This commit is contained in:
@ -173,6 +173,7 @@
"help_current_page": "Current page",
"clear": "Clear",
"status_thus_far": "Current status",
"link_recently_used": "Link recently used entries"
"link_recently_used": "Link recently used entries",
"published": "Published"
@ -75,6 +75,8 @@
"outdated_user_account_hl": "Outdated User Account?",
"outdated_user_account_text": "There is a user account that has not been used for a long time in your institution. Outdated user accounts should be removed to improve security. ",
"email_missing_request_hl": "Add an Email Address to Your Account",
"email_missing_request_text": "Your account has not yet been linked to a mail address. For new accounts musdb requires a mail address for creating the account since the introduction of the GDPR. Mail addresses are however also required for receiving automatic mails for ending loans or for deleting your account."
"email_missing_request_text": "Your account has not yet been linked to a mail address. For new accounts musdb requires a mail address for creating the account since the introduction of the GDPR. Mail addresses are however also required for receiving automatic mails for ending loans or for deleting your account.",
"images_open_licences": "Images using open licences",
"resources_open_licences": "Resources using open licences"
@ -173,6 +173,7 @@
"help_current_page": "Diese Seite",
"clear": "Leeren",
"status_thus_far": "Bisheriger Status",
"link_recently_used": "Zuletzt benutzte Eintr\u00e4ge verkn\u00fcpfen"
"link_recently_used": "Zuletzt benutzte Eintr\u00e4ge verkn\u00fcpfen",
"published": "Ver\u00f6ffentlicht"
@ -75,6 +75,8 @@
"outdated_user_account_hl": "\u00dcberfl\u00fcssiges Benutzerkonto?",
"outdated_user_account_text": "In ihrem Museum gibt es einen Benutzeraccount, der seit sehr langer Zeit nicht benutzt wurde. \u00dcberfl\u00fcssige Benutzerkonten sollten aus Sicherheitsgr\u00fcnden gel\u00f6scht werden.",
"email_missing_request_hl": "F\u00fcgen Sie eine Mail-Adresse f\u00fcr Ihr Konto ein",
"email_missing_request_text": "F\u00fcr Ihr Benutzerkonto ist bisher keine Email-Adresse eingetragen. Seit der Einf\u00fchrung der Datenschutzgrundverordnung ben\u00f6tigt musdb eine Email-Adresse, um neue Konten anzulegen. Mail-Adressen sind aber auch n\u00f6tig, um z.B. Benachrichtigungen zu bekommen, wenn ein Leihverkehr endet, oder um den eigenen Account zu l\u00f6schen."
"email_missing_request_text": "F\u00fcr Ihr Benutzerkonto ist bisher keine Email-Adresse eingetragen. Seit der Einf\u00fchrung der Datenschutzgrundverordnung ben\u00f6tigt musdb eine Email-Adresse, um neue Konten anzulegen. Mail-Adressen sind aber auch n\u00f6tig, um z.B. Benachrichtigungen zu bekommen, wenn ein Leihverkehr endet, oder um den eigenen Account zu l\u00f6schen.",
"images_open_licences": "Bilder mit offener Lizenz",
"resources_open_licences": "Resourcen mit offener Lizenz"
@ -173,6 +173,7 @@
"help_current_page": "Current page",
"clear": "Clear",
"status_thus_far": "Current status",
"link_recently_used": "Link recently used entries"
"link_recently_used": "Link recently used entries",
"published": "Published"
@ -75,6 +75,8 @@
"outdated_user_account_hl": "Outdated User Account?",
"outdated_user_account_text": "There is a user account that has not been used for a long time in your institution. Outdated user accounts should be removed to improve security. ",
"email_missing_request_hl": "Add an Email Address to Your Account",
"email_missing_request_text": "Your account has not yet been linked to a mail address. For new accounts musdb requires a mail address for creating the account since the introduction of the GDPR. Mail addresses are however also required for receiving automatic mails for ending loans or for deleting your account."
"email_missing_request_text": "Your account has not yet been linked to a mail address. For new accounts musdb requires a mail address for creating the account since the introduction of the GDPR. Mail addresses are however also required for receiving automatic mails for ending loans or for deleting your account.",
"images_open_licences": "Images using open licences",
"resources_open_licences": "Resources using open licences"
@ -173,6 +173,7 @@
"help_current_page": "Current page",
"clear": "Clear",
"status_thus_far": "Current status",
"link_recently_used": "Link recently used entries"
"link_recently_used": "Link recently used entries",
"published": "Published"
@ -75,6 +75,8 @@
"outdated_user_account_hl": "Outdated User Account?",
"outdated_user_account_text": "There is a user account that has not been used for a long time in your institution. Outdated user accounts should be removed to improve security. ",
"email_missing_request_hl": "Add an Email Address to Your Account",
"email_missing_request_text": "Your account has not yet been linked to a mail address. For new accounts musdb requires a mail address for creating the account since the introduction of the GDPR. Mail addresses are however also required for receiving automatic mails for ending loans or for deleting your account."
"email_missing_request_text": "Your account has not yet been linked to a mail address. For new accounts musdb requires a mail address for creating the account since the introduction of the GDPR. Mail addresses are however also required for receiving automatic mails for ending loans or for deleting your account.",
"images_open_licences": "Images using open licences",
"resources_open_licences": "Resources using open licences"
@ -173,6 +173,7 @@
"help_current_page": "Current page",
"clear": "Clear",
"status_thus_far": "Current status",
"link_recently_used": "Link recently used entries"
"link_recently_used": "Link recently used entries",
"published": "Published"
@ -75,6 +75,8 @@
"outdated_user_account_hl": "Outdated User Account?",
"outdated_user_account_text": "There is a user account that has not been used for a long time in your institution. Outdated user accounts should be removed to improve security. ",
"email_missing_request_hl": "Add an Email Address to Your Account",
"email_missing_request_text": "Your account has not yet been linked to a mail address. For new accounts musdb requires a mail address for creating the account since the introduction of the GDPR. Mail addresses are however also required for receiving automatic mails for ending loans or for deleting your account."
"email_missing_request_text": "Your account has not yet been linked to a mail address. For new accounts musdb requires a mail address for creating the account since the introduction of the GDPR. Mail addresses are however also required for receiving automatic mails for ending loans or for deleting your account.",
"images_open_licences": "Images using open licences",
"resources_open_licences": "Resources using open licences"
@ -173,6 +173,7 @@
"help_current_page": "Current page",
"clear": "Clear",
"status_thus_far": "Current status",
"link_recently_used": "Link recently used entries"
"link_recently_used": "Link recently used entries",
"published": "Published"
@ -75,6 +75,8 @@
"outdated_user_account_hl": "Outdated User Account?",
"outdated_user_account_text": "There is a user account that has not been used for a long time in your institution. Outdated user accounts should be removed to improve security. ",
"email_missing_request_hl": "Add an Email Address to Your Account",
"email_missing_request_text": "Your account has not yet been linked to a mail address. For new accounts musdb requires a mail address for creating the account since the introduction of the GDPR. Mail addresses are however also required for receiving automatic mails for ending loans or for deleting your account."
"email_missing_request_text": "Your account has not yet been linked to a mail address. For new accounts musdb requires a mail address for creating the account since the introduction of the GDPR. Mail addresses are however also required for receiving automatic mails for ending loans or for deleting your account.",
"images_open_licences": "Images using open licences",
"resources_open_licences": "Resources using open licences"
@ -173,6 +173,7 @@
"help_current_page": "Current page",
"clear": "Clear",
"status_thus_far": "Current status",
"link_recently_used": "Link recently used entries"
"link_recently_used": "Link recently used entries",
"published": "Published"
@ -75,6 +75,8 @@
"outdated_user_account_hl": "Outdated User Account?",
"outdated_user_account_text": "There is a user account that has not been used for a long time in your institution. Outdated user accounts should be removed to improve security. ",
"email_missing_request_hl": "Add an Email Address to Your Account",
"email_missing_request_text": "Your account has not yet been linked to a mail address. For new accounts musdb requires a mail address for creating the account since the introduction of the GDPR. Mail addresses are however also required for receiving automatic mails for ending loans or for deleting your account."
"email_missing_request_text": "Your account has not yet been linked to a mail address. For new accounts musdb requires a mail address for creating the account since the introduction of the GDPR. Mail addresses are however also required for receiving automatic mails for ending loans or for deleting your account.",
"images_open_licences": "Images using open licences",
"resources_open_licences": "Resources using open licences"
@ -173,6 +173,7 @@
"help_current_page": "Current page",
"clear": "Clear",
"status_thus_far": "Current status",
"link_recently_used": "Link recently used entries"
"link_recently_used": "Link recently used entries",
"published": "Published"
@ -75,6 +75,8 @@
"outdated_user_account_hl": " Elavult felhaszn\u00e1l\u00f3i fi\u00f3k?",
"outdated_user_account_text": "Olyan felhaszn\u00e1l\u00f3i fi\u00f3kot tal\u00e1ltunk, amelyet hossz\u00fa ideje nem haszn\u00e1ltak int\u00e9zm\u00e9ny\u00e9ben. Az elavult fi\u00f3kokat el kell t\u00e1vol\u00edtani a biztons\u00e1g n\u00f6vel\u00e9s\u00e9nek az \u00e9rdek\u00e9ben.",
"email_missing_request_hl": " Adjon hozz\u00e1 egy e-mail c\u00edmet a fi\u00f3kj\u00e1hoz",
"email_missing_request_text": "A fi\u00f3kja m\u00e9g nincs e-mail c\u00edmhez kapcsolva. A GDPR bevezet\u00e9se \u00f3ta az \u00fajonnan l\u00e9terhozott fi\u00f3kokhoz sz\u00fcks\u00e9ges e-mailt csatolni. Az e-mail c\u00edmekre sz\u00fcks\u00e9g van a fi\u00f3k t\u00f6rl\u00e9s\u00e9re vonatkoz\u00f3 automatikus e-mailek fogad\u00e1s\u00e1hoz is."
"email_missing_request_text": "A fi\u00f3kja m\u00e9g nincs e-mail c\u00edmhez kapcsolva. A GDPR bevezet\u00e9se \u00f3ta az \u00fajonnan l\u00e9terhozott fi\u00f3kokhoz sz\u00fcks\u00e9ges e-mailt csatolni. Az e-mail c\u00edmekre sz\u00fcks\u00e9g van a fi\u00f3k t\u00f6rl\u00e9s\u00e9re vonatkoz\u00f3 automatikus e-mailek fogad\u00e1s\u00e1hoz is.",
"images_open_licences": "Images using open licences",
"resources_open_licences": "Resources using open licences"
@ -173,6 +173,7 @@
"help_current_page": "Current page",
"clear": "Clear",
"status_thus_far": "Current status",
"link_recently_used": "Link recently used entries"
"link_recently_used": "Link recently used entries",
"published": "Published"
@ -75,6 +75,8 @@
"outdated_user_account_hl": "Outdated User Account?",
"outdated_user_account_text": "There is a user account that has not been used for a long time in your institution. Outdated user accounts should be removed to improve security. ",
"email_missing_request_hl": "Add an Email Address to Your Account",
"email_missing_request_text": "Your account has not yet been linked to a mail address. For new accounts musdb requires a mail address for creating the account since the introduction of the GDPR. Mail addresses are however also required for receiving automatic mails for ending loans or for deleting your account."
"email_missing_request_text": "Your account has not yet been linked to a mail address. For new accounts musdb requires a mail address for creating the account since the introduction of the GDPR. Mail addresses are however also required for receiving automatic mails for ending loans or for deleting your account.",
"images_open_licences": "Images using open licences",
"resources_open_licences": "Resources using open licences"
@ -173,6 +173,7 @@
"help_current_page": "Current page",
"clear": "Clear",
"status_thus_far": "Current status",
"link_recently_used": "Link recently used entries"
"link_recently_used": "Link recently used entries",
"published": "Published"
@ -75,6 +75,8 @@
"outdated_user_account_hl": "Outdated User Account?",
"outdated_user_account_text": "There is a user account that has not been used for a long time in your institution. Outdated user accounts should be removed to improve security. ",
"email_missing_request_hl": "Add an Email Address to Your Account",
"email_missing_request_text": "Your account has not yet been linked to a mail address. For new accounts musdb requires a mail address for creating the account since the introduction of the GDPR. Mail addresses are however also required for receiving automatic mails for ending loans or for deleting your account."
"email_missing_request_text": "Your account has not yet been linked to a mail address. For new accounts musdb requires a mail address for creating the account since the introduction of the GDPR. Mail addresses are however also required for receiving automatic mails for ending loans or for deleting your account.",
"images_open_licences": "Images using open licences",
"resources_open_licences": "Resources using open licences"
@ -173,6 +173,7 @@
"help_current_page": "Current page",
"clear": "Clear",
"status_thus_far": "Current status",
"link_recently_used": "Link recently used entries"
"link_recently_used": "Link recently used entries",
"published": "Published"
@ -75,6 +75,8 @@
"outdated_user_account_hl": "Outdated User Account?",
"outdated_user_account_text": "There is a user account that has not been used for a long time in your institution. Outdated user accounts should be removed to improve security. ",
"email_missing_request_hl": "Add an Email Address to Your Account",
"email_missing_request_text": "Your account has not yet been linked to a mail address. For new accounts musdb requires a mail address for creating the account since the introduction of the GDPR. Mail addresses are however also required for receiving automatic mails for ending loans or for deleting your account."
"email_missing_request_text": "Your account has not yet been linked to a mail address. For new accounts musdb requires a mail address for creating the account since the introduction of the GDPR. Mail addresses are however also required for receiving automatic mails for ending loans or for deleting your account.",
"images_open_licences": "Images using open licences",
"resources_open_licences": "Resources using open licences"
@ -173,6 +173,7 @@
"help_current_page": "Current page",
"clear": "Clear",
"status_thus_far": "Current status",
"link_recently_used": "Link recently used entries"
"link_recently_used": "Link recently used entries",
"published": "Published"
@ -75,6 +75,8 @@
"outdated_user_account_hl": "Outdated User Account?",
"outdated_user_account_text": "There is a user account that has not been used for a long time in your institution. Outdated user accounts should be removed to improve security. ",
"email_missing_request_hl": "Add an Email Address to Your Account",
"email_missing_request_text": "Your account has not yet been linked to a mail address. For new accounts musdb requires a mail address for creating the account since the introduction of the GDPR. Mail addresses are however also required for receiving automatic mails for ending loans or for deleting your account."
"email_missing_request_text": "Your account has not yet been linked to a mail address. For new accounts musdb requires a mail address for creating the account since the introduction of the GDPR. Mail addresses are however also required for receiving automatic mails for ending loans or for deleting your account.",
"images_open_licences": "Images using open licences",
"resources_open_licences": "Resources using open licences"
@ -173,6 +173,7 @@
"help_current_page": "Current page",
"clear": "Clear",
"status_thus_far": "Current status",
"link_recently_used": "Link recently used entries"
"link_recently_used": "Link recently used entries",
"published": "Published"
@ -75,6 +75,8 @@
"outdated_user_account_hl": "Outdated User Account?",
"outdated_user_account_text": "There is a user account that has not been used for a long time in your institution. Outdated user accounts should be removed to improve security. ",
"email_missing_request_hl": "Add an Email Address to Your Account",
"email_missing_request_text": "Your account has not yet been linked to a mail address. For new accounts musdb requires a mail address for creating the account since the introduction of the GDPR. Mail addresses are however also required for receiving automatic mails for ending loans or for deleting your account."
"email_missing_request_text": "Your account has not yet been linked to a mail address. For new accounts musdb requires a mail address for creating the account since the introduction of the GDPR. Mail addresses are however also required for receiving automatic mails for ending loans or for deleting your account.",
"images_open_licences": "Images using open licences",
"resources_open_licences": "Resources using open licences"
@ -173,6 +173,7 @@
"help_current_page": "Current page",
"clear": "Clear",
"status_thus_far": "Current status",
"link_recently_used": "Link recently used entries"
"link_recently_used": "Link recently used entries",
"published": "Published"
@ -75,6 +75,8 @@
"outdated_user_account_hl": "Outdated User Account?",
"outdated_user_account_text": "There is a user account that has not been used for a long time in your institution. Outdated user accounts should be removed to improve security. ",
"email_missing_request_hl": "Add an Email Address to Your Account",
"email_missing_request_text": "Your account has not yet been linked to a mail address. For new accounts musdb requires a mail address for creating the account since the introduction of the GDPR. Mail addresses are however also required for receiving automatic mails for ending loans or for deleting your account."
"email_missing_request_text": "Your account has not yet been linked to a mail address. For new accounts musdb requires a mail address for creating the account since the introduction of the GDPR. Mail addresses are however also required for receiving automatic mails for ending loans or for deleting your account.",
"images_open_licences": "Images using open licences",
"resources_open_licences": "Resources using open licences"
@ -173,6 +173,7 @@
"help_current_page": "Current page",
"clear": "Clear",
"status_thus_far": "Current status",
"link_recently_used": "Link recently used entries"
"link_recently_used": "Link recently used entries",
"published": "Published"
@ -75,6 +75,8 @@
"outdated_user_account_hl": "Outdated User Account?",
"outdated_user_account_text": "There is a user account that has not been used for a long time in your institution. Outdated user accounts should be removed to improve security. ",
"email_missing_request_hl": "Add an Email Address to Your Account",
"email_missing_request_text": "Your account has not yet been linked to a mail address. For new accounts musdb requires a mail address for creating the account since the introduction of the GDPR. Mail addresses are however also required for receiving automatic mails for ending loans or for deleting your account."
"email_missing_request_text": "Your account has not yet been linked to a mail address. For new accounts musdb requires a mail address for creating the account since the introduction of the GDPR. Mail addresses are however also required for receiving automatic mails for ending loans or for deleting your account.",
"images_open_licences": "Images using open licences",
"resources_open_licences": "Resources using open licences"
@ -173,6 +173,7 @@
"help_current_page": "Current page",
"clear": "Clear",
"status_thus_far": "Current status",
"link_recently_used": "Link recently used entries"
"link_recently_used": "Link recently used entries",
"published": "Published"
@ -75,6 +75,8 @@
"outdated_user_account_hl": "Outdated User Account?",
"outdated_user_account_text": "There is a user account that has not been used for a long time in your institution. Outdated user accounts should be removed to improve security. ",
"email_missing_request_hl": "Add an Email Address to Your Account",
"email_missing_request_text": "Your account has not yet been linked to a mail address. For new accounts musdb requires a mail address for creating the account since the introduction of the GDPR. Mail addresses are however also required for receiving automatic mails for ending loans or for deleting your account."
"email_missing_request_text": "Your account has not yet been linked to a mail address. For new accounts musdb requires a mail address for creating the account since the introduction of the GDPR. Mail addresses are however also required for receiving automatic mails for ending loans or for deleting your account.",
"images_open_licences": "Images using open licences",
"resources_open_licences": "Resources using open licences"
@ -173,6 +173,7 @@
"help_current_page": "Current page",
"clear": "Clear",
"status_thus_far": "Current status",
"link_recently_used": "Link recently used entries"
"link_recently_used": "Link recently used entries",
"published": "Published"
@ -75,6 +75,8 @@
"outdated_user_account_hl": "Outdated User Account?",
"outdated_user_account_text": "There is a user account that has not been used for a long time in your institution. Outdated user accounts should be removed to improve security. ",
"email_missing_request_hl": "Add an Email Address to Your Account",
"email_missing_request_text": "Your account has not yet been linked to a mail address. For new accounts musdb requires a mail address for creating the account since the introduction of the GDPR. Mail addresses are however also required for receiving automatic mails for ending loans or for deleting your account."
"email_missing_request_text": "Your account has not yet been linked to a mail address. For new accounts musdb requires a mail address for creating the account since the introduction of the GDPR. Mail addresses are however also required for receiving automatic mails for ending loans or for deleting your account.",
"images_open_licences": "Images using open licences",
"resources_open_licences": "Resources using open licences"
@ -173,6 +173,7 @@
"help_current_page": "Current page",
"clear": "Clear",
"status_thus_far": "Current status",
"link_recently_used": "Link recently used entries"
"link_recently_used": "Link recently used entries",
"published": "Published"
@ -75,6 +75,8 @@
"outdated_user_account_hl": "Outdated User Account?",
"outdated_user_account_text": "There is a user account that has not been used for a long time in your institution. Outdated user accounts should be removed to improve security. ",
"email_missing_request_hl": "Add an Email Address to Your Account",
"email_missing_request_text": "Your account has not yet been linked to a mail address. For new accounts musdb requires a mail address for creating the account since the introduction of the GDPR. Mail addresses are however also required for receiving automatic mails for ending loans or for deleting your account."
"email_missing_request_text": "Your account has not yet been linked to a mail address. For new accounts musdb requires a mail address for creating the account since the introduction of the GDPR. Mail addresses are however also required for receiving automatic mails for ending loans or for deleting your account.",
"images_open_licences": "Images using open licences",
"resources_open_licences": "Resources using open licences"
Reference in New Issue
Block a user