"if_museum_is_unknown":"If museum has not been added yet - please click here",
"add_collection":"Connect to a collection",
"if_collection_is_unknown":"If the collection has not been added yet - please click here",
"collection_without_museum":"Collections not related to a museum",
"collection_with_museum":"Collections related to a museum",
"add_event":"Connect to an event",
"add_tag":"Connect a keyword",
"tag_is":"The keyword is",
"no_timeplaceactor":"Please DO NOT enter time-, place- or personnames",
"common_term":"general term",
"add_common_term":"New: general term",
"closely_related":"Object is closely related to",
"only_timeplaceactor":"Please ONLY enter time-, place- or personnames",
"time_tag":"time tag",
"add_time_tag":"New: time tag",
"person_institution":"person - institution",
"add_person_institution":"New: person - institution",
"geobuild":"geography - buildings",
"add_geobuild":"New: geography - buildings",
"better_use_events":"Caution: The quality of information is much better if you define events instead of adding times, places or persons\/institutions as tags. If for example an object has been \"created\" \"1815\" in \"Cologne\", you should create an event (\"created\" -> \"1815\" -> \"Cologne\"). In this case, an additional linking to times, places, persons etc. will be unnecessary.",
"recently_used":"Recently used",
"add_literature":"Connect to literature",
"uploaded_document":"Uploaded document",
"internal_link":"Internal Link",
"external_link":"External Link",
"new_collection_hint":"To create a new collection use the menu above",