This commit is contained in:
@ -58,6 +58,7 @@
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"unlink_source": "Deleted link to source"
@ -58,6 +58,7 @@
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"chapter_deleted": "Ein Kapitel entfernt",
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@ -58,6 +58,7 @@
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"chapter_added": "Chapter added",
"chapter_deleted": "Removed a chapter"
"chapter_deleted": "Removed a chapter",
"unlink_source": "Deleted link to source"
@ -58,6 +58,7 @@
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"chapter_deleted": "Removed a chapter"
"chapter_deleted": "Removed a chapter",
"unlink_source": "Deleted link to source"
@ -58,6 +58,7 @@
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"chapter_deleted": "Removed a chapter"
"chapter_deleted": "Removed a chapter",
"unlink_source": "Deleted link to source"
@ -58,6 +58,7 @@
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"chapter_added": "Chapter added",
"chapter_deleted": "Removed a chapter"
"chapter_deleted": "Removed a chapter",
"unlink_source": "Deleted link to source"
@ -58,6 +58,7 @@
"unlink_persinst": "Remove link to an actor",
"chapter_updated": "Chapter information updated",
"chapter_added": "Chapter added",
"chapter_deleted": "Removed a chapter"
"chapter_deleted": "Removed a chapter",
"unlink_source": "Deleted link to source"
@ -95,8 +95,8 @@
"preview": "El\u0151n\u00e9zet",
"online_usage_museum": "M\u00fazeumDigit\u00e1r l\u00e1togatotts\u00e1ga",
"stats_instance_contents": "Kimutat\u00e1sok az adatb\u00e1zisr\u00f3l (region\u00e1lis)",
"video_conference": "Video conference",
"video_conference": "Vide\u00f3konferencia",
"image_choose": "Select an image ...",
"stats_institution_contents": "Database contents of the institution"
"stats_institution_contents": "Int\u00e9zm\u00e9ny adatb\u00e1zis\u00e1nak tartalma"
@ -105,36 +105,36 @@
"menu_items": "F\u0151men\u0171 elemei",
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"transcription": "Transcription",
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"article": "Article",
"articles_choose": "Select an article",
"articles_input": "Add an article",
"annotations": "Annotations",
"record_language": "Nyelv",
"article": "Tanulm\u00e1ny\/Cikk",
"articles_choose": "Tanulm\u00e1ny\/cikk kiv\u00e1laszt\u00e1sa",
"articles_input": "\u00daj tanulm\u00e1ny\/cikk hozz\u00e1ad\u00e1sa",
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"catalogue_raisonne": "Catalogue raisonne",
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"statistics": "Statisztika",
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"restore_last": "Use most recent entry",
"restore_last": "Utols\u00f3 bevitel haszn\u00e1lata",
"reception": "Publik\u00e1ci\u00f3",
"source": "Source",
"source": "Forr\u00e1s",
"fill_out_select_from_list": "Please type and select an entry from the drop-down list",
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"page_museumshowobjects": "Show objects",
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"podcast_episodes": "Podcast episodes",
"previous": "Previous",
"next": "Next"
"page_museumshowobject": "T\u00e1rgy megjelen\u00edt\u00e9se",
"page_museumshowobjects": "T\u00e1rgy megjelen\u00edt\u00e9se",
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"podcast_episodes": "Podcast epiz\u00f3dok",
"previous": "El\u0151z\u0151",
"next": "K\u00f6vetkez\u0151"
@ -21,43 +21,44 @@
"date": "Id\u0151pont",
"user": "Felhaszn\u00e1l\u00f3",
"transcription": "Transcription",
"restorationReport": "Restoration report",
"exhibition": "Exhibition",
"loan": "Loan",
"restorationReport": "Restaur\u00e1l\u00e1s jelent\u00e9s",
"exhibition": "Ki\u00e1ll\u00edt\u00e1s",
"loan": "K\u00f6lcs\u00f6n",
"provenance": "Provenance report",
"image": "Image",
"condition": "Condition",
"image": "K\u00e9p",
"condition": "\u00c1llapot",
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"profile_unpublish": "Profile hidden",
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"profile_unpublish": "Profil elrejtve",
"upload_profile_image": "Profilk\u00e9p felt\u00f6ltve",
"unlink_image": "K\u00e9p t\u00f6r\u00f6lve",
"user_description_edited": "Le\u00edr\u00e1s",
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"update_2fa_information": "K\u00e9tszint\u0171 hiteles\u00edt\u00e9s friss\u00edtve",
"update_pgp_key": "PGP kulcs friss\u00edtve",
"more": "Additional information",
"ticket_prices": "Ticket types",
"opening_hours": "Opening hours",
"rooms": "Rooms",
"rooms;addition": "Added a new room",
"rooms;deletion": "Removed a room",
"ticket_type": "Ticket types",
"position": "Position",
"hierarchy": "Hierarchy",
"faq;updated": "Updated FAQ entry",
"faq;deleted": "Removed an FAQ entry",
"faq;addition": "Added an FAQ entry",
"faq;deletion": "FAQ entry deleted",
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"ticket_prices": "Jegyt\u00edpus",
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"rooms;addition": "Szoba hozz\u00e1adva",
"rooms;deletion": "Szoba t\u00f6r\u00f6lve",
"ticket_type": "Jegyt\u00edpus",
"position": "Poz\u00edci\u00f3",
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"faq;updated": "GYIK bevitel friss\u00edtve",
"faq;deleted": "GYIK bevitel t\u00f6r\u00f6lve",
"faq;addition": "GYIK bevitel hozz\u00e1adva",
"faq;deletion": "GYIK bevitel t\u00f6r\u00f6lve",
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"visibility (sm)": "L\u00e1that\u00f3s\u00e1g (social media)",
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"unlink_persinst": "Remove link to an actor",
"chapter_updated": "Chapter information updated",
"chapter_added": "Chapter added",
"chapter_deleted": "Removed a chapter"
"chapter_deleted": "Removed a chapter",
"unlink_source": "Deleted link to source"
@ -88,13 +88,13 @@
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"clicks": "Clicks",
"registered_urls": "Hozz\u00e1adott URL c\u00edmek",
"clicks": "Kattint\u00e1sok",
"registered_at": "Registered at",
"url_alias": "URL Alias",
"explica_alias": "The main alias of the link. This tool provides pretty URLs that refer the user onwards to a given target URL. The \"prettier\" URL may e.g. be \"https:\/\/\/test\". In this example, the identifier would be \"test\" - say, anything after the main URL. Please note that each identifier must be unique. If any other user has registered the same identifier you want to use before, you will have to choose another one.",
"explica_target_url": "This service refers the user onwards to a given website. Here you should enter the target URL of the referral.",
"shortener_introduction": "Sometimes URLs of special pages are long, cryptic and hard to remember. Hence this service. All URLs created with this aliasing service start with \\u201c, what is added is determined by your entry in the field \u201eURL Alias\u201c. If for example you enter \u201eberliner-uhren\u201c, you create a short URL \"https:\/\/\/berliner-uhren\u201c. Of course you have to name the target URL as well. In the example given it is the Themator topic \"Berliner Uhren\". The target URL is https:\/\/\/ausgabe\/showthema.php?m_tid=1070&tid=1070.",
"no_urls_registered": "You have not registered any URLs yet. Once entered, they will be listed here."
"no_urls_registered": "M\u00e9g nem vett\u00e9l fel URL c\u00edmet."
@ -154,10 +154,10 @@
"room_has_been_deleted": "A terem t\u00f6r\u00f6lve",
"room_objects": "T\u00e1rgyak az adott ki\u00e1ll\u00edt\u00e1si teremb\u0151l",
"icon": "K\u00e9pikon",
"faq": "FAQ",
"add_new_faq_entry": "Add a new FAQ entry",
"faq_entry_has_been_added": "A new FAQ entry has been added",
"faq_entry_has_been_deleted": "The FAQ entry has been deleted",
"faq_information_updated": "The FAQ entry has been updated"
"faq": "GYIK",
"add_new_faq_entry": "\u00daj GYIK hozz\u00e1ad\u00e1sa",
"faq_entry_has_been_added": "\u00daj GYIK hozz\u00e1adva",
"faq_entry_has_been_deleted": "GYIK t\u00f6r\u00f6lve",
"faq_information_updated": "GYIK friss\u00edtve"
@ -18,6 +18,6 @@
"number_new_visitors": "L\u00e1togat\u00f3k sz\u00e1m\u00e1nak r\u00f6gz\u00edt\u00e9se",
"in_numbers": "Sz\u00e1mokban",
"manage_ticket_types": "Jegyt\u00edpus be\u00e1ll\u00edt\u00e1sai",
"export_all_visitors": "Export all visitor logs"
"export_all_visitors": "L\u00e1togat\u00f3i napl\u00f3 export\u00e1l\u00e1sa"
@ -58,6 +58,7 @@
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"chapter_deleted": "Removed a chapter",
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"chapter_deleted": "Removed a chapter"
"chapter_deleted": "Removed a chapter",
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"chapter_deleted": "Removed a chapter",
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"chapter_deleted": "Removed a chapter"
"chapter_deleted": "Removed a chapter",
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@ -58,6 +58,7 @@
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"chapter_deleted": "Removed a chapter"
"chapter_deleted": "Removed a chapter",
"unlink_source": "Deleted link to source"
Reference in New Issue
Block a user