Stand 2018-11-15.
This commit is contained in:
@ -100,6 +100,7 @@
"quilt": "Flexibles Grid",
"options": "Optionen",
"newspapers_mailing_lists": "Newsletters and mailing lists",
"room": "Room"
"room": "Raum",
"image": "Bild"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
"tlNotifications": {
"loan_ended": "Leihverkehr beendet",
"With": "Mit",
"started": "Begonnen",
"ended": "Beendet",
"new_comment": "Neuer Diskussionsbeitrag",
"new_priv_msg_by": "Neue private Nachricht von ",
"dear": "Liebe\/r",
"this_week_news": "diese Woche gibt es bei museum-digital Nachrichten f\u00fcr Sie.",
"messages_from_admins": "Nachrichten vom Administratorenteam",
"loans_ending": "Auslaufende Leihverkehre",
"privMsgsChats": "Pers\u00f6nliche Nachrichten \/ Chats",
"comments": "Diskussionsbeitr\u00e4ge",
"news_unsubscribe": "Nachrichten per Mail abbestellen",
"news_unsubscribe_text": "Um diese Nachrichten nicht mehr zu erhalten, bitte loggen Sie sich ein und deaktivieren Sie die Benachrichtigungen in ihren Benutzereinstellungen",
"news_subject_line": "Neuigkeiten bei museum-digital:musdb",
"new_user": "Neuer Benutzer"
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
"create_pdfa4": "PDF erstellen (A4)",
"create_qr": "Erzeuge QR-Code",
"hide_object": "Verberge das Objekt",
"show_object": "Zeige das Objekt an",
"show_object": "Ver\u00f6ffentliche das Objekt ",
"cannot_be_published": "Keine Abbildung vorhanden<br>Objektanzeige unm\u00f6glich",
"export_it": "Objekt exportieren",
"add_to_watchlist": "Objekt merken",
@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
"object_basis": {
"inventory_number": "Inventarnummer",
"inv_explica": "Falls es f\u00fcr dieses Objekt keine Inventarnummer gibt, dann tragen Sie bitte \"o. Inv.\" oder \u00c4hnliches ein. Handelt es sich um eine Dauerleihgabe k\u00f6nnen Sie auch ein K\u00fcrzel f\u00fcr die leihgebende Einrichtung, die dortige Inventarnummer und den Vermerk \"(Leihgabe)\" eintragen.<br><br>Beispiel 1: \"G0904\"<br>Beispiel 2: \"A4711 (neu), SMH12 (alt)\"<br>Beispiel 3: \"KHM 1252 (Leihgabe)\"<br><br><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#660000;\">Bitte immer ausf\u00fcllen<\/b>",
"inv_explica": "Falls es f\u00fcr dieses Objekt keine Inventarnummer gibt, dann tragen Sie bitte \"o. Inv.\" oder \u00c4hnliches ein. Handelt es sich um eine Dauerleihgabe k\u00f6nnen Sie auch ein K\u00fcrzel f\u00fcr die leihgebende Einrichtung, die dortige Inventarnummer und den Vermerk \"(Leihgabe)\" eintragen.<br><br>Beispiel 1: \"G0904\"<br>Beispiel 2: \"A4711 (neu), SMH12 (alt)\"<br>Beispiel 3: \"KHM 1252 (Leihgabe)\"",
"object_type": "Objektart",
"oart_explica": "Von welcher Art ist das Objekt? Die Kategorie, zu der das Objekt gez\u00e4hlt werden kann ...<br><br>Beispiel 1: \"Gem\u00e4lde\"<br>Beispiel 2: \"Tierfalle\"<br><br>(Terminologische Kontrolle der Begriffe in diesem Feld durch Einbindung von Terminologien ist in Arbeit)<br><br><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#660000;\">Bitte immer ausf\u00fcllen<\/b>",
"oart_explica": "Von welcher Art ist das Objekt? Die Kategorie, zu der das Objekt gez\u00e4hlt werden kann ...<br><br>Beispiel 1: \"Gem\u00e4lde\"<br>Beispiel 2: \"Tierfalle\"<br><br>(Terminologische Kontrolle der Begriffe in diesem Feld durch Einbindung von Terminologien ist in Arbeit)",
"object_name": "Objekttitel",
"oname_explica": "Bezeichnung des einzelnen Objektes selbst. Objekttitel sind auf das jeweilige Objekt gem\u00fcnzt. Sie dienen auch dazu \"Vase\" von \"Vase\" unterscheiden zu k\u00f6nnen!<br><br>Beispiel 1: \"Selbstportr\u00e4t Adolf Senff\"<br>Beispiel 2: Brakteat (Ludolf von Kroppenstedt)<br><br>Der Objekttitel sollte in eine Bildschirmzeile passen. Bitte nur in Ausnahmef\u00e4llen mehr als 100 Zeichen<br><br><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#660000;\">Bitte immer ausf\u00fcllen<\/b>",
"oname_explica": "Bezeichnung des einzelnen Objektes selbst. Objekttitel sind auf das jeweilige Objekt gem\u00fcnzt. Sie dienen auch dazu \"Vase\" von \"Vase\" unterscheiden zu k\u00f6nnen!<br><br>Beispiel 1: \"Selbstportr\u00e4t Adolf Senff\"<br>Beispiel 2: Brakteat (Ludolf von Kroppenstedt)<br><br>Der Objekttitel sollte in eine Bildschirmzeile passen. Bitte nur in Ausnahmef\u00e4llen mehr als 100 Zeichen.",
"description": "Beschreibung",
"obesch_explica": "Allgemein verst\u00e4ndliche Beschreibung des Objektes in zwei bis drei Abs\u00e4tzen. Bitte verwenden Sie m\u00f6glichst wenige Abk\u00fcrzungen und f\u00fcgen an unbekanntere Abk\u00fcrzungen deren Aufl\u00f6sung in Klammern an.<br><br>Redundanzen sind erlaubt! D.h. auch wenn \u00fcber Ereignisse Herstellungszeiten, -orte oder \u00c4hnliches angegeben werden: Es darf hier noch einmal genannt werden. Wenn m\u00f6glich sollte die \"deskriptive Form\" gew\u00e4hlt werden, d.h. S\u00e4tze statt Stichworten.<br><br><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#660000;\">Bitte immer ausf\u00fcllen<\/b>",
"obesch_explica": "Allgemein verst\u00e4ndliche Beschreibung des Objektes in zwei bis drei Abs\u00e4tzen. Bitte verwenden Sie m\u00f6glichst wenige Abk\u00fcrzungen und f\u00fcgen an unbekanntere Abk\u00fcrzungen deren Aufl\u00f6sung in Klammern an.<br><br>Redundanzen sind erlaubt! D.h. auch wenn \u00fcber Ereignisse Herstellungszeiten, -orte oder \u00c4hnliches angegeben werden: Es darf hier noch einmal genannt werden. Wenn m\u00f6glich sollte die \"deskriptive Form\" gew\u00e4hlt werden, d.h. S\u00e4tze statt Stichworten.",
"mattech": "Material \/ Technik",
"mattech_explica": "Angaben zum Material aus dem das Objekt besteht und zur Technik auf deren Anwendung es basiert.<br><br>Nur ausf\u00fcllen, wenn bekannt: Darf leer bleiben",
"mattech_explica": "Angaben zum Material aus dem das Objekt besteht und zur Technik auf deren Anwendung es basiert.<br\/><br\/>Getrennte Angaben (etwa zur Inventarisierung) k\u00f6nnen auf der Registerkarte \"Zusatz\" eingetragen und automatisch in dieses Feld \u00fcbertragen werden.",
"measurements": "Ma\u00dfe",
"ausmass_explica": "Keine exakte Schreibvorschrift. Aber: Bitte geben Sie immer auch eine Ma\u00dfeinheit an. Halten Sie die Eintr\u00e4ge bitte kurz. Abk\u00fcrzungen sind an dieser Stelle erlaubt<br><br>Beispiel 1: \"LxBxH 95 x 15 x 150 mm\"<br>Beispiel 2: \"Innendurchm.: 4,8 mm; Wand.: 2 mm; H: 5,2 cm\"<br><br><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#006600;\">Sollte ausgef\u00fcllt werden<\/b>",
"ausmass_explica": "Keine exakte Schreibvorschrift. Aber: Bitte geben Sie immer auch eine Ma\u00dfeinheit an. Halten Sie die Eintr\u00e4ge bitte kurz. Abk\u00fcrzungen sind an dieser Stelle erlaubt<br><br>Beispiel 1: \"LxBxH 95 x 15 x 150 mm\"<br>Beispiel 2: \"Innendurchm.: 4,8 mm; Wand.: 2 mm; H: 5,2 cm\".<br\/><br\/>Getrennte Angaben (etwa zur Inventarisierung) k\u00f6nnen auf der Registerkarte \"Zusatz\" eingetragen und automatisch in dieses Feld \u00fcbertragen werden.",
"no_inventory_number": "Bitte eine Inventarnummer eingeben!<\/p><p class=\"ohne\">[Falls keine Inventarnummer vorhanden, dann geben bitte \"o.Inv.\" eingeben]",
"no_object_type": "Bitte die Objektart angeben<\/p><p class=\"ohne\">[Jedes Ding ist von einer Art! Wird dringend f\u00fcr Klassifikationen und Navigation ben\u00f6tigt. Bsp: \"Backmodel\"]",
"no_object_name": "Bitte eine Objektbezeichnung eingeben!<\/p><p class=\"ohne\">[Wie hei\u00dft das konkrete Objekt? Ein konkretes Ding braucht einen konkreten Namen. Bitte sehr lange Bezeichnungen (>200 Zeichen) vermeiden.]",
@ -34,6 +34,6 @@
"exact": "Exakt",
"base_data": "Basisdaten zum Objekt",
"minimum_3_characters": "Mindestens drei Zeichen",
"add_alternative_language": "Add entry in alternative language"
"add_alternative_language": "Alternativen Spracheintrag erfassen"
@ -95,6 +95,28 @@
"about": "\u00dcber",
"user_set_invisible": "Ihr Profil wurde f\u00fcr andere Benutzer in musdb auf \"nicht sichtbar\" gesetzt",
"user_set_visible": "Ihr Profil wurde f\u00fcr andere Benutzer in musdb auf \"sichtbar\" gesetzt",
"user_description_edited": "Ihre Beschreibung wurde gespeichert"
"user_description_edited": "Ihre Beschreibung wurde gespeichert",
"public_pgp_key": "\u00d6ffentlicher PGP-Schl\u00fcssel",
"username_explica": "Benutzername f\u00fcr das Einloggen. Sollte - idealerweise - kurz aber eindeutig sein.",
"realname_explica": "Voller Name des Benutzers.",
"usermail_explica": "Mailadresse des Benutzers.<br\/>Wir ben\u00f6tigen diese Information um f\u00fcr Einladungs-Mails an neue Benutzer senden zu k\u00f6nnen. Sp\u00e4ter erlaubt die Mailadresse das automatische Versenden von Benachrichtigungen (so dieses unten angeschaltet wurde). Soll ein Benutzerkonto gel\u00f6scht werden, wird eine Mail mit der Aufforderung zur Best\u00e4tigung der L\u00f6schung an diese Mailadresse gesendet.",
"password_form": "Muss mindestens acht Zeichen lang sein",
"password_explica": "Passwort. Muss mindestens acht Zeichen lang sein.",
"automatic_mails_explica": "Sollen Benachrichtigungen zu neu oder bald beendeten Leihverkehren und Nachrichten von Admins oder anderen Benutzern per Mail versendet werden?",
"user_role_explica": "Die Benutzerrolle bestimmt die Standard-Zugangsrechte eines Benutzers. Eine tiefergehende Besprechung der Benutzerrollen und Zugangs-Rechteverwaltung kann im Handbuch gefunden werden.",
"user_institution_explica": "Jeder Benutzer (selbst Regionaladministratoren) muss mit einer \"Heimatinstitution\" verkn\u00fcpft sein. Diese kann hier bestimmt werden.",
"user_about_explica": "Erz\u00e4hlen Sie etwas \u00fcber sich. Diese Beschreibung wird - so Sie ihr Profil f\u00fcr andere Benutzer von musdb freigeschaltet haben - in ihrem Benutzerprofil angezeigt.",
"public_pgp_key_explica": "In diesem Feld k\u00f6nnen Sie Ihren \u00f6ffentlichen PGP-Schl\u00fcssel eintragen. Haben Sie dies getan, erhalten Sie zuk\u00fcnftige Mails von musdb ende-zu-ende verschl\u00fcsselt und signiert.",
"two_factor_authentication": "Zwei-Faktor-Authentifizierung",
"via_mail": "Per E-Mail",
"2fa_explica": "Hier kann die Zwei-Faktor-Authentifizierung beim Login aktiviert werden.<br\/>\r\nBisher bietet musdb nur eine Zwei-Faktor-Authentifizierung per Mail.<br\/><br\/>\r\n<b>Zwei-Faktor-Authentifizierung per Mail:<\/b>Ist diese Option ausgew\u00e4hlt, erhalten Sie nach der richtigen Eingabe ihrer Logindaten eine Mail mit einem Authentifizierungscode. Durch die korrekte Eingabe dieses Codes erhalten Sie Zugang zu musdb. Diese Option kann mit der PGP-Verschl\u00fcsselung von Mails kombiniert werden.",
"security": "Sicherheit",
"your_account_has_been_deleted": "Ihr Account wurde gel\u00f6scht",
"this_is_your_auth_code": "Sie k\u00f6nnen Ihren Authentifizierungs-Code unten finden. Geben Sie ihn im entsprechenden Feld ein, um sich in musdb einzuloggen.",
"auth_code": "Authentifizerungs-Code",
"login_at_musdb": "Login bei musdb",
"auth_code_invalid": "Der eingegebene Authentifizierungs-Code ist nicht korrekt",
"2fa_screen_explica": "Sie haben die Zwei-Faktor-Authentifizierungs-Option in den Benutzereinstellungen aktiviert. Entsprechend haben Sie gerade einen Zugangscode zugeschickt bekommen.<br \/>\r\nDieser Code ist f\u00fcr zwei Stunden g\u00fcltig.",
"access_denied": "Ihnen fehlt die Berechtigung hierzu"
@ -100,6 +100,7 @@
"quilt": "Quilt",
"options": "Options",
"newspapers_mailing_lists": "Newspapers and mailing lists",
"room": "Room"
"room": "Room",
"image": "Image"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
"tlNotifications": {
"loan_ended": "Loan ended",
"With": "With",
"started": "started",
"ended": "ended",
"new_comment": "New comment",
"new_priv_msg_by": "New private message by",
"dear": "Dear",
"this_week_news": "there are notifications for you this week on musdb.",
"messages_from_admins": "Messages from the administrators",
"loans_ending": "Loans ending",
"privMsgsChats": "Private messages \/ chats",
"comments": "Comments",
"news_unsubscribe": "Unsubscribe",
"news_unsubscribe_text": "To not receive notification mails from musdb anymore, please log in and deactivate the automated notifications in your account settings",
"news_subject_line": "News at museum-digital:musdb",
"new_user": "New user"
@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
"object_basis": {
"inventory_number": "Inventory number",
"inv_explica": "If the object has no inventory number, please enter something like \"no inv. no.\" If it is a permanent loan, you can add the signature of the organziation lending, followed by the object's inventory number at the given institution and finally a note: \"(permanent loan)\".<br><br>Example 1: \"G0904\"<br>Example 2: \"A4711 (new), SMH12 (old)\"<br>Example 3: \"KHM 1252 (Permanent loan)\"<br><br><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#660000;\">Please always fill in this field!<\/b>",
"inv_explica": "If the object has no inventory number, please enter something like \"no inv. no.\" If it is a permanent loan, you can add the signature of the organziation lending, followed by the object's inventory number at the given institution and finally a note: \"(permanent loan)\".<br><br>Example 1: \"G0904\"<br>Example 2: \"A4711 (new), SMH12 (old)\"<br>Example 3: \"KHM 1252 (Permanent loan)\"",
"object_type": "Object type",
"oart_explica": "What kind of object is this? To which category does it belong?<br><br>Example 1: \"Painting\"<br>Example 2: \"Trap\"<br><br>(A terminological control function for these terms will be available in the future)<br><br><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#660000;\">Please always fill in this field!<\/b>",
"oart_explica": "What kind of object is this? To which category does it belong?<br><br>Example 1: \"Painting\"<br>Example 2: \"Trap\"<br><br>(A terminological control function for these terms will be available in the future)",
"object_name": "Object title",
"oname_explica": "Title of the object. Titles belong to each object on their own. They also help differentiating between one \"jar\" and another \"jar\"!<br><br>Example 1: \"Portrait Adolf Senff\"<br>Example 2: Bracteate (Ludolf von Kroppenstedt)<br><br>The title should not be longer than a line on your screen. If possible, do not use more than 100 characters.<br><br><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#660000;\">Please always fill in this field!<\/b>",
"oname_explica": "Title of the object. Titles belong to each object on their own. They also help differentiating between one \"jar\" and another \"jar\"!<br><br>Example 1: \"Portrait Adolf Senff\"<br>Example 2: Bracteate (Ludolf von Kroppenstedt)<br><br>The title should not be longer than a line on your screen. If possible, do not use more than 100 characters.",
"description": "Description",
"obesch_explica": "Easily understandable (to anybody!) description of the object. Please avoid using abbreviations if any possible. If avoiding them is impossible and it's not an entirely common abbreviation with the general public, provide an explanation in brackets.<br><br>Repetitions are allowed! That means: Even if you have already entered events, places, times etc. related to your object, you can still mention them in your description.<br>Please do not use keywords: Use full sentences.<br><br><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#660000;\">Please always fill in this field!<\/b>",
"obesch_explica": "Easily understandable (to anybody!) description of the object. Please avoid using abbreviations if any possible. If avoiding them is impossible and it's not an entirely common abbreviation with the general public, provide an explanation in brackets.<br><br>Repetitions are allowed! That means: Even if you have already entered events, places, times etc. related to your object, you can still mention them in your description.<br>Please do not use keywords: Use full sentences.",
"mattech": "Material \/ Technique",
"mattech_explica": "Information about the material an object was formed with and the methods applied in its creation.<br><br>Just fill in this field, if you have any information about it: This field might be left empty",
"mattech_explica": "Information about the material an object was formed with and the methods applied in its creation.<br><br>Just fill in this field, if you have any information about it: This field is optional.<br\/><br\/>The single values can alternatively also be entered separately using the tab \"addendum\" below. Once that's done, you may automatically merge them into this field.",
"measurements": "Dimensions",
"ausmass_explica": "No exact rules. But: Please always enter units. Keep the entries as short as possible. Abbreviations may be used.<br><br>Example 1: \"LxBxH 95 x 15 x 150 mm\"<br>Example 2: \"Inner diameter.: 4,8 mm; Walls: 2 mm; H: 5,2 cm\"<br><br><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#006600;\">Should be filled out<\/b>",
"ausmass_explica": "No exact rules. But: Please always enter units. Keep the entries as short as possible. Abbreviations may be used.<br><br>Example 1: \"LxBxH 95 x 15 x 150 mm\"<br>Example 2: \"Inner diameter.: 4,8 mm; Walls: 2 mm; H: 5,2 cm\"<br\/><br\/>The single values can alternatively also be entered separately using the tab \"addendum\" below. Once that's done, you may automatically merge them into this field.",
"no_inventory_number": "Please enter an inventory number!<\/p><p class=\"ohne\">[If there is none, enter \"no inv. no.\".]",
"no_object_type": "Please enter the kind of object!<\/p><p class=\"ohne\">[Everything is some kind of something. Necessary for navigation and classification.]",
"no_object_name": "Please enter a title!<\/p><p class=\"ohne\">[What is the name of the object? Every object needs an immediate title. Do not use titles longer than 200 characters.]",
@ -95,6 +95,28 @@
"about": "About",
"user_set_invisible": "Your profile has been set invisible to other users in musdb.",
"user_set_visible": "Your profile has been set visible to other users in musdb.",
"user_description_edited": "Your profile description has been edited"
"user_description_edited": "Your profile description has been edited",
"public_pgp_key": "Public PGP key",
"username_explica": "Username with which a user logs in. Ideally something concise but unique.",
"realname_explica": "Full name of the user.",
"usermail_explica": "Mail address of the user.<br\/>We need this information to be able to send out invitation mails. Later, it allows <em>musdb<\/em> to send automated mails with recent updates (these need to be enabled below). If the user wants to delete their account, a mail asking for confirmation will also be sent to this email address.<br\/>If the user's profile is made visible other users logged in to musdb, the email address will be visible there, too.",
"password_form": "Must contain at least 8 characters.",
"password_explica": "Password. Must be at least 8 characters long.",
"automatic_mails_explica": "Should updates (currently notifications of recently ending loan entries and notifications from admins and other users) be automatically mailed to the user in regular intervals?",
"user_role_explica": "The user role determines a user's default access rights to contents in musdb. A more in-depth explanation can be found in the handbook.",
"user_institution_explica": "Every user (even regional administrators) needs to be linked to a \"home institution\". This \"home institution\" can be set here.",
"user_about_explica": "Say something about yourself. This description will be visible on your profile if you set it visible to other users in musdb.",
"public_pgp_key_explica": "In this field, a public PGP key can be entered. If this is done, future mails will be sent encrypted to you.",
"two_factor_authentication": "Two Factor Authentication",
"via_mail": "Via E-Mail",
"2fa_explica": "Two factor authentication can be enabled here. Thus far, the only option is two factor authentication using your mail account. After entering your login credentials, you will be sent a code via mail with which you can then log in. By default, two factor authentication is disabled.",
"security": "Security",
"your_account_has_been_deleted": "Your account has been deleted",
"this_is_your_auth_code": "You can find your authentication code below. Enter it to log in to musdb:",
"auth_code": "Authentication code",
"login_at_musdb": "Login at musdb",
"auth_code_invalid": "The authentication code you entered is not valid",
"2fa_screen_explica": "Sie haben die Zwei-Faktor-Authentifizierungs-Option in den Benutzereinstellungen aktiviert. Entsprechend haben Sie gerade einen Zugangscode zugeschickt bekommen.<br \/>Dieser Code ist f\u00fcr zwei Stunden g\u00fcltig.",
"access_denied": "Access denied"
@ -100,6 +100,7 @@
"quilt": "Quilt",
"options": "Options",
"newspapers_mailing_lists": "Newspapers and mailing lists",
"room": "Room"
"room": "Room",
"image": "Image"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
"tlNotifications": {
"loan_ended": "Loan ended",
"With": "With",
"started": "started",
"ended": "ended",
"new_comment": "New comment",
"new_priv_msg_by": "New private message by",
"dear": "Dear",
"this_week_news": "there are notifications for you this week on musdb.",
"messages_from_admins": "Messages from the administrators",
"loans_ending": "Loans ending",
"privMsgsChats": "Private messages \/ chats",
"comments": "Comments",
"news_unsubscribe": "Unsubscribe",
"news_unsubscribe_text": "To not receive notification mails from musdb anymore, please log in and deactivate the automated notifications in your account settings",
"news_subject_line": "News at museum-digital:musdb",
"new_user": "New user"
@ -95,6 +95,28 @@
"about": "About",
"user_set_invisible": "Your profile has been set invisible to other users in musdb.",
"user_set_visible": "Your profile has been set visible to other users in musdb.",
"user_description_edited": "Your profile description has been edited"
"user_description_edited": "Your profile description has been edited",
"public_pgp_key": "Public PGP key",
"username_explica": "Username with which a user logs in. Ideally something concise but unique.",
"realname_explica": "Full name of the user.",
"usermail_explica": "Mail address of the user.<br\/>We need this information to be able to send out invitation mails. Later, it allows <em>musdb<\/em> to send automated mails with recent updates (these need to be enabled below). If the user wants to delete their account, a mail asking for confirmation will also be sent to this email address.<br\/>If the user's profile is made visible other users logged in to musdb, the email address will be visible there, too.",
"password_form": "Must contain at least 8 characters.",
"password_explica": "Password. Must be at least 8 characters long.",
"automatic_mails_explica": "Should updates (currently notifications of recently ending loan entries and notifications from admins and other users) be automatically mailed to the user in regular intervals?",
"user_role_explica": "The user role determines a user's default access rights to contents in musdb. A more in-depth explanation can be found in the handbook.",
"user_institution_explica": "Every user (even regional administrators) needs to be linked to a \"home institution\". This \"home institution\" can be set here.",
"user_about_explica": "Say something about yourself. This description will be visible on your profile if you set it visible to other users in musdb.",
"public_pgp_key_explica": "In this field, a public PGP key can be entered. If this is done, future mails will be sent encrypted to you.",
"two_factor_authentication": "Two Factor Authentication",
"via_mail": "Via E-Mail",
"2fa_explica": "Two factor authentication can be enabled here. Thus far, the only option is two factor authentication using your mail account. After entering your login credentials, you will be sent a code via mail with which you can then log in. By default, two factor authentication is disabled.",
"security": "Security",
"your_account_has_been_deleted": "Your account has been deleted",
"this_is_your_auth_code": "You can find your authentication code below. Enter it to log in to musdb:",
"auth_code": "Authentication code",
"login_at_musdb": "Login at musdb",
"auth_code_invalid": "The authentication code you entered is not valid",
"2fa_screen_explica": "Sie haben die Zwei-Faktor-Authentifizierungs-Option in den Benutzereinstellungen aktiviert. Entsprechend haben Sie gerade einen Zugangscode zugeschickt bekommen.<br \/>Dieser Code ist f\u00fcr zwei Stunden g\u00fcltig.",
"access_denied": "Access denied"
@ -78,7 +78,7 @@
"utilities": "Utilities",
"link_obj_collection": "T\u00e1rgy hozz\u00e1kapcsol\u00e1sa egy gy\u0171jtem\u00e9nyhez",
"link_obj_document": "T\u00e1rgy hozz\u00e1kapcsol\u00e1sa egy dokumentumhoz",
"dashboard": "Dashboard",
"dashboard": "Kezd\u0151lap",
"link_obj_literature": "T\u00e1rgy hozz\u00e1kapcsol\u00e1sa egy szakirodalomhoz",
"select_event_type": "Esem\u00e9nyt\u00edpus kiv\u00e1laszt\u00e1sa",
"link_obj_object": "T\u00e1rgy hozz\u00e1kapcsol\u00e1sa m\u00e1sik t\u00e1rgyhoz",
@ -86,11 +86,11 @@
"resource_edit": "Edit Resource",
"uploading_image": "K\u00e9p felt\u00f6lt\u00e9se",
"annotate_place": "Megyjegyz\u00e9s f\u00f6ldrajzi vonatkoz\u00e1shoz",
"visitor_statistics": "Besucherstatistik",
"help": "Help",
"help_handbook": "Help: Handbook",
"mail_to_admin": "Ask the admins",
"toggle_watchlist": "Toggle watchlist",
"view_notifications": "View Notifications"
"visitor_statistics": "L\u00e1togat\u00f3i statisztika",
"help": "S\u00fag\u00f3",
"help_handbook": "M\u00fazeumDigit\u00e1r k\u00e9zik\u00f6nyv",
"mail_to_admin": "K\u00e9rdezd a support csapatot",
"toggle_watchlist": "B\u00f6ng\u00e9sz\u0151 be\u00e1ll\u00edt\u00e1sa",
"view_notifications": "\u00c9rtes\u00edt\u00e9sek megtekint\u00e9se"
@ -46,7 +46,7 @@
"actor_annotated": "Ezen szem\u00e9ly \/ int\u00e9zm\u00e9ny komment\u00e1rral gazdagodott ",
"added": "Egy szerepl\u0151 lett hozz\u00e1adva ",
"edited": "A szerepl\u0151re vonatkoz\u00f3 inform\u00e1ci\u00f3k friss\u00fcltek",
"annotation": "Annotation",
"add_new_annotation": "Add a new annotation:"
"annotation": "Komment\u00e1r",
"add_new_annotation": "\u00daj komment\u00e1r hozz\u00e1rendel\u00e9se"
@ -25,12 +25,12 @@
"delete_image": "T\u00f6rl\u00e9s",
"start_time_hour": "\u00d3ra",
"start_time_min": "Perc",
"images": "Images",
"url": "URL",
"url_explica": "URL to another web page representing the appointment. Needs to be a valid URL - starting with http:\/\/ or https:\/\/.",
"allAppointments": "All appointments",
"new_appointment": "New appointment",
"base_data": "Basic information about the appointment",
"no_appointments_text": "No appointment has been added for your museum yet (hence, we cannot list any). You may:"
"images": "K\u00e9pek",
"url": "URL c\u00edm",
"url_explica": "URL c\u00edm az esem\u00e9nyt \/ rendezv\u00e9nyt megjelen\u00edt\u0151 oldalhoz. Csak \u00e9rv\u00e9nyes URL-t \u00edrjon be! http:\/\/ vagy https:\/\/ el\u0151tag k\u00f6telez\u0151!",
"allAppointments": "Az \u00f6sszes esem\u00e9ny \/ rendezv\u00e9ny",
"new_appointment": "\u00daj esem\u00e9ny \/ rendezv\u00e9ny",
"base_data": "Az esem\u00e9ny \/ rendezv\u00e9ny alapinform\u00e1ci\u00f3i ",
"no_appointments_text": "M\u00e9g nincs esem\u00e9ny \/ rendezv\u00e9ny hozz\u00e1rendelve az int\u00e9zm\u00e9nyhez"
@ -63,7 +63,7 @@
"restoration": "Restaur\u00e1l\u00e1s",
"provenanceresearch": "Proveniencia kutat\u00e1s",
"account_settings": "Saj\u00e1t fi\u00f3k",
"edit": "Edit",
"edit": "Szerkeszt\u00e9s",
"contacts": "Kapcsolatok",
"contacts_input": "Kapcsolat hozz\u00e1ad\u00e1sa",
"contacts_edit": "Kapcsolat szerkeszt\u00e9se",
@ -79,27 +79,28 @@
"appointments_input": "Esem\u00e9ny hozz\u00e1ad\u00e1sa",
"appointments": "Esem\u00e9nyek",
"appointments_choose": "Esem\u00e9ny kiv\u00e1laszt\u00e1sa",
"link_no_url": "The link you provided is no valid URL.",
"yes": "yes",
"no": "no",
"more": "Mehr",
"amount_all": "Total",
"icon": "Icon",
"link_no_url": "A megadott linkhez nem tartozik \u00e9rv\u00e9nyes URL c\u00edm",
"yes": "igen",
"no": "nem",
"more": "Tov\u00e1bbi",
"amount_all": "\u00d6sszes",
"icon": "Ikon",
"actions": "Actions",
"add": "Add",
"lists": "Lists",
"settings": "Settings",
"public_page": "Public page",
"toggles": "Toggles",
"own_rule_create": "Create own rule",
"own_rule_delete": "Remove own rule",
"own_rule_edit": "Edit own rule",
"less": "Less",
"add": "Hozz\u00e1ad\u00e1s",
"lists": "List\u00e1k",
"settings": "Be\u00e1ll\u00edt\u00e1sok",
"public_page": "Publikus oldal",
"toggles": "V\u00e1ltoztat\u00e1sok",
"own_rule_create": "Saj\u00e1t szab\u00e1ly l\u00e9trehoz\u00e1sa",
"own_rule_delete": "Saj\u00e1t szab\u00e1ly t\u00f6rl\u00e9se",
"own_rule_edit": "Saj\u00e1t szab\u00e1ly szerkeszt\u00e9se",
"less": "Kevesebb",
"grid": "Grid",
"sort": "Sort",
"quilt": "Quilt",
"options": "Options",
"newspapers_mailing_lists": "Newspapers and mailing lists",
"room": "Room"
"options": "Lehet\u0151s\u00e9gek",
"newspapers_mailing_lists": "H\u00edrlev\u00e9l lista",
"room": "Szoba",
"image": "Image"
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
"relate_place_explica": "Amennyiben egy hely nem k\u00f6thet\u0151 egy esem\u00e9nyhez, mert a hely \u00e9s a t\u00e1rgy k\u00f6z\u00f6tt csak egy kev\u00e9sb\u00e9 konkr\u00e9t \u00f6sszef\u00fcgg\u00e9s \u00e1llap\u00edthat\u00f3 meg (p\u00e9ld\u00e1ul, ha egy b\u00f6gre fal\u00e1n l\u00e1that\u00f3 d\u00edsz\u00edt\u00e9s egy helysz\u00ednt \u00e1br\u00e1zol), akkor a helyet "kapcsol\u00f3d\u00f3 hely"-k\u00e9nt mentse el. ",
"relate_time_explica": "Amennyiben egy id\u0151beli vonatkoz\u00e1s nem k\u00f6thet\u0151 egy esem\u00e9nyhez, mert az id\u0151beli vonatkoz\u00e1s \u00e9s a t\u00e1rgy k\u00f6z\u00f6tt csak egy kev\u00e9sb\u00e9 konkr\u00e9t \u00f6sszef\u00fcgg\u00e9s \u00e1llap\u00edthat\u00f3 meg (p\u00e9ld\u00e1ul, ha a t\u00e1rgy az 50-es \u00e9vek st\u00edlusjegyeit viseli, vagy a t\u00e1rgy egy k\u00f6nyv, amely a\u00e1zadr\u00f3l sz\u00f3l), akkor az id\u0151beli vonatkoz\u00e1st "kapcsol\u00f3d\u00f3 id\u0151beli vonatkoz\u00e1s"-k\u00e9nt mentse el.",
"might_be_keyword": "Amennyiben a list\u00e1n nem tal\u00e1lja a megadott kulcssz\u00f3t, akkor mentse el az \u00faj kulcssz\u00f3k\u00e9nt.",
"save_new_tag": " \u00daj kulcssz\u00f3 ment\u00e9se- helyes\u00edr\u00e1s rendben?",
"save_new_tag": " \u00daj kulcssz\u00f3 ment\u00e9se. A helyes\u00edr\u00e1s rendben?",
"already_in_event": " m\u00e1r esem\u00e9nyk\u00e9nt kapcsol\u00f3dik a t\u00e1rgyhoz. Csak akkor mentse el a kulcssz\u00f3t mint kapcsol\u00f3d\u00f3 egy\u00e9b vonatkoz\u00e1s, ha az egy nagyon speci\u00e1lis \u00f6sszef\u00fcgg\u00e9st jelez.",
"special_relation": "A speci\u00e1lis \u00f6sszef\u00fcgg\u00e9s m\u00e1r l\u00e9tezik (Elmentve) ",
"better_back": "Ink\u00e1bb m\u00e9gse (Vissza)",
@ -21,9 +21,9 @@
"new_term": "\u00daj kulcssz\u00f3 megad\u00e1sa \u00e9s hozz\u00e1kapcsol\u00e1sa egy t\u00e1rgyhoz",
"found_similar": "Hasonl\u00f3 kulcsszavak keres\u00e9se",
"aborted_short_input": "Megszak\u00edtva: t\u00fal r\u00f6vid a sz\u00f6veg",
"really_tag": "Really a tag?",
"tag_had_been_linked": "The tag had been linked before",
"input_too_short_aborted": "Your input was too short. Aborted.",
"minimum_3_characters": "3 characters minimum"
"really_tag": "T\u00e9nyleg kulcssz\u00f3?",
"tag_had_been_linked": "A kulcssz\u00f3 kor\u00e1bban m\u00e1r hozz\u00e1adva",
"input_too_short_aborted": "Megszak\u00edtva: t\u00fal r\u00f6vid a sz\u00f6veg",
"minimum_3_characters": "Minimum 3 karakter k\u00f6telez\u0151!"
@ -43,16 +43,16 @@
"collection_order": "Sorrend",
"no_collection_yet": "Az int\u00e9zm\u00e9nyhez m\u00e9g egy gy\u0171jtem\u00e9ny sem kapcsol\u00f3dik",
"collection_moved": "A gy\u0171jtem\u00e9nyt \u00e1tk\u00f6lt\u00f6ztette",
"base_data": "Basic information about the collection",
"related_collections": "Related collections",
"superordinate_collections": "Superordinate collections",
"subordinate_collections": "Subordinate collections",
"minimum_3_characters": "3 characters minimum",
"collection_image_deleted": "Deleted collection image",
"all_collections": "All collections",
"up": "Up",
"down": "Down",
"main_image": "Main image",
"add_alternative_language": "All alternative language entry for this collection"
"base_data": "Alapinform\u00e1ci\u00f3k a gy\u0171jtem\u00e9nyr\u0151l",
"related_collections": "Kapcsol\u00f3d\u00f3 gy\u0171jtem\u00e9nyek",
"superordinate_collections": "F\u00f6l\u00e9rendelt gy\u0171jtem\u00e9nyek",
"subordinate_collections": "Al\u00e1rendelt gy\u0171jtem\u00e9nyek",
"minimum_3_characters": "Minimum 3 karakter k\u00f6telez\u0151!",
"collection_image_deleted": "Gy\u0171jtem\u00e9nyi kezd\u0151k\u00e9p t\u00f6r\u00f6lve",
"all_collections": "Az \u00f6sszes gy\u0171jtem\u00e9ny",
"up": "Fel",
"down": "Le",
"main_image": "Kezd\u0151k\u00e9p",
"add_alternative_language": "Az \u00f6sszes adatbeviteli nyelv ehhez a gy\u0171jtem\u00e9nyhez"
@ -30,17 +30,17 @@
"export_contact": "Kontakt export\u00e1l\u00e1sa",
"send_mail": "E-mail k\u00fcld\u00e9se",
"contacts_deleted": "Kontakt t\u00f6rl\u00e9se",
"url": "URL",
"url": "URL c\u00edm",
"url_explica": "A szem\u00e9ly, vagy int\u00e9zm\u00e9ny weboldal teljes URL-je (<code>http:\/\/<\/code> vagy <code>https:\/\/<\/code> kezd\u0151d\u0151en).",
"zip_code": "Ir\u00e1nyit\u00f3sz\u00e1m",
"zip_code_explica": "Az kontakt int\u00e9zm\u00e9ny ir\u00e1ny\u00edt\u00f3sz\u00e1ma",
"contacts_added_loan": "L\u00e9trehozta a kontaktot. Ezek ut\u00e1n hozz\u00e1kapcsolhatja ezt egy haszonk\u00f6lcs\u00f6nh\u00f6z",
"contacts_list_empty": "A kapcsolatok list\u00e1ja \u00fcres",
"all_contacts": "All contacts",
"contact_details": "Contact details",
"new_contact": "New contact",
"no_contacts": "Contacts list is empty",
"no_contacts_text": "No contact has been added for your museum yet (hence, we cannot list any). You may:"
"all_contacts": "Az \u00f6sszes kapcsolat",
"contact_details": "A kapcsolat r\u00e9szletei",
"new_contact": "\u00daj kapcsolat",
"no_contacts": "A kapcsolati lista \u00fcres",
"no_contacts_text": "Kapcsolat m\u00e9g nincs hozz\u00e1rendelve az int\u00e9zm\u00e9nyhez"
"gender": [
@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
"tlConversations": {
"start_conversation": "Start conversation",
"view_conversation": "View conversation",
"conversations": "Conversations",
"no_messages": "There are no messages here."
"start_conversation": "P\u00e1rbesz\u00e9d ind\u00edt\u00e1sa",
"view_conversation": "P\u00e1rbesz\u00e9d megtekint\u00e9se",
"conversations": "P\u00e1rbesz\u00e9dek",
"no_messages": "Nincs megjelen\u00edthet\u0151 \u00fczenet"
@ -18,9 +18,9 @@
"added_obj_link": "A t\u00e1rgyhoz k\u00fcls\u0151 vonatkoz\u00e1s (hyperlink) lett hozz\u00e1adva.",
"added_obj_tag": "A kulcssz\u00f3hoz \u00faj t\u00e1gykapcsolat j\u00f6tt l\u00e9tre ",
"annotation_deleted": "A komment\u00e1r t\u00f6rl\u00e9sre ker\u00fclt.",
"obj_tag_already_added": "The tag was already linked with the object",
"obj_link_already_added": "The link was already linked with the object",
"obj_literature_already_added": "The literature entry was already linked with the object",
"obj_collection_already_added": "The collection was already linked with the object"
"obj_tag_already_added": "A kulcssz\u00f3 a t\u00e1rgyhoz lett rendelve",
"obj_link_already_added": "A kulcssz\u00f3 a t\u00e1rgyhoz lett rendelve",
"obj_literature_already_added": "A szakirodalom a t\u00e1rgyhoz lett rendelve",
"obj_collection_already_added": "A gy\u0171jtem\u00e9ny a t\u00e1rgyhoz lett rendelve"
@ -85,9 +85,10 @@
"find_actor": "Szem\u00e9ly \/ Int\u00e9zm\u00e9ny keres\u00e9se",
"find_placename": "F\u00f6ldrajzi vonatkoz\u00e1s keres\u00e9se",
"find_time": "Id\u0151beli vonatkoz\u00e1s keres\u00e9se",
"input_too_short_aborted": "Your input was too short. Aborted.",
"minimum_3_characters": "3 characters minimum",
"similar_event_already_added": "A similar event had already been added",
"event_added": "The event has been added"
"input_too_short_aborted": "Megszak\u00edtva: a sz\u00f6veg t\u00fal r\u00f6vid",
"minimum_3_characters": "Minimum 3 karakter k\u00f6telez\u0151!",
"similar_event_already_added": "Azonos esem\u00e9ny hozz\u00e1rendel\u00e9se megt\u00f6rt\u00e9nt",
"event_added": "Az esem\u00e9ny hozz\u00e1rendelve",
"check_already_special_relation": "m\u00e1r kapcsol\u00f3dik a t\u00e1rgyhoz egy esem\u00e9nyen VAGY egy id\u0151beli vonatkoz\u00e1s\u00fa kulcssz\u00f3n kereszt\u00fcl!"
@ -29,17 +29,17 @@
"remove_obj": "Link t\u00f6rl\u00e9se",
"options": "Opci\u00f3k",
"description_too_short": "A le\u00edr\u00e1s t\u00fal r\u00f6vid (minimum 25 karakter)",
"url": "URL",
"url_explica": "URL to another web page representing the exhibition. Needs to be a valid URL - starting with http:\/\/ or https:\/\/.",
"upload_image": "Upload image",
"add_tour": "Add tour of the exhibition",
"edit_tour": "Edit tour of the exhibition",
"all_exhibitions": "All exhibitions",
"minimum_3_characters": "3 characters minimum",
"base_data": "Basic information about the exhibition",
"exhibitions_list_empty_text": "No exhibition entry has been added for your museum yet (hence, we cannot list any). You may:",
"linked_an_exhibition": "Linked an exhibition with the object",
"removed_obj_exh_link": "Removed link of object with an exhibition",
"permanent_exhibition": "Permanent exhibition"
"url": "URL c\u00edm",
"url_explica": "URL c\u00edm a ki\u00e1ll\u00edt\u00e1st megjelen\u00edt\u0151 oldalhoz. Csak \u00e9rv\u00e9nyes URL-t \u00edrjon be! http:\/\/ vagy https:\/\/ el\u0151tag k\u00f6telez\u0151!",
"upload_image": "K\u00e9pfelt\u00f6lt\u00e9s",
"add_tour": "V\u00e1ndorki\u00e1ll\u00edt\u00e1s hozz\u00e1ad\u00e1sa",
"edit_tour": "V\u00e1ndorki\u00e1ll\u00edt\u00e1s szerkeszt\u00e9se",
"all_exhibitions": "Az \u00f6sszes ki\u00e1ll\u00edt\u00e1s",
"minimum_3_characters": "Minimum 3 karakter k\u00f6telez\u0151!",
"base_data": "A ki\u00e1ll\u00edt\u00e1s alapinform\u00e1ci\u00f3i",
"exhibitions_list_empty_text": "Nincs ki\u00e1ll\u00edt\u00e1s hozz\u00e1rendelve az int\u00e9zm\u00e9nyhez",
"linked_an_exhibition": "Ki\u00e1ll\u00edt\u00e1s \u00f6sszek\u00f6t\u00e9se a t\u00e1rggyal",
"removed_obj_exh_link": "Ki\u00e1ll\u00edt\u00e1ssal val\u00f3 \u00f6sszek\u00f6t\u00e9s t\u00f6rl\u00e9se",
"permanent_exhibition": "\u00c1lland\u00f3 ki\u00e1ll\u00edt\u00e1s"
@ -44,8 +44,8 @@
"too_small": "A minimumn\u00e1l kisebb k\u00e9pet akart felt\u00f6lteni",
"shortcuts": "Seg\u00edts\u00e9g a gyorsabb kit\u00f6lt\u00e9shez",
"shortcut_description": "A lenti kifejez\u00e9sek mellett l\u00e9v\u0151 ny\u00edlakra kattintva automatikusan beillesztheti ezeket a k\u00e9ple\u00edr\u00e1s mez\u0151be",
"global_max_upload_size": "Overall, the maximum size of a given upload is:",
"image_data": "Image data"
"global_max_upload_size": "A felt\u00f6lt\u00f6tt k\u00e9pek m\u00e9rete \u00f6sszesen:",
"image_data": "K\u00e9p adatai"
"incha_image": {
"front": "F\u0151n\u00e9zet",
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
"tlNotifications": {
"loan_ended": "Loan ended",
"With": "With",
"started": "started",
"ended": "ended",
"new_comment": "New comment",
"new_priv_msg_by": "New private message by",
"dear": "Dear",
"this_week_news": "there are notifications for you this week on musdb.",
"messages_from_admins": "Messages from the administrators",
"loans_ending": "Loans ending",
"privMsgsChats": "Private messages \/ chats",
"comments": "Comments",
"news_unsubscribe": "Unsubscribe",
"news_unsubscribe_text": "To not receive notification mails from musdb anymore, please log in and deactivate the automated notifications in your account settings",
"news_subject_line": "News at museum-digital:musdb",
"new_user": "New user"
@ -95,6 +95,28 @@
"about": "About",
"user_set_invisible": "Your profile has been set invisible to other users in musdb.",
"user_set_visible": "Your profile has been set visible to other users in musdb.",
"user_description_edited": "Your profile description has been edited"
"user_description_edited": "Your profile description has been edited",
"public_pgp_key": "Public PGP key",
"username_explica": "Username with which a user logs in. Ideally something concise but unique.",
"realname_explica": "Full name of the user.",
"usermail_explica": "Mail address of the user.<br\/>We need this information to be able to send out invitation mails. Later, it allows <em>musdb<\/em> to send automated mails with recent updates (these need to be enabled below). If the user wants to delete their account, a mail asking for confirmation will also be sent to this email address.<br\/>If the user's profile is made visible other users logged in to musdb, the email address will be visible there, too.",
"password_form": "Must contain at least 8 characters.",
"password_explica": "Password. Must be at least 8 characters long.",
"automatic_mails_explica": "Should updates (currently notifications of recently ending loan entries and notifications from admins and other users) be automatically mailed to the user in regular intervals?",
"user_role_explica": "The user role determines a user's default access rights to contents in musdb. A more in-depth explanation can be found in the handbook.",
"user_institution_explica": "Every user (even regional administrators) needs to be linked to a \"home institution\". This \"home institution\" can be set here.",
"user_about_explica": "Say something about yourself. This description will be visible on your profile if you set it visible to other users in musdb.",
"public_pgp_key_explica": "In this field, a public PGP key can be entered. If this is done, future mails will be sent encrypted to you.",
"two_factor_authentication": "Two Factor Authentication",
"via_mail": "Via E-Mail",
"2fa_explica": "Two factor authentication can be enabled here. Thus far, the only option is two factor authentication using your mail account. After entering your login credentials, you will be sent a code via mail with which you can then log in. By default, two factor authentication is disabled.",
"security": "Security",
"your_account_has_been_deleted": "Your account has been deleted",
"this_is_your_auth_code": "You can find your authentication code below. Enter it to log in to musdb:",
"auth_code": "Authentication code",
"login_at_musdb": "Login at musdb",
"auth_code_invalid": "The authentication code you entered is not valid",
"2fa_screen_explica": "Sie haben die Zwei-Faktor-Authentifizierungs-Option in den Benutzereinstellungen aktiviert. Entsprechend haben Sie gerade einen Zugangscode zugeschickt bekommen.<br \/>Dieser Code ist f\u00fcr zwei Stunden g\u00fcltig.",
"access_denied": "Access denied"
@ -100,6 +100,7 @@
"quilt": "Quilt",
"options": "Options",
"newspapers_mailing_lists": "Newspapers and mailing lists",
"room": "Room"
"room": "Room",
"image": "Image"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
"tlNotifications": {
"loan_ended": "Loan ended",
"With": "With",
"started": "started",
"ended": "ended",
"new_comment": "New comment",
"new_priv_msg_by": "New private message by",
"dear": "Dear",
"this_week_news": "there are notifications for you this week on musdb.",
"messages_from_admins": "Messages from the administrators",
"loans_ending": "Loans ending",
"privMsgsChats": "Private messages \/ chats",
"comments": "Comments",
"news_unsubscribe": "Unsubscribe",
"news_unsubscribe_text": "To not receive notification mails from musdb anymore, please log in and deactivate the automated notifications in your account settings",
"news_subject_line": "News at museum-digital:musdb",
"new_user": "New user"
@ -95,6 +95,28 @@
"about": "About",
"user_set_invisible": "Your profile has been set invisible to other users in musdb.",
"user_set_visible": "Your profile has been set visible to other users in musdb.",
"user_description_edited": "Your profile description has been edited"
"user_description_edited": "Your profile description has been edited",
"public_pgp_key": "Public PGP key",
"username_explica": "Username with which a user logs in. Ideally something concise but unique.",
"realname_explica": "Full name of the user.",
"usermail_explica": "Mail address of the user.<br\/>We need this information to be able to send out invitation mails. Later, it allows <em>musdb<\/em> to send automated mails with recent updates (these need to be enabled below). If the user wants to delete their account, a mail asking for confirmation will also be sent to this email address.<br\/>If the user's profile is made visible other users logged in to musdb, the email address will be visible there, too.",
"password_form": "Must contain at least 8 characters.",
"password_explica": "Password. Must be at least 8 characters long.",
"automatic_mails_explica": "Should updates (currently notifications of recently ending loan entries and notifications from admins and other users) be automatically mailed to the user in regular intervals?",
"user_role_explica": "The user role determines a user's default access rights to contents in musdb. A more in-depth explanation can be found in the handbook.",
"user_institution_explica": "Every user (even regional administrators) needs to be linked to a \"home institution\". This \"home institution\" can be set here.",
"user_about_explica": "Say something about yourself. This description will be visible on your profile if you set it visible to other users in musdb.",
"public_pgp_key_explica": "In this field, a public PGP key can be entered. If this is done, future mails will be sent encrypted to you.",
"two_factor_authentication": "Two Factor Authentication",
"via_mail": "Via E-Mail",
"2fa_explica": "Two factor authentication can be enabled here. Thus far, the only option is two factor authentication using your mail account. After entering your login credentials, you will be sent a code via mail with which you can then log in. By default, two factor authentication is disabled.",
"security": "Security",
"your_account_has_been_deleted": "Your account has been deleted",
"this_is_your_auth_code": "You can find your authentication code below. Enter it to log in to musdb:",
"auth_code": "Authentication code",
"login_at_musdb": "Login at musdb",
"auth_code_invalid": "The authentication code you entered is not valid",
"2fa_screen_explica": "Sie haben die Zwei-Faktor-Authentifizierungs-Option in den Benutzereinstellungen aktiviert. Entsprechend haben Sie gerade einen Zugangscode zugeschickt bekommen.<br \/>Dieser Code ist f\u00fcr zwei Stunden g\u00fcltig.",
"access_denied": "Access denied"
@ -100,6 +100,7 @@
"quilt": "Quilt",
"options": "Options",
"newspapers_mailing_lists": "Newspapers and mailing lists",
"room": "Room"
"room": "Room",
"image": "Image"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
"tlNotifications": {
"loan_ended": "Loan ended",
"With": "With",
"started": "started",
"ended": "ended",
"new_comment": "New comment",
"new_priv_msg_by": "New private message by",
"dear": "Dear",
"this_week_news": "there are notifications for you this week on musdb.",
"messages_from_admins": "Messages from the administrators",
"loans_ending": "Loans ending",
"privMsgsChats": "Private messages \/ chats",
"comments": "Comments",
"news_unsubscribe": "Unsubscribe",
"news_unsubscribe_text": "To not receive notification mails from musdb anymore, please log in and deactivate the automated notifications in your account settings",
"news_subject_line": "News at museum-digital:musdb",
"new_user": "New user"
@ -95,6 +95,28 @@
"about": "About",
"user_set_invisible": "Your profile has been set invisible to other users in musdb.",
"user_set_visible": "Your profile has been set visible to other users in musdb.",
"user_description_edited": "Your profile description has been edited"
"user_description_edited": "Your profile description has been edited",
"public_pgp_key": "Public PGP key",
"username_explica": "Username with which a user logs in. Ideally something concise but unique.",
"realname_explica": "Full name of the user.",
"usermail_explica": "Mail address of the user.<br\/>We need this information to be able to send out invitation mails. Later, it allows <em>musdb<\/em> to send automated mails with recent updates (these need to be enabled below). If the user wants to delete their account, a mail asking for confirmation will also be sent to this email address.<br\/>If the user's profile is made visible other users logged in to musdb, the email address will be visible there, too.",
"password_form": "Must contain at least 8 characters.",
"password_explica": "Password. Must be at least 8 characters long.",
"automatic_mails_explica": "Should updates (currently notifications of recently ending loan entries and notifications from admins and other users) be automatically mailed to the user in regular intervals?",
"user_role_explica": "The user role determines a user's default access rights to contents in musdb. A more in-depth explanation can be found in the handbook.",
"user_institution_explica": "Every user (even regional administrators) needs to be linked to a \"home institution\". This \"home institution\" can be set here.",
"user_about_explica": "Say something about yourself. This description will be visible on your profile if you set it visible to other users in musdb.",
"public_pgp_key_explica": "In this field, a public PGP key can be entered. If this is done, future mails will be sent encrypted to you.",
"two_factor_authentication": "Two Factor Authentication",
"via_mail": "Via E-Mail",
"2fa_explica": "Two factor authentication can be enabled here. Thus far, the only option is two factor authentication using your mail account. After entering your login credentials, you will be sent a code via mail with which you can then log in. By default, two factor authentication is disabled.",
"security": "Security",
"your_account_has_been_deleted": "Your account has been deleted",
"this_is_your_auth_code": "You can find your authentication code below. Enter it to log in to musdb:",
"auth_code": "Authentication code",
"login_at_musdb": "Login at musdb",
"auth_code_invalid": "The authentication code you entered is not valid",
"2fa_screen_explica": "Sie haben die Zwei-Faktor-Authentifizierungs-Option in den Benutzereinstellungen aktiviert. Entsprechend haben Sie gerade einen Zugangscode zugeschickt bekommen.<br \/>Dieser Code ist f\u00fcr zwei Stunden g\u00fcltig.",
"access_denied": "Access denied"
@ -100,6 +100,7 @@
"quilt": "Quilt",
"options": "Options",
"newspapers_mailing_lists": "Newspapers and mailing lists",
"room": "Room"
"room": "Room",
"image": "Image"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
"tlNotifications": {
"loan_ended": "Loan ended",
"With": "With",
"started": "started",
"ended": "ended",
"new_comment": "New comment",
"new_priv_msg_by": "New private message by",
"dear": "Dear",
"this_week_news": "there are notifications for you this week on musdb.",
"messages_from_admins": "Messages from the administrators",
"loans_ending": "Loans ending",
"privMsgsChats": "Private messages \/ chats",
"comments": "Comments",
"news_unsubscribe": "Unsubscribe",
"news_unsubscribe_text": "To not receive notification mails from musdb anymore, please log in and deactivate the automated notifications in your account settings",
"news_subject_line": "News at museum-digital:musdb",
"new_user": "New user"
@ -95,6 +95,28 @@
"about": "About",
"user_set_invisible": "Your profile has been set invisible to other users in musdb.",
"user_set_visible": "Your profile has been set visible to other users in musdb.",
"user_description_edited": "Your profile description has been edited"
"user_description_edited": "Your profile description has been edited",
"public_pgp_key": "Public PGP key",
"username_explica": "Username with which a user logs in. Ideally something concise but unique.",
"realname_explica": "Full name of the user.",
"usermail_explica": "Mail address of the user.<br\/>We need this information to be able to send out invitation mails. Later, it allows <em>musdb<\/em> to send automated mails with recent updates (these need to be enabled below). If the user wants to delete their account, a mail asking for confirmation will also be sent to this email address.<br\/>If the user's profile is made visible other users logged in to musdb, the email address will be visible there, too.",
"password_form": "Must contain at least 8 characters.",
"password_explica": "Password. Must be at least 8 characters long.",
"automatic_mails_explica": "Should updates (currently notifications of recently ending loan entries and notifications from admins and other users) be automatically mailed to the user in regular intervals?",
"user_role_explica": "The user role determines a user's default access rights to contents in musdb. A more in-depth explanation can be found in the handbook.",
"user_institution_explica": "Every user (even regional administrators) needs to be linked to a \"home institution\". This \"home institution\" can be set here.",
"user_about_explica": "Say something about yourself. This description will be visible on your profile if you set it visible to other users in musdb.",
"public_pgp_key_explica": "In this field, a public PGP key can be entered. If this is done, future mails will be sent encrypted to you.",
"two_factor_authentication": "Two Factor Authentication",
"via_mail": "Via E-Mail",
"2fa_explica": "Two factor authentication can be enabled here. Thus far, the only option is two factor authentication using your mail account. After entering your login credentials, you will be sent a code via mail with which you can then log in. By default, two factor authentication is disabled.",
"security": "Security",
"your_account_has_been_deleted": "Your account has been deleted",
"this_is_your_auth_code": "You can find your authentication code below. Enter it to log in to musdb:",
"auth_code": "Authentication code",
"login_at_musdb": "Login at musdb",
"auth_code_invalid": "The authentication code you entered is not valid",
"2fa_screen_explica": "Sie haben die Zwei-Faktor-Authentifizierungs-Option in den Benutzereinstellungen aktiviert. Entsprechend haben Sie gerade einen Zugangscode zugeschickt bekommen.<br \/>Dieser Code ist f\u00fcr zwei Stunden g\u00fcltig.",
"access_denied": "Access denied"
@ -100,6 +100,7 @@
"quilt": "Quilt",
"options": "Options",
"newspapers_mailing_lists": "Newspapers and mailing lists",
"room": "Room"
"room": "Room",
"image": "Image"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
"tlNotifications": {
"loan_ended": "Loan ended",
"With": "With",
"started": "started",
"ended": "ended",
"new_comment": "New comment",
"new_priv_msg_by": "New private message by",
"dear": "Dear",
"this_week_news": "there are notifications for you this week on musdb.",
"messages_from_admins": "Messages from the administrators",
"loans_ending": "Loans ending",
"privMsgsChats": "Private messages \/ chats",
"comments": "Comments",
"news_unsubscribe": "Unsubscribe",
"news_unsubscribe_text": "To not receive notification mails from musdb anymore, please log in and deactivate the automated notifications in your account settings",
"news_subject_line": "News at museum-digital:musdb",
"new_user": "New user"
@ -95,6 +95,28 @@
"about": "About",
"user_set_invisible": "Your profile has been set invisible to other users in musdb.",
"user_set_visible": "Your profile has been set visible to other users in musdb.",
"user_description_edited": "Your profile description has been edited"
"user_description_edited": "Your profile description has been edited",
"public_pgp_key": "Public PGP key",
"username_explica": "Username with which a user logs in. Ideally something concise but unique.",
"realname_explica": "Full name of the user.",
"usermail_explica": "Mail address of the user.<br\/>We need this information to be able to send out invitation mails. Later, it allows <em>musdb<\/em> to send automated mails with recent updates (these need to be enabled below). If the user wants to delete their account, a mail asking for confirmation will also be sent to this email address.<br\/>If the user's profile is made visible other users logged in to musdb, the email address will be visible there, too.",
"password_form": "Must contain at least 8 characters.",
"password_explica": "Password. Must be at least 8 characters long.",
"automatic_mails_explica": "Should updates (currently notifications of recently ending loan entries and notifications from admins and other users) be automatically mailed to the user in regular intervals?",
"user_role_explica": "The user role determines a user's default access rights to contents in musdb. A more in-depth explanation can be found in the handbook.",
"user_institution_explica": "Every user (even regional administrators) needs to be linked to a \"home institution\". This \"home institution\" can be set here.",
"user_about_explica": "Say something about yourself. This description will be visible on your profile if you set it visible to other users in musdb.",
"public_pgp_key_explica": "In this field, a public PGP key can be entered. If this is done, future mails will be sent encrypted to you.",
"two_factor_authentication": "Two Factor Authentication",
"via_mail": "Via E-Mail",
"2fa_explica": "Two factor authentication can be enabled here. Thus far, the only option is two factor authentication using your mail account. After entering your login credentials, you will be sent a code via mail with which you can then log in. By default, two factor authentication is disabled.",
"security": "Security",
"your_account_has_been_deleted": "Your account has been deleted",
"this_is_your_auth_code": "You can find your authentication code below. Enter it to log in to musdb:",
"auth_code": "Authentication code",
"login_at_musdb": "Login at musdb",
"auth_code_invalid": "The authentication code you entered is not valid",
"2fa_screen_explica": "Sie haben die Zwei-Faktor-Authentifizierungs-Option in den Benutzereinstellungen aktiviert. Entsprechend haben Sie gerade einen Zugangscode zugeschickt bekommen.<br \/>Dieser Code ist f\u00fcr zwei Stunden g\u00fcltig.",
"access_denied": "Access denied"
@ -100,6 +100,7 @@
"quilt": "Quilt",
"options": "Options",
"newspapers_mailing_lists": "Newspapers and mailing lists",
"room": "Room"
"room": "Room",
"image": "Image"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
"tlNotifications": {
"loan_ended": "Loan ended",
"With": "With",
"started": "started",
"ended": "ended",
"new_comment": "New comment",
"new_priv_msg_by": "New private message by",
"dear": "Dear",
"this_week_news": "there are notifications for you this week on musdb.",
"messages_from_admins": "Messages from the administrators",
"loans_ending": "Loans ending",
"privMsgsChats": "Private messages \/ chats",
"comments": "Comments",
"news_unsubscribe": "Unsubscribe",
"news_unsubscribe_text": "To not receive notification mails from musdb anymore, please log in and deactivate the automated notifications in your account settings",
"news_subject_line": "News at museum-digital:musdb",
"new_user": "New user"
@ -95,6 +95,28 @@
"about": "About",
"user_set_invisible": "Your profile has been set invisible to other users in musdb.",
"user_set_visible": "Your profile has been set visible to other users in musdb.",
"user_description_edited": "Your profile description has been edited"
"user_description_edited": "Your profile description has been edited",
"public_pgp_key": "Public PGP key",
"username_explica": "Username with which a user logs in. Ideally something concise but unique.",
"realname_explica": "Full name of the user.",
"usermail_explica": "Mail address of the user.<br\/>We need this information to be able to send out invitation mails. Later, it allows <em>musdb<\/em> to send automated mails with recent updates (these need to be enabled below). If the user wants to delete their account, a mail asking for confirmation will also be sent to this email address.<br\/>If the user's profile is made visible other users logged in to musdb, the email address will be visible there, too.",
"password_form": "Must contain at least 8 characters.",
"password_explica": "Password. Must be at least 8 characters long.",
"automatic_mails_explica": "Should updates (currently notifications of recently ending loan entries and notifications from admins and other users) be automatically mailed to the user in regular intervals?",
"user_role_explica": "The user role determines a user's default access rights to contents in musdb. A more in-depth explanation can be found in the handbook.",
"user_institution_explica": "Every user (even regional administrators) needs to be linked to a \"home institution\". This \"home institution\" can be set here.",
"user_about_explica": "Say something about yourself. This description will be visible on your profile if you set it visible to other users in musdb.",
"public_pgp_key_explica": "In this field, a public PGP key can be entered. If this is done, future mails will be sent encrypted to you.",
"two_factor_authentication": "Two Factor Authentication",
"via_mail": "Via E-Mail",
"2fa_explica": "Two factor authentication can be enabled here. Thus far, the only option is two factor authentication using your mail account. After entering your login credentials, you will be sent a code via mail with which you can then log in. By default, two factor authentication is disabled.",
"security": "Security",
"your_account_has_been_deleted": "Your account has been deleted",
"this_is_your_auth_code": "You can find your authentication code below. Enter it to log in to musdb:",
"auth_code": "Authentication code",
"login_at_musdb": "Login at musdb",
"auth_code_invalid": "The authentication code you entered is not valid",
"2fa_screen_explica": "Sie haben die Zwei-Faktor-Authentifizierungs-Option in den Benutzereinstellungen aktiviert. Entsprechend haben Sie gerade einen Zugangscode zugeschickt bekommen.<br \/>Dieser Code ist f\u00fcr zwei Stunden g\u00fcltig.",
"access_denied": "Access denied"
@ -100,6 +100,7 @@
"quilt": "Quilt",
"options": "Options",
"newspapers_mailing_lists": "Newspapers and mailing lists",
"room": "Room"
"room": "Room",
"image": "Image"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
"tlNotifications": {
"loan_ended": "Loan ended",
"With": "With",
"started": "started",
"ended": "ended",
"new_comment": "New comment",
"new_priv_msg_by": "New private message by",
"dear": "Dear",
"this_week_news": "there are notifications for you this week on musdb.",
"messages_from_admins": "Messages from the administrators",
"loans_ending": "Loans ending",
"privMsgsChats": "Private messages \/ chats",
"comments": "Comments",
"news_unsubscribe": "Unsubscribe",
"news_unsubscribe_text": "To not receive notification mails from musdb anymore, please log in and deactivate the automated notifications in your account settings",
"news_subject_line": "News at museum-digital:musdb",
"new_user": "New user"
@ -95,6 +95,28 @@
"about": "About",
"user_set_invisible": "Your profile has been set invisible to other users in musdb.",
"user_set_visible": "Your profile has been set visible to other users in musdb.",
"user_description_edited": "Your profile description has been edited"
"user_description_edited": "Your profile description has been edited",
"public_pgp_key": "Public PGP key",
"username_explica": "Username with which a user logs in. Ideally something concise but unique.",
"realname_explica": "Full name of the user.",
"usermail_explica": "Mail address of the user.<br\/>We need this information to be able to send out invitation mails. Later, it allows <em>musdb<\/em> to send automated mails with recent updates (these need to be enabled below). If the user wants to delete their account, a mail asking for confirmation will also be sent to this email address.<br\/>If the user's profile is made visible other users logged in to musdb, the email address will be visible there, too.",
"password_form": "Must contain at least 8 characters.",
"password_explica": "Password. Must be at least 8 characters long.",
"automatic_mails_explica": "Should updates (currently notifications of recently ending loan entries and notifications from admins and other users) be automatically mailed to the user in regular intervals?",
"user_role_explica": "The user role determines a user's default access rights to contents in musdb. A more in-depth explanation can be found in the handbook.",
"user_institution_explica": "Every user (even regional administrators) needs to be linked to a \"home institution\". This \"home institution\" can be set here.",
"user_about_explica": "Say something about yourself. This description will be visible on your profile if you set it visible to other users in musdb.",
"public_pgp_key_explica": "In this field, a public PGP key can be entered. If this is done, future mails will be sent encrypted to you.",
"two_factor_authentication": "Two Factor Authentication",
"via_mail": "Via E-Mail",
"2fa_explica": "Two factor authentication can be enabled here. Thus far, the only option is two factor authentication using your mail account. After entering your login credentials, you will be sent a code via mail with which you can then log in. By default, two factor authentication is disabled.",
"security": "Security",
"your_account_has_been_deleted": "Your account has been deleted",
"this_is_your_auth_code": "You can find your authentication code below. Enter it to log in to musdb:",
"auth_code": "Authentication code",
"login_at_musdb": "Login at musdb",
"auth_code_invalid": "The authentication code you entered is not valid",
"2fa_screen_explica": "Sie haben die Zwei-Faktor-Authentifizierungs-Option in den Benutzereinstellungen aktiviert. Entsprechend haben Sie gerade einen Zugangscode zugeschickt bekommen.<br \/>Dieser Code ist f\u00fcr zwei Stunden g\u00fcltig.",
"access_denied": "Access denied"
Reference in New Issue
Block a user