"delete_question":"You are about to delete an event",
"delete_no":"No, not really (back)",
"delete_yes":"Yes, that's what I want",
"check_not_enough":"There is not enough information to save an event",
"check_stop_input":"Stop event generation - return to object",
"check_time_heading":"Adding an event ... Checking time term",
"check_time_term":"Time term",
"check_time_already_related":"is already related to the object through a time relation! You should add relations to time terms only if the object is especially typical for this time.",
"check_time_already_event":"is already related to the object via an event! Do you really like to add another event with the same time term?",
"check_time_already_related_event":"is already related to the object via a time relation AND an event! Do you really like to add another event with the same time term?",
"check_time_new":"Introduce new time term and connect",
"check_time_connect":"Connect object with this time",
"check_time_ignore":"Ignore time term",
"found_similar":"Found similar terms",
"check_use_time":"Use new time term",
"check_already_special relation":"is already related to the object through a time relation or an event!",
"check_takeit":"... use it",
"check_takeit_nevermind":"Never mind, use it",
"check_actor_heading":"Adding an event ... Checking actor name",
"check_actor_term":"The actor name",
"check_actor_already_related":"is already related to the object through an actor-relation - in the form of",
"check_actor_additional_event_with":"Should an additional event for the object be created - with",
"check_actor_already_event":"is already related to the object through an event - in the form of",
"check_actor_already_related_event":"is already related to the object through an actor-relation AND an event - in the form of",
"check_actor_new":"Introduce new person or institution and connect",
"check_actor_notmeant":"Not the actor that was meant (introduce new actor and connect)",
"check_actor_introduce":"introduce as actor",
"check_actor_ignore":"Ignore actor name",
"check_use_actor":"Use new actor name",
"check_place_heading":"Adding an event ... Checking place name",
"check_place_term":"The place name",
"check_place_already_related":"is already related to the object through a geographical relation! You should add additional geographical relations only if the object is very closely related to the place.",
"check_place_already_event":"is already related to the object through an event! Should an additional event be created using",
"check_place_new":"Introduce new placename and connect",
"check_place_notmeant":"Not the place that was meant (introduce new placename and connect)",
"check_place_connect":"Connect the object with this place",
"check_place_ignore":"Ignore place name",
"check_use_place":"Use new place name",
"you_entered":"You entered",
"check_already_other_event":"is already related to the object through another event! Should an additional event for the object be created using",
"check_additional_event":"Yes, another event with the same term is related to the object (Save)",
"check_better_back":"Ok, better not ... (Go back)",
"classic_new_event":"New event relating to",
"classic_do_nothing":"Don't save, go back to object",
"classic_recently_used":"Recently used",
"classic_one_element_minimum":"At least one answer to the questions of <i>\"When\"-\"Who\"-\"Where\"<\/i> has to be provided",
"classic_eventtype_needed":"You have to select an event type",
"classic_annotation_intro":"Annotation to the event",
"classic_explica_recently":"<b>Table: \"Recently used ...\"<\/b><br><br>Instead of choosing a term by clicking at <b>When<\/b>, <b>Who<\/b> or <b>Where<\/b> (above) you may use a recently used term by clicking in this table",
"change_title":"Edit event related to",
"title_help":"Event types (... and how they should be used ...)",
"event_deleted":"The event has been removed.",
"event_edited":"The event has been updated.",
"event_switched_uncertain":"Relation has marked as uncertain.",
"event_switched_certain":"Relation has marked as certain.",
"aborted_short_input":"Aborted: Text is too short.",
"add_pers_first":"Please check first if the actor you want to add is known already.",
"add_pers_second":"To do so please type in the name slowly.",
"add_pers_third":"If the appearing window contains the name click on it.",
"add_pers_forth":"If not, simply complete typing the name and press Enter.",