
51 lines
4.7 KiB

"literature": {
"if_unknown": "If the bibliography is not listed below, please click here",
"author": "Author",
"autor_explica": "Name in reverse order, that means:<br\/>[Surname][, ][First name]<br><br>Example 1: \"Albrecht, Rainer\"<br>Example 2: \"Puhle, Matthias (Ed.)\"<br><br><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#660000;\">Please always fill in this field!<\/b>",
"year": "Date of publication",
"jahr_explica": "Year of publication (Year)<br><br><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#660000;\">Please always fill in this field!<\/b>",
"title": "Title",
"titel_explica": "Title of the work<br><br><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#660000;\">Please always fill in this field!<\/b>",
"place": "Place of publication",
"ort_explica": "Book: Place the book was published at<br>Article: Name of the magazine\/newspaper the article was published in, page numbers and an \"In: \" at the start.<br><br>Example 1: \"London\"<br>Example 2: \"In: Merkur, Vol. 27, P.7-54\"<br><br><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#660000;\">Please always fill in this field!<\/b>",
"kvk": "Link in KVK",
"kvk_explica": "The arrow on the right opens a search window in the Karlsruhe Virtual Catalog (KVK). Please only fill in if the literature was found there. After finding the literature, please copy the whole URL into this field. Please only fill in links to the KVK. No links to the DNB or to regional groups.",
"no_autor": "Please enter the name of the author",
"where_inside": "Location within the work",
"where_in_explica": "Here you can state where in the work of literature the object is mentioned or depicted. It is best to enter a number and a meaning behind it: Example 1: \"Catalogue No. 15\" Example 2: \"Page 45\" ",
"no_where_inside": "Please insert a location within the work",
"relate_to_object": "Link with an object",
"insert_object_id": "Insert object ID",
"delete": "Delete this entry",
"literature_show_all": "Show all",
"literature_show_assigned": "Show only entries that are assigned to an institution",
"literature_show_notassigned": "Show only entries that are NOT assigned to an institution",
"abbr": "Abbreviation",
"abbr_explica": "An abbreviation for this entry<br><br><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#006600;\">Can be left empty<\/b>",
"id_in_museum": "ID (in museum)",
"id_in_museum_explica": "The ID of the literature in the library of the museum<br><br><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#006600;\">Can be left empty<\/b>",
"annotation": "Annotations (internal)",
"annotation_explica": "Any remarks concerning this literatur will not be published<br><br><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#006600;\">Can be left empty<\/b>",
"isbn": "ISBN",
"isbn_explica": "The ISBN of the book. It does not matter if you type in dashes or use ISBN10 or ISBN13.<br><br><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#660000;\">Can be left empty<\/b>",
"isbn_explica_auto": "The ISBN of the book. It does not matter if you type in dashes or use ISBN10 or ISBN13.<br>If you enther an ISBN here and store it, you will open the opportunity to retrieve information book from the Library of Congress (Washington) by clicking on the arrow to the right. If you like you can thus overwrite your entry.<br><br><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#660000;\">Can be left empty<\/b>",
"gnd": "National Library",
"gnd_short": "NatLib",
"gnd_explica": "The number of the book in the catalogue of the National Library<br><br><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#660000;\">Can be left empty<\/b>",
"online": "Online version",
"online_explica": "Link to a version of the literature available online.<br>Please include http:\/\/ or https:\/\/<br><br><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#660000;\">Can be left empty<\/b>",
"no_relation": "Please assign the bibliography to an institution",
"inlit_added": "Reference to a place in a literature has been stored",
"inlit_removed": "Reference to a place in a literature has been removed",
"added": "Added the work of literature",
"edited": "Your edits to the bibliography have been stored",
"deleted": "The bibliography has been deleted",
"multiple_institutions": "The bibliography belongs to more than one institution",
"all_literature_entries": "All literature entries",
"base_data": "Basic information about the literature entry",
"linked_objects": "Linked objects",
"no_literature": "No literature entries yet",
"no_literature_text": "No literature entry has been added for your museum yet (therefore, we cannot list any). You may:"