Translate basis, persinst, and places in nodac to Indonesian
This commit is contained in:
@ -9,15 +9,7 @@
"again": "Noch einmal",
"back": "Zur\u00fcck",
"back_overview": "Zur\u00fcck zur \u00dcbersicht",
"novocabulary": "Bitte geben sie eine Quelle an",
"add_vocabulary": "Normdaten \/ Quellen hinzuf\u00fcgen",
"add_more_vocabulary": "Weitere Normdaten \/ Quellen hinzuf\u00fcgen",
"which_vocabulary": "Die Angaben stammen aus ...",
"enlarge_vocabulary_list": "Erweiterung dieser Liste beantragen",
"delete_vocabulary": "Die Normdaten \/ Quelle l\u00f6schen",
"delete_vocabulary_check": "Sie sind dabei einen Normdateneintrag \/ eine Quelle zu l\u00f6schen",
"change_vocabulary": "Die Normdaten \/ Quelle bearbeiten",
"general_source": "Allgemeine Internetquelle, d.h. kein Nachschlagewerk, Lexikon oder Thesaurus",
"last_change": "Zuletzt ge\u00e4ndert",
"better_not_delete": "Nein, war nicht so ernst gemeint (zur\u00fcck)",
"better_to_delete": "Ja, so soll es sein. Hinfort damit",
@ -29,12 +21,8 @@
"uncheckedonly": "Nur ungepr\u00fcfte",
"unprocessedonly": "Nur unbearbeitete",
"questionableonly": "Nur fragliche",
"numberinvoc": "Nummer in Vokabular",
"linktovoc": "Link ins Vokabular",
"namefirstletter": "Name beginnt mit ...",
"found": "Gefunden:",
"wikilink": "Link zu Wikipedia (Neues Fenster)",
"googlelink": "Google-Suche (Neues Fenster)",
"syngroup": "Synonyme",
"syngroup_build": "Synonymgruppe bilden",
"syngroup_add": "Ein Synonym anf\u00fcgen",
@ -50,7 +38,6 @@
"status_red": "Schaltet Status auf UNBEARBEITET",
"status_question": "Schaltet Status auf FRAGLICH",
"status": "Status",
"change_status_to": "wird",
"unknown": "ist unbekannt",
"create_new_entry": "neuen Eintrag anlegen",
"or_go_back": "oder: Zur\u00fcck",
@ -61,10 +48,6 @@
"egal": "Egal",
"in": "in",
"containing": "Beinhaltet",
"syncronized_values": "Synchronisierte Werte",
"back_no_change": "Zur\u00fcck ohne \u00c4nderungen",
"sync_no_authority": "Synchronisieren ohne Normdaten",
"synchronize": "Synchronisieren",
"to_tag_control": "Meinten Sie eines der folgenden Schlagworte?",
"to_tag_new": "Es ist keines von diesen Sachschlagworten. Neues Sachschlagwort anlegen",
"no_description": "Keine Beschreibung",
@ -4,8 +4,6 @@
"langbezeichnung_explica": "Bitte immer ausf\u00fcllen<br><br>Name von Personen bitte eintragen als: [Vorname][ ][Nachname][ (][Geburtsjahr][-][Sterbejahr][)]<br>Beispiel (Person):<br>Achenbach Andreas (1815-1910)<br><br>Wenn Jahreszahlen nicht bekannt, dann nur Name in \"Normalform\"<br>Beispiel: \"Andreas Achenbach\"<br><br>Name von Institutionen bitte in \"Normalform\" wiederholen<br>Beispiel: Brauerei Landsberg GmbH<br><br>Wenn Firma mit Personenname, dann \"(Firma)\" anf\u00fcgen<br>Beispiel: \"A. Lehmann (Firma)",
"kurzbezeichnung": "Sortiername",
"kurzbezeichnung_explica": "Bitte immer ausf\u00fcllen<br><br>Name von Personen bitte eintragen als: [Nachname][,][Vorname]<br>Beispiel: Achenbach, Andreas<br><br>Name von Institutionen bitte in \"Normalform\"<br>Beispiel: Brauerei Landsberg GmbH<br><br>Wenn Firma mit Personenname, dann \"(Firma\") anf\u00fcgen<br>Beispiel: \"A. Lehmann (Firma)",
"english_name": "... in english",
"english_name_explica": "Nur ausf\u00fcllen wenn bekannt und von der Originalbezeichnung abweichend",
"birthyear": "Geburtsjahr",
"birthyear_explica": "Nur ausf\u00fcllen wenn bekannt<br><br>Immer vierstellige Jahreszahl<br>Beispiel: 1815",
"deathyear": "Sterbejahr",
@ -15,7 +13,6 @@
"no_short_name": "Bitte einen Namen (Person, Institution, ...) eingeben!",
"no_detailed_name": "Bitte einen vollst\u00e4ndigen Namen (Person, Institution, ...) eingeben!",
"entity_known": "Eine Person oder Institution mit diesem Namen ist bereits bekannt!",
"problemtoadmin": "Problem gefunden. Bitte den Administrator kontaktieren",
"delete_persinst": "Die Person oder Institution l\u00f6schen",
"delete_persinst_check": "Sie sind dabei einen Personen- oder Institutioneneintrag zu l\u00f6schen",
"attention1": "<b>Achtung:<\/b> \u00c4nderung von Geburts- oder Sterbejahr, unbedingt im Feld \"Langbezeichnung\" nachtragen!",
@ -9,15 +9,7 @@
"again": "Once again",
"back": "Back",
"back_overview": "Back to the overview",
"novocabulary": "Please provide a vocabulary or source",
"add_vocabulary": "Add controlled vocabulary or source",
"add_more_vocabulary": "Add additional controlled vocabulary or source",
"which_vocabulary": "Please choose the source (controlled vocabulary) ...",
"enlarge_vocabulary_list": "Please enlarge the list of vocabularies",
"delete_vocabulary": "Delete controlled vocabulary or source",
"delete_vocabulary_check": "You are about to delete controlled vocabulary\/a source",
"change_vocabulary": "Change controlled vocabulary or source",
"general_source": "General web resource, i.e. no controlled vocabulary or thesaurus",
"last_change": "Last changed",
"better_not_delete": "No, that was not what I meant to do (go back)",
"better_to_delete": "Of course, I mean what I say. Delete it",
@ -30,11 +22,7 @@
"unprocessedonly": "Unprocessed only",
"questionableonly": "Questionable only",
"namefirstletter": "Name starts with ...",
"numberinvoc": "ID in vocabulary",
"linktovoc": "Link into vocabulary",
"found": "Found:",
"wikilink": "Link to Wikipedia (New window)",
"googlelink": "Google search (New window)",
"syngroup": "Synonyms",
"syngroup_build": "Build group of synonyms",
"syngroup_add": "Add a synonym",
@ -50,7 +38,6 @@
"status_red": "Turns status into UNCHECKED",
"status_question": "Turns status into TO BE CHECKED",
"status": "Status",
"change_status_to": "Change to",
"unknown": "is unknown",
"create_new_entry": "Create new entry",
"or_go_back": "or: Go back",
@ -61,10 +48,6 @@
"egal": "Any",
"in": "In",
"containing": "Containing",
"syncronized_values": "Syncronized values",
"back_no_change": "Back without changes",
"sync_no_authority": "Synchronize without links to authorities",
"synchronize": "Synchronize",
"to_tag_control": "Did you mean one of the following keywords?",
"to_tag_new": "It is not in the list. Create new keyword",
"no_description": "No description",
@ -4,8 +4,6 @@
"langbezeichnung_explica": "Please always fill in<br><br>Write name of person as: [First name][ ][Surname][ (][Year of Birth][-][Year of Death][)]<br>Example (person):<br>Achenbach Andreas (1815-1910)<br><br>If years are unknown, just write the name in regular way<br>Example: \"Andreas Achenbach\"<br><br>Names of institution in complete form<br>Example: Brauerei Landsberg GmbH<br><br>If an institution has the name of a person as its name, simply add \"(Company)\"<br>Example: \"A. Lehmann (Company)",
"kurzbezeichnung": "Sort Name",
"kurzbezeichnung_explica": "Please always fill in<br><br>Write name of person as: [Surname][,][First name]<br>Example: Achenbach, Andreas<br><br>Names of institutions in short form<br>Example: Brauerei Landsberg GmbH<br><br>If an institution has the name of a person as its name, simply add \"(Company)\"<br>Example: \"A. Lehmann (Company)",
"english_name": "... in English",
"english_name_explica": "Only fill in if known and different from the original name",
"birthyear": "Year of birth",
"birthyear_explica": "Only fill in if known<br><br>A four digit number<br>Example: 1815",
"deathyear": "Year of death",
@ -15,7 +13,6 @@
"no_short_name": "You have to give a short name (for the person or institution)!",
"no_detailed_name": "You have to give a detailed name (for the person or institution)!",
"entity_known": "A person or institution with this name is already known!",
"problemtoadmin": "A problem was encountered, please contact admin",
"delete_persinst": "Delete the person or institution",
"delete_persinst_check": "You are going to delete an entry for a person or institution",
"attention1": "<b>Attention:<\/b> If you change the year of birth or year of death field for a person-entry you have to change the detailed name too!",
@ -9,15 +9,7 @@
"again": "Once again",
"back": "Back",
"back_overview": "Back to the overview",
"novocabulary": "Please provide a vocabulary or source",
"add_vocabulary": "Add controlled vocabulary or source",
"add_more_vocabulary": "Add additional controlled vocabulary or source",
"which_vocabulary": "Please choose the source (controlled vocabulary) ...",
"enlarge_vocabulary_list": "Please enlarge the list of vocabularies",
"delete_vocabulary": "Delete controlled vocabulary or source",
"delete_vocabulary_check": "You are about deleting controlled vocabulary or source",
"change_vocabulary": "Change controlled vocabulary or source",
"general_source": "General web resource, i.e. no controlled vocabulary or thesaurus",
"last_change": "Last changed",
"better_not_delete": "No, that was not meant seriously (back)",
"better_to_delete": "Of course, I mean what I say. Delete it",
@ -29,12 +21,8 @@
"uncheckedonly": "Unchecked only",
"unprocessedonly": "Unprocessed only",
"questionableonly": "Questionable only",
"numberinvoc": "ID in vocabulary",
"linktovoc": "Link into vocabulary",
"namefirstletter": "Name starts with ...",
"found": "Found:",
"wikilink": "Link to wikipedia (New window)",
"googlelink": "Google-search (New window)",
"syngroup": "Synonyms",
"syngroup_build": "Build group of synonyms",
"syngroup_add": "Add a synonym",
@ -50,7 +38,6 @@
"status_red": "Turns status into UNCHECKED",
"status_question": "Turns status into TO BE CHECKED",
"status": "Status",
"change_status_to": "change to",
"unknown": "is unknown",
"create_new_entry": "create new entry",
"or_go_back": "or: Go back",
@ -61,10 +48,6 @@
"egal": "Any",
"in": "in",
"containing": "Containing",
"syncronized_values": "Syncronized values",
"back_no_change": "Back without changes",
"sync_no_authority": "Synchronize without links to authorities",
"synchronize": "Synchronize",
"to_tag_control": "Did you mean one of the following keywords?",
"to_tag_new": "It is not in the list. Create new keyword",
"no_description": "No description",
@ -4,8 +4,6 @@
"langbezeichnung_explica": "Please always fill in<br><br>Write name of person as: [Given name][ ][Surname][ (][Year of Birth][-][Year of Death][)]<br>Example (person):<br>Achenbach Andreas (1815-1910)<br><br>If years are unknown, just write the name in regular way<br>Example: \"Andreas Achenbach\"<br><br>Names of institution in complete form<br>Example: Brauerei Landsberg GmbH<br><br>If an institution has the name of a person as its name, simply add \"(Company)\"<br>Example: \"A. Lehmann (Company)",
"kurzbezeichnung": "Name (short)",
"kurzbezeichnung_explica": "Please always fill in<br><br>Write name of person as: [Surname][,][Given name]<br>Example: Achenbach, Andreas<br><br>Names of institutions in short form<br>Example: Brauerei Landsberg GmbH<br><br>If an institution has the name of a person as its name, simply add \"(Company)\"<br>Example: \"A. Lehmann (Company)",
"english_name": "... in english",
"english_name_explica": "Only fill in if known and different from the original name",
"birthyear": "Year of birth",
"birthyear_explica": "Only fill in if known<br><br>A four digit number<br>Example: 1815",
"deathyear": "Year of death",
@ -15,7 +13,6 @@
"no_short_name": "You have to give a short name (for the person or institution)!",
"no_detailed_name": "You have to give a detailed name (for the person or institution)!",
"entity_known": "A person or institution with this name is already known !",
"problemtoadmin": "A problem was encountered, please contact admin",
"delete_persinst": "Delete the person or institution",
"delete_persinst_check": "You are going to delete an entry for a person or institution",
"attention1": "<b>Attention:<\/b> If you change the year of birth or year of death field for a person-entry you have to change the detailed name too !",
@ -1,101 +1,84 @@
"basis": {
"langswitch": "Change language",
"logout": "Logout",
"objects_change": "Change object",
"objects_show": "Show object",
"objects": "Objects",
"send": "Submit",
"again": "Once again",
"back": "Back",
"back_overview": "Back to the overview",
"novocabulary": "Please provide a vocabulary or source",
"add_vocabulary": "Add controlled vocabulary or source",
"add_more_vocabulary": "Add additional controlled vocabulary or source",
"which_vocabulary": "Please choose the source (controlled vocabulary) ...",
"enlarge_vocabulary_list": "Please enlarge the list of vocabularies",
"delete_vocabulary": "Delete controlled vocabulary or source",
"delete_vocabulary_check": "You are about to delete controlled vocabulary\/a source",
"change_vocabulary": "Change controlled vocabulary or source",
"general_source": "General web resource, i.e. no controlled vocabulary or thesaurus",
"last_change": "Last changed",
"better_not_delete": "No, that was not what I meant to do (go back)",
"better_to_delete": "Of course, I mean what I say. Delete it",
"sortorder": "Sort order",
"sequence": "Sequence",
"selection": "Selection",
"showall": "Show all",
"checkedonly": "Checked only",
"uncheckedonly": "Unchecked only",
"unprocessedonly": "Unprocessed only",
"questionableonly": "Questionable only",
"namefirstletter": "Name starts with ...",
"numberinvoc": "ID in vocabulary",
"linktovoc": "Link into vocabulary",
"found": "Found:",
"wikilink": "Link to Wikipedia (New window)",
"googlelink": "Google search (New window)",
"syngroup": "Synonyms",
"syngroup_build": "Build group of synonyms",
"syngroup_add": "Add a synonym",
"syngroup_substract": "Take entity from group",
"syngroup_dissolve": "Dissolve group",
"keyword": "Keyword",
"actor": "Actor",
"time": "Time",
"geo": "Place",
"entities": "Entity encoding",
"no_entities": "Not encoded",
"status_green": "Turns status into CHECKED",
"status_red": "Turns status into UNCHECKED",
"status_question": "Turns status into TO BE CHECKED",
"langswitch": "Ubah bahasa",
"logout": "Ke luar",
"objects_change": "Ubah benda",
"objects_show": "Tunjukkan benda",
"objects": "Benda",
"send": "Simpan",
"again": "Sekali lagi",
"back": "Kembali",
"back_overview": "Kembali ke ikhtisar",
"delete_vocabulary": "Hapuskan sumber ",
"last_change": "Tanggal perubahan",
"better_not_delete": "Tidak (kembali)",
"better_to_delete": "Ya, hapuskan itu",
"sortorder": "Penyortiran",
"sequence": "Urutan",
"selection": "Seleksi",
"showall": "Tunjukkan semua",
"checkedonly": "Yang diperiksa saja",
"uncheckedonly": "Yang belum diperiksa saja",
"unprocessedonly": "Yang belum diproses saja",
"questionableonly": "Yang minta diperiksa lagi",
"namefirstletter": "Mula nama",
"found": "Ditermukan: ",
"syngroup": "Sinonim",
"syngroup_build": "Buat kelompok sinonim",
"syngroup_add": "Tambahkan sinonim",
"syngroup_substract": "Lepaskan masukan dari kelompok sinonim",
"syngroup_dissolve": "Hapuskan semua kelompok",
"keyword": "Kata kunci",
"actor": "Orang \/ lembaga",
"time": "Waktu",
"geo": "Tempat",
"entities": "Kode",
"no_entities": "Kode belum ditetapkan",
"status_green": "Ubah status kepada \"diperiksa\"",
"status_red": "Ubah status kepada \"belum diperiksa\"",
"status_question": "Ubah status kepada \"harus diperiksa lagi\"",
"status": "Status",
"change_status_to": "Change to",
"unknown": "is unknown",
"create_new_entry": "Create new entry",
"or_go_back": "or: Go back",
"select_with_click": "Select by clicking",
"noda_source": "Source",
"noda_number": "No. in source",
"noda_link": "Link",
"egal": "Any",
"in": "In",
"containing": "Containing",
"syncronized_values": "Syncronized values",
"back_no_change": "Back without changes",
"sync_no_authority": "Synchronize without links to authorities",
"synchronize": "Synchronize",
"to_tag_control": "Did you mean one of the following keywords?",
"to_tag_new": "It is not in the list. Create new keyword",
"no_description": "No description",
"no_coords": "No coordinates",
"no_superordinate": "No superordinate",
"no_translation": "Translation missing",
"missing_information": "Missing information",
"no_entity_encoding": "No entity encoding",
"search_restricted": "Restricted",
"page": "Page",
"go_to_page": "Go to page",
"has_annotation": "Has user annotation",
"merge_really": "Merge really ?",
"chose_the_term_to_be_kept": "In this case, please chose the term to be kept",
"no_better_not_merge": "No, better not merge",
"add_translations_from_wikidata": "Add translations from Wikidata",
"add_new_translation": "Add new translation",
"delete_all_translations": "Delete all translations",
"pagode_explica": "Overview (i.e. statistics page)",
"klon_explica": "Find duplicate entries",
"fork_explica": "Find multiple relations between entities",
"magnet_explica": "Find illegal relations (1. Generation)",
"grandfather_explica": "Find illegal relation (2. Generation)",
"user_management": "User management",
"involvement_types": "Involvement types",
"no_three_letter_entity_encoding": "No 3 letter entity encoding",
"translation_missing": "Translation missing",
"default_description_too_short": "Default description too short",
"no_coordinates_given": "No coordinates given",
"not_placed_in_hierarchy": "Not placed in hierarchy",
"counting_time_missing": "Counting time missing",
"beginn_after_end": "Beginn after end"
"unknown": "belum terkenal",
"create_new_entry": "Tambahkan masukan yang baru",
"or_go_back": "atau: Kembali",
"select_with_click": "Klik",
"noda_source": "Sumber",
"noda_number": "ID dalam sumber",
"noda_link": "Tautan",
"egal": "Yang mana saja",
"in": "dalam",
"containing": "Tergantung",
"to_tag_control": "Mungkin salah satu kata kunci ini yang dimaksudkan?",
"to_tag_new": "Tidak bisa ditemukan dalam daftar. Tambahkan istilah yang baru",
"no_description": "Tanpa deskripsi",
"no_coords": "Tanpa koordinat",
"no_superordinate": "Tanpa hubungan hirarki",
"no_translation": "Tanpa terjemahan",
"missing_information": "Informasi untuk disempurnakan",
"no_entity_encoding": "Tanpa kode",
"search_restricted": "Saringan",
"page": "Halaman",
"go_to_page": "Lihat halaman",
"has_annotation": "Dengan anotasi pengguna",
"merge_really": "Benar-benar mau menyatukan dua masukan ini?",
"chose_the_term_to_be_kept": "Kalau begitu, silahkan memilih istilah yang mau masih ada",
"no_better_not_merge": "Tidak. Tidak menyatukan",
"add_translations_from_wikidata": "Tambahkan terjemahan dari Wikidata",
"add_new_translation": "Tambahkan terjemahan baru",
"delete_all_translations": "Hapuskan semua terjemahan",
"pagode_explica": "Istilah \/ statistik",
"klon_explica": "Cari duplikat",
"fork_explica": "Cari hubungan yang berbeda untuk masukan yang sama",
"magnet_explica": "Cari hubungan yang dilarang (tingkat 1)",
"grandfather_explica": "Cari hubungan yang dilarang (tingkat 2)",
"user_management": "Peraturan pengguna",
"involvement_types": "Jenis keterlibatan",
"no_three_letter_entity_encoding": "Belum ada kode 3 huruf",
"translation_missing": "Belum ada terjemahan",
"default_description_too_short": "Deskripsi dasar terlalu pendek",
"no_coordinates_given": "Belum ada koordinat",
"not_placed_in_hierarchy": "Belum ada hubungan hirarki",
"counting_time_missing": "Belum ada waktu hitungan",
"beginn_after_end": "Akhir sebelum mula "
@ -1,55 +1,55 @@
"tlGndEntities": {
"gib": "Buildings, monuments, monument plastics, graves",
"gif": "Parts of a state",
"gik": "body politics (without instantial superior)",
"gil": "Countries, states (independent)",
"gin": "Natural geographic units",
"gio": "Small scale geographic units (no buildings)",
"gir": "Religious territories, administrative units of religious bodies",
"giv": "Administrative units that have an instantial superior",
"giw": "Borders, routes, lines",
"gix": "Extraterrestial territories",
"giz": "Geographic names, that do not need the other criteria",
"gxz": "Ficticious places",
"kif": "Companies",
"kim": "Musical bodies",
"kio": "Organs of administrative units",
"kip": "Projects and project-alikes",
"kir": "Religious bodies",
"kiv": "Religious administrative bodies",
"kiz": "Units, that do not meet the other criteria",
"kxz": "Ficticious bodies",
"pif": "Families",
"pik": "Reigning lords, members of reigning families",
"pip": "Pseudonyms",
"pis": "Collective pseudonyms",
"piz": "Person names that do not meet the other criteria",
"pxg": "Gods",
"pxl": "Literary figures, characters from fairy tales",
"pxs": "Ghosts",
"sab": "Musical group",
"sad": "Data medium",
"saf": "Information about the content of a work",
"sag": "Musical genre",
"sam": "Musical expression",
"saz": "General keywords that do not meet any other entity type's criteria",
"sie": "Ethnographic entities",
"sif": "Means of transportation (with individual names)",
"sih": "Single historical events",
"sip": "Products and brand names (sans siw)",
"sis": "Languages",
"siu": "Groups of people (that are not bodies)",
"siw": "Software products",
"siz": "All individual keywords that do not meet any other criteria",
"slz": "Letters, morphemes, words as subject of linguistic research",
"snz": "Nomenclature - Biology - Chemistry",
"sxz": "Ficticious keywords",
"szz": "Unknown cases",
"vie": "Congresses, events",
"vif": "Congress series, event series",
"k": "Institutions and bodies",
"s": "Keywords",
"p": "Families and Persons"
"gib": "Gedung, monumen, kuburan",
"gif": "Bagian negara",
"gik": "Tubuh politik",
"gil": "Negara merdeka",
"gin": "Badan geografis alam",
"gio": "Badan geografis yang kecil (bukan gedung)",
"gir": "Daerah berdefinisi agama, daerah administratif sebuah badan agama",
"giv": "Badan administratif yang berhirarki instansi",
"giw": "Perbatasan, jalan",
"gix": "Daerah di luar angkasa",
"giz": "Nama geografis yang tidak tergantung dalam kategori yang lain",
"gxz": "Tempat fiksi",
"kif": "Perusahaan",
"kim": "Kelompok musik",
"kio": "Cabang badan administratif",
"kip": "Proyek dan badan bersifat proyek",
"kir": "Badan agama",
"kiv": "Badan agama administratif",
"kiz": "Badan yang tidak tergantung dalam kategori yang lain",
"kxz": "Badan fiksi",
"pif": "Keluarga",
"pik": "Bangsawan keluarga pemerintahan",
"pip": "Nama samaran",
"pis": "Nama samaran kolektif",
"piz": "Orang yang tidak tergantung dalam kategori orang yang lain",
"pxg": "Tuhan",
"pxl": "Tokoh fiksi, tokoh dongeng",
"pxs": "Hantu",
"sab": "Kelompok musik",
"sad": "Medium data",
"saf": "Informasi tentang isi sebuah karya",
"sag": "Aliran musik",
"sam": "Ekspresi musik",
"saz": "Kata kunci umum, yang tidak tergantung dalam kategori yang lain",
"sie": "Kelompok etnografis",
"sif": "Alat transportasi (yang bernama sendiri)",
"sih": "Peristiwa sejarah",
"sip": "Nama merek",
"sis": "Bahasa",
"siu": "Kelompok orang",
"siw": "Produk software",
"siz": "Semua kata kunci yang tidak tergantung dalam kategori yang lain",
"slz": "Huruf, morfem, kosakata dalam rangka riset",
"snz": "Istilah biologi, kimia",
"sxz": "Kata kunci fiksi",
"szz": "Hal yang tidak terkenal",
"vie": "Kongres, pesta",
"vif": "Seri kongres, seri pesta",
"k": "Lembaga dan badan",
"s": "Kata kunci",
"p": "Keluarga dan orang"
@ -1,22 +1,22 @@
"languser": {
"active": "The language of your choice is actually",
"choice": "If you like to change the interface language, please choose another one",
"user_add": "Add new user",
"userlist": "List of all users",
"order_by": "Order by",
"last_login": "Last login",
"username": "Username",
"realname": "Real name",
"mail": "Email",
"password": "Password",
"new_password": "New password (Empty = Keep old one)",
"password_confirmation": "Password confirmation",
"userrole": "Role",
"preferred_language": "Preferred language",
"admin": "Admin",
"groupadmin": "Group admin",
"editor": "Editor",
"switch_language": "Switch language"
"active": "Bahasa yang sedang anda gunakan",
"choice": "Kalau mau berubah bahasa interface nodac, silahkan memilih salah satu bahasa daftar ini",
"user_add": "Tambahkan pengguna baru",
"userlist": "Daftar pengguna",
"order_by": "Urutan",
"last_login": "Login terkini",
"username": "Nama pengguna",
"realname": "Nama lengkap",
"mail": "Alamat surat-e",
"password": "Kata sandi",
"new_password": "Kata sandi (sekali lagi)",
"password_confirmation": "Konfirmasi kata sandi",
"userrole": "Peran",
"preferred_language": "Pilihan bahasa",
"admin": "Administrator",
"groupadmin": "Administrator kelompok",
"editor": "Redaktur",
"switch_language": "Ubah bahasa"
@ -1,65 +1,62 @@
"persinst": {
"langbezeichnung": "Extended Name",
"langbezeichnung_explica": "Please always fill in<br><br>Write name of person as: [First name][ ][Surname][ (][Year of Birth][-][Year of Death][)]<br>Example (person):<br>Achenbach Andreas (1815-1910)<br><br>If years are unknown, just write the name in regular way<br>Example: \"Andreas Achenbach\"<br><br>Names of institution in complete form<br>Example: Brauerei Landsberg GmbH<br><br>If an institution has the name of a person as its name, simply add \"(Company)\"<br>Example: \"A. Lehmann (Company)",
"kurzbezeichnung": "Sort Name",
"kurzbezeichnung_explica": "Please always fill in<br><br>Write name of person as: [Surname][,][First name]<br>Example: Achenbach, Andreas<br><br>Names of institutions in short form<br>Example: Brauerei Landsberg GmbH<br><br>If an institution has the name of a person as its name, simply add \"(Company)\"<br>Example: \"A. Lehmann (Company)",
"english_name": "... in English",
"english_name_explica": "Only fill in if known and different from the original name",
"birthyear": "Year of birth",
"birthyear_explica": "Only fill in if known<br><br>A four digit number<br>Example: 1815",
"deathyear": "Year of death",
"deathyear_explica": "Only fill in if known<br><br>A four digit number<br>Example: 1900",
"annotation": "Remarks",
"annotation_explica": "Please fill in if possible<br><br>Might be only short<br><br>Example \"Painter, Writer, Actor\"",
"no_short_name": "You have to give a short name (for the person or institution)!",
"no_detailed_name": "You have to give a detailed name (for the person or institution)!",
"entity_known": "A person or institution with this name is already known!",
"problemtoadmin": "A problem was encountered, please contact admin",
"delete_persinst": "Delete the person or institution",
"delete_persinst_check": "You are going to delete an entry for a person or institution",
"attention1": "<b>Attention:<\/b> If you change the year of birth or year of death field for a person-entry you have to change the detailed name too!",
"name_detailed_contains": "Name contains ...",
"unite_titel": "Bring people togeter",
"unite_with": "Unite with",
"unite_really": "Relly unite?",
"unite_instruction": "Please click the entity that should be kept.",
"unite_better_not": "No, better not unite",
"unite_leave_mode": "Leave mode \"unification\"",
"unite_first": "Unite two entries. Please choose first entry.",
"unite_second": "Unite two entries. Please choose second entry.",
"please_select": "Please choose a person or institution",
"new_persinst": "New person or institution",
"add_superordinates": "Superordinate (Companies etc.)",
"add_subordinates": "Subordinate (Companies etc.)",
"build_group_synonym": "Build group of synonyms for actual term",
"nominalbezeichnung": "Regular Name",
"nominalbezeichnung_explica": "The common form of the name is used - i.e. without dates for birth and death",
"gender": "Gender",
"given_name": "Given name",
"family_name": "Family name",
"gender_female": "Female",
"gender_male": "Male",
"gender_other": "Other",
"gender_explica": "Gender of the actor",
"added_new_translation": "Added new translation",
"deleted_all_translations": "Deleted all translations",
"deleted_translation": "Deleted translation",
"updated_translations": "Updated translations",
"added_new_actor": "Added new actor",
"removed_link_to_superordinate": "Removed link to superordinate",
"updated_approval_status_of_actor": "Updated approval status of actor",
"deleted_actor": "Deleted actor",
"removed_link_to_subordinate": "Removed link to subordinate",
"linked_to_superordinate_actor": "Linked to superordinate actor",
"linked_to_synonymous_actor": "Linked to synonymous actor",
"removed_link_to_synonymous_entry": "Removed link to synonymous entry",
"transferred_actor_to_tag": "Transferred actor to tag",
"updated_noda_link": "Updated link to controlled vocabulary",
"updated_GND_encoding": "Updated GND encoding",
"linked_to_subordinate_actor": "Linked to subordinate actor",
"updated_base_information_of_actor": "Updated base information of actor",
"loaded_info_from_gnd": "Loaded additional information from GND",
"deleted_gnd_info": "Additional information from the GND was deleted"
"langbezeichnung": "Identifikator lama",
"langbezeichnung_explica": "Masukkanlah nama orang begini:<br>[Nama kecil][ ][Nama keluarga][ (][Tahun kelahiran][-][Tahun peninggalan][)]<br><br>Contoh (Orang): Achenbach Andreas (1815-1910)<br><br>Kalau informasi tanggalnya tidak terkenal, maka masukkanlah nama serupa "normal" saja<br>Contoh: "Andreas Achenbach"<br><br>Masukkanlah nama lembaga serupa "normal"<br>Contoh: Brauerei Landsberg GmbH<br><br>Hal perusahaan dengan nama orang, tambahkan "(perusahaan)" <br>Contoh: "A. Lehmann (perusahaan)",
"kurzbezeichnung": "Nama penyortiran",
"kurzbezeichnung_explica": "Masukkanlah nama orang begini:<br>[Nama keluarga][,][Nama kecil]<br>Contoh: Achenbach, Andreas<br><br>Nama lembaga harap dimasukkan serupa "normal"<br>Contoh: Brauerei Landsberg GmbH<br><br>Hal perusahaanyang bernama orang, tambahkanlah "(perusahaan)" anf\u00fcgen<br>Contoh: "A. Lehmann (perusahaan)",
"birthyear": "Terlahir (tahun)",
"birthyear_explica": "Silahkan selalu memasukkan nomor tahun (<b>empat digit<\/b>)<br><br>Contoh: 1815",
"deathyear": "Meniggal (tahun)",
"deathyear_explica": "Silahkan selalu memasukkan nomor tahun (<b>empat digit<\/b>)<br><br>Contoh: 1815",
"annotation": "Catatan",
"annotation_explica": "Masukkanlah nama orang begini:<br>[Nama keluarga][,][Nama kecil]<br>Contoh: Achenbach, Andreas<br><br>Nama lembaga harap dimasukkan serupa "normal"<br>Contoh: Brauerei Landsberg GmbH<br><br>Hal perusahaanyang bernama orang, tambahkanlah "(perusahaan)" anf\u00fcgen<br>Contoh: "A. Lehmann (perusahaan)",
"no_short_name": "Silahkan masukkan nama identifiikator!",
"no_detailed_name": "Silahkan masukkan nama penyortiran!",
"entity_known": "Orang \/ lembaga ini sudah terkenal!",
"delete_persinst": "Hapuskan orang \/ lembaga ini",
"delete_persinst_check": "Anda akan menghapuskan masukan orang \/ lembaga",
"attention1": "Awas: Saat tahun kelahiran atau ketinggalan anda ubah, nama lengkap harus diubah lagi!",
"name_detailed_contains": "Nama berbagian ....",
"unite_titel": "Menyatukan dua masukkan orang",
"unite_with": "Satukan dengan?",
"unite_really": "Memang mau satukan masukkan ini?",
"unite_instruction": "Klik ke masukan yang tidak akan dihapuskan.",
"unite_better_not": "Tidak mau, kembalilah",
"unite_leave_mode": "Keluar mode penyatuan",
"unite_first": "Menyatukan dua masukan. Pilih masukan pertama.",
"unite_second": "Menyatukan dua masukan. Pilih masukan kedua.",
"please_select": "Silahkan memilih orang \/ lembaga",
"new_persinst": "Orang \/ lembaga baru",
"add_superordinates": "Lebih luas (perusahaan)",
"add_subordinates": "Lebih spesifik (perusahaan)",
"build_group_synonym": "Buat kelompok sinonim",
"nominalbezeichnung": "Nama biasa",
"nominalbezeichnung_explica": "Wujud namanya biasa - tanpa tahun kelahiran atau ketinggalan.",
"gender": "Kelamin",
"given_name": "Nama kecil",
"family_name": "Nama keluarga",
"gender_female": "Wanita",
"gender_male": "Laki-laki",
"gender_other": "Lain",
"gender_explica": "Kelamin orang ini (hal ialah orang, bukan lembaga)",
"added_new_translation": "Terjemahan yang baru sudah ditambahkan",
"deleted_all_translations": "Semua terjemahan sudah dihapuskan",
"deleted_translation": "Salah satu masukan terjemahan sudah dihapuskan",
"updated_translations": "Terjemahan sudah diperbarui",
"added_new_actor": "Orang \/ lembaga baru sudah ditambahkan",
"removed_link_to_superordinate": "Tautan dengan orang \/ lembaga lebih luas sudah dihapuskan",
"updated_approval_status_of_actor": "Status masukan sudah diperbarui",
"deleted_actor": "Orang \/ lembaga baru dihapuskan",
"removed_link_to_subordinate": "Tautan dengan orang \/ lembaga lebih spesifik sudah dihapuskan",
"linked_to_superordinate_actor": "Tautan dengan orang \/ lembaga berdefinisi lebih luas sudah ditambahkan",
"linked_to_synonymous_actor": "Tautan dengan sinonim orang \/ lembaga sudah ditambahkan",
"removed_link_to_synonymous_entry": "Tautan dengan sinonim orang \/ lembaga sudah dihapuskan",
"transferred_actor_to_tag": "Orang \/ lembaga baru dipindai kata kunci",
"updated_noda_link": "Tautkan sumber sudah diperbarui",
"updated_GND_encoding": "Kode GND sudah disunting",
"linked_to_subordinate_actor": "Sudah ditautkan dengan orang \/ lembaga yang lebih spesifik",
"updated_base_information_of_actor": "Informasi dasar orang \/ lembaga sudah diperbarui",
"loaded_info_from_gnd": "Informasi tambahan GND baru diambil",
"deleted_gnd_info": "Informasi tambahan GND baru dihapuskan"
@ -1,57 +1,57 @@
"places": {
"name_contains": "Name contains ...",
"placename": "Placename",
"unite_names": "Unite locations with",
"unite_with": "Unite with",
"unite_leave_mode": "Leave mode \"unification\"",
"unite_first": "Unite two entries. Please choose first entry.",
"unite_second": "Unite two entries. Please choose second entry.",
"in_hierarchy": "The place is part of the hierarchy",
"not_in_hierarchy": "The place is NOT part of the hierarchy",
"placename_explica": "Please always fill in<br><br>It is a good habit to use the actual name:<br>Example 1: Groningen <br>Example 2: Halle (Saale)<br>Example 3: Soho (London)<br>Beispiel 4: Smaland - in this case use as placetype: \"Region\"\"<br><br>If not avoidable ... you might also use \"Italy\"",
"placetype": "Place type",
"placetype_explica": "If the place (or building) is <br><b>not<\/b> an actual place of living (village, city, ...) and <br><b>not<\/b> an actual existing political entity (county, federal state, ...) <br>- than please chose a suitable placetype.<br><br>For actually existing villages, cities, counties ... (and in cases of doubt) please leave empty<br><br>If the place (or building) is not existing anymore than please chose \"historical\"<br><br><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#006600;\">Only fill in if suitable<\/b>",
"tgn_explica": "ID of the place in the Thesaurus of Geographic Names (TGN, Getty)",
"geonames_explica": "ID of the place at geonames",
"remarks": "Remarks",
"remarks_explica": "Short remarks for a better understanding<br><br>Might be left empty.",
"coordinatesNS": "Coordinates, North-South",
"coordinatesNS_explica": "Please always fill in<br><br>Use \".\" (dot) as decimal separator and use numbers only (- is allowed, of course)<br><br>Example \"Berlin\": 52.518333",
"coordinatesWE": "Coordinates, West-East",
"coordinatesWE_explica": "<br><br>Please always fill in<br><br>Use \".\" (dot) as decimal separator and use numbers only (- is allowed, of course)<br><br>Example \"Berlin\": 13.408333",
"name_contains": "Nama berbagian ....",
"placename": "Nama tempat",
"unite_names": "Menyatukan masukan tempat dengan",
"unite_with": "Menyatukan dengan",
"unite_leave_mode": "Keluar mode penyatuan",
"unite_first": "Menyatukan dua masukan. Pilih masukan pertama.",
"unite_second": "Menyatukan dua masukan. Pilih masukan kedua.",
"in_hierarchy": "Tempat ini sudah disortir ke dalam hirarki",
"not_in_hierarchy": "Tempat ini BELUM disortir ke dalam hirarki",
"placename_explica": "Masukkan nama tempat umum. Kalau nama tempatnya tidak spesifis, misalnya dapat memasukkan nama daerah dalam kurun. Kalau tempatnya adalah bagian kota, gunakan format "<kota> OT <bagian kota>".<br><br>Contoh pertama: Surabaya <br>Contoh ke-2: Halle (Saale)<br>Contoh ke-3: Bernburg OT Aderstedt<br>Contoh ke-4: DKI Jakarta (Hal itu, masukkan yang berikutnya dalam bidang "negara": "Indonesia (Daerah)"<br><br>Kalau tidak ada sesuatu yang lebih baik, misalnya bisa memasukkan "Malaysia" sebagai nama tempat",
"placetype": "Jenis tempat",
"placetype_explica": "Kalau tempat (atau gedung) <br><b>bukan<\/b> tempat yang sekarang ada dan <br><b>bukan<\/b> satuan politik terkini (kelurahan, negeri, ...) <br>- maka pilihlah jenis tempat yang cocok.<br><br>Hal desa, kota, negeri yang sekarang ada ... (dan kalau tidak tentu) silahkan tidak mengisi bidang ini<br><br>Kalau tempat (atau gedung) tidak ada lagi, silahkan memasukkan: "sejarah"",
"tgn_explica": "Nomor identifikasi tempat dalam Thesaurus of Geographic Names (TGN, Getty).<br>Klick ke panah di sebelah kanan untuk mencari nomornya.",
"geonames_explica": "Nomor identifikasi tempat dalam geonames.<br>Klick ke panah di sebelah kanan untuk mencari nomornya.",
"remarks": "Catatan",
"remarks_explica": "Catatan pendek.",
"coordinatesNS": "Koordinat, utara-selatan",
"coordinatesNS_explica": "Silahkan menggunakan '.' (titik) sebagai nomor desimal, tanpa lambang gelar",
"coordinatesWE": "Koordinat, barat-timur",
"coordinatesWE_explica": "Silahkan menggunakan '.' (titik) sebagai nomor desimal, tanpa lambang gelar",
"zoom": "Zoom",
"zoom_explica": "Determines the zoom used on maps. Allowed values: 1-17. Often a good value for a place is: 9, for a country: 7",
"delete_placename": "Delete the place name",
"build_group_synonym": "Build a group of synonyms",
"add_superordinates": "Superordinates (political)",
"add_subordinates": "Subordinates (political)",
"is_the_place": "... is the place looked for",
"is_not_the_place": "... this is not the place looked for. Create a new entry",
"similar_placenames": "There are similar place names",
"placename_not_listed": "The place name is not in the list (create a new entry)",
"delete_ort_check": "You are about to delete a place",
"please_select": "Please select a geographical entity",
"new_place": "New geographical entity",
"no_placename": "Please specify a name for the place",
"get_geonames_add": "Get additional info from geonames",
"get_geonames_cha": "Change additional info from geonames",
"number_inhabitants": "Number of inhabitants",
"above_zero": "Elevation",
"alternative_names": "Alternative names",
"updated_base_information_of_place": "Updated base information of place",
"synonymizing_with_a_place_itself_does_not_work": "Synonymising with a place itself does not work",
"the_link_was_already_existent": "The link was already existent",
"linked_synonyms": "Linked synonyms",
"deleted_link_to_linked_place": "Deleted link to linked place",
"added_new_translation": "Added new translation",
"deleted_all_translations": "Deleted all translations",
"deleted_translation": "Deleted translation",
"updated_translations": "\u00dcbersetzung aktualisiert",
"updated_approval_status_of_place": "Updated approval status of place",
"deleted_place": "Deleted place",
"merged_places": "Merged places",
"set_new_main_synonym": "Set new main synonym",
"transferred_to_tag": "Transferred to tag"
"zoom_explica": "Tentukan faktor pembesaran pertunjukkan peta.<br><br>Nilai yang biasanya cocok:<br>- desa\/kota kecil: 10<br>- desa\/kota lebih besar: 9<br>- Kota besar: 8<br>- Negeri: 7<br><br>Nilai terbaik dipilih dan disesuaikan setelah memeriksa pertunjukkan",
"delete_placename": "Hapuskan masukan tempat",
"build_group_synonym": "Buat kelompok sinonim",
"add_superordinates": "Lebih luas (administratif)",
"add_subordinates": "Lebih spesifik (administratif)",
"is_the_place": "... ialah tempat yang dicari",
"is_not_the_place": "... bukanlah tempat yang dicari. Tambahkan tempat yang baru",
"similar_placenames": "Ada tempat yang bernama sama",
"placename_not_listed": "Tempat tidak bisa ditemukan dalam daftar (tambahkan masukan baru)",
"delete_ort_check": "Anda akan hapuskan salah satu masukan tempat",
"please_select": "Silahkan memilih tempat",
"new_place": "Tempat yang baru",
"no_placename": "Silahkan masukkan nama spesifik untuk tempat ini",
"get_geonames_add": "Ambil informasi tambahan Geonames",
"get_geonames_cha": "Ubah informasi tambahan Geonames",
"number_inhabitants": "Jumlah penduduk",
"above_zero": "Ketinggian",
"alternative_names": "Nama alternatif",
"updated_base_information_of_place": "Informasi dasar tempat sudah diperbarui",
"synonymizing_with_a_place_itself_does_not_work": "Tidak bisa menjadikan sebuah tempat sinonim tempat ini sendiri",
"the_link_was_already_existent": "Kaitan ini sudah terkenal",
"linked_synonyms": "Sinonim sudah dikaitkan",
"deleted_link_to_linked_place": "Hubungan dengan tempat lain sudah dihapuskan",
"added_new_translation": "Terjemahan yang baru sudah ditambahkan",
"deleted_all_translations": "Semua terjemahan sudah dihapuskan",
"deleted_translation": "Salah satu masukan terjemahan sudah dihapuskan",
"updated_translations": "Terjemahan sudah diperbarui",
"updated_approval_status_of_place": "Status masukan sudah diperbarui",
"deleted_place": "Tempat baru dihapuskan",
"merged_places": "Dua tempat baru disatukan",
"set_new_main_synonym": "Ubah sinonim utama",
"transferred_to_tag": "Tempat baru dipindai kata kunci"
@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
"tlPlacetypes": {
"0": "Administrative",
"1": "Historical",
"2": "Region - Landscape - Resort",
"3": "Street - Place",
"4": "Building - City park - Canal",
"5": "Mountain",
"6": "Wood-Forrest",
"8": "Island - Atoll",
"7": "River - Sea - Ocean"
"0": "Resmi",
"1": "Sejarah",
"2": "Wilayah",
"3": "Jalan",
"4": "Gedung - Taman - Kanal",
"5": "Gunung",
"6": "Hutan",
"8": "Badan air",
"7": "Pulau"
@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
"wiki": {
"description": "Description",
"take_description_and_link": "Take description and link",
"dont_take_description_or_link": "Neither take description nor link",
"back": "Back",
"description": "Deskripsi",
"take_description_and_link": "Gunakan deskripsi dan tautan",
"dont_take_description_or_link": "Bukan deskripsi, bukan tautan",
"back": "Kembali",
"no_dbpedia": "Search in dbpedia was not successful",
"no_wikipedia": "Search in Wikipedia was not successful",
"only_take_exact": "[If the title of the Wikipedia page shown on the right does not exactly match this term, please do NOT take the link]",
Reference in New Issue
Block a user