrecord_visibility_on": "Az alternat\u00edv nyelvi verzi\u00f3 publik\u00e1lva",
"collections": "Gy\u0171jtem\u00e9nyek",
"public": "Hozz\u00e1f\u00e9rhet\u0151",
"public": "Public",
"add_edit_tour": "Add \/ edit tour of the museum",
"tour_tool_headline": "Tour creation tool",
"tour_tool_explica": "Using this tool, you can create tours through your museum. Each different picture is linked to a \"scene\", on which hotspots (small notifiers \/ info markers) can be displayed. To position a hotspot, move the center of the picture (where you see that \"+\") to the spot to mark. Click into the input fields for pitch and yaw to enter the current position for a given hotspot.",
@ -91,6 +91,55 @@
"sceneVaov": "vaov",
"sceneChange": "Scene Change",
"return_to_museum": "Return to museum page",
"return_to_exhibition": "Return to exhibition page"
"return_to_exhibition": "Return to exhibition page",
"accessibility": "Accessibility",
"accessibility_explica": "Can the museum be categorized as accessible to disabled people or not?",
"accessibility_text": "Notes on accessibility",
"accessibility_text_explica": "Here you can describe the accessibility situation of the institution in detail.",
"founding_date": "Founding date",
"founding_date_explica": "Year the museum was founded.",
"photos_allowed": "Photos allowed?",
"photos_allowed_explica": "Is it allowed to take photos in the museum?",
"cloakroom_available": "Is a cloakroom available in the museum?",
"lockers_available": "Lockers available?",
"lockers_available_explica": "Are lockers available in the museum?",
"shop_available": "Shop available?",
"shop_available_explica": "Does the museum have a museum store?",
"cafe_available": "Caf\u00e9 available?",
"cafe_available_explica": "Does the museum have a museum caf\u00e9?",
"babycare_room_available": "Baby care room available",
"babycare_room_available_explica": "Is a baby care room available at the museum?",
"cloakroom_available_explica": "Is a cloakroom available in the museum?",
"general_note_opening_hours": "General note on opening hours",
"start_hour": "Start (HH:MM)",
"end_hour": "End (HH:MM)",
"opening_hours_note": "Note for this time time block",
"dow": "Day of week",
"regular_opening_hours": "Regular opening hours",
"new_entry": "New entry",
"entries": "Entries",
"ticket_types": "Ticket types",
"new_ticket_type_name": "New ticket type: name",
"price": "Price",
"currency": "Currency",
"ticket_type_name": "Ticket type: name",
"view_visitor_statistics": "View visitor statistics",
"dow_0": "Monday",
"dow_1": "Tuesday",
"dow_2": "Wednesday",
"dow_3": "Thursday",
"dow_4": "Friday",
"dow_5": "Saturday",
"dow_6": "Sunday",
"base_data": "Base data about the museum",
"check_map": "Check for availability of map",
"public_page": "Public page",
"minimum_3_characters": "3 characters minimum",
"all_museums": "All museums",
"must_be_float": "Muss ein numerischer Wert sein, ggfs. mit Komma. Z.B. 5,2; 1.20, etc",
"opening_hours_have_been_edited": "Edit to the opening hours has been saved",
"ticket_prices_have_been_edited": "Your edit to the ticket prices has been saved",
"zip_code": "Zip code",
"place": "Place"
@ -84,7 +84,11 @@
"generate_pdf": "PDF k\u00e9sz\u00edt\u00e9se",
"PuQi": "PuQi",
"assignment_wrong_user_role": "Assignments to collections, series, and literature entries are always bound to an institution. These assignments can only be set by users of the user role \"museum director\". Please log in as a museum director if need be.",
"fulltext": "Fulltext"
"fulltext": "Fulltext",
"object_overview": "Object overview",
"toggle_navigation": "Toggle navigation",
"main_image": "Main image",
"find_an_expert": "Find an expert"
"objekt": {
"assign_results": "Hozz\u00e1rendel\u00e9s ",
@ -31,6 +31,9 @@
"added": "T\u00e1rgy hozz\u00e1adva",
"edited": "T\u00e1rgy szerkesztve",
"deleted": "T\u00e1rgy t\u00f6r\u00f6lve",
"exact": "Exact"
"exact": "Exact",
"base_data": "Basic information about the object",
"minimum_3_characters": "3 characters minimum",
"add_alternative_language": "Add entry in alternative language"
@ -27,6 +27,10 @@
"internal_link": "Bels\u0151 hivatkoz\u00e1s",
"external_link": "K\u00fcls\u0151 hivatkoz\u00e1s",
"new_collection_hint": "\u00daj gy\u0171jtem\u00e9ny hozz\u00e1ad\u00e1s\u00e1hoz haszn\u00e1ld a fenti men\u00fct",
"no_collection_permission": "Nincs hozz\u00e1f\u00e9r\u00e9se a m\u00fazeum gy\u0171jtem\u00e9nyeihez"
"no_collection_permission": "Nincs hozz\u00e1f\u00e9r\u00e9se a m\u00fazeum gy\u0171jtem\u00e9nyeihez",
"linkable_collections": "Linkable collections",
"switch_museum": "Switch museum",
"select_a_museum": "Select a museum",
"links_object_with": "Links the object with"
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