"no_institution":"Cannot detect the institution for which the export is to be prepared",
"welcome":"Welcome to the export dialogue system for",
"intro_general":"Here you can export your data as an XML file. You decide a) which objects' data you are going to export and b) which specific information about each single object is to be exported. If you export all information about all objects (default), you will create data for backing up that can be processed also by other programs. Do not give this data to a third person! If you set \"Public data only\" to \"Yes\", you can determine what data is to be exported yourself",
"single_objectgroup":"Export a single object group",
"title_filter":"Filter-based XML-Export",
"intro_filter":"You are about to export all objects that match your filter rules. Here you can determine which information about the objects will be exported. You can also determine the format the XML file will be written in. If you click on \"Save\" without changing anything, all infomation about the objects will be exported using the md:xml format. If you select \"LIDO\" as your format of choice, only information that has already been made public will be available - you can set further limitations to this selection. Basic rule:<br>• You select md:xml as the format of choice, click on \"Save\" and receive a file containing all information about the objects from the server. Or:<br>• You select \"LIDO\", click on \"Save\" and receive a file containing the usual information used for publication from the server.",
"intro_watchlist":"You are about to export all objects on the current watchlist. Here, you can determine which information about the objects will be exported. You can also determine the format the xml file will be written in. If you click on \"Save\" without chaning anything all infomation about the objects will be exported using the md:xml format. If you select \"LIDO\" as your format of choice, only information that has already been made public will be available - you can set further limitations to this selection. Basic rule:<br>• You select md:xml as the format of choice, click on \"Save\" and receive a file containing all information about the objects from the server. Or:<br>• You select \"LIDO\", click on \"Save\" and receive a file containing the usual information used for publication from the server.",
"intro_singleobject":"You are about to export a single object. Here, you can determine which information about the object will be exported. You can also determine the format the xml file will be written in. If you click on \"Save\" without chaning anything, all infomation about the objects will be exported using the md:xml format. If you select \"LIDO\" as your format of choice, only information that has already been made public will be available - you can set further limitations to this selection. Basic rule:<br>• You select md:xml as the format of choice, click on \"Save\" and receive a file containing all information about the objects from the server. Or:<br>• You select \"LIDO\", click on \"Save\" and receive a file containing the usual information used for publication from the server.",
"objectinfo_which":"Which object information to export",
"backup_intro":"The backup you are creating contains <b>all<\/b> informationen from <b>all<\/b> objects of your institution. Especially if you use museum-digital for inventory, keep in mind: <\/p><p style=\"text-align:center\"><br><b style=\"color:993333;\">Don't give this backup to anyone!<\/b><\/p><br>As soon as you click the button below the server will create a ZIP-file. This file contains many small files - one per object. Immediately after creation the server sends you this file automatically. Please store this file in a safe place. Backups should be made at fixed intervals (e.g. every second week). If there is a lot of data the creation of the backup might take some time. Please sit back and wait a moment ...",