This commit is contained in:
@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
"tlSources": {
"add_new_source": "Eine neue Quelle hinzuf\u00fcgen",
"type": "Typ",
"type_explica": "Der Typ der Quelle.",
"article": "Artikel",
"inbook": "Artikel in Sammelband",
"book": "Buch",
"phdthesis": "Doktorarbeit",
"electronical": "Elektronische Resource",
"misc": "Weiteres",
"author_creator": "Verfasser \/ Erschaffer",
"author_creator_explica": "Der Sch\u00f6pfer einer Quelle. Geben Sie einen Namen ein um einen Autor oder Sch\u00f6pfer auszuw\u00e4hlen. Sie k\u00f6nnen zu einem Werk mehrere Autoren oder Sch\u00f6pfer eingeben.",
"title": "Titel",
"title_explica": "Title of the Source",
"year": "Jahr",
"year_explica": "Jahr in dem die Quelle ver\u00f6ffentlicht wurde.",
"venue": "Ver\u00f6ffentlichungsforum",
"venue_explica": "Das Forum in dem die Arbeit ver\u00f6ffentlicht wurde.<br\/>\r\nIm Fall eines Artikels repr\u00e4sentiert dieses Feld die Fachzeitschrift oder den Sammelband in dem die Quelle ver\u00f6ffentlicht wurde.<br\/>\r\nIm Fall eines Buches repr\u00e4sentiert es den Verlag.",
"pages": "Seitenzahl",
"pages_explica": "Die Seitenzahl der Arbeit. Im Fall eines Artikels ist dies die \r\nThe page number of the work. In case of an article, this is the page range within the journal or volume. In case of a book, this field is all optional, but can be filled with the total sum of pages.",
"url": "<abbr title=\"Uniform Resource Locator\">URL<\/abbr>",
"url_explica": "Eine URL, die die Arbeit repr\u00e4sentiert. F\u00fcr gew\u00f6hnlich ist dies eine Seite, auf der die Quelle oder ein Digitalisat der Quelle gefunden werden kann.",
"doi": "<abbr title=\"Digital Object Identifier\">DOI<\/abbr>",
"doi_explica": "Eine DOI, die die Quelle repr\u00e4sentiert.",
"journal": "Fachzeitschrift",
"publisher": "Verlag",
"institution": "Institution",
"edit_source": "Quelle bearbeiten",
"bibliography": "Bibliographie",
"elsewhere": "Anderswo",
"statements": "Aussagen",
"added_new_statement": "Eine neue Aussage wurde eingef\u00fcgt",
"manage_statement": "Statement managen",
"statement": "Aussage",
"added_new_link_w_statement": "Eine neue Verkn\u00fcpfung mit einem Statement wurde hinzugef\u00fcgt",
"involvement": "Rolle",
"sources": "Quellen",
"add_new_statement": "Eine neue Aussage hinzuf\u00fcgen",
"pos_in_src": "Position in Quelle",
"source": "Quelle",
"linked_with": "Verkn\u00fcpfte Entit\u00e4t (Katalog)",
"linked_with_entity": "Verkn\u00fcpfte Entit\u00e4t",
"linked_with_involvement": "Verkn\u00fcpfte Entit\u00e4t (Rolle) ",
"added_new_source": "Eine neue Quelle wurde hinzugef\u00fcgt",
"deleted_link_w_statement": "Ein Link mit der Aussage wurde hinzugef\u00fcgt",
"deleted_statement": "Die Aussage wurde gel\u00f6scht,<br \/>weil nur noch eine Entit\u00e4t mit ihr verkn\u00fcpft war.",
"volume": "Band",
"volume_explica": "Der Band der Fachzeitschrift, in dem der Artikel ver\u00f6ffentlicht wurde.",
"issue": "Ausgabe",
"issue_explica": "Die Ausgabe des Bandes der Fachzeitschrift.",
"medium": "Medium",
"random_actor": "Zuf\u00e4lliger Akteur",
"random_place": "Zuf\u00e4lliger Ort",
"random_time": "Zuf\u00e4lliger Zeitbegriff",
"random_tag": "Zuf\u00e4lliges Schlagwort",
"broader": "\u00dcbergeordnet",
"narrower": "Untergeordnet",
"involvement_in_statement": "Rolle in der Aussage",
"entity_of_origin": "Ausgangspunkt",
"entity_target": "Zielpunkt",
"about_backgrounds": "\u00dcber \"Hintergr\u00fcnde\"",
"about_backgrounds_text": "\"Hintergr\u00fcnde\" verweisen auf Kontexte zu Objekten, sie nehmen Bezug auf die Normdaten von museum-digital.",
"license": "Lizenz",
"license_explica": "Die Lizenz unter der das Werk ver\u00f6ffentlicht wurde.",
"source_fulltext": "Volltext",
"mentioned_places": "Erw\u00e4hnte Orte",
"covers_timespan": "Behandelte Zeitspanne",
"unite_titel": "Quellen zusammenf\u00fchren",
"unite_with": "Zusammenf\u00fchren mit",
"unite_first": "Merge two entries. Please select first entry.",
"unite_second": "Merge two entries. Please select second entry.",
"editor": "Herausgeber",
"editor_explica": "Herausgeber des Werkes. Tippen Sie und w\u00e4hlen Sie einen Akteur aus der Liste aus. Ist dieser nicht aufgef\u00fchrt, k\u00f6nnen Sie ihn durch einen Klick auf das \"+\"-Symbol eintragen.",
"booktitle": "Buchtitel",
"booktitle_explica": "Titel des Buches, in dem das Kapitel ver\u00f6ffentlicht wurde.",
"isbn": "ISBN",
"isbn_explica": "ISBN des Buches. Wurde das Buch ohne ISBN ver\u00f6ffentlicht, kann dieses Feld leer bleiben."
@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
"tlSources": {
"add_new_source": "Add a new source",
"type": "Type",
"type_explica": "Source type",
"article": "Article",
"inbook": "Article in collected volume",
"book": "Book",
"phdthesis": "PhD thesis",
"electronical": "Electronic Resource",
"misc": "Miscelaneous",
"author_creator": "Author\/Creator",
"author_creator_explica": "The creator of the source. Type a name to select the author or creator. You can add multiple authors\/creators for a work",
"title": "Title",
"title_explica": "Title of the source",
"year": "Year",
"year_explica": "Year the work was published",
"venue": "Published forum",
"venue_explica": "The forum the work was published in.<br\/>In the case of an article, this field stands for the volume the article was published in.<br\/>In case of a book, it represents the publisher.",
"pages": "Pages",
"pages_explica": "The page number of the work. In case of an article, this is the page range within the journal or volume. In case of a book, this field is all optional, but can be filled with the total sum of pages.",
"url": "<abbr title=\"Uniform Resource Locator\">URL<\/abbr>",
"url_explica": "A URL representing the work. Usually, the page where it or a digitized version of it can be found.",
"doi": "<abbr title=\"Digital Object Identifier\">DOI<\/abbr>",
"doi_explica": "A DOI representing the source",
"journal": "Journal",
"publisher": "Publisher",
"institution": "Institution",
"edit_source": "Edit source",
"bibliography": "Bibliography",
"elsewhere": "Elsewhere",
"statements": "Statements",
"added_new_statement": "Added new statement",
"manage_statement": "Manage statement",
"statement": "Statement",
"added_new_link_w_statement": "Added a new link with a statement",
"involvement": "Involvement",
"sources": "Sources",
"add_new_statement": "Add a new statement",
"pos_in_src": "Position in source",
"source": "Source",
"linked_with": "Linked with",
"linked_with_entity": "Entity to link",
"linked_with_involvement": "Involvement of the linked entity",
"added_new_source": "A new source has been added",
"deleted_link_w_statement": "A link with the statement has been deleted",
"deleted_statement": "The statement has been deleted,<br \/>because only one link with it was left",
"volume": "Volume",
"volume_explica": "The volume of the journal the article was published in",
"issue": "Issue",
"issue_explica": "The issue of the volume the article was published in",
"medium": "Medium",
"random_actor": "Random actor",
"random_place": "Random place",
"random_time": "Random time",
"random_tag": "Random keyword",
"broader": "Broader",
"narrower": "Narrower",
"involvement_in_statement": "Involvement in the statement",
"entity_of_origin": "Entity of origin",
"entity_target": "Target entity",
"about_backgrounds": "About the \"backgrounds\" section",
"about_backgrounds_text": "\"Backgrounds\" refer to contexts for objects. They refer to the standard data of museum-digital",
"license": "License",
"license_explica": "The license of the source or the digitized version thereof.",
"source_fulltext": "Full text",
"mentioned_places": "Mentioned places",
"covers_timespan": "Covers timespan",
"unite_titel": "Merge sources",
"unite_with": "Merge with",
"unite_first": "Merge two entries. Please select first entry.",
"unite_second": "Merge two entries. Please select second entry.",
"editor": "Editor",
"editor_explica": "Editor or editors of this work. Type in and select an editor from the list. If none can be found, you can add a new one by clicking on the \"+\"-button in front of the text field.",
"booktitle": "Book title",
"booktitle_explica": "The book a chapter was published in.",
"isbn": "ISBN",
"isbn_explica": "ISBN of the book. Should be left empty for books published without an ISBN."
@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
"tlSources": {
"add_new_source": "\u00daj forr\u00e1sanyag megad\u00e1sa",
"type": "T\u00edpus",
"type_explica": "A forr\u00e1sanyag t\u00edpusa",
"article": "Cikk",
"inbook": "Cikk foly\u00f3iratban",
"book": "K\u00f6nyv",
"phdthesis": "Doktori munka",
"electronical": "Elekrtonikus publik\u00e1ci\u00f3",
"misc": "Egy\u00e9b",
"author_creator": "Szerz\u0151 \/ k\u00f6zrem\u0171k\u00f6d\u0151",
"author_creator_explica": "A forr\u00e1sanyag szerz\u0151je. Irja be a nevet a szerz\u0151 kiv\u00e1laszt\u00e1s\u00e1hoz. Egy forr\u00e1asanyaghoz t\u00f6bb szerz\u0151t \/k\u00f6zrem\u0171k\u00f6d\u0151t is kapcsolhat is ",
"title": "Cim",
"title_explica": "A foorr\u00e1asanyag c\u00edme",
"year": "Megjelen\u00e9s",
"year_explica": "A megjelen\u00e9s \u00e9ve",
"venue": "Venue",
"venue_explica": "The venue the work was published in.<br\/>In the case of an article, this field stands for the volume the article was published in.<br\/>In case of a book, it represents the publisher.",
"pages": "Pages",
"pages_explica": "The page number of the work. In case of an article, this is the page range within the journal or volume. In case of a book, this field is all optional, but can be filled with the total sum of pages.",
"url": "<abbr title=\"Uniform Resource Locator\">URL<\/abbr>",
"url_explica": "A URL representing the work. Usually, the page where it or a digitized version of it can be found.",
"doi": "<abbr title=\"Digital Object Identifier\">DOI<\/abbr>",
"doi_explica": "A DOI representing the source.",
"journal": "Journal",
"publisher": "Publisher",
"institution": "Institution",
"edit_source": "Edit source",
"bibliography": "Bibliography",
"elsewhere": "Elsewhere",
"statements": "Statements",
"added_new_statement": "Added new statement",
"manage_statement": "Manage statement",
"statement": "Statement",
"added_new_link_w_statement": "Added a new link with a statement",
"involvement": "Involvement",
"sources": "Sources",
"add_new_statement": "Add a new statement",
"pos_in_src": "Position in source",
"source": "Source",
"linked_with": "Linked with",
"linked_with_entity": "Entity to link",
"linked_with_involvement": "Involvement of the linked entity",
"added_new_source": "A new source has been added",
"deleted_link_w_statement": "A link with the statement has been deleted",
"deleted_statement": "The statement has been deleted,<br \/>because only one link with it was left.",
"volume": "Volume",
"volume_explica": "The volume of the journal the article was published in.",
"issue": "Issue",
"issue_explica": "The issue of the volume the article was published in.",
"medium": "Medium",
"random_actor": "Random actor",
"random_place": "Random place",
"random_time": "Random time",
"random_tag": "Random tag",
"broader": "Broader",
"narrower": "Narrower",
"involvement_in_statement": "Involvement in the statement",
"entity_of_origin": "Entity of origin",
"entity_target": "Target entity",
"about_backgrounds": "About the Backgrounds Section",
"about_backgrounds_text": "A text about the backgrounds section will appear here.",
"license": "License",
"license_explica": "The license of the source or the digitized version thereof.",
"source_fulltext": "Full text",
"mentioned_places": "Mentioned places",
"covers_timespan": "Covers timespan",
"unite_titel": "Merge sources",
"unite_with": "Merge with",
"unite_first": "Merge two entries. Please select first entry.",
"unite_second": "Merge two entries. Please select second entry.",
"editor": "Editor",
"editor_explica": "Editor or editors of this work. Type in and select an editor from the list. If none can be found, you can add a new one by clicking on the \"+\"-button in front of the text field.",
"booktitle": "Book title",
"booktitle_explica": "The book a chapter was published in.",
"isbn": "ISBN",
"isbn_explica": "ISBN of the book. Should be left empty for books published without an ISBN."
@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
"tlSources": {
"add_new_source": "Tambahkan sumber yang baru",
"type": "Jenis",
"type_explica": "Jenis sumber.",
"article": "Artikel",
"inbook": "Artikel dari kumpulannya",
"book": "Buku",
"phdthesis": "Skripsi S3",
"electronical": "Electronical",
"misc": "Lain-lain",
"author_creator": "Penulis",
"author_creator_explica": "Penulis sumber ini. Silahkan masukkan nama penulis dan setelah itu pilih dari daftar yang baru muncul.",
"title": "Judul",
"title_explica": "Judul sumber ini.",
"year": "Tahun",
"year_explica": "Tahun penerbitan sumber ini.",
"venue": "Forum publikasi",
"venue_explica": "Forum penerbitan. Hal salah satu artikel, bidang ini diganakan untuk jurnalnya. Kalau sumber ini berjenis buku, inilah penerbitnya.",
"pages": "Nomor halaman",
"pages_explica": "Nomor halaman sumber lengkap ini.",
"url": "<abbr title=\"Uniform Resource Locator\">URL<\/abbr>",
"url_explica": "Salah satu URL yang merepresentasikan sumber ini. Biasanya inilah halamannya atau halaman versi digitalnya.",
"doi": "<abbr title=\"Digital Object Identifier\">DOI<\/abbr>",
"doi_explica": "DOI merepresentasikan sumber ini.",
"journal": "Jurnal",
"publisher": "Penerbit",
"institution": "Lembaga",
"edit_source": "Sunting sumber",
"bibliography": "Bibliografi",
"elsewhere": "Di tempat lain",
"statements": "Pernyataan",
"added_new_statement": "Pernyataan sudah ditambahkan",
"manage_statement": "Sunting pernyataan",
"statement": "Pernyataan",
"added_new_link_w_statement": "Baru menambahkan tautan dengan pernyataan",
"involvement": "Penyertaan",
"sources": "Sumber",
"add_new_statement": "Tambahkan pernyataan",
"pos_in_src": "Posisi dalam sumber",
"source": "Sumber",
"linked_with": "Terkait dengan",
"linked_with_entity": "Masukan terkait",
"linked_with_involvement": "Penyertaan masukan ini",
"added_new_source": "Sumber baru sudah ditambahkan",
"deleted_link_w_statement": "Tautan dengan pernyataan baru dihapuskan",
"deleted_statement": "Pernyataan ini dihapuskan, karena ada satu tautan dengannya saja",
"volume": "Jilid",
"volume_explica": "Jilid jurnal penerbitan artikel ini.",
"issue": "Isu",
"issue_explica": "Isu jurnal penerbitan artikel ini.",
"medium": "Medium",
"random_actor": "Orang \/ lembaga acak",
"random_place": "Tempat acak",
"random_time": "Istilah waktu acak",
"random_tag": "Kata kunci acak",
"broader": "Lebih luas",
"narrower": "Lebih persis",
"involvement_in_statement": "Penyertaan dalam pernyataan",
"entity_of_origin": "Masukan asal",
"entity_target": "Tujuan",
"about_backgrounds": "Tentang seksi \"latar belakang\"",
"about_backgrounds_text": "\"Latar belakang\" berarti konteks benda. Masukan latar belakang ini mewujudkan informasi orang \/ lembaga, tempat, waktu, dan kata kunci yang dikumpulkan di latar belakang museum-digital.",
"license": "Lisensi",
"license_explica": "Lisensi sumber atau versi digitalnya. ",
"source_fulltext": "Teks lengkap",
"mentioned_places": "Tempat yang disebut",
"covers_timespan": "Waktu yang didiskusikan",
"unite_titel": "Merge sources",
"unite_with": "Merge with",
"unite_first": "Merge two entries. Please select first entry.",
"unite_second": "Merge two entries. Please select second entry.",
"editor": "Editor",
"editor_explica": "Editor or editors of this work. Type in and select an editor from the list. If none can be found, you can add a new one by clicking on the \"+\"-button in front of the text field.",
"booktitle": "Book title",
"booktitle_explica": "The book a chapter was published in.",
"isbn": "ISBN",
"isbn_explica": "ISBN of the book. Should be left empty for books published without an ISBN."
@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
"tlSources": {
"add_new_source": "Eine neue Quelle hinzuf\u00fcgen",
"type": "Typ",
"type_explica": "Der Typ der Quelle.",
"article": "Artikel",
"inbook": "Artikel in Sammelband",
"book": "Buch",
"phdthesis": "Doktorarbeit",
"electronical": "Elektronische Resource",
"misc": "Weiteres",
"author_creator": "Verfasser \/ Erschaffer",
"author_creator_explica": "Der Sch\u00f6pfer einer Quelle. Geben Sie einen Namen ein um einen Autor oder Sch\u00f6pfer auszuw\u00e4hlen. Sie k\u00f6nnen zu einem Werk mehrere Autoren oder Sch\u00f6pfer eingeben.",
"title": "Titel",
"title_explica": "Title of the Source",
"year": "Jahr",
"year_explica": "Jahr in dem die Quelle ver\u00f6ffentlicht wurde.",
"venue": "Ver\u00f6ffentlichungsforum",
"venue_explica": "Das Forum in dem die Arbeit ver\u00f6ffentlicht wurde.<br\/>\r\nIm Fall eines Artikels repr\u00e4sentiert dieses Feld die Fachzeitschrift oder den Sammelband in dem die Quelle ver\u00f6ffentlicht wurde.<br\/>\r\nIm Fall eines Buches repr\u00e4sentiert es den Verlag.",
"pages": "Seitenzahl",
"pages_explica": "Die Seitenzahl der Arbeit. Im Fall eines Artikels ist dies die \r\nThe page number of the work. In case of an article, this is the page range within the journal or volume. In case of a book, this field is all optional, but can be filled with the total sum of pages.",
"url": "<abbr title=\"Uniform Resource Locator\">URL<\/abbr>",
"url_explica": "Eine URL, die die Arbeit repr\u00e4sentiert. F\u00fcr gew\u00f6hnlich ist dies eine Seite, auf der die Quelle oder ein Digitalisat der Quelle gefunden werden kann.",
"doi": "<abbr title=\"Digital Object Identifier\">DOI<\/abbr>",
"doi_explica": "Eine DOI, die die Quelle repr\u00e4sentiert.",
"journal": "Fachzeitschrift",
"publisher": "Verlag",
"institution": "Institution",
"edit_source": "Quelle bearbeiten",
"bibliography": "Bibliographie",
"elsewhere": "Anderswo",
"statements": "Aussagen",
"added_new_statement": "Eine neue Aussage wurde eingef\u00fcgt",
"manage_statement": "Statement managen",
"statement": "Aussage",
"added_new_link_w_statement": "Eine neue Verkn\u00fcpfung mit einem Statement wurde hinzugef\u00fcgt",
"involvement": "Rolle",
"sources": "Quellen",
"add_new_statement": "Eine neue Aussage hinzuf\u00fcgen",
"pos_in_src": "Position in Quelle",
"source": "Quelle",
"linked_with": "Verkn\u00fcpfte Entit\u00e4t (Katalog)",
"linked_with_entity": "Verkn\u00fcpfte Entit\u00e4t",
"linked_with_involvement": "Verkn\u00fcpfte Entit\u00e4t (Rolle) ",
"added_new_source": "Eine neue Quelle wurde hinzugef\u00fcgt",
"deleted_link_w_statement": "Ein Link mit der Aussage wurde hinzugef\u00fcgt",
"deleted_statement": "Die Aussage wurde gel\u00f6scht,<br \/>weil nur noch eine Entit\u00e4t mit ihr verkn\u00fcpft war.",
"volume": "Band",
"volume_explica": "Der Band der Fachzeitschrift, in dem der Artikel ver\u00f6ffentlicht wurde.",
"issue": "Ausgabe",
"issue_explica": "Die Ausgabe des Bandes der Fachzeitschrift.",
"medium": "Medium",
"random_actor": "Zuf\u00e4lliger Akteur",
"random_place": "Zuf\u00e4lliger Ort",
"random_time": "Zuf\u00e4lliger Zeitbegriff",
"random_tag": "Zuf\u00e4lliges Schlagwort",
"broader": "\u00dcbergeordnet",
"narrower": "Untergeordnet",
"involvement_in_statement": "Rolle in der Aussage",
"entity_of_origin": "Ausgangspunkt",
"entity_target": "Zielpunkt",
"about_backgrounds": "\u00dcber \"Hintergr\u00fcnde\"",
"about_backgrounds_text": "\"Hintergr\u00fcnde\" verweisen auf Kontexte zu Objekten, sie nehmen Bezug auf die Normdaten von museum-digital.",
"license": "Lizenz",
"license_explica": "Die Lizenz unter der das Werk ver\u00f6ffentlicht wurde.",
"source_fulltext": "Volltext",
"mentioned_places": "Erw\u00e4hnte Orte",
"covers_timespan": "Behandelte Zeitspanne",
"unite_titel": "Quellen zusammenf\u00fchren",
"unite_with": "Zusammenf\u00fchren mit",
"unite_first": "Merge two entries. Please select first entry.",
"unite_second": "Merge two entries. Please select second entry.",
"editor": "Herausgeber",
"editor_explica": "Herausgeber des Werkes. Tippen Sie und w\u00e4hlen Sie einen Akteur aus der Liste aus. Ist dieser nicht aufgef\u00fchrt, k\u00f6nnen Sie ihn durch einen Klick auf das \"+\"-Symbol eintragen.",
"booktitle": "Buchtitel",
"booktitle_explica": "Titel des Buches, in dem das Kapitel ver\u00f6ffentlicht wurde.",
"isbn": "ISBN",
"isbn_explica": "ISBN des Buches. Wurde das Buch ohne ISBN ver\u00f6ffentlicht, kann dieses Feld leer bleiben."
Reference in New Issue
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