100 lines
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"user": {
"username": "Nama pengguna",
"realname": "Nama ternyata",
"mail": "Surat-e",
"password": "Kata sandi",
"new_password": "Kata sandi yang baru (kosong = jangan mengubah)",
"password_confirmation": "Kata sandi yang baru (ulang)",
"userrole": "Peran \/ Pangkat",
"institution": "Lembaga",
"admin": "Admin tertinggi",
"director_region": "Direktur daerah",
"director_museum": "Direktur museum",
"collaborator": "Karyawan",
"not_assigned": "Tidak terkait",
"name_already_used": "Nama pengguna ini sudah digunakan oleh orang yang lain di museum-digital",
"no_username": "Persalahan: nama pengguna belum dimasukkan",
"no_realname": "Persalahan: nama ternyata belum dimasukkan",
"no_password": "Persalahan: kata sandi belum dimasukkan",
"no_password_confirmation": "Persalahan: kata sandi belum diulangi",
"no_password_match": "Persalahan: kata sandi yang baru tidak sesuai dengan kata sandi ulang",
"not_assigned_institution": "Persalahan: Tidak terkait dengan lembaga",
"success_creation": "Sukses: Pengguna baru ditambahkan",
"no_success_creation": "Persalahan: Penggunaan baru tidak bisa ditambahkan",
"success_update": "Informasi telah disunting",
"no_success_update": "Informasi tidak bisa disunting",
"more_than_one": "Lebih (atau kurang) dari satu pengguna yang ber-ID yang sama dengan ini telah ditemukan",
"userlist": "Daftar semua pengguna",
"order_by": "Disortir",
"last_login": "Last login",
"registration": "Login",
"input_only": "Pemasuk",
"visiting_scientist": "Tamu periset",
"about_deleting_user": "You are about to delete a user.",
"deleted": "User was removed successfully.",
"specifically_determined": "Specifically determined",
"permissions_museums": "Permissions: Museums",
"permissions_collections": "Permissions: Collections",
"permissions_series": "Permissions: Objectgroups",
"user_rights_museum": "Museum page",
"user_rights_collection": "Collection page",
"user_rights_objectgroup": "Objectgroup page",
"user_rights_object_base": "Object: Basic data",
"user_rights_object_resource": "Object: Resources",
"user_rights_object_addendum": "Object: Addendum",
"user_rights_object_numbers": "Object: Administrative numbers",
"user_rights_object_classification": "Object: Classification",
"user_rights_object_history": "Object: Object history",
"user_rights_object_values": "Object: Values",
"user_rights_object_state": "Object: State",
"user_rights_object_location": "Object: Location",
"user_rights_object_loan": "Object: Loans",
"user_rights_object_rights": "Object: Rights",
"user_rights_object_remark": "Object: Remarks",
"user_rights_object_provenance": "Object: Provenance research",
"user_rights_object_datahistory": "Object: Record history",
"disable_all_permissions": "All permissions: Disable",
"enable_all_permissions": "Allow editing in all cases",
"remove_from_museum": "Remove relation to this museum",
"remove_from_collection": "Remove relation to this collection",
"remove_from_series": "Remove relation to this objectgroup",
"auth_token": "Authentification Token",
"auth_token_explica": "Using this page, you can generate a new authentication token. You cannot access them through this page again afterwards, so make sure to copy and store the authentication token at a safe place",
"confirm": "Confirm",
"auth_token_generated": "Generated authentication token",
"auth_token_is": "Your new authentication token is",
"password_too_short": "Password too short",
"password_equals_name": "Password equals username",
"mail_invitation": "Invitation to museum-digital:musdb",
"mail_invitation_contents": "You have just been invited editing on museum-digital:musdb. If you did not expect to get a mail such as this one, please just ignore the mail. If you do want to activate your account, please follow the link below, and set your password. By doing so, you accept our privacy policy.",
"invited": "Eingeladen: ",
"initialSettings": "Initial Settings: ",
"invitationLinkOutdated": "Your invitation token is older than a day. Your invitation was aborted. Please ask your grantor to invite you again.",
"successAddingAccount": "Success!",
"successAddingAccountMsg": "Your password was successfully set. You can continue by logging in",
"agreement": "Testtext zum Agreement",
"mail_deletion": "Confirm the deletion of your account",
"mail_deletion_contents": "Your account has been flagged for deletion. If you really want to delete your account at museum-digital, you can do so by clicking on the link below:",
"deletion_mail_sent": "A mail has been sent, asking for your confirmation for deleting your account",
"delete": "Delete",
"exportUserData": "Export own account data",
"automatic_mails": "Automatische Benachrichtigungen erhalten",
"new_user": "New user",
"upload_image": "Upload image",
"uploaded_profile_img": "Uploaded profile picture",
"delete_image": "Delete image",
"deleted_image": "Profile picture has been deleted",
"make_visible": "Make visible to other users in musdb",
"make_hidden": "Hide your account from other users in musdb",
"this_month": "This month",
"this_year": "This year",
"within_X_month": "Within the last {x} month",
"within_X_years": "Within the last {x} years",
"view_profile": "View profile",
"about": "About",
"user_set_invisible": "Your profile has been set invisible to other users in musdb.",
"user_set_visible": "Your profile has been set visible to other users in musdb.",
"user_description_edited": "Your profile description has been edited"
} |