Improvements and new version: ar.
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
"action": {
"museum_choose": "Select a museum ...",
"museum_change": "Edit information about a museum ...",
"museum_input": "Add a new museum ...",
"collection_choose": "Select a collection ...",
"collection_change": "Edit entry of a collection ...",
"collection_input": "Add a new collection ...",
"object_choose": "Select an object ...",
"object_change": "Edit entry of an object ...",
"object_input": "Add a new object ...",
"event_choose": "Select an event ...",
"event_change": "Edit an event ...",
"event_input": "Add a new event ...",
"time_choose": "Select a time entry ...",
"time_change": "Edit a time entry ...",
"time_input": "Add a new time entry ...",
"actor_choose": "Select an actor ...",
"actor_change": "Edit information on an actor ...",
"actor_input": "Add a new actor ...",
"place_choose": "Select a place ...",
"place_change": "Edit entry of a place ...",
"place_input": "Add new place ...",
"tag_choose": "Select a tag ...",
"tag_change": "Edit entry of a tag ...",
"tag_input": "Add new tag ...",
"literature_choose": "Select literature ...",
"literature_change": "Edit literature ...",
"literature_input": "Add literature ...",
"link_choose": "Select a link entry ...",
"link_change": "Edit a link entry ...",
"link_input": "Add a link ...",
"project_choose": "Select a project ...",
"project_change": "Edit a project ...",
"project_input": "Add a project ...",
"settings_museum": "Settings (institution-wide)",
"settings_private": "Private settings",
"user_choose": "Select a user to edit ...",
"user_change": "Edit entry of a user ...",
"user_input": "Add a new user ...",
"logged_in_as": "Logged in as",
"log_out": "Log out",
"go_home": "Goes to startpage",
"question": "Question related to",
"ask_whom": "Ask",
"notes": "Notes",
"working_with_filters": "Working with filters",
"working_with_watchlist": "Working with watch list",
"print_list_function": "Print list function",
"lists": "Lists",
"event_types": "Event types",
"legal_forms": "Legal forms (Images)",
"database_services": "Database services",
"data_export": "Data export",
"backup": "Backup",
"watch_list": "Watch list",
"events_using_list": "Input events using lists",
"tag_proposal": "Propose tags",
"enrichment_with_eol": "Enrichment using EOL",
"multiple_changes": "Multiple changes",
"startpage": "Start page",
"handbook": "User's manual",
"tabs": "Tabs",
"statistics": "Shows usage (live)",
"change_language": "Switch language",
"userroles": "User roles",
"goodtimes": "Times",
"introduction": "Short introduction",
"add_persinst": "Add a Person \/ Institution",
"add_place": "Add a place Entry",
"link_obj_serie": "Linking an object with a series",
"advanced_search": "Advanced search",
"add_a_link": "Add a link",
"annotate_persinst": "Annotate a person \/ Institution Entry",
"annotate_tag": "Annotate a tag",
"annotate_time": "Annotate a time entry",
"add_alternative_language_record": "Add an alternative language record",
"utilities": "Utilities",
"link_obj_collection": "Link the object with a collection",
"link_obj_document": "Link the object with a document",
"dashboard": "Dashboard",
"link_obj_literature": "Link object with literature",
"select_event_type": "Select an event type",
"link_obj_object": "Link one object with another",
"link_obj_museum": "Link object with a museum",
"resource_edit": "Edit a resource",
"uploading_image": "Uploading an image",
"annotate_place": "Annotate a place",
"visitor_statistics": "Besucherstatistik",
"help": "Help",
"help_handbook": "Help: Handbook",
"mail_to_admin": "Ask the admins",
"toggle_watchlist": "Toggle watchlist",
"view_notifications": "View Notifications"
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@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
"actor": {
"type_is": "The actor to introduce is",
"type_institution_typename": "an institution",
"type_institution_first": "e.g. \"Deutsche Bahn AG\", \"Job Center Osnabr\u00fcck\", \"Turkish Self Defense Forces\", not \"Railways station Oebisfelde\" - if a building or a country is meant, please add them as geographical terms",
"type_institution_explica": "When adding institutions, please mind that institutions may carry a person's name: e.g. \"J. Friedl\u00e4nder\" is used as the name of a printing company and publisher. If this is the case, add the kind of company in brackets after the name: \"J. Friedl\u00e4nder (printing company \/ publisher)\". Historical photo studios did often carry the name of their owner. In these cases, please add the line of work of the company after, too: \"J. C. Schaarw\u00e4chter (photo studio)\". If the line of work is unknown, add [company] after the name.",
"type_person_typename": "a person",
"type_person_first": "e.g. \"Friedrich Schiller\", not \"Red Riding Hood\" - if the fairytale is meant. \"Red Riding Hood\", if it is the fictional character that is meant to be added, is to be added as a \"... god, ghost, hero\"",
"type_person_explica": "When adding persons, please only add concrete persons. Names like \"unknown painter\" or \"unknown artist\" are no persons - they should not be used. In such cases, better refrain from entering anything.",
"type_hero_typename": "a god, ghost, hero",
"type_hero_first": "e.g. \"Odysseus\", \"Zeus\", or fictional characters like \"Red Riding Hood\" - if the character is meant and not the fairytale",
"type_hero_explica": "When adding a \"god, ghost, hero\", please mind: In theory, you could add any person that has no given name here. You should however take care to keep the person added distinguishable. For example, it is impossible to identify a \"Smith\" (as a surname). In such cases, just do not enter anything.",
"institution_name": "Name of institution",
"nameinst_explica": "Concrete name of an institution<br\/><br\/>Example:<br\/>Schwermaschinen-Bau Kombinat \"Ernst Th\u00e4lmann\"<br\/><br\/><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#660000;\">Please always fill in this field<\/b>",
"institution_short": "Short name for institution",
"kurznameinst_explica": "Some institutions have set abbreviations<br\/><br\/>Example:<br\/>Allgemeine Elektricit\u00e4ts-Gesellschaft -> AEG<br\/><br\/><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#006600;\">Might be left empty<\/b>",
"short_description": "Short desription",
"kurzbeschinst_explica": "Short description (keywords)<br\/><br\/>Example \"Founded 1897. Renamed to ... in 1904. Closed shop in 1921.\"<br\/><br\/><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#006600;\">Can be left empty<\/b>",
"hero_name": "Name",
"geistname_explica": "Example:<br\/>Zeus, Peleus, Red Riding Hood (fictional character)<br\/><br\/>Basically, you can add any person, that has no given name here! But: it must be possible to identify the person. If you just add \"Smith\" because you do not know the given name here, you will cause wrong links between the object to <b>anybody<\/b> named \"Smith\". In such cases, it is better, to not enter a name at all.<br\/><br\/><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#660000;\">Please always fill in this field<\/b>",
"kurzbeschpers_explica": "Short description (keywords)<br\/><br\/>Example: \"Painter, Author, Actor, born 1817 in Hamburg\"<br\/><br\/><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#006600;\">Can be left empty<\/b>",
"name_first": "Given name(s)",
"vorname_explica": "You can list all given names of a person<br\/><br\/>Example:<br\/>\"Georg Friedrich\" (Händel)<br\/>\"Gotthold Ephraim\" (Lessing)<br\/><br\/>It makes little sense to add a person, if only the surname is known (how to distinguish two persons from the same family?). If you do not know the given name, you might add their work as a name (e.g. Blacksmith)<br\/><br\/><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#660000;\">Please always fill in this field<\/b>",
"name_first_short": "Abbreviation (Given name)",
"namenskuerzel_explica": "Example:<br\/>\"G. F.\" for Georg Friedrich Händel<br\/>\"Gotthold E.\" for Lessing<br\/><br\/><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#006600;\">Only fill in this field if it makes sense<\/b>",
"surname": "Surname",
"nachname_explica": "Add prepositions used for names of the nobility after the given name<br\/><br\/>Examples:<br\/>Goethe (Given name: Johann Wolfgang von)<br\/>Sachsen-Weimar (Given name: Bernhard von)<br\/><br\/><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#660000;\">Please always fill in this field<\/b>",
"year_birth": "Year of birth",
"geburtsjahr_explica": "Always a year (number, <b>four digits<\/b>)<br\/><br\/>Example: 1815<br\/><br\/><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#660000;\">Please always fill in this field<\/b>",
"year_death": "Year of death",
"no_name": "Please enter a correct name",
"name_needed": "A name is required",
"surname_needed": "A surname is required",
"change_intro": "<b>Attention:<\/b> This changes information, it does <b style=\"color:#990000\">NOT<\/b> change the relation of this person or institution to an event or object",
"name_long": "Long name",
"langbezeichnung_explica": "Please put names of persons in the form:<br\/>[Given name][ ][Surname][ (][Year of birth][-][Year of death][)]<br\/><br\/>Example (person): Achenbach Andreas (1815-1910)<br\/><br\/>If the years are unknown, put name in \"normal form\"<br\/>Example: \"Andreas Achenbach\"<br\/><br\/>Please put names of institutions in \"normal form\"<br\/>Example: Brauerei Landsberg GmbH<br\/><br\/>If name of institution is also a person's name please add \"(Firma)\" at the end of the string<br\/>Example: \"A. Lehmann (Firma)\"<br\/><br\/><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#660000;\">Please always fill out<\/b>",
"name_short": "Short name",
"kurzbezeichnung_explica": "Please put name of persons in the form:<br\/>[Surname][,][Given name]<br\/>Example: Achenbach, Andreas<br\/><br\/>Please put name of institution in \"normal form\"<br\/>Example: Brauerei Landsberg GmbH<br\/><br\/>If name of institution is a person name please put \"(Firma)\" behind<br\/>Example: \"A. Lehmann (Firma)\"<br\/><br\/><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#660000;\">Please always fill out this field<\/b>",
"status": "Status",
"remark_change_year": "<b>Attention<\/b>: If you change the year of birth or year of death - please do not forget to correct the long name",
"no_long_name": "Please enter a name for the person or institution!",
"already_known": "A person (institution, ...) with similar information is already known",
"add_vocabulary": "Add controlled vocabulary",
"delete": "Delete person (institution, ...)",
"no_shortname": "You have to provide a short form for the name (might be identical with the long version)",
"actor_annotated": "An annotation has been stored for this person \/ institution.",
"added": "A new actor has been added.",
"edited": "Information on this actor has been updated.",
"annotation": "Annotation",
"add_new_annotation": "Add a new annotation:"
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@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
"tlAppointments": {
"appointment": "Appointment",
"title": "Title",
"name_explica": "The name of the appointment \/ event.",
"start_time": "Time of start",
"start_time_explica": "The time the event begins.",
"end_time": "Finishing time",
"end_time_explica": "The end of the appointment \/ event.",
"appointment_belongs": "Institution",
"appointment_added": "An appointment has been added.",
"description": "Description",
"description_explica": "Description of the event.",
"there_are_no_appointments": "There are no appointments yet.",
"appointments_list": "List appointments",
"appointment_no_name": "The appointment has no name.",
"appointments_edit": "Edit an appointment",
"image_uploaded": "The image has been uploaded",
"appointment_deleted": "The appointment has been deleted",
"image_deleted": "The image has been deleted",
"appointment_edited": "The appointment has been edited.",
"make_public": "Set to public",
"make_hidden": "Set to hidden",
"upload_image": "Upload image",
"delete_image": "Delete",
"start_time_hour": "Hour",
"start_time_min": "Minute",
"images": "Images",
"url": "URL",
"url_explica": "URL to another web page representing the appointment. Needs to be a valid URL - starting with http:\/\/ or https:\/\/.",
"allAppointments": "All appointments",
"new_appointment": "New appointment",
"base_data": "Basic information about the appointment",
"no_appointments_text": "No appointment has been added for your museum yet (hence, we cannot list any). You may:"
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@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
"basis": {
"museum": "Museum",
"museum_choose": "Select a museum",
"museum_change": "Edit entry of museum",
"museum_input": "Add a museum",
"collection": "Collection",
"collection_choose": "Select a collection",
"collection_change": "Edit entry for collection",
"collection_input": "Add a collection",
"object": "Object",
"object_choose": "Select an object",
"object_input": "Edit an object",
"users": "Users",
"users_choose": "Select a user",
"users_input": "Add an user",
"basis": "Basics",
"resource": "Resource",
"addendum": "Addendum",
"administration": "Administration",
"abode": "Location",
"rights": "Rights",
"remarks": "Remarks",
"goes_to": "Goes to",
"send": "Save",
"again": "Once again",
"show": "show",
"search": "Search",
"disconnect": "Disconnect",
"place": "Place",
"actor": "Person\/Institution",
"actor_short": "Actor",
"time": "Time",
"tag": "Keyword",
"event": "Event",
"pi_relation": "Related person or institution",
"place_relation": "Related place",
"time_related": "Related time",
"did_you_mean": "Did you mean",
"choosing_by_clicking": "Please select",
"already_known": "Is already known",
"back": "back",
"found": "Found",
"or": "Or",
"literature": "Literature",
"weblink": "Web link",
"document": "Document",
"single_object": "Single object",
"objectgroup": "Object group",
"objectgroup_choose": "Select an object group",
"objectgroup_change": "Edit an object group",
"objectgroup_input": "Add an object group",
"literature_choose": "Select literature",
"literature_change": "Edit literature",
"literature_input": "Add literature",
"objects": "Objects",
"overview": "Overview",
"notfound": "Sorry, nothing found",
"oak": "Objects on map",
"record_history": "Record history",
"loans": "Loan Management",
"exhibitions": "Exhibits",
"restoration": "Restoration",
"provenanceresearch": "Provenance research",
"account_settings": "Account settings",
"edit": "Edit",
"contacts": "Contacts",
"contacts_input": "Add a contact",
"contacts_edit": "Edit contact",
"loans_input": "Add loan entry",
"loans_edit": "Edit a loan entry",
"delete": "Delete",
"exhibitions_input": "Add an exhibition",
"loans_choose": "Select a loan entry",
"contacts_choose": "Select a contact",
"exhibitions_choose": "Select an exhibition",
"impressum": "impressum",
"privacy_policy": "Privacy policy",
"appointments_input": "Add an appointment",
"appointments": "Appointments",
"appointments_choose": "Select an appointment",
"link_no_url": "The link you provided is no valid URL.",
"yes": "yes",
"no": "no",
"more": "More",
"amount_all": "Total",
"icon": "Icon",
"actions": "Actions",
"add": "Add",
"lists": "Lists",
"settings": "Settings",
"public_page": "Public page",
"toggles": "Toggles",
"own_rule_create": "Create own rule",
"own_rule_delete": "Remove own rule",
"own_rule_edit": "Edit own rule",
"less": "Less",
"grid": "Grid",
"sort": "Sort",
"quilt": "Quilt",
"options": "Options",
"newspapers_mailing_lists": "Newspapers and mailing lists",
"room": "Room",
"image": "Image",
"menu_items": "Menu Items"
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@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
"check_tag": {
"to_short": "The keyword you entered was too short",
"you_entered": "You entered",
"already_known_as": "This is already known as a",
"unknown": "This term is unknown",
"proposals": "Probably you meant one of the following terms",
"persons_to_events": "Persons or Institutions should always be connected through an event. If, for example, a person is "shown at" or has "produced" the object, please use an event",
"place_to_events": "Places should principally be related to the object using events. If a place is e.g. the "place of production" or the "place of use", please use an event.",
"time_to_events": "Timespans should principally be related to the object using events. If a timespan is e.g. the "time of production" or the "time of usage", please use an event.",
"part_of_event": "Save as part of an event",
"relate_person_explica": "If persons or institutions cannot be related through an event, i.e. it exists only a general relation (e.g. a coin commemoration Churchill but not showing him - otherwise use an event), then, and only then, you should save this person or institution as a "related person or institution". Please save such relations only if you have not entered a relation between the object and this person or institution already in an event!",
"relate_place_explica": "If places cannot be linked through an event, i.e. it exists only a general relation (e.g. a place shown at a cup), then, and only then, you should save this place as a "related place". Please save such relations only if you have not entered a relation between the object and the given place already in an event!",
"relate_time_explica": "If timespans cannot be linked through an event, i.e. it exists only a general relation (e.g. the object resembles exactly the design of the 1950s or it is a book about the 19th century), then, and only then, you should save this time as "related time". Please save such relations only if you have not entered a relation between the object and and the given time already in an event!",
"might_be_keyword": "If you did not mean any of the displayed terms (and only then), you might save your term as a keyword",
"save_new_tag": "Save as new keyword - no typo?",
"already_in_event": "is already related to the object through an event. You should only save another relation if this is a very remarkable one.",
"special_relation": "A special relation exists. (Save)",
"better_back": "Alright, do nothing. (Go back)",
"yes_saveit": "Yes (store relation)",
"new_term": "Introduce new term and relate to object",
"found_similar": "Found similar term(s)",
"aborted_short_input": "Aborted: Text is too short.",
"really_tag": "Really a tag?",
"tag_had_been_linked": "The tag had been linked before",
"input_too_short_aborted": "Your input was too short. Aborted.",
"minimum_3_characters": "3 characters minimum"
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@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
"collection": {
"name": "Collection title",
"samnam_explica": "Use a short title - This title will be displayed in tables and lists.<br><br>Example 1: \"Paintings\"<br>Example 2: \"Collection on brewing beer\"<br>Example 3: \"Estate of Illies\"<br><br><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#660000;\">Please always fill in this field!<\/b>",
"description": "Description",
"sambesch_explica": "A description of the collection. A good length is about 1000 characters (one to two paragraphs).<br><br>Possible questions: What topics does the collection deal with? How many objects regarding these are included? What led to the creation of the collection? Are there any special objects in this collection?<br><br>A very thorough description is an option, too. In case you want to have this, please send the description to the administrator<br><br><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#660000;\">Please always fill in this field!<\/b>",
"link_to_source": "Link to external source",
"samurl_explica": "Here you can enter a link to some external website, that has further information on the collection.<br><br>Please provide an absolute URL: Keep the \"http:\/\/\" or \"https:\/\/\" at the start of the URL.<br><br><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#006600;\">This field can be left empty<\/b>",
"mail": "Mail address for collection",
"sammail_explica": "A mail address for questions regarding the collection. If an E-mail address has been entered here, users will get be given the option to ask for information or sent notes via E-mail below the objects included in this collection. In this case, the recipient line of the mail formular will be automatically filled in with the respective information.<br><br><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#006600;\">This field can be left empty<\/b>",
"image_click": "Target for click at image",
"sambild_explica": "Just enter anything, if you want to upload an image. The URL put into this field will be used as a link for when users click on the image of the collection.<br><br>Please use an absolute URL: Keep the \"http:\/\/\" or \"https:\/\/\" at the start of the URL.<br><br><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#006600;\">This field can be left empty<\/b>",
"factsheet": "Link to fact sheet",
"samdaba_explica": "Please leave this field empty!<br><br>The internal place a document with a thorough description of the collection will be saved here. Usually this document is saved as a .PDF file.",
"no_name": "Please enter the title of the collection!<\/p><p class=\"ohne\">[A collection without a title will be hard to find]",
"no_descroption": "Please enter a description of the collection!<\/p><p class=\"ohne\">[A collection`s description deals with e.g. what is included in the collection, what is special about it, how many objects there are in it... A good length is about 1000 letters (one to two paragraphs). Less is possible, too; but please: It needs to be descriptive!]",
"subordinate": "Subordinate this collection to another",
"subordinate_choose": "Please choose the collection it should be subordinate to from the list",
"raise_level": "Raise level of this collection",
"delete": "Delete collection",
"no_description": "Description missing",
"satellite": "Collections not belonging to a museum",
"objects": "Objects",
"collection_image": "Image for collection",
"collection_image_change": "Change image",
"collection_image_delete": "Delete image",
"collection_no_image": "No image uploaded",
"collection_upload_image": "Upload image",
"connect_to_museum": "Link with a museum",
"connected_to_museum": "Connected to museum",
"connected_to_museums": "Connected to more than one museum",
"no_disconnect": "<b>Attention:<\/b> The connection to the institution can only be cut if this collection does not have any subcollections and is not a subcollection itself.",
"no_of_objects": "Objects in collection",
"list_of_objects": "List of objects",
"delete_question": "You are about to delete a collection !",
"delete_no": "No, not really (back)",
"delete_yes": "Yes, that's what I want",
"add_a_collection": "Add a Collection",
"collection_has_been_added": "The collection has been added.",
"edit_a_collection": "Edit a Collection",
"collection_has_been_edited": "Edits to the collection have been stored.",
"collection_overview": "Collection Overview",
"collection_order": "Order",
"no_collection_yet": "You (or your institution) doesn't yet have any collections.",
"collection_moved": "The collection was moved",
"base_data": "Basic information about the collection",
"related_collections": "Related collections",
"superordinate_collections": "Superordinate collections",
"subordinate_collections": "Subordinate collections",
"minimum_3_characters": "3 characters minimum",
"collection_image_deleted": "Deleted collection image",
"all_collections": "All collections",
"up": "Up",
"down": "Down",
"main_image": "Main image",
"add_alternative_language": "All alternative language entry for this collection"
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@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
"tlCond": {
"condition_documentation": "Condition documentation",
"exhibitable": "Use in exhibitions",
"movable": "Use in loans",
"needsRestoration": "Needs restoration",
"short_notice": "Short notice",
"upload_image_pdf": "Upload image or PDF",
"specific_notes": "Single attributes",
"value": "Value",
"new_field": "Add attribute",
"field_name": "Add attribute (Name)",
"field_value": "Add attribute (Value)",
"reports": "Reports",
"add_report": "Add report",
"title": "Title",
"content": "Content",
"damage": "Damage",
"conservation": "Conservation",
"condition": "State",
"restoration": "Restoration",
"other_report": "Other report",
"creator": "Creator",
"date": "Date",
"delete": "Delete",
"type": "Type"
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@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
"contacts": {
"given_name": "Given name",
"given_name_explica": "The given name of a person. Optional.",
"family_name": "Family name",
"family_name_explica": "The family name of a person. Optional.",
"name": "Full name",
"name_explica": "Full name of a person or institution. Required.",
"remark": "Note",
"remark_explica": "Shared notes about a person. Optional.",
"gender": "Gender",
"gender_explica": "Gender of a person.",
"title": "Title",
"title_explica": "The (academic, institutional, religious, ...) title of a person.",
"organization": "Organization",
"organization_explica": "The organization a person belongs to.",
"street": "Street address",
"street_explica": "Street address of a person or institution.",
"place": "Place",
"place_explica": "Place of a person or institution.",
"contacts_no_name": "A name is required for this contact.",
"categories": "Categories",
"categories_explica": "Categories of the person or institution. Best entered with a comma for a separator. Optional.",
"contacts_added": "Added the new contact",
"email": "Email",
"email_explica": "Email address of the contact.",
"contacts_list": "Contacts list",
"contacts_edited": "The contact has been updated",
"contact_belongs": "Contact belongs to",
"export_contact": "Export contact",
"send_mail": "Send mail",
"contacts_deleted": "Deleted contact",
"url": "URL",
"url_explica": "URL of the website of the person or institution. Must be an absolute URL (starting with <code>http:\/\/<\/code> or <code>https:\/\/<\/code>).",
"zip_code": "Zip code",
"zip_code_explica": "ZIP code of the institution.",
"contacts_added_loan": "The contact has been added. You can now link it with the loan entry.",
"contacts_list_empty": "Your list of contacts is empty thus far.",
"all_contacts": "All contacts",
"contact_details": "Contact details",
"new_contact": "New contact",
"no_contacts": "Contacts list is empty",
"no_contacts_text": "No contact has been added for your museum yet (hence, we cannot list any). You may:"
"gender": [
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
"tlConversations": {
"start_conversation": "Start conversation",
"view_conversation": "View conversation",
"conversations": "Conversations",
"no_messages": "There are no messages here."
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
"data_history": {
"addendum": "Additional information",
"addition": "Object record created",
"administration": "Administrative information",
"base": "Basic information",
"collection": "Link with collection",
"deletion": "Object deleted",
"event": "Event",
"link": "Link with hyperlink",
"literature": "Link with literature",
"location": "Information about whereabouts",
"notes": "Remarks",
"record": "Alternative language record",
"resource": "Link with image or resource",
"rights": "Rights informationen",
"serie": "Link with object group",
"tag": "Link with keyword",
"visibility": "Visibility",
"type_of_edit": "Changed ...",
"date": "at",
"user": "by"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
"db_links": {
"deleted_obj_persinst": "Link to person has been removed from the object.",
"deleted_obj_time": "Link to time has been removed from the object.",
"deleted_obj_place": "Link to place has been removed from the object.",
"deleted_obj_tag": "Link to tag has been removed from the object.",
"deleted_obj_lit": "Link to literature entry has been removed from the object.",
"deleted_obj_link": "Link to hyperlink has been removed from the object.",
"deleted_obj_image": "The image has been removed.",
"deleted_obj_museum": "Object has been removed from the museum.",
"deleted_obj_collection": "Object has been removed from the collection.",
"deleted_obj_series": "Object has been removed from the object group.",
"deleted_tag_obj": "Link to object has been removed from the tag.",
"deleted_lit_obj": "Link to object has been removed from the literature entry.",
"deleted_museum_collection": "Collection has been removed from the museum.",
"added_obj_collection": "Added object to collection.",
"added_obj_literature": "The bibliographic entry has been linked with the object.",
"added_obj_link": "The link has been connected with the object.",
"added_obj_tag": "The object has been linked to tag(s)",
"annotation_deleted": "The annotation has been removed.",
"obj_tag_already_added": "The tag was already linked with the object",
"obj_link_already_added": "The link was already linked with the object",
"obj_literature_already_added": "The literature entry was already linked with the object",
"obj_collection_already_added": "The collection was already linked with the object"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
"event": {
"choose_new_type": "Please select another type of event",
"what": "What",
"when": "When",
"who": "Who",
"where": "Where",
"add_placename": "Insert place name",
"no_place": "Delete place name in event",
"add_actor": "Insert actor",
"no_actor": "Delete actor in event",
"add_time": "Insert time",
"no_time": "Delete time in event",
"last_used": "Last used",
"delete_event": "Delete the event",
"delete_question": "You are about to delete an event",
"delete_no": "No, not really (back)",
"delete_yes": "Yes, that's what I want",
"check_not_enough": "There is not enough information to save an event",
"check_stop_input": "Stop event generation - return to object",
"check_time_heading": "Adding an event ... Checking time term",
"check_time_term": "Time term",
"check_time_already_related": "is already related to the object through a time relation! You should add relations to time terms only if the object is especially typical for this time.",
"check_time_already_event": "is already related to the object via an event! Do you really like to add another event with the same time term?",
"check_time_already_related_event": "is already related to the object via a time relation AND an event! Do you really like to add another event with the same time term?",
"check_time_new": "Introduce new time term and connect",
"check_time_connect": "Connect object with this time",
"check_time_ignore": "Ignore time term",
"found_similar": "Found similar terms",
"check_use_time": "Use new time term",
"check_already_special relation": "is already related to the object through a time relation or an event!",
"check_takeit": "... use it",
"check_takeit_nevermind": "Never mind, use it",
"check_actor_heading": "Adding an event ... Checking actor name",
"check_actor_term": "The actor name",
"check_actor_already_related": "is already related to the object through an actor-relation - in the form of",
"check_actor_additional_event_with": "Should an additional event for the object be created - with",
"check_actor_already_event": "is already related to the object through an event - in the form of",
"check_actor_already_related_event": "is already related to the object through an actor-relation AND an event - in the form of",
"check_actor_new": "Introduce new person or institution and connect",
"check_actor_notmeant": "Not the actor that was meant (introduce new actor and connect)",
"check_actor_introduce": "introduce as actor",
"check_actor_ignore": "Ignore actor name",
"check_use_actor": "Use new actor name",
"check_place_heading": "Adding an event ... Checking place name",
"check_place_term": "The place name",
"check_place_already_related": "is already related to the object through a geographical relation! You should add additional geographical relations only if the object is very closely related to the place.",
"check_place_already_event": "is already related to the object through an event! Should an additional event be created using",
"check_place_new": "Introduce new placename and connect",
"check_place_notmeant": "Not the place that was meant (introduce new placename and connect)",
"check_place_connect": "Connect the object with this place",
"check_place_ignore": "Ignore place name",
"check_use_place": "Use new place name",
"you_entered": "You entered",
"yes": "Yes",
"check_already_other_event": "is already related to the object through another event! Should an additional event for the object be created using",
"check_additional_event": "Yes, another event with the same term is related to the object (Save)",
"check_better_back": "Ok, better not ... (Go back)",
"classic_new_event": "New event relating to",
"classic_do_nothing": "Don't save, go back to object",
"classic_recently_used": "Recently used",
"classic_one_element_minimum": "At least one answer to the questions of <i>\"When\"-\"Who\"-\"Where\"<\/i> has to be provided",
"classic_eventtype_needed": "You have to select an event type",
"classic_annotation_intro": "Annotation to the event",
"classic_explica_recently": "<b>Table: \"Recently used ...\"<\/b><br><br>Instead of choosing a term by clicking at <b>When<\/b>, <b>Who<\/b> or <b>Where<\/b> (above) you may use a recently used term by clicking in this table",
"change_title": "Edit event related to",
"title_help": "Event types (... and how they should be used ...)",
"event_deleted": "The event has been removed.",
"event_edited": "The event has been updated.",
"event_switched_uncertain": "Relation has marked as uncertain.",
"event_switched_certain": "Relation has marked as certain.",
"aborted_short_input": "Aborted: Text is too short.",
"add_pers_first": "Please check first if the actor you want to add is known already.",
"add_pers_second": "To do so please type in the name slowly.",
"add_pers_third": "If the appearing window contains the name click on it.",
"add_pers_forth": "If not, simply complete typing the name and press Enter.",
"add_placename_first": "Please check first if the place you want to use is known already.",
"add_placename_second": "To do so please type in the place slowly.",
"add_placename_third": "If the appearing window contains the place click on it.",
"add_placename_forth": "If not, simply complete typing the place and press Enter.",
"add_time_first": "Please check first if the time you want to use is known already.",
"add_time_second": "To do so please type in the time slowly.",
"add_time_third": "If the appearing window contains the time click on it.",
"add_time_forth": "If not, simply complete typing the time and press Enter.",
"find_actor": "Find an actor",
"find_placename": "Find a place",
"find_time": "Find a time",
"input_too_short_aborted": "Your input was too short. Aborted.",
"minimum_3_characters": "3 characters minimum",
"similar_event_already_added": "A similar event had already been added",
"event_added": "The event has been added",
"check_already_special_relation": "is already related to the object through a time relation or an event!",
"edit_event": "Edit the event",
"clone_event": "Clone the event"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
"tlExhibitions": {
"title": "Title",
"description": "Description",
"start_date": "Start date",
"end_date": "End date",
"visible_publicly": "Visibility on public page",
"exhibitions_added": "A new exhibition has been added",
"name_explica": "The name of the exhibition. Required.",
"start_date_explica": "Start date of the exhbtion.",
"end_date_explica": "End date of the exhibition.",
"description_explica": "Description of the exhibition.",
"exhibitions_list": "List of exhibitions",
"exhibition_edited": "The exhibition has been updated",
"exhibition_deleted": "The exhibition has been deleted",
"exhibitions_edit": "Edit an exhibition",
"catalogue_link": "Link to Catalogue",
"catalogue_link_explica": "Link to the catalogue. For example in PDF format. Must be an absolute URL.",
"make_public": "Make this exhibition public",
"make_hidden": "Set this exhibition to not public",
"uploaded_poster": "Uploaded image for exhibition",
"select_exhibition": "Select an Exhibition",
"exhibition_belongs": "Exhibition belongs to",
"upload_image_pdf": "Upload image or PDF",
"delete_image_pdf": "Delete",
"obj_link_with_exhibition": "Link with an Exhibition",
"obj_linked_exhibitions": "Linked Exhibitions",
"exhibitions_list_empty": "Your list of exhibitions is empty thus far. Add one.",
"remove_obj": "Unlink",
"options": "Options",
"description_too_short": "Description too short (should be min. 25 characters)",
"url": "URL",
"url_explica": "URL to another web page representing the exhibition. Needs to be a valid URL - starting with http:\/\/ or https:\/\/.",
"upload_image": "Upload image",
"add_tour": "Add tour of the exhibition",
"edit_tour": "Edit tour of the exhibition",
"all_exhibitions": "All exhibitions",
"minimum_3_characters": "3 characters minimum",
"base_data": "Basic information about the exhibition",
"exhibitions_list_empty_text": "No exhibition entry has been added for your museum yet (hence, we cannot list any). You may:",
"linked_an_exhibition": "Linked an exhibition with the object",
"removed_obj_exh_link": "Removed link of object with an exhibition",
"permanent_exhibition": "Permanent exhibition"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
"export": {
"no_institution": "Cannot detect the institution for which the export is to be prepared.",
"welcome": "Welcome at the export dialogue system for",
"intro_general": "Here you can export your data as an XML file. You decide a) which objects' data you are going to export and b) which specific information about each single object is to be exported. If you export all information about all objects (default), you will create data for backing up, that can be processed by also by other programs. Do not give this data to a third person! If you set \"Public info only\" to \"Yes\", you can determine what data is to be exported yourself.",
"yes": "Yes",
"no": "No",
"all": "All",
"selection": "Selection",
"nothing": "Nothing",
"datasets_which": "Which datasets are to be exported",
"datasets_hidden": "Export hidden data",
"datasets_all": "Export all data",
"single_collection": "Export a single collection",
"single_objectgroup": "Export a single object group",
"title_filter": "Filter-based XML-Export",
"intro_filter": "You are about to export all objects that match your filter rules. Here you can determine which information about the objects will be exported. You can also determine the format the XML file will be written in. If you click on \"Save\" without changing anything, all infomation about the objects will be exported using the md:xml format. If you select \"LIDO\" as your format of choice, only information that has already been made public will be available - you can set further limitations to this selection. Basic rule:<br>• You select md:xml as the format of choice, click on \"Save\" and receive a file containing all information about the objects from the server. Or:<br>• You select \"LIDO\", click on \"Save\" and receive a file containing the usual information used for publication from the server.",
"title_watchlist": "Watchlist-based XML-Export",
"intro_watchlist": "You are about to export all objects of the current watchlist. Here, you can determine which information about the objects will be exported. You can also determine the format the xml file will be written in. If you click on \"Save\" without chaning anything, all infomation about the objects will be exported using the md:xml format. If you select \"LIDO\" as your format of choice, only information that has already been made public will be available - you can set further limitations to this selection. Basic rule:<br>• You select md:xml as the format of choice, click on \"Save\" and receive a file containing all information about the objects from the server. Or:<br>• You select \"LIDO\", click on \"Save\" and receive a file containing the usual information used for publication from the server.",
"title_singleobject": "Export of a single object",
"intro_singleobject": "You are about to export a single object. Here, you can determine which information about the object will be exported. You can also determine the format the xml file will be written in. If you click on \"Save\" without chaning anything, all infomation about the objects will be exported using the md:xml format. If you select \"LIDO\" as your format of choice, only information that has already been made public will be available - you can set further limitations to this selection. Basic rule:<br>• You select md:xml as the format of choice, click on \"Save\" and receive a file containing all information about the objects from the server. Or:<br>• You select \"LIDO\", click on \"Save\" and receive a file containing the usual information used for publication from the server.",
"objectinfo_which": "Which object information to export",
"publicinfo_only": "Public info only",
"per_object": "Which information of an object",
"basicinfo": "Basic informationen",
"objectid": "Object ID",
"invnr": "Inventory number",
"objectkind": "Object type",
"objectname": "Object name",
"objectdescription": "Object description",
"mattech": "Material\/Technique",
"measures": "Measurements",
"deployment": "Deployment",
"lastupdate_at": "Last edit, date",
"lastupdate_by": "Last edit, by",
"firstsaved_at": "First edit, date",
"firstsaved_by": "First edit, by",
"addendum": "Additional information",
"administration": "Object administration",
"backup_intro": "The backup you are creating contains <b>all<\/b> informationen from <b>all<\/b> objects of your institution. Especially if you use museum-digital for inventarization, keep in mind: <\/p><p style=\"text-align:center\"><br><b style=\"color:993333;\">Don't give this backup to anyone!<\/b><\/p><br>As soon as you click the button below the server will create a ZIP-file. This file contains many small files - one per object. Immediately after creation the server sends you this file automatically. Please store this file at a save place. Backups should best be made at fixed intervals (e.g. every second week). If there is a lot of data the creation of the backup might take some time. Please sit back and wait a moment ...",
"exact_location_place_two": "Exact location, name of place 2",
"exact_location_place_relation_two": "Exact location, relations of place 2",
"exact_location_place_longitude_two": "Exact location, longitude of place 2",
"exact_location_place_latitude_two": "Exact location, latitude of place 2",
"alternative_object_name": "Alternative objekt name",
"alternative_object_name_qualifier": "Alternative objekt name (qualifier)",
"extended_description": "Extended description",
"inscription": "Inscription",
"exact_measurements_length_value": "Exact measurements, length (value)",
"exact_measurements_length_unit": "Exact measurements, length (unit)",
"exact_measurements_width_value": "Exact measurements, width (value)",
"exact_measurements_width_unit": "Exact measurements, width (unit)",
"exact_measurements_height_value": "Exact measurements, height (value)",
"exact_measurements_height_unit": "Exact measurements, height (unit)",
"exact_measurements_weight_value": "Exact measurements, weight (value)",
"exact_measurements_weight_unit": "Exact measurements, weight (unit)",
"exact_measurements_wall_size_value": "Exact measurements, wall size (value)",
"exact_measurements_wall_size_unit": "Exact measurements, wall size (unit)",
"exact_measurements_diameter_value": "Exact measurements, diameter (value)",
"exact_measurements_diameter_unit": "Exact measurements, diameter (unit)",
"exact_measurements_number_pieces": "Exact measurements, number of pieces",
"exact_measurements_number_pages": "Exact measurements, number of pages",
"exact_measurements_stamp_position": "Exact measurements, stamp position",
"similar_objects": "Similar objects",
"specific_entries_material": "Specific entries: Material",
"specific_entries_technique": "Specific entries: technique",
"export_in_which_format": "Export in which format ?",
"md_standard_format": "md:xml (museum-digital standard format)"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
"image_incha": {
"replace_version": "Replace version of image",
"replace_maximum": "Largest version",
"replace_medium": "Medium-size version",
"replace_small": "Smallest version",
"replace_all": "All three versions",
"replace_remark": "What is shown is the medium-size version. Because of later edits the smaller or bigger version might differ.",
"image_name": "Name of image",
"bildname_explica": "The image name is important for<br\/>• search engine optimization (\"Title-Tags\")<br\/>• overview in the list of representations.<br\/><br\/>In most cases it suffices to repeat the name of the object represented.<br\/><br\/>[Default value is object name]<br\/><br\/><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#660000;\">Please always fill out<\/b>",
"image_description": "Image description",
"bildbesch_explica": "Here you can store annotations and remarks concerning the object representation (<b style=\"color:#990000;\">NOT<\/b> concerning the object itself) <br\/><br\/>Example 1: \"Detail\"<br\/>Example 2: \"Rear side\"<br\/>Example 3: \"1 of 4\"<br\/><br\/><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#006600;\">Might be left empty<\/b>",
"image_folder": "Image folder",
"ordner_explica": "The image folder is shown during the uploading process. Usually it starts with the word \"images\", the year, the month. For example: \"images 201504\"<br\/><br\/><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#660000;\">Please always fill out<\/b>",
"image_filename": "Image filename",
"dateiname_explica": "The filename of the image is shown during the uploading process. It has to be provided including the extension (eg. \"317.jpg\" instead of \"317)<br\/><br\/><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#660000;\">Please always fill out<\/b>",
"photographer": "Photographer",
"creator_explica": "If it is not unknown, the photographer's name should be mentioned here. Please enter only the name.<br\/><br\/>Example: \"A. Schnitzler\"<br\/>Example: \"Manfred Zweigelt\"<br\/><br\/><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#660000;\">Please always fill out<\/b>",
"image_rightsholder": "Rights holder (image)",
"owner_explica": "Who owns the digital representation of the object?\"<br\/><br\/><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#660000;\">Please always fill out<\/b>",
"rights_status": "Rights status (image)",
"rechte_explica": "Which <b style=\"color:#000099;\">license applies for the image<\/b> (in all sizes) apply?<br\/>i.e. <b style=\"color:#990000;\">NOT<\/b> rights of the displayed object<br\/>E.g. <b style=\"color:#990000\">NOT<\/b> rights of previews<br\/><br\/><br\/>Please select a value from the list (left)<br\/>More information available by clicking the brown [i] (right)<br\/><br\/>[Default: CC BY-NC-SA]",
"rights_allowed": "Licenses that might be selected",
"info_needed": "You have to name rights holder and rights status",
"image_connect": "Link with an object",
"go_object": "Go to object",
"info_completeit": "Complete the info and accept by clicking on \"Save\"",
"replace": "Replace",
"change_from_folder": "From folder",
"change_file": "the file",
"replace_with": "Replace with",
"upload_jpg_title": "Upload of an object image (JPG)",
"prerequisites": "Prerequisites",
"prerequisites_filename": "Filename does not contain any umlauts, no dots, no special characters, no spaces",
"prerequisites_fileformat": "The image has to be a JPG file with a resolution of 72 dpi or 96 dpi",
"prerequisites_imagesize_general": "The short side should have a minimum of 540px. The long side should not exceed 3000px",
"prerequisites_imagesize_mussam": "Mininum width of 200px",
"prerequisites_filesize_general": "Filesize should not exceed 2 MB (for maps etc. up to 10 MB). Usually 100 kb to 500 kb suffices. JPG files with a quality \/ compression levelf 60-70% often give rather good results already",
"prerequisites_filesize_mussam": "Filesize should not exceed 2 MB",
"reduction_museum": "Please select a file for upload. Will be resized automatically",
"reduction_general": "Please select a file for upload in maximum size. The two smaller versions of the image will be created automatically",
"last_uploaded": "Last uploaded",
"upload_failed": "Something went wrong. Possibly you did not give a filename. To try again, please use the <em>back<\/em> button of your browser",
"too_small": "You tried to upload an image smaller than the minimum size",
"shortcuts": "Shortcuts",
"shortcut_description": "Click to take as image description",
"global_max_upload_size": "Overall, the maximum size of a given upload is:",
"image_data": "Image data"
"incha_image": {
"front": "Front view",
"rear": "Rear view",
"overall": "Overall view",
"detail": "Detail view",
"insert": "Insert",
"insert_go": "Insert and continue",
"no_title": "Please provide a title for the image",
"image_switched_forward": "The image was moved forward in the order of images.",
"image_switched_backward": "The image was moved backwards in the order of images.",
"made_main": "The image was made the main image for this object.",
"switched_non-public": "The image was made non-public.",
"switched_public": "The image was made public.",
"edit_image": "Edit image information",
"rewrote_iptc": "Updated IPTC data.",
"rewrote_iptc_all": "Updated IPTC data for all linked images.",
"rotated": "The image has been rotated.",
"flipped": "The image has been inverted vertically.",
"flopped": "The image has been inverted horizontally.",
"watermarked": "The image has been watermarked.",
"edited": "Resource information was updated.",
"deleted": "The resource has been removed.",
"uploaded": "The image has been uploaded."
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
"link": {
"link_explica": "Please enter sources from anywhere else on the Internet here. The sources should have a close relation to the object. Please do not enter links to sources, which focus on the creator instead of the object itself. Mind, linking is only worthwhile if the source is trustworthy and it is probable that it will not vanish too soon. For example: private homepages often disappear soon after they have been created.",
"link_not_listed": "If you want to link to a source that is not yet listed, please click here",
"text": "Text to be shown",
"linkname_explica": "This text will be displayed along with the object. It should be as short as possible. If it links to Wikipedia, please start it like this: \"Wikipedia entry about ...\"<br><br><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#660000;\">Please always fill in this field!<\/b>",
"url": "URL (with http:\/\/ or https:\/\/)",
"linklink_explica": "Please enter an absolute URL here!! (That means, incl. \"http:\/\/\" or \"https:\/\/\")<br><br><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#660000;\">Please always fill in this field!<\/b>",
"no_text": "Please enter a text for displaying the link!<\/p><p class=\"ohne\">Users will click on this text to activate the link. It is also used to identify the link in the editing\/adding tool. E.g.: \"Wikipedia entry about...\"",
"no_url": "Please enter an URL to link to!<\/p><p class=\"ohne\">The URL of the website the link leads to.",
"document_explica": "* Here you can upload documents related to the object (as PDF files exclusively) - or just link the object with an already existent document.",
"document_not_listed": "If the document is not listed, please click here",
"objobj_explica": "* Please use this function only if you want to link a <b style=\"color:006600;\">single object<\/b> with <b style=\"color:#006600;\">another single object<\/b>.<br>* Please <b style=\"color:#990000;\">do not<\/b> use it if you want to link it with a group (2 or more) of objects.",
"link_from": "First",
"single_to": "You are about to link to another object at museum-digital. Please enter the ID of the target object here",
"single_target": "Second",
"single_first_bottom": "What links the objects to each other? Please enter here how the object on the left is related to the one on the right?<br>Example 1: \"Almost identical object\"<br>Example 2: \"Object of the same kind in another museum\"<br>Example 3: \"The person on the left can be found on the other photo\"",
"single_second_bottom": "What links the objects to each other? Please enter here how the object on the right is related to the one on the left?<br>Example 1: \"Almost identical object\"<br>Example 2: \"Object of the same kind in another museum\"<br>Example 3: \"The person on the left can be found on the other photo\"",
"single_either": "Either add ... and send",
"single_as_left": "Same text on both sides",
"single_no_backlink": "No link back to the first object",
"series_explica": "* Here you can link an object with a Objekt einer group of objects. Examples for object groups are: a photo album, a folder containing drawings, a series of bills, ...<br>* Please do not use to link to another single object.",
"series_part_of": "The object already belongs to the following object groups",
"series_make_part": "You may make the object part of an existing object group",
"series_create_series": "You may create a new object group",
"series_name": "Name of object group",
"seriename_explica": "This text is the name of the object group\/series in the editing tool and it is used for overview functions. No name of a series may exist more than once.<br><br><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#660000;\">Please always fill in this field!<\/b>",
"series_description": "Description of object group",
"serietext_explica": "This text will serve as the description of the group\/series\/album ...<br>Suggestions on content: What similarities do the objects share? How many objects are contained? Are there any notable facts about the group\/album\/series?<br><br><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#660000;\">Please always fill in this field!<\/b>",
"series_no_name": "Please enter a title for the series!<\/p><p class=\"ohne\">A short title is best! No title may exist more than once.",
"series_no_description": "Please enter a description for the series!<\/p><p class=\"ohne\">A description of the series as a text. There are no limitations to the length of the text.",
"series_back_object": "Back to object",
"series_back_series": "Back to object group connection",
"series_back_table": "Back to object group overview",
"series_list": "Generate table from object group",
"series_move_down": "Moves object towards the rear of the series",
"series_move_up": "Moves object towards the front of the series",
"relate_objekt": "Add relation to an object",
"series_no_series": "No object group available",
"hide_objectgroup": "Hide object group",
"show_objectgroup": "Make object group public",
"objectgroup_number_member": "Number of objects in this group",
"html_catalogue": "HTML catalogue",
"series_belongs": "Object group belongs to",
"series_delete": "Delete object group",
"series_delete_question": "You are about deleting an object group",
"series_presentation": "Show object group as ...",
"show_series_at_museumsite": "Show at museum page",
"hide_series_at_museumsite": "Hide at museum page",
"show_map_with_series": "Show map for public",
"hide_map_with_series": "Hide map for public",
"series_map_set_nonpublic": "The series page will be displayed without a map.",
"series_map_set_public": "The series page will be displayed with a map.",
"series_add": "Add an object group",
"series_added": "A new object group has been added.",
"series_update": "Edit an object group",
"series_updated": "Information on the object group has been updated.",
"series_objpos_backward": "The object was moved backwards.",
"series_objpos_forward": "The object was moved forward.",
"linked_obj_obj": "Linked object with another object.",
"linked_obj_series": "Linked object with a series.",
"objectgroup_hidden": "The series has been made non-public.",
"objectgroup_visible": "The series has been made public.",
"objectgroup_visible_museumpage": "The series will be shown at the museum page",
"objectgroup_hidden_museumpage": "The series will not be shown at the museum page",
"single_from": "From",
"link_edited": "Link was edited",
"files_in_index": "Files in index",
"links_good": "Links with no issues",
"links_referral": "Links with a referral only",
"links_error": "Links with errors",
"index_more": "Index more",
"url_simple": "URL",
"status_code": "Status Code",
"date_checked": "Date checked",
"link_validity_check": "Link validity check",
"no_checks_run_yet": "No checks run yet",
"all_series": "All series",
"series_base_data": "Basic information about the series",
"series_objects": "Objects for series",
"xml_export": "Export (XML)",
"link_validation_tool": "Hyperlink validation tool",
"linked_objects": "Linked objects",
"series_deleted": "The series has been deleted",
"series_no_series_text": "No series \/ object group has been added for your museum yet (hence, we cannot list any). You may:"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
"watchlist": {
"empty": "Erase the current watchlist",
"load": "Load a stored watchlist",
"create_table": "Creates a table with further selection",
"export_xml": "Export objects of current watchlist in XML",
"save": "Save the current watchlist",
"remove_object": "Remove object from watchlist",
"reload": "Reload current watchlist",
"switchstyle": "Switch style of watchlist",
"removed_object": "Removed object from watchlist",
"added_object": "Added object to watchlist",
"reloaded": "Reloaded watchlist",
"emptied": "Emptied watchlist",
"switched_style": "Switched style of watch list"
"table": {
"table_from_filter": "Table from filter",
"table_from_watchlist": "Table from watchlist",
"table_from_objectgroup": "Table from object group",
"export_xml": "Export objekts of table in XML",
"export_csv": "Export objekts of table in CSV",
"per_page": "Per page",
"definition": "Definition",
"order": "Order by",
"columns": "Columns"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
"literature": {
"if_unknown": "If the work of literature is not listed below, please click here",
"author": "Author",
"autor_explica": "Name in reverse order, that means:<br\/>[Surname][, ][Given name]<br><br>Example 1: \"Albrecht, Rainer\"<br>Example 2: \"Puhle, Matthias (Ed.)\"<br><br><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#660000;\">Please always fill in this field!<\/b>",
"year": "Date of publication",
"jahr_explica": "Date of publication (Year)<br><br><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#660000;\">Please always fill in this field!<\/b>",
"title": "Title",
"titel_explica": "Title of the work<br><br><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#660000;\">Please always fill in this field!<\/b>",
"place": "Place of publication",
"ort_explica": "Book: Place the book was published at<br>Article: Name of the magazine\/newspaper the article was published in, page numbers and an \"In: \" at the start.<br><br>Example 1: \"London\"<br>Example 2: \"In: Merkur, Vol. 27, P.7-54\"<br><br><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#660000;\">Please always fill in this field!<\/b>",
"kvk": "Link in KVK",
"kvk_explica": "The arrow to the right opens a window where you can find the literature in KVK (Karlsruher Virtueller Katalog). After finding the literature, please copy the whole URL into this field. Please only fill in links to the KVK",
"no_autor": "Please enter the name of the author",
"where_inside": "Location within the work",
"where_in_explica": "Where in the work of literature is the object mentioned or depicted?",
"no_where_inside": "Please insert a location within the work",
"relate_to_object": "Link with an object",
"insert_object_id": "Insert object ID",
"delete": "Delete this entry",
"literature_show_all": "Show all",
"literature_show_assigned": "Show only entries that are assigned to an institution",
"literature_show_notassigned": "Show only entries that are NOT assigned to an institution",
"abbr": "Short form",
"abbr_explica": "An abbreviation for this entry<br><br><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#006600;\">Might be left empty<\/b>",
"id_in_museum": "ID (in museum)",
"id_in_museum_explica": "The ID of the literature in the library of the museum<br><br><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#006600;\">Might be left empty<\/b>",
"annotation": "Remarks (internal)",
"annotation_explica": "Any remarks concerning this literatur (will not be published)<br><br><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#006600;\">Might be left empty<\/b>",
"isbn": "ISBN",
"isbn_explica": "The ISBN of the book. It does not matter if you type in dashes or use ISBN10 or ISBN13.<br><br><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#660000;\">Might be left empty<\/b>",
"isbn_explica_auto": "The ISBN of the book. It does not matter if you type in dashes or use ISBN10 or ISBN13.<br>If you enther an ISBN here and store it, you will open the opportunity to retrieve information book from the Library of Congress (Washington) by clicking on the arrow to the right. If you like you can thus overwrite your entry.<br><br><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#660000;\">Might be left empty<\/b>",
"gnd": "National Library",
"gnd_short": "NatLib",
"gnd_explica": "The number of the book in the catalogue of the National Library<br><br><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#660000;\">Might be left empty<\/b>",
"online": "Online version",
"online_explica": "Link to a version of the literature available online.<br>Please include http:\/\/ or https:\/\/<br><br><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#660000;\">Might be left empty<\/b>",
"no_relation": "Please assign the literature entry to an institution",
"inlit_added": "A position within the bibliographic entry has been stored.",
"inlit_removed": "Position within the bibliographic entry has been removed.",
"added": "Added the work of literature.",
"edited": "Your edits to the bibliographic entry have been stored.",
"deleted": "The bibliographic entry has been deleted.",
"multiple_institutions": "The bibliographic entry belongs to more than one institution.",
"all_literature_entries": "All literature entries",
"base_data": "Basic information about the literature entry",
"linked_objects": "Linked objects",
"no_literature": "No literature entries yet",
"no_literature_text": "No literature entry has been added for your museum yet (hence, we cannot list any). You may:"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
"tlLoans": {
"partner_institution": "Partner institution",
"partner_institution_explica": "The partner institution with whom the loaning is carried out. Taken from the contacts.",
"partner_contact_person": "Contact person",
"partner_contact_person_explica": "The contact person at the partner institution.",
"start_date": "Start date",
"end_date": "End date",
"start_date_explica": "Start date of the loan.",
"end_date_explica": "End date of the loan.",
"insurance_value": "Insurance value",
"insurance_value_explica": "Overall insurance value of the loan.",
"insurer": "Insurer",
"insurer_explica": "The insurer insuring the loan.",
"insurer_person": "Contact person (insurer)",
"insurer_person_explica": "Contact person at the insurance agency.",
"description": "Description",
"description_explica": "Description or note on the loan.",
"special_requirements": "Special requirements",
"special_requirements_explica": "Special requirements for the loan.",
"loan_belongs": "Loan of institution",
"loans_list": "List loans",
"loan_entry": "Loan entry",
"loan_added": "Loan entry added",
"loans_edited": "Loan entry edited",
"link_with_loan": "Link with loan",
"loan_obj_remark": "Specific note",
"loan_name": "Title",
"loan_name_explica": "A title for the entry.",
"send_mail_to": "Send mail to ...",
"export": "Export",
"export_calendar_item": "Export calendar item",
"loans_deleted": "The loan entry has been deleted",
"delete_link": "Remove link",
"view_loan_entry": "View loan entry",
"about_loan_entry": "About the loan entry",
"add_new_contact": "Add new contact",
"add_new_link_contact": "Add and link new contact",
"updated_link_loan": "Updated link with loan",
"deleted_link_obj_loan": "Deleted link of object with loan entry",
"added_link_obj_loan": "Added link of object with loan entry",
"loans_list_empty": "Your list of loans is empty thus far.",
"view_contact_details": "View contact details",
"select_loan_entry": "Select a loan entry",
"base_data": "Basic information about the loan entry",
"all_loan_entries": "All loan entries",
"must_be_numeric": "Must be a numeric value",
"insurance_currency": "Insurance value: currency",
"loans_list_empty_text": "No loan entry has been added for your museum yet (hence, we cannot list any). You may:"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
"museum": {
"delete": "Delete museum",
"col_short": "Col.",
"obj_short": "Obj.",
"export": "Export",
"museum_name": "Name of museum",
"musnam_explica": "Please specify the language of this entry. Use ISO 639-1 codes, i.e. two letter code like <code>en<\/code>, <code>de<\/code>, <code>pl<\/code>, <code>hu<\/code>, ...<br><br><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#660000;\">Please always fill in this field!<\/b>",
"museum_description": "Description",
"musbesch_explica": "A description of the museum as an institution dedicated to collecting, safe-keeping, and research. A good length is about 1000 letters (one to two paragraphs).<br><br>Of course, a very thorough description is an option, too. If you prefer this, please send the description to the administrator.<br><br><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#660000;\">Please always fill in this field!<\/b>",
"street_house": "Street address",
"musstra_explica": "Street adress<br><br>Example 1: \"Am Rathaus 1\"<br>Example 2: \"Unterweg 12a\"<br>Example 3: \"Rathausplatz\"<br><br><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#660000;\">Please always fill in this field!<\/b>",
"zip_place": "Zip code and city",
"musplz_explica": "Zip code and city<br><br>Example 1: \"06811 Landsberg\"<br>Example 2: \"33649 Bielefeld-Holtkamp\"<br><br><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#660000;\">Please always fill in this field!<\/b>",
"telefone": "Phone number",
"musfon_explica": "There are no rules on the formatting here but don't enter something like \"Tel. ...\". Enter the immediate number only.<br><br>Example 1: (0366) 121214<br>Example 2: 0366-121214<br><br><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#006600;\">This field can be left empty<\/b>",
"telefax": "Telefax number",
"musfax_explica": "There are no rules on the formatting here but don't enter something like \"Fax ...\". Enter the immediate number only.<br><br>Example 1: (0366) 121214<br>Example 2: 0366-121214<br><br><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#006600;\">This field can be left empty<\/b>",
"mail": "Mail address",
"musmail_explica": "Please enter a main mail address of the museum here<br><br>If an E-mail address has been entered here, users will have the option to ask for information or sent notes by mail below the museum's objects. To not offer this to option to the users, please leave this field empty.<br><br><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#006600;\">This field can be left empty<\/b>",
"isil": "ISIL of museum",
"musisil_explica": "Enter the ISIL number of your museum. ISIL numbers are especially important for the electronical exchange of data.<br><br>You can find your museum\u00b4s ISIL number at:<br><a href=\"http:\/\/\" target=\"blank\"><img src=\"img\/go.gif\" alt=\"Go to\"><\/a><br><br><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#006600;\">This field can be left empty<\/b>",
"url": "URL of museum\u00b4s website",
"musurl_explica": "Please enter the URL of your museum's own website. If your museum does not have a website, you can simply ignore this field.<br><br>Please use an absolute URL: Keep the \"http:\/\/\" or \"https:\/\/\" at the beginning of the URL.<br><br><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#006600;\">This field can be left empty<\/b>",
"association": "URL at website of association",
"musverb_explica": "Please enter the URL of the page of this museum on the museum associaton's website. If such a page does not exist, please just leave this field empty.<br><br>Please use an absolute URL: Keep the \"http:\/\/\" at the start of the URL.<br><br><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#006600;\">This field can be left empty<\/b>",
"target_image": "URL for clicks on image",
"musbild_explica": "Here you can enter an URL the user will be linked to upon clicking on the museum\u00b4s image. By this, the user might be linked to for example the website of the museum or a certain object on museum-digital.<br><br>Please use an absolute URL: Keep the \"http:\/\/\" or \"https:\/\/\" at the start of the URL.<br><br><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#006600;\">This field can be left empty<\/b>",
"datasheet": "URL of fact sheet",
"musdaba_explica": "Please leave this field empty!<br><br>The internal place a document with a thorough description of your museum will be saved here. Usually this document is saved as a PDF file.",
"no_name": "A museum's name is required!<\/p><p class=\"ohne\">[Every museum has a name. Please use an easily recognizeable form of the name if possible.]",
"no_description": "Please enter a description of the museum!<\/p><p class=\"ohne\">[The description is essential for this undertaking. After all, the museum should be represented as a place of safe-keeping, researching and collecting. At best, write about 1000 letters.]",
"no_zipcode": "Please enter a zip code and a city here!<\/p><p class=\"ohne\">[Please enter the museum's zip code and city here. Enter your zipcode without spaces; a space is used to differenciate the zipcode from the city.]",
"no_streetname": "Please enter your street address here!<\/p><p class=\"ohne\">[Let people find their way to your museum!]",
"museum_image": "Image for the museum's profile page",
"museum_image_change": "Change image",
"museum_no_image_uploaded": "No image uploaded !",
"upload_image": "Upload image",
"settings_services": "Settings and services concerning the museum",
"add_collection": "Add collection",
"collections_added": "Collections",
"objectgroups_added": "Object groups",
"objects_added": "Objects",
"collections_overview": "Collections overview",
"objectgroups_overview": "Objectgroups overview",
"objects_overview": "Object overview",
"delete_question": "You are about to delete a museum !",
"delete_no": "No, not really (back)",
"delete_yes": "Yes, that's what I want",
"target_image_rights": "Rights for image on the museums page",
"musbild_rights_explica": "Information about rights holders and status concerning the image used to illustrate the museum",
"location_ns": "Map, latitude",
"location_ns_explica": "Coordinates of the museum (latitute)",
"location_ow": "Map, longitude",
"location_ow_explica": "Coordinates of the museum (longitude)",
"location_zoom": "Map, zoom",
"location_zoom_explica": "Zoom factor for display on map",
"museum_has_been_added": "The museum has been added",
"museum_has_been_edited": "Edits to the museum have been stored.",
"museum_has_been_deleted": "The museum has been deleted.",
"museum_add_record": "Add alternative language data for the museum",
"museumrecord_deleted": "Removed alternative language record.",
"museumrecord_visibility_off": "The alternative language record has been made non-public.",
"museumrecord_visibility_on": "The alternative language record has been made public.",
"collections": "Collections",
"public": "Public",
"add_edit_tour": "Add \/ edit tour of the museum",
"tour_tool_headline": "Tour creation tool",
"tour_tool_explica": "Using this tool, you can create tours through your museum. Each different picture is linked to a \"scene\", on which hotspots (small notifiers \/ info markers) can be displayed. To position a hotspot, move the center of the picture (where you see that \"+\") to the spot to mark. Click into the input fields for pitch and yaw to enter the current position for a given hotspot.",
"scene_data": "Scene data",
"sceneHaov": "haov",
"sceneVoav": "vaov",
"edit_hotspots": "Edit hotspots",
"hotspot": "Hotspot",
"pitch": "Pitch",
"yaw": "yaw",
"hotspotText": "Text",
"hotspotType": "Type",
"hotspotURL": "URL",
"hotspotSceneID": "Scene ID",
"remove_hotspot": "Remove hotspot",
"options": "Options",
"add_hotspot": "Add a new hotspot",
"remove_scene_image": "Remove image",
"add_scene": "Add scene",
"remove_scene": "Remove scene",
"remove_tour": "Remove tour",
"add_tour": "Add tour of the museum",
"edit_tour": "Edit tour of the museum",
"sceneTitle": "Scene Title",
"sceneVaov": "vaov",
"sceneChange": "Scene Change",
"return_to_museum": "Return to museum page",
"return_to_exhibition": "Return to exhibition page",
"accessibility": "Accessibility",
"accessibility_explica": "Can the museum be categorized as accessible to disabled people or not?",
"accessibility_text": "Notes on accessibility",
"accessibility_text_explica": "Here you can describe the accessibility situation of the institution in detail.",
"founding_date": "Founding date",
"founding_date_explica": "Year the museum was founded.",
"photos_allowed": "Photos allowed?",
"photos_allowed_explica": "Is it allowed to take photos in the museum?",
"cloakroom_available": "Is a cloakroom available in the museum?",
"lockers_available": "Lockers available?",
"lockers_available_explica": "Are lockers available in the museum?",
"shop_available": "Shop available?",
"shop_available_explica": "Does the museum have a museum store?",
"cafe_available": "Caf\u00e9 available?",
"cafe_available_explica": "Does the museum have a museum caf\u00e9?",
"babycare_room_available": "Baby care room available",
"babycare_room_available_explica": "Is a baby care room available at the museum?",
"cloakroom_available_explica": "Is a cloakroom available in the museum?",
"general_note_opening_hours": "General note on opening hours",
"start_hour": "Start (HH:MM)",
"end_hour": "End (HH:MM)",
"opening_hours_note": "Note for this time time block",
"dow": "Day of week",
"regular_opening_hours": "Regular opening hours",
"new_entry": "New entry",
"entries": "Entries",
"ticket_types": "Ticket types",
"new_ticket_type_name": "New ticket type: name",
"price": "Price",
"currency": "Currency",
"ticket_type_name": "Ticket type: name",
"view_visitor_statistics": "View visitor statistics",
"dow_0": "Monday",
"dow_1": "Tuesday",
"dow_2": "Wednesday",
"dow_3": "Thursday",
"dow_4": "Friday",
"dow_5": "Saturday",
"dow_6": "Sunday",
"base_data": "Base data about the museum",
"check_map": "Check for availability of map",
"public_page": "Public page",
"minimum_3_characters": "3 characters minimum",
"all_museums": "All museums",
"must_be_float": "Muss ein numerischer Wert sein, ggfs. mit Komma. Z.B. 5,2; 1.20, etc",
"opening_hours_have_been_edited": "Edit to the opening hours has been saved",
"ticket_prices_have_been_edited": "Your edit to the ticket prices has been saved",
"zip_code": "Zip code",
"place": "Place",
"must_upload_image_for_scene": "You must upload an image for this scene. There is none yet.",
"room_information_updated": "Room information has been updated",
"rooms": "Rooms",
"new_room_name": "New Room: Name",
"temperature_ideal": "Temperature (ideal)",
"temperature_current": "Temperature (current)",
"humidity_ideal": "Humidity (ideal)",
"humidity_current": "Humidity (current)",
"room_name": "Room name",
"room_has_been_added": "A new room has been added",
"room_has_been_deleted": "The room has been deleted",
"room_objects": "Objects from this room",
"icon": "Icon"
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Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
"tlNotifications": {
"loan_ended": "Loan ended",
"With": "With",
"started": "started",
"ended": "ended",
"new_comment": "New comment",
"new_priv_msg_by": "New private message by",
"dear": "Dear",
"this_week_news": "there are notifications for you this week on musdb.",
"messages_from_admins": "Messages from the administrators",
"loans_ending": "Loans ending",
"privMsgsChats": "Private messages \/ chats",
"comments": "Comments",
"news_unsubscribe": "Unsubscribe",
"news_unsubscribe_text": "To not receive notification mails from musdb anymore, please log in and deactivate the automated notifications in your account settings",
"news_subject_line": "News at museum-digital:musdb",
"new_user": "New user"
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Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
"object": {
"back_to_overview": "Return to overview",
"back_to_nodac": "Return to nodac",
"previous": "Previous object",
"next": "Next object",
"zoom_on": "Enable zoom function",
"zoom_off": "Disable zoom function",
"image_zoom": "With a click on the image zoom is turned on or off",
"not_visible": "Object is not public",
"no_resource": "No resource attached",
"preview": "Preview in frontend",
"create_pdf": "PDF-register card (A5)",
"create_pdfa4": "PDF for printing (A4)",
"create_qr": "Generate QR-Code",
"hide_object": "Hide object",
"show_object": "Publish object",
"cannot_be_published": "No image available<br>Object cannot be published",
"export_it": "Export object",
"add_to_watchlist": "Add to watch list",
"delete_object": "Delete object",
"go_to_no": "Go to object no",
"search_in_collection": "Search in collection",
"all_collections": "All collections",
"added_by": "Objects added by",
"revised_last": "Objects last updated by",
"create_filter": "Create filter",
"filter_active": "Filter aktive",
"inv_short": "Inv. No.",
"kind_of": "Type of object",
"name": "Object title",
"name_short": "Title",
"description": "Description",
"mattech": "Material\/Technique",
"mattech_short": "Mat.\/Tech.",
"equals": "equals",
"contains": "contains",
"added": "Added",
"updated": "Updated",
"show_results": "Show results",
"list_results": "List results",
"export_results": "Export results",
"change_filter": "Modify filter",
"remove_filter": "Remove filter",
"multiple_changes": "Multiple changes",
"earliest_update_first": "Earliest update first",
"last_update_first": "Last update first",
"earliest_added_first": "Earliest added first",
"last_added_first": "Last added first",
"highest_first": "Highest first",
"lowest_first": "Lowest first",
"alphabet_za": "Alphabet (Z-A)",
"alphabet_az": "Alphabet (A-Z)",
"changes_order_to": "Changes order to",
"shows_visible_only": "Lists only objects marked VISIBLE",
"shows_all_objects": "Lists all objects",
"shows_hidden_only": "Lists only objects marked HIDDEN",
"last": "Last",
"external_resource": "EXTERNAL",
"delete_intro": "You are about deleting an object",
"delete_hint": "The website for the object gets destroyed. Any link linking to it will not be valid anymore",
"delete_no": "No, not really (back)",
"delete_yes": "Yes, that's what I want",
"be_careful": "Handle with care",
"change_all_data": "Changes datasets selected according to the following rule",
"which_field_change": "Please select the field to edit",
"replace": "Replace",
"whole_word": "Whole word",
"letters": "Letters",
"replace_with": "Replace with",
"field": "Field",
"new": "New",
"sets_changed": "datasets will be edited",
"nothing_to_do": "Nothing to do",
"yes_do": "Yes, do it",
"no_back": "No, better go back",
"selectswithout": "Select objects without ...",
"imageorresource": "image or resource",
"assigned_insertions": "Assignment executed: Multiple insertions",
"assigned_deletions": "Assignment executed: Multiple deletions",
"all_institutions": "All institutions",
"publish_social_media_yes": "Show SM buttons",
"publish_social_media_no": "Hide SM buttons",
"generate_pdf": "Generate PDF",
"PuQi": "PuQi",
"assignment_wrong_user_role": "Assignments to collections, series, and literature entries are always bound to an institution. These assignments can only be set by users of the user role \"museum director\". Please log in as a museum director if need be.",
"fulltext": "Fulltext",
"object_overview": "Object overview",
"toggle_navigation": "Toggle navigation",
"main_image": "Main image",
"find_an_expert": "Find an expert",
"return_to_list": "Return to overview"
"objekt": {
"assign_results": "Assign results",
"assignment": "Assignment",
"assignment_to": "Assignment to",
"assignment_create": "Create assignment",
"assignment_terminate": "Terminate assignment",
"assignment_if_not_exists": "if not exists",
"assignment_if_exists": "if exists",
"all_objectgroups": "All object groups",
"goto_mdid_title": "Search for Object-ID",
"goto_mdid_explica": "If you search a certain object and you know the md:ID you can insert the ID here. The md:ID can be found when calling an object in the frontend as last part of the URL: ... oges=nnn where nnn is the md:ID.",
"goto_without_title": "Search for incomplete object-records",
"goto_without_explica": "By choosing an attribute from this menu you can select all object-records without entries for this attribute.",
"goto_inv_title": "Search for inventory number",
"goto_inv_explica1": "By inserting a search value you can find an object with exactly this search value as the inventory number.",
"goto_inv_explica2": "By placing % directly behind a search value you select objects with an inventory number that start with the search value.",
"goto_inv_explica3": "By placing % directly before a search value you select objects with an inventory number that ends with the search value.",
"goto_inv_explica4": "By placing % directly before and directly behind a search value you select objects with the search value somewhere inside the inventory number.",
"goto_inv_explica5": "By using comma as a separator you may search for more than one inventory number.",
"assign_visiblity": "Visiblity of results",
"changed_visiblity": "Visibility adjusted",
"visibility": "Visibility",
"social_media": "Social Media",
"allow_all": "Allow for all",
"disallow_all": "Disallow for all"
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@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
"object_add": {
"wobz_inhalt": "For objects that have more than one name, e.g. a general one and a scientific one. This is usually the case with biological and mineralogical objects.<br><br>Left: Additional title <br>(At most 250 signs)<br><br>Right: Field of the name: e.g. \"Science\"",
"loka_inhalt": "As you can only enter a city, village etc. when adding places in the context of events, you can enter a more precise location here: For example, not \"Stockholm\" (a city, therefor to be entered at events > places), but \"Stockholm, Sodergatan 4\".<br>You might want to use this for example for fotos or mineralogist objects. In these cases, exact information on the \"place of discovery\" or the \"place of recording\" can be stored here.<br><br>Left: Here you can enter any locality.<br>Example 1: \"5\u00b0 24` 32``, 16\u00b0 12` 8``\"<br>Example 2: \"Bitterfeld, Marktplatz 4\"",
"besch_inhalt": "Is there anything written on the object that is worth being noted down separately. Add it here.",
"ausm_inhalt": "Here a separated, more differenciated input of measures is possible.<br>Please do not forget to enter the respective units (Drop-down menu).",
"vergl_inhalt": "Are there any comparaple objects in other museums? Enter them here. You might just enter the name of the museum owning said object, but - if you know it - you can also enter its inventry number (at that museum). If the object is available online, another way is to enter the respective URL.",
"in": "in:",
"as": "as:",
"for": "for:",
"by": "by:",
"at": "at:",
"max250": "Maximum: 250 characters",
"unlimited_textlength": "Unlimited text length",
"separated_measurements": "Separated Measurements",
"einu_inhalt": "Entry or location of entry in the book of object entries \/ Certificate of donation",
"invp_inhalt": "Here you may enter any kind of paralelly or formerly existent inventory numbers<br><br>Example 1: \"Old ID: V17-25,4.o\"",
"konv_inhalt": "<b>Field: \"Bundle\"<\/b><br>What \"bundle\" does the object belong to?<br>Example 1: \"Collection Widermayr\"<br>Example 2: \"Estate Meyerbeer\"<br>(At most 250 signs)<br><br><b>Field: \"Part of\"<\/b><br>The object is part of ...<br>Example: \"IV-14\" (Inventory number of an object group)<br>(For example in the case of a coffee table set that has an inventory number and a cup that is part of this set and still has an own inventory number - In that case, please enter the set's inventory number)<br>(At most 250 characters)",
"syst_inhalt": "<b>Field: \"Subject Group\"<\/b> and <b>Field: \"Systematic\"<\/b><br><br>Subject group (left) or systematics (right)<br><br>Just as you have been using it so far<br>(At most 70 and 200 characters respectively)",
"vorb_inhalt": "Who owned the object before it was given to the museum?<br><br>(Name of the last owner)<br><br>Example 1: \"Hermann Meyerbeer, Ummendorf\"<br>Example 2: \"VEB Kunstguss, M\u00e4gdesprung\"",
"zuga_inhalt": "Entry: when ... point in time<br>Entry as ... e.g. \"donation\"<br>Entry: for ... if bought: Sum and currency",
"obge_inhalt": "Miscellaneous information from the object\u00b4s history",
"schw_inhalt": "When ... Time of estimation<br>by ... name of estimator<br>at ... (Sum and currency)",
"vers_inhalt": "When ... Time of estimation<br>by ... name of estimator<br>at ... (Sum and currency)",
"zust_inhalt": "Short! At best: enter the name and the time of the estimation. Longer explanations can be added at \"Information on restauration\"",
"rest_inhalt": "Any notes on the restauration process, at best containing information on:<br>When - who - what - at which price",
"numbers": "Numbers",
"classification": "Classification",
"object_history": "Object history",
"acquisition": "Acquisition",
"values": "Values",
"state": "State",
"aktu_inhalt": "Where is the object located right now (inside the museum)?<br><br>Example 1: \"Exhibition\"<br>Example 2: \"Depot 4. Room 1\"<br>Example 3: \"IV-1\"",
"stan_inhalt": "Where is the object usually located?<br><br>Example 1: \"Exhibition\"<br>Example 2: \"Depot 4. Room 1\"<br>Example 3: \"IV-1\"",
"aust_inhalt": "When was the object on exhibition?<br><br>Example 1: \"2005, Exhibition: Children of Lords\"<br>Example 2: \"1997, Entrance Hall City Bank, Exhibition: Portraits of Children\"<br>Example 3: \"2007, Moritzburg, Halle (loan)\"<br>(... or enter them as a table)",
"verl_inhalt": "Name of the borrowing institution<br><br>Example 1: \"Kunsthalle Bremen\"<br>Example 2: \"B\u00f6rdemuseum Ummendorf\"<br><br>Only enter current loans here!",
"ansp_inhalt": "Name of the person responsible for the object at borrowing institution",
"vher_inhalt": "Dates of the loan",
"vlei_inhalt": "Insured value as can be found in the current loan contract",
"alei_inhalt": "Anything you might want to note down on the current loan process",
"at_museum": "Object at museum",
"on_loan": "Object is currently on loan",
"urhe_inhalt": "Notes about the copyright regarding the object",
"nure_inhalt": "Notes about the usage rights regarding the object",
"arec_inhalt": "Any kind of other note on the legal situation of the object",
"noti_inhalt": "Space for all kinds of notes, e.g. what information has yet to be gathered or edited, or who might know more<br><br>Example 1: \"Source unknown, research!\"<br>Example 2: \"Does the museum really own the object??? No legal files available\"<br>Example 3: \"Hermann M\u00fcller, Stolzenberg 4, can provide further information on this object\"",
"kurz_inhalt": "For important notes - The text added here will be shown with a red font color",
"oaim_inhalt": "A print or a high resolution image file ...<br>Here you can note down, where images of the object can be found in the museum (or its PCs)",
"odim_inhalt": "A print or a file ...<br>Here you can note down, where documets regarding the object can be found in the museum (or its PCs)",
"make_rule_for": "Define rule",
"too_short": "Less than 20 characters - too short!",
"whose_rule": "Cannot detect for which institution this rule should apply. You have to connect the object to an institution first",
"change_rule_for": "Edit rule",
"delete_rule": "Delete rule",
"acquiring": "Acquiring",
"first_registration": "First registration",
"erwerb_inhalt": "<b>Who<\/b> acquired the object for the museum?<br><b>Where<\/b> was the object acquired for the museum?<br><br>(Maximum: 120 characters)",
"erfasst_inhalt": "<b>Who<\/b> registered the object first in the museum?<br><b>When<\/b> did the first registration in the museum happen?<br><br>(Maximum: 120 \/ 60 characters)",
"separate_material_technique": "Separate fields: Material and Technique",
"mat_tech_inhalt": "Material: Please list all kinds of materials separated by comma<br>Technique: Please list all techniques used separated by comma",
"ddesc_inhalt": "This is the place for a detailed description. After inserting text here you can decide if and where to make it public",
"group_values_measurements": "Groups the separate measurement entries and transfers them into the field Measurements. (What is available there will be overwritten)",
"group_values_mattech": "Groups the separate entries for material and technique and transfers them into the field Material \/ Techniques. (What is available there will be overwritten)",
"object_set_nonpublic": "The object has been made non-public.",
"object_set_public": "The object has been made public.",
"notes_updated": "Updated notes on the object.",
"rights_updated": "Legal information has been updated.",
"location_updated": "Updated location information.",
"social_media_yes": "Object will be published with links to social media",
"social_media_no": "Object will be published without links to social media",
"metadata_rights_holder": "Metadata Rights (Holder)",
"metadata_rights_status": "Metadata Rights (Status)",
"transferred_available_info": "Available information has been transferred into the field:"
"ortart": [
"Place of recording",
"Place of discovery",
"Former place"
"titelart": [
"Everyday speech",
"Colloquial speech",
"zugangsart": [
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@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
"object_basis": {
"inventory_number": "Inventory number",
"inv_explica": "If the object has no inventory number, please enter something like \"no inv. no.\" If it is a permanent loan, you can add the signature of the organziation lending, followed by the object's inventory number at the given institution and finally a note: \"(permanent loan)\".<br><br>Example 1: \"G0904\"<br>Example 2: \"A4711 (new), SMH12 (old)\"<br>Example 3: \"KHM 1252 (Permanent loan)\"",
"object_type": "Object type",
"oart_explica": "What kind of object is this? To which category does it belong?<br><br>Example 1: \"Painting\"<br>Example 2: \"Trap\"<br><br>(A terminological control function for these terms will be available in the future)",
"object_name": "Object title",
"oname_explica": "Title of the object. Titles belong to each object on their own. They also help differentiating between one \"jar\" and another \"jar\"!<br><br>Example 1: \"Portrait Adolf Senff\"<br>Example 2: Bracteate (Ludolf von Kroppenstedt)<br><br>The title should not be longer than a line on your screen. If possible, do not use more than 100 characters.",
"description": "Description",
"obesch_explica": "Easily understandable (to anybody!) description of the object. Please avoid using abbreviations if any possible. If avoiding them is impossible and it's not an entirely common abbreviation with the general public, provide an explanation in brackets.<br><br>Repetitions are allowed! That means: Even if you have already entered events, places, times etc. related to your object, you can still mention them in your description.<br>Please do not use keywords: Use full sentences.",
"mattech": "Material \/ Technique",
"mattech_explica": "Information about the material an object was formed with and the methods applied in its creation.<br><br>Just fill in this field, if you have any information about it: This field is optional.<br\/><br\/>The single values can alternatively also be entered separately using the tab \"addendum\" below. Once that's done, you may automatically merge them into this field.",
"measurements": "Dimensions",
"ausmass_explica": "No exact rules. But: Please always enter units. Keep the entries as short as possible. Abbreviations may be used.<br><br>Example 1: \"LxBxH 95 x 15 x 150 mm\"<br>Example 2: \"Inner diameter.: 4,8 mm; Walls: 2 mm; H: 5,2 cm\"<br\/><br\/>The single values can alternatively also be entered separately using the tab \"addendum\" below. Once that's done, you may automatically merge them into this field.",
"no_inventory_number": "Please enter an inventory number!<\/p><p class=\"ohne\">[If there is none, enter \"no inv. no.\".]",
"no_object_type": "Please enter the kind of object!<\/p><p class=\"ohne\">[Everything is some kind of something. Necessary for navigation and classification.]",
"no_object_name": "Please enter a title!<\/p><p class=\"ohne\">[What is the name of the object? Every object needs an immediate title. Do not use titles longer than 200 characters.]",
"no_good_description": "Please enter a description!<\/p><p class=\"ohne\">[There cannot be no description. They are totally necessary for this project. Ideally, use around 1000 characters. You cannot save your object if the description is shorter than 25 characters.]",
"object_is_known": "An object with this inventory number is known already !",
"choises": "You got the following choises",
"ignore_hint": "Ignore hint and continue anyway",
"back_to_input": "Go back to input",
"switch_to_known_object": "or to stop input and to go to one of the following objects (Click on image or object title)",
"object_id": "Object ID",
"not_yours": "Belongs to another institution !",
"unknown": "Object could not be found !",
"searchmode": "Search mode",
"lettercombi": "Letter combination",
"wholeword": "Whole word",
"empty": "Empty",
"added": "The object has been added.",
"edited": "The object has been edited.",
"deleted": "The object has been deleted.",
"exact": "Exact",
"base_data": "Basic information about the object",
"minimum_3_characters": "3 characters minimum",
"add_alternative_language": "Add entry in alternative language"
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@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
"object_relation": {
"add_museum": "Connect to a museum",
"if_museum_is_unknown": "If museum has not been added yet - please click here",
"add_collection": "Connect to a collection",
"if_collection_is_unknown": "If the collection has not been added yet - please click here",
"collection_without_museum": "Collections not related to a museum",
"collection_with_museum": "Collections related to a museum",
"add_event": "Connect to an event",
"add_tag": "Connect a keyword",
"tag_is": "The keyword is",
"no_timeplaceactor": "Please DO NOT enter time-, place- or personnames",
"common_term": "general term",
"add_common_term": "New: general term",
"closely_related": "Object is closely related to",
"only_timeplaceactor": "Please ONLY enter time-, place- or personnames",
"time_tag": "time tag",
"add_time_tag": "New: time tag",
"person_institution": "person - institution",
"add_person_institution": "New: person - institution",
"geobuild": "geography - buildings",
"add_geobuild": "New: geography - buildings",
"better_use_events": "Caution: The quality of information is much better if you define events instead of adding times, places or persons\/institutions as tags. If for example an object has been \"created\" \"1815\" in \"Cologne\", you should create an event (\"created\" -> \"1815\" -> \"Cologne\"). In this case, an additional linking to times, places, persons etc. will be unnecessary.",
"recently_used": "Recently used",
"add_literature": "Connect to literature",
"uploaded_document": "Uploaded document",
"internal_link": "Internal Link",
"external_link": "External Link",
"new_collection_hint": "To create a new collection use the menu below",
"no_collection_permission": "No permission granted to access any collection of this museum",
"linkable_collections": "Linkable collections",
"switch_museum": "Switch museum",
"select_a_museum": "Select a museum",
"links_object_with": "Links the object with"
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@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
"overview": {
"contains": "The database contains",
"images": "Images",
"objects_total": "Objects (Total)",
"objects visible": "Objects (Visible)",
"collections_total": "Collections",
"collections_nodesc": "without description",
"museums": "Museums",
"museums_noimage": "without image",
"events": "Events",
"timespans": "Timespans",
"actors": "Actors",
"places": "Place names",
"literature": "Literature",
"links": "Links",
"tags": "Tags",
"access_to": "Access to",
"additions": "Additions",
"edits": "Edits"
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Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
"place": {
"placenames": "Place names",
"intro": "- Use current or historical names of places (as in cities). You can also add geographical units like lakes, rivers, seas ...<br>- Use common names (Example: Dessau - not Dessau-Ro\u00dflau).<br>- Enter additives to the name if there are any: \"Halle (Saale)\" or \"Lutherstadt Wittenberg\" instead of \"Halle\" or \"Wittenberg\" respectively.<br>- Do not add districts if possible. If you add a district, please do so using the following format (Example): \"London OT Brixton\".",
"placename": "Name of place",
"ortsname_explica": "Enter common names of places. In case of districts, separate the city and the district by the string \"OT\":<br><br>Example 1: London <br>Example 2: Halle (Saale)<br>Example 3: New York OT Brooklyn<br>Example 4: Wales (in this case, add \"UK (Region) in the country line\"<br><br>If nothing else is appropriate, you can also add - e.g. - \"Italy\" as a place.<br><br><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#660000;\">Please always fill in this field!<\/b>",
"placetype": "Type of place",
"ortstyp_explica": "If the place (or building) is <b>NOT<\/b> an existing place where people live (village, city, ...) and is <b>NOT<\/b> a currently existiting political unit (County, Federal state, ...) - Please choose a suitable type.<br><br>For currently existing villages, cities, countries, ... (and in cases of doubt) please leave empty<br><br>If the the place (or building) does not exist any longer, please select \"historic\"<br><br><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#006600;\">Only fill out if it's suitable<\/b>",
"remarks": "Remarks",
"ortanm_explica": "At this place you can enter any hint to help people identify little known places (or buildings). Please keep it brief and concise. These remarks are for internal use only.<br><br><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#006600;\">Can be left empty<b>",
"no_name": "Please enter a place name",
"geo_title": "Coordinates",
"geo_intro": "- You may correct the place name below - but then you have to click at \"Go!\"<br>- Please select place at map with a click.<br>- In the appearing bubble you again have to confirm",
"change_intro": "<b>Attention:<\/b> This modifies information, it does <b style=\"color:#990000\">NOT<\/b> change the connection between place\/building and events or objects.",
"country": "Country",
"staatsname_explica": "Please provide the name of the country, in which the place (or building) is located. In case the place exceeds more than one country, please give the political entity comprising all countries.<br><br><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#006600;\">Can be left empty<b>",
"getty": "TGN (Getty)",
"getty_explica": "The ID of the place in the Thesaurus of Geographic Names (TGN, Getty).<br>Use the arrow on the right to get the number (new window opens)<br><br><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#006600;\">Can be left empty<\/b>",
"geonames": "geonames",
"geonames_explica": "The ID of the place at geonames.<br>Use the arrow on the right to get the number (new window opens)<br><br><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#006600;\">Can be left empty<\/b>",
"coordinates_northsouth": "Coordinates, North-South",
"nw_explica": "Please use \".\" (dot) as delimiter and numbers without \u00b0-symbol<br><br><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#660000;\">Please always fill out<b>",
"coordinates_westeast": "Coordinates, West-East",
"zoom_explica": "The zoom used at the map.<br><br>Common values:<br>- Village: 10<br>- Small city: 9<br>- Larger city: 8<br>- Country: 7<br><br><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#660000;\">Please always fill out<\/b>",
"status": "Status",
"delete": "Delete the place",
"added": "Added a new place",
"edited": "Updated information on the place",
"all_objects": "List all objects",
"show_object": "Show object",
"annotation": "Annotation",
"add_new_annotation": "Write a new annotation here:"
"geo": {
"name": "Name",
"length": "Length",
"width": "Width",
"zoom": "Zoom",
"bottom": "If you want to add a larger geographical entity, please select a place pretty near the center of it"
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@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
"tlProvenance": {
"intro": "Researching the history of an objects means to validate and check different aspects. You first have to define the kind of check, whose reports you want to record here.",
"add_report": "Add a report",
"report": "Report",
"content": "Content",
"status": "Status",
"planned": "Scheduled",
"in_progress": "In progress",
"final": "Finished",
"creator": "Creator",
"date": "Date",
"upload_document": "Upload a document"
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Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
"quality": {
"no_objecttype": "No object type provided",
"many_words_object_type": "Words in field \"object type\" - is this really what is meant? (Best: one word)",
"one_common_word_objecttitle": "Object title consist only of a commonly used term",
"objects_same_title": "Objects with same title",
"one_word_object_title": "Object title consist of only one word. This might be too unspecific",
"object_title_often_used": "Object title used for multiple objects",
"object_title_too_long": "Object title consists of more than 10 words. There is a field for object description ...",
"object_description_double": "<b>Duplicate:<\/b> Exactly the same object description is used for other objects too.",
"object_description_characters": "characters used for object description",
"too_short": "Far too short",
"quite_short": "That is quite short",
"good": "Good",
"excellent": "Excellent",
"quite_long": "That is quite long",
"too_long": "Too long",
"no_mattech": "Field \"Material\/Technique\" is left empty. Much better, if some hint is placed here",
"no_dimensions": "Field \"Dimensions\" is left empty. Much better, some a hint is placed here",
"no_collection": "The object was not asigned to a collection",
"no_event": "No event asigned to the object",
"multiple_event": "More than one event asigned to the object",
"place_event_tag": "Duplicate? Same place in event and as general asignment. Is this correct?",
"opz_event_tag": "Duplicate: Same place, actor, or time related to the object as part of an event and as a general asignment",
"no_tag": "No tag (or general asignment) provided. (Best: 3-9)",
"one_tag": "Only one tag (or general asignment) provided. (Best: 3-9)",
"two_tags": "Two tags (or general asignments) provided. (Best: 3-9)",
"tree_nine__tags": "tags (or general asignments) provided. (Best: 3-9)",
"too_many__tags": "10 or more tags (or general asignments) provided. (Best: 3-9)",
"literature_asigned": "References to literature assigned to the object",
"online_resources_asigned": "Online resources assigned to the object",
"documents_asigned": "Documents assined to the object",
"object_relations_asigned": "Relations between this and other objects were added",
"objectgroup_asigned": "Assignment to an object group was added",
"many_images": "More than one image was assigned to the object",
"image_id": "Image ID",
"image_too_small": "Image is too small (Longer side has less than 600 pixel)",
"image_quite_small": "Image is quite small (Longer side has less than 800 pixel)",
"no_rightsholder_no_rightsstatus": "Neither rights holder nor license status given",
"no_rightsholder": "No rights holder given",
"no_rightsstatus": "No license status given",
"resources_asigned": "Resources (visible) were asigned to the object",
"general_remarks": "General remarks",
"might_be_improved": "Might be improved",
"thats_good": "Good",
"before": "before",
"before_birth": "before birth of",
"before_birth_possibly": "possibly before birth of",
"after": "after",
"after_death": "after death of",
"after_death_possibly": "possibly after death of",
"plausi": "Plausibility check",
"before_possibly": "possibly before",
"after_possibly": "possibly after",
"print_not_paint": "Something printed cannot be painted or drawn!",
"better_use": "Better use",
"quality_index": "Quality index",
"no_image": "No image has been uploaded for the object yet."
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@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
"record": {
"object_record_language": "Language of record",
"object_record_language_explica": "You have to name the language of the additional object information. It is possible to enter more than one record in the same language but it is advisable to only make one per language visible",
"object_record_language_none": "Please enter the language of the additional object information!",
"object_record_language_none_explica": "The additional record function is meant especially for object records in many languages",
"object_record_delete": "Removes this entry of addition object information",
"object_record_hide": "Hides this entry of additional object information",
"object_record_show": "Makes this entry of additional object information public",
"delete_intro": "You are about to delete additional object information",
"collection_record_hide": "Hides this entry of additional collection information",
"collection_record_show": "Makes this entry of additional collection information public",
"collection_record_delete": "Removes this entry of addition collection information",
"collection_delete_intro": "You are about to delete additional collection information",
"museum_record_hide": "Hides this entry of additional museum information",
"museum_record_show": "Makes this entry of additional museum information public",
"museum_record_delete": "Removes this entry of additional museum information",
"museum_delete_intro": "You are about to delete additional museum information",
"switched_non-public": "Alternative language information have been set non-public.",
"switched_public": "Alternative language information have been set non-public.",
"add": "Add alternative language information.",
"object_added": "Added alternative language information for the object.",
"object_edited": "Updated alternative language information for the object.",
"object_deleted": "Removed alternative language entry for the object.",
"collection_added": "Added alternative language information for the collection.",
"collection_edited": "Updated alternative language information for the collection.",
"museum_added": "Added alternative language information for the museum.",
"museum_edited": "Updated alternative language information for the museum."
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
"resource": {
"image": "Image",
"text": "PDF",
"video": "Video",
"audio": "Audio",
"nav_explica": "Here you may upload or link images and other representations. For the different media types you find different buttons. One button (\"Green triangle pointed to the top\") is meant for the uploading of images or representations to the server; another one (\"Arrow pointing to a globe\") is meant for the linking to resources on the web.<br><br>Please use this buttons only to upload\/link direct representations of the object. Contextual information (media) should be linked via \"Web link\" or uploaded via \"Document\" (you can find both above)<br><br>This is the place for:<br>• images of the object<br>• PDF (textual) descriptions of the object<br>• videos showing the object<br>• audio files of the object",
"upload_image": "Upload object image (jpg) and connect",
"link_image": "Save link to an image (jpg) of the object accessible on the web",
"upload_pdf": "Upload object representation in PDF and connect",
"link_pdf": "Save link to a PDF file representing the object on the web",
"upload_video": "Upload object representation in a video (mp4, flv) and connect",
"link_video": "Save link to a video (mp4, flv) representing the object on the web",
"upload_audio": "Upload object representation in an audio file (mp3) and connect",
"link_audio": "Save link to an audio file (mp3) representing the object on the web",
"navigation_off": "Hide upload navigation",
"navigation_above": "Place upload navigation above images",
"navigation_below": "Place upload navigation below images",
"navigation_on": "Show upload navigation",
"image_list": "Show list of images",
"image_grid": "Show images as grid",
"iptc_refresh_all": "Refreshes IPTC data in all images of the object",
"title": "Resource title",
"annotation": "Annotation",
"photographer": "Photographer",
"creator": "Creator",
"not_given": "Not given",
"rights_holder": "Rights holder",
"rights_status": "Rights status",
"resource_type": "Resource type",
"public": "Public",
"with_object": "With object",
"never": "Never",
"stored": "Stored",
"internal": "This server",
"external": "External (link)",
"make_main": "Set this as the main resouce",
"large_version_window": "Shows large version in a new window",
"large_version": "Opens large version",
"order_front": "Moves this image forwards in the order of images",
"order_back": "Moves this image backwards in the order of images",
"image_hide": "Hide image",
"resource_hide": "Hide resource",
"image_show": "Make image public",
"resource_show": "Make resource public",
"image_delete": "Delete image",
"resource_delete": "Delete resource",
"image_dimensions": "Dimensions",
"file_size": "Filesize",
"no_iptc": "No IPTC-data available, create with click",
"resource_info": "Resource information",
"delete_question": "You are about to delete an object resource",
"delete_no": "No, it was an accident (return)",
"delete_yes": "Yes, take it away",
"preview": "Preview"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
"resource_incha": {
"replace_preview": "Replace preview",
"resource_name": "Name of resource",
"bildname_explica": "The resource name is important for<br>• search engine optimization (\"title tag\")<br>• overview in the list of representations.<br><br>In most cases it suffices to repeat the name of the object represented.<br><br>[Default value is object name]<br><br><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#660000;\">Please always fill out<\/b>",
"resource_description": "Resource description",
"bildbesch_explica": "Here you can store annotations \/ remarks concerning the representation (<b style=\"color:#990000;\">NOT<\/b> concerning the object itself) <br><br>Example 1: \"Detail\"<br>Example 2: \"rear\"<br>Example 3: \"1 of 4\"<br><br><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#006600;\">Might be left empty<\/b>",
"image_folder": "Resource folder",
"ordner_explica": "The image folder is displayed during the upload process. Usually it starts with the word \"images\", the year, the month. For example: \"images 201504\"<br><br><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#660000;\">Please always fill out<\/b>",
"image_filename": "Resource filename",
"dateiname_explica": "The image filename is displayed during the upload process. It has to be entered including the extension (eg. \"317.jpg\" instead of \"317)<br><br><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#660000;\">Please always fill out<\/b>",
"photographer": "Photographer",
"creator": "Creator",
"creator_explica": "What should appear below the representation if it is shown in single view?<br><br>This is a good place to name, e.g., those participating in the creation of a video or an audio <br><br><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#006600;\">Please always fill out<\/b>",
"resource_rightsholder": "Rights holder (resource)",
"owner_explica": "Who owns the digital representation of the object?\"<br><br><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#660000;\">Please always fill out<\/b>",
"rights_status": "License status (resource)",
"rechte_explica": "Which <b style=\"color:#000099;\">license<\/b> applies to the resource?<br>i.e. <b style=\"color:#990000;\">NOT<\/b> rights of the shown objekt<br>i.e. <b style=\"color:#990000\">NOT<\/b> rights of previews<br><br><br>Please choose a value from the list (left)<br>More information available by clicking the brown [i] (right)<br><br>[Default: CC BY-NC-SA]",
"rights_allowed": "Rights that might be choosen",
"info_needed": "You have to name a rights holder and a rights status",
"image_connect": "Add connection to an object",
"go_object": "Go to object",
"info_completeit": "Complete the info and accept by clicking on \"Save\"",
"upload_pdf_title": "Upload of a PDF representation of the object",
"upload_video_title": "Upload of a video representation of the object (mp4 or flv)",
"upload_audio_title": "Upload of an audio representation of the object (mp3)",
"prerequisites": "Prerequisites",
"prerequisites_filename": "Filename does not contain umlauts, no dots, no special characters, no spaces",
"prerequisites_filesize": "Filesize does not exceed 20 MB",
"prerequisites_format_mp4": "File format is MP4 or FLV",
"prerequisites_format_mp3": "File format is MP3",
"select_pdf": "Please select a pdf file for upload",
"select_video": "Please select a video file (mp4\/flv) for upload",
"select_audio": "Please select an audio file (mp3) for upload",
"too_large": "The file is too large",
"wrong_filetype": "Wrong format - or maybe you missed selecting any file",
"back_button": "Please use the \"back\"-button of your browser",
"server_error": "Sorry, looks like there's a server error. Please try again later",
"link_headline_image": "Create link to an image of the object available at the web. Object ID",
"link_headline_pdf": "Create link to a PDF representation of the object available at the web. Object ID",
"link_headline_video": "Create link to a video representation of the object available at the web. Object ID",
"link_headline_audio": "Create link to an audio representation of the object available at the web. Object ID",
"image_not_webseite": "Link to image file, NOT to a website !!",
"pdf_not_webseite": "Link to PDF file, NOT to a website !!",
"video_not_webseite": "Link to video file (mp4 or flv), NOT to a website !!",
"audio_not_webseite": "Link to audio file (mp3), NOT to a website !!",
"four_steps": "Four steps are necessary",
"check_rights_image": "Please check very carefully if you are allowed to use (link and store a preview of) the image file",
"check_rights_general": "Please check very carefully if you are allowed to use (link) the file",
"link_give": "A link (absolute; incl. http:\/\/) to the file - NOT to website - is given",
"preview_image": "A preview image is generated automatically",
"preview_general": "A preview image (placeholder, at least 200px wide) will be uploaded (has to be at hand) or selected",
"give_rightsinfo": "Rights pertaining to the external file are provided",
"url": "URL (incl. http:\/\/)",
"linklink_explica": "Please provide an absolute URL (i.e. incl. \"http:\/\/\")<br><br><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#660000;\">Please always fill out<\/b>",
"no_url": "Please provide a link (URL) of the image file!<\/p><p class=\"ohne\">The URL of the file that should be linked.",
"url_not_complete": "Please provide an absolute URL!<\/p><p class=\"ohne\">URL has to begin with http:\/\/ or https:\/\/ and should end with - for example - \".jpg\"",
"url_wrong_extension": "Please provide the address of a suitable file here!<\/p><p class=\"ohne\">The following file extensions are allowed",
"both_sides_wrong": "Wrong at front and rear!<\/p><p class=\"ohne\">URL has to begin with http:\/\/ and may end with e.g. \".jpg\"",
"preview_generation_error": "The automatic generation of a preview failed. You can upload a preview (minimum width 200px, jpg) yourself",
"file_not_found": "File not found",
"pdf_context_not_representation": "Here you can uploads PDF documents contextualising the object. Object representations in PDF form should be uploaded as \"Resource\"",
"image_added": "Added a new link to an external image file.",
"pdf_added": "Added a new link to a PDF file.",
"video_added": "Added a new link to a video file.",
"audio_added": "Added a new link to an audio file.",
"edited": "Resource information has been updated."
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
"settings": {
"rights_default_intro": "Rights statements for object representations",
"rights_default_set": "set default values",
"rights_rightsholder": "Rights holder",
"rights_rightsstatus": "Rights status",
"rights_photo_create": "Photographer \/ Creator",
"rights_current_values": "Current values",
"rights_change_case": "Change per case",
"rights_images_only": "Uploaded images only",
"external_intro": "Presentation of content on the website of",
"external_collection_overview": "Show switch \"collection overview\"",
"external_collection_description": "Click at collection name in \"collection overview\" shows description of the collection",
"external_collection_objects": "Click at collection name in \"collection overview\" shows objects of the collection",
"external_collection_link": "Show link \"... more about this collection\" below collection description",
"services_for": "Services for",
"services_export": "Export",
"services_export_dialogue": "Export dialogue. Selected information for selected objects in selected formats",
"users_registered_intro": "Registered users for",
"users_register_new": "Register new user",
"users_register_admin": "Administrator",
"users_register_director": "Director",
"users_register_private": "Intern",
"users_register_volunteer": "Input only",
"users_register_visitor": "Visiting Scientist",
"headline_rights": "Available rights statements for images (and other object representations)",
"museum_stored": "Museum-specific settings have been updated.",
"users_specifically_determined": "Specifically determined",
"socialmedia": "Use social media at this platform for",
"socialmedia_buttons": "Show newly incorporated objects with social media buttons",
"pdf_catalogue": "PDF Catalogue",
"pdf_catalogue_explain": "Create a PDF catalogues.",
"pdf_catalogue_explica": "To save server capacity it is only possible to create catalogues with a maximum of 50 objects at once. But you are free to create as many catalogues as necessary.",
"pdf_catalogue_start": "Start with object # ",
"map": "Objects at map",
"volume": "Volume",
"close": "Close",
"provenance_section": "Provenance Check)",
"provenance_kind": "Kind of check (e.g.: Expropriation)",
"provenance_added_new": "Added new kind of provenance check",
"provenance_removed_category": "Deleted kind of provenance check",
"delete": "Delete",
"edit_image_rights_by_group": "Edit image rights by group (only for uploaded objects)",
"mir_caution_message": "(Caution: Using this function, you can batch edit many entries in one go. Be cautious!)",
"following_cases_appear_select": "The following cases appear. Please choose the case to edit.",
"return_museum_list": "Return to list of museums",
"return_settings_services": "Return to settings and services",
"simple_inputs_no_symbols": "Please use simple inputs. Say, avoid adding a copyright symbol before the rights holder, or \"photographer\" before the photographer's name.",
"institution_elsewhere": "The institution elsewhere on the web",
"elsewhere_link_text": "Link text",
"elsewhere_link_url": "URL",
"elsewhere_link_added": "Added link to other representation of the museum",
"elsewhere_link_removed": "Removed link to other representation of the museum",
"metadata_rights": "Metadata rights:"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
"tlStartpage": {
"shoutbox": "Notes",
"options": "Options",
"show_all_shouts": "Show full shoutbox history",
"all_shouts": "All shoutbox messages",
"shoutbox_write": "Write something",
"your_message": "Your message",
"additions_edits_month": "Additions and edits by month",
"licenses_images": "License Status of Images",
"account": "Account",
"logged_in_as": "Logged in as",
"username": "Username",
"mail": "Mail",
"private_notice": "Private note",
"post": "Post",
"web_search_duckduckgo": "Web search with DuckDuckGo",
"search_the_web_duckduckgo": "Web search with DuckDuckGo",
"link_validity_check": "Link validity check",
"tile": "Tile",
"full_width": "Full width",
"move_to_end": "Move to end",
"remove_tile": "Remove tile",
"add_tile": "Add tile",
"customize_start_page": "Customize start page",
"institution_elsewhere": "My institution elsewhere",
"visitors_statistics_today": "Visitors statistics: Today",
"visitors_statistics_week": "Visitors statistics: this week",
"visitors_statistics_month": "Visitors statistics: this month",
"visitors_statistics_year": "Visitors statistics: this year",
"view_statistics": "View statistics",
"moved_tile_to_end": "Moved tile to end",
"removed_tile": "Removed tile",
"added_tile": "Added tile",
"set_background_image": "Set background image",
"background_uploaded": "A background image has been set",
"did_not_delete_no_image": "Could not unset background - there is no image",
"removed_background_img_successfully": "Removed background image successfully",
"data_url": "Data \/ URL",
"qr_code_generator": "QR code generator",
"instance_health": "Instance health"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
"tag": {
"tag": "Keyword",
"english": "... in English",
"remarks": "Remarks",
"no_tag": "Please enter a keyword",
"not_related": "Keyword is not related to any object",
"tag_annotated": "The tag has been annotated.",
"tag_name": "Name",
"engl": "(in English)",
"annotation": "Annotation",
"add_new_annotation": "Add a new annotation:"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
"time": {
"comprises": "The new timespan comprises",
"more_than_year": "more than a year",
"more_than_year_example": "e.g. 1870s, Early 19th century, 1930\/40, ...",
"exactly_one_year": "exactly one year",
"exactly_one_year_example": "e.g. 1922, 1853, ...",
"less_than_year": "less than a year",
"less_than_year_example": "e.g. April 1912, 21. December 1759, May-June 1945, ...",
"prehistoric_time": "a prehistoric time",
"prehistoric_time_example": "e.g. Mesozoic, 250000 BC, cretaceous age, ... [Before 10000 BC]",
"time_term": "Time term",
"zeitbegriff_explica": "(Almost) random format of entry<br><br>Example 1: 16.02.1913 <br>Example 2: First half 12th centrury.<br>Example 3: 1655-1699<br><br>The entry \"time term\" is used for displaying the time.<br><br><b style=\"color:#990000\">Please mind:<\/b><br><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#990000\">\"World War I\", \"Reagan Era\", ...<\/b><br>... are historical \"events\", <b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#990000\">not<\/b> times<br><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#990000\">\"Rococo\", \"Classicism\", ...<\/b><br>... are stylistic eras, <b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#990000\">not<\/b> times<br><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#990000\">\"Roman empire\", \"Late stone age\", ...<\/b><br>... are not used consistently, they are <b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#990000\">no<\/b> times<br><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#990000\">\"Miocene\", \"Cambrian\", ...<\/b><br>... are <b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#990000\">not<\/b> consistently used times (Names and categories of time are being re-defined every day by scientists)<br>(Please enter such terms as events, not as times)<br><br><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#660000;\">Please always fill in this field!<\/b>",
"begin": "Start [YEAR]",
"zeitbeginn_explica": "Please always enter a year here (<b>four digits number<\/b>)<br><br>- In case of years before common era, add a \"minus\" before the the number<br>- In case of times like \"before 1830\", where the immediate year is unknown, please enter a question mark.<br><br>Example 1: 1913<br>Example 2: -1800<br>Example 3: ?<br><br><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#660000;\">Please always fill in this field!<\/b>",
"end": "End [YEAR]",
"zeitende_explica": "Please always enter a year here (<b>four digits number<\/b>)<br><br>- In case of years before common era, add a \"minus\" before the the number<br>- In case of times like \"after 1830\", where the immediate year is unknown, please enter a question mark.<br><br>Example 1: 1913<br>Example 2: -1800<br>Example 3: ?<br><br><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#660000;\">Please always fill in this field!<\/b>",
"counted": "Counted time",
"year": "Year",
"month": "Month",
"day": "Day",
"zaehlzeit1_explica": "<b>Field: Year<\/b><br>Please always enter a year here (<b>four digits number<\/b>)<br>In case of time periods, enter the middle,<br> E.g.: Time term=\"19th century\" -> Counted time=\"1850\"<br><br><b>Field: [+\/-]<\/b><br>- refers to times before common era, + refers to the year 0 CE and anything after.<br><br>(This information is used for internal functions, e.g. sorting by time)<br><br><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#660000;\">Please always fill in this field!<\/b>",
"zaehlzeit2_explica": "<b>Field: Tag<\/b> and <b>Field: Month<\/b><br>Please enter two digits numbers (\"08\",\"05\",...)<br><br><b>Field: Year<\/b><br>Please enter a year (four digits number).<br>In case of time periods, enter the middle,<br> E.g.: Time term=\"19th century\" -> Counted time=\"1850\"<br><br><b>Field: [+\/-]<\/b><br>- refers to times before common era, + refers to the year 0 CE and anything after.<br><br>(This information is used for internal functions, e.g. sorting by time)<br><br><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#660000;\">Please always fill in this field!<\/b>",
"no_timeterm": "Please enter a time term!<\/p><p class=\"ohne\">[A random term relating to a time, for example: \"1784\" or \"January 12 1785\" or \"Early middle ages\"]",
"not_exact": "Please do not enter a time term tat starts with \"about\" or \"ca.\"!<\/p><p class=\"ohne\">[Enter imprecise times as \"events\".]",
"no_start": "Enter the begin of the time period!<\/p><p class=\"ohne\">[If the time term is a year number (e.g. \"1784\"), just repeat it (e.g. \"1784\"). If the time period starts before common era, enter a minus before the year (e.g. \"-1200\")]",
"no_start_not_numeric": "Only exact years (=numbers) are valid as the start of a time period.<\/p><p class=\"ohne\">[Please enter a year (number) (if necessary with a \"-\" -sign before the number).]",
"no_end": "Enter the end of the time period!<\/p><p class=\"ohne\">[If the time term is a year number (e.g. \"1784\"), just repeat it (e.g. \"1784\"). If the time period ends before common era, enter a minus before the year (e.g. \"-1100\")]",
"no_end_not_numeric": "Only exact years (=numbers) are valid as the start of a time period.<\/p><p class=\"ohne\">[Please enter a year (number) (if necessary with a \"-\" -sign before the number).]",
"no_count_value": "Enter an (internal) time for counting. Minimum: The year (four digits)<\/p><p class=\"ohne\">[E.g. \"1784\". If the time period exceeds one year, please enter the middle (E.g.: Time term is \"1870-1880\" -> Counted time is \"1875\".<br>Enter month and day as digits: month -> \"4\", Day -> \"12\". You do not need to provide information on month and day]",
"valid_month": "Please enter the month properly",
"valid_day": "Please enter the day properly",
"end_before_begin": "The entered time period ends before it has even started<\/p><p class=\"ohne\">[The start of a time period has a smaller number than the end of the given time period.]",
"cha_intro": "<b>Attention:<\/b> This changes information, it does <b style=\"color:#990000\">NOT<\/b> change the relation between time and event or object",
"cha_counts": "Internal value",
"cha_remarks": "Remarks",
"zeitanm_explica": "Annotations are especially important if this is about time terms not everyone agrees upon.<br><br><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#006600;\">Can be left empty<\/b>",
"no_vague_values": "Please do not give vague data!<\/p><p class=\"ohne\">[Vague relations to time might be created in the event or tag setting]",
"time_delete": "Delete time term",
"time_annotated": "The time has been annotated.",
"added": "A new time entry has been added.",
"edited": "Information on this time entry has been updated.",
"annotation": "Annotation",
"add_new_annotation": "Add a new annotation:",
"must_be_month": "Month: Must be a valid, two-digit representation of a month. E.g. 01 for January, 12 for December",
"must_be_day": "Day: Must be a valid, two-digit representation of a day. From 01 to 31",
"must_be_year": "Year: Must be a valid, four-digit representation of a year. From 0001 to 9999.",
"must_be_+-": "Must be either + (common era) or - (before common era)"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
"user": {
"username": "Username",
"realname": "Real name",
"mail": "Email",
"password": "Password",
"new_password": "New password (Empty = Keep old one)",
"password_confirmation": "Passwort confirmation",
"userrole": "Role",
"institution": "Institution",
"admin": "Admin (highest level)",
"director_region": "Regional director",
"director_museum": "Museum director",
"collaborator": "Collaborator",
"not_assigned": "Not assigned",
"name_already_used": "The username is already in use",
"no_username": "Error: No username entered",
"no_realname": "Error: No real name entered",
"no_password": "Error: No password entered",
"no_password_confirmation": "Error: No password confirmation given",
"no_password_match": "Error: Passwords do not match",
"not_assigned_institution": "Error: Not assigned to an institution",
"success_creation": "Success: New user account created",
"no_success_creation": "Error: New account could not be created.",
"success_update": "User information was successfully updated",
"no_success_update": "User information could not be updated",
"more_than_one": "Found more (or less) than one user with this ID",
"userlist": "List of all users",
"order_by": "Order by",
"last_login": "Last login",
"registration": "Login",
"input_only": "Input only",
"visiting_scientist": "Visiting Scientist",
"about_deleting_user": "You are about to delete a user.",
"deleted": "User was removed successfully.",
"specifically_determined": "Specifically determined",
"permissions_museums": "Permissions: Museums",
"permissions_collections": "Permissions: Collections",
"permissions_series": "Permissions: Objectgroups",
"user_rights_museum": "Museum page",
"user_rights_collection": "Collection page",
"user_rights_objectgroup": "Objectgroup page",
"user_rights_object_base": "Object: Basic data",
"user_rights_object_resource": "Object: Resources",
"user_rights_object_addendum": "Object: Addendum",
"user_rights_object_numbers": "Object: Administrative numbers",
"user_rights_object_classification": "Object: Classification",
"user_rights_object_history": "Object: Object history",
"user_rights_object_values": "Object: Values",
"user_rights_object_state": "Object: State",
"user_rights_object_location": "Object: Location",
"user_rights_object_loan": "Object: Loans",
"user_rights_object_rights": "Object: Rights",
"user_rights_object_remark": "Object: Remarks",
"user_rights_object_provenance": "Object: Provenance research",
"user_rights_object_datahistory": "Object: Record history",
"disable_all_permissions": "All permissions: Disable",
"enable_all_permissions": "Allow editing in all cases",
"remove_from_museum": "Remove relation to this museum",
"remove_from_collection": "Remove relation to this collection",
"remove_from_series": "Remove relation to this objectgroup",
"auth_token": "Authentification Token",
"auth_token_explica": "Using this page, you can generate a new authentication token. You cannot access them through this page again afterwards, so make sure to copy and store the authentication token at a safe place",
"confirm": "Confirm",
"auth_token_generated": "Generated authentication token",
"auth_token_is": "Your new authentication token is",
"password_too_short": "Password too short",
"password_equals_name": "Password equals username",
"mail_invitation": "Invitation to museum-digital:musdb",
"mail_invitation_contents": "You have just been invited editing on museum-digital:musdb. If you did not expect to get a mail such as this one, please just ignore the mail. If you do want to activate your account, please follow the link below, and set your password. By doing so, you accept our privacy policy.",
"invited": "Eingeladen: ",
"initialSettings": "Initial Settings: ",
"invitationLinkOutdated": "Your invitation token is older than a day. Your invitation was aborted. Please ask your grantor to invite you again.",
"successAddingAccount": "Success!",
"successAddingAccountMsg": "Your password was successfully set. You can continue by logging in",
"agreement": "1. Mit der Nutzung des Eingabe- und Bearbeitungswerkzeugs von museum-digital (musdb) stimme ich zu, dass\r\n1.1. an den unten genannten Stellen meine personenbezogenen Daten gespeichert werden\r\n1.2. die Verantwortung f\u00fcr von mir vorgenommene Eintr\u00e4ge bei mir (oder meinem Arbeitgeber) liegt\r\n2. Personenbezogene Daten, die bei museum-digital:musdb gespeichert werden\r\n2.1. Welche personenbezogenen Daten werden zu welchem Zweck gespeichert\r\n2.1.1. Daten der Personen mit Zugang zu musdb F\u00fcr die Nutzerverwaltung speichert museum-digital:musdb lediglich Name, Passwort, mail-Anschrift jedes Nutzers. Die gespeicherten Daten k\u00f6nnen vom Nutzer selbst ge\u00e4ndert werden. Es wird zudem der Zeitpunkt der letzten Anmeldung protokolliert. Pers\u00f6nlich vom jeweiligen Nutzer vorgenommene Einstellungen (Registerkartenwahl, Startseite, \u2026) werden gleichfalls dem Nutzer zugeordnet und mit seinem Konto verbunden. F\u00fcr die Objektverwaltung speichert museum-digital:musdb den Namen und den Zeitpunkt des Bearbeitenden. Ebenfalls werden die Namen der Eingebenden bei neu erfassten Orts-, Zeit-, Schlagwort- und Personen-\/Institutionenangaben erfasst.\r\n2.1.2. Daten \u00fcber dritte Personen (Hersteller etc.) \u00dcber Dritte, d.h. Hersteller, Maler, \u2026, die in Beziehung zu verzeichneten Objekten stehen werden die \u00fcblichen biographischen Informationen erfasst, wie sie auch in der Gemeinsamen Normdatei der Bibliotheken oder in Lexikon-Artikeln ver\u00f6ffentlicht werden (Name, Geburtsjahr, Geburtsort, Kurze Beschreibung \u2026). Zuordnungen zwischen solchen Dritten und Objekten k\u00f6nnen entweder von Nutzern von museum-digital:musdb eingegeben werden oder werden auf dessen Veranlassung importiert (siehe oben 1.2)\r\n2.2. Weitergabe von personenbezogenen Daten Personenbezogene Daten von Nutzern von museum-digital:musdb werden in keinem Fall ohne deren ausdr\u00fcckliche Zustimmung an Dritte weitergegeben. Von Nutzern von museum-digital:musdb eingetragene personenbezogene Informationen \u00fcber Dritte (Hersteller, Maler, \u2026) werden hingegen \u00f6ffentlich zur Verf\u00fcgung gestellt um historische Forschung zu unterst\u00fctzen.\r\n2.3. Wer hat Zugang zu diesen Daten Zugang zu den personenbezogenen Daten von Nutzern von museum-digital:musdb haben \r\n\u00b7 Die Nutzer selbst \r\n\u00b7 Andere Personen in einer gleich- oder \u00fcbergeordneten Rolle (Museumsdirektor -> Regionaladministrator) \r\n\u00b7 Die Normdatenredakteure\r\n2.4. L\u00f6schung der Daten Eine L\u00f6schung der personenbezogenen Daten eines Nutzers kann von diesem jederzeit verlangt werden und wird umgehend umgesetzt.",
"mail_deletion": "Confirm the deletion of your account",
"mail_deletion_contents": "Your account has been flagged for deletion. If you really want to delete your account at museum-digital, you can do so by clicking on the link below:",
"deletion_mail_sent": "A mail has been sent, asking for your confirmation for deleting your account",
"delete": "Delete",
"exportUserData": "Export own account data",
"automatic_mails": "Automated news",
"new_user": "New user",
"upload_image": "Upload image",
"uploaded_profile_img": "Uploaded profile picture",
"delete_image": "Delete image",
"deleted_image": "Profile picture has been deleted",
"make_visible": "Make visible to other users in musdb",
"make_hidden": "Hide your account from other users in musdb",
"this_month": "This month",
"this_year": "This year",
"within_X_month": "Within the last {x} month",
"within_X_years": "Within the last {x} years",
"view_profile": "View profile",
"about": "About",
"user_set_invisible": "Your profile has been set invisible to other users in musdb.",
"user_set_visible": "Your profile has been set visible to other users in musdb.",
"user_description_edited": "Your profile description has been edited",
"public_pgp_key": "Public PGP key",
"username_explica": "Username with which a user logs in. Ideally something concise but unique.",
"realname_explica": "Full name of the user.",
"usermail_explica": "Mail address of the user.<br\/>We need this information to be able to send out invitation mails. Later, it allows <em>musdb<\/em> to send automated mails with recent updates (these need to be enabled below). If the user wants to delete their account, a mail asking for confirmation will also be sent to this email address.<br\/>If the user's profile is made visible other users logged in to musdb, the email address will be visible there, too.",
"password_form": "Must contain at least 8 characters.",
"password_explica": "Password. Must be at least 8 characters long.",
"automatic_mails_explica": "Should updates (currently notifications of recently ending loan entries and notifications from admins and other users) be automatically mailed to the user in regular intervals?",
"user_role_explica": "The user role determines a user's default access rights to contents in musdb. A more in-depth explanation can be found in the handbook.",
"user_institution_explica": "Every user (even regional administrators) needs to be linked to a \"home institution\". This \"home institution\" can be set here.",
"user_about_explica": "Say something about yourself. This description will be visible on your profile if you set it visible to other users in musdb.",
"public_pgp_key_explica": "In this field, a public PGP key can be entered. If this is done, future mails will be sent encrypted to you.",
"two_factor_authentication": "Two Factor Authentication",
"via_mail": "Via E-Mail",
"2fa_explica": "Two factor authentication can be enabled here. Thus far, the only option is two factor authentication using your mail account. After entering your login credentials, you will be sent a code via mail with which you can then log in. By default, two factor authentication is disabled.",
"security": "Security",
"your_account_has_been_deleted": "Your account has been deleted",
"this_is_your_auth_code": "You can find your authentication code below. Enter it to log in to musdb:",
"auth_code": "Authentication code",
"login_at_musdb": "Login at musdb",
"auth_code_invalid": "The authentication code you entered is not valid",
"2fa_screen_explica": "Sie haben die Zwei-Faktor-Authentifizierungs-Option in den Benutzereinstellungen aktiviert. Entsprechend haben Sie gerade einen Zugangscode zugeschickt bekommen.<br \/>Dieser Code ist f\u00fcr zwei Stunden g\u00fcltig.",
"access_denied": "Access denied",
"user_added_pgp_key": "Updated security settings"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
"tlVisitors": {
"add_new_visitor": "Neuen Besucher hinzuf\u00fcgen",
"generate_qr_code": "QR-Code generieren",
"new_visitor_added": "A new visitor has been registered",
"day": "Day",
"week": "Week",
"month": "Month",
"all_time": "All time",
"filter_by_time": "Filter by time",
"time_context": "Date (time context)",
"ticket_types": "Type of visitor (by ticket)",
"amount": "Amount",
"other_not_categorized": "Andere \/ Ohne Kategorie",
"calendar_week": "Calendar week",
"year": "Year",
"manually_add": "Manually add visitors",
"number_new_visitors": "Number of visitors to register",
"in_numbers": "In numbers",
"manage_ticket_types": "Manage ticket types"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
"tlWorks": {
"record_edited": "The work entry has been updated",
"upload_image": "Uploaded image.",
"deleted_image": "The image has been deleted",
"work_deleted": "The work entry has been deleted",
"works_edit": "Edit a work",
"language": "Record language",
"language_explica": "Language of the record. Required.",
"title": "Title",
"title_explica": "The title of the work.",
"description": "Description",
"description_explica": "Description of the work.",
"recordKind": "Kind of work",
"kind_explica": "Type of the work.",
"material": "Material",
"material_explica": "The material, with which the work was created."
@ -101,6 +101,7 @@
"options": "Optionen",
"options": "Optionen",
"newspapers_mailing_lists": "Newsletters and mailing lists",
"newspapers_mailing_lists": "Newsletters and mailing lists",
"room": "Raum",
"room": "Raum",
"image": "Bild"
"image": "Bild",
"menu_items": "Menu Items"
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
"add_time": "Zeitbegriff eingeben",
"add_time": "Zeitbegriff eingeben",
"no_time": "Zeiteintrag aus Ereignis entfernen",
"no_time": "Zeiteintrag aus Ereignis entfernen",
"last_used": "Zuletzt verwendet",
"last_used": "Zuletzt verwendet",
"delete_event": "Dieses Ereignis l\u00f6schen",
"delete_event": "Das Ereignis l\u00f6schen",
"delete_question": "Sie sind dabei, ein Ereignis zu l\u00f6schen !",
"delete_question": "Sie sind dabei, ein Ereignis zu l\u00f6schen !",
"delete_no": "Nein, war nicht so ernst gemeint (zur\u00fcck)",
"delete_no": "Nein, war nicht so ernst gemeint (zur\u00fcck)",
"delete_yes": "Ja, so soll es sein. Hinfort damit",
"delete_yes": "Ja, so soll es sein. Hinfort damit",
@ -92,6 +92,9 @@
"similar_event_already_added": "Ein solches Ereignis war schon mit dem Objekt verkn\u00fcpft",
"similar_event_already_added": "Ein solches Ereignis war schon mit dem Objekt verkn\u00fcpft",
"88": "",
"88": "",
"event_added": "Ein Ereignis wurde gespeichert",
"event_added": "Ein Ereignis wurde gespeichert",
"90": ""
"90": "",
"edit_event": "Das Ereignis bearbeiten",
"clone_event": "Das Ereignis klonen",
"92": ""
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
@ -88,7 +88,8 @@
"object_overview": "Objekt\u00fcbersicht",
"object_overview": "Objekt\u00fcbersicht",
"toggle_navigation": "Navigation ausklappen",
"toggle_navigation": "Navigation ausklappen",
"main_image": "Hauptbild",
"main_image": "Hauptbild",
"find_an_expert": "Einen Experten finden"
"find_an_expert": "Einen Experten finden",
"return_to_list": "Zur\u00fcck zur \u00dcbersicht"
"objekt": {
"objekt": {
"assign_results": "Treffer zuordnen",
"assign_results": "Treffer zuordnen",
@ -37,6 +37,7 @@
"did_not_delete_no_image": "Hintergrundbild konnte nicht entfernt werden - es existiert nicht",
"did_not_delete_no_image": "Hintergrundbild konnte nicht entfernt werden - es existiert nicht",
"removed_background_img_successfully": "Hintergrundbild wurde erfolgreich entfernt",
"removed_background_img_successfully": "Hintergrundbild wurde erfolgreich entfernt",
"data_url": "Daten \/ URL",
"data_url": "Daten \/ URL",
"qr_code_generator": "QR-Code-Generator"
"qr_code_generator": "QR-Code-Generator",
"instance_health": "Instanz-Gesundheit"
@ -117,6 +117,7 @@
"login_at_musdb": "Login bei musdb",
"login_at_musdb": "Login bei musdb",
"auth_code_invalid": "Der eingegebene Authentifizierungs-Code ist nicht korrekt",
"auth_code_invalid": "Der eingegebene Authentifizierungs-Code ist nicht korrekt",
"2fa_screen_explica": "Sie haben die Zwei-Faktor-Authentifizierungs-Option in den Benutzereinstellungen aktiviert. Entsprechend haben Sie gerade einen Zugangscode zugeschickt bekommen.<br \/>\r\nDieser Code ist f\u00fcr zwei Stunden g\u00fcltig.",
"2fa_screen_explica": "Sie haben die Zwei-Faktor-Authentifizierungs-Option in den Benutzereinstellungen aktiviert. Entsprechend haben Sie gerade einen Zugangscode zugeschickt bekommen.<br \/>\r\nDieser Code ist f\u00fcr zwei Stunden g\u00fcltig.",
"access_denied": "Ihnen fehlt die Berechtigung hierzu"
"access_denied": "Ihnen fehlt die Berechtigung hierzu",
"user_added_pgp_key": "Security-Einstellungen wurden geupdated"
@ -101,6 +101,7 @@
"options": "Options",
"options": "Options",
"newspapers_mailing_lists": "Newspapers and mailing lists",
"newspapers_mailing_lists": "Newspapers and mailing lists",
"room": "Room",
"room": "Room",
"image": "Image"
"image": "Image",
"menu_items": "Menu Items"
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
"event": "Event",
"event": "Event",
"link": "Link with hyperlink",
"link": "Link with hyperlink",
"literature": "Link with literature",
"literature": "Link with literature",
"location": "Information about whereabout",
"location": "Information about whereabouts",
"notes": "Remarks",
"notes": "Remarks",
"record": "Alternative language record",
"record": "Alternative language record",
"resource": "Link with image or resource",
"resource": "Link with image or resource",
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
"add_time": "Insert time",
"add_time": "Insert time",
"no_time": "Delete time in event",
"no_time": "Delete time in event",
"last_used": "Last used",
"last_used": "Last used",
"delete_event": "Delete event",
"delete_event": "Delete the event",
"delete_question": "You are about to delete an event",
"delete_question": "You are about to delete an event",
"delete_no": "No, not really (back)",
"delete_no": "No, not really (back)",
"delete_yes": "Yes, that's what I want",
"delete_yes": "Yes, that's what I want",
@ -89,6 +89,8 @@
"minimum_3_characters": "3 characters minimum",
"minimum_3_characters": "3 characters minimum",
"similar_event_already_added": "A similar event had already been added",
"similar_event_already_added": "A similar event had already been added",
"event_added": "The event has been added",
"event_added": "The event has been added",
"check_already_special_relation": "is already related to the object through a time relation or an event!"
"check_already_special_relation": "is already related to the object through a time relation or an event!",
"edit_event": "Edit the event",
"clone_event": "Clone the event"
@ -37,6 +37,34 @@
"firstsaved_by": "First edit, by",
"firstsaved_by": "First edit, by",
"addendum": "Additional information",
"addendum": "Additional information",
"administration": "Object administration",
"administration": "Object administration",
"backup_intro": "The backup you are creating contains <b>all<\/b> informationen from <b>all<\/b> objects of your institution. Especially if you use museum-digital for inventarization, keep in mind: <\/p><p style=\"text-align:center\"><br><b style=\"color:993333;\">Don't give this backup to anyone!<\/b><\/p><br>As soon as you click the button below the server will create a ZIP-file. This file contains many small files - one per object. Immediately after creation the server sends you this file automatically. Please store this file at a save place. Backups should best be made at fixed intervals (e.g. every second week). If there is a lot of data the creation of the backup might take some time. Please sit back and wait a moment ..."
"backup_intro": "The backup you are creating contains <b>all<\/b> informationen from <b>all<\/b> objects of your institution. Especially if you use museum-digital for inventarization, keep in mind: <\/p><p style=\"text-align:center\"><br><b style=\"color:993333;\">Don't give this backup to anyone!<\/b><\/p><br>As soon as you click the button below the server will create a ZIP-file. This file contains many small files - one per object. Immediately after creation the server sends you this file automatically. Please store this file at a save place. Backups should best be made at fixed intervals (e.g. every second week). If there is a lot of data the creation of the backup might take some time. Please sit back and wait a moment ...",
"exact_location_place_two": "Exact location, name of place 2",
"exact_location_place_relation_two": "Exact location, relations of place 2",
"exact_location_place_longitude_two": "Exact location, longitude of place 2",
"exact_location_place_latitude_two": "Exact location, latitude of place 2",
"alternative_object_name": "Alternative objekt name",
"alternative_object_name_qualifier": "Alternative objekt name (qualifier)",
"extended_description": "Extended description",
"inscription": "Inscription",
"exact_measurements_length_value": "Exact measurements, length (value)",
"exact_measurements_length_unit": "Exact measurements, length (unit)",
"exact_measurements_width_value": "Exact measurements, width (value)",
"exact_measurements_width_unit": "Exact measurements, width (unit)",
"exact_measurements_height_value": "Exact measurements, height (value)",
"exact_measurements_height_unit": "Exact measurements, height (unit)",
"exact_measurements_weight_value": "Exact measurements, weight (value)",
"exact_measurements_weight_unit": "Exact measurements, weight (unit)",
"exact_measurements_wall_size_value": "Exact measurements, wall size (value)",
"exact_measurements_wall_size_unit": "Exact measurements, wall size (unit)",
"exact_measurements_diameter_value": "Exact measurements, diameter (value)",
"exact_measurements_diameter_unit": "Exact measurements, diameter (unit)",
"exact_measurements_number_pieces": "Exact measurements, number of pieces",
"exact_measurements_number_pages": "Exact measurements, number of pages",
"exact_measurements_stamp_position": "Exact measurements, stamp position",
"similar_objects": "Similar objects",
"specific_entries_material": "Specific entries: Material",
"specific_entries_technique": "Specific entries: technique",
"export_in_which_format": "Export in which format ?",
"md_standard_format": "md:xml (museum-digital standard format)"
@ -88,7 +88,8 @@
"object_overview": "Object overview",
"object_overview": "Object overview",
"toggle_navigation": "Toggle navigation",
"toggle_navigation": "Toggle navigation",
"main_image": "Main image",
"main_image": "Main image",
"find_an_expert": "Find an expert"
"find_an_expert": "Find an expert",
"return_to_list": "Return to overview"
"objekt": {
"objekt": {
"assign_results": "Assign results",
"assign_results": "Assign results",
@ -37,6 +37,7 @@
"did_not_delete_no_image": "Could not unset background - there is no image",
"did_not_delete_no_image": "Could not unset background - there is no image",
"removed_background_img_successfully": "Removed background image successfully",
"removed_background_img_successfully": "Removed background image successfully",
"data_url": "Data \/ URL",
"data_url": "Data \/ URL",
"qr_code_generator": "QR code generator"
"qr_code_generator": "QR code generator",
"instance_health": "Instance health"
@ -117,6 +117,7 @@
"login_at_musdb": "Login at musdb",
"login_at_musdb": "Login at musdb",
"auth_code_invalid": "The authentication code you entered is not valid",
"auth_code_invalid": "The authentication code you entered is not valid",
"2fa_screen_explica": "Sie haben die Zwei-Faktor-Authentifizierungs-Option in den Benutzereinstellungen aktiviert. Entsprechend haben Sie gerade einen Zugangscode zugeschickt bekommen.<br \/>Dieser Code ist f\u00fcr zwei Stunden g\u00fcltig.",
"2fa_screen_explica": "Sie haben die Zwei-Faktor-Authentifizierungs-Option in den Benutzereinstellungen aktiviert. Entsprechend haben Sie gerade einen Zugangscode zugeschickt bekommen.<br \/>Dieser Code ist f\u00fcr zwei Stunden g\u00fcltig.",
"access_denied": "Access denied"
"access_denied": "Access denied",
"user_added_pgp_key": "Updated security settings"
@ -101,6 +101,7 @@
"options": "Options",
"options": "Options",
"newspapers_mailing_lists": "Newspapers and mailing lists",
"newspapers_mailing_lists": "Newspapers and mailing lists",
"room": "Room",
"room": "Room",
"image": "Image"
"image": "Image",
"menu_items": "Menu Items"
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
"add_time": "Insert time",
"add_time": "Insert time",
"no_time": "Delete time in event",
"no_time": "Delete time in event",
"last_used": "Last used",
"last_used": "Last used",
"delete_event": "Delete event",
"delete_event": "Delete the event",
"delete_question": "You are about to delete an event",
"delete_question": "You are about to delete an event",
"delete_no": "No, not really (back)",
"delete_no": "No, not really (back)",
"delete_yes": "Yes, that's what I want",
"delete_yes": "Yes, that's what I want",
@ -88,6 +88,8 @@
"input_too_short_aborted": "Your input was too short. Aborted.",
"input_too_short_aborted": "Your input was too short. Aborted.",
"minimum_3_characters": "3 characters minimum",
"minimum_3_characters": "3 characters minimum",
"similar_event_already_added": "A similar event had already been added",
"similar_event_already_added": "A similar event had already been added",
"event_added": "The event has been added"
"event_added": "The event has been added",
"edit_event": "Edit the event",
"clone_event": "Clone the event"
@ -37,6 +37,34 @@
"firstsaved_by": "First edit, by",
"firstsaved_by": "First edit, by",
"addendum": "Additional information",
"addendum": "Additional information",
"administration": "Object administration",
"administration": "Object administration",
"backup_intro": "The backup you are creating contains <b>all<\/b> informationen from <b>all<\/b> objects of your institution. Especially if you use museum-digital for inventarization, keep in mind: <\/p><p style=\"text-align:center\"><br><b style=\"color:993333;\">Don't give this backup to anyone!<\/b><\/p><br>As soon as you click the button below the server will create a ZIP-file. This file contains many small files - one per object. Immediately after creation the server sends you this file automatically. Please store this file at a save place. Backups should best be made at fixed intervals (e.g. every second week). If there is a lot of data the creation of the backup might take some time. Please sit back and wait a moment ..."
"backup_intro": "The backup you are creating contains <b>all<\/b> informationen from <b>all<\/b> objects of your institution. Especially if you use museum-digital for inventarization, keep in mind: <\/p><p style=\"text-align:center\"><br><b style=\"color:993333;\">Don't give this backup to anyone!<\/b><\/p><br>As soon as you click the button below the server will create a ZIP-file. This file contains many small files - one per object. Immediately after creation the server sends you this file automatically. Please store this file at a save place. Backups should best be made at fixed intervals (e.g. every second week). If there is a lot of data the creation of the backup might take some time. Please sit back and wait a moment ...",
"exact_location_place_two": "Exact location, name of place 2",
"exact_location_place_relation_two": "Exact location, relations of place 2",
"exact_location_place_longitude_two": "Exact location, longitude of place 2",
"exact_location_place_latitude_two": "Exact location, latitude of place 2",
"alternative_object_name": "Alternative objekt name",
"alternative_object_name_qualifier": "Alternative objekt name (qualifier)",
"extended_description": "Extended description",
"inscription": "Inscription",
"exact_measurements_length_value": "Exact measurements, length (value)",
"exact_measurements_length_unit": "Exact measurements, length (unit)",
"exact_measurements_width_value": "Exact measurements, width (value)",
"exact_measurements_width_unit": "Exact measurements, width (unit)",
"exact_measurements_height_value": "Exact measurements, height (value)",
"exact_measurements_height_unit": "Exact measurements, height (unit)",
"exact_measurements_weight_value": "Exact measurements, weight (value)",
"exact_measurements_weight_unit": "Exact measurements, weight (unit)",
"exact_measurements_wall_size_value": "Exact measurements, wall size (value)",
"exact_measurements_wall_size_unit": "Exact measurements, wall size (unit)",
"exact_measurements_diameter_value": "Exact measurements, diameter (value)",
"exact_measurements_diameter_unit": "Exact measurements, diameter (unit)",
"exact_measurements_number_pieces": "Exact measurements, number of pieces",
"exact_measurements_number_pages": "Exact measurements, number of pages",
"exact_measurements_stamp_position": "Exact measurements, stamp position",
"similar_objects": "Similar objects",
"specific_entries_material": "Specific entries: Material",
"specific_entries_technique": "Specific entries: technique",
"export_in_which_format": "Export in which format ?",
"md_standard_format": "md:xml (museum-digital standard format)"
@ -88,7 +88,8 @@
"object_overview": "Object overview",
"object_overview": "Object overview",
"toggle_navigation": "Toggle navigation",
"toggle_navigation": "Toggle navigation",
"main_image": "Main image",
"main_image": "Main image",
"find_an_expert": "Find an expert"
"find_an_expert": "Find an expert",
"return_to_list": "Return to overview"
"objekt": {
"objekt": {
"assign_results": "Assign results",
"assign_results": "Assign results",
@ -37,6 +37,7 @@
"did_not_delete_no_image": "Could not unset background - there is no image",
"did_not_delete_no_image": "Could not unset background - there is no image",
"removed_background_img_successfully": "Removed background image successfully",
"removed_background_img_successfully": "Removed background image successfully",
"data_url": "Data \/ URL",
"data_url": "Data \/ URL",
"qr_code_generator": "QR code generator"
"qr_code_generator": "QR code generator",
"instance_health": "Instance health"
@ -117,6 +117,7 @@
"login_at_musdb": "Login at musdb",
"login_at_musdb": "Login at musdb",
"auth_code_invalid": "The authentication code you entered is not valid",
"auth_code_invalid": "The authentication code you entered is not valid",
"2fa_screen_explica": "Sie haben die Zwei-Faktor-Authentifizierungs-Option in den Benutzereinstellungen aktiviert. Entsprechend haben Sie gerade einen Zugangscode zugeschickt bekommen.<br \/>Dieser Code ist f\u00fcr zwei Stunden g\u00fcltig.",
"2fa_screen_explica": "Sie haben die Zwei-Faktor-Authentifizierungs-Option in den Benutzereinstellungen aktiviert. Entsprechend haben Sie gerade einen Zugangscode zugeschickt bekommen.<br \/>Dieser Code ist f\u00fcr zwei Stunden g\u00fcltig.",
"access_denied": "Access denied"
"access_denied": "Access denied",
"user_added_pgp_key": "Updated security settings"
@ -90,7 +90,7 @@
"help": "S\u00fag\u00f3",
"help": "S\u00fag\u00f3",
"help_handbook": "M\u00fazeumDigit\u00e1r k\u00e9zik\u00f6nyv",
"help_handbook": "M\u00fazeumDigit\u00e1r k\u00e9zik\u00f6nyv",
"mail_to_admin": "K\u00e9rdezd a support csapatot",
"mail_to_admin": "K\u00e9rdezd a support csapatot",
"toggle_watchlist": "B\u00f6ng\u00e9sz\u0151 be\u00e1ll\u00edt\u00e1sa",
"toggle_watchlist": "Saj\u00e1t lista be-\/ kikapcsol\u00e1sa",
"view_notifications": "\u00c9rtes\u00edt\u00e9sek megtekint\u00e9se"
"view_notifications": "\u00c9rtes\u00edt\u00e9sek megtekint\u00e9se"
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
"goes_to": "\u00c1tir\u00e1ny\u00edt\u00e1s",
"goes_to": "\u00c1tir\u00e1ny\u00edt\u00e1s",
"send": "K\u00fcld\u00e9s",
"send": "K\u00fcld\u00e9s",
"again": "\u00dajra!",
"again": "\u00dajra!",
"show": "megjelen\u00edt\u00e9s",
"show": "Megjelen\u00edt\u00e9s",
"search": "Keres\u00e9s",
"search": "Keres\u00e9s",
"disconnect": "Megszak\u00edt\u00e1s",
"disconnect": "Megszak\u00edt\u00e1s",
"place": "F\u00f6ldrajzi vonatkoz\u00e1s",
"place": "F\u00f6ldrajzi vonatkoz\u00e1s",
@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
"time_related": "Kapcsol\u00f3d\u00f3 id\u0151beli vonatkoz\u00e1s",
"time_related": "Kapcsol\u00f3d\u00f3 id\u0151beli vonatkoz\u00e1s",
"did_you_mean": "Arra gondolt, hogy",
"did_you_mean": "Arra gondolt, hogy",
"choosing_by_clicking": "K\u00e9rem, v\u00e1lasszon",
"choosing_by_clicking": "K\u00e9rem, v\u00e1lasszon",
"already_known": "M\u00e1s ismert",
"already_known": "M\u00e1r ismert",
"back": "vissza",
"back": "vissza",
"found": "Tal\u00e1lat",
"found": "Tal\u00e1lat",
"or": "vagy",
"or": "vagy",
@ -95,12 +95,13 @@
"own_rule_delete": "Saj\u00e1t szab\u00e1ly t\u00f6rl\u00e9se",
"own_rule_delete": "Saj\u00e1t szab\u00e1ly t\u00f6rl\u00e9se",
"own_rule_edit": "Saj\u00e1t szab\u00e1ly szerkeszt\u00e9se",
"own_rule_edit": "Saj\u00e1t szab\u00e1ly szerkeszt\u00e9se",
"less": "Kevesebb",
"less": "Kevesebb",
"grid": "Grid",
"grid": "N\u00e9zet",
"sort": "Sort",
"sort": "Sort",
"quilt": "Quilt",
"quilt": "Quilt",
"options": "Lehet\u0151s\u00e9gek",
"options": "Lehet\u0151s\u00e9gek",
"newspapers_mailing_lists": "H\u00edrlev\u00e9l lista",
"newspapers_mailing_lists": "H\u00edrlev\u00e9l lista",
"room": "Szoba",
"room": "Szoba",
"image": "Image"
"image": "Image",
"menu_items": "F\u0151men\u0171 elemei"
@ -12,8 +12,8 @@
"add_time": "Id\u0151beli vonatkoz\u00e1s megad\u00e1sa",
"add_time": "Id\u0151beli vonatkoz\u00e1s megad\u00e1sa",
"no_time": "Id\u0151beli vonatkoz\u00e1s t\u00f6rl\u00e9se az esem\u00e9nyb\u0151l",
"no_time": "Id\u0151beli vonatkoz\u00e1s t\u00f6rl\u00e9se az esem\u00e9nyb\u0151l",
"last_used": "Legut\u00f3bb kiv\u00e1lasztott",
"last_used": "Legut\u00f3bb kiv\u00e1lasztott",
"delete_event": "Esem\u00e9ny t\u00f6rl\u00e9se",
"delete_event": "Delete the event",
"delete_question": "Val\u00f3ban t\u00f6r\u00f6lni k\u00edv\u00e1nja az esem\u00e9nyt? ",
"delete_question": "Val\u00f3ban t\u00f6r\u00f6lni k\u00edv\u00e1nja? ",
"delete_no": "M\u00e9gsem, vissza",
"delete_no": "M\u00e9gsem, vissza",
"delete_yes": "Igen, t\u00f6rl\u00e9s",
"delete_yes": "Igen, t\u00f6rl\u00e9s",
"check_not_enough": "Az esem\u00e9ny ment\u00e9s\u00e9hez nem adott meg elegend\u0151 inform\u00e1ci\u00f3t",
"check_not_enough": "Az esem\u00e9ny ment\u00e9s\u00e9hez nem adott meg elegend\u0151 inform\u00e1ci\u00f3t",
@ -89,6 +89,8 @@
"minimum_3_characters": "Minimum 3 karakter k\u00f6telez\u0151!",
"minimum_3_characters": "Minimum 3 karakter k\u00f6telez\u0151!",
"similar_event_already_added": "Azonos esem\u00e9ny hozz\u00e1rendel\u00e9se megt\u00f6rt\u00e9nt",
"similar_event_already_added": "Azonos esem\u00e9ny hozz\u00e1rendel\u00e9se megt\u00f6rt\u00e9nt",
"event_added": "Az esem\u00e9ny hozz\u00e1rendelve",
"event_added": "Az esem\u00e9ny hozz\u00e1rendelve",
"check_already_special_relation": "m\u00e1r kapcsol\u00f3dik a t\u00e1rgyhoz egy esem\u00e9nyen VAGY egy id\u0151beli vonatkoz\u00e1s\u00fa kulcssz\u00f3n kereszt\u00fcl!"
"check_already_special_relation": "m\u00e1r kapcsol\u00f3dik a t\u00e1rgyhoz egy esem\u00e9nyen VAGY egy id\u0151beli vonatkoz\u00e1s\u00fa kulcssz\u00f3n kereszt\u00fcl!",
"edit_event": "Esem\u00e9ny szerkeszt\u00e9se",
"clone_event": "Esem\u00e9ny kl\u00f3noz\u00e1sa"
@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
"all_exhibitions": "Az \u00f6sszes ki\u00e1ll\u00edt\u00e1s",
"all_exhibitions": "Az \u00f6sszes ki\u00e1ll\u00edt\u00e1s",
"minimum_3_characters": "Minimum 3 karakter k\u00f6telez\u0151!",
"minimum_3_characters": "Minimum 3 karakter k\u00f6telez\u0151!",
"base_data": "A ki\u00e1ll\u00edt\u00e1s alapinform\u00e1ci\u00f3i",
"base_data": "A ki\u00e1ll\u00edt\u00e1s alapinform\u00e1ci\u00f3i",
"exhibitions_list_empty_text": "Nincs ki\u00e1ll\u00edt\u00e1s hozz\u00e1rendelve az int\u00e9zm\u00e9nyhez",
"exhibitions_list_empty_text": "Nincs ki\u00e1ll\u00edt\u00e1s hozz\u00e1rendelve az int\u00e9zm\u00e9nyhez. Tov\u00e1bbi lehet\u0151s\u00e9gek:",
"linked_an_exhibition": "Ki\u00e1ll\u00edt\u00e1s \u00f6sszek\u00f6t\u00e9se a t\u00e1rggyal",
"linked_an_exhibition": "Ki\u00e1ll\u00edt\u00e1s \u00f6sszek\u00f6t\u00e9se a t\u00e1rggyal",
"removed_obj_exh_link": "Ki\u00e1ll\u00edt\u00e1ssal val\u00f3 \u00f6sszek\u00f6t\u00e9s t\u00f6rl\u00e9se",
"removed_obj_exh_link": "Ki\u00e1ll\u00edt\u00e1ssal val\u00f3 \u00f6sszek\u00f6t\u00e9s t\u00f6rl\u00e9se",
"permanent_exhibition": "\u00c1lland\u00f3 ki\u00e1ll\u00edt\u00e1s"
"permanent_exhibition": "\u00c1lland\u00f3 ki\u00e1ll\u00edt\u00e1s"
@ -37,6 +37,34 @@
"firstsaved_by": "A t\u00e1rgyat bevitte",
"firstsaved_by": "A t\u00e1rgyat bevitte",
"addendum": "Kieg\u00e9sz\u00edt\u0151 adatok",
"addendum": "Kieg\u00e9sz\u00edt\u0151 adatok",
"administration": "Nyilv\u00e1ntart\u00e1s",
"administration": "Nyilv\u00e1ntart\u00e1s",
"backup_intro": "A biztons\u00e1gi ment\u00e9s az <b>\u00f6sszes <\/b>t\u00e1rgy <b>\u00f6sszes<\/b> adat\u00e1t tartalmazza. K\u00fcl\u00f6n\u00f6sen akkor, ha a M\u00fazeumDigit\u00e1r rendszert gy\u0171jtem\u00e9nyi nyilv\u00e1ntart\u00e1sra is haszn\u00e1lja, ne feledje el, hogy: <\/p><p style="text-align:center"><br><b style="color:993333;">A biztons\u00e1gi ment\u00e9st bizalmasan kezelje \u00e9s ne adja senkinek tov\u00e1bb!<\/b><\/p><br>A lenti ikonra kattintva a szerver l\u00e9trehoz egy t\u00f6m\u00f6r\u00edtett f\u00e1jlt.Ez a t\u00f6m\u00f6r\u00edtett f\u00e1jl tartalmazza az egyes t\u00e1rgyak xml f\u00e1jljait. A t\u00f6m\u00f6r\u00edtett f\u00e1jlt \u00d6n automatikusan megkapja A<\/p><p style="margin:0px;padding:0px;">K\u00e9sz\u00edtsen rendszeresen biztons\u00e1gi ment\u00e9seket (pl. k\u00e9thetente)<\/p><p style="margin:0px;padding:0px;">(Ha m\u00e1r sok rekorddal rendelkezik, akkor a biztons\u00e1gi ment\u00e9s k\u00e9sz\u00edt\u00e9se id\u0151ig\u00e9nyes folyamat is lehet. K\u00e9rj\u00fck, ne sajn\u00e1lja erre az id\u0151t, mert itt is els\u0151 a biztons\u00e1g!)"
"backup_intro": "A biztons\u00e1gi ment\u00e9s az <b>\u00f6sszes <\/b>t\u00e1rgy <b>\u00f6sszes<\/b> adat\u00e1t tartalmazza. K\u00fcl\u00f6n\u00f6sen akkor, ha a M\u00fazeumDigit\u00e1r rendszert gy\u0171jtem\u00e9nyi nyilv\u00e1ntart\u00e1sra is haszn\u00e1lja, ne feledje el, hogy: <\/p><p style="text-align:center"><br><b style="color:993333;">A biztons\u00e1gi ment\u00e9st bizalmasan kezelje \u00e9s ne adja senkinek tov\u00e1bb!<\/b><\/p><br>A lenti ikonra kattintva a szerver l\u00e9trehoz egy t\u00f6m\u00f6r\u00edtett f\u00e1jlt.Ez a t\u00f6m\u00f6r\u00edtett f\u00e1jl tartalmazza az egyes t\u00e1rgyak xml f\u00e1jljait. A t\u00f6m\u00f6r\u00edtett f\u00e1jlt \u00d6n automatikusan megkapja A<\/p><p style="margin:0px;padding:0px;">K\u00e9sz\u00edtsen rendszeresen biztons\u00e1gi ment\u00e9seket (pl. k\u00e9thetente)<\/p><p style="margin:0px;padding:0px;">(Ha m\u00e1r sok rekorddal rendelkezik, akkor a biztons\u00e1gi ment\u00e9s k\u00e9sz\u00edt\u00e9se id\u0151ig\u00e9nyes folyamat is lehet. K\u00e9rj\u00fck, ne sajn\u00e1lja erre az id\u0151t, mert itt is els\u0151 a biztons\u00e1g!)",
"exact_location_place_two": "Egy\u00e9b pontos helysz\u00edn neve ",
"exact_location_place_relation_two": "Egy\u00e9b pontos f\u00f6ldrajzi vonatkoz\u00e1s",
"exact_location_place_longitude_two": "Egy\u00e9b pontos helysz\u00edn hossz\u00fas\u00e1gi geokoordin\u00e1t\u00e1k",
"exact_location_place_latitude_two": "Egy\u00e9b pontos helysz\u00edn sz\u00e9less\u00e9gi geokoordin\u00e1t\u00e1k",
"alternative_object_name": "Alternat\u00edv t\u00e1rgymegnevez\u00e9s",
"alternative_object_name_qualifier": "Alternat\u00edv t\u00e1rgymegnevez\u00e9s (min\u0151s\u00edtett)",
"extended_description": "B\u0151vebb le\u00edr\u00e1s",
"inscription": "Felirat\/Szign\u00f3",
"exact_measurements_length_value": "Kieg\u00e9sz\u00edt\u0151 adatok, hossz\u00fas\u00e1g (sz\u00e1madat)",
"exact_measurements_length_unit": "Kieg\u00e9sz\u00edt\u0151 adatok, hossz\u00fas\u00e1g (m\u00e9rt\u00e9kegys\u00e9g)",
"exact_measurements_width_value": "Kieg\u00e9sz\u00edt\u0151 adatok, sz\u00e9less\u00e9g (sz\u00e1madat)",
"exact_measurements_width_unit": "Kieg\u00e9sz\u00edt\u0151 adatok, sz\u00e9less\u00e9g (m\u00e9rt\u00e9kegys\u00e9g)",
"exact_measurements_height_value": "Kieg\u00e9sz\u00edt\u0151 adatok, magass\u00e1g (sz\u00e1madat)",
"exact_measurements_height_unit": "Kieg\u00e9sz\u00edt\u0151 adatok, magass\u00e1g (m\u00e9rt\u00e9kegys\u00e9g)",
"exact_measurements_weight_value": "Kieg\u00e9sz\u00edt\u0151 adatok, s\u00faly (sz\u00e1madat)",
"exact_measurements_weight_unit": "Kieg\u00e9sz\u00edt\u0151 adatok, s\u00faly (m\u00e9rt\u00e9kegys\u00e9g)",
"exact_measurements_wall_size_value": "Kieg\u00e9sz\u00edt\u0151 adatok, falvastags\u00e1g (sz\u00e1madat)",
"exact_measurements_wall_size_unit": "Kieg\u00e9sz\u00edt\u0151 adatok, falvastags\u00e1g (m\u00e9rt\u00e9kegys\u00e9g)",
"exact_measurements_diameter_value": "Kieg\u00e9sz\u00edt\u0151 adatok, \u00e1tm\u00e9r\u0151 (sz\u00e1madat)",
"exact_measurements_diameter_unit": "Kieg\u00e9sz\u00edt\u0151 adatok, \u00e1tm\u00e9r\u0151 (m\u00e9rt\u00e9kegys\u00e9g)",
"exact_measurements_number_pieces": "Kieg\u00e9sz\u00edt\u0151 adatok, darabsz\u00e1m",
"exact_measurements_number_pages": "Kieg\u00e9sz\u00edt\u0151 adatok, oldalsz\u00e1m",
"exact_measurements_stamp_position": "Kieg\u00e9sz\u00edt\u0151 adatok, pecs\u00e9t helye",
"similar_objects": "Hasonl\u00f3 t\u00e1rgyak",
"specific_entries_material": "Kieg\u00e9sz\u00edt\u0151 meghat\u00e1roz\u00e1s: Anyag",
"specific_entries_technique": "Kieg\u00e9sz\u00edt\u0151 meghat\u00e1roz\u00e1s: Technika",
"export_in_which_format": "Milyen adatcsere form\u00e1tumban t\u00f6rt\u00e9njen az export?",
"md_standard_format": "XML (a M\u00fazeumDigit\u00e1r standard adatcsere form\u00e1tuma)"
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
"change_from_folder": "Mapp\u00e1b\u00f3l",
"change_from_folder": "Mapp\u00e1b\u00f3l",
"change_file": "a f\u00e1jl",
"change_file": "a f\u00e1jl",
"replace_with": "Csere a k\u00f6vetkez\u0151 f\u00e1jlra",
"replace_with": "Csere a k\u00f6vetkez\u0151 f\u00e1jlra",
"upload_jpg_title": "A t\u00e1rgy k\u00e9pi illusztr\u00e1ci\u00f3j\u00e1nak felt\u00f6lt\u00e9se (JPG)",
"upload_jpg_title": "K\u00e9pi illusztr\u00e1ci\u00f3 felt\u00f6lt\u00e9se (JPG)",
"prerequisites": "A felt\u00f6lt\u00e9s szab\u00e1lyai",
"prerequisites": "A felt\u00f6lt\u00e9s szab\u00e1lyai",
"prerequisites_filename": "A f\u00e1ljn\u00e9v ne tartalmazzon \u00e9kezeteket, pontot (kiv\u00e9ve a kiterjeszt\u00e9s el\u0151tt), se k\u00fcl\u00f6nleges karaktereket, vagy sz\u00f3k\u00f6zt",
"prerequisites_filename": "A f\u00e1ljn\u00e9v ne tartalmazzon \u00e9kezeteket, pontot (kiv\u00e9ve a kiterjeszt\u00e9s el\u0151tt), se k\u00fcl\u00f6nleges karaktereket, vagy sz\u00f3k\u00f6zt",
"prerequisites_fileformat": "A k\u00e9p JPG form\u00e1tum\u00fa legyen, felbont\u00e1s: 72 dpi, vagy 96 dpi",
"prerequisites_fileformat": "A k\u00e9p JPG form\u00e1tum\u00fa legyen, felbont\u00e1s: 72 dpi, vagy 96 dpi",
@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
"prerequisites_imagesize_mussam": "Minimum sz\u00e9less\u00e9g 200 pixel",
"prerequisites_imagesize_mussam": "Minimum sz\u00e9less\u00e9g 200 pixel",
"prerequisites_filesize_general": "A k\u00e9pf\u00e1jl m\u00e9rete ne legyen nagyobb, mint 2 MB (t\u00e9rk\u00e9pek, vagy egy\u00e9bb r\u00e9szletgazdag k\u00e9pek eset\u00e9n 10 MB) Ide\u00e1lis f\u00e1jlm\u00e9ret 100-500 KB. JPG k\u00e9pek 60-70%-os t\u00f6m\u00f6r\u00edt\u00e9ssel is j\u00f3 min\u0151s\u00e9gben megjelen\u00edthet\u0151k",
"prerequisites_filesize_general": "A k\u00e9pf\u00e1jl m\u00e9rete ne legyen nagyobb, mint 2 MB (t\u00e9rk\u00e9pek, vagy egy\u00e9bb r\u00e9szletgazdag k\u00e9pek eset\u00e9n 10 MB) Ide\u00e1lis f\u00e1jlm\u00e9ret 100-500 KB. JPG k\u00e9pek 60-70%-os t\u00f6m\u00f6r\u00edt\u00e9ssel is j\u00f3 min\u0151s\u00e9gben megjelen\u00edthet\u0151k",
"prerequisites_filesize_mussam": "F\u00e1jm\u00e9ret nem haladja meg a 2 MB-t",
"prerequisites_filesize_mussam": "F\u00e1jm\u00e9ret nem haladja meg a 2 MB-t",
"reduction_museum": "Please select a file to upload. Will be made fit to size automatically",
"reduction_museum": "K\u00e9rj\u00fck v\u00e1lassza ki a felt\u00f6lteni k\u00edv\u00e1nt f\u00e1jlt! A f\u00e1jl automatikusan \u00e1tm\u00e9retez\u00e9sre ker\u00fcl",
"reduction_general": "K\u00e9rj\u00fck, a k\u00e9pf\u00e1jlokat a fenti el\u0151\u00edr\u00e1soknak megfelel\u0151en nagy m\u00e9retben t\u00f6ltse fel. A k\u00e9t kisebb m\u00e9ret\u0171 n\u00e9z\u0151k\u00e9pet a rendszer automatikusan \u00e1ll\u00edtja el\u0151",
"reduction_general": "K\u00e9rj\u00fck, a k\u00e9pf\u00e1jlokat a fenti el\u0151\u00edr\u00e1soknak megfelel\u0151en nagy m\u00e9retben t\u00f6ltse fel. A k\u00e9t kisebb m\u00e9ret\u0171 n\u00e9z\u0151k\u00e9pet a rendszer automatikusan \u00e1ll\u00edtja el\u0151",
"last_uploaded": "Legutolj\u00e1ra felt\u00f6lt\u00f6tt",
"last_uploaded": "Legutolj\u00e1ra felt\u00f6lt\u00f6tt",
"upload_failed": "Valami nem siker\u00fclt. Tal\u00e1n nem adta meg a f\u00e1jl nev\u00e9t? Az \u00faj felt\u00f6lt\u00e9shez haszn\u00e1lja a b\u00f6ng\u00e9sz\u0151 "vissza" gombj\u00e1t",
"upload_failed": "Valami nem siker\u00fclt. Tal\u00e1n nem adta meg a f\u00e1jl nev\u00e9t? Az \u00faj felt\u00f6lt\u00e9shez haszn\u00e1lja a b\u00f6ng\u00e9sz\u0151 "vissza" gombj\u00e1t",
@ -49,8 +49,8 @@
"hide_series_at_museumsite": "Elrejt\u00e9s a m\u00fazeum oldal\u00e1r\u00f3l",
"hide_series_at_museumsite": "Elrejt\u00e9s a m\u00fazeum oldal\u00e1r\u00f3l",
"show_map_with_series": "T\u00e9rk\u00e9pes n\u00e9zet publik\u00e1l\u00e1sa",
"show_map_with_series": "T\u00e9rk\u00e9pes n\u00e9zet publik\u00e1l\u00e1sa",
"hide_map_with_series": "T\u00e9rk\u00e9pes n\u00e9zet elrejt\u00e9se",
"hide_map_with_series": "T\u00e9rk\u00e9pes n\u00e9zet elrejt\u00e9se",
"series_map_set_nonpublic": " A sorozatok oldal t\u00e9rk\u00e9p n\u00e9lk\u00fcl fog megjelenni",
"series_map_set_nonpublic": " A t\u00e1rgycsoport oldal t\u00e9rk\u00e9p n\u00e9lk\u00fcl fog megjelenni",
"series_map_set_public": "A sorozatok oldal t\u00e9rk\u00e9ppel fog megjelenni",
"series_map_set_public": "A t\u00e1rgycsoport oldal t\u00e9rk\u00e9ppel fog megjelenni",
"series_add": "T\u00e1rgycsoport hozz\u00e1ad\u00e1sa",
"series_add": "T\u00e1rgycsoport hozz\u00e1ad\u00e1sa",
"series_added": "\u00daj t\u00e1rgycsoport hozz\u00e1adva",
"series_added": "\u00daj t\u00e1rgycsoport hozz\u00e1adva",
"series_update": "T\u00e1rgycsoport szerkeszt\u00e9se",
"series_update": "T\u00e1rgycsoport szerkeszt\u00e9se",
@ -58,30 +58,30 @@
"series_objpos_backward": "A t\u00e1rgy h\u00e1tr\u00e9bb ker\u00fclt",
"series_objpos_backward": "A t\u00e1rgy h\u00e1tr\u00e9bb ker\u00fclt",
"series_objpos_forward": "A t\u00e1rgy el\u0151r\u00e9bb ker\u00fclt",
"series_objpos_forward": "A t\u00e1rgy el\u0151r\u00e9bb ker\u00fclt",
"linked_obj_obj": "A t\u00e1rgy egy m\u00e1sik t\u00e1rggyal lett \u00f6sszekapcsolva",
"linked_obj_obj": "A t\u00e1rgy egy m\u00e1sik t\u00e1rggyal lett \u00f6sszekapcsolva",
"linked_obj_series": "A t\u00e1rgy egy sorozathoz lett hozz\u00e1adva",
"linked_obj_series": "A t\u00e1rgy egy t\u00e1rgycsoporthoz lett hozz\u00e1adva",
"objectgroup_hidden": "A sorozat m\u00e1r nem publikus",
"objectgroup_hidden": "A t\u00e1rgycsoport m\u00e1r nem publikus",
"objectgroup_visible": "A sorozat publik\u00e1l\u00e1sa megt\u00f6rt\u00e9nt",
"objectgroup_visible": "A t\u00e1rgycsoport publik\u00e1l\u00e1sa megt\u00f6rt\u00e9nt",
"objectgroup_visible_museumpage": "Ez a sorozat a m\u00fazeum oldal\u00e1n ker\u00fcl bemutat\u00e1sra",
"objectgroup_visible_museumpage": "Ez a t\u00e1rgycsoport a m\u00fazeum oldal\u00e1n ker\u00fcl bemutat\u00e1sra",
"objectgroup_hidden_museumpage": "Ez a sorozat a m\u00fazeum oldal\u00e1n nem ker\u00fcl bemutat\u00e1sra",
"objectgroup_hidden_museumpage": "Ez a t\u00e1rgycsoport a m\u00fazeum oldal\u00e1n nem ker\u00fcl bemutat\u00e1sra",
"single_from": "Kezdve:",
"single_from": "Kezdve:",
"link_edited": "Link szerkesztve",
"link_edited": "Link szerkesztve",
"files_in_index": "Files in index",
"files_in_index": "Indexelt f\u00e1jlok",
"links_good": "Links with no issues",
"links_good": "Linkek hivatkoz\u00e1s n\u00e9lk\u00fcl",
"links_referral": "Links with a referral only",
"links_referral": "Linkek csak hivatkoz\u00e1ssal",
"links_error": "Links with errors",
"links_error": "Hib\u00e1s linkek",
"index_more": "Index more",
"index_more": "Tov\u00e1bbi t\u00e1rgyak",
"url_simple": "URL",
"url_simple": "URL c\u00edm",
"status_code": "Status Code",
"status_code": "St\u00e1tus k\u00f3d",
"date_checked": "Date checked",
"date_checked": "D\u00e1tum ellen\u0151rizve",
"link_validity_check": "Link validity check",
"link_validity_check": "A link \u00e9rv\u00e9nyess\u00e9ge ellen\u0151rizve",
"no_checks_run_yet": "No checks run yet",
"no_checks_run_yet": "Ellen\u0151rz\u00e9s m\u00e9g nem futott",
"all_series": "All series",
"all_series": "\u00d6sszes t\u00e1rgycsoport",
"series_base_data": "Basic information about the series",
"series_base_data": "Alapinform\u00e1ci\u00f3k a t\u00e1rgycsoportr\u00f3l",
"series_objects": "Objects for series",
"series_objects": "A t\u00e1rgycsoportban tal\u00e1lhat\u00f3 t\u00e1rgyak",
"xml_export": "Export (XML)",
"xml_export": "Adatok export\u00e1l\u00e1sa XML f\u00e1jlba",
"link_validation_tool": "Hyperlink validation tool",
"link_validation_tool": "Hiperlink \u00e9rv\u00e9nyes\u00edt\u0151 eszk\u00f6z",
"linked_objects": "Linked objects",
"linked_objects": "Hozz\u00e1kapcsolt t\u00e1rgyak",
"series_deleted": "The series has been deleted",
"series_deleted": "A t\u00e1rgycsoport t\u00f6r\u00f6lve lett",
"series_no_series_text": "No series \/ object group has been added for your museum yet (hence, we cannot list any). You may:"
"series_no_series_text": "M\u00e9g nincs t\u00e1rgycsoport a m\u00fazeumhoz rendelve. Tov\u00e1bbi lehet\u0151s\u00e9g:"
@ -22,19 +22,19 @@
"literature_show_assigned": "Csak az int\u00e9zm\u00e9nyekhez rendelt hozz\u00e1 rendelt rekordok megjelen\u00edt\u00e9se",
"literature_show_assigned": "Csak az int\u00e9zm\u00e9nyekhez rendelt hozz\u00e1 rendelt rekordok megjelen\u00edt\u00e9se",
"literature_show_notassigned": "Csak az int\u00e9zm\u00e9nyekhez nem hozz\u00e1rendelt rekordok megjelen\u00edt\u00e9se",
"literature_show_notassigned": "Csak az int\u00e9zm\u00e9nyekhez nem hozz\u00e1rendelt rekordok megjelen\u00edt\u00e9se",
"abbr": "R\u00f6vid\u00edt\u00e9s",
"abbr": "R\u00f6vid\u00edt\u00e9s",
"abbr_explica": "An abbreviation for this entry<br><br><b style="font-weight:normal;color:#006600;">Might be left empty<\/b>",
"abbr_explica": "A bevitt adat r\u00f6vid\u00edt\u00e9se<br><br><b style="font-weight:normal;color:#006600;">A mez\u0151 kit\u00f6lt\u00e9se nem k\u00f6telez\u0151<\/b>",
"id_in_museum": "M\u00fazeumi jelzet (ID)",
"id_in_museum": "M\u00fazeumi jelzet (ID)",
"id_in_museum_explica": "The ID of the literature in the library of the museum<br><br><b style="font-weight:normal;color:#006600;">Might be left empty<\/b>",
"id_in_museum_explica": "A szakirodalom m\u00fazeumi k\u00f6nyvt\u00e1rban megtal\u00e1lhat\u00f3 jelzete<br><br><b style="font-weight:normal;color:#006600;">A mez\u0151 kit\u00f6lt\u00e9se nem k\u00f6telez\u0151<\/b>",
"annotation": "Megjegyz\u00e9s (int\u00e9zm\u00e9nyen bel\u00fcl)",
"annotation": "Megjegyz\u00e9s (int\u00e9zm\u00e9nyen bel\u00fcl)",
"annotation_explica": "Any remarks concerning this literatur (will not be published)<br><br><b style="font-weight:normal;color:#006600;">Might be left empty<\/b>",
"annotation_explica": "B\u00e1rmilyen hivatkoz\u00e1ssal kapcsolatos megjegyz\u00e9s (nem ker\u00fcl publik\u00e1l\u00e1sra)<br><br><b style="font-weight:normal;color:#006600;">A mez\u0151 kit\u00f6lt\u00e9se nem k\u00f6telez\u0151<\/b>",
"isbn": "ISBN",
"isbn": "ISBN-sz\u00e1m",
"isbn_explica": "The ISBN of the book. It does not matter if you type in dashes or use ISBN10 or ISBN13.<br><br><b style="font-weight:normal;color:#660000;">Might be left empty<\/b>",
"isbn_explica": "A k\u00f6nyv ISBN sz\u00e1ma<br><br><b style="font-weight:normal;color:#660000;">A mez\u0151 kit\u00f6lt\u00e9se nem k\u00f6telez\u0151<\/b>",
"isbn_explica_auto": "The ISBN of the book. It does not matter if you type in dashes or use ISBN10 or ISBN13.<br>If you give an ISBN here, than store it, than you may click on the arrow on the right side and get book information from the Library of Congress (Washington). If you like you can than overwrite your entries.<br><br><b style="font-weight:normal;color:#660000;">Might be left empty<\/b>",
"isbn_explica_auto": "A k\u00f6nyv ISBN sz\u00e1ma<br><br><b style="font-weight:normal;color:#660000;">A mez\u0151 kit\u00f6lt\u00e9se nem k\u00f6telez\u0151<\/b>",
"gnd": "OSZK",
"gnd": "Orsz\u00e1gos Sz\u00e9ch\u00e9nyi K\u00f6nyvt\u00e1r",
"gnd_short": "NatLib",
"gnd_short": "OSZK",
"gnd_explica": "The number of the book in the catalogue of the National Library<br><br><b style="font-weight:normal;color:#660000;">Might be left empty<\/b>",
"gnd_explica": "Az OSZK katal\u00f3gus\u00e1ban tal\u00e1lhat\u00f3 kiadv\u00e1nyok sz\u00e1ma<br><br><b style="font-weight:normal;color:#660000;">A mez\u0151 kit\u00f6lt\u00e9se nem k\u00f6telez\u0151<\/b>",
"online": "Online verzi\u00f3",
"online": "Online verzi\u00f3",
"online_explica": "Link to a version of the literature available online.<br>Please include http:\/\/ or https:\/\/<br><br><b style="font-weight:normal;color:#660000;">Might be left empty<\/b>",
"online_explica": "Link az online el\u00e9rhet\u0151 hivatkoz\u00e1sra. Az URL-c\u00edm http:\/\/ vagy https:\/\/ el\u0151taggal kezd\u0151dj\u00f6n<br><br><b style="font-weight:normal;color:#660000;">A mez\u0151 kit\u00f6lt\u00e9se nem k\u00f6telez\u0151<\/b>",
"no_relation": "K\u00e9rj\u00fck rendelje hozz\u00e1 a szakirodalmat egy int\u00e9zm\u00e9nyhez",
"no_relation": "K\u00e9rj\u00fck rendelje hozz\u00e1 a szakirodalmat egy int\u00e9zm\u00e9nyhez",
"inlit_added": "m\u00e1r kapcsol\u00f3dik a t\u00e1rgyhoz egy szem\u00e9ly\/ int\u00e9zm\u00e9ny vonatkoz\u00e1s\u00fa kulcssz\u00f3n \u00c9S egy esem\u00e9nyen kereszt\u00fcl",
"inlit_added": "m\u00e1r kapcsol\u00f3dik a t\u00e1rgyhoz egy szem\u00e9ly\/ int\u00e9zm\u00e9ny vonatkoz\u00e1s\u00fa kulcssz\u00f3n \u00c9S egy esem\u00e9nyen kereszt\u00fcl",
"inlit_removed": "\u00daj szem\u00e9ny\/ int\u00e9zm\u00e9ny felv\u00e9tele \u00e9s \u00f6sszek\u00f6t\u00e9se",
"inlit_removed": "\u00daj szem\u00e9ny\/ int\u00e9zm\u00e9ny felv\u00e9tele \u00e9s \u00f6sszek\u00f6t\u00e9se",
@ -42,10 +42,10 @@
"edited": "Szem\u00e9ny\/ int\u00e9zm\u00e9ny felv\u00e9tele",
"edited": "Szem\u00e9ny\/ int\u00e9zm\u00e9ny felv\u00e9tele",
"deleted": "Szem\u00e9ny\/ int\u00e9zm\u00e9ny ignor\u00e1l\u00e1sa",
"deleted": "Szem\u00e9ny\/ int\u00e9zm\u00e9ny ignor\u00e1l\u00e1sa",
"multiple_institutions": "\u00daj szem\u00e9ny\/ int\u00e9zm\u00e9ny felv\u00e9tele",
"multiple_institutions": "\u00daj szem\u00e9ny\/ int\u00e9zm\u00e9ny felv\u00e9tele",
"all_literature_entries": "All literature entries",
"all_literature_entries": "\u00d6sszes szakirodalmi vonatkoz\u00e1s",
"base_data": "Basic information about the literature entry",
"base_data": "Alapinform\u00e1ci\u00f3k a szakirodalmi vonatkoz\u00e1sr\u00f3l",
"linked_objects": "Linked objects",
"linked_objects": "Kapcsol\u00f3d\u00f3 t\u00e1rgyak",
"no_literature": "No literature entries yet",
"no_literature": "Nincs m\u00e9g felv\u00e9ve szakirodalmi vonatkoz\u00e1s",
"no_literature_text": "No literature entry has been added for your museum yet (hence, we cannot list any). You may:"
"no_literature_text": "Nincs m\u00e9g szakirodalmi vonatkoz\u00e1s a m\u00fazeumhoz rendelve. Tov\u00e1bbi lehet\u0151s\u00e9gek:"
@ -23,12 +23,12 @@
"loan_entry": "Haszonk\u00f6lcs\u00f6n ",
"loan_entry": "Haszonk\u00f6lcs\u00f6n ",
"loan_added": "Haszonk\u00f6lcs\u00f6n bejegyz\u00e9s l\u00e9trehozva",
"loan_added": "Haszonk\u00f6lcs\u00f6n bejegyz\u00e9s l\u00e9trehozva",
"loans_edited": "Haszonk\u00f6lcs\u00f6n bejegyz\u00e9s friss\u00edtve",
"loans_edited": "Haszonk\u00f6lcs\u00f6n bejegyz\u00e9s friss\u00edtve",
"link_with_loan": "Haszonk\u00f6lcs\u00f6nnel \u00f6sszekapcslva",
"link_with_loan": "Haszonk\u00f6lcs\u00f6nnel \u00f6sszekapcsolva",
"loan_obj_remark": "Speci\u00e1lis megjegyz\u00e9sek",
"loan_obj_remark": "Speci\u00e1lis megjegyz\u00e9sek",
"loan_name": "Megnevez\u00e9s",
"loan_name": "Megnevez\u00e9s",
"loan_name_explica": "A haszonk\u00f6lcs\u00f6n megnevez\u00e9se",
"loan_name_explica": "A haszonk\u00f6lcs\u00f6n megnevez\u00e9se",
"send_mail_to": "E-mail k\u00fcld\u00e9se ...",
"send_mail_to": "E-mail k\u00fcld\u00e9se ...",
"export": "Export",
"export": "Adatok export\u00e1l\u00e1sa",
"export_calendar_item": "Napt\u00e1r bejegyz\u00e9s export\u00e1l\u00e1sa",
"export_calendar_item": "Napt\u00e1r bejegyz\u00e9s export\u00e1l\u00e1sa",
"loans_deleted": "A haszonk\u00f6lcs\u00f6n bejegyz\u00e9s t\u00f6r\u00f6lve",
"loans_deleted": "A haszonk\u00f6lcs\u00f6n bejegyz\u00e9s t\u00f6r\u00f6lve",
"delete_link": "Link t\u00f6rl\u00e9se",
"delete_link": "Link t\u00f6rl\u00e9se",
@ -39,13 +39,13 @@
"updated_link_loan": "Haszonk\u00fclcs\u00f6nh\u00f6z tartoz\u00f3 link friss\u00edtve",
"updated_link_loan": "Haszonk\u00fclcs\u00f6nh\u00f6z tartoz\u00f3 link friss\u00edtve",
"deleted_link_obj_loan": "Haszonk\u00f6lcs\u00f6nben \u00e9rintett t\u00e1rgy linkj\u00e9nek t\u00f6rl\u00e9se",
"deleted_link_obj_loan": "Haszonk\u00f6lcs\u00f6nben \u00e9rintett t\u00e1rgy linkj\u00e9nek t\u00f6rl\u00e9se",
"added_link_obj_loan": "Haszonk\u00f6lcs\u00f6nben \u00e9rintett t\u00e1rgy linkj\u00e9nek hozz\u00e1ad\u00e1sa",
"added_link_obj_loan": "Haszonk\u00f6lcs\u00f6nben \u00e9rintett t\u00e1rgy linkj\u00e9nek hozz\u00e1ad\u00e1sa",
"loans_list_empty": "Your list of loans is empty thus far.",
"loans_list_empty": "A haszonk\u00f6lcs\u00f6n lista \u00fcres",
"view_contact_details": "View contact details",
"view_contact_details": "Kapcsolati adatok megjelen\u00edt\u00e9se",
"select_loan_entry": "Select a loan entry",
"select_loan_entry": "V\u00e1lasszon egy haszonk\u00f6lcs\u00f6n bejegyz\u00e9st",
"base_data": "Basic information about the loan entry",
"base_data": "Alapinform\u00e1ci\u00f3 a haszonk\u00f6lcs\u00f6nr\u0151l",
"all_loan_entries": "All loan entries",
"all_loan_entries": "\u00d6sszes haszonk\u00f6lcs\u00f6n",
"must_be_numeric": "Must be a numeric value",
"must_be_numeric": "Csak sz\u00e1mmal megadhat\u00f3 \u00e9rt\u00e9k",
"insurance_currency": "Insurance value: currency",
"insurance_currency": "Biztos\u00edt\u00e1si \u00e9rt\u00e9k valutaneme",
"loans_list_empty_text": "No loan entry has been added for your museum yet (hence, we cannot list any). You may:"
"loans_list_empty_text": "Haszonk\u00f6lcs\u00f6n m\u00e9g nincs a m\u00fazeumhoz rendelve. Tov\u00e1bbi lehet\u0151s\u00e9gek:"
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
"delete": "M\u00fazeum t\u00f6rl\u00e9se",
"delete": "M\u00fazeum t\u00f6rl\u00e9se",
"col_short": "Gy\u0171jt.",
"col_short": "Gy\u0171jt.",
"obj_short": "T\u00e1rgy",
"obj_short": "T\u00e1rgy",
"export": "Export",
"export": "Adatok export\u00e1l\u00e1sa",
"museum_name": "A m\u00fazeum neve",
"museum_name": "A m\u00fazeum neve",
"musnam_explica": "A m\u00fazeum, k\u00f6z-, vagy mag\u00e1ngy\u0171jtem\u00e9ny nev\u00e9t t\u00e1bl\u00e1zatban r\u00f6gz\u00edtj\u00fck, ez\u00e9rt k\u00e9rj\u00fck, hogy az elnevez\u00e9s, lehet\u0151s\u00e9g szerint, legyen r\u00f6vid.<br><br><b style="font-weight:normal;color:#660000;">K\u00e9rj\u00fck, mindig kit\u00f6lteni<\/b>",
"musnam_explica": "A m\u00fazeum, k\u00f6z-, vagy mag\u00e1ngy\u0171jtem\u00e9ny nev\u00e9t t\u00e1bl\u00e1zatban r\u00f6gz\u00edtj\u00fck, ez\u00e9rt k\u00e9rj\u00fck, hogy az elnevez\u00e9s, lehet\u0151s\u00e9g szerint, legyen r\u00f6vid.<br><br><b style="font-weight:normal;color:#660000;">K\u00e9rj\u00fck, mindig kit\u00f6lteni<\/b>",
"museum_description": "Le\u00edr\u00e1s",
"museum_description": "Le\u00edr\u00e1s",
@ -63,96 +63,96 @@
"museumrecord_visibility_off": "Az alternat\u00edv nyelvi verzi\u00f3 elrejtve",
"museumrecord_visibility_off": "Az alternat\u00edv nyelvi verzi\u00f3 elrejtve",
"museumrecord_visibility_on": "Az alternat\u00edv nyelvi verzi\u00f3 publik\u00e1lva",
"museumrecord_visibility_on": "Az alternat\u00edv nyelvi verzi\u00f3 publik\u00e1lva",
"collections": "Gy\u0171jtem\u00e9nyek",
"collections": "Gy\u0171jtem\u00e9nyek",
"public": "Public",
"public": "Publikus",
"add_edit_tour": "Add \/ edit tour of the museum",
"add_edit_tour": "V\u00e1ndorki\u00e1ll\u00edt\u00e1s hozz\u00e1ad\u00e1sa \/ szerkeszt\u00e9se",
"tour_tool_headline": "Tour creation tool",
"tour_tool_headline": "V\u00e1ndorki\u00e1ll\u00edt\u00e1s l\u00e9trehoz\u00e1sa",
"tour_tool_explica": "Using this tool, you can create tours through your museum. Each different picture is linked to a \"scene\", on which hotspots (small notifiers \/ info markers) can be displayed. To position a hotspot, move the center of the picture (where you see that \"+\") to the spot to mark. Click into the input fields for pitch and yaw to enter the current position for a given hotspot.",
"tour_tool_explica": "Ezzel az opci\u00f3val v\u00e1ndorki\u00e1ll\u00edt\u00e1sokat lehet l\u00e9trehozni \u00e9s megjelen\u00edteni. A k\u00fcl\u00f6nb\u00f6z\u0151 k\u00e9pek helysz\u00ednekhez csatlakoznak, amelyekhez kis helysz\u00ednjel\u00f6l\u0151 ikonok, \"hotspot\"-ok rendelhet\u0151k, a k\u00e9p k\u00f6zep\u00e9n tal\u00e1lhat\u00f3 + jellel.",
"scene_data": "Scene data",
"scene_data": "Helysz\u00edn adatok",
"sceneHaov": "haov",
"sceneHaov": "haov",
"sceneVoav": "vaov",
"sceneVoav": "vaov",
"edit_hotspots": "Edit hotspots",
"edit_hotspots": "Hotspot szerkeszt\u00e9se",
"hotspot": "Hotspot",
"hotspot": "Hotspot",
"pitch": "Pitch",
"pitch": "Pitch",
"yaw": "yaw",
"yaw": "yaw",
"hotspotText": "Text",
"hotspotText": "Text",
"hotspotType": "Type",
"hotspotType": "Type",
"hotspotURL": "URL",
"hotspotURL": "URL-c\u00edm",
"hotspotSceneID": "Scene ID",
"hotspotSceneID": "Scene ID",
"remove_hotspot": "Remove hotspot",
"remove_hotspot": "Hotspot t\u00f6rl\u00e9se",
"options": "Options",
"options": "Be\u00e1ll\u00edt\u00e1sok",
"add_hotspot": "Add a new hotspot",
"add_hotspot": "Hotspot hozz\u00e1ad\u00e1sa",
"remove_scene_image": "Remove image",
"remove_scene_image": "K\u00e9p t\u00f6rl\u00e9se",
"add_scene": "Add scene",
"add_scene": "Helysz\u00edn hozz\u00e1ad\u00e1sa",
"remove_scene": "Remove scene",
"remove_scene": "Helysz\u00edn t\u00f6rl\u00e9se",
"remove_tour": "Remove tour",
"remove_tour": "V\u00e1ndorki\u00e1ll\u00edt\u00e1s t\u00f6rl\u00e9se",
"add_tour": "Add tour of the museum",
"add_tour": "V\u00e1ndorki\u00e1ll\u00edt\u00e1s hozz\u00e1ad\u00e1sa",
"edit_tour": "Edit tour of the museum",
"edit_tour": "V\u00e1ndorki\u00e1ll\u00edt\u00e1s szerkeszt\u00e9se",
"sceneTitle": "Scene Title",
"sceneTitle": "Helysz\u00edn c\u00edme",
"sceneVaov": "vaov",
"sceneVaov": "vaov",
"sceneChange": "Scene Change",
"sceneChange": "Helysz\u00edn cser\u00e9je",
"return_to_museum": "Return to museum page",
"return_to_museum": "Vissza a m\u00fazeum oldal\u00e1ra",
"return_to_exhibition": "Return to exhibition page",
"return_to_exhibition": "Vissza a ki\u00e1ll\u00edt\u00e1s oldal\u00e1ra",
"accessibility": "Accessibility",
"accessibility": "Akad\u00e1lymentess\u00e9g",
"accessibility_explica": "Can the museum be categorized as accessible to disabled people or not?",
"accessibility_explica": "A m\u00fazeum akad\u00e1lymentes-e a fogyat\u00e9kkal \u00e9l\u0151k sz\u00e1m\u00e1ra?",
"accessibility_text": "Notes on accessibility",
"accessibility_text": "Megjegyz\u00e9s az akad\u00e1lymentess\u00e9ghez",
"accessibility_text_explica": "Here you can describe the accessibility situation of the institution in detail.",
"accessibility_text_explica": "Itt megadhatja az int\u00e9zm\u00e9ny akad\u00e1lymentes megk\u00f6zel\u00edt\u00e9s\u00e9vel kapcsolatos inform\u00e1ci\u00f3kat ",
"founding_date": "Founding date",
"founding_date": "Alap\u00edt\u00e1s d\u00e1tuma",
"founding_date_explica": "Year the museum was founded.",
"founding_date_explica": "Alap\u00edt\u00e1s \u00e9ve",
"photos_allowed": "Photos allowed?",
"photos_allowed": "Fot\u00f3z\u00e1s enged\u00e9lyezett?",
"photos_allowed_explica": "Is it allowed to take photos in the museum?",
"photos_allowed_explica": "A m\u00fazeumban enged\u00e9lyezett-e fot\u00f3k k\u00e9sz\u00edt\u00e9se?",
"cloakroom_available": "Is a cloakroom available in the museum?",
"cloakroom_available": "Ruhat\u00e1r",
"lockers_available": "Lockers available?",
"lockers_available": "Csomagmeg\u0151rz\u00e9s",
"lockers_available_explica": "Are lockers available in the museum?",
"lockers_available_explica": "Van-e csomagmeg\u0151rz\u00e9s a m\u00fazeumban?",
"shop_available": "Shop available?",
"shop_available": "M\u00fazeumi shop",
"shop_available_explica": "Does the museum have a museum store?",
"shop_available_explica": "Van a m\u00fazeumnak boltja?",
"cafe_available": "Caf\u00e9 available?",
"cafe_available": "K\u00e1v\u00e9z\u00f3\/b\u00fcf\u00e9",
"cafe_available_explica": "Does the museum have a museum caf\u00e9?",
"cafe_available_explica": "Van-e k\u00e1v\u00e9z\u00f3\/b\u00fcf\u00e9 a m\u00fazeumban?",
"babycare_room_available": "Baby care room available",
"babycare_room_available": "Pelenk\u00e1z\u00f3",
"babycare_room_available_explica": "Is a baby care room available at the museum?",
"babycare_room_available_explica": "Van pelenk\u00e1z\u00f3 a m\u00fazeumban?",
"cloakroom_available_explica": "Is a cloakroom available in the museum?",
"cloakroom_available_explica": "Van ruhat\u00e1r a m\u00fazeumban?",
"general_note_opening_hours": "General note on opening hours",
"general_note_opening_hours": "Nyitva tart\u00e1s",
"start_hour": "Start (HH:MM)",
"start_hour": "Kezdete (HH:MM)",
"end_hour": "End (HH:MM)",
"end_hour": "V\u00e9ge (HH:MM)",
"opening_hours_note": "Note for this time time block",
"opening_hours_note": "Megjegyz\u00e9s a nyitvatart\u00e1si id\u0151ponthoz",
"dow": "Day of week",
"dow": "H\u00e9t napja",
"regular_opening_hours": "Regular opening hours",
"regular_opening_hours": "\u00c1ltal\u00e1nos nyitva tart\u00e1s",
"new_entry": "New entry",
"new_entry": "\u00daj bejegyz\u00e9s",
"entries": "Entries",
"entries": "Bejegyz\u00e9sek",
"ticket_types": "Ticket types",
"ticket_types": "Jegyt\u00edpusok",
"new_ticket_type_name": "New ticket type: name",
"new_ticket_type_name": "\u00daj jegyt\u00edpus: n\u00e9v",
"price": "Price",
"price": "\u00c1r",
"currency": "Currency",
"currency": "Valutanem",
"ticket_type_name": "Ticket type: name",
"ticket_type_name": "Jegyt\u00edpus: n\u00e9v",
"view_visitor_statistics": "View visitor statistics",
"view_visitor_statistics": "L\u00e1togat\u00f3i statisztika",
"dow_0": "Monday",
"dow_0": "H\u00e9tf\u0151",
"dow_1": "Tuesday",
"dow_1": "Kedd",
"dow_2": "Wednesday",
"dow_2": "Szerda",
"dow_3": "Thursday",
"dow_3": "Cs\u00fct\u00f6rt\u00f6k",
"dow_4": "Friday",
"dow_4": "P\u00e9ntek",
"dow_5": "Saturday",
"dow_5": "Szombat",
"dow_6": "Sunday",
"dow_6": "Vas\u00e1rnap",
"base_data": "Base data about the museum",
"base_data": "Alapinform\u00e1ci\u00f3k a m\u00fazeumr\u00f3l",
"check_map": "Check for availability of map",
"check_map": "T\u00e9rk\u00e9pes megk\u00f6zel\u00edt\u00e9s",
"public_page": "Public page",
"public_page": "Honlap",
"minimum_3_characters": "3 characters minimum",
"minimum_3_characters": "Minimum 3 karakter k\u00f6telez\u0151!",
"all_museums": "All museums",
"all_museums": "Minden m\u00fazeum",
"must_be_float": "Muss ein numerischer Wert sein, ggfs. mit Komma. Z.B. 5,2; 1.20, etc",
"must_be_float": "Muss ein numerischer Wert sein, ggfs. mit Komma. Z.B. 5,2; 1.20, etc",
"opening_hours_have_been_edited": "Edit to the opening hours has been saved",
"opening_hours_have_been_edited": "A nyitva tart\u00e1s be\u00e1ll\u00edt\u00e1sai mentett\u00fck",
"ticket_prices_have_been_edited": "Your edit to the ticket prices has been saved",
"ticket_prices_have_been_edited": "A jegy\u00e1rak be\u00e1ll\u00edt\u00e1sait mentett\u00fck",
"zip_code": "Zip code",
"zip_code": "Ir\u00e1ny\u00edt\u00f3sz\u00e1m",
"place": "Place",
"place": "Hely",
"must_upload_image_for_scene": "You must upload an image for this scene. There is none yet.",
"must_upload_image_for_scene": "M\u00e9g nem t\u00f6lt\u00f6tt fel k\u00e9pet. K\u00e9p felt\u00f6lt\u00e9se a helysz\u00ednhez k\u00f6telez\u0151",
"room_information_updated": "Room information has been updated",
"room_information_updated": "A ki\u00e1ll\u00edt\u00e1si terem inform\u00e1ci\u00f3i friss\u00fcltek",
"rooms": "Rooms",
"rooms": "Ki\u00e1ll\u00edt\u00e1si termek",
"new_room_name": "New Room: Name",
"new_room_name": "\u00daj ki\u00e1ll\u00edt\u00e1si terem: n\u00e9v",
"temperature_ideal": "Temperature (ideal)",
"temperature_ideal": "H\u0151m\u00e9rs\u00e9klet (ide\u00e1lis)",
"temperature_current": "Temperature (current)",
"temperature_current": "H\u0151m\u00e9rs\u00e9klet (aktu\u00e1lis)",
"humidity_ideal": "Humidity (ideal)",
"humidity_ideal": "P\u00e1ratartalom (ide\u00e1lis)",
"humidity_current": "Humidity (current)",
"humidity_current": "P\u00e1ratartalom (aktu\u00e1lis)",
"room_name": "Room name",
"room_name": "Terem n\u00e9v",
"room_has_been_added": "A new room has been added",
"room_has_been_added": "\u00daj ki\u00e1ll\u00edt\u00e1si terem hozz\u00e1adva",
"room_has_been_deleted": "The room has been deleted",
"room_has_been_deleted": "A terem t\u00f6r\u00f6lve",
"room_objects": "Objects from this room",
"room_objects": "T\u00e1rgyak az adott ki\u00e1ll\u00edt\u00e1si teremb\u0151l",
"icon": "Icon"
"icon": "K\u00e9pikon"
@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
"tlNotifications": {
"tlNotifications": {
"loan_ended": "Loan ended",
"loan_ended": "A k\u00f6lcs\u00f6nz\u00e9s lej\u00e1rt",
"With": "With",
"With": "K\u00f6zrem\u0171k\u00f6d\u0151",
"started": "started",
"started": "Kezdete",
"ended": "ended",
"ended": "V\u00e9ge",
"new_comment": "New comment",
"new_comment": "\u00daj hozz\u00e1sz\u00f3l\u00e1s",
"new_priv_msg_by": "New private message by",
"new_priv_msg_by": "\u00daj priv\u00e1t \u00fczenet",
"dear": "Dear",
"dear": "Kedves",
"this_week_news": "there are notifications for you this week on musdb.",
"this_week_news": "Neked sz\u00f3l\u00f3 M\u00fazeumDigit\u00e1r bejegyz\u00e9sek ezen a h\u00e9ten",
"messages_from_admins": "Messages from the administrators",
"messages_from_admins": "A support csapat \u00fczenetei",
"loans_ending": "Loans ending",
"loans_ending": "A k\u00f6lcs\u00f6nz\u00e9sek lej\u00e1rnak",
"privMsgsChats": "Private messages \/ chats",
"privMsgsChats": "Priv\u00e1t \u00fczenetek \/ chatek",
"comments": "Comments",
"comments": "Hozz\u00e1sz\u00f3l\u00e1sok",
"news_unsubscribe": "Unsubscribe",
"news_unsubscribe": "Leiratkoz\u00e1s",
"news_unsubscribe_text": "To not receive notification mails from musdb anymore, please log in and deactivate the automated notifications in your account settings",
"news_unsubscribe_text": "Ha nem szeretne t\u00f6bb rendszer\u00fczenetet kapni a M\u00fazeumDigit\u00e1rt\u00f3l, akkor l\u00e9pjen be az adminfel\u00fcletre \u00e9s a szem\u00e9lyes be\u00e1ll\u00edt\u00e1sokn\u00e1l deaktiv\u00e1lja az automatikus \u00fczeneteket",
"news_subject_line": "News at museum-digital:musdb",
"news_subject_line": "H\u00edrek a M\u00fazeumDigit\u00e1rban",
"new_user": "New user"
"new_user": "\u00daj felhaszn\u00e1l\u00f3"
@ -82,13 +82,14 @@
"publish_social_media_yes": "SM ikonok megjelen\u00edt\u00e9se",
"publish_social_media_yes": "SM ikonok megjelen\u00edt\u00e9se",
"publish_social_media_no": "SM ikonok elrejt\u00e9se",
"publish_social_media_no": "SM ikonok elrejt\u00e9se",
"generate_pdf": "PDF k\u00e9sz\u00edt\u00e9se",
"generate_pdf": "PDF k\u00e9sz\u00edt\u00e9se",
"PuQi": "PuQi",
"PuQi": "Min\u0151s\u00e9gi adatbeviteli index",
"assignment_wrong_user_role": "Assignments to collections, series, and literature entries are always bound to an institution. These assignments can only be set by users of the user role \"museum director\". Please log in as a museum director if need be.",
"assignment_wrong_user_role": "A gy\u0171jtem\u00e9nyeket, t\u00e1rgycsoportokat, szakirodalmi vonatkoz\u00e1sokat \u00e9rint\u0151 szerkeszt\u00e9si feladatok mindig int\u00e9zm\u00e9nyi szinten t\u00f6rt\u00e9nnek. Ezek az opci\u00f3k csak m\u00fazeumadmin szinten szerkeszthet\u0151k. K\u00e9rj\u00fck, hogy l\u00e9pjen be m\u00fazeumadmin jogosults\u00e1ggal a m\u00f3dos\u00edt\u00e1shoz.",
"fulltext": "Fulltext",
"fulltext": "Teljes sz\u00f6veg",
"object_overview": "Object overview",
"object_overview": "T\u00e1rgyak \u00e1ttekint\u00e9se",
"toggle_navigation": "Toggle navigation",
"toggle_navigation": "Navig\u00e1ci\u00f3 be\u00e1ll\u00edt\u00e1sa",
"main_image": "Main image",
"main_image": "F\u0151 k\u00e9p",
"find_an_expert": "Find an expert"
"find_an_expert": "Szak\u00e9rt\u0151 keres\u00e9se",
"return_to_list": "Vissza a t\u00e1rgyakhoz"
"objekt": {
"objekt": {
"assign_results": "Hozz\u00e1rendel\u00e9s ",
"assign_results": "Hozz\u00e1rendel\u00e9s ",
@ -112,7 +113,7 @@
"assign_visiblity": "Tal\u00e1latok publik\u00e1l\u00e1sa",
"assign_visiblity": "Tal\u00e1latok publik\u00e1l\u00e1sa",
"changed_visiblity": "Publik\u00e1ci\u00f3s st\u00e1tusz be\u00e1ll\u00edtva",
"changed_visiblity": "Publik\u00e1ci\u00f3s st\u00e1tusz be\u00e1ll\u00edtva",
"visibility": "Publik\u00e1l\u00e1s",
"visibility": "Publik\u00e1l\u00e1s",
"social_media": "Social Media",
"social_media": "K\u00f6z\u00f6ss\u00e9gi m\u00e9dia",
"allow_all": "\u00d6sszes enged\u00e9lyez\u00e9se",
"allow_all": "\u00d6sszes enged\u00e9lyez\u00e9se",
"disallow_all": "\u00d6sszes tilt\u00e1sa"
"disallow_all": "\u00d6sszes tilt\u00e1sa"
@ -70,7 +70,7 @@
"social_media_no": "A t\u00e1rgy publik\u00e1l\u00e1sa social media link n\u00e9lk\u00fcl",
"social_media_no": "A t\u00e1rgy publik\u00e1l\u00e1sa social media link n\u00e9lk\u00fcl",
"metadata_rights_holder": "Metaadatok jogtulajdonosa",
"metadata_rights_holder": "Metaadatok jogtulajdonosa",
"metadata_rights_status": "Metaadatok jogainak st\u00e1tusza",
"metadata_rights_status": "Metaadatok jogainak st\u00e1tusza",
"transferred_available_info": "Available information has been transferred into the field:"
"transferred_available_info": "A m\u00e1r megadott adat \u00e1t lett m\u00e1solva a mez\u0151be."
"ortart": [
"ortart": [
@ -25,15 +25,15 @@
"not_yours": "T\u00e1rgy nem az \u00d6n\u00e9 !",
"not_yours": "T\u00e1rgy nem az \u00d6n\u00e9 !",
"unknown": "A t\u00e1rgyat nem tal\u00e1ljuk !",
"unknown": "A t\u00e1rgyat nem tal\u00e1ljuk !",
"searchmode": "Keres\u00e9s m\u00f3dja",
"searchmode": "Keres\u00e9s m\u00f3dja",
"lettercombi": "Bet\u00fckombin\u00e1ci\u00f3",
"lettercombi": "Bet\u00fckombin\u00e1ci\u00f3ra",
"wholeword": "Pontos kifejez\u00e9s",
"wholeword": "Minden sz\u00f3ra",
"empty": "T\u00f6rl\u00e9s",
"empty": "T\u00f6rl\u00e9s",
"added": "T\u00e1rgy hozz\u00e1adva",
"added": "T\u00e1rgy hozz\u00e1adva",
"edited": "T\u00e1rgy szerkesztve",
"edited": "T\u00e1rgy szerkesztve",
"deleted": "T\u00e1rgy t\u00f6r\u00f6lve",
"deleted": "T\u00e1rgy t\u00f6r\u00f6lve",
"exact": "Exact",
"exact": "Pontos kifejez\u00e9sre",
"base_data": "Basic information about the object",
"base_data": "Alapinform\u00e1ci\u00f3k a t\u00e1rgyr\u00f3l",
"minimum_3_characters": "3 characters minimum",
"minimum_3_characters": "Minimum 3 karakter kit\u00f6lt\u00e9se k\u00f6telez\u0151!",
"add_alternative_language": "Add entry in alternative language"
"add_alternative_language": "Egy\u00e9b nyelven t\u00f6rt\u00e9n\u0151 adatbevitel"
@ -28,9 +28,9 @@
"external_link": "K\u00fcls\u0151 hivatkoz\u00e1s",
"external_link": "K\u00fcls\u0151 hivatkoz\u00e1s",
"new_collection_hint": "\u00daj gy\u0171jtem\u00e9ny hozz\u00e1ad\u00e1s\u00e1hoz haszn\u00e1ld a fenti men\u00fct",
"new_collection_hint": "\u00daj gy\u0171jtem\u00e9ny hozz\u00e1ad\u00e1s\u00e1hoz haszn\u00e1ld a fenti men\u00fct",
"no_collection_permission": "Nincs hozz\u00e1f\u00e9r\u00e9se a m\u00fazeum gy\u0171jtem\u00e9nyeihez",
"no_collection_permission": "Nincs hozz\u00e1f\u00e9r\u00e9se a m\u00fazeum gy\u0171jtem\u00e9nyeihez",
"linkable_collections": "Linkable collections",
"linkable_collections": "\u00d6sszekapcsolhat\u00f3 gy\u0171jtem\u00e9nyek",
"switch_museum": "Switch museum",
"switch_museum": "M\u00fazeum bekapcsol\u00e1sa",
"select_a_museum": "Select a museum",
"select_a_museum": "M\u00fazeum v\u00e1laszt\u00e1sa",
"links_object_with": "Links the object with"
"links_object_with": "A t\u00e1rgy \u00f6sszek\u00f6t\u00e9se"
@ -13,10 +13,11 @@
"actors": "Szem\u00e9ly \/ Int\u00e9zm\u00e9ny",
"actors": "Szem\u00e9ly \/ Int\u00e9zm\u00e9ny",
"places": "F\u00f6ldrajzi vonatkoz\u00e1s",
"places": "F\u00f6ldrajzi vonatkoz\u00e1s",
"literature": "Szakirodalom",
"literature": "Szakirodalom",
"links": "Link",
"links": "Linkek",
"tags": "Kulcssz\u00f3",
"tags": "Kulcsszavak",
"access_to": "Hozz\u00e1f\u00e9r\u00e9s",
"access_to": "Hozz\u00e1f\u00e9r\u00e9s",
"additions": "Gyarapod\u00e1s",
"additions": "Gyarapod\u00e1s",
"edits": "Szerkeszt\u00e9sek"
"edits": "Szerkeszt\u00e9sek",
"objects_visible": "Publik\u00e1lt t\u00e1rgy"
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
"geo_intro": "- Ha a beviteli mez\u0151ben megv\u00e1ltoztatja az el\u0151z\u0151leg megadott helys\u00e9gnevet, akkor kattintson a "Go!" ikonra.<br>- K\u00e9rj\u00fck, kattint\u00e1ssal jel\u00f6lje be a t\u00e9rk\u00e9pen a helys\u00e9get.<br>- A felugr\u00f3 ablakban megjelenik a "=>Ment\u00e9s" kifejez\u00e9s, amire kattintva befejezheti a helymeghat\u00e1roz\u00e1st.",
"geo_intro": "- Ha a beviteli mez\u0151ben megv\u00e1ltoztatja az el\u0151z\u0151leg megadott helys\u00e9gnevet, akkor kattintson a "Go!" ikonra.<br>- K\u00e9rj\u00fck, kattint\u00e1ssal jel\u00f6lje be a t\u00e9rk\u00e9pen a helys\u00e9get.<br>- A felugr\u00f3 ablakban megjelenik a "=>Ment\u00e9s" kifejez\u00e9s, amire kattintva befejezheti a helymeghat\u00e1roz\u00e1st.",
"change_intro": "<b>Fontos:<\/b>: Itt a k\u00f6vetkez\u0151 helys\u00e9g adatait szerkesztheti. A v\u00e1ltoztat\u00e1sok nem \u00e9rintik a t\u00e1rgy-esem\u00e9ny kapcsolatokat.",
"change_intro": "<b>Fontos:<\/b>: Itt a k\u00f6vetkez\u0151 helys\u00e9g adatait szerkesztheti. A v\u00e1ltoztat\u00e1sok nem \u00e9rintik a t\u00e1rgy-esem\u00e9ny kapcsolatokat.",
"country": "Orsz\u00e1g",
"country": "Orsz\u00e1g",
"staatsname_explica": "K\u00e9rj\u00fck, adja meg az orsz\u00e1g nev\u00e9t, amelyikben a a helys\u00e9g\/ \u00e9p\u00fclet tal\u00e1lhat\u00f3.<br>\r<br><br>Amennyiben a helys\u00e9g\/\u00e9p\u00fclet t\u00f6bb orsz\u00e1ghoz is tartozik, akkor adjon meg egy \u00e1ltal\u00e1nosabb geopolitikai egys\u00e9get<br><b style="font-weight:normal;color:#006600;">Nem k\u00f6telez\u0151 kit\u00f6lteni<b>",
"staatsname_explica": "K\u00e9rj\u00fck, adja meg az orsz\u00e1g nev\u00e9t, amelyikben a a helys\u00e9g\/ \u00e9p\u00fclet tal\u00e1lhat\u00f3.<br>\r\n<br><br>Amennyiben a helys\u00e9g\/\u00e9p\u00fclet t\u00f6bb orsz\u00e1ghoz is tartozik, akkor adjon meg egy \u00e1ltal\u00e1nosabb geopolitikai egys\u00e9get<br><b style="font-weight:normal;color:#006600;">Nem k\u00f6telez\u0151 kit\u00f6lteni<b>",
"getty": "TGN (Getty)",
"getty": "TGN (Getty)",
"getty_explica": "A helys\u00e9g hivatkoz\u00e1si sz\u00e1ma az amerikai Thesaurus of Geographic Names (TGN, Getty) adatb\u00e1zisban.<br>Kattintson a mez\u0151 mellett l\u00e9v\u0151 ny\u00edlra. Egy \u00faj ablakban megjelenik a helys\u00e9g TGN hivatkoz\u00e1si sz\u00e1ma, amit bem\u00e1solhat a M\u00fazeumDigit\u00e1r TGN mez\u0151j\u00e9be.<br><br><b style="font-weight:normal;color:#006600;">Nem k\u00f6telez\u0151 kit\u00f6lteni.<\/b>",
"getty_explica": "A helys\u00e9g hivatkoz\u00e1si sz\u00e1ma az amerikai Thesaurus of Geographic Names (TGN, Getty) adatb\u00e1zisban.<br>Kattintson a mez\u0151 mellett l\u00e9v\u0151 ny\u00edlra. Egy \u00faj ablakban megjelenik a helys\u00e9g TGN hivatkoz\u00e1si sz\u00e1ma, amit bem\u00e1solhat a M\u00fazeumDigit\u00e1r TGN mez\u0151j\u00e9be.<br><br><b style="font-weight:normal;color:#006600;">Nem k\u00f6telez\u0151 kit\u00f6lteni.<\/b>",
"geonames": "geonames",
"geonames": "geonames",
@ -24,10 +24,10 @@
"zoom_explica": "A t\u00e9rk\u00e9pen t\u00f6rt\u00e9n\u0151 megjelen\u00edt\u00e9s eset\u00e9ben a zoom (nagy\u00edt\u00e1s) m\u00e9rt\u00e9k\u00e9t adhatja meg.<br>Aj\u00e1nlott \u00e9rt\u00e9kek:<br>- kisebb helys\u00e9gek: 10<br>- nagyobb helys\u00e9gek: 9<br>- nagy helys\u00e9gek: 8<br>- orsz\u00e1gok: 7<br>A legjobb eredm\u00e9nyt akkor \u00e9ri el, ha kiv\u00e1laszt egy \u00e9rt\u00e9ket, majd megjelen\u00edti a helys\u00e9get \u00e9s ellen\u0151rzi a nagy\u00edt\u00e1s m\u00e9rt\u00e9k\u00e9t. A megjelen\u00edt\u00e9s ment\u00e9s ut\u00e1n az oldal alj\u00e1n l\u00e9v\u0151 t\u00e1rgy webes megjelen\u00edt\u00e9se ikonra kattintva lehets\u00e9ges.<br><br><b style="font-weight:normal;color:#660000;">K\u00e9rj\u00fck, mindig kit\u00f6lteni.<\/b>",
"zoom_explica": "A t\u00e9rk\u00e9pen t\u00f6rt\u00e9n\u0151 megjelen\u00edt\u00e9s eset\u00e9ben a zoom (nagy\u00edt\u00e1s) m\u00e9rt\u00e9k\u00e9t adhatja meg.<br>Aj\u00e1nlott \u00e9rt\u00e9kek:<br>- kisebb helys\u00e9gek: 10<br>- nagyobb helys\u00e9gek: 9<br>- nagy helys\u00e9gek: 8<br>- orsz\u00e1gok: 7<br>A legjobb eredm\u00e9nyt akkor \u00e9ri el, ha kiv\u00e1laszt egy \u00e9rt\u00e9ket, majd megjelen\u00edti a helys\u00e9get \u00e9s ellen\u0151rzi a nagy\u00edt\u00e1s m\u00e9rt\u00e9k\u00e9t. A megjelen\u00edt\u00e9s ment\u00e9s ut\u00e1n az oldal alj\u00e1n l\u00e9v\u0151 t\u00e1rgy webes megjelen\u00edt\u00e9se ikonra kattintva lehets\u00e9ges.<br><br><b style="font-weight:normal;color:#660000;">K\u00e9rj\u00fck, mindig kit\u00f6lteni.<\/b>",
"status": "\u00c1llapot",
"status": "\u00c1llapot",
"delete": "Helys\u00e9g t\u00f6rl\u00e9se",
"delete": "Helys\u00e9g t\u00f6rl\u00e9se",
"all_objects": "List all objects",
"all_objects": "Az \u00f6sszes t\u00e1rgy list\u00e1z\u00e1sa",
"show_object": "Show object",
"show_object": "T\u00e1rgy megjelen\u00edt\u00e9se",
"annotation": "Annotation",
"annotation": "Komment\u00e1r",
"add_new_annotation": "Write a new annotation here:"
"add_new_annotation": "\u00daj komment\u00e1r hozz\u00e1f\u0171z\u00e9se:"
"geo": {
"geo": {
"name": "Helys\u00e9gn\u00e9v",
"name": "Helys\u00e9gn\u00e9v",
@ -54,7 +54,7 @@
"after_possibly": "Val\u00f3sz\u00edn\u0171leg k\u00e9s\u00f6bb mint",
"after_possibly": "Val\u00f3sz\u00edn\u0171leg k\u00e9s\u00f6bb mint",
"print_not_paint": "Amennyiben egy t\u00e1rgy nyomtatott, nem lehet egyben festm\u00e9ny, vagy grafika is!",
"print_not_paint": "Amennyiben egy t\u00e1rgy nyomtatott, nem lehet egyben festm\u00e9ny, vagy grafika is!",
"better_use": "Ink\u00e1bb haszn\u00e1lja a k\u00f6vetkez\u0151t",
"better_use": "Ink\u00e1bb haszn\u00e1lja a k\u00f6vetkez\u0151t",
"quality_index": "Quality index",
"quality_index": "Min\u0151s\u00e9gi mutat\u00f3",
"no_image": "No image has been uploaded for the object yet."
"no_image": "M\u00e9g nem t\u00f6lt\u00f6tt fel k\u00e9pet a t\u00e1rgyhoz"
@ -14,10 +14,10 @@
"external_collection_objects": "A gy\u0171jtem\u00e9nyek felsorol\u00e1s\u00e1ban a gy\u0171jtem\u00e9ny nev\u00e9re kattintva megjelennek a t\u00e1rgyak",
"external_collection_objects": "A gy\u0171jtem\u00e9nyek felsorol\u00e1s\u00e1ban a gy\u0171jtem\u00e9ny nev\u00e9re kattintva megjelennek a t\u00e1rgyak",
"external_collection_link": "A gy\u0171jtem\u00e9ny le\u00edr\u00e1sa alatt tal\u00e1lhat\u00f3 link (\u201caz interneten itt tal\u00e1l tov\u00e1bbi infom\u00e1ci\u00f3kat a gy\u0171jtem\u00e9nyr\u0151l\u201d) megjelen\u00edt\u00e9se",
"external_collection_link": "A gy\u0171jtem\u00e9ny le\u00edr\u00e1sa alatt tal\u00e1lhat\u00f3 link (\u201caz interneten itt tal\u00e1l tov\u00e1bbi infom\u00e1ci\u00f3kat a gy\u0171jtem\u00e9nyr\u0151l\u201d) megjelen\u00edt\u00e9se",
"services_for": "Adattov\u00e1bb\u00edt\u00e1si lehet\u0151s\u00e9gek a k\u00f6vetkez\u0151 int\u00e9zm\u00e9ny sz\u00e1m\u00e1ra",
"services_for": "Adattov\u00e1bb\u00edt\u00e1si lehet\u0151s\u00e9gek a k\u00f6vetkez\u0151 int\u00e9zm\u00e9ny sz\u00e1m\u00e1ra",
"services_export": "Export",
"services_export": "Adatok export\u00e1l\u00e1sa",
"services_export_dialogue": "Individu\u00e1lis export. Lev\u00e1logatott t\u00e1rgyak, egy\u00e9nileg kiv\u00e1lasztott adatainak tov\u00e1bb\u00edt\u00e1sa",
"services_export_dialogue": "Individu\u00e1lis export. Lev\u00e1logatott t\u00e1rgyak, egy\u00e9nileg kiv\u00e1lasztott adatainak tov\u00e1bb\u00edt\u00e1sa",
"users_registered_intro": "A k\u00f6vetkez\u0151 int\u00e9zm\u00e9ny felhaszn\u00e1l\u00f3i",
"users_registered_intro": "A k\u00f6vetkez\u0151 int\u00e9zm\u00e9ny felhaszn\u00e1l\u00f3i",
"users_register_new": "\u00faj felhaszn\u00e1l\u00f3 hozz\u00e1ad\u00e1sa",
"users_register_new": "\u00daj felhaszn\u00e1l\u00f3 hozz\u00e1ad\u00e1sa",
"users_register_admin": "MD:hu adminisztr\u00e1tor",
"users_register_admin": "MD:hu adminisztr\u00e1tor",
"users_register_director": "M\u00fazeumadmin",
"users_register_director": "M\u00fazeumadmin",
"users_register_private": "M\u00fazeol\u00f3gus",
"users_register_private": "M\u00fazeol\u00f3gus",
@ -40,17 +40,17 @@
"provenance_added_new": "\u00daj proveniencia kutat\u00e1si dokumentum hozz\u00e1ad\u00e1sa",
"provenance_added_new": "\u00daj proveniencia kutat\u00e1si dokumentum hozz\u00e1ad\u00e1sa",
"provenance_removed_category": "T\u00f6r\u00f6lt proveniencia kutat\u00e1si dokumentum",
"provenance_removed_category": "T\u00f6r\u00f6lt proveniencia kutat\u00e1si dokumentum",
"delete": "T\u00f6rl\u00e9s",
"delete": "T\u00f6rl\u00e9s",
"edit_image_rights_by_group": "Edit image rights by group (only for uploaded objects)",
"edit_image_rights_by_group": "K\u00e9ppel kapcsolatos felhaszn\u00e1l\u00e1si jogok csoportos szerkeszt\u00e9se (csak a felt\u00f6lt\u00f6tt t\u00e1rgyakhoz)",
"mir_caution_message": "(Caution: Using this function, you can batch edit many entries in one go. Be cautious!)",
"mir_caution_message": "Figyelem: Ez a funkci\u00f3 t\u00f6bb adatot egyszerre m\u00f3dos\u00edt. Legyen figyelmes a haszn\u00e1lat\u00e1n\u00e1l!",
"following_cases_appear_select": "Die folgenden F\u00e4lle treten auf. Bitte w\u00e4hlen Sie den zu \u00e4ndernden Fall.",
"following_cases_appear_select": "A k\u00f6vetkez\u0151 esetek el\u00e9rhet\u0151k. V\u00e1lasszon esetet a szerkeszt\u00e9shez",
"return_museum_list": "Return to list of museums",
"return_museum_list": "Vissza a m\u00fazeumok list\u00e1j\u00e1hoz",
"return_settings_services": "Return to settings and services",
"return_settings_services": "Vissza a be\u00e1ll\u00edt\u00e1sokhoz \u00e9s adatkinyer\u00e9si lehet\u0151s\u00e9gekhez",
"simple_inputs_no_symbols": "Please use simple inputs. Say, avoid adding a copyright symbol before the rights holder, or \"photographer\" before the photographer's name.",
"simple_inputs_no_symbols": "K\u00e9rj\u00fck egyszer\u0171 megnev\u00e9z\u00e9st adjon meg, k\u00fcl\u00f6nb\u00f6z\u0151 jogi szimb\u00f3lumok \u00e9s olyan kit\u00e9telek n\u00e9lk\u00fcl a fot\u00f3s neve el\u0151tt, mint pl. \"a k\u00e9pet fot\u00f3zta\"",
"institution_elsewhere": "The institution elsewhere on the web",
"institution_elsewhere": "Az int\u00e9zm\u00e9ny webes el\u00e9rhet\u0151s\u00e9ge",
"elsewhere_link_text": "Link text",
"elsewhere_link_text": "Link sz\u00f6vege",
"elsewhere_link_url": "URL",
"elsewhere_link_url": "URL-c\u00edm",
"elsewhere_link_added": "Added link to other representation of the museum",
"elsewhere_link_added": "A m\u00fazeum m\u00e1s webes megjelen\u00e9s\u00e9nek linkje",
"elsewhere_link_removed": "Removed link to other representation of the museum",
"elsewhere_link_removed": "A m\u00fazeum m\u00e1s webes megjelen\u00e9s\u00e9nek t\u00f6r\u00f6lt linkje",
"metadata_rights": "Metadata rights:"
"metadata_rights": "A metaadatokhoz kapcsol\u00f3d\u00f3 jogok:"
@ -14,29 +14,30 @@
"mail": "E-mail",
"mail": "E-mail",
"private_notice": "Saj\u00e1t jegyzetek",
"private_notice": "Saj\u00e1t jegyzetek",
"post": "Ment\u00e9s",
"post": "Ment\u00e9s",
"web_search_duckduckgo": "Web search with DuckDuckGo",
"web_search_duckduckgo": "Keres\u00e9s a weben a DuckDuckGo-val",
"search_the_web_duckduckgo": "Web search with DuckDuckGo",
"search_the_web_duckduckgo": "Keres\u00e9s a weben a DuckDuckGo-val",
"link_validity_check": "Link validity check",
"link_validity_check": "Link \u00e9rv\u00e9nyess\u00e9g ellen\u0151rz\u00e9se",
"tile": "Tile",
"tile": "C\u00edm",
"full_width": "Full width",
"full_width": "Teljes sz\u00e9less\u00e9g",
"move_to_end": "Move to end",
"move_to_end": "Ugr\u00e1s a v\u00e9g\u00e9re",
"remove_tile": "Remove tile",
"remove_tile": "A c\u00edm t\u00f6rl\u00e9se",
"add_tile": "Add tile",
"add_tile": "C\u00edm hozz\u00e1ad\u00e1sa",
"customize_start_page": "Customize start page",
"customize_start_page": "A nyit\u00f3lap be\u00e1ll\u00edt\u00e1sa",
"institution_elsewhere": "My institution elsewhere",
"institution_elsewhere": "Saj\u00e1t int\u00e9zm\u00e9ny m\u00e1shol",
"visitors_statistics_today": "Visitors statistics: Today",
"visitors_statistics_today": "L\u00e1togat\u00f3i statisztika: mai napon",
"visitors_statistics_week": "Visitors statistics: this week",
"visitors_statistics_week": "L\u00e1togat\u00f3i statisztika: ezen a h\u00e9ten",
"visitors_statistics_month": "Visitors statistics: this month",
"visitors_statistics_month": "L\u00e1togat\u00f3i statisztika: ebben a h\u00f3napban",
"visitors_statistics_year": "Visitors statistics: this year",
"visitors_statistics_year": "L\u00e1togat\u00f3i statisztika: ebben az \u00e9vben",
"view_statistics": "View statistics",
"view_statistics": "Statisztika megjelen\u00edt\u00e9se",
"moved_tile_to_end": "Moved tile to end",
"moved_tile_to_end": "C\u00edm \u00e1tmozgat\u00e1sa a v\u00e9g\u00e9re",
"removed_tile": "Removed tile",
"removed_tile": "C\u00edm t\u00f6rl\u00e9se",
"added_tile": "Added tile",
"added_tile": "C\u00edm hozz\u00e1ad\u00e1sa",
"set_background_image": "Set background image",
"set_background_image": "H\u00e1tt\u00e9rk\u00e9p be\u00e1ll\u00edt\u00e1sa",
"background_uploaded": "A background image has been set",
"background_uploaded": "A h\u00e1tt\u00e9rk\u00e9pet be\u00e1ll\u00edtottuk",
"did_not_delete_no_image": "Could not unset background - there is no image",
"did_not_delete_no_image": "Nem lehet t\u00f6r\u00f6lni a h\u00e1tt\u00e9rk\u00e9pet - nincs k\u00e9p",
"removed_background_img_successfully": "Removed background image successfully",
"removed_background_img_successfully": "A h\u00e1tt\u00e9rk\u00e9pet sikeresen t\u00f6r\u00f6lt\u00fck",
"data_url": "Data \/ URL",
"data_url": "Adat \/ URL-c\u00edm",
"qr_code_generator": "QR code generator"
"qr_code_generator": "QR k\u00f3d gener\u00e1l\u00e1s",
"instance_health": "Instance health"
@ -2,13 +2,13 @@
"tag": {
"tag": {
"tag": "Kulcssz\u00f3",
"tag": "Kulcssz\u00f3",
"english": "Kulcssz\u00f3 angol ford\u00edt\u00e1sa",
"english": "Kulcssz\u00f3 angol ford\u00edt\u00e1sa",
"remarks": "Remarks",
"remarks": "Megjegyz\u00e9sek",
"no_tag": "K\u00e9rj\u00fck, adjon meg egy kulcssz\u00f3t",
"no_tag": "K\u00e9rj\u00fck, adjon meg egy kulcssz\u00f3t",
"not_related": "A kulcssz\u00f3 nem kapcsol\u00f3dik t\u00e1rgyhoz",
"not_related": "A kulcssz\u00f3 nem kapcsol\u00f3dik t\u00e1rgyhoz",
"tag_annotated": "Kulcssz\u00f3 hozz\u00e1adva",
"tag_annotated": "Kulcssz\u00f3 hozz\u00e1adva",
"tag_name": "Name",
"tag_name": "N\u00e9v",
"engl": "(in English)",
"engl": "N\u00e9v angol ford\u00edt\u00e1sa",
"annotation": "Annotation",
"annotation": "Komment",
"add_new_annotation": "Add a new annotation:"
"add_new_annotation": "\u00daj komment hozz\u00e1ad\u00e1sa"
@ -2,11 +2,11 @@
"time": {
"time": {
"comprises": "Az \u00faj id\u0151beli vonatkoz\u00e1s intervalluma",
"comprises": "Az \u00faj id\u0151beli vonatkoz\u00e1s intervalluma",
"more_than_year": "nagyobb mint egy \u00e9v",
"more_than_year": "nagyobb mint egy \u00e9v",
"more_than_year_example": "pl. 1870-es \u00e9vek, a 19. sz\u00e1zad eleje, 1930\/40, ...",
"more_than_year_example": "pl. 1870-es \u00e9vek, 19. sz\u00e1zad eleje, 1930-1940 k\u00f6z\u00f6tt, ...",
"exactly_one_year": "pontosan egy \u00e9v",
"exactly_one_year": "pontosan egy \u00e9v",
"exactly_one_year_example": "pl. 1939, 1848, ...",
"exactly_one_year_example": "pl. 1939, 1848, ...",
"less_than_year": "kisebb mint egy \u00e9v",
"less_than_year": "kisebb mint egy \u00e9v",
"less_than_year_example": "pl. 1912 \u00e1prilis, 1759 december, 1945 m\u00e1jus-j\u00fanius, ...",
"less_than_year_example": "pl. 1912 \u00e1prilis, 1759 december. 25., 1945 m\u00e1jus-j\u00fanius, ...",
"prehistoric_time": "\u0151st\u00f6rt\u00e9neti kor",
"prehistoric_time": "\u0151st\u00f6rt\u00e9neti kor",
"prehistoric_time_example": "pl. Kr\u00e9takor, id\u0151sz\u00e1m\u00edt\u00e1s el\u0151tt 250 000 \u00e9vvel stb.",
"prehistoric_time_example": "pl. Kr\u00e9takor, id\u0151sz\u00e1m\u00edt\u00e1s el\u0151tt 250 000 \u00e9vvel stb.",
"time_term": "Id\u0151beli vonatkoz\u00e1s",
"time_term": "Id\u0151beli vonatkoz\u00e1s",
@ -17,9 +17,9 @@
"zeitende_explica": "K\u00e9rj\u00fck, az \u00e9vsz\u00e1mot mindig n\u00e9gyjegy\u0171 form\u00e1ban adja meg. Id\u0151sz\u00e1m\u00edt\u00e1s el\u0151tti \u00e9vsz\u00e1mok eset\u00e9ben m\u00ednusz jellel kezd\u0151dj\u00f6n az \u00e9vsz\u00e1m. Olyan id\u0151beli vonatkoz\u00e1sok eset\u00e9ben, mint p\u00e9ld\u00e1ul "1848 ut\u00e1n\u201d adjon meg itt egy k\u00e9rd\u0151jelet. 1. p\u00e9lda: 1913, 2. p\u00e9lda -1956, 3.p\u00e9lda: ?<br><br><b style="font-weight:normal;color:#660000;">K\u00e9rj\u00fck, mindig kit\u00f6lteni.<\/b>",
"zeitende_explica": "K\u00e9rj\u00fck, az \u00e9vsz\u00e1mot mindig n\u00e9gyjegy\u0171 form\u00e1ban adja meg. Id\u0151sz\u00e1m\u00edt\u00e1s el\u0151tti \u00e9vsz\u00e1mok eset\u00e9ben m\u00ednusz jellel kezd\u0151dj\u00f6n az \u00e9vsz\u00e1m. Olyan id\u0151beli vonatkoz\u00e1sok eset\u00e9ben, mint p\u00e9ld\u00e1ul "1848 ut\u00e1n\u201d adjon meg itt egy k\u00e9rd\u0151jelet. 1. p\u00e9lda: 1913, 2. p\u00e9lda -1956, 3.p\u00e9lda: ?<br><br><b style="font-weight:normal;color:#660000;">K\u00e9rj\u00fck, mindig kit\u00f6lteni.<\/b>",
"counted": "k\u00f6z\u00e9p\u00e9rt\u00e9k",
"counted": "k\u00f6z\u00e9p\u00e9rt\u00e9k",
"year": "\u00e9v",
"year": "\u00e9v",
"month": "honap",
"month": "h\u00f3nap",
"day": "nap",
"day": "nap",
"zaehlzeit1_explica": "Az "\u00e9v" mez\u0151be k\u00e9rj\u00fck hogy az \u00e9vsz\u00e1mot mindig n\u00e9gyjegy\u0171 form\u00e1ban adja meg. Id\u0151intervallumok eset\u00e9ben, k\u00e9rj\u00fck, v\u00e1lassza az intervallum k\u00f6zep\u00e9t. P\u00e9ld\u00e1ul "19. sz\u00e1zad" -\u00e9vsz\u00e1mokkal kifejezve="1850" A [+\/-] mez\u0151: - seg\u00edts\u00e9g\u00e9vel jel\u00f6lheti, hogy az \u00e9vsz\u00e1m id\u0151sz\u00e1m\u00edt\u00e1s el\u00f6tti, a + jel seg\u00edts\u00e9g\u00e9vel pedig jel\u00f6lheti, hogy a az \u00e9vsz\u00e1m id\u0151sz\u00e1m\u00edt\u00e1s ut\u00e1ni id\u0151szakb\u00f3l sz\u00e1rmazik. (Ez az inform\u00e1ci\u00f3 a megfelel\u0151 bels\u0151 adatab\u00e1zis l\u00e9trehoz\u00e1sa szempontj\u00e1b\u00f3l (p\u00e9ld\u00e1ul keres\u00e9si opci\u00f3k) l\u00e9nyeges.<br><br><b style="font-weight:normal;color:#660000;">K\u00e9rj\u00fck, mindig kit\u00f6lteni.<\/b>",
"zaehlzeit1_explica": "Az "\u00e9v" mez\u0151be k\u00e9rj\u00fck hogy az \u00e9vsz\u00e1mot mindig n\u00e9gyjegy\u0171 form\u00e1ban adja meg. Id\u0151intervallumok eset\u00e9ben, k\u00e9rj\u00fck, v\u00e1lassza az intervallum k\u00f6zep\u00e9t. P\u00e9ld\u00e1ul "19. sz\u00e1zad" -\u00e9vsz\u00e1mokkal kifejezve="1851" A [+\/-] mez\u0151: - seg\u00edts\u00e9g\u00e9vel jel\u00f6lheti, hogy az \u00e9vsz\u00e1m id\u0151sz\u00e1m\u00edt\u00e1s el\u00f6tti, a + jel seg\u00edts\u00e9g\u00e9vel pedig jel\u00f6lheti, hogy a az \u00e9vsz\u00e1m id\u0151sz\u00e1m\u00edt\u00e1s ut\u00e1ni id\u0151szakb\u00f3l sz\u00e1rmazik. (Ez az inform\u00e1ci\u00f3 a megfelel\u0151 bels\u0151 adatab\u00e1zis l\u00e9trehoz\u00e1sa szempontj\u00e1b\u00f3l (p\u00e9ld\u00e1ul keres\u00e9si opci\u00f3k) l\u00e9nyeges.<br><br><b style="font-weight:normal;color:#660000;">K\u00e9rj\u00fck, mindig kit\u00f6lteni.<\/b>",
"zaehlzeit2_explica": "<b>Mez\u0151: nap<\/b> und <b>Mez\u0151: h\u00f3nap<\/b><br>K\u00e9rj\u00fck, k\u00e9tjegy\u0171 form\u00e1ban megadni. ("08","05",...)<br><br><b>Mez\u0151: \u00e9v<\/b><br>K\u00e9rj\u00fck, az \u00e9vsz\u00e1mot n\u00e9gyjegy\u0171 form\u00e1ban megadni. <br>Intervallumok eset\u00e9ben a k\u00f6z\u00e9p\u00e9rt\u00e9ket kell megadni.<br> Pl.: Id\u0151beli vonatkoz\u00e1s="19. sz\u00e1zad" -> K\u00f6z\u00e9p\u00e9rt\u00e9k="1850"<br><br><b>Mez\u0151: [+\/-]<\/b><br>A "-" jel az id\u0151sz\u00e1m\u00edt\u00e1s el\u0151tti id\u0151szakra, a "+" jel pedig az id\u0151sz\u00e1m\u00edt\u00e1s kezdet\u00e9t\u0151l, illetve az arra k\u00f6vetkez\u0151 id\u0151szakra vonatkozik.<br><br>(Ezek az adatok a jobb kereshet\u0151s\u00e9g miatt l\u00e9nyegesek.)<br><br><b style="font-weight:normal;color:#660000;">K\u00e9rj\u00fck, mindig kit\u00f6lteni.<\/b>",
"zaehlzeit2_explica": "<b>Mez\u0151: nap<\/b> und <b>Mez\u0151: h\u00f3nap<\/b><br>K\u00e9rj\u00fck, k\u00e9tjegy\u0171 form\u00e1ban megadni. ("08","05",...)<br><br><b>Mez\u0151: \u00e9v<\/b><br>K\u00e9rj\u00fck, az \u00e9vsz\u00e1mot n\u00e9gyjegy\u0171 form\u00e1ban megadni. <br>Intervallumok eset\u00e9ben a k\u00f6z\u00e9p\u00e9rt\u00e9ket kell megadni.<br> Pl.: Id\u0151beli vonatkoz\u00e1s="19. sz\u00e1zad" -> K\u00f6z\u00e9p\u00e9rt\u00e9k="1850"<br><br><b>Mez\u0151: [+\/-]<\/b><br>A "-" jel az id\u0151sz\u00e1m\u00edt\u00e1s el\u0151tti id\u0151szakra, a "+" jel pedig az id\u0151sz\u00e1m\u00edt\u00e1s kezdet\u00e9t\u0151l, illetve az arra k\u00f6vetkez\u0151 id\u0151szakra vonatkozik.<br><br>(Ezek az adatok a jobb kereshet\u0151s\u00e9g miatt l\u00e9nyegesek.)<br><br><b style="font-weight:normal;color:#660000;">K\u00e9rj\u00fck, mindig kit\u00f6lteni.<\/b>",
"no_timeterm": "K\u00e9rj\u00fck, adjon meg egy id\u0151beli vonatkoz\u00e1st!<\/p><p class="ohne">[Id\u0151beli vonatkoz\u00e1s: pl. "1784". vagy "1785. janu\u00e1r 12.", vagy "k\u00f6z\u00e9pkor"]",
"no_timeterm": "K\u00e9rj\u00fck, adjon meg egy id\u0151beli vonatkoz\u00e1st!<\/p><p class="ohne">[Id\u0151beli vonatkoz\u00e1s: pl. "1784". vagy "1785. janu\u00e1r 12.", vagy "k\u00f6z\u00e9pkor"]",
"not_exact": "K\u00e9rj\u00fck, ne adjon meg k\u00f6r\u00fclbel\u00fcli id\u0151beli vonatkoz\u00e1sokat!<\/p><p class="ohne">[Az id\u0151beli vonatkoz\u00e1s k\u00f6r\u00fclbel\u00fclis\u00e9g\u00e9t az esem\u00e9nyek fel\u00fcleten hull\u00e1mos vonallal adhatja meg.]",
"not_exact": "K\u00e9rj\u00fck, ne adjon meg k\u00f6r\u00fclbel\u00fcli id\u0151beli vonatkoz\u00e1sokat!<\/p><p class="ohne">[Az id\u0151beli vonatkoz\u00e1s k\u00f6r\u00fclbel\u00fclis\u00e9g\u00e9t az esem\u00e9nyek fel\u00fcleten hull\u00e1mos vonallal adhatja meg.]",
@ -40,11 +40,11 @@
"time_annotated": "Id\u0151beli vonatkoz\u00e1s komment\u00e1lva",
"time_annotated": "Id\u0151beli vonatkoz\u00e1s komment\u00e1lva",
"added": "\u00daj id\u0151beli vonatkoz\u00e1s hozz\u00e1adva",
"added": "\u00daj id\u0151beli vonatkoz\u00e1s hozz\u00e1adva",
"edited": "Az id\u0151beli vonatkoz\u00e1s magyar\u00e1zata friss\u00edtve",
"edited": "Az id\u0151beli vonatkoz\u00e1s magyar\u00e1zata friss\u00edtve",
"annotation": "Annotation",
"annotation": "Komment",
"add_new_annotation": "Add a new annotation:",
"add_new_annotation": "\u00daj komment hozz\u00e1ad\u00e1sa",
"must_be_month": "Month: Must be a valid, two-digit representation of a month. E.g. 01 for January, 12 for December",
"must_be_month": "H\u00f3nap: \u00e9rv\u00e9nyes \u00e9rt\u00e9ket kell megadni, 01 \u00e9s 12 k\u00f6z\u00f6tt, teh\u00e1t janu\u00e1r eset\u00e9n 01, december eset\u00e9n 12",
"must_be_day": "Day: Must be a valid, two-digit representation of a day. From 01 to 31",
"must_be_day": "Nap: \u00e9rv\u00e9nyes \u00e9rt\u00e9ket kell megadni, 01 \u00e9s 31 k\u00f6z\u00f6tt",
"must_be_year": "Year: Must be a valid, four-digit representation of a year. From 0001 to 9999.",
"must_be_year": "\u00c9v: \u00e9rv\u00e9nyes \u00e9rt\u00e9ket kell megadni, 0001 \u00e9s 9999 k\u00f6z\u00f6tt, teh\u00e1t pl. ha 79 az \u00e9vsz\u00e1m, akkor 0079, ha 269 az \u00e9vsz\u00e1m, akkor 0269",
"must_be_+-": "Must be either + (common era) or - (before common era)"
"must_be_+-": "\u00c9rt\u00e9ke a k\u00f6vetkez\u0151 lehet: + (id\u0151sz\u00e1m\u00edt\u00e1sunk ut\u00e1n) VAGY - (id\u0151sz\u00e1m\u00edt\u00e1sunk el\u0151tt)"
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
"password_confirmation": "\u00daj jelsz\u00f3 meger\u0151s\u00edt\u00e9se",
"password_confirmation": "\u00daj jelsz\u00f3 meger\u0151s\u00edt\u00e9se",
"userrole": "Hozz\u00e1f\u00e9r\u00e9si jogk\u00f6r",
"userrole": "Hozz\u00e1f\u00e9r\u00e9si jogk\u00f6r",
"institution": "Int\u00e9zm\u00e9ny",
"institution": "Int\u00e9zm\u00e9ny",
"admin": "Admin (legfels\u0151 szin)",
"admin": "Admin (legfels\u0151 szint)",
"director_region": "MD:hu adminisztr\u00e1tor",
"director_region": "MD:hu adminisztr\u00e1tor",
"director_museum": "M\u00fazeumadmin",
"director_museum": "M\u00fazeumadmin",
"collaborator": "Muzeol\u00f3gus",
"collaborator": "Muzeol\u00f3gus",
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
"more_than_one": "Ezzel az azonos\u00edt\u00f3val t\u00f6bb hasonl\u00f3 nev\u0171 felhaszn\u00e1l\u00f3t tal\u00e1ltunk",
"more_than_one": "Ezzel az azonos\u00edt\u00f3val t\u00f6bb hasonl\u00f3 nev\u0171 felhaszn\u00e1l\u00f3t tal\u00e1ltunk",
"userlist": "Az \u00f6sszes felhaszn\u00e1l\u00f3",
"userlist": "Az \u00f6sszes felhaszn\u00e1l\u00f3",
"order_by": "Megjelen\u00edt\u00e9s",
"order_by": "Megjelen\u00edt\u00e9s",
"last_login": "Last login",
"last_login": "Utols\u00f3 bejelentkez\u00e9s",
"registration": "Bejelentkez\u00e9s",
"registration": "Bejelentkez\u00e9s",
"input_only": "Adatfelt\u00f6lt\u0151",
"input_only": "Adatfelt\u00f6lt\u0151",
"visiting_scientist": "Vend\u00e9g kutat\u00f3",
"visiting_scientist": "Vend\u00e9g kutat\u00f3",
@ -64,59 +64,60 @@
"confirm": "Meger\u0151s\u00edt\u00e9s",
"confirm": "Meger\u0151s\u00edt\u00e9s",
"auth_token_generated": "A l\u00e9trehozott authentication token",
"auth_token_generated": "A l\u00e9trehozott authentication token",
"auth_token_is": "Az \u00faj authentication token a k\u00f6vetkez\u0151:",
"auth_token_is": "Az \u00faj authentication token a k\u00f6vetkez\u0151:",
"password_too_short": "Password too short",
"password_too_short": "Helytelen: A jelsz\u00f3 t\u00fal r\u00f6vid",
"password_equals_name": "Password equals username",
"password_equals_name": "Helytelen: A jelsz\u00f3 megegyezik a felhaszn\u00e1l\u00f3n\u00e9vvel",
"mail_invitation": "Invitation to museum-digital:musdb",
"mail_invitation": "Megh\u00edv\u00e1s a M\u00fazeumDigit\u00e1r rendszer haszn\u00e1lat\u00e1hoz",
"mail_invitation_contents": "You have just been invited editing on museum-digital:musdb. If you did not expect to get a mail such as this one, please just ignore the mail. If you do want to activate your account, please follow the link below, and set your password. By doing so, you accept our privacy policy.",
"mail_invitation_contents": "Megh\u00edv\u00e1st kapott a M\u00fazeumDigit\u00e1r gy\u0171jtem\u00e9nykezel\u0151 \u00e9s publik\u00e1ci\u00f3s szoftver haszn\u00e1lat\u00e1hoz. Ha nem a megfelel\u0151 c\u00edmre \u00e9rkezett a megh\u00edv\u00f3, k\u00e9rj\u00fck hagyja figyelmen k\u00edv\u00fcl a levelet. Ha szeretn\u00e9 aktiv\u00e1lni a hozz\u00e1f\u00e9r\u00e9s\u00e9t, k\u00e9rj\u00fck, hogy kattintson a lenti linkre, \u00e9s \u00e1ll\u00edtsa be a jelszav\u00e1t. Ezzel egy\u00fattal elfogadja az adatv\u00e9delmi szab\u00e1lyzatot is.",
"invited": "Eingeladen: ",
"invited": "A megh\u00edvott neve:",
"initialSettings": "Initial Settings: ",
"initialSettings": "Initial Settings: ",
"invitationLinkOutdated": "Your invitation token is older than a day. Your invitation was aborted. Please ask your grantor to invite you again.",
"invitationLinkOutdated": "A megh\u00edv\u00f3 t\u00f6bb mint egy napos, a megh\u00edv\u00e1st t\u00f6r\u00f6lt\u00fck. K\u00e9rj\u00fck, hogy \u00fajabb megh\u00edv\u00f3 k\u00fcld\u00e9se \u00e9rdek\u00e9ben keresse fel a m\u00fazeum adminj\u00e1t",
"successAddingAccount": "Success!",
"successAddingAccount": "Siker\u00fclt!",
"successAddingAccountMsg": "Your password was successfully set. You can continue by logging in",
"successAddingAccountMsg": "A jelszav\u00e1t sikeresen be\u00e1ll\u00edtottuk. K\u00e9rj\u00fck, hogy jelentkezzen be ITT",
"agreement": "Testtext zum Agreement",
"agreement": "Testtext zum Agreement",
"mail_deletion": "Confirm the deletion of your account",
"mail_deletion": "A hozz\u00e1f\u00e9r\u00e9s t\u00f6rl\u00e9s\u00e9nek j\u00f3v\u00e1hagy\u00e1sa",
"mail_deletion_contents": "Your account has been flagged for deletion. If you really want to delete your account at museum-digital, you can do so by clicking on the link below:",
"mail_deletion_contents": "A hozz\u00e1f\u00e9r\u00e9se t\u00f6rl\u00e9se ker\u00fcl. Ha val\u00f3ban t\u00f6r\u00f6lni akarja a M\u00fazeumDigit\u00e1r hozz\u00e1f\u00e9r\u00e9st, meger\u0151s\u00edtheti sz\u00e1nd\u00e9k\u00e1t az al\u00e1bbi linkre kattintva:",
"deletion_mail_sent": "A mail has been sent, asking for your confirmation for deleting your account",
"deletion_mail_sent": "Email-t k\u00fcldt\u00fcnk a hozz\u00e1f\u00e9r\u00e9s t\u00f6rl\u00e9s\u00e9nek meger\u0151s\u00edt\u00e9s\u00e9re",
"delete": "Delete",
"delete": "T\u00f6rl\u00e9s",
"exportUserData": "Export own account data",
"exportUserData": "Saj\u00e1t adatok export\u00e1l\u00e1sa",
"automatic_mails": "Automatische Benachrichtigungen erhalten",
"automatic_mails": "Automatikus \u00e9rtes\u00edt\u00e9st kap",
"new_user": "New user",
"new_user": "\u00daj felhaszn\u00e1l\u00f3",
"upload_image": "Upload image",
"upload_image": "Profilk\u00e9p felt\u00f6lt\u00e9se",
"uploaded_profile_img": "Uploaded profile picture",
"uploaded_profile_img": "Felt\u00f6lt\u00f6tt profilk\u00e9p",
"delete_image": "Delete image",
"delete_image": "Profilk\u00e9p t\u00f6rl\u00e9se",
"deleted_image": "Profile picture has been deleted",
"deleted_image": "Profilk\u00e9p sikeresen t\u00f6r\u00f6lve",
"make_visible": "Make visible to other users in musdb",
"make_visible": "M\u00e1s M\u00fazeumDigit\u00e1r felhaszn\u00e1l\u00f3k sz\u00e1m\u00e1ra l\u00e1that\u00f3",
"make_hidden": "Hide your account from other users in musdb",
"make_hidden": "M\u00e1s M\u00fazeumDigit\u00e1r felhaszn\u00e1l\u00f3k el\u0151l elrejtve",
"this_month": "This month",
"this_month": "Ebben a h\u00f3napban",
"this_year": "This year",
"this_year": "Ebben az \u00e9vben",
"within_X_month": "Within the last {x} month",
"within_X_month": "Az elm\u00falt {x} h\u00f3napban",
"within_X_years": "Within the last {x} years",
"within_X_years": "Az elm\u00falt {x} \u00e9vben",
"view_profile": "View profile",
"view_profile": "Profil megtekint\u00e9se",
"about": "About",
"about": "Magamr\u00f3l",
"user_set_invisible": "Your profile has been set invisible to other users in musdb.",
"user_set_invisible": "A profilja m\u00e1s M\u00fazeumDigit\u00e1r felhaszn\u00e1l\u00f3k sz\u00e1m\u00e1ra nem l\u00e1that\u00f3",
"user_set_visible": "Your profile has been set visible to other users in musdb.",
"user_set_visible": "A profilja m\u00e1s M\u00fazeumDigit\u00e1r felhaszn\u00e1l\u00f3k sz\u00e1m\u00e1ra l\u00e1that\u00f3",
"user_description_edited": "Your profile description has been edited",
"user_description_edited": "A profil le\u00edr\u00e1sa szerkesztve",
"public_pgp_key": "Public PGP key",
"public_pgp_key": "Public PGP key",
"username_explica": "Username with which a user logs in. Ideally something concise but unique.",
"username_explica": "A felhaszn\u00e1l\u00f3n\u00e9v, amivel a felhaszn\u00e1l\u00f3 be tud l\u00e9pni. \u00c9rdemes ",
"realname_explica": "Full name of the user.",
"realname_explica": "A felhaszn\u00e1l\u00f3 teljes neve",
"usermail_explica": "Mail address of the user.<br\/>We need this information to be able to send out invitation mails. Later, it allows <em>musdb<\/em> to send automated mails with recent updates (these need to be enabled below). If the user wants to delete their account, a mail asking for confirmation will also be sent to this email address.<br\/>If the user's profile is made visible other users logged in to musdb, the email address will be visible there, too.",
"usermail_explica": "A felhaszn\u00e1l\u00f3 email-c\u00edme.<br\/>Az\u00e9rt van sz\u00fcks\u00e9g az email-c\u00edm megad\u00e1s\u00e1ra, hogy j\u00f3v\u00e1hagy\u00f3 \u00fczenetet k\u00fcldhess\u00fcnk az \u00faj felhaszn\u00e1l\u00f3 sz\u00e1m\u00e1ra.<br\/>Ha a felhaszn\u00e1l\u00f3 profilja nyilv\u00e1nosra van \u00e1ll\u00edtva m\u00e1s M\u00fazeumDigit\u00e1r felhaszn\u00e1l\u00f3k sz\u00e1m\u00e1ra, akkor az email-c\u00edme is l\u00e1that\u00f3v\u00e1 v\u00e1lik.",
"password_form": "Must contain at least 8 characters.",
"password_form": "Legal\u00e1bb 8 karakter k\u00f6telez\u0151",
"password_explica": "Password. Must be at least 8 characters long.",
"password_explica": "Jelsz\u00f3. Legal\u00e1bb 8 karakter hossz\u00fas\u00e1g\u00fa kell legyen",
"automatic_mails_explica": "Should updates (currently notifications of recently ending loan entries and notifications from admins and other users) be automatically mailed to the user in regular intervals?",
"automatic_mails_explica": "K\u00fcldj\u00fcnk \u00e9rtes\u00edt\u00e9st a felhaszn\u00e1l\u00f3nak a be\u00e1ll\u00edt\u00e1sok m\u00f3dos\u00edt\u00e1s\u00e1r\u00f3l?",
"user_role_explica": "The user role determines a user's default access rights to contents in musdb. A more in-depth explanation can be found in the handbook.",
"user_role_explica": "A hozz\u00e1f\u00e9r\u00e9si jogosults\u00e1g meghat\u00e1rozza, hogy milyen szerkeszt\u00e9si jogosults\u00e1ggal rendelkezik a felhaszn\u00e1l\u00f3. B\u0151vebb inform\u00e1ci\u00f3t err\u0151l a jogosults\u00e1gokr\u00f3l sz\u00f3l\u00f3 t\u00e1j\u00e9koztat\u00f3ban tal\u00e1l.",
"user_institution_explica": "Every user (even regional administrators) needs to be linked to a \"home institution\". This \"home institution\" can be set here.",
"user_institution_explica": "Minden felhaszn\u00e1l\u00f3hoz rendelni kell egy int\u00e9zm\u00e9nyt. Ez al\u00f3l a rendszeradminsztr\u00e1tor sem kiv\u00e9tel.",
"user_about_explica": "Say something about yourself. This description will be visible on your profile if you set it visible to other users in musdb.",
"user_about_explica": "Mondj valamit magadr\u00f3l! Ez a le\u00edr\u00e1s megjelenik a profilodon, ha l\u00e1that\u00f3v\u00e1 teszed m\u00e1s M\u00fazeumDigit\u00e1r felhaszn\u00e1l\u00f3k sz\u00e1m\u00e1ra",
"public_pgp_key_explica": "In this field, a public PGP key can be entered. If this is done, future mails will be sent encrypted to you.",
"public_pgp_key_explica": "In this field, a public PGP key can be entered. If this is done, future mails will be sent encrypted to you.",
"two_factor_authentication": "Two Factor Authentication",
"two_factor_authentication": "K\u00e9tszint\u0171 hiteles\u00edt\u00e9s",
"via_mail": "Via E-Mail",
"via_mail": "Email-en kereszt\u00fcl",
"2fa_explica": "Two factor authentication can be enabled here. Thus far, the only option is two factor authentication using your mail account. After entering your login credentials, you will be sent a code via mail with which you can then log in. By default, two factor authentication is disabled.",
"2fa_explica": "K\u00e9tszint\u0171 hiteles\u00edt\u00e9s enged\u00e9lyez\u00e9se. Ehhez csak email-c\u00edm haszn\u00e1lhat\u00f3. Ha a bejelentkez\u00e9shez sz\u00fcks\u00e9ges adatokat megadta, email-en kereszt\u00fcl kap egy meger\u0151s\u00edt\u00e9st k\u00e9r\u0151 \u00fczenetet, amivel be tud l\u00e9pni. Alapesetben a kett\u0151s autentik\u00e1ci\u00f3 nem enged\u00e9lyezett",
"security": "Security",
"security": "V\u00e9delem",
"your_account_has_been_deleted": "Your account has been deleted",
"your_account_has_been_deleted": "A hozz\u00e1f\u00e9r\u00e9s t\u00f6r\u00f6lve",
"this_is_your_auth_code": "You can find your authentication code below. Enter it to log in to musdb:",
"this_is_your_auth_code": "A k\u00e9tszint\u0171 hiteles\u00edt\u00e9s k\u00f3dj\u00e1t al\u00e1bb tal\u00e1lja. K\u00e9rj\u00fck \u00edrja be a M\u00fazeumDigit\u00e1rba val\u00f3 bel\u00e9p\u00e9shez",
"auth_code": "Authentication code",
"auth_code": "K\u00e9tsz\u00ednt\u0171 hiteles\u00edt\u00e9s k\u00f3dja",
"login_at_musdb": "Login at musdb",
"login_at_musdb": "Bel\u00e9p\u00e9s a M\u00fazeumDigit\u00e1rba",
"auth_code_invalid": "The authentication code you entered is not valid",
"auth_code_invalid": "A be\u00edrt k\u00f3d nem \u00e9rv\u00e9nyes",
"2fa_screen_explica": "Sie haben die Zwei-Faktor-Authentifizierungs-Option in den Benutzereinstellungen aktiviert. Entsprechend haben Sie gerade einen Zugangscode zugeschickt bekommen.<br \/>Dieser Code ist f\u00fcr zwei Stunden g\u00fcltig.",
"2fa_screen_explica": "A k\u00e9tszint\u0171 hiteles\u00edt\u00e9s enged\u00e9lyez\u00e9s\u00e9hez hozz\u00e1f\u00e9r\u00e9si jogosults\u00e1gra van sz\u00fcks\u00e9g. Ez a k\u00f3d k\u00e9t \u00f3r\u00e1ig \u00e9rv\u00e9nyes.",
"access_denied": "Access denied"
"access_denied": "Hozz\u00e1f\u00e9r\u00e9s megtagadva",
"user_added_pgp_key": "A biztons\u00e1gi be\u00e1ll\u00edt\u00e1sok friss\u00fcltek"
@ -1,22 +1,22 @@
"tlVisitors": {
"tlVisitors": {
"add_new_visitor": "Neuen Besucher hinzuf\u00fcgen",
"add_new_visitor": "\u00daj l\u00e1togat\u00f3k hozz\u00e1ad\u00e1sa",
"generate_qr_code": "QR-Code generieren",
"generate_qr_code": "QR-k\u00f3d gener\u00e1l\u00e1s",
"new_visitor_added": "A new visitor has been registered",
"new_visitor_added": "\u00daj l\u00e1togat\u00f3 regisztr\u00e1lva",
"day": "Day",
"day": "Nap",
"week": "Week",
"week": "H\u00e9t",
"month": "Month",
"month": "H\u00f3nap",
"all_time": "All time",
"all_time": "Eg\u00e9sz nap",
"filter_by_time": "Filter by time",
"filter_by_time": "Id\u0151re sz\u0171r\u00e9s",
"time_context": "Date (time context)",
"time_context": "D\u00e1tum",
"ticket_types": "Type of visitor (by ticket)",
"ticket_types": "L\u00e1togat\u00f3i t\u00edpus (jegyt\u00edpus szerint)",
"amount": "Amount",
"amount": "\u00d6sszeg",
"other_not_categorized": "Andere \/ Ohne Kategorie",
"other_not_categorized": "\u00d6sszesen \/ Kateg\u00f3ri\u00e1nk\u00e9nt",
"calendar_week": "Calendar week",
"calendar_week": "Napt\u00e1ri h\u00e9t",
"year": "Year",
"year": "\u00c9v",
"manually_add": "Manually add visitors",
"manually_add": "K\u00e9zzel bevitt l\u00e1togat\u00f3sz\u00e1m",
"number_new_visitors": "Number of visitors to register",
"number_new_visitors": "L\u00e1togat\u00f3k sz\u00e1m\u00e1nak r\u00f6gz\u00edt\u00e9se",
"in_numbers": "In numbers",
"in_numbers": "Sz\u00e1mokban",
"manage_ticket_types": "Manage ticket types"
"manage_ticket_types": "Jegyt\u00edpus be\u00e1ll\u00edt\u00e1sai"
@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
"tlWorks": {
"tlWorks": {
"record_edited": "The work entry has been updated",
"record_edited": "M\u0171t\u00e1rgy adatok friss\u00edtve",
"upload_image": "Uploaded image.",
"upload_image": "K\u00e9p felt\u00f6lt\u00e9se",
"deleted_image": "The image has been deleted",
"deleted_image": "K\u00e9p t\u00f6r\u00f6lve",
"work_deleted": "The work entry has been deleted",
"work_deleted": "A m\u0171t\u00e1rgyr\u00f3l felvett adatok t\u00f6r\u00f6lve",
"works_edit": "Edit a work",
"works_edit": "M\u0171t\u00e1rgy szerkeszt\u00e9se",
"language": "Record language",
"language": "Beviteli nyelv",
"language_explica": "Language of the record. Required.",
"language_explica": "Az adatbevitel nyelve. Megad\u00e1sa k\u00f6telez\u0151!",
"title": "Title",
"title": "C\u00edm",
"title_explica": "The title of the work.",
"title_explica": "A m\u0171t\u00e1rgy c\u00edme",
"description": "Description",
"description": "Le\u00edr\u00e1s",
"description_explica": "Description of the work.",
"description_explica": "A m\u0171t\u00e1rgy le\u00edr\u00e1sa. K\u00e9rj\u00fck kerek mondatokban fogalmazzon \u00e9s ker\u00fclje a r\u00f6vid\u00edt\u00e9sek haszn\u00e1lat\u00e1t",
"recordKind": "Kind of work",
"recordKind": "Klasszifik\u00e1ci\u00f3",
"kind_explica": "Type of the work.",
"kind_explica": "A m\u0171t\u00e1rgy klasszifik\u00e1ci\u00f3ja. Pl. szobor, festm\u00e9ny, sokszoros\u00edtott grafika, stb.",
"material": "Material",
"material": "Anyag",
"material_explica": "The material, with which the work was created."
"material_explica": "Az anyag megnevez\u00e9se, amib\u0151l a m\u0171t\u00e1rgy k\u00e9sz\u00fclt. Pl. fa, m\u00e1rv\u00e1ny, v\u00e1szon, bronz, stb."
@ -101,6 +101,7 @@
"options": "Options",
"options": "Options",
"newspapers_mailing_lists": "Newspapers and mailing lists",
"newspapers_mailing_lists": "Newspapers and mailing lists",
"room": "Room",
"room": "Room",
"image": "Image"
"image": "Image",
"menu_items": "Menu Items"
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
"add_time": "Masukkan istilah waktu",
"add_time": "Masukkan istilah waktu",
"no_time": "Hapuskan masukan waktu dari kejadian",
"no_time": "Hapuskan masukan waktu dari kejadian",
"last_used": "Digunakan pada terakhir kali",
"last_used": "Digunakan pada terakhir kali",
"delete_event": "Hapuskan kejadian ini",
"delete_event": "Delete the event",
"delete_question": "Anda sedang menghapuskan kejadian!",
"delete_question": "Anda sedang menghapuskan kejadian!",
"delete_no": "Tidak, inilah tidak serius (kembali)",
"delete_no": "Tidak, inilah tidak serius (kembali)",
"delete_yes": "Ya, hapuskanlah",
"delete_yes": "Ya, hapuskanlah",
@ -88,6 +88,8 @@
"input_too_short_aborted": "Your input was too short. Aborted.",
"input_too_short_aborted": "Your input was too short. Aborted.",
"minimum_3_characters": "3 characters minimum",
"minimum_3_characters": "3 characters minimum",
"similar_event_already_added": "A similar event had already been added",
"similar_event_already_added": "A similar event had already been added",
"event_added": "The event has been added"
"event_added": "The event has been added",
"edit_event": "Edit the event",
"clone_event": "Clone the event"
@ -37,6 +37,34 @@
"firstsaved_by": "Penambahan terkini oleh",
"firstsaved_by": "Penambahan terkini oleh",
"addendum": "Informasi tambahan",
"addendum": "Informasi tambahan",
"administration": "Pengaturan benda",
"administration": "Pengaturan benda",
"backup_intro": "Simpanan yang dibuat anda mengandung semua informasi semua benda museum anda. Terutama kalau museum-digital digunakan untuk inventarisasi, <br><br><p><span style="color:#f00;font-weight:bold;">Jangan memberi simpanan ini ke orang yang tidak terpercaya!<\/span><\/p><br><p>Saat anda klik ke "membuat simpanan", server akan membuat direktori berformat ZIP. Dalam direktori ini ada banyak file yang kecil - satu file XML per benda. Harap ZIP ini disimpan di tempat yang amat.<br><br>Simpanan baik dibuat secara teratur (misalnya, setiap 2 minggu). Semakin banyak perubahan dengan data anda, semakin sering kali harap fungsi penyimpanan digunakan.<br\/>(Kalau ada banyak informasi untuk disimpan, silahkan bersabar)"
"backup_intro": "Simpanan yang dibuat anda mengandung semua informasi semua benda museum anda. Terutama kalau museum-digital digunakan untuk inventarisasi, <br><br><p><span style="color:#f00;font-weight:bold;">Jangan memberi simpanan ini ke orang yang tidak terpercaya!<\/span><\/p><br><p>Saat anda klik ke "membuat simpanan", server akan membuat direktori berformat ZIP. Dalam direktori ini ada banyak file yang kecil - satu file XML per benda. Harap ZIP ini disimpan di tempat yang amat.<br><br>Simpanan baik dibuat secara teratur (misalnya, setiap 2 minggu). Semakin banyak perubahan dengan data anda, semakin sering kali harap fungsi penyimpanan digunakan.<br\/>(Kalau ada banyak informasi untuk disimpan, silahkan bersabar)",
"exact_location_place_two": "Exact location, name of place 2",
"exact_location_place_relation_two": "Exact location, relations of place 2",
"exact_location_place_longitude_two": "Exact location, longitude of place 2",
"exact_location_place_latitude_two": "Exact location, latitude of place 2",
"alternative_object_name": "Alternative objekt name",
"alternative_object_name_qualifier": "Alternative objekt name (qualifier)",
"extended_description": "Extended description",
"inscription": "Inscription",
"exact_measurements_length_value": "Exact measurements, length (value)",
"exact_measurements_length_unit": "Exact measurements, length (unit)",
"exact_measurements_width_value": "Exact measurements, width (value)",
"exact_measurements_width_unit": "Exact measurements, width (unit)",
"exact_measurements_height_value": "Exact measurements, height (value)",
"exact_measurements_height_unit": "Exact measurements, height (unit)",
"exact_measurements_weight_value": "Exact measurements, weight (value)",
"exact_measurements_weight_unit": "Exact measurements, weight (unit)",
"exact_measurements_wall_size_value": "Exact measurements, wall size (value)",
"exact_measurements_wall_size_unit": "Exact measurements, wall size (unit)",
"exact_measurements_diameter_value": "Exact measurements, diameter (value)",
"exact_measurements_diameter_unit": "Exact measurements, diameter (unit)",
"exact_measurements_number_pieces": "Exact measurements, number of pieces",
"exact_measurements_number_pages": "Exact measurements, number of pages",
"exact_measurements_stamp_position": "Exact measurements, stamp position",
"similar_objects": "Similar objects",
"specific_entries_material": "Specific entries: Material",
"specific_entries_technique": "Specific entries: technique",
"export_in_which_format": "Export in which format ?",
"md_standard_format": "md:xml (museum-digital standard format)"
@ -88,7 +88,8 @@
"object_overview": "Object overview",
"object_overview": "Object overview",
"toggle_navigation": "Toggle navigation",
"toggle_navigation": "Toggle navigation",
"main_image": "Main image",
"main_image": "Main image",
"find_an_expert": "Find an expert"
"find_an_expert": "Find an expert",
"return_to_list": "Return to overview"
"objekt": {
"objekt": {
"assign_results": "Assign results",
"assign_results": "Assign results",
@ -37,6 +37,7 @@
"did_not_delete_no_image": "Could not unset background - there is no image",
"did_not_delete_no_image": "Could not unset background - there is no image",
"removed_background_img_successfully": "Removed background image successfully",
"removed_background_img_successfully": "Removed background image successfully",
"data_url": "Data \/ URL",
"data_url": "Data \/ URL",
"qr_code_generator": "QR code generator"
"qr_code_generator": "QR code generator",
"instance_health": "Instance health"
@ -117,6 +117,7 @@
"login_at_musdb": "Login at musdb",
"login_at_musdb": "Login at musdb",
"auth_code_invalid": "The authentication code you entered is not valid",
"auth_code_invalid": "The authentication code you entered is not valid",
"2fa_screen_explica": "Sie haben die Zwei-Faktor-Authentifizierungs-Option in den Benutzereinstellungen aktiviert. Entsprechend haben Sie gerade einen Zugangscode zugeschickt bekommen.<br \/>Dieser Code ist f\u00fcr zwei Stunden g\u00fcltig.",
"2fa_screen_explica": "Sie haben die Zwei-Faktor-Authentifizierungs-Option in den Benutzereinstellungen aktiviert. Entsprechend haben Sie gerade einen Zugangscode zugeschickt bekommen.<br \/>Dieser Code ist f\u00fcr zwei Stunden g\u00fcltig.",
"access_denied": "Access denied"
"access_denied": "Access denied",
"user_added_pgp_key": "Updated security settings"
@ -101,6 +101,7 @@
"options": "Options",
"options": "Options",
"newspapers_mailing_lists": "Newspapers and mailing lists",
"newspapers_mailing_lists": "Newspapers and mailing lists",
"room": "Room",
"room": "Room",
"image": "Image"
"image": "Image",
"menu_items": "Menu Items"
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
"add_time": "Insert time",
"add_time": "Insert time",
"no_time": "Delete time in event",
"no_time": "Delete time in event",
"last_used": "Last used",
"last_used": "Last used",
"delete_event": "Delete event",
"delete_event": "Delete the event",
"delete_question": "You are about to delete an event",
"delete_question": "You are about to delete an event",
"delete_no": "No, not really (back)",
"delete_no": "No, not really (back)",
"delete_yes": "Yes, that's what I want",
"delete_yes": "Yes, that's what I want",
@ -88,6 +88,8 @@
"input_too_short_aborted": "Your input was too short. Aborted.",
"input_too_short_aborted": "Your input was too short. Aborted.",
"minimum_3_characters": "3 characters minimum",
"minimum_3_characters": "3 characters minimum",
"similar_event_already_added": "A similar event had already been added",
"similar_event_already_added": "A similar event had already been added",
"event_added": "The event has been added"
"event_added": "The event has been added",
"edit_event": "Edit the event",
"clone_event": "Clone the event"
@ -37,6 +37,34 @@
"firstsaved_by": "First edit, by",
"firstsaved_by": "First edit, by",
"addendum": "Additional information",
"addendum": "Additional information",
"administration": "Object administration",
"administration": "Object administration",
"backup_intro": "The backup you are creating contains <b>all<\/b> informationen from <b>all<\/b> objects of your institution. Especially if you use museum-digital for inventarization, keep in mind: <\/p><p style=\"text-align:center\"><br><b style=\"color:993333;\">Don't give this backup to anyone!<\/b><\/p><br>As soon as you click the button below the server will create a ZIP-file. This file contains many small files - one per object. Immediately after creation the server sends you this file automatically. Please store this file at a save place. Backups should best be made at fixed intervals (e.g. every second week). If there is a lot of data the creation of the backup might take some time. Please sit back and wait a moment ..."
"backup_intro": "The backup you are creating contains <b>all<\/b> informationen from <b>all<\/b> objects of your institution. Especially if you use museum-digital for inventarization, keep in mind: <\/p><p style=\"text-align:center\"><br><b style=\"color:993333;\">Don't give this backup to anyone!<\/b><\/p><br>As soon as you click the button below the server will create a ZIP-file. This file contains many small files - one per object. Immediately after creation the server sends you this file automatically. Please store this file at a save place. Backups should best be made at fixed intervals (e.g. every second week). If there is a lot of data the creation of the backup might take some time. Please sit back and wait a moment ...",
"exact_location_place_two": "Exact location, name of place 2",
"exact_location_place_relation_two": "Exact location, relations of place 2",
"exact_location_place_longitude_two": "Exact location, longitude of place 2",
"exact_location_place_latitude_two": "Exact location, latitude of place 2",
"alternative_object_name": "Alternative objekt name",
"alternative_object_name_qualifier": "Alternative objekt name (qualifier)",
"extended_description": "Extended description",
"inscription": "Inscription",
"exact_measurements_length_value": "Exact measurements, length (value)",
"exact_measurements_length_unit": "Exact measurements, length (unit)",
"exact_measurements_width_value": "Exact measurements, width (value)",
"exact_measurements_width_unit": "Exact measurements, width (unit)",
"exact_measurements_height_value": "Exact measurements, height (value)",
"exact_measurements_height_unit": "Exact measurements, height (unit)",
"exact_measurements_weight_value": "Exact measurements, weight (value)",
"exact_measurements_weight_unit": "Exact measurements, weight (unit)",
"exact_measurements_wall_size_value": "Exact measurements, wall size (value)",
"exact_measurements_wall_size_unit": "Exact measurements, wall size (unit)",
"exact_measurements_diameter_value": "Exact measurements, diameter (value)",
"exact_measurements_diameter_unit": "Exact measurements, diameter (unit)",
"exact_measurements_number_pieces": "Exact measurements, number of pieces",
"exact_measurements_number_pages": "Exact measurements, number of pages",
"exact_measurements_stamp_position": "Exact measurements, stamp position",
"similar_objects": "Similar objects",
"specific_entries_material": "Specific entries: Material",
"specific_entries_technique": "Specific entries: technique",
"export_in_which_format": "Export in which format ?",
"md_standard_format": "md:xml (museum-digital standard format)"
@ -88,7 +88,8 @@
"object_overview": "Object overview",
"object_overview": "Object overview",
"toggle_navigation": "Toggle navigation",
"toggle_navigation": "Toggle navigation",
"main_image": "Main image",
"main_image": "Main image",
"find_an_expert": "Find an expert"
"find_an_expert": "Find an expert",
"return_to_list": "Return to overview"
"objekt": {
"objekt": {
"assign_results": "Assign results",
"assign_results": "Assign results",
@ -37,6 +37,7 @@
"did_not_delete_no_image": "Could not unset background - there is no image",
"did_not_delete_no_image": "Could not unset background - there is no image",
"removed_background_img_successfully": "Removed background image successfully",
"removed_background_img_successfully": "Removed background image successfully",
"data_url": "Data \/ URL",
"data_url": "Data \/ URL",
"qr_code_generator": "QR code generator"
"qr_code_generator": "QR code generator",
"instance_health": "Instance health"
@ -117,6 +117,7 @@
"login_at_musdb": "Login at musdb",
"login_at_musdb": "Login at musdb",
"auth_code_invalid": "The authentication code you entered is not valid",
"auth_code_invalid": "The authentication code you entered is not valid",
"2fa_screen_explica": "Sie haben die Zwei-Faktor-Authentifizierungs-Option in den Benutzereinstellungen aktiviert. Entsprechend haben Sie gerade einen Zugangscode zugeschickt bekommen.<br \/>Dieser Code ist f\u00fcr zwei Stunden g\u00fcltig.",
"2fa_screen_explica": "Sie haben die Zwei-Faktor-Authentifizierungs-Option in den Benutzereinstellungen aktiviert. Entsprechend haben Sie gerade einen Zugangscode zugeschickt bekommen.<br \/>Dieser Code ist f\u00fcr zwei Stunden g\u00fcltig.",
"access_denied": "Access denied"
"access_denied": "Access denied",
"user_added_pgp_key": "Updated security settings"
@ -101,6 +101,7 @@
"options": "Options",
"options": "Options",
"newspapers_mailing_lists": "Newspapers and mailing lists",
"newspapers_mailing_lists": "Newspapers and mailing lists",
"room": "Room",
"room": "Room",
"image": "Image"
"image": "Image",
"menu_items": "Menu Items"
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
"add_time": "Insert time",
"add_time": "Insert time",
"no_time": "Delete time in event",
"no_time": "Delete time in event",
"last_used": "Last used",
"last_used": "Last used",
"delete_event": "Delete event",
"delete_event": "Delete the event",
"delete_question": "You are about to delete an event",
"delete_question": "You are about to delete an event",
"delete_no": "No, not really (back)",
"delete_no": "No, not really (back)",
"delete_yes": "Yes, that's what I want",
"delete_yes": "Yes, that's what I want",
@ -88,6 +88,8 @@
"input_too_short_aborted": "Your input was too short. Aborted.",
"input_too_short_aborted": "Your input was too short. Aborted.",
"minimum_3_characters": "3 characters minimum",
"minimum_3_characters": "3 characters minimum",
"similar_event_already_added": "A similar event had already been added",
"similar_event_already_added": "A similar event had already been added",
"event_added": "The event has been added"
"event_added": "The event has been added",
"edit_event": "Edit the event",
"clone_event": "Clone the event"
@ -37,6 +37,34 @@
"firstsaved_by": "First edit, by",
"firstsaved_by": "First edit, by",
"addendum": "Additional information",
"addendum": "Additional information",
"administration": "Object administration",
"administration": "Object administration",
"backup_intro": "The backup you are creating contains <b>all<\/b> informationen from <b>all<\/b> objects of your institution. Especially if you use museum-digital for inventarization, keep in mind: <\/p><p style=\"text-align:center\"><br><b style=\"color:993333;\">Don't give this backup to anyone!<\/b><\/p><br>As soon as you click the button below the server will create a ZIP-file. This file contains many small files - one per object. Immediately after creation the server sends you this file automatically. Please store this file at a save place. Backups should best be made at fixed intervals (e.g. every second week). If there is a lot of data the creation of the backup might take some time. Please sit back and wait a moment ..."
"backup_intro": "The backup you are creating contains <b>all<\/b> informationen from <b>all<\/b> objects of your institution. Especially if you use museum-digital for inventarization, keep in mind: <\/p><p style=\"text-align:center\"><br><b style=\"color:993333;\">Don't give this backup to anyone!<\/b><\/p><br>As soon as you click the button below the server will create a ZIP-file. This file contains many small files - one per object. Immediately after creation the server sends you this file automatically. Please store this file at a save place. Backups should best be made at fixed intervals (e.g. every second week). If there is a lot of data the creation of the backup might take some time. Please sit back and wait a moment ...",
"exact_location_place_two": "Exact location, name of place 2",
"exact_location_place_relation_two": "Exact location, relations of place 2",
"exact_location_place_longitude_two": "Exact location, longitude of place 2",
"exact_location_place_latitude_two": "Exact location, latitude of place 2",
"alternative_object_name": "Alternative objekt name",
"alternative_object_name_qualifier": "Alternative objekt name (qualifier)",
"extended_description": "Extended description",
"inscription": "Inscription",
"exact_measurements_length_value": "Exact measurements, length (value)",
"exact_measurements_length_unit": "Exact measurements, length (unit)",
"exact_measurements_width_value": "Exact measurements, width (value)",
"exact_measurements_width_unit": "Exact measurements, width (unit)",
"exact_measurements_height_value": "Exact measurements, height (value)",
"exact_measurements_height_unit": "Exact measurements, height (unit)",
"exact_measurements_weight_value": "Exact measurements, weight (value)",
"exact_measurements_weight_unit": "Exact measurements, weight (unit)",
"exact_measurements_wall_size_value": "Exact measurements, wall size (value)",
"exact_measurements_wall_size_unit": "Exact measurements, wall size (unit)",
"exact_measurements_diameter_value": "Exact measurements, diameter (value)",
"exact_measurements_diameter_unit": "Exact measurements, diameter (unit)",
"exact_measurements_number_pieces": "Exact measurements, number of pieces",
"exact_measurements_number_pages": "Exact measurements, number of pages",
"exact_measurements_stamp_position": "Exact measurements, stamp position",
"similar_objects": "Similar objects",
"specific_entries_material": "Specific entries: Material",
"specific_entries_technique": "Specific entries: technique",
"export_in_which_format": "Export in which format ?",
"md_standard_format": "md:xml (museum-digital standard format)"
@ -88,7 +88,8 @@
"object_overview": "Object overview",
"object_overview": "Object overview",
"toggle_navigation": "Toggle navigation",
"toggle_navigation": "Toggle navigation",
"main_image": "Main image",
"main_image": "Main image",
"find_an_expert": "Find an expert"
"find_an_expert": "Find an expert",
"return_to_list": "Return to overview"
"objekt": {
"objekt": {
"assign_results": "Assign results",
"assign_results": "Assign results",
@ -37,6 +37,7 @@
"did_not_delete_no_image": "Could not unset background - there is no image",
"did_not_delete_no_image": "Could not unset background - there is no image",
"removed_background_img_successfully": "Removed background image successfully",
"removed_background_img_successfully": "Removed background image successfully",
"data_url": "Data \/ URL",
"data_url": "Data \/ URL",
"qr_code_generator": "QR code generator"
"qr_code_generator": "QR code generator",
"instance_health": "Instance health"
Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More
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