
74 lines
6.1 KiB

"image_incha": {
"replace_version": "Replace version of image",
"replace_maximum": "Only the larger version",
"replace_medium": "Only the medium-size version",
"replace_small": "Only the smallest version",
"replace_all": "All three versions",
"replace_remark": "The medium-size version is on display. Because of later edits the smaller or larger version might differ.",
"image_name": "Name of image",
"bildname_explica": "The image name is important for<br\/>&bull; search engine optimization (\"Title-Tags\")<br\/>&bull; overview in the list of representations.<br\/><br\/>In most cases it suffices to repeat the name of the object represented.<br\/><br\/>[Default value is object name]<br\/><br\/><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#660000;\">Please always fill out<\/b>",
"image_description": "Image description",
"bildbesch_explica": "Here you can store annotations and remarks concerning the object representation (<b style=\"color:#990000;\">NOT<\/b> concerning the object itself) <br\/><br\/>Example 1: \"Detail\"<br\/>Example 2: \"Rear side\"<br\/>Example 3: \"1 of 4\"<br\/><br\/><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#006600;\">Might be left empty<\/b>",
"image_folder": "Image folder",
"ordner_explica": "The image folder is shown during the uploading process. Usually it starts with the word \"images\", the year, the month. For example: \"images 201504\"<br\/><br\/><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#660000;\">Please always fill out<\/b>",
"image_filename": "Image filename",
"dateiname_explica": "The filename of the image is shown during the uploading process. It has to be provided including the extension (eg. \"317.jpg\" instead of \"317)<br\/><br\/><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#660000;\">Please always fill out<\/b>",
"photographer": "Photographer",
"creator_explica": "Even if you work on behalf of the museum, photographers have a right of naming. If known, enter the photographer's name here, it will then appear below the image in the enlarged view. \r\nPlease enter only the name.<br\/><br\/>Example: \"A. Schnitzler\"<br\/>Example: \"Manfred Zweigelt\"<br\/><br\/><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#660000;\">Please always fill out<\/b>",
"image_rightsholder": "Rights holder of the image",
"owner_explica": "Who owns the digital representation of the object?\"<br\/><br\/><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#660000;\">Please always fill out<\/b>",
"rights_status": "Rights status of the image",
"rechte_explica": "Which <b style=\"color:#000099;\">license applies for the image<\/b> (in all sizes) apply?<br\/>i.e. <b style=\"color:#990000;\">NOT<\/b> rights of the displayed object<br\/>E.g. <b style=\"color:#990000\">NOT<\/b> rights of previews<br\/><br\/><br\/>Please select a value from the list (left)<br\/>More information available by clicking the brown [i] (right)<br\/><br\/>[Default: CC BY-NC-SA]",
"rights_allowed": "Selectable legal forms",
"info_needed": "You have to name the rights holder and rights status",
"image_connect": "Link with an object",
"go_object": "Go to object",
"info_completeit": "Complete the info and accept by clicking on \"Save\"",
"replace": "Replace",
"change_from_folder": "From folder",
"change_file": "The file",
"replace_with": "Replace with",
"upload_jpg_title": "Upload of an object image (JPG)",
"prerequisites": "Prerequisites",
"prerequisites_filename": "Filename does not contain any umlauts, no dots, no special characters, no spaces",
"prerequisites_fileformat": "The image has to be a JPG file with a resolution of 72 dpi or 96 dpi",
"prerequisites_imagesize_general": "The short side should have a MINIMUM of 540px. The long side should have a MAXIMUM of 3000px",
"prerequisites_imagesize_mussam": "Mininum width of 200px",
"prerequisites_filesize_general": "Filesize should not exceed 2 MB (for maps etc. up to 10 MB). Usually 100 kb to 500 kb suffices. JPG files with a quality\/ compression level of 60-70% often give rather good results ",
"prerequisites_filesize_mussam": "Filesize should not exceed 2 MB",
"reduction_museum": "Please select a file for upload. Will be resized automatically",
"reduction_general": "Please select a file for upload in maximum size. The two smaller versions of the image will be created automatically",
"last_uploaded": "Last uploaded",
"upload_failed": "Something went wrong! (Possibly no filename provided.) To try again, please use the <em>back<\/em> button of your browser",
"too_small": "You tried to upload an image smaller than the minimum size",
"shortcuts": "Shortcuts",
"shortcut_description": "Click to use as image description",
"global_max_upload_size": "Overall, the maximum size of a given upload is:",
"image_data": "Image data"
"incha_image": {
"front": "Front view",
"rear": "Rear view",
"overall": "Overall view",
"detail": "Detail view",
"insert": "Insert",
"insert_go": "Insert and continue",
"no_title": "Please provide a title for the image",
"image_switched_forward": "The image was moved forward in the order of images",
"image_switched_backward": "The image was moved backwards in the order of images",
"made_main": "The image was made the main image for this object",
"switched_non-public": "The image was made non-public",
"switched_public": "The image was made public",
"edit_image": "Edit image information",
"rewrote_iptc": "Updated IPTC data",
"rewrote_iptc_all": "Updated IPTC data for all linked images",
"rotated": "The image has been rotated",
"flipped": "The image has been inverted vertically",
"flopped": "The image has been inverted horizontally",
"watermarked": "The image has been watermarked",
"edited": "Resource information has been edited",
"deleted": "The resource has been removed",
"uploaded": "The image has been uploaded"