Stand 2018-05-18 (midnight).
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,6 +1,16 @@
"tlExhibitions": {
"exhibitions": "Exhibitions",
"exhibitions_intro": "On this page, you can find an overview of all the exhibitions on museum digital."
"exhibitions": "Ausstellungen",
"exhibitions_intro": "Auf dieser Seite finden sie eine \u00dcbersicht aller Ausstellungen.",
"ongoing": "Laufend",
"past": "Vergangen",
"upcoming": "In der Zukunft",
"about_the_exhibition": "\u00dcber die Ausstellung",
"export_calendar_entry": "Kalendereintrag exportieren",
"calendar": "Kalender",
"complete_list": "Komplettliste",
"subscribe_rss": "RSS",
"filter_by_place": "Nach Ort filtern",
"remove_filter": "Filter entfernen"
@ -2,6 +2,11 @@
"home": {
"page_home_title": "Museen, Sammlungen, Objekte ...",
"page_home_content": "Es gibt viele gute Gr\u00fcnde in Museen zu gehen. Ausstellungsbesuche oder die Teilnahme an Veranstaltungen sind nur zwei davon. Museen \"zeigen\" und \"inszenieren\", sie \"regen an\" und sie \"bilden\". Doch es ist mehr, was ein Museum ausmacht: Museen sind Orte des Bewahrens und des Forschens. Zwei Facetten von \"Museum\", die nicht immer unmittelbar sichtbar werden und doch Grundlage f\u00fcr alles sind, wodurch ein Museum sichtbar wird. Gezeigt, inszeniert, bewahrt und erforscht werden dabei die Objekte der Museen. Sie stehen im eigentlichen Zentrum der Museumsarbeit. Kaum ein Museum kann alle von ihm verwahrten Objekte gleichzeitig zeigen. Vieles mu\u00df - kaum beachtet - in den Depots verbleiben. Auf diesen Seiten pr\u00e4sentieren Museen gemeinsam ihre Objekte, um mehr von den \"Sch\u00e4tzen\" zu zeigen, als in \"vier (acht, zw\u00f6lf, ...) W\u00e4nden\" m\u00f6glich ist.<br><br>Eine zuf\u00e4llige Auswahl von Objekten finden Sie oben auf dieser Seite. Klicken Sie darauf um mehr zu erfahren. Weitere Objekte finden Sie, wenn Sie einen Suchbegriff eingeben.<br><br>\u00dcbersichten und Beschreibungen zu Objekten und Sammlungen einzelner Museen k\u00f6nnen Sie \u00fcber das Menu (oben rechts) ausw\u00e4hlen.",
"selected_objects": "Ausgew\u00e4hlte Objekte"
"selected_objects": "Ausgew\u00e4hlte Objekte",
"places": "Orte",
"places_intro": "Finden Sie Karten.",
"timeline_intro": "On the timeline, you can find objects sorted by the chronology of events linked to them.",
"exhibitions_intro": "You can also find exhibitions here.",
"topics_intro": "Using the topics module, you can find narratives."
@ -19,6 +19,8 @@
"invsearch_many_results": "Zu dieser Inventarnummer wurden Objekte in mehreren Museen gefunden:",
"search_options": "Suchoptionen",
"obj_page_timeline_intro": "Um alle Objekte auf einer Zeitleiste zu sehen, klicken Sie bitte",
"exact": "Exakt"
"exact": "Exakt",
"help_extended_search_title": "Help for the extended search",
"help_extended_search_content": "<p>Here you can find the extended search .... placeholder placeholder placeholder placeholder placeholder placeholder placeholder placeholder<\/p>"
@ -1,6 +1,16 @@
"tlExhibitions": {
"exhibitions": "Exhibitions",
"exhibitions_intro": "On this page, you can find an overview of all the exhibitions on museum digital."
"exhibitions_intro": "On this page, you can find an overview of all the exhibitions on museum digital.",
"ongoing": "Ongoing",
"past": "Past",
"upcoming": "Upcoming",
"about_the_exhibition": "About the Exhibition",
"export_calendar_entry": "Export calendar entry",
"calendar": "Calendar",
"complete_list": "Complete list",
"subscribe_rss": "RSS",
"filter_by_place": "Filter by place",
"remove_filter": "Remove filter"
@ -2,6 +2,11 @@
"home": {
"page_home_title": "Museums, Collections, Objects ...",
"page_home_content": "There are many good reasons to visit museums. Attending an event or an exhibition are just two of these. Museums "show" and "stage", they "educate" and "stimulate". But there is much more to museums than these: museums are places of safekeeping and research. These are two sides of a museum that are not often visible, yet they build the very core of a museum's visibility. It is the museum objects that are displayed, stored and studied. They are at the center of (almost) all work done in a museum. However, not all of objects kept in a museum can be showcased at once. Much has to remain in storage, hidden from the visitors.<br><br>On this website museums showcase their objects, in current exhibits and beyond. More than what can be shown in a museum's viewing space.<br><br>A random selection of objects can be found on the right. Click on them to learn more. More objects of interest can be found by using the search bar on the left.<br><br>Overviews and descriptions of the various objects, collections, and participating museums are accessible via the navigation bar at the top.",
"selected_objects": "Selected objects"
"selected_objects": "Selected objects",
"places": "Places",
"places_intro": "Find maps, for museums and objects ...",
"timeline_intro": "On the timeline, you can find objects sorted by the chronology of events linked to them.",
"exhibitions_intro": "You can also find exhibitions here.",
"topics_intro": "Using the topics module, you can find narratives."
@ -19,6 +19,8 @@
"invsearch_many_results": "For this inventory number objects were found in more than one museum.:",
"search_options": "Search options",
"obj_page_timeline_intro": "To access objects displayed on a timeline, please click ",
"exact": "Exact"
"exact": "Exact",
"help_extended_search_title": "Help for the extended search",
"help_extended_search_content": "<p>Here you can find the extended search .... placeholder placeholder placeholder placeholder placeholder placeholder placeholder placeholder<\/p>"
@ -1,6 +1,16 @@
"tlExhibitions": {
"exhibitions": "Exhibitions",
"exhibitions_intro": "On this page, you can find an overview of all the exhibitions on museum digital."
"exhibitions_intro": "On this page, you can find an overview of all the exhibitions on museum digital.",
"ongoing": "Ongoing",
"past": "Past",
"upcoming": "Upcoming",
"about_the_exhibition": "About the Exhibition",
"export_calendar_entry": "Export calendar entry",
"calendar": "Calendar",
"complete_list": "Complete list",
"subscribe_rss": "RSS",
"filter_by_place": "Filter by place",
"remove_filter": "Remove filter"
@ -2,6 +2,11 @@
"home": {
"page_home_title": "Museums, Collections, Objects ...",
"page_home_content": "There are many good reasons to visit museums. Attending an event or an exhibition are just two of these. Museums "show" and "stage", they "educate" and "stimulate". But there is much more to museums than these: museums are places of safekeeping and research. These are two sides of a museum that are not often visible, yet they build the very core of a museum's visibility. It is the museum objects that are displayed, stored and studied. They are at the center of (almost) all work done in a museum. However, not all of objects kept in a museum can be showcased at once. Much has to remain in storage, hidden from the visitors.<br><br>On this website museums showcase their objects, in current exhibits and beyond. More than what can be shown in a museum's viewing space.<br><br>A random selection of objects can be found on the right. Click on them to learn more. More objects of interest can be found by using the search bar on the left.<br><br>Overviews and descriptions of the various objects, collections, and participating museums are accessible via the navigation bar at the top.",
"selected_objects": "Selected objects"
"selected_objects": "Selected objects",
"places": "Places",
"places_intro": "Find maps, for museums and objects ...",
"timeline_intro": "On the timeline, you can find objects sorted by the chronology of events linked to them.",
"exhibitions_intro": "You can also find exhibitions here.",
"topics_intro": "Using the topics module, you can find narratives."
@ -19,6 +19,8 @@
"invsearch_many_results": "For this inventory number objects were found in more than one museum:",
"search_options": "Search options",
"obj_page_timeline_intro": "To access objects displayed on a timeline, please click ",
"exact": "Exact"
"exact": "Exact",
"help_extended_search_title": "Help for the extended search",
"help_extended_search_content": "<p>Here you can find the extended search .... placeholder placeholder placeholder placeholder placeholder placeholder placeholder placeholder<\/p>"
@ -1,6 +1,16 @@
"tlExhibitions": {
"exhibitions": "Exhibitions",
"exhibitions_intro": "On this page, you can find an overview of all the exhibitions on museum digital."
"exhibitions_intro": "On this page, you can find an overview of all the exhibitions on museum digital.",
"ongoing": "Ongoing",
"past": "Past",
"upcoming": "Upcoming",
"about_the_exhibition": "About the Exhibition",
"export_calendar_entry": "Export calendar entry",
"calendar": "Calendar",
"complete_list": "Complete list",
"subscribe_rss": "RSS",
"filter_by_place": "Filter by place",
"remove_filter": "Remove filter"
@ -2,6 +2,11 @@
"home": {
"page_home_title": "M\u00fazeumok, gy\u0171jtem\u00e9nyek, t\u00e1rgyak ...",
"page_home_content": "A m\u00fazeumok, k\u00f6z- \u00e9s mag\u00e1nygy\u0171jtem\u00e9nyek kiemelt feladata a gy\u0171jtem\u00e9nyek bemutat\u00e1sa, valamint a tematikusan rendezett t\u00e1rlatokon kereszt\u00fcl \u00faj tud\u00e1sok, gondolatok, \u00f6sszef\u00fcgg\u00e9sek k\u00f6zvet\u00edt\u00e9se a l\u00e1togat\u00f3k fel\u00e9. Emiatt nem is csod\u00e1lkozhatunk azon, hogy a m\u00fazeumokat, k\u00f6z- \u00e9s mag\u00e1nygy\u0171jtem\u00e9nyeket legink\u00e1bb ki\u00e1ll\u00edt\u00e1saik, illetve egy\u00e9b rendezv\u00e9nyeik r\u00e9v\u00e9n ismerj\u00fck. A legt\u00f6bb int\u00e9zm\u00e9nyben azonban a ki\u00e1ll\u00edt\u00e1sokon t\u00fal jelent\u0151s kutat\u00e1si, gy\u0171jt\u00e9si \u00e9s \u00e1llagmeg\u0151rz\u00e9si munk\u00e1k is folynak, melyek b\u00e1r a nagyk\u00f6z\u00f6ns\u00e9g sz\u00e1m\u00e1ra nem l\u00e1that\u00f3k, m\u00e9gis rendk\u00edv\u00fcl fontosak a magas sz\u00ednvonal\u00fa t\u00e1rlatok l\u00e9trehoz\u00e1s\u00e1hoz. A gy\u0171jt\u00e9s, a meg\u0151rz\u00e9s, a kutat\u00e1s \u00e9s a bemutat\u00e1s olyan egym\u00e1ssal \u00f6sszef\u00fcgg\u0151 muzeol\u00f3giai szakter\u00fcletek, melyeknek legfontosabb kapcsol\u00f3d\u00e1si pontja, kiindul\u00e1si alapja a gy\u0171jtem\u00e9nyi t\u00e1rgy maga.<br>Azonban nagyon kev\u00e9s az olyan int\u00e9zm\u00e9ny, amely egyidej\u0171leg az \u00f6sszes t\u00e1rgy\u00e1t ki tudja \u00e1ll\u00edtani. Ez\u00e9rt sok t\u00e1rgyat, a nagyk\u00f6z\u00f6ns\u00e9g el\u0151l elz\u00e1rva, rakt\u00e1rakban \u0151riznek. Ezen a weboldalon a m\u00fazeumok, k\u00f6z- \u00e9s mag\u00e1nygy\u0171jtem\u00e9nyek k\u00f6z\u00f6sen mutathatj\u00e1k be gy\u0171jtem\u00e9nyeik darabjait. C\u00e9l az, hogy a int\u00e9zm\u00e9nyek \u201ekincsest\u00e1r\u00e1b\u00f3l\u201d min\u00e9l t\u00f6bb t\u00e1rgy v\u00e1ljon mindenki sz\u00e1m\u00e1ra el\u00e9rhet\u0151v\u00e9, l\u00e1that\u00f3v\u00e1, t\u00f6bb mint amennyi a ki\u00e1ll\u00edt\u00f3termek falai k\u00f6z\u00f6tt megf\u00e9r.<br>A rendszer men\u00fcpontjait a k\u00e9perny\u0151 jobb fels\u0151 sark\u00e1ban l\u00e9v\u0151 ikonra kattintva \u00e9ri el. A k\u00f6zz\u00e9tett t\u00e1rgyak k\u00f6z\u00f6tt az oldal tetej\u00e9n l\u00e9v\u0151 l\u00e9v\u0151 szabad szavas keres\u0151 seg\u00edts\u00e9g\u00e9vel kereshet.<br>Az oldal alj\u00e1n l\u00e9v\u0151 navig\u00e1ci\u00f3s ikonokra kattintva a partner int\u00e9zm\u00e9nyeinkr\u0151l, azok gy\u0171jtem\u00e9nyeir\u0151l \u00e9s a k\u00f6zz\u00e9tett t\u00e1rgyair\u00f3l t\u00e1j\u00e9koz\u00f3dhat r\u00e9szletesen.",
"selected_objects": "Selected objects"
"selected_objects": "Selected objects",
"places": "Places",
"places_intro": "Find maps, for museums and objects ...",
"timeline_intro": "On the timeline, you can find objects sorted by the chronology of events linked to them.",
"exhibitions_intro": "You can also find exhibitions here.",
"topics_intro": "Using the topics module, you can find narratives."
@ -19,6 +19,8 @@
"invsearch_many_results": "Ezzel a lelt\u00e1ri sz\u00e1mmal t\u00f6bb m\u00fazeum t\u00e1rgyai is szerepelnek ",
"search_options": "Search options",
"obj_page_timeline_intro": "To access objects displayed on a timeline, please click ",
"exact": "Exact"
"exact": "Exact",
"help_extended_search_title": "Help for the extended search",
"help_extended_search_content": "<p>Here you can find the extended search .... placeholder placeholder placeholder placeholder placeholder placeholder placeholder placeholder<\/p>"
@ -1,6 +1,16 @@
"tlExhibitions": {
"exhibitions": "Exhibitions",
"exhibitions_intro": "On this page, you can find an overview of all the exhibitions on museum digital."
"exhibitions_intro": "On this page, you can find an overview of all the exhibitions on museum digital.",
"ongoing": "Ongoing",
"past": "Past",
"upcoming": "Upcoming",
"about_the_exhibition": "About the Exhibition",
"export_calendar_entry": "Export calendar entry",
"calendar": "Calendar",
"complete_list": "Complete list",
"subscribe_rss": "RSS",
"filter_by_place": "Filter by place",
"remove_filter": "Remove filter"
@ -2,6 +2,11 @@
"home": {
"page_home_title": "Museum, koleksi, benda ...",
"page_home_content": "Ada banyak alasan yang baik untuk ke museum. Pengunjungan pameran dan hadiran dalam rangka berbagai jenis peristiwa adalah dua dari bhinnekanya saja. Para museum \"memamerkan\" dan \"menunjukkan\", mereka \"mengajar\" dan \"mendorong.\" Tetapi akan ada banyak bahan yang lain dan yang penting untuk para museum itu: Museumnya adalah tempat peliharaan dan telitian. Itu dua bagian konsep museum yang sering kali tidak terlihat tetapi adalah yang menyebabkan para museum terlihat. Apa yang dipamerkan, ditunjukkan, diteliti dan dipeliharakan adalah benda museum. Benda museum adalah yang tentu di pusat kerja museum. Hampir tidak ada museum yang bisa memamerkan semua bendanya. Banyak benda harus tinggal di depot - jadi tidak mungkin diperlihatkan secara publik. Museum bersama-sama bisa memperlihatkan bendanya di situs ini. Di situs ini, bisa memperlihatkan lebih banyak bendanya daripada semungkinnya menunjukkan di dalam \"empat dinding\"nya. Anda bisa melihat sejumlah benda dari koleksinya di sebelah kanan. Klik di sana kalau hendak mengalamkan lebih banyak. Silakan menggunakan fungsi pencarian untuk melihat benda yang lain. Sebuah cara yang lain untuk melihat para benda, koleksi dan museum dengan deskripsinya adalah navigasi yang di atas.",
"selected_objects": "Selected objects"
"selected_objects": "Selected objects",
"places": "Places",
"places_intro": "Find maps, for museums and objects ...",
"timeline_intro": "On the timeline, you can find objects sorted by the chronology of events linked to them.",
"exhibitions_intro": "You can also find exhibitions here.",
"topics_intro": "Using the topics module, you can find narratives."
@ -19,6 +19,8 @@
"invsearch_many_results": "For this inventory number objects were found in more than one museum:",
"search_options": "Search options",
"obj_page_timeline_intro": "To access objects displayed on a timeline, please click ",
"exact": "Exact"
"exact": "Exact",
"help_extended_search_title": "Help for the extended search",
"help_extended_search_content": "<p>Here you can find the extended search .... placeholder placeholder placeholder placeholder placeholder placeholder placeholder placeholder<\/p>"
@ -1,6 +1,16 @@
"tlExhibitions": {
"exhibitions": "Exhibitions",
"exhibitions_intro": "On this page, you can find an overview of all the exhibitions on museum digital."
"exhibitions_intro": "On this page, you can find an overview of all the exhibitions on museum digital.",
"ongoing": "Ongoing",
"past": "Past",
"upcoming": "Upcoming",
"about_the_exhibition": "About the Exhibition",
"export_calendar_entry": "Export calendar entry",
"calendar": "Calendar",
"complete_list": "Complete list",
"subscribe_rss": "RSS",
"filter_by_place": "Filter by place",
"remove_filter": "Remove filter"
@ -2,6 +2,11 @@
"home": {
"page_home_title": "Musei, Collezioni, Oggetti",
"page_home_content": "Si visita un museo per molti motivi: per esempio, per vedere una mostra o per partecipare a un evento. I musei mostrano e mettono in scena, educano e ispirano. Eppure i musei sono molto di pi\u00f9: sono luoghi in cui si conserva e si fa ricerca, due aspetti non immediatamente visibili, e tuttavia alla base di tutto il loro lavoro. Al centro si trovano gli oggetti, che vengono mostrati, messi in scena, conservati, studiati. \n<br>Purtroppo quasi nessun museo \u00e8 in grado di mostrare contemporaneamente tutti gli oggetti custoditi: molti rimangono nei magazzini, inosservati e nascosti ai visitatori.\n<br>In queste pagine i musei presentano gli oggetti appartenenti alle loro collezioni, molti pi\u00f9 di quanti sia loro possibile mostrare nelle sale.\n<br>Sulla destra si trova una selezione casuale di oggetti. Cliccando su uno di essi se ne troveranno le relative informazioni. Ricerche specifiche possono invece essere fatte inserendo una o pi\u00f9 parole nell'apposito campo in alto a sinistra.\n<br>Una visione d'insieme dei musei partecipanti all'iniziativa, delle loro collezioni e dei loro oggetti \u00e8 disponibile a partire dalla barra di navigazione orizzontale che si trova in alto.",
"selected_objects": "Selected objects"
"selected_objects": "Selected objects",
"places": "Places",
"places_intro": "Find maps, for museums and objects ...",
"timeline_intro": "On the timeline, you can find objects sorted by the chronology of events linked to them.",
"exhibitions_intro": "You can also find exhibitions here.",
"topics_intro": "Using the topics module, you can find narratives."
@ -19,6 +19,8 @@
"invsearch_many_results": "For this inventory number objects were found in more than one museum:",
"search_options": "Search options",
"obj_page_timeline_intro": "To access objects displayed on a timeline, please click ",
"exact": "Exact"
"exact": "Exact",
"help_extended_search_title": "Help for the extended search",
"help_extended_search_content": "<p>Here you can find the extended search .... placeholder placeholder placeholder placeholder placeholder placeholder placeholder placeholder<\/p>"
@ -1,6 +1,16 @@
"tlExhibitions": {
"exhibitions": "Exhibitions",
"exhibitions_intro": "On this page, you can find an overview of all the exhibitions on museum digital."
"exhibitions_intro": "On this page, you can find an overview of all the exhibitions on museum digital.",
"ongoing": "Ongoing",
"past": "Past",
"upcoming": "Upcoming",
"about_the_exhibition": "About the Exhibition",
"export_calendar_entry": "Export calendar entry",
"calendar": "Calendar",
"complete_list": "Complete list",
"subscribe_rss": "RSS",
"filter_by_place": "Filter by place",
"remove_filter": "Remove filter"
@ -2,6 +2,11 @@
"home": {
"page_home_title": "Museen, Sammlungen, Objekte ...",
"page_home_content": "Es gibt viele gute Gr\u00fcnde in Museen zu gehen. Ausstellungsbesuche oder die Teilnahme an Veranstaltungen sind nur zwei davon. Museen \"zeigen\" und \"inszenieren\", sie \"regen an\" und sie \"bilden\". Doch es ist mehr, was ein Museum ausmacht: Museen sind Orte des Bewahrens und des Forschens. Zwei Facetten von \"Museum\", die nicht immer unmittelbar sichtbar werden und doch Grundlage f\u00fcr alles sind, wodurch ein Museum sichtbar wird. Gezeigt, inszeniert, bewahrt und erforscht werden dabei die Objekte der Museen. Sie stehen im eigentlichen Zentrum der Museumsarbeit. Kaum ein Museum kann alle von ihm verwahrten Objekte gleichzeitig zeigen. Vieles mu\u00df - kaum beachtet - in den Depots verbleiben. Auf diesen Seiten pr\u00e4sentieren Museen gemeinsam ihre Objekte, um mehr von den \"Sch\u00e4tzen\" zu zeigen, als in \"vier (acht, zw\u00f6lf, ...) W\u00e4nden\" m\u00f6glich ist.<br><br>\nEine zuf\u00e4llige Auswahl von Objekten finden Sie rechts. Klicken Sie darauf um mehr zu erfahren. Weitere Objekte finden Sie, wenn Sie einen Suchbegriff eingeben.<br><br>\u00dcbersichten und Beschreibungen zu Objekten und Sammlungen einzelner Museen k\u00f6nnen Sie \u00fcber die obere Navigationsleiste ausw\u00e4hlen.",
"selected_objects": "Selected objects"
"selected_objects": "Selected objects",
"places": "Places",
"places_intro": "Find maps, for museums and objects ...",
"timeline_intro": "On the timeline, you can find objects sorted by the chronology of events linked to them.",
"exhibitions_intro": "You can also find exhibitions here.",
"topics_intro": "Using the topics module, you can find narratives."
@ -19,6 +19,8 @@
"invsearch_many_results": "For this inventory number objects were found in more than one museum:",
"search_options": "Search options",
"obj_page_timeline_intro": "To access objects displayed on a timeline, please click ",
"exact": "Exact"
"exact": "Exact",
"help_extended_search_title": "Help for the extended search",
"help_extended_search_content": "<p>Here you can find the extended search .... placeholder placeholder placeholder placeholder placeholder placeholder placeholder placeholder<\/p>"
@ -1,6 +1,16 @@
"tlExhibitions": {
"exhibitions": "Exhibitions",
"exhibitions_intro": "On this page, you can find an overview of all the exhibitions on museum digital."
"exhibitions_intro": "On this page, you can find an overview of all the exhibitions on museum digital.",
"ongoing": "Ongoing",
"past": "Past",
"upcoming": "Upcoming",
"about_the_exhibition": "About the Exhibition",
"export_calendar_entry": "Export calendar entry",
"calendar": "Calendar",
"complete_list": "Complete list",
"subscribe_rss": "RSS",
"filter_by_place": "Filter by place",
"remove_filter": "Remove filter"
@ -2,6 +2,11 @@
"home": {
"page_home_title": "Muzea, zbiory, obiekty ...",
"page_home_content": "W niniejszym portalu muzea prezentuj\u0105 swoje bogate zasoby znajduj\u0105ce si\u0119 nie tylko w salach wystawowych, ale tak\u017ce te przechowywane w magazynach. W ten spos\u00f3b umo\u017cliwiamy pierwszy kontakt i poznanie tych skarb\u00f3w osobom zainteresowanym zbiorami muzealnymi, zar\u00f3wno ze wzgl\u0119du na uprawiany zaw\u00f3d i prowadzone badania naukowe, ale te\u017c i tym zainteresowanym ze wzgl\u0119du na ch\u0119\u0107 og\u00f3lnego rozwoju wiedzy czy uprawiane hobby. Ka\u017cdy powinien znale\u017a\u0107 tu co\u015b dla siebie interesuj\u0105cego i nieznanego. Naturalnie obejrzenie zbior\u00f3w online nie zast\u0105pi odwiedzin w muzeum, gdy\u017c prawdziwe prze\u017cycie mo\u017cliwe jest tylko w realnym \u015bwiecie.<br><br>Jest wiele powod\u00f3w by p\u00f3j\u015b\u0107 do muzeum. Zwiedzanie wystaw lub udzia\u0142 w imprezach to tylko dwa z wielu. Muzea \u201epokazuj\u0105\u201d i \u201einscenizuj\u0105\u201d, \u201einspiruj\u0105\u201d i \u201eedukuj\u0105\u201d. Lecz muzea s\u0105 czym\u015b wi\u0119cej, s\u0105 zar\u00f3wno miejscami przechowywania zbior\u00f3w jak i prowadzenia bada\u0144 naukowych. Dwa oblicza muzeum, kt\u00f3re nie zawsze dostrzegamy bezpo\u015brednio, a kt\u00f3re jednak s\u0105 podstaw\u0105 wszystkiego, co czyni muzeum widocznym. Pokazywane, inscenizowane, zachowane i badane s\u0105 przy tym obiekty muzealne. Znajduj\u0105 si\u0119 one w faktycznym centrum pracy muzealnej. W zasadzie \u017cadne muzeum nie jest w stanie jednocze\u015bnie prezentowa\u0107 wszystkich przechowywanych w nim obiekt\u00f3w. Wiele z posiadanych przez muzea zbior\u00f3w musi pozosta\u0107 w magazynach, do kt\u00f3rych zwiedzaj\u0105cy muzea nie maj\u0105 dost\u0119pu. Obecno\u015b\u0107 online wydobywa te zbiory z ukrycia.<br><br>Po wpisaniu w okienku Wyszukiwanie nazwy poszukiwanego obiektu, system dokona przeszukania bazy.<br><br>W g\u00f3rnym pasku nawigacji mo\u017cna dokona\u0107 przegl\u0105du i dotrze\u0107 do opis\u00f3w eksponat\u00f3w i zbior\u00f3w poszczeg\u00f3lnych muze\u00f3w.",
"selected_objects": "Selected objects"
"selected_objects": "Selected objects",
"places": "Places",
"places_intro": "Find maps, for museums and objects ...",
"timeline_intro": "On the timeline, you can find objects sorted by the chronology of events linked to them.",
"exhibitions_intro": "You can also find exhibitions here.",
"topics_intro": "Using the topics module, you can find narratives."
@ -19,6 +19,8 @@
"invsearch_many_results": "Obiekty o tym numerze inwentarzowym znaleziono w wi\u0119cej ni\u017c jednym muzeum:",
"search_options": "Search options",
"obj_page_timeline_intro": "To access objects displayed on a timeline, please click ",
"exact": "Exact"
"exact": "Exact",
"help_extended_search_title": "Help for the extended search",
"help_extended_search_content": "<p>Here you can find the extended search .... placeholder placeholder placeholder placeholder placeholder placeholder placeholder placeholder<\/p>"
@ -1,6 +1,16 @@
"tlExhibitions": {
"exhibitions": "Exhibitions",
"exhibitions_intro": "On this page, you can find an overview of all the exhibitions on museum digital."
"exhibitions_intro": "On this page, you can find an overview of all the exhibitions on museum digital.",
"ongoing": "Ongoing",
"past": "Past",
"upcoming": "Upcoming",
"about_the_exhibition": "About the Exhibition",
"export_calendar_entry": "Export calendar entry",
"calendar": "Calendar",
"complete_list": "Complete list",
"subscribe_rss": "RSS",
"filter_by_place": "Filter by place",
"remove_filter": "Remove filter"
@ -2,6 +2,11 @@
"home": {
"page_home_title": "Museus, cole\u00e7\u00f5es, objetos ...",
"page_home_content": "Existem muitas e boas raz\u00f5es para visitar museus. Ir a um evento ou a uma exposi\u00e7\u00e3o s\u00e3o apenas duas delas. Museus \u201cshows\u201d ou \u201cpalcos\u201d, eles \u201ceducam\u201d e \u201cestimulam\u201d. Mas, h\u00e1 muito mais do que isto nos museus: eles s\u00e3o locais de conserva\u00e7\u00e3o e pesquisa. Estes s\u00e3o os dois aspectos de um museu, n\u00e3o muitas vezes considerados ainda que constituam a profunda ess\u00eancia da visibilidade de um museu. Os objetos dos museus s\u00e3o expostos, guardados e estudados. Eles est\u00e3o no centro de (quase) todo trabalho desenvolvido nos museus. No entanto, nem todos os objetos guardados nos museus podem ser exibidos de uma vez s\u00f3. Muita coisa precisa permanecer guardada, oculta aos olhos dos visitantes.\r<br><br>Neste site os museus mostram seus objetos: os que est\u00e3o e os que n\u00e3o est\u00e3o em exibi\u00e7\u00e3o. Muito mais do que pode ser exposto no espa\u00e7o de exibi\u00e7\u00e3o do museu.\r<br><br>\u00c0 direita pode ser feita uma sele\u00e7\u00e3o aleat\u00f3ria de objetos. Clique para saber mais. Mais objetos de interesse podem ser encontrados atrav\u00e9s da barra de pesquisa \u00e0 esquerda.\r<br><br>Visualiza\u00e7\u00f5es e descri\u00e7\u00f5es de v\u00e1rios objetos, de cole\u00e7\u00f5es e de museus participantes deste projeto s\u00e3o acess\u00edveis atrav\u00e9s da barra de navega\u00e7\u00e3o localizada acima.",
"selected_objects": "Selected objects"
"selected_objects": "Selected objects",
"places": "Places",
"places_intro": "Find maps, for museums and objects ...",
"timeline_intro": "On the timeline, you can find objects sorted by the chronology of events linked to them.",
"exhibitions_intro": "You can also find exhibitions here.",
"topics_intro": "Using the topics module, you can find narratives."
@ -19,6 +19,8 @@
"invsearch_many_results": "For this inventory number objects were found in more than one museum:",
"search_options": "Search options",
"obj_page_timeline_intro": "To access objects displayed on a timeline, please click ",
"exact": "Exact"
"exact": "Exact",
"help_extended_search_title": "Help for the extended search",
"help_extended_search_content": "<p>Here you can find the extended search .... placeholder placeholder placeholder placeholder placeholder placeholder placeholder placeholder<\/p>"
@ -1,6 +1,16 @@
"tlExhibitions": {
"exhibitions": "Exhibitions",
"exhibitions_intro": "On this page, you can find an overview of all the exhibitions on museum digital."
"exhibitions_intro": "On this page, you can find an overview of all the exhibitions on museum digital.",
"ongoing": "Ongoing",
"past": "Past",
"upcoming": "Upcoming",
"about_the_exhibition": "About the Exhibition",
"export_calendar_entry": "Export calendar entry",
"calendar": "Calendar",
"complete_list": "Complete list",
"subscribe_rss": "RSS",
"filter_by_place": "Filter by place",
"remove_filter": "Remove filter"
@ -2,6 +2,11 @@
"home": {
"page_home_title": "Museen, Sammlungen, Objekte ...",
"page_home_content": "Es gibt viele gute Gr\u00fcnde in Museen zu gehen. Ausstellungsbesuche oder die Teilnahme an Veranstaltungen sind nur zwei davon. Museen \"zeigen\" und \"inszenieren\", sie \"regen an\" und sie \"bilden\". Doch es ist mehr, was ein Museum ausmacht: Museen sind Orte des Bewahrens und des Forschens. Zwei Facetten von \"Museum\", die nicht immer unmittelbar sichtbar werden und doch Grundlage f\u00fcr alles sind, wodurch ein Museum sichtbar wird. Gezeigt, inszeniert, bewahrt und erforscht werden dabei die Objekte der Museen. Sie stehen im eigentlichen Zentrum der Museumsarbeit. Kaum ein Museum kann alle von ihm verwahrten Objekte gleichzeitig zeigen. Vieles mu\u00df - kaum beachtet - in den Depots verbleiben. Auf diesen Seiten pr\u00e4sentieren Museen gemeinsam ihre Objekte, um mehr von den \"Sch\u00e4tzen\" zu zeigen, als in \"vier (acht, zw\u00f6lf, ...) W\u00e4nden\" m\u00f6glich ist.<br><br>\nEine zuf\u00e4llige Auswahl von Objekten finden Sie rechts. Klicken Sie darauf um mehr zu erfahren. Weitere Objekte finden Sie, wenn Sie einen Suchbegriff eingeben.<br><br>\u00dcbersichten und Beschreibungen zu Objekten und Sammlungen einzelner Museen k\u00f6nnen Sie \u00fcber die obere Navigationsleiste ausw\u00e4hlen.",
"selected_objects": "Selected objects"
"selected_objects": "Selected objects",
"places": "Places",
"places_intro": "Find maps, for museums and objects ...",
"timeline_intro": "On the timeline, you can find objects sorted by the chronology of events linked to them.",
"exhibitions_intro": "You can also find exhibitions here.",
"topics_intro": "Using the topics module, you can find narratives."
@ -19,6 +19,8 @@
"invsearch_many_results": "For this inventory number objects were found in more than one museum:",
"search_options": "Search options",
"obj_page_timeline_intro": "To access objects displayed on a timeline, please click ",
"exact": "Exact"
"exact": "Exact",
"help_extended_search_title": "Help for the extended search",
"help_extended_search_content": "<p>Here you can find the extended search .... placeholder placeholder placeholder placeholder placeholder placeholder placeholder placeholder<\/p>"
@ -1,6 +1,16 @@
"tlExhibitions": {
"exhibitions": "Exhibitions",
"exhibitions_intro": "On this page, you can find an overview of all the exhibitions on museum digital."
"exhibitions_intro": "On this page, you can find an overview of all the exhibitions on museum digital.",
"ongoing": "Ongoing",
"past": "Past",
"upcoming": "Upcoming",
"about_the_exhibition": "About the Exhibition",
"export_calendar_entry": "Export calendar entry",
"calendar": "Calendar",
"complete_list": "Complete list",
"subscribe_rss": "RSS",
"filter_by_place": "Filter by place",
"remove_filter": "Remove filter"
@ -2,6 +2,11 @@
"home": {
"page_home_title": "Museums, Collections, Objects ...",
"page_home_content": "There are many good reasons to visit museums. Attending an event or an exhibition are just two of these. Museums "show" and "stage", they "educate" and "stimulate". But there is much more to museums than these: museums are places of safekeeping and research. These are two sides of a museum that are not often visible, yet they build the very core of a museum's visibility. It is the museum objects that are displayed, stored and studied. They are at the center of (almost) all work done in a museum. However, not all of objects kept in a museum can be showcased at once. Much has to remain in storage, hidden from the visitors.<br><br>On this website museums showcase their objects, in current exhibits and beyond. More than what can be shown in a museum's viewing space.<br><br>A random selection of objects can be found on the right. Click on them to learn more. More objects of interest can be found by using the search bar on the left.<br><br>Overviews and descriptions of the various objects, collections, and participating museums are accessible via the navigation bar at the top.",
"selected_objects": "Selected objects"
"selected_objects": "Selected objects",
"places": "Places",
"places_intro": "Find maps, for museums and objects ...",
"timeline_intro": "On the timeline, you can find objects sorted by the chronology of events linked to them.",
"exhibitions_intro": "You can also find exhibitions here.",
"topics_intro": "Using the topics module, you can find narratives."
@ -19,6 +19,8 @@
"invsearch_many_results": "For this inventory number objects were found in more than one museum.:",
"search_options": "Search options",
"obj_page_timeline_intro": "To access objects displayed on a timeline, please click ",
"exact": "Exact"
"exact": "Exact",
"help_extended_search_title": "Help for the extended search",
"help_extended_search_content": "<p>Here you can find the extended search .... placeholder placeholder placeholder placeholder placeholder placeholder placeholder placeholder<\/p>"
@ -10,161 +10,161 @@
"logout": "Kijelentkez\u00e9s",
"topic": "T\u00e9ma",
"selectmuseumforediting": "V\u00e1lasszon ki egy m\u00fazeumot szerkeszt\u00e9sre ...",
"museum_edit": "Egy m\u00fazeum szerkeszt\u00e9se ...",
"museum_add": "Add a museum ...",
"collection_select": "Select a collection for editing ...",
"collection_edit": "Edit a collection ...",
"collection_add": "Add a collection ...",
"object_select": "Select an object for editing ...",
"object_edit": "Edit an object ...",
"object_add": "Add an object ...",
"ufo_edit": "Edit an U-F-O ...",
"ufo_add": "Add an U-F-O ...",
"event_select": "Select an event for editing ...",
"event_edit": "Edit an event ...",
"event_add": "Add an event ...",
"time_select": "Select a time term for editing ...",
"time_edit": "Edit a time term ...",
"time_add": "Add a time term ...",
"persinst_select": "Select an actor for editing ...",
"persinst_edit": "Edit an actor ...",
"persinst_add": "Add an actor ...",
"place_select": "Select a place for editing ...",
"place_edit": "Edit a place ...",
"place_add": "Add a place ...",
"museum_edit": "M\u00fazeum szerkeszt\u00e9se ...",
"museum_add": "M\u00fazeum hozz\u00e1ad\u00e1sa ...",
"collection_select": "V\u00e1lasszon ki egy gy\u0171jtem\u00e9nyt szerkeszt\u00e9sre ...",
"collection_edit": "Gy\u0171jtem\u00e9ny szerkeszt\u00e9se ...",
"collection_add": "Gy\u0171jtem\u00e9ny hozz\u00e1ad\u00e1sa ...",
"object_select": "V\u00e1lasszon ki egy t\u00e1rgyat szerkeszt\u00e9sre ...",
"object_edit": "T\u00e1rgy szerkeszt\u00e9se ...",
"object_add": "T\u00e1rgy hozz\u00e1ad\u00e1sa ...",
"ufo_edit": "U-F-O szerkeszt\u00e9se ...",
"ufo_add": "U-F-O hozz\u00e1ad\u00e1sa...",
"event_select": "V\u00e1lasszon ki egy esem\u00e9nyt szerkeszt\u00e9sre ...",
"event_edit": "Esem\u00e9ny szerkeszt\u00e9se ...",
"event_add": "Esem\u00e9ny hozz\u00e1ad\u00e1sa ...",
"time_select": "V\u00e1lasszon ki egy id\u0151beli vonatkoz\u00e1st szerkeszt\u00e9sre ...",
"time_edit": "Id\u0151beli vonatkoz\u00e1s szerkeszt\u00e9se ...",
"time_add": "Id\u0151beli vonatkoz\u00e1s hozz\u00e1ad\u00e1sa ...",
"persinst_select": "V\u00e1lasszon ki egy szem\u00e9lyt \/ int\u00e9zm\u00e9nyt szerkeszt\u00e9sre ...",
"persinst_edit": "Szem\u00e9ly \/ int\u00e9zm\u00e9ny szerkeszt\u00e9se ...",
"persinst_add": "Szem\u00e9ly \/ int\u00e9zm\u00e9ny hozz\u00e1ad\u00e1sa ...",
"place_select": "V\u00e1lasszon ki egy helyet szerkeszt\u00e9sre ...",
"place_edit": "Hely szerkeszt\u00e9se ...",
"place_add": "Hely hozz\u00e1ad\u00e1sa ...",
"tag_select": "Select a tag for editing ...",
"tag_edit": "Edit a tag ...",
"tag_add": "Add a tag ...",
"literature_select": "Select a literature entry for editing ...",
"literature_edit": "Edit a literature entry ...",
"literature_add": "Add a literature entry ...",
"link_select": "Select a hyperlink for editing ...",
"link_edit": "Edit hyperlink",
"link_add": "Add hyperlink!",
"image_edit": "Select an image for editing ...",
"document_attach": "Attach a document ...",
"link_select": "V\u00e1lasszon ki egy hiperhivatkoz\u00e1st szerkeszt\u00e9sre ...",
"link_edit": "Hiperhivatkoz\u00e1s szerkeszt\u00e9se",
"link_add": "Hiperhivatkoz\u00e1s hozz\u00e1ad\u00e1sa",
"image_edit": "V\u00e1lasszon ki egy k\u00e9pet szerkeszt\u00e9sre ...",
"document_attach": "Dokumentum csatol\u00e1sa ...",
"tag_select_simple": "Please select a tag ...",
"settings_edit": "Edit settings ...",
"user_select": "Select a user for editing ...",
"topic_edit": "Edit a <b style=\"color:#3333aa;\">topic<\/b>",
"subtopic_edit": "Add a <b style=\"color:#3333aa;\">lower level topic<\/b>",
"document_edit": "Edit document",
"source_add": "Add link with a source!",
"object_add_complicated": "Add an <b style=\"color:#3333aa;\">object<\/b>",
"object_edit_complicated": "Edit an <b style=\"color:#3333aa;\">object entry<\/b>",
"user_role_change_alt": "Changes the relation between a user and a topic",
"send": "Send",
"once_again": "Once again",
"field": "Field",
"definitelyconfirm": "Yes!!",
"explanation_short_title": "<b>Field \"Short Title\"<\/b><br><br>This field is mandatory!<br><br>The short title is used for listing the entry in the navigation<br><br>Example 1: \"Archaology of the Lords of Anhalt\"<br>Example 2: \"Excavations\"",
"explanation_long_title": "<b>Field: \"Long Title\"<\/b><br><br>This field is mandatory!<br><br>Der \"Langtitel\" ist der eigentliche Titel des Themas. Bestenfalls nicht mehr als 150 Zeichen.<br><br>Example: \"Arch\u00e4ologie der anhaltischen F\u00fcrsten vom 15. Jahrhundert bis in unsere Tage",
"explanation_abstract": "<b>Field: \"Abstract\"<\/b><br><br>This field is mandatory!<br><br>Ideally a sentence, that summarizes the topic's contents.",
"explanation_text": "<b>Field: \"Image Text\"<\/b><br><br>This field is mandatory!<br><br>Unrestricted length of text. Ideally, the text fills about one screen. If possible, write sentences and avoid lists.<br><br>You can - but are not required to - upload an image for the topic. The image will appear on the left of the text.",
"explanation_text_image": "<b>Field: \"Image Text\"<\/b><br><br>Please only fill this out, if you have uploaded an image for the topic. This text appears upon hovering over the image. Useful for information on copyright and origin.",
"explanation_link_image": "<b>Field: \"Target for click on image\"<\/b><br><br>Please only fill this out if you have uploaded an image for the topic and want the user to be linked to another source on the web upon clicking on the image.<br><br>Requires absolute URLs, beginning with \"http(s):\/\/\".",
"topic_image": "Image for topic:",
"topic_image_switch": "Change image",
"topic_image_noimage": "No image available",
"topic_image_upload": "Upload image",
"map": "Map",
"topic_map_disabled": "Show topic without a map",
"topic_map_enabled": "Display topic with a map (objects of the topic on a map)",
"topic_map_enabled_inclusive": "Display topic with a map (objects of the topic and all lower level topics on a map)",
"short_title": "Short Title",
"long_title": "Long Title",
"abstract": "Abstract",
"text_for_topic": "Text on the Topic",
"text_for_image": "Image Text",
"link_image": "Target for Clicking on Image",
"topic_presentation": "Presentation",
"topic_background": "Background: ",
"topic_ballon_form": "Bubble form: ",
"topic_tooltip": "Tool-Tip: ",
"required_short_title": "You need to enter a short title!",
"required_long_text": "You need to enter a more extensive title!",
"required_text": "A text is required for a topic!",
"error_morethanonetopic": "Encountered more than one topic ... Something must have gone wrong",
"add_higher_level_topic": "Add higher level topic",
"add_higher_level_topic_alt": "Links with a higher level topic",
"add_higher_level_topic_alt_additional": "Add link to another higher level topic",
"edit_higher_level_topic": "Edit higher level topic",
"add_lower_level_topic": "Add lower level topic",
"add_lower_level_topic_alt": "Link a lower level topic",
"add_lower_level_topic_alt_additional": "Link to a lower level topic",
"edit_lower_level_topic": "Edit lower level topics",
"delete_relation": "Delete relation",
"document_add": "Add a link to a document!",
"document_add_simple": "Add document",
"source_add_simple": "Add source",
"source_edit": "Edit source",
"link_add_simple": "Add a hyperlink",
"topics_object_add": "Add a link with an object!",
"topics_object_add_simple": "Link an object!",
"topics_select_from_list_to_edit": "Change the topic. Please select the topic.",
"list_of_topics_to_be_deleted": "List of topics, that you can delete:",
"can_add_new_user": "You may add a new user: ",
"list_all_users": "List of All Users",
"user_name": "Name",
"user_login_name": "Login Name",
"user_institution_id": "Institution ID",
"user_role": "Role",
"user_last_login": "Last Login",
"user_rights_topics": "Rights for topics",
"user_institution_nr": "Institution No.",
"select_by_clicking": "Select by clicking",
"here": "here",
"higher_level_topic_not_listed": "If the higher level topic is not listed here, then please click",
"lower_level_topic_not_listed": "If the lower level topic is not listed here, then please click",
"requirements_caps": "CONDITIONS",
"requirements_file_name": "1. The image filename needs to conform to the general rules: No special characters. No dots (except the one before the file extension). No spaces.",
"requirements_jpg": "2. The image file needs to be a JPG and have a DPI ratio of 72 or 96.",
"requirements_short_side": "3. The shorter side needs be have a length of 600 pixels minimum. The longer side should not exceed a length of 3000 pixels.",
"requirements_filesize": "4. The file size should not exceed 4 megabyte. Ideally, the file size should be between 500kb and 900kb.",
"select_image_to_upload": "Please select the image file you want to upload. It will be automatically resized.",
"select_large_image_to_upload": "Please selecct the large image file you want to upload. Smaller versions willl be automatically created.",
"pdf_select_from_list": "* Here you can upload documents (PDF files only) for a topic - or link documents that have already been uploaded.<br \/>\r\nIf the document is not listed, then please click",
"requirements_pdf_filename": "1. The file name of the PDF file to be uploaded needs to conform to the following general rules: No special characters. No dots (except the one before the file extension). No spaces.",
"requirements_pdf_filesize": "2. The file size of the PDF cannot exceed 4 megabyte. ",
"select_pdf_for_upload": "Please select the PDF file to be uploaded.",
"explanation_document_kind": "<b>Field: \"Type of Document\"<\/b><br><br>Mandatory<br><br><br>Example 1: \"pdf\"",
"explanation_document_text": "<b>Field: \"Display Text\"<\/b><br><br>Mandatory<br><br>The text you entered will be displayed when linking the document.",
"explanation_document_location": "<b>Field: \"Storage location (link)\"<\/b><br><br>Mandatory",
"explanation_document_note": "<b>Field: \"Note\"<\/b><br><br>Not required. Additional information for the document.",
"type_of_document": "Type of Document",
"document_display_text": "Display text",
"document_location": "Storage location (link)",
"document_note": "Note",
"document_type_mandatory": "You need to enter a type of document!",
"document_name_mandatory": "You need to enter a display name!",
"document_summary_mandatory": "You need to enter a short summary!",
"document_location_mandatory": "You need to enter a storage location!",
"explanation_object_version": "<b>Field: \"Version\"<\/b><br><br>Please select a version of museum-digital from the list!<br><br>",
"explanation_object_number": "<b>Field: \"Object ID\"<\/b><br><br>Please enter the ID of the object within the selected version of museum-digital<br><br>",
"explanation_object_institution": "<b>Field: \"Name of Institution\"<\/b><br><br>Mandatory<br><br>Name of the institution that owns the object.<br><br>Unrestricted formatting, max. 200 characters",
"explanation_object_object_title": "<b>Field: \"Object Title\"<\/b><br><br>Mandatory<br><br>Keep it short<br><br>max. 200 characters",
"explanation_object_description": "<b>Field: \"[Alternative] Objecct Description\"<\/b><br><br>If you have linked an object from museum-digital, its description will be displayed. If you prefer to have a different description of the object in the context of the topic, please fill out this field.<br><br>If you have entered an object outside of museum-digital, this field is mandatory.<br><br>Unlimited length of text, preferably around 500 characters",
"explanation_object_text_image": "<b>Field: \"Image text\"<\/b><br><br>Please fill out. The text appears if the cursor hovers over the image or if there are problems with loading the image<br><br>This is also a good place for copyright notices. For example:<br>© F\u00fcrstin Pauline Bibliothek<br><br>Unlimited length of text, preferably around 1000 characters",
"explanation_object_image_click": "<b>Field: \"Target with clicking on image\"<\/b><br><br>Please only fill this in, if a click on the image is to link to another page on the internet.<br><br>Requires absolute URLs (beginning with \"http(s):\/\/\")",
"version_of_md": "Version of md",
"object_object_number": "Object ID",
"object_name_institution": "Name of Institution",
"object_title": "Object Title",
"object_alternative_description": "Alternative Object Description",
"image": "Image",
"image_text": "Image Text",
"image_link": "Target with Clicking on Image",
"linking_image_mandatory": "For saving, you need to link an image (on the left)",
"image_change": "Exchange presentation",
"image_upload": "Upload image",
"md_version_mandatory": "You need to enter a version of museum-digital!",
"object_number_mandatory": "You need to enter a number!",
"assigned_to": "Assigned to",
"preview_in": "Preview in",
"source_titel": "Title of the Source",
"source_list_not_listed": "* Here you can add sources (= references to literature, that is not yet online) or link already known references.<br \/>\r\nShould the source not be in the list, please click",
"mandatory_title_source": "Sie m\u00fcssen einen Titel f\u00fcr die Quelle angeben!",
"linkdisplayname": "Link Display Name",
"settings_edit": "Be\u00e1ll\u00edt\u00e1sok szerkeszt\u00e9se ...",
"user_select": "V\u00e1lasszon ki egy felhaszn\u00e1l\u00f3t szerkeszt\u00e9sre ...",
"topic_edit": "<b style=\"color:#3333aa;\">T\u00e9ma<\/b> szerkeszt\u00e9se",
"subtopic_edit": "<b style=\"color:#3333aa;\">Alt\u00e9ma<\/b> hozz\u00e1ad\u00e1sa",
"document_edit": "Dokumentum szerkeszt\u00e9se",
"source_add": "Forr\u00e1shivatkoz\u00e1s hozz\u00e1ad\u00e1sa",
"object_add_complicated": "<b style=\"color:#3333aa;\">T\u00e1rgy<\/b> hozz\u00e1ad\u00e1sa",
"object_edit_complicated": "<b style=\"color:#3333aa;\">T\u00e1rgybejegyz\u00e9s<\/b> szerkeszt\u00e9se",
"user_role_change_alt": "Felhaszn\u00e1l\u00f3 \u00e9s t\u00e9ma kapcsolat\u00e1nak megv\u00e1ltoztat\u00e1sa",
"send": "K\u00fcld\u00e9s",
"once_again": "M\u00e9g egyszer",
"field": "Mez\u0151",
"definitelyconfirm": "Igen!!",
"explanation_short_title": "<b>\"R\u00f6vid c\u00edm\" mez\u0151<\/b><br><br>A mez\u0151 kit\u00f6lt\u00e9se k\u00f6telez\u0151!<br><br>A r\u00f6vid c\u00edm a navig\u00e1ci\u00f3s list\u00e1ban val\u00f3 megjelen\u00edt\u00e9sre szolg\u00e1l<br><br>1. p\u00e9lda: \"Az anhalti fejedelmek r\u00e9g\u00e9szete\"<br>2. p\u00e9lda: \"\u00c1sat\u00e1sok\"",
"explanation_long_title": "<b>\"Hossz\u00fa c\u00edm\" mez\u0151<\/b><br><br>A mez\u0151 kit\u00f6lt\u00e9se k\u00f6telez\u0151!<br><br>A \"hossz\u00fa c\u00edm\" a t\u00e9ma tulajdonk\u00e9ppeni c\u00edme. Lehet\u0151leg ne legyen hosszabb 150 karaktern\u00e9l.<br><br>P\u00e9lda: \"Az anhalti uralkod\u00f3k r\u00e9g\u00e9szete a 15. sz\u00e1zadt\u00f3l napjainkig\"",
"explanation_abstract": "<b>\"\u00d6sszefoglal\u00f3\" mez\u0151<\/b><br><br>A mez\u0151 kit\u00f6lt\u00e9se k\u00f6telez\u0151!<br><br>Id\u00e1lis esetben egy mondat, amely \u00f6sszefoglalja a t\u00e9ma tartalm\u00e1t.",
"explanation_text": "<b>\"A t\u00e9ma le\u00edr\u00e1sa\" mez\u0151<\/b><br><br>A mez\u0151 kit\u00f6lt\u00e9se k\u00f6telez\u0151!<br><br>Tetsz\u0151leges hossz\u00fas\u00e1g\u00fa sz\u00f6veg. A legjobb, ha a sz\u00f6veg pont kit\u00f6lti a k\u00e9perny\u0151t. Ha lehets\u00e9ges, fogalmazzon teljes mondatokban, \u00e9s ker\u00fclje a felsorol\u00e1sokat.<br><br>Felt\u00f6lthet egy k\u00e9pet is a t\u00e9m\u00e1hoz, amely a sz\u00f6vegt\u0151l balra fog megjelenni, de ez nem k\u00f6telez\u0151.",
"explanation_text_image": "<b>\"K\u00e9ple\u00edr\u00e1s\" mez\u0151<\/b><br><br>Csak akkor t\u00f6ltse ki ezt a mez\u0151t, ha k\u00e9pet is felt\u00f6lt\u00f6tt a t\u00e9m\u00e1hoz. A sz\u00f6veg akkor jelenik meg, mikor az eg\u00e9rrel a kurzorral a k\u00e9p f\u00f6l\u00e9 siklik. Hasznos lehet p\u00e9ld\u00e1ul a k\u00e9p szerz\u0151i jogaival \u00e9s forr\u00e1s\u00e1val kapcsolatos inform\u00e1ci\u00f3k megjelen\u00edt\u00e9s\u00e9re.",
"explanation_link_image": "<b>\"Hiperhivatkoz\u00e1s a k\u00e9pre kattintva\" mez\u0151<\/b><br><br>Csak akkor t\u00f6ltse ki ezt a mez\u0151t, ha k\u00e9pet is felt\u00f6lt\u00f6tt a t\u00e9m\u00e1hoz, \u00e9s azt szeretn\u00e9, ha a k\u00e9pre val\u00f3 kattint\u00e1s egy internethelyre navig\u00e1ln\u00e1 a l\u00e1togat\u00f3t.<br><br>Teljes, a \"http(s):\/\/\" karaktersorral kezd\u0151d\u0151 URL-c\u00edmeket haszn\u00e1ljon.",
"topic_image": "K\u00e9p a t\u00e9m\u00e1hoz:",
"topic_image_switch": "K\u00e9p megv\u00e1ltoztat\u00e1sa",
"topic_image_noimage": "Nincs felt\u00f6ltve k\u00e9p",
"topic_image_upload": "K\u00e9p felt\u00f6lt\u00e9se",
"map": "T\u00e9rk\u00e9p",
"topic_map_disabled": "T\u00e9ma megjelen\u00edt\u00e9se t\u00e9rk\u00e9p n\u00e9lk\u00fcl",
"topic_map_enabled": "T\u00e9ma megjelen\u00edt\u00e9se t\u00e9rk\u00e9ppel (a t\u00e9m\u00e1hoz tartoz\u00f3 t\u00e1rgyak t\u00e9rk\u00e9pre vet\u00edtve)",
"topic_map_enabled_inclusive": "T\u00e9ma megjelen\u00edt\u00e9se t\u00e9rk\u00e9ppel (a t\u00e9m\u00e1hoz \u00e9s az \u00f6sszes alt\u00e9m\u00e1hoz tartoz\u00f3 t\u00e1rgy t\u00e9rk\u00e9pre vet\u00edtve)",
"short_title": "R\u00f6vid c\u00edm",
"long_title": "Hossz\u00fa c\u00edm",
"abstract": "\u00d6sszefoglal\u00f3",
"text_for_topic": "A t\u00e9ma le\u00edr\u00e1sa",
"text_for_image": "K\u00e9ple\u00edr\u00e1s",
"link_image": "Hiperhivatkoz\u00e1s a k\u00e9pre kattintva",
"topic_presentation": "Megjelen\u00edt\u00e9s",
"topic_background": "H\u00e1tt\u00e9r: ",
"topic_ballon_form": "Bubor\u00e9kforma: ",
"topic_tooltip": "Seg\u00edt\u0151 ablakok: ",
"required_short_title": "Meg kell adnia egy r\u00f6vid c\u00edmet!",
"required_long_text": "A c\u00edmnek hosszabbnak kell lennie!",
"required_text": "A t\u00e9m\u00e1hoz meg kell adnia egy le\u00edr\u00e1st!",
"error_morethanonetopic": "\u00dctk\u00f6z\u00e9s a t\u00e9m\u00e1k k\u00f6z\u00f6tt ... Valami f\u00e9lresiker\u00fclt.",
"add_higher_level_topic": "Magasabb szint\u0171 t\u00e9ma hozz\u00e1ad\u00e1sa",
"add_higher_level_topic_alt": "\u00d6sszekapcsol\u00e1s egy magasabb szint\u0171 t\u00e9m\u00e1val",
"add_higher_level_topic_alt_additional": "Hozzon l\u00e9tre kapcsolatot egy m\u00e1sik magasabb szint\u0171 t\u00e9m\u00e1val",
"edit_higher_level_topic": "Magasabb szint\u0171 t\u00e9ma szerkeszt\u00e9se",
"add_lower_level_topic": "Alt\u00e9ma hozz\u00e1ad\u00e1sa",
"add_lower_level_topic_alt": "Alt\u00e9ma bekapcsol\u00e1sa",
"add_lower_level_topic_alt_additional": "Hozz\u00e1kapcsol\u00e1s egy alt\u00e9m\u00e1hoz",
"edit_lower_level_topic": "Alt\u00e9m\u00e1k szerkeszt\u00e9se",
"delete_relation": "Kapcsolat t\u00f6rl\u00e9se",
"document_add": "Adjon hozz\u00e1 egy dokumentum-kapcsolatot!",
"document_add_simple": "Dokumentum hozz\u00e1ad\u00e1sa",
"source_add_simple": "Forr\u00e1s hozz\u00e1ad\u00e1sa",
"source_edit": "Forr\u00e1s szerkeszt\u00e9se",
"link_add_simple": "Hiperhivatkoz\u00e1s hozz\u00e1ad\u00e1sa",
"topics_object_add": "Adjon hozz\u00e1 egy t\u00e1rgyat!",
"topics_object_add_simple": "Csatoljon ide egy t\u00e1rgyat!",
"topics_select_from_list_to_edit": "A v\u00e1ltoztat\u00e1shoz v\u00e1lasszon ki egy t\u00e9m\u00e1t!",
"list_of_topics_to_be_deleted": "A t\u00e9m\u00e1k, amelyeket t\u00f6r\u00f6lhet:",
"can_add_new_user": "Itt adhat hozz\u00e1 \u00faj felhaszn\u00e1l\u00f3kat: ",
"list_all_users": "Az \u00f6sszes felhaszn\u00e1l\u00f3 list\u00e1ja",
"user_name": "N\u00e9v",
"user_login_name": "Bejelentkez\u00e9si n\u00e9v",
"user_institution_id": "Int\u00e9zm\u00e9ny ID",
"user_role": "Beoszt\u00e1s",
"user_last_login": "Utols\u00f3 bejelentkez\u00e9s",
"user_rights_topics": "T\u00e9majogosults\u00e1gok",
"user_institution_nr": "Int\u00e9zm\u00e9ny sz\u00e1ma",
"select_by_clicking": "Kattint\u00e1ssal v\u00e1laszthat",
"here": " ",
"higher_level_topic_not_listed": "Ha a hozz\u00e1adni k\u00edv\u00e1nt t\u00e9ma nincs a list\u00e1ban, kattintson ide:",
"lower_level_topic_not_listed": "Ha a hozz\u00e1adni k\u00edv\u00e1nt t\u00e9ma nincs a list\u00e1ban, kattintson ide:",
"requirements_caps": "FELT\u00c9TELEK",
"requirements_file_name": "1. A k\u00e9pf\u00e1jlok elnevez\u00e9s\u00e9re az \u00e1ltal\u00e1nos szab\u00e1lyok vonatkoznak: ne legyenek benne speci\u00e1lis karakterek, ne legyen benne pont (kiv\u00e9ve a f\u00e1jlkiterjeszt\u00e9s el\u0151tt) \u00e9s sz\u00f3k\u00f6z.",
"requirements_jpg": "2. A k\u00e9pf\u00e1jl form\u00e1tuma legyen JPG, felbont\u00e1sa pedig 72 vagy 96 dpi.",
"requirements_short_side": "3. A r\u00f6videbb oldal legyen legal\u00e1bb 600 pixel hossz\u00fa, de a hosszabb oldal se legyen hosszabb 3000 pixeln\u00e9l.",
"requirements_filesize": "4. A f\u00e1jl m\u00e9rete ne l\u00e9pje t\u00fal a 4 MB-ot. Ide\u00e1lis m\u00e9ret: 500 \u00e9s 900 KB k\u00f6z\u00f6tt.",
"select_image_to_upload": "V\u00e1lassza ki a k\u00e9pf\u00e1jlt, amelyet fel szeretne t\u00f6lteni. A k\u00e9pet automatikusan \u00e1t lesz m\u00e9retezve.",
"select_large_image_to_upload": "V\u00e1lassza ki a felt\u00f6lteni k\u00edv\u00e1nt nagy k\u00e9pet. A lekicsiny\u00edtett verzi\u00f3kat a rendszer automatikusan gener\u00e1lja.",
"pdf_select_from_list": "* Itt dokumentumokat (kiz\u00e1r\u00f3lag PDF-f\u00e1jlokat) t\u00f6lthet fel, vagy m\u00e1r kor\u00e1bban felt\u00f6lt\u00f6tt dokumentumokat kapcsolhat egy-egy t\u00e9m\u00e1hoz.<br \/>\r\nHa nem tal\u00e1lja a list\u00e1ban a dokumentumot, kattintson ide:",
"requirements_pdf_filename": "1. A PDF-f\u00e1jlok elnevez\u00e9s\u00e9re a k\u00f6vetkez\u0151 \u00e1ltal\u00e1nos szab\u00e1lyok vonatkoznak: ne legyenek benne speci\u00e1lis karakterek, ne legyen benne pont (kiv\u00e9ve a f\u00e1jlkiterjeszt\u00e9s el\u0151tt) \u00e9s sz\u00f3k\u00f6z.",
"requirements_pdf_filesize": "2. A f\u00e1jl m\u00e9rete nem haladhatja meg a 4 MB-ot.",
"select_pdf_for_upload": "V\u00e1lassza ki a k\u00e9pf\u00e1jlt, amelyet fel szeretne t\u00f6lteni.",
"explanation_document_kind": "<b>Mez\u0151: \"Dokumentum t\u00edpusa\"<\/b><br><br>K\u00f6telez\u0151<br><br><br>1. P\u00e9lda: \"pdf\"",
"explanation_document_text": "<b>Mez\u0151: \"Megjelen\u00edtett sz\u00f6veg\"<\/b><br><br>K\u00f6telez\u0151<br><br>Ez a sz\u00f6veg ker\u00fcl megjelen\u00edt\u00e9sre a dokumentum becsatol\u00e1sakor.",
"explanation_document_location": "<b>\"T\u00e1rol\u00e1si hely (link)\" mez\u0151<\/b><br><br>K\u00f6telez\u0151",
"explanation_document_note": "<b>\"Jegyzetek\" mez\u0151<\/b><br><br>Opcion\u00e1lis. A dokumentumra vonatkoz\u00f3 kieg\u00e9sz\u00edt\u0151 infrom\u00e1ci\u00f3k.",
"type_of_document": "A dokumentum t\u00edpusa",
"document_display_text": "Megjelen\u00edtett sz\u00f6veg",
"document_location": "T\u00e1rol\u00e1si hely (link)",
"document_note": "Jegyzetek",
"document_type_mandatory": "Meg kell adnia a dokumentum t\u00edpus\u00e1t!",
"document_name_mandatory": "Meg kell adnia a megjelen\u00edtend\u0151 sz\u00f6veget!",
"document_summary_mandatory": "Adjon egy r\u00f6vid \u00f6sszefoglal\u00e1st!",
"document_location_mandatory": "Meg kell adnia a t\u00e1rol\u00e1si helyet!",
"explanation_object_version": "<b>\"Verzi\u00f3\" mez\u0151<\/b><br><br>V\u00e1lassza ki a list\u00e1b\u00f3l a megfelel\u0151 museum-digital verzi\u00f3t!<br><br>",
"explanation_object_number": "<b>\"T\u00e1rgy ID\" mez\u0151<\/b><br><br>Adja meg a t\u00e1rgy azonos\u00edt\u00f3j\u00e1t (Objekt-ID), amellyel a a kiv\u00e1lasztott museum-digital verzi\u00f3ban szerepel<br><br>",
"explanation_object_institution": "<b>\"Az int\u00e9zm\u00e9ny neve\" mez\u0151<\/b><br><br>K\u00f6telez\u0151<br><br>A t\u00e1rgyat \u0151rz\u0151 int\u00e9zm\u00e9ny neve<br><br>Korl\u00e1toz\u00e1s n\u00e9lk\u00fcl form\u00e1zhat\u00f3, maximum 200 karakter.",
"explanation_object_object_title": "<b>\"T\u00e1rgy elnevez\u00e9se\" mez\u0151<\/b><br><br>K\u00f6telez\u0151<br><br>Legyen r\u00f6vid<br><br>maximum 200 karakter",
"explanation_object_description": "<b>\"[Alternat\u00edv] T\u00e1rgyle\u00edr\u00e1s\" mez\u0151<\/b><br><br>Ha a M\u00fazeumDigit\u00e1rb\u00f3l csatol be egy t\u00e1rgyat, akkor annak a le\u00edr\u00e1sa fog megjelenni. Akkor t\u00f6ltse ki ezt a mez\u0151t, ha az adott t\u00e9ma kontextus\u00e1ban ink\u00e1bb egy m\u00e1sik le\u00edr\u00e1st szeretne adni a t\u00e1rgyhoz.<br><br>Ha a t\u00e1rgyat nem a M\u00fazeumDigit\u00e1rb\u00f3l csatolja be, akkor k\u00f6telez\u0151 a mez\u0151 kit\u00f6lt\u00e9se.<br><br>A sz\u00f6veg hossza nincs korl\u00e1tozva, a legide\u00e1lisabb 500 karakter k\u00f6r\u00fcl.",
"explanation_object_text_image": "<b>\"K\u00e9ple\u00edr\u00e1s\" mez\u0151<\/b><br><br>K\u00e9rj\u00fck, t\u00f6ltse ki. Ez a sz\u00f6veg akkor jelenik meg, mikor a kurzor a k\u00e9p f\u00f6l\u00e9 siklik, vagy ha valami probl\u00e9ma l\u00e9p fel a bet\u00f6lt\u00e9s k\u00f6zben.<br><br>Megadhatja itt tov\u00e1bb\u00e1 a k\u00e9p szerz\u0151i jogait, p\u00e9ld\u00e1ul:<br>© Sz\u00e9pm\u0171v\u00e9szeti M\u00fazeum<br><br>A sz\u00f6veg hossza nem limit\u00e1lt, a legide\u00e1lisabb, ha 1000 karakter k\u00f6r\u00fcl van.",
"explanation_object_image_click": "<b>\"Hiperhivatkoz\u00e1s a k\u00e9pre kattintva\" mez\u0151<\/b><br><br>Csak akkor t\u00f6ltse ki ezt a mez\u0151t, ha k\u00e9pet is felt\u00f6lt\u00f6tt a t\u00e9m\u00e1hoz, \u00e9s azt szeretn\u00e9, ha a k\u00e9pre val\u00f3 kattint\u00e1s egy internethelyre navig\u00e1ln\u00e1 a l\u00e1togat\u00f3t.<br><br>Teljes, a \"http(s):\/\/\" karaktersorral kezd\u0151d\u0151 URL-c\u00edmeket haszn\u00e1ljon.",
"version_of_md": "MD-verzi\u00f3",
"object_object_number": "Azonos\u00edt\u00f3 (Objekt-ID)",
"object_name_institution": "Int\u00e9zm\u00e9ny neve",
"object_title": "T\u00e1rgy elnevez\u00e9se",
"object_alternative_description": "Alternat\u00edv t\u00e1rgyle\u00edr\u00e1s",
"image": "K\u00e9p",
"image_text": "K\u00e9ple\u00edr\u00e1s",
"image_link": "Hiperhivatkoz\u00e1s a k\u00e9pre kattintva",
"linking_image_mandatory": "A ment\u00e9shez csatolnia kell egy k\u00e9pet (balra)",
"image_change": "A k\u00e9p cser\u00e9je",
"image_upload": "K\u00e9p felt\u00f6lt\u00e9se",
"md_version_mandatory": "Meg kell adnia, hogy a museum-digital melyik verzi\u00f3j\u00e1t haszn\u00e1lja!",
"object_number_mandatory": "Meg kell adnia egy azonos\u00edt\u00f3t (Objekt-ID)!",
"assigned_to": "Hozz\u00e1rendelve a k\u00f6vetkez\u0151h\u00f6z:",
"preview_in": "El\u0151n\u00e9zet:",
"source_titel": "A forr\u00e1s c\u00edme",
"source_list_not_listed": "* Itt forr\u00e1sokat adhat meg (= hivatkoz\u00e1sok olyan szakirodalomra, amely online m\u00e9g nem el\u00e9rhet\u0151), vagy becsatolhat m\u00e1r kor\u00e1bban felvett hivatkoz\u00e1sokat.<br \/>\r\nAmennyiben nem tal\u00e1lja a list\u00e1ban a keresett forr\u00e1st, kattintson ide:",
"mandatory_title_source": "Adjon meg egy c\u00edmet a forr\u00e1shoz!",
"linkdisplayname": "Megjelen\u00edtett n\u00e9v csatol\u00e1sa",
"link": "Link"
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
"exhibition_view": "Ki\u00e1ll\u00edt\u00e1s-n\u00e9zet",
"expand_all": "Az \u00f6sszes kibont\u00e1sa",
"reduce": "Mutass kevesebbet!",
"objektsfor": "Objekte f\u00fcr",
"objektsfor_description": "Objektansichten zu Objekten aus diesem und Unterthemen, die dem gegebenen Ort entsprechen."
"objektsfor": "T\u00e1rgyak",
"objektsfor_description": "T\u00e1rgyn\u00e9zetek az ebben a t\u00e9m\u00e1ban \u00e9s alt\u00e9m\u00e1iban szerepl\u0151 t\u00e1rgyakhoz, amelyek az adott helyhez kapcsolhat\u00f3k."
@ -7,6 +7,6 @@
"english": "English",
"for_example": "P\u00e9ld\u00e1ul ...",
"all_topics": "Az \u00f6sszes t\u00e9ma",
"about": "T\u00e9m\u00e1k, t\u00f6rt\u00e9netek, ki\u00e1ll\u00edt\u00e1sok a M\u00fazeumDigit\u00e1rral"
"about": "T\u00e9m\u00e1k, t\u00f6rt\u00e9netek, ki\u00e1ll\u00edt\u00e1sok a M\u00fazeumDigit\u00e1rban"
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