Approval in backend

This commit is contained in:
Joshua Ramon Enslin 2025-02-11 01:02:07 +00:00 committed by md translation bot
parent 0f830415be
commit 57b479fb41
60 changed files with 3706 additions and 4 deletions

View File

@ -136,6 +136,6 @@
"all_exhibitions": "Alle Ausstellungen",
"assign_tag": "Schlagwort zuordnen",
"visibility_explica": "Publiziert bzw. versteckt das Objekt. Nur Objekte, die mindestens eine verkn\u00fcpfte Abbildung und eine Beschreibung von mindestens 25 Buchstaben L\u00e4nge haben, k\u00f6nnen ver\u00f6ffentlicht werden.",
"batch_transfer": "Feldweise transferieren"
"batch_transfer": "Adat\u00e1tvitel"

View File

@ -302,6 +302,6 @@
"all": "\u00d6sszes",
"content": "Content",
"unit": "Unit",
"versioning": "Versioning"
"versioning": "Verzi\u00f3kezel\u00e9s"

View File

@ -93,7 +93,7 @@
"link_place": "Linked a place",
"link_time": "Linked a time",
"categorization": "Categorization",
"measurement": "Measurement",
"open_versioning": "Ny\u00edlt verzi\u00f3kezel\u00e9s"
"measurement": "R\u00e9szletes m\u00e9ret meghat\u00e1roz\u00e1s",
"open_versioning": "Verzi\u00f3kezel\u00e9s"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
"acquisitions": {
"type": "Acquisition type",
"type_explica": "Here you can select how the acquisition was done. E.g. if the objects were a gift or if you bought them..",
"name": "Acquisition name",
"name_explica": "Name the can be used for identifying the acquisition process.",
"date": "Acquisiton date",
"date_explica": "Date the acquisition was performed.",
"done_by": "Done by",
"done_by_explica": "Full name of the person who did the acquisition.",
"price": "Purchase price",
"price_explica": "Total sum paid for acquiring the objects.",
"price_currency": "Price currency",
"price_currency_explica": "The currency the price was paid in.",
"source": "Source",
"source_explica": "Source (or person) from which the objects were acquired.",
"funding_source": "Funding source",
"funding_source_explica": "Person or instition who provided funding for the acquisition.",
"reason": "Reason",
"reason_explica": "Remarks on why the objects were acquired.",
"authorized_by": "Authorized by",
"authorized_by_explica": "Person who authorized the acquisition.",
"conditions": "Conditions",
"conditions_explica": "General condition of the acquisition.",
"funding_conditions": "Funding conditions",
"funding_conditions_explica": "Conditions set by the funders",
"note": "Acquisition note",
"note_explica": "Any remark regarding the acquisition.",
"acquisitions_list": "List of acquisitions",
"all_acquisitions": "All acquisitions",
"base_data": "Basic information about the acquisition",
"aquisitions_edit": "Edit an acquisition",
"acquisition_place": "Place of acquisition",
"acquisition_place_explica": "The place the objects were acquired.",
"done_by_controlled": "Done by (contact)",
"done_by_controlled_explica": "Using this field, the museum worker who acquired the object for the museum can be linked with a controlled entry in the address book."

backend/ka/action.json Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
"action": {
"museum_choose": "Select a museum ...",
"museum_change": "Edit information about a museum ...",
"museum_input": "Add a new museum ...",
"collection_choose": "Select a collection ...",
"collection_change": "Edit a collection ...",
"collection_input": "Add a new collection ...",
"object_choose": "Select an object ...",
"object_change": "Edit an object ...",
"object_input": "Add a new object ...",
"event_choose": "Select an event ...",
"event_change": "Edit an event ...",
"event_input": "Add a new event ...",
"time_choose": "Select a time entry ...",
"time_change": "Edit a time entry ...",
"time_input": "Add a new time entry ...",
"actor_choose": "Select an actor ...",
"actor_change": "Edit information on an actor ...",
"actor_input": "Add a new actor ...",
"place_choose": "Select a place ...",
"place_change": "Edit a place ...",
"place_input": "Add new place ...",
"tag_choose": "Select a keyword...",
"tag_change": "Edit a keyword ...",
"tag_input": "Add a new kewyord...",
"literature_choose": "Select literature ...",
"literature_change": "Edit literature ...",
"literature_input": "Add literature ...",
"link_choose": "Select a link ...",
"link_change": "Edit a link ...",
"link_input": "Add a link ...",
"project_choose": "Select a project ...",
"project_change": "Edit a project ...",
"project_input": "Add a project ...",
"settings_museum": "Settings (institution-wide)",
"settings_private": "Private settings",
"user_choose": "Select a user to edit ...",
"user_change": "Edit a user ...",
"user_input": "Add a new user ...",
"logged_in_as": "Logged in as",
"log_out": "Log out",
"go_home": "Return to Homepage",
"question": "Question about",
"ask_whom": "Ask",
"notes": "Notes",
"working_with_filters": "Working with filters",
"working_with_watchlist": "Working with watch list",
"print_list_function": "Print list function",
"lists": "Lists",
"event_types": "Event types",
"legal_forms": "Legal forms (Images)",
"database_services": "Database services",
"data_export": "Data export",
"backup": "Data backup",
"watch_list": "Watch list",
"events_using_list": "Input events using lists",
"tag_proposal": "Propose keyword",
"enrichment_with_eol": "Enrichment using EOL",
"multiple_changes": "Multiple changes",
"startpage": "Start page",
"handbook": "User's manual",
"tabs": "Tabs",
"statistics": "Shows usage (live)",
"change_language": "Change language",
"userroles": "User roles",
"goodtimes": "Times",
"introduction": "Short introduction",
"add_persinst": "Add a Person \/ Institution",
"add_place": "Add a location",
"link_obj_serie": "Link an object with a series",
"advanced_search": "Advanced search",
"add_a_link": "Add a link",
"annotate_persinst": "Annotate a person \/ institution ",
"annotate_tag": "Annotate a keyword",
"annotate_time": "Annotate a time entry",
"add_alternative_language_record": "Add an alternative language record",
"utilities": "Utilities",
"link_obj_collection": "Link the object with a collection",
"link_obj_document": "Link the object with a document",
"dashboard": "Dashboard",
"link_obj_literature": "Link object with literature",
"select_event_type": "Select an event type",
"link_obj_object": "Link one object with another",
"link_obj_museum": "Link object with a museum",
"resource_edit": "Edit a resource",
"uploading_image": "Upload an image",
"annotate_place": "Annotate a place",
"visitor_statistics": "Visitor statistics",
"help": "Help",
"help_handbook": "Help: Handbook",
"mail_to_admin": "Ask the admins",
"toggle_watchlist": "Turn on\/off watchlist",
"view_notifications": "View Notifications",
"preview": "Preview",
"online_usage_museum": "Online usage (museum)",
"stats_instance_contents": "Database contents of the instance",
"video_conference": "Video conference",
"image_choose": "Select an image ...",
"stats_institution_contents": "Database contents of the institution",
"online_usage": "Online usage",
"add_field": "Add field",
"use_preset": "Use preset",
"export_object_data": "Export object data",
"calendar": "Calendar"

backend/ka/actor.json Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
"actor": {
"type_is": "The actor to introduce is",
"type_institution_typename": "an institution",
"type_institution_first": "e.g. \"Deutsche Bahn AG\", \"Job Center Osnabr\u00fcck\", \"Turkish Self Defense Forces\", not \"Railways station Oebisfelde\" - if a building or a country is meant, please add them as geographical terms",
"type_institution_explica": "When adding institutions, please mind that institutions may carry a person's name: e.g. \"J. Friedl\u00e4nder\" is used as the name of a printing company and publisher. If this is the case, add the kind of company in brackets after the name: \"J. Friedl\u00e4nder (printing company \/ publisher)\". Historical photo studios did often carry the name of their owner. In these cases, please add the line of work of the company after, too: \"J. C. Schaarw\u00e4chter (photo studio)\". If the line of work is unknown, add (company) after the name.",
"type_person_typename": "a person",
"type_person_first": "e.g. \"Friedrich Schiller\", not \"Red Riding Hood\" - if the fairytale is meant. \"Red Riding Hood\", if it is the fictional character that is meant to be added, they are to be added as a \"... god, ghost, hero\"",
"type_person_explica": "When adding persons, please only add concrete persons. Names like \"unknown painter\" or \"unknown artist\" are not people - they should not be used. In such cases, it is better to refrain from entering anything.",
"type_hero_typename": "a god, ghost, hero",
"type_hero_first": "e.g. \"Odysseus\", \"Zeus\", or fictional characters like \"Red Riding Hood\" - if the character is meant.",
"type_hero_explica": "When adding a \"god, ghost, hero\", please mind: In theory, you could add any person that has no given name here. You should however take care to keep the added person distinguishable. For example, it is impossible to identify a \"Smith\" (as a surname). In such cases, just do not enter anything.",
"institution_name": "Name of institution",
"nameinst_explica": "Concrete name of an institution Example: Heavy machinery combine \"Ernst Th\u00e4lmann\"",
"institution_short": "Abbreviation for institution",
"kurznameinst_explica": "Some institutions have set abbreviations<br\/><br\/>Example:<br\/>Allgemeine Elektricit\u00e4ts-Gesellschaft -> AEG",
"short_description": "Short desription",
"kurzbeschinst_explica": "Short description <br\/><br\/>Example \"Founded 1897. Renamed... in 1904. Closed shop in 1921.\"",
"hero_name": "Name",
"geistname_explica": "Example:<br\/>Zeus, Peleus, Red Riding Hood (fictional character)<br\/><br\/>Basically, you can add any person, that has no given name here! But, it must be possible to identify the person. If you just add \"Smith\" because you do not know the given name here you will cause incorrect links between the object to <b>anybody<\/b> named \"Smith\". In such cases, it is better, to not enter a name at all.",
"kurzbeschpers_explica": "Short description<br\/><br\/>Example: \"Painter, Author, Actor, born 1817 in Hamburg\"",
"name_first": "First name(s)",
"vorname_explica": "You can list all first names of a person<br\/><br\/>Example:<br\/>\"Georg Friedrich\" (H&auml;ndel)<br\/>\"Gotthold Ephraim\" (Lessing)<br\/><br\/>It makes little sense to add a person if only the surname is known (How could two people from the same family be distinguished?) If you do not know the first name you might add their occupation as a name (e.g. Blacksmith)",
"name_first_short": "Abbreviation (First name)",
"namenskuerzel_explica": "Example:<br\/>\"G. F.\" for Georg Friedrich H&auml;ndel<br\/>\"Gotthold E.\" for Lessing<br\/><br\/><b>Only fill in this field if necessary<\/b>",
"surname": "Surname",
"nachname_explica": "Add prepositions used for names of the nobility after the given name<br\/><br\/>Examples:<br\/>Goethe (Given name: Johann Wolfgang von)<br\/>Sachsen-Weimar (Given name: Bernhard von)",
"year_birth": "Year of birth",
"geburtsjahr_explica": "Always a year (number, <b>four digits<\/b>)<br\/><br\/>Example: 1815",
"year_death": "Year of death",
"no_name": "Please enter a correct name",
"name_needed": "A name is required",
"surname_needed": "A surname is required",
"change_intro": "<b>Attention:<\/b> This changes information, it does <b>NOT<\/b> change the relation of this person or institution to an event or object",
"name_long": "Long name",
"langbezeichnung_explica": "Please put names of persons in the form:<br\/>[First name][ ][Surname][ (][Year of birth][-][Year of death][)]<br\/><br\/>Example (person): Andreas Achenbach (1815-1910)<br\/><br\/>If the years are unknown, put name in \"normal form\"<br\/>Example: \"Andreas Achenbach\"<br\/><br\/>Please put names of institutions in \"normal form\"<br\/>Example: Brauerei Landsberg GmbH<br\/><br\/>If name of institution is also a person's name please add \"(company)\" at the end of the string<br\/>Example: \"A. Lehmann (company)\"",
"name_short": "Short name",
"kurzbezeichnung_explica": "Please put name of persons in the form:<br\/>[Surname][,][First name]<br\/>Example: Achenbach, Andreas<br\/><br\/>Please put name of institution in \"normal form\"<br\/>Example: Brauerei Landsberg GmbH<br\/><br\/>If name of institution is a person name please put \"(company)\" behind<br\/>Example: \"A. Lehmann (company)\"",
"status": "Status",
"remark_change_year": "<b>Attention<\/b>: If you change the year of birth or year of death - please do not forget to correct the long name",
"no_long_name": "Please enter a name for the person or institution!",
"already_known": "A person\/institution with similar information is already known",
"add_vocabulary": "Add controlled vocabulary",
"delete": "Delete person\/institution",
"no_shortname": "You have to provide a short form for the name (might be identical with the long name)",
"actor_annotated": "An annotation has been stored for this person\/institution.",
"added": "A new actor has been added.",
"edited": "Information on this actor has been updated.",
"annotation": "Annotation",
"add_new_annotation": "Add a new annotation:",
"description_too_short": "The description is too short. Minimum: 10 characters.",
"no_description": "The description is missing.",
"gender": "Gender",
"gender_female": "Female",
"gender_male": "Male",
"gender_other": "Other",
"gender_explica": "Gender of the actor",
"no_catalogue_raisonne_available": "No catalogue raisonne available",
"create_new_catalogue": "Create new catalogue raisonne",
"open_catalogue": "Open catalogue raisonne",
"research_status_note": "Notes on Research Status",
"wikipedia_page_of_entry": "Wikipedia page of the actor"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
"tlAppointments": {
"appointment": "Event",
"title": "Title",
"name_explica": "Name of the appointment\/event.",
"start_time": "Start",
"start_time_explica": "The time the event begins",
"end_time": "End",
"end_time_explica": "The end of the appointment",
"appointment_belongs": "Institution",
"appointment_added": "An event has been added.",
"description": "Description",
"description_explica": "Description of the event.",
"there_are_no_appointments": "There are no appointments here",
"appointments_list": "List events",
"appointment_no_name": "The event has no name.",
"appointments_edit": "Edit an event",
"image_uploaded": "The image has been uploaded",
"appointment_deleted": "The appointment has been deleted",
"image_deleted": "The image has been deleted",
"appointment_edited": "The appointment has been edited",
"make_public": "Make public",
"make_hidden": "Switch to \"hidden\"",
"upload_image": "Upload image",
"delete_image": "Delete image",
"start_time_hour": "Hour",
"start_time_min": "Minute",
"images": "Images",
"url": "URL",
"url_explica": "URL to another web page representing the event needs to be a valid URL - starting with http:\/\/ or https:\/\/",
"allAppointments": "All appointments\/events",
"new_appointment": "New event",
"base_data": "Basic information about the event",
"no_appointments_text": "No appointment has been added for your museum yet (therefore, we cannot list any). You may:",
"live_recording": "Live Recording",
"external_source": "Source",
"upcoming_appointments": "Upcoming events",
"attendance_status": "Attendance mode",
"attendance_status_explica": "Mode in which the appointment can be attended.",
"cancellation_status": "Cancellation status",
"cancellation_status_explica": "Here the appointment can be marked as cancelled."

backend/ka/articles.json Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
"tlArticles": {
"add_edit_article": "Add\/Edit Article",
"articles_edit_description": "On this page you can add or edit articles",
"article_title": "Title",
"article_abstract": "Abstract",
"article_content": "Article content",
"license": "License",
"added": "Added",
"published": "Published",
"updated": "Updated",
"about": "About",
"draft": "Draft",
"metadata": "Metadata",
"options": "Options",
"citation_options": "Citation options",
"table_of_contents": "Table of contents",
"referenced_objects": "Referenced objects",
"bibliography": "Bibliography",
"add_another_author": "Add (another) author",
"authors": "Authors",
"tools": "Tools",
"my_articles": "My Articles",
"recent_articles": "Recent Articles",
"articles": "Articles",
"add_article": "Add article",
"edit": "Edit",
"deleted_article": "Ariticle deleted",
"updated_bibliography": "Updated bibliography",
"updated_article": "Updated article",
"added_article": "The article has been added",
"download_pdf": "Download PDF",
"by": "By",
"endnotes": "Endnotes",
"notes": "Notes",
"manage_files": "Manage files",
"thanks": "Thanks",
"available_at": "Available at",
"added_publications": "Added publication",
"updated_publication": "The publication has been updated",
"deleted_publication": "The publication has been deleted",
"add_edit_publication": "The publication has been edited",
"description": "Description",
"year": "Year",
"publication_type": "Type",
"publisher": "Published by",
"summary": "Summary",
"description_summary": "Description\/Summary",
"volume": "Volume",
"issue": "Issue",
"pages": "Pages",
"pages_short": "p.",
"uploaded_image": "Abbildung wurde heraufgeladen",
"deleted_articles": "Abbildung wurde gel\u00f6scht",
"deleted_image": "Abbildung wurde gel\u00f6scht",
"delete_article": "Delete this article",
"upload_image": "Upload an image",
"article_title_explica": "Title of the article.",
"article_abstract_explica": "Abstract of the article. Should be a short summary of the article, that informs the reader of the key points of the article.",
"article_content_explica": "The article content. The WYSIWYG editor can be used to format the content.",
"article_thanks_explica": "This is the place for saying thanks and provide relevant information about affiliations, funding, etc."
"type": {
"publication_type": "Type"

backend/ka/basis.json Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,307 @@
"basis": {
"museum": "Museum",
"museum_choose": "Select a museum",
"museum_change": "Edit entry of museum",
"museum_input": "Add a museum",
"collection": "Collection",
"collection_choose": "Select a collection",
"collection_change": "Edit entry for a collection",
"collection_input": "Add a collection",
"object": "Object",
"object_choose": "Select an object",
"object_input": "Edit an object",
"users": "Users",
"users_choose": "Select a user",
"users_input": "Add a user",
"basis": "Base",
"resource": "Resource",
"addendum": "Addendum",
"administration": "Administration",
"abode": "Destination",
"rights": "Rights",
"remarks": "Remarks",
"goes_to": "Goes to",
"send": "Send",
"again": "Again",
"show": "Show",
"search": "Search",
"disconnect": "Disconnect",
"place": "Place",
"actor": "Person\/Institution",
"actor_short": "Actor",
"time": "Time",
"tag": "Keyword",
"event": "Event",
"pi_relation": "Related person\/institution",
"place_relation": "Related place",
"time_related": "Related time",
"did_you_mean": "Did you mean",
"choosing_by_clicking": "Please select",
"already_known": "Is already known",
"back": "Back",
"found": "Found",
"or": "or",
"literature": "Literature",
"weblink": "Web link",
"document": "Document",
"single_object": "Single object",
"objectgroup": "Object group",
"objectgroup_choose": "Select an object group",
"objectgroup_change": "Edit an object group",
"objectgroup_input": "Add an object group",
"literature_choose": "Select literature",
"literature_change": "Edit literature",
"literature_input": "Add literature",
"objects": "Objects",
"overview": "Overview",
"notfound": "Sorry, nothing found",
"oak": "Display objects on map",
"record_history": "Record history",
"loans": "Loan Management",
"exhibitions": "Exhibitions",
"restoration": "Restoration",
"provenanceresearch": "Provenance research",
"account_settings": "Account settings",
"edit": "Edit",
"contacts": "Contacts",
"contacts_input": "Add a contact",
"contacts_edit": "Edit contact",
"loans_input": "Add loan entry",
"loans_edit": "Edit a loan entry",
"delete": "Delete",
"exhibitions_input": "Add an exhibition",
"loans_choose": "Select a loan entry",
"contacts_choose": "Select a contact",
"exhibitions_choose": "Select an exhibition",
"impressum": "Imprint",
"privacy_policy": "Privacy policy",
"appointments_input": "Add an appointment",
"appointments": "Appointments",
"appointments_choose": "Select an appointment",
"link_no_url": "The link you provided does not have a valid URL.",
"yes": "Yes",
"no": "No",
"more": "More",
"amount_all": "Total",
"icon": "Icon",
"actions": "Actions",
"add": "Add",
"lists": "Lists",
"settings": "Settings",
"public_page": "Public page",
"toggles": "Toggles",
"own_rule_create": "Create own rule",
"own_rule_delete": "Remove own rule",
"own_rule_edit": "Edit own rule",
"less": "Less",
"grid": "Grid",
"sort": "Sort",
"quilt": "Flexible grid",
"options": "Options",
"newspapers_mailing_lists": "Newsletters and mailing lists",
"room": "Room",
"image": "Image",
"menu_items": "Menu Items",
"backgrounds": "Backgrounds",
"transcription": "Transcription",
"record_language": "Language of record",
"article": "Article",
"articles_choose": "Select an article",
"articles_input": "Add an article",
"annotations": "Annotations",
"catalogue_raisonne": "Catalogue raisonne",
"statistics": "Statistics",
"analyze": "Analyze",
"notes": "Notes",
"preview": "Preview",
"restore_last": "Use most recent entry",
"reception": "Reception",
"source": "Source",
"fill_out_select_from_list": "Please type and select an entry from the drop-down list",
"page_museumshowobject": "Show object",
"page_museumshowobjects": "Show objects",
"question": "Question",
"answer": "Answer",
"identifier": "Identifier",
"type": "Type",
"audio": "Audio",
"Video": "Video",
"video": "Video",
"metadata": "Metadata",
"select_files": "Select files",
"link_aliasing": "URL Aliasing",
"tools": "Tools",
"podcasts": "Podcasts",
"podcast_episodes": "Podcast episodes",
"previous": "Previous",
"next": "Next",
"comparison": "Comparison",
"language": "Language",
"import": "Import",
"start": "Start",
"controlled_vocabularies": "Controlled vocabularies",
"own_last_edits": "Own last edits",
"contact": "Contact",
"uncertainty": "Uncertainty",
"certain": "Certain",
"uncertain": "Uncertain",
"unknown": "Unknown",
"discussions": "Discussions",
"improvement_suggestions": "Suggestions for improvement",
"not": "not",
"search_term": "Search term",
"and": "and",
"refine_search": "Refine search",
"exact": "Exact",
"greater_than": "Greater than",
"lower_than": "Lower than",
"empty": "Empty",
"submit_go": "Go",
"submit": "Submit",
"contributors": "Contributors",
"link_a_tag": "Link a tag",
"add_new_tag": "Add a new tag",
"favorites": "Favorites",
"view": "View",
"qrcode": "QR Code",
"open_url": "Open URL",
"qrcode_scan": "Scan QR code",
"user_interface": "User interface",
"query_language": "Query language",
"tab": "Tab",
"help_current_page": "Current page",
"clear": "Clear",
"status_thus_far": "Current status",
"link_recently_used": "Link recently used entries",
"published": "Published",
"user": "User",
"subscribe": "Subscribe",
"appointment": "Event",
"calendars": "Calendars",
"now": "Now",
"share": "Share",
"collections": "Collections",
"defaults": "Defaults",
"media_licenses": "Media licenses",
"frontend": "Frontend",
"research_questions": "Research questions",
"enabled": "Enabled",
"required": "Required",
"space": "Space",
"spaces": "Spaces",
"spaces_choose": "Select a space",
"spaces_input": "Add a new space",
"free_text": "Free text",
"temperature": "Temperature",
"humidity": "Humidity",
"note": "Note",
"pages": "Pages",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"status": "Status",
"owner": "Owner",
"process": "Process",
"processes": "Processes",
"end": "End",
"projects": "Projects",
"tasks": "Tasks",
"task": "Task",
"starting_before": "Starting before",
"due_before": "Due before",
"completed_after": "Completed after",
"completed_before": "Completed before",
"current": "Current",
"upcoming": "Upcoming",
"past": "Past",
"unsubscribe": "Unsubscribe",
"podcast": "Podcast",
"context": "Context",
"due": "Due",
"completed": "Completed",
"knowledge_base": "Knowledge Base",
"lock": "Lock",
"unlock": "Unlock",
"move_rename": "Move \/ rename",
"selected": "Selected",
"progress": "Progress",
"done": "Done",
"unpublished": "Unpublished",
"publish": "Publish",
"unpublish": "Unpublish",
"nothing_to_do": "Nothing to do. Everything is as requested already.",
"exhibition": "Exhibition",
"close": "Close",
"open_in_new_tab": "Open in new tab",
"internal": "Internal",
"push_notifications": "Push notifications",
"notifications": "Notifications",
"subject": "Subject",
"email": "E-Mail",
"time_limits": "Time limits",
"longitude": "Longitude",
"latitude": "Latitude",
"categorization": "Categorization",
"sex": "Sex",
"color": "Color",
"ongoing_reservation": "Ongoing reservation",
"upcoming_reservation": "Upcoming reservation",
"for": "For",
"reservation": "Reservation",
"checklist": "Checklist",
"integrations": "Integrations",
"damage": "Damage",
"damages": "Damages",
"custom_report_templates": "Custom report templates",
"file": "File",
"upload": "Upload",
"export": "Export",
"after": "after",
"before": "before",
"has": "Has",
"translation": "Translation",
"consistency_checks": "Consistency checks",
"suggestion": "Suggestion",
"with": "with",
"period": "Period",
"no_date_information_identified": "Failed to identify date information",
"shipments": "Shipments",
"acquisitions": "Acquisitions",
"acquisitions_choose": "Select an acquisition",
"acquisitions_input": "Record a new acquisition",
"shipments_choose": "Select a shipment",
"shipments_input": "Record a new shipment",
"acquisition": "Acquisition",
"shipment": "Shipment",
"average": "Average",
"year": "Year",
"yearmonth": "Year \/ month",
"values": "Values",
"chart": "Chart",
"table": "Table",
"download": "Download",
"list": "Liste",
"quick_search": "Quick search",
"kbd_previous": "CTRL + Arrow left",
"kbd_next": "CTRL + Arrow right",
"import_currently_scheduled": "An import is currently scheduled",
"import_data_has_been_uploaded": "Import data has been uploaded",
"import_delay_notification": "Your import will be processed in the next some hours. You will get a mail containing the processing log once it's done.",
"general": "General",
"regular": "Regular",
"tree_view": "Tree view",
"hierarchy": "Hierarchy",
"set_new_superordinate": "Set new superordinate",
"unset_superordinate": "Remove superordinate",
"log": "Log",
"from": "From",
"to": "To",
"generator": "Generator",
"generate": "Generate",
"classification": "Classification",
"skip": "Skip",
"all": "All",
"content": "Content",
"unit": "Unit",
"versioning": "Versioning"

backend/ka/calendar.json Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
"calendar": {
"all_calendars": "All calendars",
"exhibition_starts": "Exhibition starts",
"exhibition_ends": "Exhibition ends",
"loan_starts": "Loan starts",
"loan_ends": "Loan ends"

backend/ka/catalogue.json Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
"tlCatalogue": {
"added_catalogue_raisonne": "Created new catalogue raisonne",
"catalogue_description": "Description",
"catalogue_description_explica": "Descriptive text about the whole catalogue raisonn\u00e9. May for example describe the relevance of the artist and the circumstances under which the catalogue raisonn\u00e9 was created.",
"public": "Public",
"public_explica": "Determines whether the catalogue is publicly listed.<br \/> If the slider is on the left, the catalogue is not publicly listed. If it is on the right, it is.",
"cataogue_updated": "The catalogue raisonne has been updated",
"contributors": "Contributors",
"works": "Works",
"contributor_added": "A contributor has been added",
"contributor_could_not_be_added": "Contributor could not be added",
"add_new_work": "Add new work",
"title": "Title",
"work_title_explica": "Title of the work.",
"work_description_explica": "A descriptive text about the work.",
"work_description": "Description",
"edit_a_work": "Edit work",
"work_added": "The work has been added",
"work_updated": "The work has been updated",
"source_removed": "The source has been removed",
"source_linked": "The source has been linked",
"return_to_catalogue": "Return to catalogue raisonn\u00e9",
"return_to_artist": "Return to artist page",
"work_deleted": "The work has been deleted",
"object_summaries": "Object summaries",
"add_new_object_summary": "Add new object summary",
"edit_object_summary": "Edit an object summary",
"return_to_work": "Return to work",
"signature": "Signature",
"exhibition_history": "Exhibition history",
"object_date_type": "Creation type",
"tag_linked": "The tag has been linked",
"tag_removed": "The tag has been unlinked",
"deleted_image": "An image has been deleted",
"uploaded_image": "Uploaded an image",
"imported_work_info_from_object_summary": "Imported work information from object summary",
"sync_requires_exactly_one_object": "There must be exactly one linked object summary for syncing"

backend/ka/check.json Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
"check_tag": {
"to_short": "The keyword you entered was too short",
"you_entered": "You entered",
"already_known_as": "This is already known as",
"unknown": "This term is unknown",
"proposals": "Perhaps you meant one of the following terms",
"persons_to_events": "People or Institutions should always be connected through an event. If, for example, a person is &quot;shown at&quot; or has &quot;produced&quot; the object, please use an event",
"place_to_events": "Places should principally be related to the object using events. If a place is e.g. the &quot;place of production&quot; or the &quot;place of use&quot;, please use an event.",
"time_to_events": "Timespans should principally be related to the object using events. If a timespan is e.g. the &quot;time of production&quot; or the &quot;time of usage&quot;, please use an event.",
"part_of_event": "Save as part of an event",
"relate_person_explica": "If persons or institutions cannot be related through an event, i.e. it exists only a general relation (e.g. a coin commemorating Churchill but not showing him - otherwise use an event), then, and only then, you should save this person or institution as a &quot;related person or institution&quot;. Please save such relations only if you have not entered a relation between the object and this person or institution already in an event!",
"relate_place_explica": "If places cannot be linked through an event, i.e. it exists only in a general relation (e.g. a place shown on a cup), then, and only then, you should save this place as a &quot;related place&quot;. Please save such relations only if you have not entered a relation between the object and the given place already in an event!",
"relate_time_explica": "If timespans cannot be linked through an event, i.e. it exists only in a general relation (e.g. the object resembles exactly the design of the 1950s or it is a book about the 19th century), then, and only then, you should save this time as &quot;related time&quot;. Please save such relations only if you have not entered a relation between the object and and the given time already in an event!",
"might_be_keyword": "If you did not mean any of the displayed terms (and only then), you might save your term as a keyword",
"save_new_tag": "Save as new keyword - no typo?",
"already_in_event": "is already related to the object through an event. You should only save another relation if this is a very remarkable one.",
"special_relation": "A special relation exists. (Save)",
"better_back": "Alright, do nothing. (Go back)",
"yes_saveit": "Yes (store relation)",
"new_term": "Introduce new term and relate to object",
"found_similar": "Found similar term(s)",
"aborted_short_input": "Aborted: Text is too short.",
"really_tag": "Really a keyword?",
"tag_had_been_linked": "The tag had been linked before",
"input_too_short_aborted": "Your input was too short. Aborted.",
"minimum_3_characters": "3 characters minimum",
"enforce_alternatives": "This is an ambiguous term. More precise alternatives are listed for selection.",
"use_precise_term": "Use the following, more precise term"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
"collection": {
"name": "Collection title",
"samnam_explica": "Use a short title - This title will be displayed in tables and lists.<br><br>Example 1: \"Paintings\"<br>Example 2: \"Collection on brewing beer\"<br>Example 3: \"Estate of Illies\"",
"description": "Description",
"sambesch_explica": "A description of the collection. A good length is about 1000 characters (one to two paragraphs).<br><br>Possible questions: What topics does the collection deal with? How many objects regarding these are included? What led to the creation of the collection? Are there any special objects in this collection?<br><br>A very thorough description is an option, too. In case you want to have this, please send the description to the administrator",
"link_to_source": "Link to external source",
"samurl_explica": "Here you can enter a link to an external website, that has further information on the collection.<br><br>Please provide an absolute URL: Keep the \"http:\/\/\" or \"https:\/\/\" at the start of the URL",
"mail": "Mail address for collection",
"sammail_explica": "A mail address for questions regarding the collection. If an E-mail address has been entered here, users will be given the option to ask for information or send notes via E-mail below the objects included in this collection. In this case, the recipient line of the mail formular will be automatically filled in with the respective information.",
"image_click": "Target for click on image",
"sambild_explica": "Just enter anything, if you want to upload an image. The URL put into this field will be used as a link for when users click on the image of the collection.<br><br>Please use an absolute URL: Keep the \"http:\/\/\" or \"https:\/\/\" at the start of the URL.",
"factsheet": "Link to fact sheet",
"samdaba_explica": "Please leave this field empty!<br><br>The internal place a document with a thorough description of the collection will be saved here. Usually this document is saved as a .PDF file.",
"no_name": "Please enter the title of the collection!<\/p><p class=\"ohne\">[A collection without a title will be hard to find]",
"no_descroption": "Please enter a description of the collection!<\/p><p class=\"ohne\">[A collection`s description deals with e.g. what is included in the collection, what is special about it, how many objects are in it... A good length is about 1000 letters (one to two paragraphs). Less is possible, too, but please, It needs to be descriptive!]",
"subordinate": "Subordinate this collection to another",
"subordinate_choose": "Please choose the collection it should subordinate to from the list",
"raise_level": "Raise level of this collection",
"delete": "Delete collection",
"no_description": "Description missing",
"satellite": "Collections do not belong to a museum",
"objects": "Objects",
"collection_image": "Image for collection page",
"collection_image_change": "Change image",
"collection_image_delete": "Delete image",
"collection_no_image": "No image uploaded",
"collection_upload_image": "Upload image",
"connect_to_museum": "Link with a museum",
"connected_to_museum": "Connect to a museum",
"connected_to_museums": "Connect to more than one museum",
"no_disconnect": "<b>Attention:<\/b> The connection to the institution can only be cut if this collection does not have any subcollections and is not a subcollection itself.",
"no_of_objects": "Objects in collection",
"list_of_objects": "List of objects",
"delete_question": "You are about to delete a collection !",
"delete_no": "No, not really (back)",
"delete_yes": "Yes, that's what I want",
"add_a_collection": "Add a collection",
"collection_has_been_added": "The collection has been added",
"edit_a_collection": "Edit a collection",
"collection_has_been_edited": "Edits to the collection have been stored",
"collection_overview": "Collection overview",
"collection_order": "Order",
"no_collection_yet": "You (or your institution) do not yet have any collections",
"collection_moved": "The collection was moved",
"base_data": "Basic information about the collection",
"related_collections": "Related collections",
"superordinate_collections": "Superordinate collections",
"subordinate_collections": "Subordinate collections",
"minimum_3_characters": "3 characters minimum",
"collection_image_deleted": "Deleted collection image",
"all_collections": "All collections",
"up": "Up",
"down": "Down",
"main_image": "Main image",
"add_alternative_language": "Add alternative language entry for this collection",
"no_superordinate_collection": "No superordinate collection has been assigned",
"no_subordinate_collection": "No subordinate collection has been assigned",
"hide_collection": "Collection is public. Hide it",
"publish_collection": "Collection is hidden. Publish.",
"collection_signature": "Collection signature",
"collection_signature_explica": "A signature of the collection for internal use. It can, e.g., be used for entering a reference to the collection to automatically suggested inventory numbers (see institution-wide settings page). "

backend/ka/comments.json Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
"tlComments": {
"moderate_comments": "Moderate comments",
"Moderated": "Moderated",
"All": "All",
"only_moderated": "Only moderated",
"only_unmoderated": "Only unmoderated",
"only_public": "Only public",
"only_unpublished": "Only unpublished",
"commented_object": "commented object",
"Public": "Public"

backend/ka/condition.json Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
"tlCond": {
"condition_documentation": "Condition documentation",
"exhibitable": "Use in exhibitions",
"movable": "Use in loans",
"needsRestoration": "Needs restoration",
"short_notice": "Short notice",
"upload_image_pdf": "Upload image or PDF",
"specific_notes": "Individual features",
"value": "Value",
"new_field": "Add features",
"field_name": "Add features (Name)",
"field_value": "Add features (Value)",
"reports": "Reports",
"add_report": "Add report",
"title": "Title",
"content": "Content",
"damage": "Damage",
"conservation": "Conservation",
"condition": "Condition",
"restoration": "Restoration",
"other_report": "Other report",
"creator": "Creator",
"date": "Date",
"delete": "Delete",
"type": "Type",
"report_title_explica": "The title of the conservation \/ restoration report. Should be a concise name that helps identifying the report.",
"report_content_explica": "Content of the conservation \/ restoration report.",
"report_type_explica": "Type of the report.",
"report_creator_explica": "Name of the author of the report.",
"report_date_explica": "Date of the report creation.",
"min_temperature": "Min. viable temperature",
"max_temperature": "Max. viable temperature",
"min_humidity": "Min. viable humidity",
"max_humidity": "Max. viable humidity",
"max_lux": "Lux (Maximal)"

backend/ka/contacts.json Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
"contacts": {
"given_name": "First name",
"given_name_explica": "The first name of a person. Optional.",
"family_name": "Family name",
"family_name_explica": "The family name of a person. Optional.",
"name": "Full name",
"name_explica": "Full name of a person or institution. Required.",
"remark": "Note",
"remark_explica": "(In museum) Shared notes about a person. Optional.",
"gender": "Gender",
"gender_explica": "Gender of a person.",
"title": "Title",
"title_explica": "The (academic, institutional, religious, ...) title of a person.",
"organization": "Organization",
"organization_explica": "The organization a person belongs to. Optional",
"street": "Street",
"street_explica": "Street address. Optional.",
"place": "Place",
"place_explica": "Place of a person or institution. Optional.",
"contacts_no_name": "A name is required to save this contact.",
"categories": "Categories",
"categories_explica": "Categories of the person or institution. Best entered with a comma as a separator. Optional.",
"contacts_added": "New contact added",
"email": "Email",
"email_explica": "Email address of the contact",
"contacts_list": "Contacts list",
"contacts_edited": "The contact has been updated",
"contact_belongs": "Contact belongs to",
"export_contact": "Export contact",
"send_mail": "Send mail",
"contacts_deleted": "Contact deleted",
"url": "URL",
"url_explica": "Website URL of the person or institution. Must be an absolute URL (starting with <code>http:\/\/<\/code> or <code>https:\/\/<\/code>).",
"zip_code": "Zip code",
"zip_code_explica": "Zip code of the institution.",
"contacts_added_loan": "The contact has been added. You can now link it with the loan entry",
"contacts_list_empty": "Your list of contacts is empty so far",
"all_contacts": "All contacts",
"contact_details": "Contact details",
"new_contact": "New contact",
"no_contacts": "Contacts list is empty",
"no_contacts_text": "No contact has been added for your museum yet (therefore, we cannot list any). You may:",
"phone_number_added": "Phone number added",
"phone": "Phone",
"phone_type_work": "Work",
"phone_type_home": "Home",
"phone_type_mobile": "Mobile",
"phone_type_work_mobile": "Work mobile",
"phone_type_fax": "Fax",
"phone_type_fax_work": "Fax work",
"phone_number_deleted": "Phone number deleted",
"phone_number_updated": "Phone number updated"
"gender": [

View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
"tlConversations": {
"start_conversation": "Start conversation",
"view_conversation": "View conversation",
"conversations": "Conversations",
"no_messages": "There are no messages here."

View File

@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
"data_history": {
"addendum": "Additional information",
"addition": "Object record created",
"administration": "Object management information",
"base": "Basic information",
"collection": "Link with collection",
"deletion": "Object deleted",
"event": "Event entry",
"link": "Link with hyperlink",
"literature": "Link with literature",
"location": "Information about whereabouts",
"notes": "Remarks",
"record": "Alternative language record",
"resource": "Link with image or resource",
"rights": "Rights informationen",
"serie": "Link with object group",
"tag": "Link with keyword",
"visibility": "Visibility",
"type_of_edit": "Changed ...",
"date": "at",
"user": "by",
"transcription": "Transcription",
"restorationReport": "Restoration report",
"exhibition": "Exhibition",
"loan": "Loan",
"provenance": "Provenance report",
"image": "Image",
"condition": "Condition",
"series": "Linked with object group",
"persinst_merge": "Actor entry merged",
"profile_publish": "Profile published",
"profile_unpublish": "Profile hidden",
"upload_profile_image": "Profile image uploaded",
"unlink_image": "Image deleted",
"user_description_edited": "User description",
"profile_hide": "Profile hidden",
"update_2fa_information": "Updated two factor authentication setting",
"update_pgp_key": "PGP key updated",
"more": "Additional information",
"ticket_prices": "Ticket types",
"opening_hours": "Opening hours",
"rooms": "Rooms",
"rooms;addition": "Added a new room",
"rooms;deletion": "Removed a room",
"ticket_type": "Ticket types",
"position": "Position",
"hierarchy": "Hierarchy",
"faq;updated": "Updated FAQ entry",
"faq;deleted": "Removed an FAQ entry",
"faq;addition": "Added an FAQ entry",
"faq;deletion": "FAQ entry deleted",
"map": "Map",
"object": "Object",
"reception_publication": "Reception",
"visibility (sm)": "Visibility (social media)",
"link_persinst": "Linked an actor",
"unlink_persinst": "Remove link to an actor",
"chapter_updated": "Chapter information updated",
"chapter_added": "Chapter added",
"chapter_deleted": "Removed a chapter",
"unlink_source": "Deleted link to source",
"link_source": "Linked a source",
"source_link_updated": "Link to a source has been updated",
"institution": "institution",
"flagged_for_deletion": "Flagged for deletion",
"link_collection": "Link collection",
"link_museum": "Link museum",
"remove_museum": "Removed museum",
"objekt": "Object",
"link_tag": "Linked a tag",
"unlink_tag": "Removed a tag",
"marking": "Marking",
"remove_collection": "Remove collection",
"move_space": "Moved to different space",
"owner": "Ownership",
"defaults_for_new_object": "Defaults for new object page",
"deaccession": "Deaccession",
"check_log": "Log of checks",
"restoration_log": "Restoration and conservation log",
"damage_log": "Damage log",
"checklist": "Checklist",
"password": "Password changed",
"integrations": "Integrations",
"move_to_space": "Updates current location",
"object_object_link": "Object-to-object link",
"external_id": "Updated an external ID",
"shipment": "Shipment",
"visibility (addendum)": "Visibility (specific to field)",
"museum": "Link with a museum",
"publication": "Publication",
"document": "Document",
"link_place": "Linked a place",
"link_time": "Linked a time",
"categorization": "Categorization",
"measurement": "Measurement",
"open_versioning": "Open versioning"

backend/ka/db_links.json Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
"db_links": {
"deleted_obj_persinst": "Link to person has been removed from the object",
"deleted_obj_time": "Link to time has been removed from the object",
"deleted_obj_place": "Link to place has been removed from the object",
"deleted_obj_tag": "Link to tag has been removed from the object",
"deleted_obj_lit": "Link to literature entry has been removed from the object",
"deleted_obj_link": "Link to hyperlink has been removed from the object",
"deleted_obj_image": "The image has been removed",
"deleted_obj_museum": "Object has been removed from the museum",
"deleted_obj_collection": "Object has been removed from the collection",
"deleted_obj_series": "Object has been removed from the object group",
"deleted_tag_obj": "Link to object has been removed from the keyword",
"deleted_lit_obj": "Link to object has been removed from the literature entry",
"deleted_museum_collection": "Collection has been removed from the museum",
"added_obj_collection": "Added object to collection",
"added_obj_literature": "The bibliographic entry has been linked with the object",
"added_obj_link": "The hyperlink has been connected with the object",
"added_obj_tag": "The object has been linked to keyword(s)",
"annotation_deleted": "The annotation has been removed",
"obj_tag_already_added": "The tag was already linked with the object",
"obj_link_already_added": "The link was already linked with the object",
"obj_literature_already_added": "The literature entry was already linked with the object",
"obj_collection_already_added": "The collection was already linked with the object",
"similar_tag_already_known": "The tag was already known by a different name,<br \/>linked that entry.",
"identified_rewritten_tag": "The tag is known to mean the same as the following tags (now linked):",
"tag_in_blacklist": "The entered tag is blacklisted"

backend/ka/event.json Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
"event": {
"choose_new_type": "Please select another type of event",
"what": "What",
"when": "When",
"who": "Who",
"where": "Where",
"add_placename": "Insert place name",
"no_place": "Delete place name in event",
"add_actor": "Insert actor",
"no_actor": "Delete actor in event",
"add_time": "Insert time",
"no_time": "Delete time in event",
"last_used": "Last used",
"delete_event": "Delete the event",
"delete_question": "You are about to delete an event",
"delete_no": "No, that is not what I meant (go back)",
"delete_yes": "Yes, that's what I want",
"check_not_enough": "There is not enough information to save an event",
"check_stop_input": "Stop event submission- return to object",
"check_time_heading": "Adding an event ... Checking time",
"check_time_term": "Time concept",
"check_time_already_related": "is already related to the object through a time relation! You should add relations to time events only if the object is especially typical for this time.",
"check_time_already_event": "is already related to the object via an event! Do you really want to add another event with the same time term?",
"check_time_already_related_event": "is already related to the object via a time relation AND an event! Do you really want to add another event with the same time term?",
"check_time_new": "Introduce new time concept and connect",
"check_time_connect": "Connect object with this time",
"check_time_ignore": "Ignore time term",
"found_similar": "Found similar terms",
"check_use_time": "Use new time concept term",
"check_already_special relation": "is already related to the object through a time relation or an event!",
"check_takeit": "take it",
"check_takeit_nevermind": "Still take it",
"check_actor_heading": "Adding an event ... Checking actor name",
"check_actor_term": "The Person\/Institution's name",
"check_actor_already_related": "is already related to the object through an actor-relation - in the form of",
"check_actor_additional_event_with": "Should an additional event for the object be created - with",
"check_actor_already_event": "is already related to the object through an event - in the form of",
"check_actor_already_related_event": "is already related to the object through an actor-relation AND an event - in the form of",
"check_actor_new": "Introduce new person or institution and connect",
"check_actor_notmeant": "Not the actor that was meant (introduce new actor and connect)",
"check_actor_introduce": "introduce as actor",
"check_actor_ignore": "Ignore actor name",
"check_use_actor": "Use new actor",
"check_place_heading": "Adding an event ... Checking place name",
"check_place_term": "The place name",
"check_place_already_related": "is already related to the object through a geographical relation! You should add additional geographical relations only if the object is very closely related to the place.",
"check_place_already_event": "is already related to the object through an event! Should an additional event be created with",
"check_place_new": "Introduce new place name and connect",
"check_place_notmeant": "Not the place that was meant (introduce new place name and connect)",
"check_place_connect": "Connect the object with this place",
"check_place_ignore": "Ignore place name",
"check_use_place": "Use new place name",
"you_entered": "You entered",
"yes": "Yes",
"check_already_other_event": "is already related to the object through another event! Should an additional event for the object be created using",
"check_additional_event": "Yes, another event with the same term is related to the object (Save)",
"check_better_back": "Ok, better not ... (Go back)",
"classic_new_event": "New event relating to",
"classic_do_nothing": "Don't save, go back to object",
"classic_recently_used": "Recently used",
"classic_one_element_minimum": "At least one answer to the questions of <i>\"When\"-\"Who\"-\"Where\"<\/i> has to be provided",
"classic_eventtype_needed": "You have to select an event type (for example \"manufactured\")",
"classic_annotation_intro": "Note about the event",
"classic_explica_recently": "<b>Table: \"Recently used ...\"<\/b><br><br>Instead of choosing a term by clicking at <b>When<\/b>, <b>Who<\/b> or <b>Where<\/b> (above) you may- if you have recently used the term- click on it in this table",
"change_title": "Edit event related to",
"title_help": "Event types (... and how they should be used ...)",
"event_deleted": "The event has been removed",
"event_edited": "The event has been updated",
"event_switched_uncertain": "Relation has been marked as uncertain",
"event_switched_certain": "Relation has been marked as certain",
"aborted_short_input": "Aborted: Text is too short",
"add_pers_first": "Please check first if the actor you want to add is already known",
"add_pers_second": "Type the surname in the search bar slowly",
"add_pers_third": "If the pop-upwindow contains the name click on it",
"add_pers_forth": "If the actor you are looking for does not appear in the pop-up window then please press Enter after you have completed your entry",
"add_placename_first": "Please check first if the place you want to use is already known",
"add_placename_second": "To do so please type the place in slowly in the search bar",
"add_placename_third": "If the pop-up window contains the place click on it",
"add_placename_forth": "If the place does not appear in the pop-up window simply complete typing the place and press Enter.",
"add_time_first": "Please check first if the time you want to use is known already.",
"add_time_second": "To do so please type in the time slowly in the search bar",
"add_time_third": "If the pop-up window contains the time click on it.",
"add_time_forth": "If the time does not appear in the pop-up window simply complete typing the time and press Enter",
"find_actor": "Find an actor",
"find_placename": "Find a place",
"find_time": "Find a time",
"input_too_short_aborted": "Your input was too short. Aborted.",
"minimum_3_characters": "3 characters minimum",
"similar_event_already_added": "A similar event had already been added",
"event_added": "The event has been added",
"check_already_special_relation": "is already related to the object through a time relation or an event!",
"edit_event": "Edit the event",
"clone_event": "Clone the event",
"gnd": "Gemeinsame Normdatei",
"recognized_uncertainty": "Recognized uncertainty"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
"ereignistyp_explica": {
"1": "Fits nearly in all cases for man-made objects. Use this if no other event type suits better.",
"2": "Please only use for archaelogical or geological objects",
"3": "Please use for books, maps and similar things",
"4": "Creation of something inspiring e.g. a painting",
"5": "Please use if someone is depicted at the object (only persons or institutions)",
"6": "Use in \"real world\" (i.e. outside of exhibitions etc.)",
"7": "Please use for letters, books, musical notations, ...",
"8": "Please use for biological objects (NOT: The museum as collector)",
"9": "Please use for paintings of all kinds ...",
"10": "Please use for photographies, audio- or video recordings ...",
"11": "Please use for letters and other mailed documents.",
"12": "Please use for engravings and woodcuts ...",
"13": "Please use for letters and other mailed documents.",
"14": "Please ONLY use for certificates and documents",
"15": "Please use for documents.",
"16": "Please use for archaeological finds, zoological typus definition, ...",
"19": "Use for drawings",
"20": "Copying a text of any kind by hand",
"21": "Please use if the object itself is a prehistoric life form (saurus, neanderthaler, exstinguished fern, ...).",
"22": "Genearal, not exactly defined relation to a place",
"23": "Genearal, not exactly defined relation to a person or institution",
"24": "Genearal, not exactly defined relation to a time",
"25": "Please use to add information about commissioning e.g. the creation of an object",
"26": "Please use to add information about the creation of printed material",
"27": "Please use if the object is an audio recording",
"28": "Please use if the object is a recorded song",
"29": "Please use for ceramics",
"30": "Please use for ceramics",
"31": "Please use for ceramics",
"32": "Please use if the object contains a signature (e.g. painting, graphics, ...)",
"33": "Please use if the object is a letter or document in which a person or institution is mentioned",
"34": "Please use for archaeological objects that were buried intentionally",
"35": "Please use for the intellectual creation of an object",
"36": "Please use if a settlement or building is depicted at the objects (not a person or institution)",
"37": "Please use, if the object was painted on (e.g. a painting on a cup)",
"38": "Please use, if the object was illustrated (e.g. a book)",
"44": "For objects that have been restorated.",
"45": "To be used if a part of the object was damaged, e.g. if a statue lost its arm.",
"46": "To be used for the complete destruction of an objection.",
"47": "To be used for objects that have been lost.",
"48": "For textual objects (like books), that were edited or compiled.",
"39": "Final step of production. E.g. to be used for the final assembly of all parts of a bus.",
"40": "The object was traded via auctions.",
"41": "Here you can note down when the object was bought, and who bought it.",
"42": "Here, the ownership status of the object can be recorded. The information is published. To enter \"hidden\" information, use the \"administration\" and \"provenance\" tabs.",
"43": "Here you can note down when the object was sold, and who sold it.",
"49": "Here you can note down when the object was given away and who did so.",
"50": "Here you can note down when the object was inherited to somebody.",
"51": "Mainly used for written works. Describes the central subject of the object. E.g. the founding document of a city may have that same city as its subject.",
"52": "For inorganic objects that were not created by humans but emerged in nature. E.g. stones."

View File

@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
"tlExhibitions": {
"title": "Title",
"description": "Description",
"start_date": "Start date",
"end_date": "End date",
"visible_publicly": "Visibility on public page",
"exhibitions_added": "A new exhibition has been added",
"name_explica": "The name of the exhibition",
"start_date_explica": "Start date of the exhbtion",
"end_date_explica": "End date of the exhibition",
"description_explica": "Description of the collection",
"exhibitions_list": "List of exhibitions",
"exhibition_edited": "The exhibition has been updated",
"exhibition_deleted": "The exhibition has been deleted",
"exhibitions_edit": "Edit an exhibition",
"catalogue_link": "Link to catalogue",
"catalogue_link_explica": "Link to the catalogue. For example in PDF format there must be an absolute URL",
"make_public": "Make this exhibition public",
"make_hidden": "Hide the exhibition",
"uploaded_poster": "Uploaded image for exhibition",
"select_exhibition": "Select an exhibition",
"exhibition_belongs": "Exhibition belongs to",
"upload_image_pdf": "Upload image or PDF",
"delete_image_pdf": "Delete image",
"obj_link_with_exhibition": "Link with an exhibition",
"obj_linked_exhibitions": "Linked exhibitions",
"exhibitions_list_empty": "Your list of exhibitions is empty thus far",
"remove_obj": "Unlink",
"options": "Options",
"description_too_short": "Description too short (should be min. 25 characters)",
"url": "URL",
"url_explica": "URL to another web page representing the exhibition. Needs to be a valid URL - starting with http:\/\/ or https:\/\/",
"upload_image": "Upload image",
"add_tour": "Add tour of the exhibition",
"edit_tour": "Edit tour of the exhibition",
"all_exhibitions": "All exhibitions",
"minimum_3_characters": "3 characters minimum",
"base_data": "Basic information about the exhibition",
"exhibitions_list_empty_text": "No exhibition entry has been added for your museum yet (hence, we cannot list any). You may:",
"linked_an_exhibition": "Linked an exhibition with the object",
"removed_obj_exh_link": "Removed link of object with an exhibition",
"permanent_exhibition": "Permanent exhibition",
"toggled_highlighting": "Edited highlight status",
"highlight": "Highlight",
"deleted_poster": "Deleted exhibition image",
"exhibition_poster": "Poster of the exhibition",
"select_exhibition_explica": "Select an exhibition to link from the list. If the exhibition has not yet been added, you can add it by clicking the \"+\"-Button in front of the selection boss.",
"obj_desc_in_exhibition": "Object description in exhibition",
"obj_desc_in_exhibition_explica": "The object description as it can be found specifically in the exhibition.",
"publications": "Publications",
"linked_publication": "A publication has been linked",
"unlinked_publication": "Removed link to a publication",
"link_a_contributor": "Link a contributor",
"contributor_explica": "Here contributors to the exhibition can be linked. Once the contributor can be found in the controlled vocabulary, they can be searched and selected by typing in the input field. To select, click on the respective entry in the drop-down list that appears as you type.",
"upcoming_exhibitions": "Upcoming exhibitions",
"ongoing_exhibitions": "Ongoing exhibitions",
"link_a_place": "Link a place",
"link_a_time": "Link a time"

backend/ka/export.json Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
"export": {
"no_institution": "Cannot detect the institution for which the export is to be prepared",
"welcome": "Welcome to the export dialogue system for",
"intro_general": "Here you can export your data as an XML file. You decide a) which objects' data you are going to export and b) which specific information about each single object is to be exported. If you export all information about all objects (default), you will create data for backing up that can be processed also by other programs. Do not give this data to a third person! If you set \"Public data only\" to \"Yes\", you can determine what data is to be exported yourself",
"yes": "Yes",
"no": "No",
"all": "All",
"selection": "Selection",
"nothing": "Nothing",
"datasets_which": "Which datasets are to be exported",
"datasets_hidden": "Export hidden data sets",
"datasets_all": "Export all data sets",
"single_collection": "Export a single collection",
"single_objectgroup": "Export a single object group",
"title_filter": "Filter-based XML-Export",
"intro_filter": "You are about to export all objects that match your filter rules. Here you can determine which information about the objects will be exported. You can also determine the format the XML file will be written in. If you click on \"Save\" without changing anything, all infomation about the objects will be exported using the md:xml format. If you select \"LIDO\" as your format of choice, only information that has already been made public will be available - you can set further limitations to this selection. Basic rule:<br>&bullet; You select md:xml as the format of choice, click on \"Save\" and receive a file containing all information about the objects from the server. Or:<br>&bullet; You select \"LIDO\", click on \"Save\" and receive a file containing the usual information used for publication from the server.",
"title_watchlist": "Watchlist-based XML-Export",
"intro_watchlist": "You are about to export all objects on the current watchlist. Here, you can determine which information about the objects will be exported. You can also determine the format the xml file will be written in. If you click on \"Save\" without chaning anything all infomation about the objects will be exported using the md:xml format. If you select \"LIDO\" as your format of choice, only information that has already been made public will be available - you can set further limitations to this selection. Basic rule:<br>&bullet; You select md:xml as the format of choice, click on \"Save\" and receive a file containing all information about the objects from the server. Or:<br>&bullet; You select \"LIDO\", click on \"Save\" and receive a file containing the usual information used for publication from the server.",
"title_singleobject": "Export a single object",
"intro_singleobject": "You are about to export a single object. Here, you can determine which information about the object will be exported. You can also determine the format the xml file will be written in. If you click on \"Save\" without chaning anything, all infomation about the objects will be exported using the md:xml format. If you select \"LIDO\" as your format of choice, only information that has already been made public will be available - you can set further limitations to this selection. Basic rule:<br>&bullet; You select md:xml as the format of choice, click on \"Save\" and receive a file containing all information about the objects from the server. Or:<br>&bullet; You select \"LIDO\", click on \"Save\" and receive a file containing the usual information used for publication from the server.",
"objectinfo_which": "Which object information to export",
"publicinfo_only": "Public data only",
"per_object": "Which information per object",
"basicinfo": "Basic informationen",
"objectid": "Object ID",
"invnr": "Inventory number",
"objectkind": "Object type",
"objectname": "Object name",
"objectdescription": "Object description",
"mattech": "Material\/Technique",
"measures": "Measurements",
"deployment": "Deployment",
"lastupdate_at": "Last edit on",
"lastupdate_by": "Last edit by",
"firstsaved_at": "First edit on",
"firstsaved_by": "First edit by",
"addendum": "Additional information",
"administration": "Object administration",
"backup_intro": "The backup you are creating contains <b>all<\/b> informationen from <b>all<\/b> objects of your institution. Especially if you use museum-digital for inventory, keep in mind: <\/p><p><br><b>Don't give this backup to anyone!<\/b><\/p><p>As soon as you click the button below the server will create a ZIP-file. This file contains many small files - one per object. Immediately after creation the server sends you this file automatically. Please store this file in a safe place. Backups should be made at fixed intervals (e.g. every second week). If there is a lot of data the creation of the backup might take some time. Please sit back and wait a moment ...",
"exact_location_place_two": "Exact location, name of place 2",
"exact_location_place_relation_two": "Exact location, relations to place 2",
"exact_location_place_longitude_two": "Exact location, longitude of place 2",
"exact_location_place_latitude_two": "Exact location, latitude of place 2",
"alternative_object_name": "Alternative object name",
"alternative_object_name_qualifier": "Alternative object name (qualifier)",
"extended_description": "Extended description",
"inscription": "Caption\/Inscription",
"exact_measurements_length_value": "Exact measurements, length (value)",
"exact_measurements_length_unit": "Exact measurements, length (unit)",
"exact_measurements_width_value": "Exact measurements, width (value)",
"exact_measurements_width_unit": "Exact measurements, width (unit)",
"exact_measurements_height_value": "Exact measurements, height (value)",
"exact_measurements_height_unit": "Exact measurements, height (unit)",
"exact_measurements_weight_value": "Exact measurements, weight (value)",
"exact_measurements_weight_unit": "Exact measurements, weight (unit)",
"exact_measurements_wall_size_value": "Exact measurements, wall size (value)",
"exact_measurements_wall_size_unit": "Exact measurements, wall size (unit)",
"exact_measurements_diameter_value": "Exact measurements, diameter (value)",
"exact_measurements_diameter_unit": "Exact measurements, diameter (unit)",
"exact_measurements_number_pieces": "Exact measurements, number of pieces",
"exact_measurements_number_pages": "Exact measurements, number of pages",
"exact_measurements_stamp_position": "Exact measurements, stamp position",
"similar_objects": "Similar objects",
"specific_entries_material": "Specific entries: material",
"specific_entries_technique": "Specific entries: technique",
"export_in_which_format": "Export in which format?",
"md_standard_format": "md:xml (museum-digital standard format)",
"unit": "Unit",
"date": "Date",
"position_in_lit": "Position in literature",
"main_image": "Main image",
"image_order": "Position in image order",
"only_export_main_image": "Extra: Only export main image",
"position_in_series": "Position of objects in series",
"backup": "Backup",
"status": "Status",
"backup_not_yet_generated": "Backup archive has not been generated yet",
"backup_file_exists": "Backup file exists",
"backup_archive_last_generated": "Backup: Last generation date",
"download": "Download",
"date_last_object_edited": "Date the last object was edited"

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@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
"handbook_links": {
"dashboard": "",
"user_edit": "",
"user_roles": "",
"user_account_security": "",
"user_profile": "",
"user_add": "",
"museum_overview": "",
"museum_settings": "",
"batch_update_image_licenses": "",
"pdf_catalogue": "",
"link_validation_tool": "",
"comments_moderation_list": "",
"fav_object_searches": "",
"visitor_statistics": "",
"collections": "",
"object_groups": "",
"object_groups_edit": "",
"listendruck": "",
"export_object_data": "",
"html_catalogue": "",
"exhibitions": "",
"literature": "",
"loans": "",
"contacts": "",
"appointments": "",
"article": "",
"resources": "",
"licence_list": "",
"normdata": "",
"actors": "",
"places": "",
"times": "",
"tags": "",
"backgrounds": "",
"improvement_suggestions": "",
"video_conference": "",
"working_with_filters": "",
"working_with_watchlist": "",
"batch_editing_obj_info": "",
"object_query_language": "",
"object_edit": "",
"object_base_data": "",
"object_edit_tab_base": "",
"object_edit_tag_images": "",
"event_types_list": "",
"transcriptions": ""

backend/ka/image_incha.json Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
"image_incha": {
"replace_version": "Replace version of image",
"replace_maximum": "Only the larger version",
"replace_medium": "Only the medium-size version",
"replace_small": "Only the smallest version",
"replace_all": "All three versions",
"replace_remark": "The medium-size version is on display. Because of later edits the smaller or larger version might differ.",
"image_name": "Name of image",
"bildname_explica": "The image name is important for<br\/>&bull; search engine optimization (\"Title-Tags\")<br\/>&bull; overview in the list of representations.<br\/><br\/>In most cases it suffices to repeat the name of the object represented.<br\/><br\/>[Default value is object name]",
"image_description": "Image description",
"bildbesch_explica": "Here you can store annotations and remarks concerning the object representation (<b>NOT<\/b> concerning the object itself) <br\/><br\/>Example 1: \"Detail\"<br\/>Example 2: \"Rear side\"<br\/>Example 3: \"1 of 4\"",
"image_folder": "Image folder",
"ordner_explica": "The image folder is shown during the uploading process. Usually it starts with the word \"images\", the year, the month. For example: \"images 201504\"",
"image_filename": "Image filename",
"dateiname_explica": "The filename of the image is shown during the uploading process. It has to be provided including the extension (eg. \"317.jpg\" instead of \"317)",
"photographer": "Photographer",
"creator_explica": "Even if you work on behalf of the museum, photographers have a right of naming. If known, enter the photographer's name here, it will then appear below the image in the enlarged view. \r\nPlease enter only the name.<br\/><br\/>Example: \"A. Schnitzler\"<br\/>Example: \"Manfred Zweigelt\"",
"image_rightsholder": "Rights holder of the image",
"owner_explica": "Who owns the digital representation of the object?\"",
"rights_status": "Rights status of the image",
"rechte_explica": "Which <b>license applies for the image<\/b> (in all sizes) apply?<br\/>i.e. <b >NOT<\/b> rights of the displayed object<br\/>E.g. <b>NOT<\/b> rights of previews<br\/><br\/><br\/>Please select a value from the list (left)<br\/>More information available by clicking the brown [i] (right)<br\/><br\/>[Default: CC BY-NC-SA]",
"rights_allowed": "Selectable legal forms",
"info_needed": "You have to name the rights holder and rights status",
"image_connect": "Link with an object",
"go_object": "Go to object",
"info_completeit": "Complete the info and accept by clicking on \"Save\"",
"replace": "Replace",
"change_from_folder": "From folder",
"change_file": "The file",
"replace_with": "Replace with",
"upload_jpg_title": "Upload of an object image (JPG)",
"prerequisites": "Prerequisites",
"prerequisites_fileformat": "The image has to be a JPG file with a resolution of 72 dpi or 96 dpi",
"prerequisites_imagesize_general": "The short side should have a MINIMUM of 540px. The long side should have a MAXIMUM of 3000px",
"prerequisites_imagesize_mussam": "Mininum width of 200px",
"prerequisites_filesize_general": "Filesize should not exceed 2 MB (for maps etc. up to 10 MB). Usually 100 kb to 500 kb suffices. JPG files with a quality\/ compression level of 60-70% often give rather good results ",
"prerequisites_filesize_mussam": "Filesize should not exceed 2 MB",
"reduction_museum": "Please select a file for upload. Will be resized automatically",
"reduction_general": "Please select a file for upload in maximum size. The two smaller versions of the image will be created automatically",
"last_uploaded": "Last uploaded",
"upload_failed": "Something went wrong! (Possibly no filename provided.) To try again, please use the <em>back<\/em> button of your browser",
"too_small": "You tried to upload an image smaller than the minimum size",
"shortcuts": "Shortcuts",
"shortcut_description": "Click to use as image description",
"global_max_upload_size": "Overall, the maximum size of a given upload is:",
"image_data": "Image data",
"annotate_image": "Annotate image",
"added_annotation": "Added annotation",
"updated_annotation": "Updated annotation",
"deleted_annotation": "Deleted annotation",
"annotation_explica": "To annotate an image section, click into the image at the top left of the area you want to annotate. Then, move the cursor to the bottom right of the area to be annotated and release the click. A sidebar will open, offering you to enter your annotation.",
"added_annotation_translation": "Added annotation translation",
"updated_annotation_translation": "Updated annotation translation",
"deleted_annotation_translation": "Deleted annotation translation",
"global_max_file_uploads": "Overall, the maximum number of images that can be uploaded in one go is",
"image_upload_page_title": "Image upload form",
"master_filename": "Name of master file",
"master_filename_explica": "The name of the masterfile including the file extension but without the filepath",
"color": "Color",
"orientation": "Orientation",
"image_size": "Image size",
"minimum_width": "Minimum width",
"maximum_width": "Maximum width",
"minimum_height": "Minimum height",
"maximum_height": "Maximum height",
"orientation_landscape": "Landscape",
"orientation_square": "Square",
"orientation_portrait": "Portrait",
"rotate_left": "Rotate counterclockwise",
"rotate_right": "Rotate clockwise",
"dominant_color": "Dominant color",
"color_black": "black",
"color_green": "green",
"color_silver": "silver",
"color_lime": "lime",
"color_gray": "gray",
"color_olive": "olive",
"color_white": "white",
"color_yellow": "yellow",
"color_maroon": "maroon",
"color_navy": "navy",
"color_red": "red",
"color_blue": "blue",
"color_purple": "purple",
"color_teal": "teal",
"color_fuchsia": "fuchsia",
"color_aqua": "aqua",
"object_filter_active": "You have an active filter for objects. The listed images are restricted to images of these objects.",
"toggle_display_with_master": "Toggle display of image with a master file",
"toggle_display_without_master": "Toggle display of image without an available master file",
"flip": "Invert horizontally",
"flop": "Invert vertically",
"sort_object_images": "Sort object images",
"sort_object_images_explica": "On this page, you can more easily sort object images one by one. Left and right of the image, you can find two buttons for moving the object one position to the front or back. At the very bottom of the page, you can find a list of all resources linked to the object, to quickly jump to them without moving the currently selected image."
"incha_image": {
"front": "Front view",
"rear": "Rear view",
"overall": "Overall view",
"detail": "Detail view",
"insert": "Insert",
"insert_go": "Insert and continue",
"no_title": "Please provide a title for the image",
"image_switched_forward": "The image was moved forward in the order of images",
"image_switched_backward": "The image was moved backwards in the order of images",
"made_main": "The image was made the main image for this object",
"switched_non-public": "The image was made non-public",
"switched_public": "The image was made public",
"edit_image": "Edit image information",
"rewrote_iptc": "Updated IPTC data",
"rewrote_iptc_all": "Updated IPTC data for all linked images",
"rotated": "The image has been rotated",
"flipped": "The image has been inverted vertically",
"flopped": "The image has been inverted horizontally",
"edited": "Resource information has been edited",
"deleted": "The resource has been removed",
"uploaded": "The image has been uploaded"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
"improvement_suggestions": {
"improvement_suggestions_help": "Swipe left (dismiss) or right (act) on a line to act on the suggestion. Alternatively, you can click: + (approve) or - (dismiss) on your keyboard.",
"dismiss": "Dismiss",
"accept": "Accept",
"tag_by_object_type": "The entry for object type is known as a keyword. Should it be linked as a keyword?",
"self_portrait_as_displayed_person": "The object is a self-portrait. The creator is known. Should the creator be linked as the displayed person as well?",
"default_language_for_written_objects": "The object was written. Should the language of this instance of museum-digital be entered as the language of the object?",
"accepted": "Accepted",
"dismissed": "Dismissed",
"precise_eventtype_by_objecttype": "An event of the unspecific type \"creation\" has been entered. The object type suggests a more precise type of creation."

backend/ka/link.json Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
"link": {
"link_explica": "Please enter sources from anywhere else on the Internet here. The sources should have a close relation to the object. Please do not enter links to sources, which focus on the creator instead of the object itself. Keep in mind, linking is only worthwhile if the source is trustworthy and it is probable that it will not vanish too soon. For example: private homepages often disappear soon after they have been created.",
"link_not_listed": "If you want to link to a source that is not yet listed, please click here",
"text": "Display text",
"linkname_explica": "This text will be displayed along with the object. It should be as short as possible. If it links to Wikipedia, please start it like this: \"Wikipedia entry about ...\"",
"url": "URL (with http:\/\/ or https:\/\/)",
"linklink_explica": "Please enter an absolute URL here! (That means, incl. \"http:\/\/\" or \"https:\/\/\")",
"no_text": "Please enter a text for displaying the link!<\/p><p class=\"ohne\">Users will click on this text to activate the link. It is also used to identify the link in the editing\/adding tool. E.g.: \"Wikipedia entry about...\"",
"no_url": "Please enter a URL to link to!<\/p><p class=\"ohne\">The URL of the website the link leads to.",
"document_explica": "* Here you can upload documents related to the object (as PDF files exclusively) - or just link the object with an already existing document",
"document_not_listed": "If the document is not listed, please click here",
"objobj_explica": "* Please use this function only if you want to link a <b>single object<\/b> with <b>another single object<\/b>.<br>* Please <b>do not<\/b> use it if you want to link it with a group (2 or more) of objects.",
"link_from": "First",
"single_to": "You are about to link to another object at museum-digital. Please enter the ID of the target object here",
"single_target": "Target object",
"single_first_bottom": "What links the objects to each other? Please enter here how the object on the left is related to the one on the right?<br>Example 1: \"Almost identical object\"<br>Example 2: \"Object of the same kind in another museum\"<br>Example 3: \"The person on the left can be found on the other photo\"",
"single_second_bottom": "What is meant by this object in reference to the left? <br>Example 1: \"Almost identical object\"<br>Example 2: \"Very similar presentation\"<br>Example 3: \"Comparable Object\"",
"single_either": "Either add ... and send",
"single_as_left": "Same text as links",
"single_no_backlink": "No link back to the first object",
"series_explica": "* Here you can link an object with an object group. Examples for object groups are: a photo album, a folder containing drawings, a series of bills, ...<br>* Please do not use to link to another single object.",
"series_part_of": "The object already belongs to the following object groups",
"series_make_part": "You may make the object part of an existing object group",
"series_create_series": "You may create a new object group",
"series_name": "Name of object group",
"seriename_explica": "This text is the name of the object group\/series in the editing tool and it is used for overview functions. No name of a series may exist more than once.",
"series_description": "Description of object group",
"serietext_explica": "This text will serve as the description of the object group\/series\/album\/maps ...<br>Suggestions on content: What similarities do the objects share? How many objects are contained? Are there any notable facts about the group\/album\/series?",
"series_no_name": "Please enter a title for the series!<\/p><p class=\"ohne\">A short title is best! A series name may not occur more than once ",
"series_no_description": "Please enter a description for the series!<\/p><p class=\"ohne\">A description of the series as a text. There are no limitations to the length of the text.",
"series_back_object": "Back to object",
"series_back_series": "Back to object group connection",
"series_back_table": "Back to object group overview",
"series_list": "Generate table from object group",
"series_move_down": "Moves object towards the rear of the series",
"series_move_up": "Moves object towards the front of the series",
"relate_objekt": "Add relation to an object",
"series_no_series": "No object group available",
"hide_objectgroup": "Hide object group",
"show_objectgroup": "Make object group public",
"objectgroup_number_member": "Number of objects in this group",
"html_catalogue": "HTML catalogue",
"series_belongs": "Object group belongs to",
"series_delete": "Delete object group",
"series_delete_question": "You are about to delete an object group",
"series_presentation": "Show object group as ...",
"show_series_at_museumsite": "Show on museum page",
"hide_series_at_museumsite": "Hide on museum page",
"show_map_with_series": "Show map to public",
"hide_map_with_series": "Hide map from public",
"series_map_set_nonpublic": "The series page will be displayed without a map",
"series_map_set_public": "The series page will be displayed with a map",
"series_add": "Add an object group",
"series_added": "A new object group has been added",
"series_update": "Edit an object group",
"series_updated": "Information on the object group has been updated",
"series_objpos_backward": "The object was moved backwards",
"series_objpos_forward": "The object was moved forward",
"linked_obj_obj": "Object linked to another object",
"linked_obj_series": "Object linked to an object group",
"objectgroup_hidden": "The object group has been made non-public",
"objectgroup_visible": "The object group has been made public",
"objectgroup_visible_museumpage": "The series will be shown on the museum page",
"objectgroup_hidden_museumpage": "The series will not be shown on the museum page",
"single_from": "From",
"link_edited": "Link was edited",
"files_in_index": "Files in index",
"links_good": "Links with no issues",
"links_referral": "Redirected links",
"links_error": "Links with errors",
"index_more": "Index more",
"url_simple": "URL",
"status_code": "Status Code",
"date_checked": "Last checked",
"link_validity_check": "Link validity check",
"no_checks_run_yet": "No checks run yet",
"all_series": "All object groups",
"series_base_data": "Basic information about the series",
"series_objects": "Objects in the object group",
"xml_export": "Export (XML)",
"link_validation_tool": "Hyperlink validation tool",
"linked_objects": "Linked objects",
"series_deleted": "The series has been deleted",
"series_no_series_text": "No series\/object group has been added for your museum yet (therefore, we cannot list any). You may:",
"upload_image": "Upload image",
"delete_image": "Delete image",
"deleted_image": "Deleted image",
"uploaded_image": "The object group image was uploaded",
"11": "",
"87": "",
"88": "",
"series_image": "Main image of the series",
"registered_urls": "Registered URLs",
"clicks": "Clicks",
"registered_at": "Registered at",
"url_alias": "URL Alias",
"explica_alias": "The main alias of the link. This tool provides pretty URLs that refer the user onwards to a given target URL. The \"prettier\" URL may e.g. be \"https:\/\/\/test\". In this example, the identifier would be \"test\" - say, anything after the main URL. Please note that each identifier must be unique. If any other user has registered the same identifier you want to use before, you will have to choose another one.",
"explica_target_url": "This service refers the user onwards to a given website. Here you should enter the target URL of the referral.",
"shortener_introduction": "Sometimes URLs of special pages are long, cryptic and hard to remember. Hence this service. All URLs created with this aliasing service start with \\u201c, what is added is determined by your entry in the field \u201eURL Alias\u201c. If for example you enter \u201eberliner-uhren\u201c, you create a short URL \"https:\/\/\/berliner-uhren\u201c. Of course you have to name the target URL as well. In the example given it is the Themator topic \"Berliner Uhren\". The target URL is https:\/\/\/ausgabe\/showthema.php?m_tid=1070&tid=1070.",
"no_urls_registered": "You have not registered any URLs yet. Once entered, they will be listed here."

backend/ka/listen.json Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
"watchlist": {
"empty": "Erase the current watchlist",
"load": "Load a stored watchlist",
"create_table": "Create a table with further field selection",
"export_xml": "Export objects of current watchlist in XML",
"save": "Save the current watchlist",
"remove_object": "Remove object from watchlist",
"reload": "Reload current watchlist",
"switchstyle": "Change view of watchlist",
"removed_object": "Object removed from watchlist",
"added_object": "Object added to watchlist",
"reloaded": "Watchlist reloaded",
"emptied": "Watchlist emptied",
"switched_style": "Style of watchlist changed",
"create_watchlist": "Create new watch list",
"watchlist_overview": "Available watch lists",
"watchlist_name": "Watch list name",
"add_to_watchlist": "Add to watch list"
"table": {
"table_from_filter": "Table from filter",
"table_from_watchlist": "Table from watchlist",
"table_from_objectgroup": "Table from object group",
"export_xml": "Export objekts of table in XML",
"export_csv": "Export objekts of table in CSV",
"per_page": "Per page",
"definition": "Definition",
"order": "Order by",
"columns": "Columns",
"all_fields": "All fields"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
"literature": {
"if_unknown": "If the bibliography is not listed below, please click here",
"author": "Author",
"autor_explica": "Name in reverse order, that means:<br\/>[Surname][, ][First name]<br><br>Example 1: \"Albrecht, Rainer\"<br>Example 2: \"Puhle, Matthias (Ed.)\"",
"year": "Date of publication",
"jahr_explica": "Year of publication (Year)",
"title": "Title",
"titel_explica": "Title of the work",
"place": "Place of publication",
"ort_explica": "Book: Place the book was published at<br>Article: Name of the magazine\/newspaper the article was published in, page numbers and an \"In: \" at the start.<br><br>Example 1: \"London\"<br>Example 2: \"In: Merkur, Vol. 27, P.7-54\"",
"kvk": "Link in KVK",
"kvk_explica": "The arrow on the right opens a search window in the Karlsruhe Virtual Catalog (KVK). Please only fill in if the literature was found there. After finding the literature, please copy the whole URL into this field. Please only fill in links to the KVK. No links to the DNB or to regional groups.",
"no_autor": "Please enter the name of the author",
"where_inside": "Location within the work",
"where_in_explica": "Here you can state where in the work of literature the object is mentioned or depicted. It is best to enter a number and a meaning behind it: Example 1: \"Catalogue No. 15\" Example 2: \"Page 45\" ",
"no_where_inside": "Please insert a location within the work",
"relate_to_object": "Link with an object",
"insert_object_id": "Insert object ID",
"delete": "Delete this entry",
"literature_show_all": "Show all",
"literature_show_assigned": "Show only entries that are assigned to an institution",
"literature_show_notassigned": "Show only entries that are NOT assigned to an institution",
"abbr": "Abbreviation",
"abbr_explica": "An abbreviation for this entry",
"id_in_museum": "ID (in museum)",
"id_in_museum_explica": "The ID of the literature in the library of the museum",
"annotation": "Annotations (internal)",
"annotation_explica": "Any remarks concerning this literatur will not be published",
"isbn": "ISBN",
"isbn_explica": "The ISBN of the book. It does not matter if you type in dashes or use ISBN10 or ISBN13.",
"isbn_explica_auto": "The ISBN of the book. It does not matter if you type in dashes or use ISBN10 or ISBN13.<br>If you enther an ISBN here and store it, you will open the opportunity to retrieve information book from the Library of Congress (Washington) by clicking on the arrow to the right. If you like you can thus overwrite your entry.",
"gnd": "National Library",
"gnd_short": "NatLib",
"gnd_explica": "The number of the book in the catalogue of the National Library",
"online": "Online version",
"online_explica": "Link to a version of the literature available online.<br>Please include http:\/\/ or https:\/\/",
"no_relation": "Please assign the bibliography to an institution",
"inlit_added": "Reference to a place in a literature has been stored",
"inlit_removed": "Reference to a place in a literature has been removed",
"added": "Added the work of literature",
"edited": "Your edits to the bibliography have been stored",
"deleted": "The bibliography has been deleted",
"multiple_institutions": "The bibliography belongs to more than one institution",
"all_literature_entries": "All literature entries",
"base_data": "Basic information about the literature entry",
"linked_objects": "Linked objects",
"no_literature": "No literature entries yet",
"no_literature_text": "No literature entry has been added for your museum yet (therefore, we cannot list any). You may:",
"series": "Series",
"series_explica": "Name of the series of books a book has been published in.",
"editor": "Editor",
"editor_explica": "Name of the editor or editors, e.g. for editors of a collected volume.",
"volume": "Volume",
"volume_explica": "Volume number e.g. in a series or of a journal.",
"issue": "Issue",
"issue_explica": "Number of the issue (e.g. for journal articles).",
"issn": "ISSN",
"issn_explica": "International Standard Serial Number (ISSN)"

backend/ka/loans.json Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
"tlLoans": {
"partner_institution": "Partner institution",
"partner_institution_explica": "The partner institution with whom the loan is carried out",
"partner_contact_person": "Contact person",
"partner_contact_person_explica": "The contact person at the partner institution",
"start_date": "Start date",
"end_date": "End date",
"start_date_explica": "Start date of the loan",
"end_date_explica": "End date of the loan",
"insurance_value": "Insurance value",
"insurance_value_explica": "Overall insurance value of the loan",
"insurer": "Insurer",
"insurer_explica": "The insurer insuring the loan",
"insurer_person": "Contact person for insurer",
"insurer_person_explica": "Contact person at the insurance agency",
"description": "Description",
"description_explica": "Description or note on the loan",
"special_requirements": "Special requirements",
"special_requirements_explica": "Special requirements for the loan",
"loan_belongs": "Loan of institution",
"loans_list": "List of loans",
"loan_entry": "Loan entry",
"loan_added": "Loan entry added",
"loans_edited": "Loan entry edited",
"link_with_loan": "Linked with loan",
"loan_obj_remark": "Specific note",
"loan_name": "Title",
"loan_name_explica": "A title for the entry",
"send_mail_to": "Send mail to",
"export": "Export",
"export_calendar_item": "Export calendar item",
"loans_deleted": "The loan entry has been deleted",
"delete_link": "Remove link",
"view_loan_entry": "View loan entry",
"about_loan_entry": "About the loan entry",
"add_new_contact": "Add new contact",
"add_new_link_contact": "Add and link new contact",
"updated_link_loan": "Updated link with loan",
"deleted_link_obj_loan": "Deleted linked object with loan entry",
"added_link_obj_loan": "Added linked object with loan entry",
"loans_list_empty": "Your list of loans is empty so far",
"view_contact_details": "View contact details",
"select_loan_entry": "Select a loan entry",
"base_data": "Basic information about the loan entry",
"all_loan_entries": "All loan entries",
"must_be_numeric": "Must be a numeric value",
"insurance_currency": "Insurance value: currency",
"loans_list_empty_text": "No loan entry has been added for your museum yet (therefore, we cannot list any). You may:",
"loan_obj_remark_explica": "Note about the specific circumstances of the object as part of the loan.",
"select_loan_entry_explica": "Select the loan entry you want to link the object with from the list. If the loan entry has not been added before, you can add it by clicking on the \"+\" symbol.",
"partner_person": "Contact person",
"title": "Title",
"loans_added": "Loan added",
"loan_type": "Loan type",
"loan_requested": "Loan requested",
"cleared_conservator": "Approved by conservator",
"cleared_director": "Approved by director",
"cleared_insurance": "Cleared insurance",
"signed_contract": "Signed contract",
"metadata_exchanged": "Metadata exchanged",
"objects_sent": "Objects sent",
"objects_returned": "Objects returned",
"loan_denied": "Loan denied",
"loan_denied_explica": "Here loans can be marked as denied, e.g. if the loan is an incoming loan request where the other institution refuses to release their object.",
"loan_exhibition_explica": "If a loan happens in the context of a specific exhibition, it can be linked to the exhibition here. This allows listing the loans of the given exhibition together.",
"import_eodem_data": "Import EODEM data"

backend/ka/login.json Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
"tlLogin": {
"username": "Username",
"password": "Password",
"login": "Login",
"remember_me": "Remember me",
"global_statistics": "Global statistics",
"recent_blog_posts": "Recent blog posts",
"public_db_contents": "Published database contents",
"log_in": "Log in",
"avg_text_len": "Average object description length",
"login_using_idp": "Login using your institution's identity provider",
"select_idp": "Select an identity provider",
"login_using_device": "Login using device"

backend/ka/more.json Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
"tlMore": {
"video_conference": "Video conference",
"please_select_an_institution": "Please select an institution",
"please_select_an_institution_explica": "Please select an institution whose videochat you want to join. You can select one by clicking on the corresponding entry in the drop down menu below.",
"events_and_exhibitions": "Events and exhibitions",
"online_visitors": "Online visitors"

backend/ka/museum.json Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
"museum": {
"delete": "Delete museum",
"col_short": "Coll.",
"obj_short": "Obj.",
"export": "Export",
"museum_name": "Name of museum",
"musnam_explica": "The name is listed in tables, so please keep it as short as possible.",
"museum_description": "Description",
"musbesch_explica": "A description of the museum as an institution dedicated to collecting, safe-keeping, and research. A good length is about 1000 characters (one to two paragraphs).<br><br>Of course, a very thorough description is an option, too. If you prefer this, please send the description to the administrator.",
"street_house": "Street address",
"musstra_explica": "Street adress<br><br>Example 1: \"Am Rathaus 1\"<br>Example 2: \"Unterweg 12a\"<br>Example 3: \"Rathausplatz\"",
"zip_place": "Zip code and city",
"musplz_explica": "Zip code and city<br><br>Example 1: \"06811 Landsberg\"<br>Example 2: \"33649 Bielefeld-Holtkamp\"",
"telefone": "Phone number",
"musfon_explica": "There are no rules on the formatting here but don't enter something like \"Tel. ...\". Enter the immediate number only.<br><br>Example 1: (0366) 121214<br>Example 2: 0366-121214",
"telefax": "Telefax number",
"musfax_explica": "There are no rules on the formatting here but don't enter something like \"Fax ...\". Enter the immediate number only.<br><br>Example 1: (0366) 121214<br>Example 2: 0366-121214",
"mail": "Mail address",
"musmail_explica": "Please enter a main mail address of the museum here<br><br>If an E-mail address has been entered here, users will have the option to ask for information or send notes by mail below the museum's objects. To not offer this option to the users, please leave this field empty.",
"isil": "ISIL of museum",
"musisil_explica": "Enter the ISIL number of your museum. ISIL numbers are especially important for the electronic exchange of data.<br><br>You can find your museum\u00b4s ISIL number at:<br><a href=\"http:\/\/\" target=\"blank\"><img src=\"img\/go.gif\" alt=\"Go to\"><\/a>",
"url": "URL of museum\u00b4s website",
"musurl_explica": "Please enter the URL of your museum's website. If your museum does not have a website, you can simply ignore this field.<br><br>Please use an absolute URL: Keep the \"http:\/\/\" or \"https:\/\/\" at the beginning of the URL.",
"association": "URL of museum association",
"musverb_explica": "Please enter the URL of the page of this museum on the museum associaton's website. If such a page does not exist, please just leave this field empty.<br><br>Please use an absolute URL: Keep the \"http:\/\/\" at the start of the URL.",
"target_image": "URL to click on image",
"musbild_explica": "Here you can enter a URL the user will be linked to upon clicking on the museum\u00b4s image. By this, the user might be linked to, for example, the website of the museum or a certain object on museum-digital.<br><br>Please use an absolute URL: Keep the \"http:\/\/\" or \"https:\/\/\" at the start of the URL.",
"datasheet": "Data sheet of the museum",
"musdaba_explica": "Please leave this field empty!<br><br>The internal place a document with a thorough description of your museum will be saved here. Usually this document is saved as a PDF file.",
"no_name": "A museum's name is required!<\/p><p class=\"ohne\">[Every museum has a name. Please use a succinct short form of the name if possible.]",
"no_description": "Please enter a description of the museum!<\/p><p class=\"ohne\">[The description is essential for this undertaking. After all, the museum should be represented as a place of safe-keeping, researching and collecting. At best, write about 1000 characters.]",
"no_zipcode": "Please enter a zip code and a city here!<\/p><p class=\"ohne\">[Please enter the museum's zip code and city here. Enter your zipcode without spaces; a space is used to differenciate the zipcode from the city.]",
"no_streetname": "Please enter your street address here!<\/p><p class=\"ohne\">[Let people find their way to your museum!]",
"museum_image": "Image for the museum's profile page",
"museum_image_change": "Change image",
"museum_no_image_uploaded": "No image uploaded!",
"upload_image": "Upload image",
"settings_services": "Settings and services concerning the museum",
"add_collection": "Add collection",
"collections_added": "Collections recorded",
"objectgroups_added": "Object groups recorded",
"objects_added": "Objects recorded",
"collections_overview": "Collections overview",
"objectgroups_overview": "Objectgroups overview",
"objects_overview": "Object overview",
"delete_question": "You are about to delete a museum !",
"delete_no": "No, that is not what I meant (go back)",
"delete_yes": "Yes, that's what I want",
"target_image_rights": "Rights for image on the museums page",
"musbild_rights_explica": "Information about rights holders and status concerning the image used to illustrate the museum",
"location_ns": "Map, latitude",
"location_ns_explica": "Coordinates of the museum (latitute)",
"location_ow": "Map, longitude",
"location_ow_explica": "Coordinates of the museum (longitude)",
"location_zoom": "Map, zoom",
"location_zoom_explica": "Zoom factor for display on map",
"museum_has_been_added": "The museum has been added",
"museum_has_been_edited": "Edits to the museum have been stored",
"museum_has_been_deleted": "The museum has been deleted",
"museum_add_record": "Add alternative language data for the museum",
"museumrecord_deleted": "Removed alternative language record",
"museumrecord_visibility_off": "The alternative language record has been made non-public",
"museumrecord_visibility_on": "The alternative language record has been made public.",
"collections": "Collections",
"public": "Make public?",
"add_edit_tour": "Add\/edit tour of the museum",
"tour_tool_headline": "Tour creation tool",
"tour_tool_explica": "Using this tool, you can create tours through your museum. Each different picture is linked to a \"scene\", on which hotspots (small notifiers\/info markers) can be displayed. To position a hotspot, move the center of the picture (where you see that \"+\") to the spot to mark. Click on the input fields for \"pitch\" and \"yaw\" to enter the current position for a given hotspot.",
"scene_data": "Scene data",
"sceneHaov": "haov",
"sceneVoav": "vaov",
"edit_hotspots": "Edit hotspots",
"hotspot": "Hotspot",
"pitch": "Pitch",
"yaw": "yaw",
"hotspotText": "Text",
"hotspotType": "Type",
"hotspotURL": "URL",
"hotspotSceneID": "Scene ID",
"remove_hotspot": "Remove hotspot",
"options": "Options",
"add_hotspot": "Add a new hotspot",
"remove_scene_image": "Remove image",
"add_scene": "Add scene",
"remove_scene": "Remove scene",
"remove_tour": "Remove tour",
"add_tour": "Add tour of the museum",
"edit_tour": "Edit tour of the museum",
"sceneTitle": "Scene Title",
"sceneVaov": "vaov",
"sceneChange": "Scene Change",
"return_to_museum": "Return to museum page",
"return_to_exhibition": "Return to exhibition page",
"accessibility": "Accessibility",
"accessibility_explica": "Is the museum accessible to people with disabilities?",
"accessibility_text": "Notes on accessibility",
"accessibility_text_explica": "Here you can describe the accessibility situation of the institution in detail",
"founding_date": "Founding date",
"founding_date_explica": "Year the museum was founded",
"photos_allowed": "Are photos allowed?",
"photos_allowed_explica": "Are visitors allowed to take photos in the museum?",
"cloakroom_available": "Is a coat check available in the museum?",
"lockers_available": "Are lockers available?",
"lockers_available_explica": "Are lockers available in the museum?",
"shop_available": "Is a museum shop available?",
"shop_available_explica": "Does the museum have a museum store?",
"cafe_available": "Caf\u00e9 available?",
"cafe_available_explica": "Does the museum have a caf\u00e9?",
"babycare_room_available": "Baby care room available?",
"babycare_room_available_explica": "Is a baby care room available at the museum?",
"cloakroom_available_explica": "Is a coat check available in the museum?",
"general_note_opening_hours": "General note on opening hours",
"start_hour": "Start (HH:MM)",
"end_hour": "End (HH:MM)",
"opening_hours_note": "Note for this time block",
"dow": "Day of week",
"regular_opening_hours": "Regular opening hours",
"new_entry": "New entry",
"entries": "Entries",
"ticket_types": "Ticket types",
"new_ticket_type_name": "New ticket type: name",
"price": "Price",
"currency": "Currency",
"ticket_type_name": "Ticket type: name",
"view_visitor_statistics": "View visitor statistics",
"dow_0": "Monday",
"dow_1": "Tuesday",
"dow_2": "Wednesday",
"dow_3": "Thursday",
"dow_4": "Friday",
"dow_5": "Saturday",
"dow_6": "Sunday",
"base_data": "Base data about the museum",
"check_map": "Check for availability of map",
"public_page": "Public page",
"minimum_3_characters": "3 characters minimum",
"all_museums": "All museums",
"must_be_float": "Must be a numeric value, if necessary with a comma. For example, 5.2; 1.20, etc",
"opening_hours_have_been_edited": "Edit to the opening hours has been saved",
"ticket_prices_have_been_edited": "Your edit to the ticket prices has been saved",
"zip_code": "Zip code",
"place": "Place",
"must_upload_image_for_scene": "You must upload an image for this scene. There is none yet",
"room_information_updated": "Room information has been updated",
"rooms": "Rooms",
"new_room_name": "New Room: Name",
"temperature_ideal": "Temperature (ideal)",
"temperature_current": "Temperature (current)",
"humidity_ideal": "Humidity (ideal)",
"humidity_current": "Humidity (current)",
"room_name": "Room name",
"room_has_been_added": "A new room has been added",
"room_has_been_deleted": "The room has been deleted",
"room_objects": "Objects from this room",
"icon": "Icon",
"faq": "FAQ",
"add_new_faq_entry": "Add a new FAQ entry",
"faq_entry_has_been_added": "A new FAQ entry has been added",
"faq_entry_has_been_deleted": "The FAQ entry has been deleted",
"faq_information_updated": "The FAQ entry has been updated",
"institution_external_id": "ID with external institutions",
"survey_basic_institution_type": "Please select the type of your institution.",
"survey_estimated_of_objects": "How many objects comprise the museum's collections (estimation)?",
"survey_collection_focus_areas": "Please select the main topical foci of your collection.",
"survey_exhibition_space": "How large is your exhibition space (sqm)?",
"survey_md_use_case": "What does your institution use museum-digital for?",
"survey_intro": "Every now and than questions about who is actually using museum-digital arise. Thus far we ourselves can only guess or provide case studies but there is no quantifiable data available. To remidy this situation please help us by giving some basic information about your institution.",
"survey_public_private_type": "Is your institution a privately-run or a public institution?"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
"tlNotifications": {
"loan_ended": "Loan ended",
"With": "With",
"started": "Started",
"ended": "Ended",
"new_comment": "New comment",
"new_priv_msg_by": "New private message from",
"dear": "Dear",
"this_week_news": "There are notifications for you this week on musem-digital",
"messages_from_admins": "Messages from the administrators",
"loans_ending": "Loans ending",
"privMsgsChats": "Private messages\/chats",
"comments": "Comments",
"news_unsubscribe": "Unsubscribe from mail messages",
"news_unsubscribe_text": "To not receive notification mails from museum-digital anymore please log in and deactivate the automated notifications in your account settings",
"news_subject_line": "News at museum-digital:musdb",
"new_user": "New user",
"primary_delivery_route": "Primary delivery route",
"fallback_delivery_route": "Fallback delivery route",
"object_auto_published": "Timed publication of object"

backend/ka/object.json Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
"object": {
"back_to_overview": "Return to overview",
"back_to_nodac": "Return to nodac",
"previous": "Previous object",
"next": "Next object",
"zoom_on": "Enable zoom function",
"zoom_off": "Disable zoom function",
"image_zoom": "Clicking on the image switches the magnification function on or off",
"not_visible": "Object is not visible",
"no_resource": "No image linked",
"preview": "Preview in frontend",
"create_pdf": "PDF-register card (A5)",
"create_pdfa4": "Create PDF (A4)",
"create_qr": "Generate QR-Code",
"hide_object": "Hide object",
"show_object": "Publish object",
"cannot_be_published": "No image available<br>Object cannot be published",
"export_it": "Export object",
"add_to_watchlist": "Add to watch list",
"delete_object": "Delete object",
"go_to_no": "Go to object No.",
"search_in_collection": "Search in collection",
"all_collections": "All collections",
"added_by": "Objects added by",
"revised_last": "Objects last updated by",
"create_filter": "Create filter",
"filter_active": "Filter active",
"inv_short": "Inv. No.",
"kind_of": "Type of object",
"name": "Object title",
"name_short": "Title",
"description": "Description",
"mattech": "Material\/Technique",
"mattech_short": "Mat.\/Tech.",
"equals": "equals",
"contains": "contains",
"added": "Added",
"updated": "Updated",
"show_results": "Show results",
"list_results": "List results",
"export_results": "Export results",
"change_filter": "Modify filter",
"remove_filter": "Remove filter",
"multiple_changes": "Multiple changes",
"earliest_update_first": "Earliest update first",
"last_update_first": "Last update first",
"earliest_added_first": "Earliest added first",
"last_added_first": "Last added first",
"highest_first": "Highest first",
"lowest_first": "Lowest first",
"alphabet_za": "Alphabet (Z-A)",
"alphabet_az": "Alphabet (A-Z)",
"changes_order_to": "Changes order to",
"shows_visible_only": "List only objects marked VISIBLE",
"shows_all_objects": "List all objects",
"shows_hidden_only": "List only objects marked HIDDEN",
"last": "Last",
"external_resource": "EXTERNAL",
"delete_intro": "You are about to delete an object",
"delete_hint": "The website for the object cannot be found. Any link linking to it will not be valid anymore",
"delete_no": "No, that is not what I meant (go back)",
"delete_yes": "Yes, that's what I want",
"be_careful": "Use with care",
"change_all_data": "Changes all datasets according to the following rule",
"which_field_change": "Please select the field to edit",
"replace": "Replace",
"whole_word": "Whole word",
"letters": "Letters",
"replace_with": "Replace with",
"field": "Field",
"new": "New",
"sets_changed": "Datasets will be edited",
"nothing_to_do": "Nothing to do",
"yes_do": "Yes, do it",
"no_back": "No, better go back",
"selectswithout": "Select objects without ...",
"imageorresource": "Image or resource",
"assigned_insertions": "Assignment completed: Multiple insertions",
"assigned_deletions": "Assignment completed: Multiple deletions",
"all_institutions": "All institutions",
"publish_social_media_yes": "Show SM buttons",
"publish_social_media_no": "Hide SM buttons",
"generate_pdf": "Generate PDF",
"PuQi": "PuQi",
"assignment_wrong_user_role": "Assignments to collections, series, and literature entries are always bound to an institution. These assignments can only be set by users of the user role \"museum director\". Please log in as a museum director if need be.",
"fulltext": "Full text",
"object_overview": "Object overview",
"toggle_navigation": "Toggle navigation",
"main_image": "Main image",
"find_an_expert": "Find an expert",
"return_to_list": "Return to overview",
"quick_export": "Quick export",
"quick_export_lido": "Quick export (LIDO)",
"export_options": "Export options",
"events_and_tags": "Events and Tags",
"links_and_object_groups": "Links and object groups",
"first_event": "First event",
"append_to_end": "Append to end",
"replace_the_following": "Replace the following content",
"add_the_following": "Add the following content",
"batch_print_qr_codes": "Print QR codes for objects",
"qr_code_size_pt": "QR code size in pt",
"click_to_jump_by_number": "Click to enter and navigate to a position in the pagination by a number.",
"prev_next_disabled_for_this_type": "Navigating to the previous or next object is disabled for string-based sort options",
"this_is_final_object": "This is the final object",
"updated_by": "Object updated by",
"prepend_text": "Prepend text",
"which_field_to_transfer_from": "From which field would you like to transfer content?"
"objekt": {
"assign_results": "Assign results",
"assignment": "Assignment",
"assignment_to": "Assignment to",
"assignment_create": "Create assignment",
"assignment_terminate": "Delete assignment",
"assignment_if_not_exists": "if not available",
"assignment_if_exists": "if available",
"all_objectgroups": "All object groups",
"goto_mdid_title": "Search for Object-ID",
"goto_mdid_explica": "If you search a certain object and you know the md:ID you can insert the ID here. The md:ID can be found when calling an object in the frontend as last part of the URL: ... oges=nnn where nnn is the md:ID.",
"goto_without_title": "Search for incomplete object-data sets",
"goto_without_explica": "By choosing an attribute from this menu you can select all object-data sets without entries for this attribute",
"goto_inv_title": "Search for inventory number",
"goto_inv_explica1": "By enering a seatch value you can find an object with exactly this search value as the inventory number",
"goto_inv_explica2": "By placing % directly after a search value you select objects with an inventory number that start with the search value",
"goto_inv_explica3": "By placing % directly before a search value you select objects with an inventory number that ends with the search value",
"goto_inv_explica4": "By placing % directly before and directly after a search value you select objects with the search value somewhere inside the inventory number.",
"goto_inv_explica5": "By using a comma as a separator you may search for more than one inventory number",
"assign_visiblity": "Visiblity of results",
"changed_visiblity": "Visibility adjusted",
"visibility": "Visibility",
"social_media": "Social Media",
"allow_all": "Allow for all",
"disallow_all": "Disallow for all",
"all_exhibitions": "All exhibitions",
"assign_tag": "Assign keyword",
"visibility_explica": "Enables or disables publication of the object. Only objects with at least one ressource attached and a minimum of 24 characters as description can be published.",
"batch_transfer": "Batch transfer"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,377 @@
"object_add": {
"wobz_inhalt": "For objects that have more than one name, e.g. a general one and a scientific one. This is usually the case with biological and mineralogical objects.<br><br>Left: Additional title <br>(At most 250 signs)<br><br>Right: Field of the name: e.g. \"Science\"",
"loka_inhalt": "As you can only enter a city, village etc. when adding places in the context of events, you can enter a more precise location here: For example, not \"Stockholm\" (a city, therefor to be entered at events > places), but \"Stockholm, Sodergatan 4\".<br>You might want to use this for example for photographic, biological, or mineralogical objects. In these cases, exact information on the \"place of discovery\" or the \"place of recording\" can be stored here.<br><br>Left: Here you can enter any locality.<br>Example 1: \"5\u00b0 24` 32``, 16\u00b0 12` 8``\"<br>Example 2: \"Bitterfeld, Marktplatz 4\"",
"besch_inhalt": "Is there anything written on the object that is worth being noted down separately. Add it here.",
"ausm_inhalt": "Here a separated, more differenciated input of measures is possible.<br>Please do not forget to enter the respective units (in the drop-down menu).",
"vergl_inhalt": "Are there any comparaple objects in other museums? Enter them here. You might just enter the name of the museum owning said object, but - if you know it - you can also enter its inventory number (at that museum). If the object is available online, another way is to enter the respective URL.",
"in": "in:",
"as": "as:",
"for": "for:",
"by": "by:",
"at": "at:",
"max250": "Maximum: 250 characters",
"unlimited_textlength": "Unlimited text length",
"separated_measurements": "Separated Measurements",
"einu_inhalt": "Reference to the entry in the book of object entries\/Proof of donation",
"invp_inhalt": "Here you may enter any kind of paralell or formerly existent inventory numbers<br><br>Example 1: \"Old ID: V17-25,4.o\"<br>Example 2: \"No. in KWM: A44521-7\"",
"konv_inhalt": "<b>Field: \"Bundle\"<\/b><br>What \"bundle\" does the object belong to?<br>Example 1: \"Widermayr Collection \"<br>Example 2: \"Meyerbeer Estate\"<br>(At most 250 characters)<br><br><b>Field: \"Part of\"<\/b><br>The object is part of ...<br>Example: \"IV-14\" (Inventory number of an object group)<br>(For example in the case of a coffee table set that has an inventory number and a cup that is part of this set and still has its own inventory number - In that case, please enter the set's inventory number)<br>(At most 250 characters)",
"syst_inhalt": "<b>Field: \"Subject Group\"<\/b> and <b>Field: \"Systematic\"<\/b><br><br>Subject group (left) or systematics (right)<br><br>Just as you have been using it so far<br>(At most 70 and 200 characters respectively)",
"vorb_inhalt": "Who owned the object before it was given to the museum?<br><br>(Name of the last owner)<br><br>Example 1: \"Hermann Meyerbeer, Ummendorf\"<br>Example 2: \"VEB Kunstguss, M\u00e4gdesprung\"",
"zuga_inhalt": "Entry: when ... point in time<br>Entry as ... e.g. \"donation\"<br>Entry: for ... (if bought: sum and currency)",
"obge_inhalt": "Miscellaneous information from the object\u00b4s history",
"schw_inhalt": "When ... Time of establishment<br>by ... name of establisher<br>at ... (Sum and currency)",
"vers_inhalt": "When ... Time of establishment<br>by ... name of establisher<br>at ... (sum and currency)",
"zust_inhalt": "Short, concise, and even. At best: enter the name of the declarant and the time of the estimation. Longer explanations can be added at \"Information on restoration\"\"",
"rest_inhalt": "Any notes on the restauration process, at best containing information on:<br>When - who - what - at which price",
"numbers": "Numbers",
"classification": "Classification",
"object_history": "Object history",
"acquisition": "Acquisition",
"values": "Values",
"state": "State",
"aktu_inhalt": "Where is the object located right now (inside the museum)?<br><br>Example 1: \"Permanent Exhibition\"<br>Example 2: \"Depot 4. Room 1\"<br>Example 3: \"IV-1\"",
"stan_inhalt": "Where is the object usually located?<br><br>Example 1: \"Permanent Exhibition\"<br>Example 2: \"Depot 4. Room 1\"<br>Example 3: \"IV-1\"",
"aust_inhalt": "When was the object on exhibition?<br><br>Example 1: \"2005, Exhibition: Children of Lords\"<br>Example 2: \"1997, Entrance Hall City Bank, Exhibition: Portraits of Children\"<br>Example 3: \"2007, Moritzburg, Halle (loan)\"<br>(... or enter them as a table)",
"verl_inhalt": "Name of the borrowing institution<br><br>Example 1: \"Kunsthalle Bremen\"<br>Example 2: \"B\u00f6rdemuseum Ummendorf\"<br><br>Only enter current loans here",
"ansp_inhalt": "Name of the person responsible for the object at borrowing institution",
"vher_inhalt": "Dates of the loan",
"vlei_inhalt": "Insured value that can be found in the current loan contract",
"alei_inhalt": "Anything you might want to note down on the current loan process",
"at_museum": "Object at museum",
"on_loan": "Object is currently on loan",
"urhe_inhalt": "Notes about the copyright regarding the object",
"nure_inhalt": "Notes about the usage rights regarding the object",
"arec_inhalt": "Any kind of other note on the legal status of the object",
"noti_inhalt": "Space for all kinds of notes, e.g. what information has yet to be gathered or edited, or who might know more<br><br>Example 1: \"Source unknown, research!\"<br>Example 2: \"Does the museum really own the object??? No legal files available\"<br>Example 3: \"Hermann M\u00fcller, Stolzenberg 4, can provide further information on this object\"",
"kurz_inhalt": "For important notes - The text added here will be shown with a red font color",
"oaim_inhalt": "A print or a high resolution image file ...<br>Here you can note down, where images of the object can be found in the museum (or its PCs)",
"odim_inhalt": "Whether as a printout on paper or as a text or image file ...<br>It can be noted here where in the museum (or on the computers) the documents can be found",
"make_rule_for": "Create rule",
"too_short": "Less than 20 characters - too short!",
"whose_rule": "Cannot detect for which institution this rule should apply. You have to connect the object to an institution first",
"change_rule_for": "Edit rule",
"delete_rule": "Delete rule",
"acquiring": "Acquiring",
"first_registration": "First registration",
"erwerb_inhalt": "<b>Who<\/b> acquired the object for the museum?<br><b>Where<\/b> was the object acquired for the museum?<br><br>(Maximum: 120 characters)",
"erfasst_inhalt": "<b>Who<\/b> registered the object first in the museum?<br><b>When<\/b> did the first registration in the museum happen?<br><br>(Maximum: 120 \/ 60 characters)",
"separate_material_technique": "Separate fields: Material and Technique",
"mat_tech_inhalt": "Material: Please list all kinds of materials separated by comma<br>Technique: Please list all techniques used separated by comma",
"ddesc_inhalt": "This is the place for a detailed description. After inserting text here you can decide if and where to make it public",
"group_values_measurements": "Groups the separate measurement entries and transfers them into the field Measurements. (What is available there will be overwritten)",
"group_values_mattech": "Groups the separate entries for material and technique and transfers them into the field Material\/Techniques. (What is available there will be overwritten)",
"object_set_nonpublic": "The object has been made non-public",
"object_set_public": "The object has been made public",
"notes_updated": "Updated notes on the object",
"rights_updated": "Legal information has been updated",
"location_updated": "Updated location information",
"social_media_yes": "Object will be published with links to social media",
"social_media_no": "Object will be published without links to social media",
"metadata_rights_holder": "Metadata Rights (Holder)",
"metadata_rights_status": "Metadata Rights (Status)",
"transferred_available_info": "Available information has been transferred into the field:",
"ddesc_visibility_md": "Visibility of detailed description on museum-digital",
"ddesc_visibility_extern": "Visibility of detailed description for external use",
"besch_visibility_md": "Visibility of inscription on museum-digital",
"besch_visibility_extern": "Visibility of inscription for external use",
"ausm_visibility_md": "Visibility of separated measurements on museum-digital",
"ausm_visibility_extern": "Visibility of separated measurements for external use",
"vergl_visibility_md": "Visibility of comparable object information on museum-digital",
"vergl_visibility_extern": "Visibility of comparable object information for external use",
"metadata_rights_holder_explica": "Rights holder of the metadata of the object.",
"metadata_rights_status_explica": "License of the object metadata.",
"ignore": "ignore",
"unit": "Unit",
"reception_notes": "General notes on reception",
"publication_history": "Publication history",
"link_with_another_publication": "Link with another publication",
"obj_pub_type": "Publication type",
"pos_in_src_explica": "Optional position in source. This may e.g. be a page number (p. 15), a foot note number, or a the number of the figure.",
"reception_source_explica": "The publication, in which the object was published or being published on. Please type and then select an entry from the drop-down list appearing as you type. If the publication is not listed in the drop-down list yet, you can add one by the \"+\" in front of the input field.",
"reception_publication_type_explica": "The way the object was published in the selected source. If the object is a photography, which was printed in the source, the publication type would be \"image published\". If no suitable publication type for your case can be found in the list, please contact an administrator.",
"reception_annotation_explica": "Notes and annotations on the background or specific circumstances of the publication.",
"added_obj_pub_link": "Added link between object and publication",
"deleted_obj_pub_link": "Removed publication entry for object",
"updated_obj_pub_link": "Updated publication of object",
"updated_obj_is_reference_link": "Updated information on the object as a reference",
"added_obj_is_reference_link": "Added information on the object being in reference to something else",
"deleted_obj_is_reference_link": "Deleted link between object and a work it references",
"reception_and_pub_history": "Reception and publication history",
"object_is_referencing": "The object is a reference to ...",
"general_note_on_object_as_reference": "General notes on the object as a reference",
"object_references_explica": "If the object itself references some other concept or work, such information may be entered here. If the object is for example a commercial broschure advertising a telephone, you can note that - and that the telephone was or was not ever created in a way as it is displayed in the broschure - here. If the object is referencing a certain scene from literature, you can also use the menu just below this one to link the object with the referenced source.",
"referenced_source": "Referenced Source",
"markings": "Markings",
"add_new_marking": "Record a new marking",
"marking_type": "Marking type",
"marking_position": "Position",
"marking_width_mm": "Width (mm)",
"marking_height_mm": "Height (mm)",
"marking_type_explica": "Please select the type of marking.",
"marking_position_explica": "Where is the marking positioned?",
"marking_creator_explica": "Please name the creator of the marking, if known.",
"marking_time_explica": "Please provide the time the marking was created, if known.",
"marking_width_explica": "The width of the marking in mm.",
"marking_height_explica": "The height of the marking in mm.",
"marking_transcription_explica": "The transcribed content of the marking.",
"marking_annotations_explica": "Notes, interpretations, ... referring to the marking.",
"current_location": "Current location",
"home_location": "Home location",
"content_language_explica": "Primary language of the object's content. Best used for, e.g., text materials.",
"copyright": "Copyright",
"rights_of_use": "Rights of use",
"rights_remarks": "Rights, remarks",
"short_remark": "Short remark",
"images_at_museum": "Representations in the museum",
"documents_in_the_museum": "Documents at the museum",
"entry_number": "Entry number",
"additional_invent_no": "Additional invent. no.",
"konvolut": "Konvolut",
"part_of": "Part of",
"subject_group": "Subject group",
"previous_owner": "Previous owner",
"date_of_acquisition": "Date of acquisition",
"acquirer": "Acquirer",
"acquisition_place": "Acquisition (Place)",
"first_registered_by": "First registered by",
"first_registered_at": "First registered at",
"estimated_value_when": "Estimated value, when",
"insurance_value_when": "Insurance value, when",
"condition_short": "Condition (short)",
"restauration": "Restauration",
"detailed_description": "Detailed description",
"inscription": "Inscription",
"length": "Length",
"height": "Height",
"width": "Width",
"no_pieces": "# pieces",
"weight": "Weight",
"diameter": "Diameter",
"wall": "Wall",
"no_pages": "# pages",
"die_axis": "Die-Axis",
"material": "Material",
"technique": "Technique",
"similar_objects": "Similar objects",
"other_object_name": "Other object name",
"closer_location": "Closer location",
"exhibition_when_where": "Exhibition, when ... where ...",
"momentarily_on_load_at": "Momentarily on load at",
"contact_person_loan": "Contact person (Loan)",
"on_loan_from_until": "On loan (from-until)",
"insurance_value_loan": "Insurance value (Loan)",
"loan_remarks": "Loan, remarks",
"closer_location_type": "Genauere Lokalisierung (Typ)",
"estimated_value": "Estimated value",
"custom_obj_edits_intro": "Here you can create your own customized object editing interface. To do so, add some fields and position them using drag and drop. You can also start by using one of the available presets and adjusting it to your likes after.",
"input_directly_add_images": "Optional: Directly upload images",
"tag_suggestion_by_img_categorization": "Tag suggestions by image",
"acknowledgements": "Acknowledgements",
"acknowledgements_explica": "Here you can enter acknowledgements of help in researching the object or funding for the digitization thereof.",
"move_to_space": "Move to space",
"open_page": "Open page",
"currently_on_loan": "Currently on loan",
"currently_on_exhibition": "Currently on exhibition",
"status_explica": "The ownership status of the object.",
"handling_recommendations": "Handling recommendations",
"handling_recommendations_explica": "A note on how to handle the object. E.g. \"Touch with gloves\".",
"shipping_note": "Note on transportation",
"shipping_note_explica": "A note on how the object is to be transported. E.g. \"Wrap properly, as the object is breakable\".",
"hazards_note": "Note on hazards",
"hazards_note_explica": "A note on the object as a source of hazards. Use this for e.g. for a warning on poisoned objects.",
"condition_checking_requirements": "Condition checking requirements",
"condition_checking_requirements_explica": "Note on the ways the object's condition is to be checked.",
"installation_note": "Installation note",
"installation_note_explica": "A note on how the object is to be installed safely in an exhibition or how it is to be safely stored. E.g. \"Should not be rotated\".",
"display_recommendations": "Display recommendations",
"display_recommendations_explica": "Recommendations for how the object is best presented. E.g. \"behind a steel bar\".",
"security_requirements": "Security requirements",
"security_requirements_explica": "A note on the requirements the object's security poses. E.g. \"must be guarded around the clock\" or \"must be displayed behind a glass wall\".",
"suggest_inventory_number": "Suggest inventory number",
"suggest_inventory_number_flex_at_pos": "Suggest inventory number; increment number #",
"period_copyright": "Copyright period",
"period_copyright_explica": "The date until which the object is locked under copyright if applicable.",
"period_freeze": "Freeze period",
"period_freeze_explica": "A date until which the object's is locked against being published. This may e.g. be for legal reasons.",
"period_autopublish": "Publish object at",
"period_autopublish_explica": "Filling out this field enables a timer, when the object will be automatically published. This way, a \"moving wall\" for publication can be implemented.",
"period_comment": "Note on periods",
"period_comment_explica": "A note or comment on the reasons for an object's frozen publication status etc.",
"negative_id": "ID of negative",
"negative_id_explica": "ID of the negative of the object's analog photo.",
"salutation": "Salutation",
"incipit": "Incipit",
"incipit_explica": "First words of the text used for identification.",
"text_explicit": "Explicit",
"text_explicit_explica": "Closing words of a text used for identification.",
"valediction": "Valediction",
"valediction_explica": "Valiediction of a letter. E.g. \"Yours sincerely, Jane\".",
"salutation_explica": "Salutation as used in a letter. E.g. \"Dear John,\".",
"owner_explica": "If the object is not owned by the museum, the owner can be entered here. Selectable owners are drawn from the contacts module and need to be added there separately (possible by clicking on the \"+\" button).",
"finding_spot_longitude": "Finding spot, longitude",
"finding_spot_latitude": "Finding spot, latitude",
"form": "Form",
"form_explica": "Form or shape of the object.",
"sex_explica": "Sex of the object if it is a biological specimen.",
"color_explica": "Primary color of the object.",
"current_space_is_actual_space": "Current space is actual space",
"deaccession_approved_by": "Deaccession approved by",
"deaccession_approved_by_explica": "Name of the person who authorized the deaccession. Required for entering a deaccession.",
"deaccession_approved_date": "Deaccession approval date",
"deaccession_approved_date_explica": "Date the deaccession was approved.",
"disposal_reason": "Disposal reason",
"disposal_method": "Disposal method",
"disposal_method_explica": "Method the object is to be or was disposed.",
"disposal_recipient_new_id": "New ID at recipient",
"disposal_recipient_new_id_explica": "New inventory number of the object at the receiving museum (for sales or donations to other institutions).",
"deaccession_date": "Date of deaccession",
"deaccession_date_explica": "Date the object was deaccessed legally.",
"disposal_date": "Date of disposal",
"disposal_date_explica": "Date the object was disposed physically (e.g. when it was transported out of the museum or when it was physically destroyed).",
"disposal_note": "General note on disposal",
"disposal_note_explica": "Free text information about the disposal of the object.",
"disposal_cost_value": "Cost of disposal",
"disposal_cost_value_explica": "Total costs the museum incurred disposing of the object.",
"disposal_cost_currency": "Cost of disposal (currency)",
"disposal_cost_currency_explica": "Currency in which the cost of the disposal of the object is measured.",
"disposal_price_value": "Disposal price",
"disposal_price_value_explica": "Total of the money the museum earned by selling the object.",
"disposal_price_currency": "Disposal price currency",
"disposal_price_currency_explica": "Currency in which the object is to be or was sold.",
"disposal_conditions": "Disposal conditions",
"disposal_conditions_explica": "Here one can note down special conditions restricting the disposal of the object. The object may e.g. only be disposed within the country or it may only be returned to the previous owners.",
"disposal_authorized_by": "Disposal authorized by",
"disposal_authorized_by_explica": "Name of the person who authorized the physical disposal of the object.",
"disposal_authorized_date": "Disposal authorization date",
"disposal_authorized_date_explica": "Date the authorization for the object's disposal was given.",
"disposal_reason_explica": "Free text explanation for why the object is to be or was deaccessioned.",
"deaccession": "Deaccession",
"movement_reference_number": "Movement reference number",
"insurance_value_reference": "Insurance value, reference no.",
"valuation_reference": "Valuation reference no.",
"valuation_reference_explica": "An external reference number for the valuation.",
"period_scheduled_end_to_deposit": "Scheduled end to deposit",
"period_scheduled_end_to_deposit_explica": "Determines when the object will be removed from the museum, if that is known beforehand. This may e.g. be the case with loaned objects. A notification is triggered if the object's scheduled end to deposit nears.",
"damage_type": "Damage type",
"damage_type_explica": "The type of the damage, e.g. if it was caused by water or by the object breaking apart.",
"damage_identification_date": "Date of identification",
"damage_identification_date_explica": "The date the damage was identified.",
"damage_note_explica": "Here additional information on the damage, its circumstances or details you noticed can be added.",
"damage_reporter": "Reporter",
"damage_reporter_explica": "The person who first found out about the damage.",
"damage_status": "Damage status",
"damage_status_explica": "The current status of the damage. Starting from it's finding, the damage should progress to either be marked as irreparable or it should be repaired.",
"damage_log": "Damage log",
"restoration_conservation_log": "Restoration and conservation log",
"new_damage": "New damage log entry",
"new_conservation_restoration_measure": "New conservation or restoration measure",
"restoration_log": "Conservation & restoration log",
"new_restoration_log_entry": "New conservation \/ restoration log entry",
"authorizer": "Authorizer",
"authorizer_explica": "Name of the person who authorized the conservation or restoration treatment.",
"conservation_authorization_date": "Authorization date",
"conservation_authorization_date_explica": "Date the conservation \/ restoration was authorized.",
"conservation_method": "Method",
"conservation_method_explica": "Method of conservation \/ restoration.",
"conservator": "Conservator",
"conservator_explica": "Name of the conservator enacting the conservation \/ restoration treatment.",
"conservation_begin_date": "Begin date",
"conservation_begin_date_explica": "Date of the start of the conservation \/ restoration.",
"conservation_end_date": "End date",
"conservation_end_date_explica": "Date of the end of conservation \/ restoration.",
"check_type": "Type of check",
"check_type_explica": "The type of the check registered.",
"check_date": "Date of check",
"check_date_explica": "The prospected or actual date of the check.",
"check_executed_by": "Checker",
"check_executed_by_explica": "Name of the person who is expected to do the check.",
"check_scope": "Scope",
"check_scope_explica": "Here one may enter more specific details on which aspect of the object is to be checked. E.g. a comparison of the database with the actual objects may be limited to the correctness of objects' measurements.",
"check_note_explica": "General notes on the check.",
"check_completed": "Check completed?",
"check_completed_explica": "Here the check can be marked as completed.",
"conservation_restoration_treatment": "Conservation \/ restoration treatment",
"add_new_check": "Add new check",
"check": "Check",
"closer_location_name": "Closer location (name)",
"closer_location_kind": "Closer location (kind)",
"alternate_title_name": "Alternate title (name)",
"alternative_title_kind": "Alternative title (kind)",
"alternative_title_name": "Alternative title (name)",
"entry_type": "Entry type",
"purchase_price": "Purchase price",
"purchase_price_currency": "Purchase price (currency)",
"valuation_time": "Valuation (time)",
"valuation_by": "Valuation (by)",
"Valuation_value": "Valuation (value)",
"Valuation_currency": "Valuation (currency)",
"insurance_value_time": "Insurance value (time)",
"insurance_value_by": "Insurance value (by)",
"insurance_value_value": "Insurance value (value)",
"insurance_value_currency": "Insurance value (currency)",
"valuation_value": "Valuation (value)",
"valuation_currency": "Valuation (currency)",
"closer_location_name_explica": "The name of closer location",
"closer_location_kind_explica": "The kind of a closer location",
"alternative_title_kind_explica": "The kind of an alternate name",
"alternative_title_name_explica": "Any alternative title for the object",
"entry_type_explica": "How did the object enter the museum",
"purchase_price_explica": "The price for which the object was purchased.",
"purchase_price_currency_explica": "The currency used when purchasing the object",
"valuation_time_explica": "When was the last valuation conducted",
"valuation_by_explica": "Who conducted the last valuation?",
"insurance_value_time_explica": "Time the insurance value was last determined.",
"insurance_value_by_explica": "Who determined the last insurance value?",
"insurance_value_value_explica": "The last determined insurance value.",
"insurance_value_currency_explica": "The currency used for the last insurance value.",
"valuation_value_explica": "Value of the last valuation.",
"valuation_currency_explica": "Currency used for the last valuation.",
"period_next_planned_relocation": "Next planned relocation",
"period_next_planned_relocation_explica": "This field allows one to mark when the object will next be moved. It makes sense to clear the field once the object has actually been moved.",
"upcoming_condition_check": "Upcoming condition check",
"plausability_warning": "Plausability warning",
"duplicate_inventory_numbers": "Duplicate inventory numbers",
"invalid_numeric_values": "Invalid numeric values",
"invalid_dates": "Invalid dates",
"acquisition_id_explica": "This select list allows one to link the object's acquisition to a dedicated acquisition process in the acquisition module. This allows grouping multiple objects together in the acquisition and improved searching by the acquisition properties.",
"current_location_free_text": "Current location (free text)",
"home_location_free_text": "Home location (free text)",
"last_change_of_permanent_location": "Permanent location last changed at",
"last_change_of_permanent_location_explica": "Date of the last change of the permanent location. This field is not automatically updated, as the decision to change the location may have been made before one started using musdb.",
"refine_tag": "Refine tag",
"type_to_link_tag": "Type to link (another) tag",
"type_to_link_actor": "Type to link (another) actor",
"type_to_link_place": "Type to link (another) place",
"type_to_link_time": "Type to link (another) time",
"update_tags_relations": "Update links to tags, actors, ...",
"tag_relation_type": "Tag relation type",
"tag_relation_type_explica": "Describes the relationship between the object and the tag.",
"other_object_name_explica": "For objects that have more than one name, e.g. a general one and a scientific one. This is usually the case with biological and mineralogical objects.",
"other_object_name_type": "Type of alternative object name.",
"other_object_name_type_explica": "Here you can enter the type of the alternative name you entered for the object.",
"separate_material_explica": "All kinds of materials separated by comma",
"separate_technique_explica": "All kinds of techniques used to create the object separated by comma",
"plausibility_warnings_licenses": "Plausibility Check for Image Licenses: Warnings",
"licence_metadata": "Licence (Metadata)",
"licence_images": "Licence (images)",
"emergency_priority": "Priority during emergencies",
"emergency_priority_explica": "A numeric value of the priority of the object's rescue during an emergency. Using this field, you can e.g. note down, if this object should be among the first to be rescued by emergency workers during a flood or similar incident.",
"emergency_priority_note": "Note on emergency priority",
"emergency_priority_note_explica": "Here, further information about why the object may be especially relevant to rescue during an emergency may be noted down.",
"emergency_priority_determined_by": "Emergency priority determined by",
"emergency_priority_determined_by_explica": "Name of the person or group who determined the object's prioritized status during emergency rescue operations.",
"emergency_priority_determined_at": "Emergency priority determined at",
"emergency_priority_determined_at_explica": "Date the emergency priority was determined at.",
"generate_inventory_number": "Generate inventory number",
"transfer_invno_suggestion": "Transfer inventory number suggestion",
"scan_inventory_number": "Scan inventory number",
"main_measurement_types": "Basic types"
"ortart": [
"Place of recording",
"Place of discovery",
"Former place"

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@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
"object_basis": {
"inventory_number": "Inventory number",
"inv_explica": "If the object has no inventory number, please enter something like \"No Inv. No.\" If it is a permanent loan, you can add the signature of the organziation lending, followed by the object's inventory number at the given institution and finally a note: \"(permanent loan)\".<br><br>Example 1: \"G0904\"<br>Example 2: \"A4711 (new), SMH12 (old)\"<br>Example 3: \"KHM 1252 (Permanent loan)\"",
"object_type": "Object type",
"oart_explica": "What kind of object is this? To which category does it belong?<br><br>Example 1: \"Painting\"<br>Example 2: \"Animal Trap\"<br><br>(A terminological control function for these terms will be available in the future)",
"object_name": "Object title",
"oname_explica": "Title of the object. Titles belong to each object on their own. They also help differentiate between one \"jar\" and another \"jar\"!<br><br>Example 1: \"Portrait Adolf Senff\"<br>Example 2: Bracteate (Ludolf von Kroppenstedt)<br><br>The title should not be longer than a line on your screen. If possible, do not use more than 100 characters.",
"description": "Description",
"obesch_explica": "Easily understandable (to anybody!) description of the object. Please avoid using abbreviations if possible. If avoiding them is impossible and it's not an entirely common abbreviation with the general public, provide an explanation in brackets.<br><br>Repetitions are allowed! That means: Even if you have already entered events, places, times etc. related to your object, you can still mention them in your description.<br>Please do not use keywords: Use full sentences.",
"mattech": "Material\/Technique",
"mattech_explica": "Information about the material an object was made with and the methods applied in its creation.<br><br>Just fill in this field, if you have any information about it: This field is optional.<br\/><br\/>The single values can alternatively also be entered separately using the tab \"addendum\" below. Once that's done, you may automatically merge them into this field.",
"measurements": "Dimensions",
"ausmass_explica": "No exact rules. But, please always enter units. Keep the entries as short as possible. Abbreviations may be used.<br><br>Example 1: \"LxWxH 95 x 15 x 150 mm\"<br>Example 2: \"Inner diameter.: 4.8 mm; Walls: 2 mm; H: 5.2 cm\"<br\/><br\/>The single values can alternatively also be entered separately using the tab \"addendum\" below. Once that's done, you may automatically merge them into this field.",
"no_inventory_number": "Please enter an inventory number!<\/p><p class=\"ohne\">[If there is none, enter \"No Inv. No.\".]",
"no_object_type": "Please enter the kind of object!<\/p><p class=\"ohne\">[Everything is some kind of something. Necessary for navigation and classification.]",
"no_object_name": "Please enter a title!<\/p><p class=\"ohne\">[What is the name of the object? Every object needs an immediate title. Do not use titles longer than 200 characters.]",
"no_good_description": "Please enter a description!<\/p><p class=\"ohne\">[There must be a description. They are totally necessary for this project. Ideally, use around 1000 characters. You cannot save your object if the description is shorter than 25 characters.]",
"object_is_known": "An object with this inventory number is known already !",
"choises": "You have the following choises",
"ignore_hint": "Ignore hint and continue anyway",
"back_to_input": "Go back to input",
"switch_to_known_object": "or to stop input and to go to one of the following objects (Click on image or object title)",
"object_id": "Object ID",
"not_yours": "Belongs to another institution !",
"unknown": "Object could not be found !",
"searchmode": "Search mode",
"lettercombi": "Letter combination",
"wholeword": "Whole word",
"empty": "Empty",
"added": "The object has been added",
"edited": "The object has been edited",
"deleted": "The object has been deleted",
"exact": "Exact",
"base_data": "Basic information about the object",
"minimum_3_characters": "3 characters minimum",
"add_alternative_language": "Add entry in alternative language",
"inventory_number_numbers": "Inventory numbers (only numbers)",
"evaluate_search_results": "Evaluate search results",
"toggle_query_language": "Toggle display in query language",
"right_click_list_favs": "Right click to list favorited and recent search queries.",
"toggles_search_display_mode": "Changes search display mode"

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@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
"object_relation": {
"add_museum": "Connect to a museum",
"if_museum_is_unknown": "If museum has not been added yet - please click here",
"add_collection": "Connect to a collection",
"if_collection_is_unknown": "If the collection has not been added yet - please click here",
"collection_without_museum": "Collections not related to a museum",
"collection_with_museum": "Collections related to a museum",
"add_event": "Connect to an event",
"add_tag": "Connect a keyword | Add reference ",
"tag_is": "The keyword is",
"no_timeplaceactor": "Please DO NOT enter time, place or actor names",
"common_term": "General term",
"add_common_term": "New: General term",
"closely_related": "Object is closely related to",
"only_timeplaceactor": "Please ONLY enter time, place or actor names",
"time_tag": "Time tag",
"add_time_tag": "New: Time tag",
"person_institution": "Person - Institution",
"add_person_institution": "New: Person - Institution",
"geobuild": "Geography - Buildings",
"add_geobuild": "New: Geography - Buildings",
"better_use_events": "Caution: The quality of information is much better if you define events instead of adding times, places or persons\/institutions as tags. If for example an object has been \"created\" \"1815\" in \"Cologne\", you should create an event (\"created\" -> \"1815\" -> \"Cologne\"). In this case, an additional linking to times, places, persons etc. will be unnecessary.",
"recently_used": "Recently used",
"add_literature": "Connect to literature",
"uploaded_document": "Uploaded document",
"internal_link": "Internal Link",
"external_link": "External Link",
"new_collection_hint": "To create a new collection use the menu below",
"no_collection_permission": "No permission granted to access any collection of this museum",
"linkable_collections": "Linkable collections",
"switch_museum": "Switch museums",
"select_a_museum": "Select a museum",
"links_object_with": "Links the object with",
"tag_or_relation": "Keyword or relation"

backend/ka/overview.json Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
"overview": {
"contains": "The database contains",
"images": "Images",
"objects_total": "Objects (Total)",
"objects visible": "Objects (Visible)",
"collections_total": "Collections",
"collections_nodesc": "Without description",
"museums": "Museums",
"museums_noimage": "Without image",
"events": "Events",
"timespans": "Timespans",
"actors": "Actors",
"places": "Place names",
"literature": "Literature",
"links": "Links",
"tags": "Keywords",
"access_to": "Access to",
"additions": "Additions",
"edits": "Edits",
"objects_visible": "Objects (Visible)",
"18": ""

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@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
"catalogue": {
"volume": "Volume",
"public": "Public",
"not_public": "Not public",
"title_main": "Museum-Digital",
"title_sub": "Object catalogue for",
"generated": "Generated",
"works": "Works",
"signature": "Signature"

backend/ka/place.json Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
"place": {
"placenames": "Place names",
"intro": "- Use current or historical names of places (as in cities). You can also add geographical units like lakes, rivers, seas ...<br>- Use common names (Example: Dessau - not Dessau-Ro\u00dflau).<br>- Enter additives to the name if there are any: \"Halle (Saale)\" or \"Lutherstadt Wittenberg\" instead of \"Halle\" or \"Wittenberg\" respectively.<br>- Do not add districts if possible. If you add a district, please do so using the following format (Example): \"London OT Brixton\".",
"placename": "Name of place",
"ortsname_explica": "Enter common names of places. In case of districts, separate the city and the district by the string \"OT\":<br><br>Example 1: London <br>Example 2: Halle (Saale)<br>Example 3: New York OT Brooklyn<br>Example 4: Wales (in this case, add \"UK (Region) in the country line\"<br><br>If nothing else is appropriate, you can also add - e.g. - \"Italy\" as a place.",
"placetype": "Type of place",
"ortstyp_explica": "If the place (or building) is <b>NOT<\/b> an existing place where people live (village, city, ...) and is <b>NOT<\/b> a currently existiting political unit (County, Federal state, ...) - Please choose a suitable type.<br><br>For currently existing villages, cities, countries, ... (and in cases of doubt) please leave empty<br><br>If the the place (or building) does not exist any longer, please select \"historic\"",
"remarks": "Short Remarks",
"ortanm_explica": "At this place you can enter any hint to help people identify little known places (or buildings). Please keep it brief and concise. These remarks are for internal use only.",
"no_name": "Please enter a place name",
"geo_title": "Coordinates",
"geo_intro": "- You may correct the place name below - but then you have to click on \"Go!\"<br>- Please select place on map with a click.<br>- In the appearing bubble \"Send\/Save\" will appear. Click on it",
"change_intro": "<b>Attention:<\/b> This modifies information, it does <b>NOT<\/b> change the connection between place\/building and events or objects.",
"country": "Country",
"staatsname_explica": "Please provide the name of the country, in which the place (or building) is located. In case the place is in more than one country, please give the political entity comprising all countries.",
"getty": "TGN (Getty)",
"getty_explica": "The ID of the place in the Thesaurus of Geographic Names (TGN, Getty).<br>Use the arrow on the right to get the number (new window opens)",
"geonames": "geonames",
"geonames_explica": "The ID of the place at geonames.<br>Use the arrow on the right to get the number (new window opens)",
"coordinates_northsouth": "Coordinates, North-South",
"nw_explica": "Please use \".\" (dot) a decimal and numbers without \u00b0-symbol",
"coordinates_westeast": "Coordinates, West-East",
"zoom_explica": "The zoom used at the map.<br><br>Common values:<br>- Village: 10<br>- Small city: 9<br>- Larger city: 8<br>- Country: 7",
"status": "Status",
"delete": "Delete the place",
"added": "Added a new place",
"edited": "Updated information on the place",
"all_objects": "All objects",
"show_object": "Show object",
"annotation": "Annotation",
"add_new_annotation": "Write a new annotation here:",
"broader": "Broader",
"narrower": "Narrower",
"elsewhere": "Elsewhere",
"wikipedia_url": "Wikipedia (URL)",
"wikipedia_url_explica": "A URL to a Wikipedia page of this entity (if there is a dedicated page). This link can in most cases be automatically parsed to suplement the description, link norm data catalogues and add translations.",
"wikipedia_page_of_entry": "Wikipedia page of the place"
"geo": {
"name": "Name",
"length": "Length",
"width": "Width",
"zoom": "Zoom",
"bottom": "If you want to add a larger geographical entity, then please click somewhere in the middle of it"

backend/ka/podcast.json Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
"tlPodcast": {
"podcast_title": "Podcast title",
"podcast_title_explica": "The title of the whole podcast. Not of a single episode, but the full series.",
"podcast_description": "Podcast description",
"podcast_description_explica": "A description of the whole podcast. May e.g. detail, which topics are discussed here.",
"base_data": "Basic information about the podcast",
"base_data_updated": "Basic podcast information has been updated",
"add_a_podcast": "Add a podcast",
"edit_a_podcast": "Edit a podcast ...",
"episodes": "Episodes",
"episode_number": "Episode no.",
"episode_number_explica": "Number of the episode. Usually, this would be a number, but it may also be, e.g., \"special episode\".",
"episode_title": "Episode title",
"episode_title_explica": "Title of the episode.",
"episode_description": "Episode description",
"episode_description_explica": "A description of the episode's contents.",
"episode_language": "Episode language",
"episode_language_explica": "Main language, the podcast episode is spoken in.",
"episode_rights_holder": "Rights holder",
"episode_rights_holder_explica": "Rights holder of the episode.",
"episode_license": "License",
"episode_license_explica": "Here you can name the license, the podcast episode is licensed under. ",
"episode_keywords": "Keywords",
"episode_keywords_explica": "Keywords describing the episode.",
"add_new_episode": "Add a new episode",
"duration": "Duration",
"publication_time": "Publication time",
"chapters": "Chapters",
"chapter_start": "Chapter starts at",
"speakers": "Speakers",
"link_a_speaker": "Link a speaker",
"chapter_title": "Chapter title",
"podcast_public": "Public \/ hidden",
"podcast_public_explica": "Determines, if the podcast is publicly accessible.",
"podcast_subtitle": "Podcast subtitle",
"podcast_subtitle_explica": "Subtitle of the podcast. Optional.",
"episode_subtitle": "Episode subtitle",
"episode_subtitle_explica": "Subtitle of the episode.",
"podcast_theme_color": "Theme color",
"podcast_theme_color_explica": "Main theme color used by the web player.",
"podcast_theme_color_dark": "Theme color (dark)",
"podcast_theme_color_dark_explica": "Dark variant of the theme color in the web player. Used primarily for the podcast title on episode-specific players.",
"podcast_theme_color_light": "Theme color (light)",
"podcast_theme_color_light_explica": "Contrasting color used for the main background area in the web player.",
"episode_number_numeric": "Episode number (numeric)",
"episode_number_numeric_explica": "A number representing the podcast episode number in purely numeric ways. Required by the iTunes podcast specifications.",
"role": "Role",
"speaker": "Speaker",
"speaker_explica": "The reference to the speaker. To enter it, type the name and click on the full name in the list appearing below. If the speaker has not yet been added, you can click on the \"plus\" button before this input field. That way, you can add a new actor that will appear in the list later.",
"contributor_role_explica": "The role the contributor played in creating the podcast episode.",
"podcast_choose": "Select a podcast",
"all_podcasts": "All podcasts",
"all_podcast_episodes": "All podcast episodes",
"podcast_episode_choose": "Select a podcast episode"

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@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
"tlProvenance": {
"intro": "Researching the history of an objects means to validate and check different aspects. You first have to determine the types of checks and whose reports you want to record here.",
"add_report": "Add a report",
"report": "Report",
"content": "Content",
"status": "Status",
"planned": "Scheduled",
"in_progress": "In progress",
"final": "Finished",
"creator": "Creator",
"date": "Date",
"upload_document": "Upload a document",
"provenance_content_explica": "Text des (Provenienz-)Forschungsberichts.",
"provenance_status_explica": "Status of the research.",
"provenance_creator_explica": "Author(s) of the report.",
"provenance_date_explica": "Date of the report creation."

backend/ka/quality.json Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
"quality": {
"no_objecttype": "No object type provided",
"many_words_object_type": "Words in field \"object type\" - is this really what is meant? (Best: one word)",
"one_common_word_objecttitle": "Object title consists of only one commonly used term",
"objects_same_title": "Objects with same title",
"one_word_object_title": "Object title consist of only one word. This might be too unspecific.",
"object_title_often_used": "Object title used for multiple objects",
"object_title_too_long": "Object title consists of more than 10 words. There is a field for object description",
"object_description_double": "<b>Duplicate:<\/b> Exactly the same object description is used for other objects too",
"object_description_characters": "Characters used for object description",
"too_short": "Far too short",
"quite_short": "That is quite short",
"good": "Good",
"excellent": "Excellent",
"quite_long": "That is quite long",
"too_long": "Too long",
"no_mattech": "Field \"Material\/Technique\" is left empty. Preferably, this field should be filled out.",
"no_dimensions": "Field \"Dimensions\" is left empty. Preferably, this field should be filled out.",
"no_collection": "The object was not assigned to a collection",
"no_event": "No event assigned to the object",
"multiple_event": "At least one event assigned to the object",
"place_event_tag": "Duplicate? Same place in event and as general assignment. Is this correct?",
"opz_event_tag": "Duplicate: Same place, actor, or time related to the object as part of an event and as a general assignment",
"no_tag": "No keyword (or general assignment) provided. (Ideal: 3-9)",
"one_tag": "Only one keyword (or general assignment) provided. (Ideal: 3-9)",
"two_tags": "Two keywords (or general assignments) provided. (Ideal: 3-9)",
"tree_nine__tags": "Keywords (or general assignments) provided. (Ideal: 3-9)",
"too_many__tags": "10 or more keywords (or general assignments) provided. (Ideal: 3-9)",
"literature_asigned": "Literature are assigned to the object",
"online_resources_asigned": "Online resources are assigned to the object.",
"documents_asigned": "Documents are assigned to the object.",
"object_relations_asigned": "Relations between this and other objects were added.",
"objectgroup_asigned": "The object has been assigned to an object group",
"many_images": "More than one image was assigned to the object",
"image_id": "Image ID",
"image_too_small": "Image is too small (longer side has less than 600 pixels)",
"image_quite_small": "Image is quite small (longer side has less than 800 pixels)",
"no_rightsholder_no_rightsstatus": "Neither rights holder nor license status given",
"no_rightsholder": "No rights holder given.",
"no_rightsstatus": "No license status given.",
"resources_asigned": "(Visible) resources were assigned to the object.",
"general_remarks": "General remarks",
"might_be_improved": "Could be improved",
"thats_good": "Good",
"before": "before",
"before_birth": "before birth of",
"before_birth_possibly": "possibly before birth of",
"after": "after",
"after_death": "after death of",
"after_death_possibly": "possibly after death of",
"plausi": "Plausibility check",
"before_possibly": "possibly before",
"after_possibly": "possibly after",
"print_not_paint": "Something printed cannot be painted or drawn!",
"better_use": "Better use",
"quality_index": "Quality index",
"no_image": "No image has been uploaded for the object yet.",
"translations_exist": "One or more translation exist for the object.",
"exhibition_assigned": "The object has been assigned to an object group.",
"transcripts_exist": "One or more transcripts exist for the object.",
"markings_exist": "Markings have been recorded.",
"is_reference_entry_exists": "The object has been noted to have been created in reference to another entity.",
"reception_publications_recorded": "Reception information or publication of the object has been recorded.",
"has_public_inscription": "Inscription has been recorded and is public.",
"has_public_comparable_objs": "Comparable objects have been recorded and are set to public.",
"has_public_detailed_description": "Detailed description has been recorded and is public.",
"image_has_good_size": "Image has a good size.",
"open_access_licence_used": "An open access licence is used.",
"restrictive_licence_used": "A restrictive licence is used",
"one_image": "One image was uploaded for the object.",
"legal_check_reason_creator_dead_for_years": "The last recorded creator of the object has been dead for [placeholder_copyright_expiry] or more years.",
"legal_check_reason_creator_recently_or_not_dead": "The last recorded creator of the object is still alive or has died in the last [placeholder_copyright_expiry] years.",
"legal_check_msg_type_expect_public_domain": "The object and its (documenting) images \/ representations are likely in the public domain (license status: Public Domain Mark).",
"legal_check_msg_type_expect_restricted_legal_status": "The object and images \/ representations of it are likely under restricted access.",
"current_license": "Current license status",
"creator_represented_by_copyright_collective": "The creator or somebody of the same name is represented by a copyright collective",
"plausibility": "Plausibility"

backend/ka/record.json Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
"record": {
"object_record_language": "Language of record",
"object_record_language_explica": "You have to name the language of the additional object information. It is possible to enter more than one record in the same language but it is advisable to only make one per language visible",
"object_record_language_none": "Please enter the language of the additional object information",
"object_record_language_none_explica": "The possibility of additional object information was created especially for object information in several languages.",
"object_record_delete": "Delete this entry of additional object information",
"object_record_hide": "Switch additional object information entry to visible",
"object_record_show": "Makes this entry of additional object information public",
"delete_intro": "You are about to delete additional object information",
"collection_record_hide": "Hide this entry of additional collection information",
"collection_record_show": "Makes this entry of additional collection information public",
"collection_record_delete": "Removes this entry of additional collection information",
"collection_delete_intro": "You are about to delete additional collection information",
"museum_record_hide": "Hide this entry of additional museum information",
"museum_record_show": "Makes this entry of additional museum information public",
"museum_record_delete": "Removes this entry of additional museum information",
"museum_delete_intro": "You are about to delete additional museum information",
"switched_non-public": "Alternative language information have been set to non-public",
"switched_public": "Alternative language information have been setto non-public",
"add": "Add alternative language information",
"object_added": "Added alternative language information for the object",
"object_edited": "Updated alternative language information for the object",
"object_deleted": "Deleted alternative language entry for the object",
"collection_added": "Added alternative language information for the collection",
"collection_edited": "Updated alternative language information for the collection",
"museum_added": "Added alternative language information for the museum",
"museum_edited": "Updated alternative language information for the museum",
"6": ""

backend/ka/resource.json Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
"resource": {
"image": "Image",
"text": "PDF",
"video": "Video",
"audio": "Audio",
"nav_explica": "Here you may upload or link images and other representations to an object. For different media types you will find different buttons. One button (\"Green triangle pointed up\") is meant for the uploading of images or representations to the server; another one (\"Arrow pointing to a globe\") is meant for the linking to resources on the web.<br><br>Please use this buttons only to upload\/link direct representations of the object. Contextual information (media) should be linked via \"Web link\" or uploaded via \"Document\" (you can find both above)<br><br>This is the place for:<br>&bull; images of the object<br>&bull; PDF text descriptions of the object<br>&bull; videos showing the object<br>&bull; sound recordings of the object",
"upload_image": "Upload object image (jpg) and connect",
"link_image": "Link an image (jpg) to the object via the web",
"upload_pdf": "Upload and link object representation in PDF format",
"link_pdf": "Save link to a PDF file representing the object on the web",
"upload_video": "Upload a video (mp4, flv) that represents the object and connect",
"link_video": "Save link to a video (mp4, flv) representing the object on the web",
"upload_audio": "Upload an audio file (mp3) that represents the object and connect",
"link_audio": "Save link to an audio file (mp3) representing the object on the web",
"navigation_off": "Hide upload bar",
"navigation_above": "Place upload bar above images",
"navigation_below": "Place upload bar below images",
"navigation_on": "Show upload bar ",
"image_list": "Show images in list format",
"image_grid": "Show images in grid format",
"iptc_refresh_all": "Refreshes IPTC data in all images of the object",
"title": "Resource title",
"annotation": "Annotation",
"photographer": "Photographer",
"creator": "Creator",
"not_given": "Not given",
"rights_holder": "Rights holder",
"rights_status": "Rights status",
"resource_type": "Resource type",
"public": "Public",
"with_object": "With object",
"never": "Never",
"stored": "Stored",
"internal": "This server",
"external": "External (link)",
"make_main": "Make this the main resouce",
"large_version_window": "Shows large version in a new window",
"large_version": "Opens large version",
"order_front": "Moves this image forward in the order of images",
"order_back": "Moves this image backwards in the order of images",
"image_hide": "Hide image",
"resource_hide": "Hide resource",
"image_show": "Make image public",
"resource_show": "Make resource public",
"image_delete": "Delete image",
"resource_delete": "Delete resource",
"image_dimensions": "Dimensions",
"file_size": "Filesize",
"no_iptc": "No IPTC-data available, create with click",
"resource_info": "Resource information",
"delete_question": "You are about to delete an object resource!",
"delete_no": "No, it was an accident (go back)",
"delete_yes": "Yes, take it away",
"preview": "Preview",
"3d_object": "3D Object",
"upload_3d_object": "Upload 3D object",
"image_annotations": "Image annotations",
"attempt_automatic_image_tagging": "Attempt to use automatic image categorization for tagging the object",
"3d": "3D object"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
"resource_incha": {
"replace_preview": "Replace preview",
"resource_name": "Name of resource",
"bildname_explica": "The resource name is important for<br>&bull; search engine optimization (\"title tag\")<br>&bull; overview in the list of representations.<br><br>In most cases repeating the object's name is sufficient.<br><br>[Default value is object name]",
"resource_description": "Resource description",
"bildbesch_explica": "Here you can store annotations\/remarks concerning the representation (<b>NOT<\/b> concerning the object itself) <br><br>Example 1: \"Detail\"<br>Example 2: \"Rear\"<br>Example 3: \"1 of 4\"",
"image_folder": "Resource folder",
"ordner_explica": "The image folder is displayed during the upload process. Usually it starts with the word \"images\", the year (e.g. \"2009\"), and the month (e.g. \"11\"). The name of the example: \"images 200911\"",
"image_filename": "Image file name",
"dateiname_explica": "The image filename is displayed during the upload process. It has to be entered including the extension (eg. \"317.jpg\" instead of \"317)",
"photographer": "Photographer",
"creator": "Author\/Producer",
"creator_explica": "What should appear below the representation if it is shown in a single view?<br><br>This is a good place to name contributors to a video or audio resource if the rights are with the museum",
"resource_rightsholder": "Resource rights holder",
"owner_explica": "Who owns the rights of the digital resource?",
"rights_status": "Legal status of the image",
"rechte_explica": "Which <b>license<\/b> applies to the resource?<br>i.e. <b>NOT<\/b> rights of the shown object<br>i.e. <b>NOT<\/b> rights of previews<br><br><br>Please choose a value from the list (left)<br>More information available by clicking the brown [i] (right)<br><br>[Default: CC BY-NC-SA]",
"rights_allowed": "Selectable legal forms",
"info_needed": "You have to name an image owner and a rights status",
"image_connect": "Add connection to an object",
"go_object": "Go to object",
"info_completeit": "Complete and confirm the information by clicking on \"Send\"",
"upload_pdf_title": "Upload a PDF representation of the object",
"upload_video_title": "Upload a video representation of the object (mp4 or flv)",
"upload_audio_title": "Upload an audio recording of the object (mp3)",
"prerequisites": "Prerequisites",
"prerequisites_filesize": "Filesize does not exceed",
"prerequisites_format_mp4": "File format is MP4 or FLV",
"prerequisites_format_mp3": "File format is MP3",
"select_pdf": "Please select a PDF file for upload",
"select_video": "Please select a video file (mp4\/flv) for upload",
"select_audio": "Please select an audio file (mp3) for upload",
"too_large": "The file is too large",
"wrong_filetype": "Wrong format - or the selection slot was empty",
"back_button": "Please use the \"back\"-button on your browser",
"server_error": "Sorry, looks like there's a server error. Please try again later",
"link_headline_image": "Create link to an image on the web with the object No.",
"link_headline_pdf": "Create link to a PDF representation of the object available at the web with the object No.",
"link_headline_video": "Create link to a video representation of the object available on the web with the object No.",
"link_headline_audio": "Create link to an audio representation of the object available on the web object No.",
"image_not_webseite": "Link to image file, NOT to a website !!",
"pdf_not_webseite": "Link to PDF file, NOT to a website !!",
"video_not_webseite": "Link to video file (mp4 or flv), NOT to a website !!",
"audio_not_webseite": "Link to audio file (mp3), NOT to a website !!",
"four_steps": "Four steps are necessary",
"check_rights_image": "Please check very carefully if you are allowed to use (link and store a preview of) the image file",
"check_rights_general": "Please check very carefully if you are allowed to use (link) the file",
"link_give": "A link (absolutely include http:\/\/) to the file - NOT to website - is given",
"preview_image": "A preview image is generated automatically",
"preview_general": "A preview (placeholder image, at least 200px wide) will be uploaded (must be present) or selected",
"give_rightsinfo": "Rights pertaining to the external file are provided",
"url": "URL (must include http:\/\/)",
"linklink_explica": "Please provide an absolute URL (must include \"http:\/\/\")",
"no_url": "Please provide a link (URL) of the image file!<\/p><p class=\"ohne\">The URL of the file that should be linked.",
"url_not_complete": "Please provide an absolute URL!<\/p><p class=\"ohne\">URL has to begin with http:\/\/ or https:\/\/ and should end with - for example - \".jpg\"",
"url_wrong_extension": "Please provide the address of a suitable file here!<\/p><p class=\"ohne\">The following file extensions are allowed",
"both_sides_wrong": "Wrong at the front (http:\/\/) and rear (.jpg)!<\/p><p class=\"ohne\">URL has to begin with http:\/\/ and may end with e.g. \".jpg\"",
"preview_generation_error": "The automatic generation of a preview failed. You can upload a preview (minimum width 200px, jpg) yourself",
"file_not_found": "File not found",
"pdf_context_not_representation": "On this page you should upload PDF documents that put the object in context. Representations of the object as a PDF (eg: The object is a book, which itself is available as PDF) please upload as \"view\"",
"image_added": "Added a new link to an external image file",
"pdf_added": "Added a new link to a PDF file",
"video_added": "Added a new link to a video file",
"audio_added": "Added a new link to an audio file",
"edited": "Resource information has been updated",
"upload_3d_title": "Upload a 3D representation of the object",
"prerequisites_format_obj_zip": "The uploaded file must be a .zip archive containing an .obj file of the same name with possible additional .mtl files.",
"select_3d_obj": "Please select an 3D object file (.obj) for upload",
"upload_form_resource": "Upload form for resources"

backend/ka/rules.json Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
"tlRules": {
"rule_added": "The new rule description has been added",
"rule_removed": "The rule description has been removed",
"rule_updated": "The rule has been updated"

backend/ka/settings.json Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
"settings": {
"rights_default_intro": "Default media licences for object representations",
"rights_default_set": "Set default values",
"rights_rightsholder": "Rights holder",
"rights_rightsstatus": "Rights status",
"rights_photo_create": "Photographer\/Creator",
"rights_current_values": "Current values",
"rights_change_case": "Change case by case",
"rights_images_only": "Uploaded images only",
"external_intro": "Presentation of content on the website of",
"external_collection_overview": "Show \"collection overview\" switch",
"external_collection_description": "Clicking on collection name in \"collection overview\" shows description of the collection",
"external_collection_objects": "Clicking on collection name in \"collection overview\" shows objects of the collection",
"external_collection_link": "Show link below collection description (\"... more about this collection on the Internet\")",
"services_for": "Services for",
"services_export": "Export",
"services_export_dialogue": "Export dialogue. Selected information about selected objects",
"users_registered_intro": "Registered users for",
"users_register_new": "Register new user",
"users_register_admin": "Administrator",
"users_register_director": "Director",
"users_register_private": "Employee",
"users_register_volunteer": "Input only (volunteer)",
"users_register_visitor": "Visiting Scientist",
"headline_rights": "Available rights statements for images (and other object representations)",
"museum_stored": "Museum-specific settings have been updated",
"users_specifically_determined": "Specifically determined",
"socialmedia": "Display social media buttons for new objects by default",
"socialmedia_buttons": "Show newly incorporated objects with social media buttons",
"pdf_catalogue": "PDF Catalogue",
"pdf_catalogue_explain": "Generate a PDF catalogue",
"pdf_catalogue_explica": "To limit server load only 50 objects per catalogue are allowed. You can, however, create multiple catalogues",
"pdf_catalogue_start": "Start with object # ",
"map": "Objects on map",
"volume": "Volume",
"close": "Close",
"provenance_section": "Provenance checks (provenance search bar)",
"provenance_kind": "Kind of check (e.g.: Expropriation)",
"provenance_added_new": "Added new type of provenance check",
"provenance_removed_category": "Deleted type of provenance check",
"delete": "Delete",
"edit_image_rights_by_group": "Edit image rights by group (only for uploaded objects)",
"mir_caution_message": "(Caution: Using this function, you can batch edit many entries in one go. Be cautious!)",
"following_cases_appear_select": "The following cases appear. Please choose the case to edit.",
"return_museum_list": "Return to list of museums",
"return_settings_services": "Return to settings and services",
"simple_inputs_no_symbols": "Please use simple information such as avoid using a copyright symbol before the rights holder, or \"photographer\" before the photographer's name.",
"institution_elsewhere": "The institution elsewhere on the web",
"elsewhere_link_text": "Link text",
"elsewhere_link_url": "URL",
"elsewhere_link_added": "Added link to other representations of the museum",
"elsewhere_link_removed": "Removed link to other representations of the museum",
"metadata_rights": "Metadata rights:",
"obj_link_default_sort_by": "Link to objects: Default sort parameter",
"obj_link_default_sort_order": "Link to objects: Default sort order",
"comment_on_md_who": "Commenting on MD: Who can comment?",
"comments_by_all": "Everybody",
"comments_by_logged_in": "Any logged in users",
"comments_by_viewer": "Users with viewing rights",
"comments_by_editor": "Users with editing rights",
"comments_by_nobody": "Nobody",
"make_statistics_accessible": "Make (online) visitor statistics accessible",
"offer_image_download_button": "Offer download button on image pages",
"share_dumps": "Share XML dumps \/ automatic exports",
"share_folder_none": "None",
"share_folder_share-link": "Via share link",
"share_folder_public": "Public",
"share_dumps_link": "Share link",
"socialmedia_buttons_disable": "Do not show social media buttons on default object pages",
"use_event_sources": "Show option to add sources to events",
"iframe": "iframe",
"additional_features": "Additional features",
"object_input_page": "Object input page",
"social_media_buttons": "Social media buttons",
"enable_ai_image_categorization": "Enable AI image categorization when adding objects",
"activate_additional_features": "Activate additional features",
"embed_presentation_in_iframe": "Presentation in iframe",
"additional_fields_on_object_add": "Additional fields when adding new objects",
"additional_fields_on_object_add_explanation": "Here you can add or remove additional entry fields that shall be made available directly when adding a new object. You may also set them to be required for adding the object altogether.",
"enable_strict_mode_for_values": "Enforce value information (estimated value, insurance value) to be numeric",
"enable_strict_mode_for_sizes": "Enforce sizes (height, weight, etc.) to be numeric",
"enable_strict_mode_for_dates": "Add date picker for dates and enforce entry and estimation dates are actual date fields",
"enable_strict_mode_for_invno": "Enforce unique inventory numbers within the museum without any exceptions or overrides",
"invno_scheme": "Scheme for suggested inventory numbers",
"explica_media_rights_defaults": "When uploading images, videos, audio and other media files, the following entries are entered into the respective fields for the media files' license status by default. During the upload, they can be changed to a more suitable value for the current media file. To generally update the default values however, change the fields below.",
"explica_object_metadata_rights_defaults": "The following values describe the default license status and rights holder entered for the metadata (title, description, etc.) for newly recorded objects. If you are to change the license status or rights holder later on, you can do so using the respective fields of the \"rights\" tab of the object editing page or generally overwrite any existing license status or rights holders by clicking on the buttons below (\"rebase\").",
"explica_social_media_buttons": "At the bottom of each object page in the public frontend of museum-digital, share buttons for common social media sites can be displayed. Whether they actually are displayed can be set on a per-object basis. A default value for new objects can be set here however.",
"explica_download_button_images": "On single image pages for object images in the public frontend of museum-digital, a download button can be displayed. This only pertains to pages for images (not other resources) hosted with museum-digital. In some cases, e.g. if the object is a recent artwork where the museum itself only holds restricted control over the licensing of the object or its display online, it may be necessary to disable the download button. Regardless of the setting here, users can still download the image using a right click.",
"commenting_function": "Commenting",
"explica_commenting": "Commenting can be enabled in the public frontend of museum-digital. The commenting function can either be opened to anybody, or only to specific user groups, which can be selected below. If the commenting function is activated and anybody leaves a comment, new comments can be moderated using the moderation tool accessible through musdb's dashboard (section: tools).",
"explica_share_dumps": "If a museum wants to grant the public - or certain other parties such as aggregators or portals - ongoing access to a full download of its published object data at museum-digital, this can be done using the setting below. If the shared dumps are made public, they will be linked on the museum's institution page. If they are set to sharing by a link, they will be made accessible using a link only to be found in an entry field of this subsection.",
"preferred_object_order": "Preferred order of objects",
"explica_preferred_object_order": "Using the buttons below a preferred order of the object listing for all objects of the institution when accessed through the respective links at the bottom of the institution page can be adjusted.",
"explica_strict_mode_sizes": "If this setting is enabled, the fields for separated measurements are converted into number fields. This way, only valid, numeric information can be entered into the fields. Consequently, one can be sure that the objects can be properly searched (e.g. using a search for all objects taller or smaller than 500 mm). Strictly requiring numeric information using the respective input field type however makes it impossible to display pre-existing, non-numeric data. Hence, this setting should only be enabled if one is certain, that all contents in the respective fields is valid and numeric. ",
"explica_strict_mode_dates": "If this setting is enabled, the fields for date information on object pages (e.g. entry date) are converted into date fields. This way, only valid dates can be entered into the fields (e.g. \"August 20th, 2022\"; not \"ca. 2022\"). The date fields now contain a date picker. Consequently, one can be sure that the objects can be properly searched (e.g. using a search for all objects entering the museums before a given day). Strictly requiring date information using the respective input field type however makes it impossible to display pre-existing and invalid dates. Hence, this setting should not be enabled if any information has been entered into the date fields already.",
"explica_strict_mode_values": "If this setting is enabled, the fields for values (e..g insurance value, estimated value) are converted into number fields. This way, only valid, numeric information can be entered into the fields. Consequently, one can be sure that the objects can be properly searched (e.g. using a search for all objects more or less expensive than 500 \u20ac). Strictly requiring numeric information using the respective input field type however makes it impossible to display pre-existing, non-numeric data. Hence, this setting should only be enabled if one is certain, that all contents in the respective fields is valid and numeric. ",
"explica_strict_mode_invno": "By default, a warning is given if a new object with a duplicate inventory number is entered. It is however possible to proceed entering the object regardless by pressing the respective button. Enabling this setting removes the button and makes it fully impossible to enter objects of a duplicate inventory number.",
"explica_how_event_sources": "If a museum has a strong research focus or a focus on provenenance research, it may be useful to note the source from which the information for events (e.g. who bought the object at a given date?) was retrieved. The option to do so in a regularized fashion is available once this option has been activated.",
"explica_object_categorization_ai": "When adding objects, an AI-based image categorization can be run for a rough tagging of the objects (provided that images are uploaded as the object is added). As this image categoriation is far from perfect and blocks the upload process for some time, it needs to be enabled here if it is to be used.",
"explica_invno_scheme": "If this field is filled, a suggestion for inventory numbers for new objects can be provided by the system. Variable components of an inventory number - a counter and often an identifier for the collection - can be marked using the placeholders {no} (for a counter counting up) and {c_sig} for the collection signature. Suggesting collection signatures required a collection to have already been selected as the suggestion button is pressed. Signatures for the collection can be entered using the collection page. An example for such an inventory number scheme may thus be XYZ-{no}8, meaning that any suggested inventory number will start with \"XYZ-\", followed by a counter padded to 8 characters. The first proposed inventory number would thus be XYZ-00000001, the second XYZ-00000002.",
"enable_strict_mode_for_object_type": "Require users to select an object type from the drop-down list when adding a new object",
"explica_strict_mode_object_type": "If this setting is enabled, the object input page is adjusted to prevent users from adding new objects with free-text object types. Instead, the object type needs to be selected from the drop-down menu appearing as one types in the relevant field. Thus, the object type is also always searchable as a tag and the object is directly categorizable using norm data links in case of exports and the like.",
"image_downloads": "Image downloads",
"bulk_download_text": "Text appearing for users when bulk downloading object images",
"explica_bulk_download_text": "Using this setting the museum can determine a text that will appear in an overlay as users download all object images in bulk. The users may thus be asked to notify the museum when using the images, even though the license permits them to use them without notification.",
"nextcloud_base_url": "Nextcloud integration: base URL",
"explica_nextcloud_base_url": "musdb can be integrated with an institution's Nextcloud instance. To do so, the base URL (https:\/\/ needs to be entered here. If that has been done, each user of the institution can enter their username and an app password (available using the user security settings in Nextcloud) in their personal settings. Subsequently, musdb will indicate if one has access to folders with additional data for an entry - e.g. a loan or an exhibition. For this to work, folder names need to include the entity's reference number (displayed in the sidebar).",
"custom_report_templates_explanation": "Here you can upload templates for reports and overviews. At the respecitve places (page of an object, object overview, \u2026) these template might be used to autogenerate the reports and overviews with the relevant information. Placeholders mark the space where the respective information is filled in when the report is generated. A list of the placeholders available for a given type of report can be accessed by clicking one of the buttons below. The templates need to be uploaded in a plain text format (e.g. html, csv, txt, \u2026).",
"custom_report_templates_object_loop_explanation": "Where a given type of report concerns multiple objects, the section for representing object information has to be encapsulted with the marker {object_loop}.",
"limit_tags_for_object_types_by_id": "Limit tags that can be linked as object types by ID",
"limit_tags_for_object_types_by_id_explica": "According to Hungarian law, collection management systems should allow museums to choose object types from a *museum-specific* list of values. musdb generally works with shared controlled vocabularies - in fact, that is one of it's greatest stengths.\r\nTo still meet the requirements set by the law mentioned above, museums can use this input field to enter the IDs of tags whitelisted for use as object types in a comma-separated list. E.g. \"1,21,521\"",
"limit_tags_for_materials_by_id": "Limit tags that can be linked as materials by ID",
"limit_tags_for_materials_by_id_explica": "According to Hungarian law, collection management systems should allow museums to choose materials from a *museum-specific* list of values. musdb generally works with shared controlled vocabularies - in fact, that is one of it's greatest stengths.\r\nTo still meet the requirements set by the law mentioned above, museums can use this input field to enter the IDs of tags whitelisted for use as materials in a comma-separated list. E.g. \"1,21,521\"",
"limit_tags_for_techniques_by_id": "Limit tags that can be linked as techniques by ID",
"limit_tags_for_techniques_by_id_explica": "According to Hungarian law, collection management systems should allow museums to choose techniques from a *museum-specific* list of values. musdb generally works with shared controlled vocabularies - in fact, that is one of it's greatest stengths.\r\nTo still meet the requirements set by the law mentioned above, museums can use this input field to enter the IDs of tags whitelisted for use as techniques in a comma-separated list. E.g. \"1,21,521\""

backend/ka/shipments.json Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
"shipments": {
"type_explica": "Might be incoming or outgoing shipment",
"name": "Shipment name",
"name_explica": "A concise name that helps colleagues to identify the shipment",
"note": "Shipment none",
"note_explica": "Any remark concerning the present shipment in general",
"transport_method": "Transport method",
"transport_method_explica": "Information regarding the method of transportation",
"authorized_by": "Authorized by",
"authorized_by_explica": "Full name of the person who authorized the shipment",
"exit_time": "Exit time",
"exit_time_explica": "Date and time when the shipment left the place of origin",
"exit_address": "Exit address",
"exit_address_explica": "Address of the place of origin of the shipment",
"send_by": "Send by",
"send_by_explica": "Full name of the person who handed the shipment over",
"sent_by": "Sent by",
"sent_by_explica": "Full name of the person who sent the shipment away or handed it over to a courier.",
"executor": "Executor",
"executor_explica": "Person or company who actually transported the shipment. This field references the contact\/address book feature.",
"destination_time": "Destination time",
"destination_time_explica": "Time of arrival of the shipment",
"destination_address": "Destination address",
"destination_address_explica": "Address of the destination of the shipment",
"received_by": "Received by",
"received_by_explica": "Full name of the person who received the shipment",
"partner": "Partner",
"partner_explica": "Institution who is the exchange partner for the shipment",
"partner_contact": "Partner contact",
"partner_contact_explica": "Contact person at the partner institution. This field references the address feature.",
"tracking_code": "Tracking code",
"tracking_code_explica": "Tracking code at the courier, if any exists.",
"conditions": "Conditions",
"conditions_explica": "General conditions placed upon the shipment.",
"packaging_note": "Packaging note",
"packaging_note_explica": "Any remark on the packaging",
"delivery_note": "Delivery note",
"delivery_note_explica": "Remarks on the delivery, e.g. the courier arrived five day late.",
"shipment_note": "Shipment note",
"shipments_list": "List of shipments",
"all_shipments": "All shipments",
"base_data": "Basic information about the shipment",
"obj_link_with_shipment": "Link with a shipment",
"obj_linked_shipments": "Linked shipments",
"select_shipment": "Select a shipment",
"select_shipment_explica": "Select a shipment to link from the list. If the shipment has not yet been added, you can add it by clicking the \"+\"-button in front of the selection boss.",
"shipments_edit": "Edit a shipment"
"shipment_method_set": {
"transport_method": "Transport method"

backend/ka/sources.json Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
"tlSources": {
"add_new_source": "Add a new source",
"type": "Type",
"type_explica": "Source type",
"article": "Article",
"inbook": "Article in collected volume",
"book": "Book",
"phdthesis": "PhD thesis",
"electronical": "Electronic Resource",
"misc": "Miscelaneous",
"author_creator": "Author\/Creator",
"author_creator_explica": "The creator of the source. Type a name to select the author or creator. You can add multiple authors\/creators for a work",
"title": "Title",
"title_explica": "Title of the source",
"year": "Year",
"year_explica": "Year the work was published",
"venue": "Published forum",
"venue_explica": "The forum the work was published in.<br\/>In the case of an article, this field stands for the volume the article was published in.<br\/>In case of a book, it represents the publisher.",
"pages": "Pages",
"pages_explica": "The page number of the work. In case of an article, this is the page range within the journal or volume. In case of a book, this field is all optional, but can be filled with the total sum of pages.",
"url": "<abbr title=\"Uniform Resource Locator\">URL<\/abbr>",
"url_explica": "A URL representing the work. Usually, the page where it or a digitized version of it can be found.",
"doi": "<abbr title=\"Digital Object Identifier\">DOI<\/abbr>",
"doi_explica": "A DOI representing the source",
"journal": "Journal",
"publisher": "Publisher",
"institution": "Institution",
"edit_source": "Edit source",
"bibliography": "Bibliography",
"elsewhere": "Elsewhere",
"statements": "Statements",
"added_new_statement": "Added new statement",
"manage_statement": "Manage statement",
"statement": "Statement",
"added_new_link_w_statement": "Added a new link with a statement",
"involvement": "Involvement",
"sources": "Sources",
"add_new_statement": "Add a new statement",
"pos_in_src": "Position in source",
"source": "Source",
"linked_with": "Linked with",
"linked_with_entity": "Entity to link",
"linked_with_involvement": "Involvement of the linked entity",
"added_new_source": "A new source has been added",
"deleted_link_w_statement": "A link with the statement has been deleted",
"deleted_statement": "The statement has been deleted,<br \/>because only one link with it was left",
"volume": "Volume",
"volume_explica": "The volume of the journal the article was published in",
"issue": "Issue",
"issue_explica": "The issue of the volume the article was published in",
"medium": "Medium",
"random_actor": "Random actor",
"random_place": "Random place",
"random_time": "Random time",
"random_tag": "Random keyword",
"broader": "Broader",
"narrower": "Narrower",
"involvement_in_statement": "Involvement in the statement",
"entity_of_origin": "Entity of origin",
"entity_target": "Target entity",
"about_backgrounds": "About the \"backgrounds\" section",
"about_backgrounds_text": "\"Backgrounds\" refer to contexts for objects. They refer to the standard data of museum-digital",
"license": "License",
"license_explica": "The license of the source or the digitized version thereof.",
"source_fulltext": "Full text",
"editor": "Editor",
"editor_explica": "Editor or editors of this work. Type in and select an editor from the list. If none can be found, you can add a new one by clicking on the \"+\"-button in front of the text field.",
"booktitle": "Book title",
"booktitle_explica": "The book a chapter was published in.",
"isbn": "ISBN",
"isbn_explica": "ISBN of the book. Should be left empty for books published without an ISBN.",
"location": "Location",
"location_explica": "The location the source was published. Commonly the location of the publisher.",
"organization": "Organization",
"organization_explica": "Organization that holds the source (for archival material) or organization organizing the publication for white papers and theses.",
"signature": "Signature",
"signature_explica": "Signature of the source. Mainly to be used for archival materials, this is NOT the signature at the user's museum."

backend/ka/spaces.json Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
"spaces": {
"space_name": "Space name",
"space_signature": "Space signature",
"space_type": "Space type",
"ideal_humidity": "Ideal humidity",
"ideal_temperature": "Ideal temperature",
"access_note": "Access note",
"space_name_explica": "A clear and discernible name of the room",
"space_signature_explica": "An abbreviation or short identifier for the room, e.g. a room-number.",
"ideal_humidity_explica": "The optimal value for humidity in this room in percent",
"ideal_temperature_explica": "The optimal value for temperature in this room in \u00b0C",
"space_note_explica": "Any general note regarding the room",
"access_note_explica": "A note on how to enter or access the space. E.g.: Open the lid.",
"access_log": "Access log",
"gen_space_sensor_dashboard": "Generate dashboard for local screen",
" k": "",
"no_sensor_data": "Failed to locate any sensor data for this space",
"get_url_for_logging": "Get URL for logging",
"object_addendum_space_explica": "Select a space from the list. To add a new space press the \"+\" button. To see a log of the objects previous whereabouts right click on the selection field..",
"set_current_space_as_subordinate": "Set the current space as subordinate to the selected one?"

backend/ka/startpage.json Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
"tlStartpage": {
"shoutbox": "Notes",
"options": "Options",
"show_all_shouts": "Show full shoutbox history",
"all_shouts": "All shoutbox messages",
"shoutbox_write": "Write something",
"your_message": "Your message",
"additions_edits_month": "New objects and edits by month",
"licenses_images": "License Status of images",
"account": "Account",
"logged_in_as": "Logged in as",
"username": "Username",
"mail": "Mail",
"private_notice": "Private note",
"post": "Post",
"web_search_duckduckgo": "Web search with DuckDuckGo",
"search_the_web_duckduckgo": "Perform web search with DuckDuckGo",
"link_validity_check": "Link validity check",
"tile": "Tile",
"full_width": "Full width",
"move_to_end": "Move to end",
"remove_tile": "Remove tile",
"add_tile": "Add tile",
"customize_start_page": "Customize start page",
"institution_elsewhere": "My institution elsewhere",
"visitors_statistics_today": "Visitors statistics: Today",
"visitors_statistics_week": "Visitors statistics: This week",
"visitors_statistics_month": "Visitors statistics: This month",
"visitors_statistics_year": "Visitors statistics: This year",
"view_statistics": "View statistics",
"moved_tile_to_end": "Moved tile to end",
"removed_tile": "Tile has been removed from the dashboard",
"added_tile": "Added tile",
"set_background_image": "Set background image",
"background_uploaded": "A background image has been set",
"did_not_delete_no_image": "Background image could not be removed - it does not exist",
"removed_background_img_successfully": "Removed background image successfully",
"data_url": "Data \/ URL",
"qr_code_generator": "QR code generator",
"instance_health": "Instance health",
"version_links": "Links to other services",
"public_frontend": "Public page",
"norm_data_controlled_voc": "Norm data \/controlled vocabularies",
"handbook": "Handbook",
"blog": "Blog",
"global_timers": "Next updates for caching",
"public_objects_cache": "Cache for public objects",
"comments_moderation": "Recent Comments",
"show_all_comments": "Show all comments",
"online_usage_last_31_days": "Online usage of the last 31 days",
"users_by_country": "Users by country",
"visitors_by_language": "Browser languages",
"visitors_by_time_of_day": "Visitors by time of day",
"online_usage_last_30_days": "Online usage of the last 30 days",
"searches": "Searches",
"pageviews": "Page views",
"total": "Total",
"checked": "Checked",
"approved_generally": "Enrichment progress overall",
"noda_enrichment_status_institution": "Enrichment progress for entries of the museum",
"actors_most_linked_to_objects": "Actors most linked to objects of the museum",
"places_most_linked_to_objects": "Places most linked to objects of the museum",
"times_most_linked_to_objects": "Times most linked to objects of the museum",
"tags_most_linked_to_objects": "Tags most linked to objects of the museum",
"development_of_db": "Development of the database",
"questions_on_data": "Questions on data",
"actor_links_by_gender": "Actor links by gender",
"linked_actors_by_gender": "Linked actors by gender",
"place_links_by_distance": "Place links by distance",
"imported_actor_ids": "IDs of imported actors",
"imported_places_ids": "IDs of imported places",
"imported_tag_ids": "IDs of imported tags",
"fav_object_searches": "Favorite object searches",
"outdated_user_account_hl": "Outdated User Account?",
"outdated_user_account_text": "There is a user account that has not been used for a long time in your institution. Outdated user accounts should be removed to improve security. ",
"email_missing_request_hl": "Add an Email Address to Your Account",
"email_missing_request_text": "Your account has not yet been linked to a mail address. For new accounts musdb requires a mail address for creating the account since the introduction of the GDPR. Mail addresses are however also required for receiving automatic mails for ending loans or for deleting your account.",
"images_open_licences": "Images using open licences",
"resources_open_licences": "Resources using open licences",
"object_location_general_not_empty": "Objects with location information",
"object_suggestions_open": "Objects: Open improvement suggestions",
"events_w_sources": "Events with source",
"users_logged_in_yesterday": "No. of users logged in yesterday",
"users_logged_in_30d": "No. of users logged in within the last 30 days",
"users_invited": "Users invited",
"users_public_profile": "Users with \"published\" user profile",
"users_2fa": "Users with activated two factor auth",
"total_filesize_imgs": "Total filesize of images on server",
"total_filesize_resources": "Total filesize of resources on server",
"nb_uniq_visitors": "Unique visitors",
"nb_visits": "Online page visits",
"nb_actions": "Online visits: actions (clicks, etc)",
"max_actions": "Max. amount of actions of a user",
"bounce_count": "Online visits: Bounce count",
"sum_visit_length": "Total sum of visit duration",
"nb_actions_per_visit": "Online visits: actions per visit",
"Referrers_visitorsFromSearchEngines": "Referrers: Visitors from search engines",
"Referrers_visitorsFromSocialNetworks": "Referrers: Visitors from social networks",
"Referrers_visitorsFromDirectEntry": "Referrers: Visitors from direct entry",
"Referrers_visitorsFromWebsites": "Referrers: Visitors from uncategorized websites",
"Referrers_visitorsFromCampaigns": "Referrers: Visitors from campaigns",
"PagePerformance_network_time": "Performance: Network time (total)",
"PagePerformance_network_hits": "Performance: Network time (hits)",
"PagePerformance_servery_time": "Performance: Time spent waiting for server (total)",
"PagePerformance_server_hits": "Performance: Time spent waiting for server (hits)",
"PagePerformance_transfer_time": "Performance: Time spent for data transfer (total)",
"PagePerformance_transfer_hits": "Performance: Time spent for data transfer (hits)",
"PagePerformance_domprocessing_time": "Performance: Time spent for processing the DOM (total)",
"PagePerformance_domprocessing_hits": "Performance: Time spent for processing the DOM (hits)",
"PagePerformance_domcompletion_time": "Performance: Time spent for until completion of DOM (total)",
"PagePerformance_domcompletion_hits": "Performance: Time spent for until completion of DOM (hits)",
"PagePerformance_onload_time": "Performance: Time spent until pages are fully loaded (total)",
"PagePerformance_onload_hits": "Performance: Time spent until pages are fully loaded (hits)",
"PagePerformance_pageload_time": "Performance: Time spent until pages are fully loaded and processed (total)",
"PagePerformance_pageload_hits": "Performance: Time spent until pages are fully loaded and processed (hits)",
"nb_pageviews": "Pageviews",
"nb_downloads": "Downloads",
"nb_outlinks": "Outlinks",
"nb_searches": "Online visits: searches",
"usage_stats_checked": "User-Statistics loaded",
"convert_location_names_to_spaces": "Convert location names to spaces"

backend/ka/tag.json Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
"tag": {
"tag": "Keyword",
"english": "... in English",
"remarks": "Remarks",
"no_tag": "Please enter a keyword",
"not_related": "Keyword is not related to any object",
"tag_annotated": "The keyword has been annotated",
"tag_name": "Name",
"engl": "(in English)",
"annotation": "Annotation",
"add_new_annotation": "Add a new annotation:",
"equivalents": "Equivalent",
"synonyms": "Synonyms",
"related_terms": "Related terms",
"broader": "Broader",
"narrower": "Narrower",
"generic": "Generic",
"instance_of": "Instance of",
"partitive": "Partitive",
"edited": "The tag has been updated"

backend/ka/time.json Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
"time": {
"comprises": "The new timespan includes",
"more_than_year": "more than a year",
"more_than_year_example": "e.g. 1870s, Early 19th century, 1930-1940, ...",
"exactly_one_year": "exactly one year",
"exactly_one_year_example": "e.g. 1922, 1853, ...",
"less_than_year": "less than a year",
"less_than_year_example": "e.g. April 1912, 21. December 1759, May-June 1945, ...",
"prehistoric_time": "a prehistoric time",
"prehistoric_time_example": "e.g. Mesozoic, 250000 BC, Cretaceous Period, ... [Before 10000 BC]",
"time_term": "Time term",
"zeitbegriff_explica": "(Almost) random format of entry<br><br>Example 1: 16.02.1913 <br>Example 2: First half 12th centrury.<br>Example 3: 1655-1699<br><br>The entry \"time term\" is used for displaying the time.<br><br><b>Please keep in mind:<\/b><br><b>\"World War I\", \"Reagan Era\", ...<\/b><br>... are historical \"events\", <b>not<\/b> times<br><b>\"Rococo\", \"Classicism\", ...<\/b><br>... are stylistic eras, <b>not<\/b> times<br><b>\"Roman empire\", \"Late stone age\", ...<\/b><br>... are not used consistently, they are <b>no<\/b> times<br><b>\"Miocene\", \"Cambrian\", ...<\/b><br>... are <b>not<\/b> consistently used times (Names and categories of time are being re-defined every day by scientists)<br>(Please enter such terms as events, not as times)",
"begin": "Start [YEAR]",
"zeitbeginn_explica": "Please always enter a year here (<b>four digits number<\/b>)<br><br>- In case of years before common era, add a \"minus\" before the the number<br>- In case of times like \"before 1830\", where the immediate year is unknown, please enter a question mark.<br><br>Example 1: 1913<br>Example 2: -1800<br>Example 3: ?",
"end": "End [YEAR]",
"zeitende_explica": "Please always enter a year here (<b>four digits number<\/b>)<br><br>- In case of years before common era, add a \"minus\" before the the number<br>- In case of times like \"after 1830\", where the immediate year is unknown, please enter a question mark.<br><br>Example 1: 1913<br>Example 2: -1800<br>Example 3: ?",
"counted": "Counted time",
"year": "Year",
"month": "Month",
"day": "Day",
"zaehlzeit1_explica": "<b>Field: Year<\/b><br>Please always enter a year here (<b>four digits number<\/b>)<br>In case of time periods, enter the middle,<br> E.g.: Time term=\"19th century\" -> Counted time=\"1850\"<br><br><b>Field: [+\/-]<\/b><br>- refers to times before common era, + refers to the year 0 CE and anything after.<br><br>(This information is used for internal functions, e.g. sorting by time)",
"zaehlzeit2_explica": "<b>Field: Tag<\/b> and <b>Field: Month<\/b><br>Please enter two digits numbers (\"08\",\"05\",...)<br><br><b>Field: Year<\/b><br>Please enter a year (four digits number).<br>In case of time periods, enter the middle,<br> E.g.: Time term=\"19th century\" -> Counted time=\"1850\"<br><br><b>Field: [+\/-]<\/b><br>- refers to times before common era, + refers to the year 0 CE and anything after.<br><br>(This information is used for internal functions, e.g. sorting by time)",
"no_timeterm": "Please enter a time term!<\/p><p class=\"ohne\">[A random term relating to a time, for example: \"1784\" or \"January 12 1785\" or \"Early middle ages (500-800)\"]",
"not_exact": "Please do not enter a time term that starts with \"about\" or \"ca.\"!<\/p><p class=\"ohne\">[Enter imprecise times as \"events\".]",
"no_start": "Enter the beginning of the time period!<\/p><p class=\"ohne\">[If the time term is a year number (e.g. \"1784\"), just repeat it (e.g. \"1784\"). If the time period starts before common era, enter a minus before the year (e.g. \"-1200\")]",
"no_start_not_numeric": "Only exact years (=numbers) are valid as the start of a time period.<\/p><p class=\"ohne\">[Please enter a year (number) (if necessary with a \"-\" sign before the number).]",
"no_end": "Enter the end of the time period!<\/p><p class=\"ohne\">[If the time term is a year number (e.g. \"1784\"), just repeat it (e.g. \"1784\"). If the time period ends before common era, enter a minus before the year (e.g. \"-1100\")]",
"no_end_not_numeric": "Only exact years (=numbers) are valid as the start of a time period.<\/p><p class=\"ohne\">[Please enter a year (number) (if necessary with a \"-\" -sign before the number).]",
"no_count_value": "Enter an (internal) time for counting. Minimum: The year (four digits)<\/p><p class=\"ohne\">[E.g. \"1784\". If the time period exceeds one year, please enter the middle (E.g.: Time term is \"1870-1880\" -> Counted time is \"1875\".<br>Enter month and day as digits: month -> \"4\", Day -> \"12\". You do not need to provide information on month and day]",
"valid_month": "Please enter the month properly",
"valid_day": "Please enter the day properly",
"end_before_begin": "The entered time period ends before it has even started<\/p><p class=\"ohne\">[The start of a time period has a smaller number than the end of the given time period.]",
"cha_intro": "<b>Attention:<\/b> This changes information, it does <b>NOT<\/b> change the relation between time and event or object",
"cha_counts": "Internal value",
"cha_remarks": "Short note",
"zeitanm_explica": "Annotations are especially important if this is about time terms not everyone agrees upon.<br><br><b>Can be left empty<\/b>",
"no_vague_values": "Please do not give vague data!<\/p><p class=\"ohne\">[Vague relations to time might be created in the event or tag setting]",
"time_delete": "Delete time term",
"time_annotated": "The time has been annotated",
"added": "A new time entry has been added",
"edited": "Information on this time entry has been updated",
"annotation": "Annotation",
"add_new_annotation": "Add a new annotation:",
"must_be_month": "Month: Must be a valid, two-digit representation of a month. E.g. 01 for January, 12 for December",
"must_be_day": "Day: Must be a valid, two-digit representation of a day. From 01 to 31",
"must_be_year": "Year: Must be a valid, four-digit representation of a year. From 0001 to 9999.",
"must_be_+-": "Must be either + (common era) or - (before common era)"

backend/ka/todo.json Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
"todo": {
"tasks_assigned_to_me": "Tasks assigned to me",
"tasks_created_by_me": "Tasks created by me",
"assignee": "Assignee",
"list_is_empty_thus_far": "The list is empty thus far. Add a new task to fill it.",
"warning_no_filter_means_current": "Without a time filter, only currently relevant tasks are listed.",
"time_filter_set_at_top": "You can filter by time at the top of the page."

View File

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
"tlTranscripts": {
"add_transcript": "Add transcript",
"is_original_or_translation": "Is original (left) or translation (right)",
"transcript_content": "Transcript content",
"is_public": "Is hidden or public",
"edit_as_TEI": "Edit as TEI",
"added_new_transcript": "The new transcript has been added",
"transcript_deleted": "The transcript has been deleted",
"transcript_updated": "The transcript has been updated",
"edit_transcript_TEI": "Edit transcript (TEI mode)",
"edit_transcript_for_object": "Edit transcript for object",
"is_tranlation_explica": "Using this switch you can determine if this transcription is featured immediately on the document or if the entry represents a translation of the actual transcription.",
"transcript_language_explica": "You need to determine the language of the text you are transcribing. Please select it from the list.",
"transcript_content_explica": "The content of the transcription. The content of this field can either be plain text or encoded following the TEI (Text-Encoding Initiative) standard."

backend/ka/user.json Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
"user": {
"username": "Username",
"realname": "Real name",
"mail": "Email",
"password": "Password",
"new_password": "New password (Empty = Keep old one)",
"password_confirmation": "Password confirmation",
"userrole": "Role",
"institution": "Institution",
"admin": "Admin (highest level)",
"director_region": "Regional director",
"director_museum": "Museum director",
"collaborator": "Collaborator",
"not_assigned": "Not assigned",
"name_already_used": "The username is already in use",
"no_username": "Error: No username entered",
"no_realname": "Error: No real name entered",
"no_password": "Error: No password entered",
"no_password_confirmation": "Error: No password confirmation given",
"no_password_match": "Error: Passwords do not match",
"not_assigned_institution": "Error: Not assigned to an institution",
"success_creation": "Success: New user account created",
"no_success_creation": "Error: New account could not be created",
"success_update": "User information was successfully updated",
"no_success_update": "User information could not be updated",
"more_than_one": "Found more (or less) than one user with this ID",
"userlist": "List of all users",
"order_by": "Order by",
"last_login": "Last login",
"registration": "Login",
"input_only": "Input only",
"visiting_scientist": "Visiting Scientist",
"about_deleting_user": "You are about to delete a user",
"deleted": "User was removed successfully",
"specifically_determined": "Specifically determined",
"permissions_museums": "Permissions: Museums",
"permissions_collections": "Permissions: Collections",
"permissions_series": "Permissions: Object groups",
"user_rights_museum": "Museum page",
"user_rights_collection": "Collection page",
"user_rights_objectgroup": "Object group page",
"user_rights_object_base": "Object: Basic data",
"user_rights_object_resource": "Object: Resources",
"user_rights_object_addendum": "Object: Addendum",
"user_rights_object_numbers": "Object: Administrative numbers",
"user_rights_object_classification": "Object: Classification",
"user_rights_object_history": "Object: Object history",
"user_rights_object_values": "Object: Values",
"user_rights_object_state": "Object: State",
"user_rights_object_location": "Object: Location",
"user_rights_object_loan": "Object: Loans",
"user_rights_object_rights": "Object: Rights",
"user_rights_object_remark": "Object: Remarks",
"user_rights_object_provenance": "Object: Provenance research",
"user_rights_object_datahistory": "Object: Record history",
"disable_all_permissions": "All rights: Disable",
"enable_all_permissions": "All rights: Allow editing in all cases",
"remove_from_museum": "Remove relation to this museum",
"remove_from_collection": "Remove relation to this collection",
"remove_from_series": "Remove relation to this objectgroup",
"auth_token": "Authentification Token",
"auth_token_explica": "Using this page, you can generate a new authentication token. You cannot access them through this page again afterwards, so make sure to copy and store the authentication token at a safe place",
"confirm": "Confirm",
"auth_token_generated": "Generated authentication token",
"auth_token_is": "Your new authentication token is",
"password_too_short": "Password too short",
"password_equals_name": "The password may not be the same as the user name",
"mail_invitation": "Invitation to museum-digital:musdb",
"mail_invitation_contents": "You have just been invited to editing on museum-digital:musdb. If you did not expect to get a mail such as this one, please just ignore the mail. If you do want to activate your account, please follow the link below, and set your password. By doing so, you accept our privacy policy.",
"invited": "Invited: ",
"initialSettings": "Initial Settings: ",
"invitationLinkOutdated": "Your invitation token is older than a day. Your invitation was aborted. Please ask your contact to invite you again.",
"successAddingAccount": "Success!",
"successAddingAccountMsg": "Your password was successfully set. You can continue by logging in",
"agreement": "1. By using the input and editing tool of museum-digital (musdb) I agree that\r\n1.1. my personal data will be stored at the following places\r\n1.2. the responsibility for entries made by me lays with me (or my employer) \r\n\r\n2. Personal data stored at museum-digital: musdb\r\n2.1. What personal data is stored for what purpose\r\n2.1.1. Data of persons with access to musdb- For the user management, museum-digital: musdb stores only the name, password, and email of each user. The stored data can be changed by the user himself. It also logs the time of the last login. Personal settings made by the respective user (tab selection, homepage, ...) are also assigned to the user and connected to their account. For object management, museum-digital: musdb stores the name and time of the person editing. Likewise, the names of the initiates are recorded in newly acquired places, time, keyword and person \/ institution information.\r\n2.1.2. Data about third persons (manufacturer, etc.) about third parties, i. Manufacturers, painters, ... who are related to recorded objects will be provided with the usual biographical information as published in the library's common library or lexicon articles (name, year of birth, place of birth, short description ...). Associations between such third parties and objects may either be input by users of museum-digital: musdb or may be imported at their request (see 1.2 above).\r\n2.2. Disclosure of personal data of users of museum-digital: musdb will in no case be passed on to third parties without their express consent. Users of museum-digital: musdb registered personal information about third parties (manufacturers, painters, ...), however, are made publicly available to support historical research.\r\n2.3. Who has access to the personal data of users of museum-digital: musdb\r\n\u00b7 The users themselves\r\n\u00b7 Other persons in an equal or superior role (Museum Director -> Regional Administrator)\r\n\u00b7 The standard data editors\r\n2.4. Deletion of the data. A deletion of the personal data of a user can be demanded at any time and will be implemented immediately.",
"mail_deletion": "Confirm the deletion of your account",
"mail_deletion_contents": "Your account has been flagged for deletion. If you really want to delete your account at museum-digital, you can do so by clicking on the link below:",
"deletion_mail_sent": "A mail has been sent, asking for your confirmation for deleting your account",
"delete": "Delete",
"exportUserData": "Export own account data",
"automatic_mails": "Automatic notifications",
"new_user": "New user",
"upload_image": "Upload image",
"uploaded_profile_img": "Profile picture uploaded",
"delete_image": "Delete image",
"deleted_image": "Profile picture has been deleted",
"make_visible": "Make visible to other users in musdb",
"make_hidden": "Hide your account from other users in musdb",
"this_month": "This month",
"this_year": "This year",
"within_X_month": "Within the last {x} month",
"within_X_years": "Within the last {x} years",
"view_profile": "View profile",
"about": "About",
"user_set_invisible": "Your profile has been set to \"invisible\" to other users in musdb",
"user_set_visible": "Your profile has been set to \"visible\" to other users in musdb",
"user_description_edited": "Your profile description has been edited",
"public_pgp_key": "Public PGP key",
"username_explica": "Username with which a user logs in. Ideally something concise but unique",
"realname_explica": "Full name of the user",
"usermail_explica": "Mail address of the user.<br\/>We need this information to be able to send out invitation mails. Later, it allows <em>musdb<\/em> to send automated mails with recent updates (these need to be enabled below). If the user wants to delete their account, an email asking for confirmation will also be sent to this email address.<br\/>If the user's profile is made visible to other users logged in to musdb, the email address will be visible there, too.",
"password_form": "Must contain at least 8 characters",
"password_explica": "Password. Must be at least 8 characters long",
"automatic_mails_explica": "Should updates (current notifications of recently ending loan entries and notifications from admins and other users) be automatically mailed to the user in regular intervals?",
"user_role_explica": "The user role determines a user's default access rights to contents in musdb. A more in-depth explanation can be found in the handbook",
"user_institution_explica": "Every user (even regional administrators) needs to be linked to a \"home institution\". This \"home institution\" can be set here",
"user_about_explica": "Say something about yourself. This description will be visible on your profile if you set it to visible to other users in musdb.",
"public_pgp_key_explica": "In this field, a public PGP key can be entered. If this is done, future mails will be sent encrypted to you.",
"two_factor_authentication": "Two Factor Authentication",
"via_mail": "Via E-Mail",
"2fa_explica": "Two factor authentication can be enabled here. So far, the only option is two factor authentication using your mail account. After entering your login credentials, you will be sent a code via mail with which you can then log in. By default, two factor authentication is disabled.",
"security": "Security",
"your_account_has_been_deleted": "Your account has been deleted",
"this_is_your_auth_code": "You can find your authentication code below. Enter it to log in to musdb:",
"auth_code": "Authentication code",
"login_at_musdb": "Login to musdb",
"auth_code_invalid": "The authentication code you entered is not valid",
"2fa_screen_explica": "You have enabled the two-factor authentication option in the user settings. Accordingly, you have just received an access code.<br \/>This code is valid for two hours",
"access_denied": "Access denied",
"user_added_pgp_key": "Updated security settings",
"frontend_only_user": "Special functions of the frontend",
"username_too_short": "Username must be at least 5 characters long",
"login_log": "Login log",
"user_profile": "User profile",
"successful_login": "Successful login",
"sso": "Single Sign-On",
"activate_account": "Activate account",
"prelim_account_details": "Preliminary account details",
"mail_invitation_headline": "Welcome to museum-digital",
"user_invitation_autodeletion": "The link is valid only for 72 hours. If you do not activate the account within that timespan, your account will be automatically deleted. Hence, if you do not want an account on museum-digital, you can simply ignore this mail.",
"public_user_profiles": "Public user profiles",
"invite_accepted": "Invite accepted",
"contact_person_in_museum": "Contact person in museum",
"contact_persons_in_museum": "Contact persons in museum",
"contact_person_in_museum_explica": "If this switch is set to yes, the user's name and mail address (and, if the profile is set visible within musdb) will appear in the navigation as a contact for colleagues asking for help.",
"no_email_set": "No email address has been entered",
"user_address_on_blocked_domain": "The user address is hosted by a blocked mail hoster:",
"mail_invalid_domain": "The entered email addresses' domain seems to be invalid.",
"password_has_no_number_no_special_char": "Passwords need at least one number or special character",
"password_in_context": "Password is a common word retrievable based on the context",
"password_is_date": "The password is a date",
"in_compromised_password_list": "The password is found in a list of the most commonly used passwords",
"new_password_has_issues": "The new password has issues",
"password_reset_required": "Password Reset Required",
"password_reset_required_text": "Your password has some weaknesses (see below). Please change it.",
"password_was_reset_hl": "Password reset",
"password_was_reset_text": "Your password at museum-digital has been reset.",
"update_2fa_key_name": "Update key name",
"2fa_key_last_used_for_login": "Key last used for login at",
"register_new_fido_credentials": "Register new FIDO credentials",
"register_hardware_security_tokens": "Registered hardware security tokens",
"enter_verification_code": "Enter the verification code",
"defaults_new_object_page": "Defaults (new object page)",
"work_title": "Work title",
"work_title_explica": "Your title at work.",
"work_department": "Department",
"work_department_explica": "Your department at the museum.",
"user_rights_export": "Exports",
"force_pw_reset": "Force user to reset their password on their next login",
"force_user_mail_confirmation": "Force user to confirm their mail address (the account is locked until the confirmation)",
"user_is_currently_required_to_reset_pw": "This user is currently required to reset their password",
"user_is_currently_required_to_confirm_mail_address": "This user is currently required to confirm their mail address before they can log in again",
"access_to_nodac": "Access to nodac",
"access_to_statements": "Access to statements",
"disable_adding_to_vocabs": "Disable adding to vocabs",
"disable_adding_to_vocabs_explica": "If enabled, this user account cannot be used anymore to enter new entries to the controlled vocabularies. This may be useful to stop colleagues who repeatedly enter wrong \/ unidentifiable \/ rule-contradicting vocabulary entries.",
"remove_remember_me_tokens": "Remove all remembered logins"

backend/ka/visitors.json Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
"tlVisitors": {
"add_new_visitor": "Enter a new museum visitor",
"generate_qr_code": "Generate QR-Code",
"new_visitor_added": "A new visitor has been registered",
"day": "Day",
"week": "Week",
"month": "Month",
"all_time": "All time",
"filter_by_time": "Filter by time",
"time_context": "Date (time context)",
"ticket_types": "Type of visitor (by ticket)",
"amount": "Amount",
"other_not_categorized": "Other\/Without category",
"calendar_week": "Calendar week",
"year": "Year",
"manually_add": "Manually add visitors",
"number_new_visitors": "Number of visitors to register",
"in_numbers": "In numbers",
"manage_ticket_types": "Manage ticket types",
"export_all_visitors": "Export all visitor logs"

backend/ka/works.json Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
"tlWorks": {
"record_edited": "The work entry has been updated",
"upload_image": "Uploaded image",
"deleted_image": "The image has been deleted",
"work_deleted": "The work entry has been deleted",
"works_edit": "Edit a work",
"language": "Language",
"language_explica": "Language of the record. Required",
"title": "Title",
"title_explica": "The title of the work",
"description": "Description",
"description_explica": "Description of the work",
"recordKind": "Kind of work",
"kind_explica": "Type of work",
"material": "Material",
"material_explica": "Material used to create the work"