Compare commits
1 Commits
Author | SHA1 | Date | |
e6ace4fe73 |
@ -296,9 +296,6 @@
"from": "From",
"to": "To",
"generator": "Generator",
"generate": "Generate",
"classification": "Classification",
"skip": "Skip",
"all": "All"
"generate": "Generate"
@ -88,11 +88,6 @@
"shipment": "Shipment",
"visibility (addendum)": "Visibility (specific to field)",
"museum": "Link with a museum",
"publication": "Publication",
"document": "Document",
"link_place": "Linked a place",
"link_time": "Linked a time",
"categorization": "Categorization",
"measurement": "Measurement"
"publication": "Publication"
@ -54,8 +54,6 @@
"link_a_contributor": "Link a contributor",
"contributor_explica": "Here contributors to the exhibition can be linked. Once the contributor can be found in the controlled vocabulary, they can be searched and selected by typing in the input field. To select, click on the respective entry in the drop-down list that appears as you type.",
"upcoming_exhibitions": "Upcoming exhibitions",
"ongoing_exhibitions": "Ongoing exhibitions",
"link_a_place": "Link a place",
"link_a_time": "Link a time"
"ongoing_exhibitions": "Ongoing exhibitions"
@ -46,16 +46,6 @@
"base_data": "Basic information about the literature entry",
"linked_objects": "Linked objects",
"no_literature": "No literature entries yet",
"no_literature_text": "No literature entry has been added for your museum yet (hence, we cannot list any). You may:",
"series": "Series",
"series_explica": "Name of the series of books a book has been published in.",
"editor": "Editor",
"editor_explica": "Name of the editor or editors, e.g. for editors of a collected volume.",
"volume": "Volume",
"volume_explica": "Volume number e.g. in a series or of a journal.",
"issue": "Issue",
"issue_explica": "Number of the issue (e.g. for journal articles).",
"issn": "ISSN",
"issn_explica": "International Standard Serial Number (ISSN)"
"no_literature_text": "No literature entry has been added for your museum yet (hence, we cannot list any). You may:"
@ -159,13 +159,6 @@
"faq_entry_has_been_added": "A new FAQ entry has been added",
"faq_entry_has_been_deleted": "The FAQ entry has been deleted",
"faq_information_updated": "The FAQ entry has been updated",
"institution_external_id": "ID with external institutions",
"survey_basic_institution_type": "Please select the type of your institution",
"survey_estimated_of_objects": "How many objects comprise the museum's collections (estimation)",
"survey_collection_focus_areas": "Please select the main topical foci of your collection",
"survey_exhibition_space": "How large is your exhibition space (sqm)?",
"survey_md_use_case": "What does your institution use museum-digital for?",
"survey_intro": "Every now and than questions about who is actually using museum-digital arise. Thus far we ourselves can only guess or provide case studies but there is no quantifiable data available. To remidy this situation please help us by giving some basic information about your institution.",
"survey_public_private_type": "Is your institution a privately-run or a public institution?"
"institution_external_id": "ID with external institutions"
@ -104,8 +104,7 @@
"click_to_jump_by_number": "Click to enter and navigate to a position in the pagination by a number.",
"prev_next_disabled_for_this_type": "Navigating to the previous or next object is disabled for string-based sort options",
"this_is_final_object": "This is the final object",
"updated_by": "Object updated by",
"prepend_text": "Prepend text"
"updated_by": "Object updated by"
"objekt": {
"assign_results": "Assign results",
@ -364,9 +364,7 @@
"emergency_priority_determined_at": "Emergency priority determined at",
"emergency_priority_determined_at_explica": "Date the emergency priority was determined at.",
"generate_inventory_number": "Generate inventory number",
"transfer_invno_suggestion": "Transfer inventory number suggestion",
"scan_inventory_number": "Scan inventory number",
"main_measurement_types": "Basic types"
"transfer_invno_suggestion": "Transfer inventory number suggestion"
"ortart": [
@ -156,15 +156,6 @@
"work_title_explica": "Your title at work.",
"work_department": "Department",
"work_department_explica": "Your department at the museum.",
"user_rights_export": "Exports",
"force_pw_reset": "Force user to reset their password on their next login",
"force_user_mail_confirmation": "Force user to confirm their mail address (the account is locked until the confirmation)",
"user_is_currently_required_to_reset_pw": "This user is currently required to reset their password",
"user_is_currently_required_to_confirm_mail_address": "This user is currently required to confirm their mail address before they can log in again",
"access_to_nodac": "Access to nodac",
"access_to_statements": "Access to statements",
"disable_adding_to_vocabs": "Disable adding to vocabs",
"disable_adding_to_vocabs_explica": "If enabled, this user account cannot be used anymore to enter new entries to the controlled vocabularies. This may be useful to stop colleagues who repeatedly enter wrong \/ unidentifiable \/ rule-contradicting vocabulary entries.",
"remove_remember_me_tokens": "Remove all remembered logins"
"user_rights_export": "Exports"
@ -296,9 +296,6 @@
"from": "Von",
"to": "Zu",
"generator": "Generator",
"generate": "Generieren",
"classification": "Klassifikation",
"skip": "\u00dcberspringen",
"all": "Alle"
"generate": "Generieren"
@ -88,11 +88,6 @@
"shipment": "Transport",
"visibility (addendum)": "Sichtbarkeit (Spezifisch f\u00fcr Feld)",
"museum": "Verkn\u00fcpfung zu Museum",
"publication": "Verkn\u00fcpfung",
"document": "Dokument",
"link_place": "Ortsverkn\u00fcpfung",
"link_time": "Zeit verkn\u00fcpft",
"categorization": "Kategorisierung",
"measurement": "Messung"
"publication": "Verkn\u00fcpfung"
@ -54,8 +54,6 @@
"link_a_contributor": "Neuen Mitwirkenden hinzuf\u00fcgen",
"contributor_explica": "Hier k\u00f6nnen (weitere) Mitwirkende aus dem Personenvokabular hinzugef\u00fcgt werden. Ist ein Mitwirkender schon im Personenvokabular verzeichnet, kann er oder sie aus der Drop-Down-Liste ausgew\u00e4hlt werden, die beim Tippen im Eingabefeld erscheint.",
"upcoming_exhibitions": "Kommende Ausstellungen",
"ongoing_exhibitions": "Laufende Ausstellungen",
"link_a_place": "Einen Ort verkn\u00fcpfen",
"link_a_time": "Eine Zeit verkn\u00fcpfen"
"ongoing_exhibitions": "Laufende Ausstellungen"
@ -46,16 +46,6 @@
"base_data": "Basisdaten zum Literatureintrag",
"linked_objects": "Verkn\u00fcpfte Objekte",
"no_literature": "Noch keine Literatur",
"no_literature_text": "Es wurde noch keine Literatur f\u00fcr Ihr Museum hinzugef\u00fcgt (entsprechend k\u00f6nnen wir keine Auflisten). Sie k\u00f6nnen:",
"series": "Reihe",
"series_explica": "Name der Reihe in der ein Buch ver\u00f6ffentlicht wurde.",
"editor": "Herausgeber",
"editor_explica": "Name(n) der Herausgeber eines Buches (z.B. bei Sammelb\u00e4nden).",
"volume": "Band",
"volume_explica": "Nummer des Bandes z.B. bei Ver\u00f6ffentlichung in einer Reihe oder bei einem Artikel in einer Fachzeitschrift.",
"issue": "Ausgabe",
"issue_explica": "Nummer der Ausgabe (z.B. bei Artikeln in Fachzeitschriften).",
"issn": "ISSN",
"issn_explica": "Internationale Standardnummer f\u00fcr fortlaufende Sammelwerke"
"no_literature_text": "Es wurde noch keine Literatur f\u00fcr Ihr Museum hinzugef\u00fcgt (entsprechend k\u00f6nnen wir keine Auflisten). Sie k\u00f6nnen:"
@ -159,13 +159,6 @@
"faq_entry_has_been_added": "Ein neuer FAQ-Eintrag wurde hinzugef\u00fcgt",
"faq_entry_has_been_deleted": "Der FAQ-Eintrag wurde gel\u00f6scht",
"faq_information_updated": "FAQ-Eintrag wurde bearbeitet",
"institution_external_id": "Kennung bei externen Institutionen oder Repositorien",
"survey_basic_institution_type": "Bitte w\u00e4hlen Sie die Art ihrer Institution.",
"survey_estimated_of_objects": "Wie viele Objekte befinden sich sch\u00e4tzungsweise in der Sammlung des Museums?",
"survey_collection_focus_areas": "Bitte w\u00e4hlen Sie die Hauptsammlungsgebiete des Museums.",
"survey_exhibition_space": "Wie gro\u00df ist Ihre Ausstellungsfl\u00e4che (Quadratmeter)?",
"survey_md_use_case": "F\u00fcr was Benutzen Sie museum-digital?",
"survey_intro": "Immer wieder kommt die Frage auf, wer museum-digital eigentlich benutzt. Bisher war das nur auf Basis von Sch\u00e4tzungen oder einzelnen F\u00e4llen zu beantworten. Quantifizierbare Daten gab es nicht. Um besser informierte Antworten geben zu k\u00f6nnen, w\u00e4re es eine gro\u00dfe Hilfe, wenn Sie einige grundlegende Fragen zu ihrer Institution beantworten w\u00fcrden.\r\n",
"survey_public_private_type": "Ist Ihre Institution \u00f6ffentlich oder privat getragen?"
"institution_external_id": "Kennung bei externen Institutionen oder Repositorien"
@ -104,8 +104,7 @@
"click_to_jump_by_number": "Klicken, um \u00fcber die Eingabe einer Position (Nummer in Trefferliste) zu navigieren.",
"prev_next_disabled_for_this_type": "Das Navigieren zum vorherigen \/ n\u00e4chsten Objekt ist bei buchstabenbasierten Sortieroptionen nicht m\u00f6glich",
"this_is_final_object": "Dies ist das letzte Objekt",
"updated_by": "Objekt zuletzt bearbeitet von",
"prepend_text": "Text voranstellen"
"updated_by": "Objekt zuletzt bearbeitet von"
"objekt": {
"assign_results": "Treffer zuordnen",
@ -364,9 +364,7 @@
"emergency_priority_determined_at": "Notfall-Priorit\u00e4t bestimmt am",
"emergency_priority_determined_at_explica": "Datum des Tages, an dem die Priorit\u00e4t des Objektes im Notfall bestimmt wurde.",
"generate_inventory_number": "Inventarnummer generieren",
"transfer_invno_suggestion": "Vorschlag f\u00fcr Inventarnummer transferieren",
"scan_inventory_number": "Inventarnummer scannen",
"main_measurement_types": "Basis-Ma\u00dfe"
"transfer_invno_suggestion": "Vorschlag f\u00fcr Inventarnummer transferieren"
"ortart": [
@ -156,15 +156,6 @@
"work_title_explica": "Titel \/ Position im Museum.",
"work_department": "Abteilung",
"work_department_explica": "Abteilung im Museum.",
"user_rights_export": "Exporte",
"force_pw_reset": "Erzwinge ein \u00c4ndern des Passworts beim n\u00e4chsten Login",
"force_user_mail_confirmation": "Erzwinge eine Best\u00e4tigung der Mail des Benutzers (Konto wird bis dahin gesperrt)",
"user_is_currently_required_to_reset_pw": "Der Benutzer oder die Benutzerin ist gezwungen sein oder ihr Passwort beim n\u00e4chsten Login zu \u00e4ndern",
"user_is_currently_required_to_confirm_mail_address": "Dieser Benutzeraccount ist bis zur Best\u00e4tigung der Mailadresse gesperrt.",
"access_to_nodac": "Zugang zu nodac",
"access_to_statements": "Zugang zu Statements",
"disable_adding_to_vocabs": "Neuanlegen in Vokabularen verbieten",
"disable_adding_to_vocabs_explica": "Falls dieser Schalter aktiviert ist, ist es dem Benutzer nicht mehr m\u00f6glich neue Vokabulareintr\u00e4ge anzulegen. Bestehende k\u00f6nnen weiterhin verkn\u00fcpft werden. So k\u00f6nnen Kollegen die regelm\u00e4\u00dfig und trotz Belehrung falsche oder den Regeln widersprechende Vokabulareintr\u00e4ge generieren davon abgehalten werden.",
"remove_remember_me_tokens": "Entferne \"erinnerte\" Logins auf anderen Ger\u00e4ten (erzwinge erneutes Login)"
"user_rights_export": "Exporte"
@ -296,9 +296,6 @@
"from": "From",
"to": "To",
"generator": "Generator",
"generate": "Generate",
"classification": "Classification",
"skip": "Skip",
"all": "All"
"generate": "Generate"
@ -88,11 +88,6 @@
"shipment": "Shipment",
"visibility (addendum)": "Visibility (specific to field)",
"museum": "Link with a museum",
"publication": "Publication",
"document": "Document",
"link_place": "Linked a place",
"link_time": "Linked a time",
"categorization": "Categorization",
"measurement": "Measurement"
"publication": "Publication"
@ -54,8 +54,6 @@
"link_a_contributor": "Link a contributor",
"contributor_explica": "Here contributors to the exhibition can be linked. Once the contributor can be found in the controlled vocabulary, they can be searched and selected by typing in the input field. To select, click on the respective entry in the drop-down list that appears as you type.",
"upcoming_exhibitions": "Upcoming exhibitions",
"ongoing_exhibitions": "Ongoing exhibitions",
"link_a_place": "Link a place",
"link_a_time": "Link a time"
"ongoing_exhibitions": "Ongoing exhibitions"
@ -46,16 +46,6 @@
"base_data": "Basisdaten zum Literatureintrag",
"linked_objects": "Verkn\u00fcpfte Objekte",
"no_literature": "Noch keine Literatur",
"no_literature_text": "Es wurde noch keine Literatur f\u00fcr Ihr Museum hinzugef\u00fcgt (entsprechend k\u00f6nnen wir keine Auflisten). Sie k\u00f6nnen:",
"series": "Series",
"series_explica": "Name of the series of books a book has been published in.",
"editor": "Editor",
"editor_explica": "Name of the editor or editors, e.g. for editors of a collected volume.",
"volume": "Volume",
"volume_explica": "Volume number e.g. in a series or of a journal.",
"issue": "Issue",
"issue_explica": "Number of the issue (e.g. for journal articles).",
"issn": "ISSN",
"issn_explica": "International Standard Serial Number (ISSN)"
"no_literature_text": "Es wurde noch keine Literatur f\u00fcr Ihr Museum hinzugef\u00fcgt (entsprechend k\u00f6nnen wir keine Auflisten). Sie k\u00f6nnen:"
@ -159,13 +159,6 @@
"faq_entry_has_been_added": "A new FAQ entry has been added",
"faq_entry_has_been_deleted": "The FAQ entry has been deleted",
"faq_information_updated": "The FAQ entry has been updated",
"institution_external_id": "ID with external institutions",
"survey_basic_institution_type": "Please select the type of your institution",
"survey_estimated_of_objects": "How many objects comprise the museum's collections (estimation)",
"survey_collection_focus_areas": "Please select the main topical foci of your collection",
"survey_exhibition_space": "How large is your exhibition space (sqm)?",
"survey_md_use_case": "What does your institution use museum-digital for?",
"survey_intro": "Every now and than questions about who is actually using museum-digital arise. Thus far we ourselves can only guess or provide case studies but there is no quantifiable data available. To remidy this situation please help us by giving some basic information about your institution.",
"survey_public_private_type": "Is your institution a privately-run or a public institution?"
"institution_external_id": "ID with external institutions"
@ -104,8 +104,7 @@
"click_to_jump_by_number": "Click to enter and navigate to a position in the pagination by a number.",
"prev_next_disabled_for_this_type": "Navigating to the previous or next object is disabled for string-based sort options",
"this_is_final_object": "This is the final object",
"updated_by": "Object updated by",
"prepend_text": "Prepend text"
"updated_by": "Object updated by"
"objekt": {
"assign_results": "Treffer zuordnen",
@ -364,9 +364,7 @@
"emergency_priority_determined_at": "Emergency priority determined at",
"emergency_priority_determined_at_explica": "Date the emergency priority was determined at.",
"generate_inventory_number": "Generate inventory number",
"transfer_invno_suggestion": "Transfer inventory number suggestion",
"scan_inventory_number": "Scan inventory number",
"main_measurement_types": "Basic types"
"transfer_invno_suggestion": "Transfer inventory number suggestion"
"ortart": [
@ -156,15 +156,6 @@
"work_title_explica": "Your title at work.",
"work_department": "Department",
"work_department_explica": "Your department at the museum.",
"user_rights_export": "Exports",
"force_pw_reset": "Force user to reset their password on their next login",
"force_user_mail_confirmation": "Force user to confirm their mail address (the account is locked until the confirmation)",
"user_is_currently_required_to_reset_pw": "This user is currently required to reset their password",
"user_is_currently_required_to_confirm_mail_address": "This user is currently required to confirm their mail address before they can log in again",
"access_to_nodac": "Access to nodac",
"access_to_statements": "Access to statements",
"disable_adding_to_vocabs": "Disable adding to vocabs",
"disable_adding_to_vocabs_explica": "If enabled, this user account cannot be used anymore to enter new entries to the controlled vocabularies. This may be useful to stop colleagues who repeatedly enter wrong \/ unidentifiable \/ rule-contradicting vocabulary entries.",
"remove_remember_me_tokens": "Remove all remembered logins"
"user_rights_export": "Exports"
@ -296,9 +296,6 @@
"from": "From",
"to": "To",
"generator": "Generator",
"generate": "Generate",
"classification": "Classification",
"skip": "Skip",
"all": "All"
"generate": "Generate"
@ -88,11 +88,6 @@
"shipment": "Shipment",
"visibility (addendum)": "Visibility (specific to field)",
"museum": "Link with a museum",
"publication": "Publication",
"document": "Document",
"link_place": "Linked a place",
"link_time": "Linked a time",
"categorization": "Categorization",
"measurement": "Measurement"
"publication": "Publication"
@ -54,8 +54,6 @@
"link_a_contributor": "Link a contributor",
"contributor_explica": "Here contributors to the exhibition can be linked. Once the contributor can be found in the controlled vocabulary, they can be searched and selected by typing in the input field. To select, click on the respective entry in the drop-down list that appears as you type.",
"upcoming_exhibitions": "Upcoming exhibitions",
"ongoing_exhibitions": "Ongoing exhibitions",
"link_a_place": "Link a place",
"link_a_time": "Link a time"
"ongoing_exhibitions": "Ongoing exhibitions"
@ -46,16 +46,6 @@
"base_data": "Basic information about the literature entry",
"linked_objects": "Linked objects",
"no_literature": "No literature entries yet",
"no_literature_text": "No literature entry has been added for your museum yet (therefore, we cannot list any). You may:",
"series": "Series",
"series_explica": "Name of the series of books a book has been published in.",
"editor": "Editor",
"editor_explica": "Name of the editor or editors, e.g. for editors of a collected volume.",
"volume": "Volume",
"volume_explica": "Volume number e.g. in a series or of a journal.",
"issue": "Issue",
"issue_explica": "Number of the issue (e.g. for journal articles).",
"issn": "ISSN",
"issn_explica": "International Standard Serial Number (ISSN)"
"no_literature_text": "No literature entry has been added for your museum yet (therefore, we cannot list any). You may:"
@ -159,13 +159,6 @@
"faq_entry_has_been_added": "A new FAQ entry has been added",
"faq_entry_has_been_deleted": "The FAQ entry has been deleted",
"faq_information_updated": "The FAQ entry has been updated",
"institution_external_id": "ID with external institutions",
"survey_basic_institution_type": "Please select the type of your institution.",
"survey_estimated_of_objects": "How many objects comprise the museum's collections (estimation)?",
"survey_collection_focus_areas": "Please select the main topical foci of your collection.",
"survey_exhibition_space": "How large is your exhibition space (sqm)?",
"survey_md_use_case": "What does your institution use museum-digital for?",
"survey_intro": "Every now and than questions about who is actually using museum-digital arise. Thus far we ourselves can only guess or provide case studies but there is no quantifiable data available. To remidy this situation please help us by giving some basic information about your institution.",
"survey_public_private_type": "Is your institution a privately-run or a public institution?"
"institution_external_id": "ID with external institutions"
@ -104,8 +104,7 @@
"click_to_jump_by_number": "Click to enter and navigate to a position in the pagination by a number.",
"prev_next_disabled_for_this_type": "Navigating to the previous or next object is disabled for string-based sort options",
"this_is_final_object": "This is the final object",
"updated_by": "Object updated by",
"prepend_text": "Prepend text"
"updated_by": "Object updated by"
"objekt": {
"assign_results": "Assign results",
@ -364,9 +364,7 @@
"emergency_priority_determined_at": "Emergency priority determined at",
"emergency_priority_determined_at_explica": "Date the emergency priority was determined at.",
"generate_inventory_number": "Generate inventory number",
"transfer_invno_suggestion": "Transfer inventory number suggestion",
"scan_inventory_number": "Scan inventory number",
"main_measurement_types": "Basic types"
"transfer_invno_suggestion": "Transfer inventory number suggestion"
"ortart": [
@ -156,15 +156,6 @@
"work_title_explica": "Your title at work.",
"work_department": "Department",
"work_department_explica": "Your department at the museum.",
"user_rights_export": "Exports",
"force_pw_reset": "Force user to reset their password on their next login",
"force_user_mail_confirmation": "Force user to confirm their mail address (the account is locked until the confirmation)",
"user_is_currently_required_to_reset_pw": "This user is currently required to reset their password",
"user_is_currently_required_to_confirm_mail_address": "This user is currently required to confirm their mail address before they can log in again",
"access_to_nodac": "Access to nodac",
"access_to_statements": "Access to statements",
"disable_adding_to_vocabs": "Disable adding to vocabs",
"disable_adding_to_vocabs_explica": "If enabled, this user account cannot be used anymore to enter new entries to the controlled vocabularies. This may be useful to stop colleagues who repeatedly enter wrong \/ unidentifiable \/ rule-contradicting vocabulary entries.",
"remove_remember_me_tokens": "Remove all remembered logins"
"user_rights_export": "Exports"
@ -296,9 +296,6 @@
"from": "From",
"to": "To",
"generator": "Generator",
"generate": "Generate",
"classification": "Classification",
"skip": "Skip",
"all": "All"
"generate": "Generate"
@ -88,11 +88,6 @@
"shipment": "Shipment",
"visibility (addendum)": "Visibility (specific to field)",
"museum": "Link with a museum",
"publication": "Publication",
"document": "Document",
"link_place": "Linked a place",
"link_time": "Linked a time",
"categorization": "Categorization",
"measurement": "Measurement"
"publication": "Publication"
@ -54,8 +54,6 @@
"link_a_contributor": "Link a contributor",
"contributor_explica": "Here contributors to the exhibition can be linked. Once the contributor can be found in the controlled vocabulary, they can be searched and selected by typing in the input field. To select, click on the respective entry in the drop-down list that appears as you type.",
"upcoming_exhibitions": "Upcoming exhibitions",
"ongoing_exhibitions": "Ongoing exhibitions",
"link_a_place": "Link a place",
"link_a_time": "Link a time"
"ongoing_exhibitions": "Ongoing exhibitions"
@ -46,16 +46,6 @@
"base_data": "Basic information about the literature entry",
"linked_objects": "Linked objects",
"no_literature": "No literature entries yet",
"no_literature_text": "No literature entry has been added for your museum yet (hence, we cannot list any). You may:",
"series": "Series",
"series_explica": "Name of the series of books a book has been published in.",
"editor": "Editor",
"editor_explica": "Name of the editor or editors, e.g. for editors of a collected volume.",
"volume": "Volume",
"volume_explica": "Volume number e.g. in a series or of a journal.",
"issue": "Issue",
"issue_explica": "Number of the issue (e.g. for journal articles).",
"issn": "ISSN",
"issn_explica": "International Standard Serial Number (ISSN)"
"no_literature_text": "No literature entry has been added for your museum yet (hence, we cannot list any). You may:"
@ -159,13 +159,6 @@
"faq_entry_has_been_added": "A new FAQ entry has been added",
"faq_entry_has_been_deleted": "The FAQ entry has been deleted",
"faq_information_updated": "The FAQ entry has been updated",
"institution_external_id": "ID with external institutions",
"survey_basic_institution_type": "Please select the type of your institution",
"survey_estimated_of_objects": "How many objects comprise the museum's collections (estimation)",
"survey_collection_focus_areas": "Please select the main topical foci of your collection",
"survey_exhibition_space": "How large is your exhibition space (sqm)?",
"survey_md_use_case": "What does your institution use museum-digital for?",
"survey_intro": "Every now and than questions about who is actually using museum-digital arise. Thus far we ourselves can only guess or provide case studies but there is no quantifiable data available. To remidy this situation please help us by giving some basic information about your institution.",
"survey_public_private_type": "Is your institution a privately-run or a public institution?"
"institution_external_id": "ID with external institutions"
@ -104,8 +104,7 @@
"click_to_jump_by_number": "Click to enter and navigate to a position in the pagination by a number.",
"prev_next_disabled_for_this_type": "Navigating to the previous or next object is disabled for string-based sort options",
"this_is_final_object": "This is the final object",
"updated_by": "Object updated by",
"prepend_text": "Prepend text"
"updated_by": "Object updated by"
"objekt": {
"assign_results": "Assign results",
@ -364,9 +364,7 @@
"emergency_priority_determined_at": "Emergency priority determined at",
"emergency_priority_determined_at_explica": "Date the emergency priority was determined at.",
"generate_inventory_number": "Generate inventory number",
"transfer_invno_suggestion": "Transfer inventory number suggestion",
"scan_inventory_number": "Scan inventory number",
"main_measurement_types": "Basic types"
"transfer_invno_suggestion": "Transfer inventory number suggestion"
"ortart": [
@ -156,15 +156,6 @@
"work_title_explica": "Your title at work.",
"work_department": "Department",
"work_department_explica": "Your department at the museum.",
"user_rights_export": "Exports",
"force_pw_reset": "Force user to reset their password on their next login",
"force_user_mail_confirmation": "Force user to confirm their mail address (the account is locked until the confirmation)",
"user_is_currently_required_to_reset_pw": "This user is currently required to reset their password",
"user_is_currently_required_to_confirm_mail_address": "This user is currently required to confirm their mail address before they can log in again",
"access_to_nodac": "Access to nodac",
"access_to_statements": "Access to statements",
"disable_adding_to_vocabs": "Disable adding to vocabs",
"disable_adding_to_vocabs_explica": "If enabled, this user account cannot be used anymore to enter new entries to the controlled vocabularies. This may be useful to stop colleagues who repeatedly enter wrong \/ unidentifiable \/ rule-contradicting vocabulary entries.",
"remove_remember_me_tokens": "Remove all remembered logins"
"user_rights_export": "Exports"
@ -296,9 +296,6 @@
"from": "From",
"to": "To",
"generator": "Generator",
"generate": "Generate",
"classification": "Classification",
"skip": "Skip",
"all": "All"
"generate": "Generate"
@ -88,11 +88,6 @@
"shipment": "Shipment",
"visibility (addendum)": "Visibility (specific to field)",
"museum": "Link with a museum",
"publication": "Publication",
"document": "Document",
"link_place": "Linked a place",
"link_time": "Linked a time",
"categorization": "Categorization",
"measurement": "Measurement"
"publication": "Publication"
@ -54,8 +54,6 @@
"link_a_contributor": "Ajouter de nouveaux participants",
"contributor_explica": "Vous pouvez ajouter d'autres participants du r\u00e9pertoire personnel ici. Si un(e) participant(e) est d\u00e9j\u00e0 enregistr\u00e9(e) dans le r\u00e9pertoire personnel, il ou elle peut \u00eatre s\u00e9lectionn\u00e9(e) dans la liste d\u00e9roulante, qui s'affiche en appuyant dans le champ de saisie.",
"upcoming_exhibitions": "Upcoming exhibitions",
"ongoing_exhibitions": "Ongoing exhibitions",
"link_a_place": "Link a place",
"link_a_time": "Link a time"
"ongoing_exhibitions": "Ongoing exhibitions"
@ -46,16 +46,6 @@
"base_data": "Donn\u00e9es de base concernant l\u2019entr\u00e9e de la documentation",
"linked_objects": "Objets associ\u00e9s",
"no_literature": "Aucune documentation pour l\u2019instant",
"no_literature_text": "Aucune documentation n\u2019a encore \u00e9t\u00e9 saisie pour votre mus\u00e9e (nous ne pouvons donc pas en r\u00e9pertorier). Vous pouvez :",
"series": "Series",
"series_explica": "Name of the series of books a book has been published in.",
"editor": "Editor",
"editor_explica": "Name of the editor or editors, e.g. for editors of a collected volume.",
"volume": "Volume",
"volume_explica": "Volume number e.g. in a series or of a journal.",
"issue": "Issue",
"issue_explica": "Number of the issue (e.g. for journal articles).",
"issn": "ISSN",
"issn_explica": "International Standard Serial Number (ISSN)"
"no_literature_text": "Aucune documentation n\u2019a encore \u00e9t\u00e9 saisie pour votre mus\u00e9e (nous ne pouvons donc pas en r\u00e9pertorier). Vous pouvez :"
@ -159,13 +159,6 @@
"faq_entry_has_been_added": "Une nouvelle entr\u00e9e de FAQ a \u00e9t\u00e9 ajout\u00e9e",
"faq_entry_has_been_deleted": "L\u2019entr\u00e9e de FAQ a \u00e9t\u00e9 supprim\u00e9e",
"faq_information_updated": "L\u2019entr\u00e9e de FAQ a \u00e9t\u00e9 \u00e9dit\u00e9e",
"institution_external_id": "ID with external institutions",
"survey_basic_institution_type": "Please select the type of your institution",
"survey_estimated_of_objects": "How many objects comprise the museum's collections (estimation)",
"survey_collection_focus_areas": "Please select the main topical foci of your collection",
"survey_exhibition_space": "How large is your exhibition space (sqm)?",
"survey_md_use_case": "What does your institution use museum-digital for?",
"survey_intro": "Every now and than questions about who is actually using museum-digital arise. Thus far we ourselves can only guess or provide case studies but there is no quantifiable data available. To remidy this situation please help us by giving some basic information about your institution.",
"survey_public_private_type": "Is your institution a privately-run or a public institution?"
"institution_external_id": "ID with external institutions"
@ -104,8 +104,7 @@
"click_to_jump_by_number": "Click to enter and navigate to a position in the pagination by a number.",
"prev_next_disabled_for_this_type": "Navigating to the previous or next object is disabled for string-based sort options",
"this_is_final_object": "This is the final object",
"updated_by": "Object updated by",
"prepend_text": "Prepend text"
"updated_by": "Object updated by"
"objekt": {
"assign_results": "Associer un r\u00e9sultat",
@ -364,9 +364,7 @@
"emergency_priority_determined_at": "Emergency priority determined at",
"emergency_priority_determined_at_explica": "Date the emergency priority was determined at.",
"generate_inventory_number": "Generate inventory number",
"transfer_invno_suggestion": "Transfer inventory number suggestion",
"scan_inventory_number": "Scan inventory number",
"main_measurement_types": "Basic types"
"transfer_invno_suggestion": "Transfer inventory number suggestion"
"ortart": [
@ -156,15 +156,6 @@
"work_title_explica": "Your title at work.",
"work_department": "Department",
"work_department_explica": "Your department at the museum.",
"user_rights_export": "Exports",
"force_pw_reset": "Force user to reset their password on their next login",
"force_user_mail_confirmation": "Force user to confirm their mail address (the account is locked until the confirmation)",
"user_is_currently_required_to_reset_pw": "This user is currently required to reset their password",
"user_is_currently_required_to_confirm_mail_address": "This user is currently required to confirm their mail address before they can log in again",
"access_to_nodac": "Access to nodac",
"access_to_statements": "Access to statements",
"disable_adding_to_vocabs": "Disable adding to vocabs",
"disable_adding_to_vocabs_explica": "If enabled, this user account cannot be used anymore to enter new entries to the controlled vocabularies. This may be useful to stop colleagues who repeatedly enter wrong \/ unidentifiable \/ rule-contradicting vocabulary entries.",
"remove_remember_me_tokens": "Remove all remembered logins"
"user_rights_export": "Exports"
@ -296,9 +296,6 @@
"from": "From",
"to": "To",
"generator": "Generator",
"generate": "Generate",
"classification": "Classification",
"skip": "Skip",
"all": "All"
"generate": "Generate"
@ -88,11 +88,6 @@
"shipment": "Shipment",
"visibility (addendum)": "Visibility (specific to field)",
"museum": "Link with a museum",
"publication": "Publication",
"document": "Document",
"link_place": "Linked a place",
"link_time": "Linked a time",
"categorization": "Categorization",
"measurement": "Measurement"
"publication": "Publication"
@ -54,8 +54,6 @@
"link_a_contributor": "Link a contributor",
"contributor_explica": "Here contributors to the exhibition can be linked. Once the contributor can be found in the controlled vocabulary, they can be searched and selected by typing in the input field. To select, click on the respective entry in the drop-down list that appears as you type.",
"upcoming_exhibitions": "Upcoming exhibitions",
"ongoing_exhibitions": "Ongoing exhibitions",
"link_a_place": "Link a place",
"link_a_time": "Link a time"
"ongoing_exhibitions": "Ongoing exhibitions"
@ -46,16 +46,6 @@
"base_data": "Basisdaten zum Literatureintrag",
"linked_objects": "Verkn\u00fcpfte Objekte",
"no_literature": "Noch keine Literatur",
"no_literature_text": "Es wurde noch keine Literatur f\u00fcr Ihr Museum hinzugef\u00fcgt (entsprechend k\u00f6nnen wir keine Auflisten). Sie k\u00f6nnen:",
"series": "Series",
"series_explica": "Name of the series of books a book has been published in.",
"editor": "Editor",
"editor_explica": "Name of the editor or editors, e.g. for editors of a collected volume.",
"volume": "Volume",
"volume_explica": "Volume number e.g. in a series or of a journal.",
"issue": "Issue",
"issue_explica": "Number of the issue (e.g. for journal articles).",
"issn": "ISSN",
"issn_explica": "International Standard Serial Number (ISSN)"
"no_literature_text": "Es wurde noch keine Literatur f\u00fcr Ihr Museum hinzugef\u00fcgt (entsprechend k\u00f6nnen wir keine Auflisten). Sie k\u00f6nnen:"
@ -159,13 +159,6 @@
"faq_entry_has_been_added": "A new FAQ entry has been added",
"faq_entry_has_been_deleted": "The FAQ entry has been deleted",
"faq_information_updated": "The FAQ entry has been updated",
"institution_external_id": "ID with external institutions",
"survey_basic_institution_type": "Please select the type of your institution",
"survey_estimated_of_objects": "How many objects comprise the museum's collections (estimation)",
"survey_collection_focus_areas": "Please select the main topical foci of your collection",
"survey_exhibition_space": "How large is your exhibition space (sqm)?",
"survey_md_use_case": "What does your institution use museum-digital for?",
"survey_intro": "Every now and than questions about who is actually using museum-digital arise. Thus far we ourselves can only guess or provide case studies but there is no quantifiable data available. To remidy this situation please help us by giving some basic information about your institution.",
"survey_public_private_type": "Is your institution a privately-run or a public institution?"
"institution_external_id": "ID with external institutions"
@ -104,8 +104,7 @@
"click_to_jump_by_number": "Click to enter and navigate to a position in the pagination by a number.",
"prev_next_disabled_for_this_type": "Navigating to the previous or next object is disabled for string-based sort options",
"this_is_final_object": "This is the final object",
"updated_by": "Object updated by",
"prepend_text": "Prepend text"
"updated_by": "Object updated by"
"objekt": {
"assign_results": "Treffer zuordnen",
@ -364,9 +364,7 @@
"emergency_priority_determined_at": "Emergency priority determined at",
"emergency_priority_determined_at_explica": "Date the emergency priority was determined at.",
"generate_inventory_number": "Generate inventory number",
"transfer_invno_suggestion": "Transfer inventory number suggestion",
"scan_inventory_number": "Scan inventory number",
"main_measurement_types": "Basic types"
"transfer_invno_suggestion": "Transfer inventory number suggestion"
"ortart": [
@ -156,15 +156,6 @@
"work_title_explica": "Your title at work.",
"work_department": "Department",
"work_department_explica": "Your department at the museum.",
"user_rights_export": "Exports",
"force_pw_reset": "Force user to reset their password on their next login",
"force_user_mail_confirmation": "Force user to confirm their mail address (the account is locked until the confirmation)",
"user_is_currently_required_to_reset_pw": "This user is currently required to reset their password",
"user_is_currently_required_to_confirm_mail_address": "This user is currently required to confirm their mail address before they can log in again",
"access_to_nodac": "Access to nodac",
"access_to_statements": "Access to statements",
"disable_adding_to_vocabs": "Disable adding to vocabs",
"disable_adding_to_vocabs_explica": "If enabled, this user account cannot be used anymore to enter new entries to the controlled vocabularies. This may be useful to stop colleagues who repeatedly enter wrong \/ unidentifiable \/ rule-contradicting vocabulary entries.",
"remove_remember_me_tokens": "Remove all remembered logins"
"user_rights_export": "Exports"
@ -296,9 +296,6 @@
"from": "St\u00e1tuszr\u00f3l",
"to": "St\u00e1tuszra",
"generator": "Lelt\u00e1ri sz\u00e1m gener\u00e1l\u00f3",
"generate": "Gener\u00e1l",
"classification": "Klasszifik\u00e1ci\u00f3",
"skip": "Kihagy",
"all": "\u00d6sszes"
"generate": "Gener\u00e1l"
@ -88,11 +88,6 @@
"shipment": "Shipment",
"visibility (addendum)": "Visibility (specific to field)",
"museum": "Link with a museum",
"publication": "Publik\u00e1ci\u00f3",
"document": "Document",
"link_place": "Linked a place",
"link_time": "Linked a time",
"categorization": "Categorization",
"measurement": "Measurement"
"publication": "Publik\u00e1ci\u00f3"
@ -54,8 +54,6 @@
"link_a_contributor": "K\u00f6zrem\u0171k\u00f6d\u0151 megad\u00e1sa",
"contributor_explica": "Ha a k\u00f6zrem\u0171k\u00f6d\u0151 megtal\u00e1lhat\u00f3 az ellen\u0151rz\u00f6tt adatb\u00e1zisban, akkor a beviteli mez\u0151be kereshet\u0151 \u00e9s kiv\u00e1laszthat\u00f3. A kiv\u00e1laszt\u00e1shoz kattintson a megfelel\u0151 bejegyz\u00e9sre. Amennyiben a keresett szem\u00e9ly \/ int\u00e9zm\u00e9ny m\u00e9g nem szerepel a list\u00e1ban, az enter lenyom\u00e1s\u00e1val adja hozz\u00e1 az adatb\u00e1zishoz.",
"upcoming_exhibitions": "K\u00f6zelg\u0151 ki\u00e1ll\u00edt\u00e1sok",
"ongoing_exhibitions": "L\u00e1togathat\u00f3 ki\u00e1ll\u00edt\u00e1sok",
"link_a_place": "Link a place",
"link_a_time": "Link a time"
"ongoing_exhibitions": "L\u00e1togathat\u00f3 ki\u00e1ll\u00edt\u00e1sok"
@ -46,16 +46,6 @@
"base_data": "Alapinform\u00e1ci\u00f3k a szakirodalmi vonatkoz\u00e1sr\u00f3l",
"linked_objects": "Kapcsol\u00f3d\u00f3 t\u00e1rgyak",
"no_literature": "Nincs m\u00e9g felv\u00e9ve szakirodalmi vonatkoz\u00e1s",
"no_literature_text": "Nincs m\u00e9g szakirodalmi vonatkoz\u00e1s a m\u00fazeumhoz rendelve. Tov\u00e1bbi lehet\u0151s\u00e9gek:",
"series": "Series",
"series_explica": "Name of the series of books a book has been published in.",
"editor": "Editor",
"editor_explica": "Name of the editor or editors, e.g. for editors of a collected volume.",
"volume": "Volume",
"volume_explica": "Volume number e.g. in a series or of a journal.",
"issue": "Issue",
"issue_explica": "Number of the issue (e.g. for journal articles).",
"issn": "ISSN",
"issn_explica": "International Standard Serial Number (ISSN)"
"no_literature_text": "Nincs m\u00e9g szakirodalmi vonatkoz\u00e1s a m\u00fazeumhoz rendelve. Tov\u00e1bbi lehet\u0151s\u00e9gek:"
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"tlLoans": {
"partner_institution": "Partnerint\u00e9zm\u00e9ny",
"partner_institution": "Partner int\u00e9z\u00e9ny",
"partner_institution_explica": "A haszonk\u00f6lcs\u00f6nt ig\u00e9nyl\u0151 partnerint\u00e9zm\u00e9ny. A kapcsolatok adatb\u00e1zis alapj\u00e1n.",
"partner_contact_person": "Kapcsolattart\u00f3 szem\u00e9ly",
"partner_contact_person_explica": "Kapcsolattart\u00f3 szem\u00e9ly a haszonk\u00f6lcs\u00f6nt ig\u00e9nyl\u0151 partnerint\u00e9zm\u00e9nyben.",
@ -159,13 +159,6 @@
"faq_entry_has_been_added": "\u00daj GYIK hozz\u00e1adva",
"faq_entry_has_been_deleted": "GYIK t\u00f6r\u00f6lve",
"faq_information_updated": "GYIK friss\u00edtve",
"institution_external_id": "Azonos\u00edt\u00e1s k\u00fcls\u0151 int\u00e9zm\u00e9nyekkel",
"survey_basic_institution_type": "V\u00e1lassza ki az int\u00e9zm\u00e9ny t\u00edpus\u00e1t",
"survey_estimated_of_objects": "H\u00e1ny t\u00e1rgyb\u00f3l \u00e1ll a m\u00fazeum gy\u0171jtem\u00e9nye (becsl\u00e9s)?",
"survey_collection_focus_areas": "V\u00e1lassza ki a gy\u0171jtem\u00e9nyek f\u0151 t\u00e9mak\u00f6reit.",
"survey_exhibition_space": "Mekkora a ki\u00e1ll\u00edt\u00f3terek ter\u00fclete (m\u00b2)? ",
"survey_md_use_case": "Mire haszn\u00e1lja a M\u00fazeumDigit\u00e1rt?",
"survey_intro": "A M\u00fazeumDigit\u00e1r fejleszt\u0151i sz\u00e1m\u00e1ra nagyon hasznos ha van r\u00e1l\u00e1t\u00e1suk, hogy milyen int\u00e9zm\u00e9nyek haszn\u00e1lj\u00e1k szoftvert. Esettanulm\u00e1nyok m\u00e1r sz\u00fclettek, de sz\u00e1mszer\u0171s\u00edthet\u0151 adatok nem \u00e1llnak rendelkez\u00e9sre. K\u00e9rj\u00fck, seg\u00edtsen azzal, hogy megad n\u00e9h\u00e1ny alapvet\u0151 inform\u00e1ci\u00f3t int\u00e9zm\u00e9ny\u00e9r\u0151l!",
"survey_public_private_type": "Az \u00d6n int\u00e9zm\u00e9nye mag\u00e1n- vagy k\u00f6zint\u00e9zm\u00e9ny?"
"institution_external_id": "Azonos\u00edt\u00e1s k\u00fcls\u0151 int\u00e9zm\u00e9nyekkel"
@ -104,8 +104,7 @@
"click_to_jump_by_number": "Navig\u00e1ljon egy poz\u00edci\u00f3hoz a lapsz\u00e1moz\u00e1sban egy sz\u00e1m megad\u00e1s\u00e1nak a seg\u00edts\u00e9g\u00e9vel.",
"prev_next_disabled_for_this_type": "Az el\u0151z\u0151 vagy k\u00f6vetkez\u0151 t\u00e1rgyra val\u00f3 navig\u00e1l\u00e1s letiltva a karakterl\u00e1nc-alap\u00fa rendez\u00e9si be\u00e1ll\u00edt\u00e1sokn\u00e1l.",
"this_is_final_object": "Ez a v\u00e9gs\u0151 t\u00e1rgy.",
"updated_by": "A t\u00e1rgyat friss\u00edtette",
"prepend_text": "Prepend text"
"updated_by": "A t\u00e1rgyat friss\u00edtette"
"objekt": {
"assign_results": "Hozz\u00e1rendel\u00e9s ",
@ -364,9 +364,7 @@
"emergency_priority_determined_at": "V\u00e9szhelyzeti priorit\u00e1s megadva",
"emergency_priority_determined_at_explica": "A v\u00e9szhelyzeti priorit\u00e1s meghat\u00e1roz\u00e1s\u00e1nak d\u00e1tuma.",
"generate_inventory_number": "Lelt\u00e1ri sz\u00e1m gener\u00e1l\u00e1sa",
"transfer_invno_suggestion": "Lelt\u00e1ri sz\u00e1m kioszt\u00e1sa",
"scan_inventory_number": "Lelt\u00e1ri sz\u00e1m szkennel\u00e9se",
"main_measurement_types": "Alapvet\u0151 "
"transfer_invno_suggestion": "Lelt\u00e1ri sz\u00e1m kioszt\u00e1sa"
"ortart": [
@ -156,15 +156,6 @@
"work_title_explica": "Your title at work.",
"work_department": "Department",
"work_department_explica": "Your department at the museum.",
"user_rights_export": "Exports",
"force_pw_reset": "Force user to reset their password on their next login",
"force_user_mail_confirmation": "Force user to confirm their mail address (the account is locked until the confirmation)",
"user_is_currently_required_to_reset_pw": "This user is currently required to reset their password",
"user_is_currently_required_to_confirm_mail_address": "This user is currently required to confirm their mail address before they can log in again",
"access_to_nodac": "Access to nodac",
"access_to_statements": "Access to statements",
"disable_adding_to_vocabs": "Disable adding to vocabs",
"disable_adding_to_vocabs_explica": "If enabled, this user account cannot be used anymore to enter new entries to the controlled vocabularies. This may be useful to stop colleagues who repeatedly enter wrong \/ unidentifiable \/ rule-contradicting vocabulary entries.",
"remove_remember_me_tokens": "Remove all remembered logins"
"user_rights_export": "Exports"
@ -296,9 +296,6 @@
"from": "From",
"to": "To",
"generator": "Generator",
"generate": "Generate",
"classification": "Classification",
"skip": "Skip",
"all": "All"
"generate": "Generate"
@ -88,11 +88,6 @@
"shipment": "Shipment",
"visibility (addendum)": "Visibility (specific to field)",
"museum": "Link with a museum",
"publication": "Publication",
"document": "Document",
"link_place": "Linked a place",
"link_time": "Linked a time",
"categorization": "Categorization",
"measurement": "Measurement"
"publication": "Publication"
@ -54,8 +54,6 @@
"link_a_contributor": "Link a contributor",
"contributor_explica": "Here contributors to the exhibition can be linked. Once the contributor can be found in the controlled vocabulary, they can be searched and selected by typing in the input field. To select, click on the respective entry in the drop-down list that appears as you type.",
"upcoming_exhibitions": "Upcoming exhibitions",
"ongoing_exhibitions": "Ongoing exhibitions",
"link_a_place": "Link a place",
"link_a_time": "Link a time"
"ongoing_exhibitions": "Ongoing exhibitions"
@ -46,16 +46,6 @@
"base_data": "Informasi dasar karya sastra",
"linked_objects": "Benda yang terkait",
"no_literature": "Belum ada masukan sastra",
"no_literature_text": "Belum ada masukan sastra untuk museum anda. Bisa:",
"series": "Series",
"series_explica": "Name of the series of books a book has been published in.",
"editor": "Editor",
"editor_explica": "Name of the editor or editors, e.g. for editors of a collected volume.",
"volume": "Volume",
"volume_explica": "Volume number e.g. in a series or of a journal.",
"issue": "Issue",
"issue_explica": "Number of the issue (e.g. for journal articles).",
"issn": "ISSN",
"issn_explica": "International Standard Serial Number (ISSN)"
"no_literature_text": "Belum ada masukan sastra untuk museum anda. Bisa:"
@ -159,13 +159,6 @@
"faq_entry_has_been_added": "A new FAQ entry has been added",
"faq_entry_has_been_deleted": "The FAQ entry has been deleted",
"faq_information_updated": "The FAQ entry has been updated",
"institution_external_id": "ID with external institutions",
"survey_basic_institution_type": "Please select the type of your institution",
"survey_estimated_of_objects": "How many objects comprise the museum's collections (estimation)",
"survey_collection_focus_areas": "Please select the main topical foci of your collection",
"survey_exhibition_space": "How large is your exhibition space (sqm)?",
"survey_md_use_case": "What does your institution use museum-digital for?",
"survey_intro": "Every now and than questions about who is actually using museum-digital arise. Thus far we ourselves can only guess or provide case studies but there is no quantifiable data available. To remidy this situation please help us by giving some basic information about your institution.",
"survey_public_private_type": "Is your institution a privately-run or a public institution?"
"institution_external_id": "ID with external institutions"
@ -104,8 +104,7 @@
"click_to_jump_by_number": "Click to enter and navigate to a position in the pagination by a number.",
"prev_next_disabled_for_this_type": "Navigating to the previous or next object is disabled for string-based sort options",
"this_is_final_object": "This is the final object",
"updated_by": "Object updated by",
"prepend_text": "Prepend text"
"updated_by": "Object updated by"
"objekt": {
"assign_results": "Kaitkan hasil dengan",
@ -364,9 +364,7 @@
"emergency_priority_determined_at": "Emergency priority determined at",
"emergency_priority_determined_at_explica": "Date the emergency priority was determined at.",
"generate_inventory_number": "Generate inventory number",
"transfer_invno_suggestion": "Transfer inventory number suggestion",
"scan_inventory_number": "Scan inventory number",
"main_measurement_types": "Basic types"
"transfer_invno_suggestion": "Transfer inventory number suggestion"
"ortart": [
@ -156,15 +156,6 @@
"work_title_explica": "Your title at work.",
"work_department": "Department",
"work_department_explica": "Your department at the museum.",
"user_rights_export": "Exports",
"force_pw_reset": "Force user to reset their password on their next login",
"force_user_mail_confirmation": "Force user to confirm their mail address (the account is locked until the confirmation)",
"user_is_currently_required_to_reset_pw": "This user is currently required to reset their password",
"user_is_currently_required_to_confirm_mail_address": "This user is currently required to confirm their mail address before they can log in again",
"access_to_nodac": "Access to nodac",
"access_to_statements": "Access to statements",
"disable_adding_to_vocabs": "Disable adding to vocabs",
"disable_adding_to_vocabs_explica": "If enabled, this user account cannot be used anymore to enter new entries to the controlled vocabularies. This may be useful to stop colleagues who repeatedly enter wrong \/ unidentifiable \/ rule-contradicting vocabulary entries.",
"remove_remember_me_tokens": "Remove all remembered logins"
"user_rights_export": "Exports"
@ -296,9 +296,6 @@
"from": "From",
"to": "To",
"generator": "Generator",
"generate": "Generate",
"classification": "Classification",
"skip": "Skip",
"all": "All"
"generate": "Generate"
@ -88,11 +88,6 @@
"shipment": "Shipment",
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"publication": "Publication",
"document": "Document",
"link_place": "Linked a place",
"link_time": "Linked a time",
"categorization": "Categorization",
"measurement": "Measurement"
"publication": "Publication"
@ -54,8 +54,6 @@
"link_a_contributor": "Link a contributor",
"contributor_explica": "Here contributors to the exhibition can be linked. Once the contributor can be found in the controlled vocabulary, they can be searched and selected by typing in the input field. To select, click on the respective entry in the drop-down list that appears as you type.",
"upcoming_exhibitions": "Upcoming exhibitions",
"ongoing_exhibitions": "Ongoing exhibitions",
"link_a_place": "Link a place",
"link_a_time": "Link a time"
"ongoing_exhibitions": "Ongoing exhibitions"
@ -46,16 +46,6 @@
"base_data": "Basic information about the literature entry",
"linked_objects": "Linked objects",
"no_literature": "No literature entries yet",
"no_literature_text": "No literature entry has been added for your museum yet (hence, we cannot list any). You may:",
"series": "Series",
"series_explica": "Name of the series of books a book has been published in.",
"editor": "Editor",
"editor_explica": "Name of the editor or editors, e.g. for editors of a collected volume.",
"volume": "Volume",
"volume_explica": "Volume number e.g. in a series or of a journal.",
"issue": "Issue",
"issue_explica": "Number of the issue (e.g. for journal articles).",
"issn": "ISSN",
"issn_explica": "International Standard Serial Number (ISSN)"
"no_literature_text": "No literature entry has been added for your museum yet (hence, we cannot list any). You may:"
@ -159,13 +159,6 @@
"faq_entry_has_been_added": "A new FAQ entry has been added",
"faq_entry_has_been_deleted": "The FAQ entry has been deleted",
"faq_information_updated": "The FAQ entry has been updated",
"institution_external_id": "ID with external institutions",
"survey_basic_institution_type": "Please select the type of your institution",
"survey_estimated_of_objects": "How many objects comprise the museum's collections (estimation)",
"survey_collection_focus_areas": "Please select the main topical foci of your collection",
"survey_exhibition_space": "How large is your exhibition space (sqm)?",
"survey_md_use_case": "What does your institution use museum-digital for?",
"survey_intro": "Every now and than questions about who is actually using museum-digital arise. Thus far we ourselves can only guess or provide case studies but there is no quantifiable data available. To remidy this situation please help us by giving some basic information about your institution.",
"survey_public_private_type": "Is your institution a privately-run or a public institution?"
"institution_external_id": "ID with external institutions"
@ -104,8 +104,7 @@
"click_to_jump_by_number": "Click to enter and navigate to a position in the pagination by a number.",
"prev_next_disabled_for_this_type": "Navigating to the previous or next object is disabled for string-based sort options",
"this_is_final_object": "This is the final object",
"updated_by": "Object updated by",
"prepend_text": "Prepend text"
"updated_by": "Object updated by"
"objekt": {
"assign_results": "Assign results",
@ -364,9 +364,7 @@
"emergency_priority_determined_at": "Emergency priority determined at",
"emergency_priority_determined_at_explica": "Date the emergency priority was determined at.",
"generate_inventory_number": "Generate inventory number",
"transfer_invno_suggestion": "Transfer inventory number suggestion",
"scan_inventory_number": "Scan inventory number",
"main_measurement_types": "Basic types"
"transfer_invno_suggestion": "Transfer inventory number suggestion"
"ortart": [
@ -156,15 +156,6 @@
"work_title_explica": "Your title at work.",
"work_department": "Department",
"work_department_explica": "Your department at the museum.",
"user_rights_export": "Exports",
"force_pw_reset": "Force user to reset their password on their next login",
"force_user_mail_confirmation": "Force user to confirm their mail address (the account is locked until the confirmation)",
"user_is_currently_required_to_reset_pw": "This user is currently required to reset their password",
"user_is_currently_required_to_confirm_mail_address": "This user is currently required to confirm their mail address before they can log in again",
"access_to_nodac": "Access to nodac",
"access_to_statements": "Access to statements",
"disable_adding_to_vocabs": "Disable adding to vocabs",
"disable_adding_to_vocabs_explica": "If enabled, this user account cannot be used anymore to enter new entries to the controlled vocabularies. This may be useful to stop colleagues who repeatedly enter wrong \/ unidentifiable \/ rule-contradicting vocabulary entries.",
"remove_remember_me_tokens": "Remove all remembered logins"
"user_rights_export": "Exports"
@ -296,9 +296,6 @@
"from": "From",
"to": "To",
"generator": "Generator",
"generate": "Generate",
"classification": "Classification",
"skip": "Skip",
"all": "All"
"generate": "Generate"
@ -88,11 +88,6 @@
"shipment": "Shipment",
"visibility (addendum)": "Visibility (specific to field)",
"museum": "Link with a museum",
"publication": "Publication",
"document": "Document",
"link_place": "Linked a place",
"link_time": "Linked a time",
"categorization": "Categorization",
"measurement": "Measurement"
"publication": "Publication"
@ -54,8 +54,6 @@
"link_a_contributor": "Link a contributor",
"contributor_explica": "Here contributors to the exhibition can be linked. Once the contributor can be found in the controlled vocabulary, they can be searched and selected by typing in the input field. To select, click on the respective entry in the drop-down list that appears as you type.",
"upcoming_exhibitions": "Upcoming exhibitions",
"ongoing_exhibitions": "Ongoing exhibitions",
"link_a_place": "Link a place",
"link_a_time": "Link a time"
"ongoing_exhibitions": "Ongoing exhibitions"
@ -46,16 +46,6 @@
"base_data": "Basic information about the literature entry",
"linked_objects": "Linked objects",
"no_literature": "No literature entries yet",
"no_literature_text": "No literature entry has been added for your museum yet (hence, we cannot list any). You may:",
"series": "Series",
"series_explica": "Name of the series of books a book has been published in.",
"editor": "Editor",
"editor_explica": "Name of the editor or editors, e.g. for editors of a collected volume.",
"volume": "Volume",
"volume_explica": "Volume number e.g. in a series or of a journal.",
"issue": "Issue",
"issue_explica": "Number of the issue (e.g. for journal articles).",
"issn": "ISSN",
"issn_explica": "International Standard Serial Number (ISSN)"
"no_literature_text": "No literature entry has been added for your museum yet (hence, we cannot list any). You may:"
@ -159,13 +159,6 @@
"faq_entry_has_been_added": "A new FAQ entry has been added",
"faq_entry_has_been_deleted": "The FAQ entry has been deleted",
"faq_information_updated": "The FAQ entry has been updated",
"institution_external_id": "ID with external institutions",
"survey_basic_institution_type": "Please select the type of your institution",
"survey_estimated_of_objects": "How many objects comprise the museum's collections (estimation)",
"survey_collection_focus_areas": "Please select the main topical foci of your collection",
"survey_exhibition_space": "How large is your exhibition space (sqm)?",
"survey_md_use_case": "What does your institution use museum-digital for?",
"survey_intro": "Every now and than questions about who is actually using museum-digital arise. Thus far we ourselves can only guess or provide case studies but there is no quantifiable data available. To remidy this situation please help us by giving some basic information about your institution.",
"survey_public_private_type": "Is your institution a privately-run or a public institution?"
"institution_external_id": "ID with external institutions"
@ -104,8 +104,7 @@
"click_to_jump_by_number": "Click to enter and navigate to a position in the pagination by a number.",
"prev_next_disabled_for_this_type": "Navigating to the previous or next object is disabled for string-based sort options",
"this_is_final_object": "This is the final object",
"updated_by": "Object updated by",
"prepend_text": "Prepend text"
"updated_by": "Object updated by"
"objekt": {
"assign_results": "Assign results",
@ -364,9 +364,7 @@
"emergency_priority_determined_at": "Emergency priority determined at",
"emergency_priority_determined_at_explica": "Date the emergency priority was determined at.",
"generate_inventory_number": "Generate inventory number",
"transfer_invno_suggestion": "Transfer inventory number suggestion",
"scan_inventory_number": "Scan inventory number",
"main_measurement_types": "Basic types"
"transfer_invno_suggestion": "Transfer inventory number suggestion"
"ortart": [
@ -156,15 +156,6 @@
"work_title_explica": "Your title at work.",
"work_department": "Department",
"work_department_explica": "Your department at the museum.",
"user_rights_export": "Exports",
"force_pw_reset": "Force user to reset their password on their next login",
"force_user_mail_confirmation": "Force user to confirm their mail address (the account is locked until the confirmation)",
"user_is_currently_required_to_reset_pw": "This user is currently required to reset their password",
"user_is_currently_required_to_confirm_mail_address": "This user is currently required to confirm their mail address before they can log in again",
"access_to_nodac": "Access to nodac",
"access_to_statements": "Access to statements",
"disable_adding_to_vocabs": "Disable adding to vocabs",
"disable_adding_to_vocabs_explica": "If enabled, this user account cannot be used anymore to enter new entries to the controlled vocabularies. This may be useful to stop colleagues who repeatedly enter wrong \/ unidentifiable \/ rule-contradicting vocabulary entries.",
"remove_remember_me_tokens": "Remove all remembered logins"
"user_rights_export": "Exports"
@ -296,9 +296,6 @@
"from": "From",
"to": "To",
"generator": "Generator",
"generate": "Generate",
"classification": "Classification",
"skip": "Skip",
"all": "All"
"generate": "Generate"
@ -88,11 +88,6 @@
"shipment": "Shipment",
"visibility (addendum)": "Visibility (specific to field)",
"museum": "Link with a museum",
"publication": "Publication",
"document": "Document",
"link_place": "Linked a place",
"link_time": "Linked a time",
"categorization": "Categorization",
"measurement": "Measurement"
"publication": "Publication"
@ -54,8 +54,6 @@
"link_a_contributor": "Link a contributor",
"contributor_explica": "Here contributors to the exhibition can be linked. Once the contributor can be found in the controlled vocabulary, they can be searched and selected by typing in the input field. To select, click on the respective entry in the drop-down list that appears as you type.",
"upcoming_exhibitions": "Upcoming exhibitions",
"ongoing_exhibitions": "Ongoing exhibitions",
"link_a_place": "Link a place",
"link_a_time": "Link a time"
"ongoing_exhibitions": "Ongoing exhibitions"
@ -46,16 +46,6 @@
"base_data": "Basic information about the literature entry",
"linked_objects": "Linked objects",
"no_literature": "No literature entries yet",
"no_literature_text": "No literature entry has been added for your museum yet (hence, we cannot list any). You may:",
"series": "Series",
"series_explica": "Name of the series of books a book has been published in.",
"editor": "Editor",
"editor_explica": "Name of the editor or editors, e.g. for editors of a collected volume.",
"volume": "Volume",
"volume_explica": "Volume number e.g. in a series or of a journal.",
"issue": "Issue",
"issue_explica": "Number of the issue (e.g. for journal articles).",
"issn": "ISSN",
"issn_explica": "International Standard Serial Number (ISSN)"
"no_literature_text": "No literature entry has been added for your museum yet (hence, we cannot list any). You may:"
@ -159,13 +159,6 @@
"faq_entry_has_been_added": "A new FAQ entry has been added",
"faq_entry_has_been_deleted": "The FAQ entry has been deleted",
"faq_information_updated": "The FAQ entry has been updated",
"institution_external_id": "ID with external institutions",
"survey_basic_institution_type": "Please select the type of your institution",
"survey_estimated_of_objects": "How many objects comprise the museum's collections (estimation)",
"survey_collection_focus_areas": "Please select the main topical foci of your collection",
"survey_exhibition_space": "How large is your exhibition space (sqm)?",
"survey_md_use_case": "What does your institution use museum-digital for?",
"survey_intro": "Every now and than questions about who is actually using museum-digital arise. Thus far we ourselves can only guess or provide case studies but there is no quantifiable data available. To remidy this situation please help us by giving some basic information about your institution.",
"survey_public_private_type": "Is your institution a privately-run or a public institution?"
"institution_external_id": "ID with external institutions"
@ -104,8 +104,7 @@
"click_to_jump_by_number": "Click to enter and navigate to a position in the pagination by a number.",
"prev_next_disabled_for_this_type": "Navigating to the previous or next object is disabled for string-based sort options",
"this_is_final_object": "This is the final object",
"updated_by": "Object updated by",
"prepend_text": "Prepend text"
"updated_by": "Object updated by"
"objekt": {
"assign_results": "Assign results",
@ -364,9 +364,7 @@
"emergency_priority_determined_at": "Emergency priority determined at",
"emergency_priority_determined_at_explica": "Date the emergency priority was determined at.",
"generate_inventory_number": "Generate inventory number",
"transfer_invno_suggestion": "Transfer inventory number suggestion",
"scan_inventory_number": "Scan inventory number",
"main_measurement_types": "Basic types"
"transfer_invno_suggestion": "Transfer inventory number suggestion"
"ortart": [
@ -156,15 +156,6 @@
"work_title_explica": "Your title at work.",
"work_department": "Department",
"work_department_explica": "Your department at the museum.",
"user_rights_export": "Exports",
"force_pw_reset": "Force user to reset their password on their next login",
"force_user_mail_confirmation": "Force user to confirm their mail address (the account is locked until the confirmation)",
"user_is_currently_required_to_reset_pw": "This user is currently required to reset their password",
"user_is_currently_required_to_confirm_mail_address": "This user is currently required to confirm their mail address before they can log in again",
"access_to_nodac": "Access to nodac",
"access_to_statements": "Access to statements",
"disable_adding_to_vocabs": "Disable adding to vocabs",
"disable_adding_to_vocabs_explica": "If enabled, this user account cannot be used anymore to enter new entries to the controlled vocabularies. This may be useful to stop colleagues who repeatedly enter wrong \/ unidentifiable \/ rule-contradicting vocabulary entries.",
"remove_remember_me_tokens": "Remove all remembered logins"
"user_rights_export": "Exports"
@ -296,9 +296,6 @@
"from": "From",
"to": "To",
"generator": "Generator",
"generate": "Generate",
"classification": "Classification",
"skip": "Skip",
"all": "All"
"generate": "Generate"
@ -88,11 +88,6 @@
"shipment": "Shipment",
"visibility (addendum)": "Visibility (specific to field)",
"museum": "Link with a museum",
"publication": "Publication",
"document": "Document",
"link_place": "Linked a place",
"link_time": "Linked a time",
"categorization": "Categorization",
"measurement": "Measurement"
"publication": "Publication"
@ -54,8 +54,6 @@
"link_a_contributor": "Link a contributor",
"contributor_explica": "Here contributors to the exhibition can be linked. Once the contributor can be found in the controlled vocabulary, they can be searched and selected by typing in the input field. To select, click on the respective entry in the drop-down list that appears as you type.",
"upcoming_exhibitions": "Upcoming exhibitions",
"ongoing_exhibitions": "Ongoing exhibitions",
"link_a_place": "Link a place",
"link_a_time": "Link a time"
"ongoing_exhibitions": "Ongoing exhibitions"
Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More
Reference in New Issue
Block a user