2018-04-08 00:49:00 +02:00
"quality" : {
"no_objecttype" : "No object type provided" ,
"many_words_object_type" : "Words in field \"object type\" - is this really what is meant? (Best: one word)" ,
"one_common_word_objecttitle" : "Object title consist only of a commonly used term" ,
"objects_same_title" : "Objects with same title" ,
"one_word_object_title" : "Object title consist of only one word. This might be too unspecific" ,
"object_title_often_used" : "Object title used for multiple objects" ,
"object_title_too_long" : "Object title consists of more than 10 words. There is a field for object description ..." ,
"object_description_double" : "<b>Duplicate:<\/b> Exactly the same object description is used for other objects too." ,
"object_description_characters" : "characters used for object description" ,
"too_short" : "Far too short" ,
"quite_short" : "That is quite short" ,
"good" : "Good" ,
"excellent" : "Excellent" ,
"quite_long" : "That is quite long" ,
"too_long" : "Too long" ,
"no_mattech" : "Field \"Material\/Technique\" is left empty. Much better, if some hint is placed here" ,
"no_dimensions" : "Field \"Dimensions\" is left empty. Much better, some a hint is placed here" ,
"no_collection" : "The object was not asigned to a collection" ,
"no_event" : "No event asigned to the object" ,
"multiple_event" : "More than one event asigned to the object" ,
"place_event_tag" : "Duplicate? Same place in event and as general asignment. Is this correct?" ,
"opz_event_tag" : "Duplicate: Same place, actor, or time related to the object as part of an event and as a general asignment" ,
"no_tag" : "No tag (or general asignment) provided. (Best: 3-9)" ,
"one_tag" : "Only one tag (or general asignment) provided. (Best: 3-9)" ,
"two_tags" : "Two tags (or general asignments) provided. (Best: 3-9)" ,
"tree_nine__tags" : "tags (or general asignments) provided. (Best: 3-9)" ,
"too_many__tags" : "10 or more tags (or general asignments) provided. (Best: 3-9)" ,
"literature_asigned" : "References to literature assigned to the object" ,
"online_resources_asigned" : "Online resources assigned to the object" ,
"documents_asigned" : "Documents assined to the object" ,
"object_relations_asigned" : "Relations between this and other objects were added" ,
"objectgroup_asigned" : "Assignment to an object group was added" ,
"many_images" : "More than one image was assigned to the object" ,
"image_id" : "Image ID" ,
"image_too_small" : "Image is too small (Longer side has less than 600 pixel)" ,
"image_quite_small" : "Image is quite small (Longer side has less than 800 pixel)" ,
"no_rightsholder_no_rightsstatus" : "Neither rights holder nor license status given" ,
"no_rightsholder" : "No rights holder given" ,
"no_rightsstatus" : "No license status given" ,
"resources_asigned" : "Resources (visible) were asigned to the object" ,
"general_remarks" : "General remarks" ,
"might_be_improved" : "Might be improved" ,
"thats_good" : "Good" ,
"before" : "before" ,
"before_birth" : "before birth of" ,
"before_birth_possibly" : "possibly before birth of" ,
"after" : "after" ,
"after_death" : "after death of" ,
"after_death_possibly" : "possibly after death of" ,
"plausi" : "Plausibility check" ,
"before_possibly" : "possibly before" ,
"after_possibly" : "possibly after" ,
"print_not_paint" : "Something printed cannot be painted or drawn!" ,
2018-10-09 12:54:44 +02:00
"better_use" : "Better use" ,
"quality_index" : "Quality index" ,
2019-10-11 18:43:00 +02:00
"no_image" : "No image has been uploaded for the object yet." ,
"translations_exist" : "One or more translation exist for the object" ,
2019-11-29 11:03:21 +01:00
"exhibition_assigned" : "The object has been assigned to an object group" ,
2020-08-13 15:51:45 +02:00
"transcripts_exist" : "One or more transcripts exist for the object" ,
"markings_exist" : "Markings have been recorded" ,
"is_reference_entry_exists" : "The object has been noted to have been created in reference to another entity" ,
2020-08-13 21:08:20 +02:00
"reception_publications_recorded" : "Reception information or publication of the object has been recorded" ,
"has_public_inscription" : "Inscription has been recorded and is public" ,
"has_public_comparable_objs" : "Comparable objects have been recorded and are set to public" ,
2020-10-26 15:01:07 +01:00
"has_public_detailed_description" : "Detailed description has been recorded and is public" ,
2020-11-01 18:29:48 +01:00
"image_has_good_size" : "Image has a good size" ,
"open_access_licence_used" : "An open access licence is used" ,
2022-01-25 01:56:17 +00:00
"restrictive_licence_used" : "A restrictive licence is used" ,
2023-09-11 21:22:55 +00:00
"one_image" : "One image was uploaded for the object" ,
"legal_check_reason_creator_dead_for_years" : "The last recorded creator of the object has been dead for [placeholder_copyright_expiry] or more years." ,
"legal_check_reason_creator_recently_or_not_dead" : "The last recorded creator of the object is still alive or has died in the last [placeholder_copyright_expiry] years." ,
"legal_check_msg_type_expect_public_domain" : "The object and its (documenting) images \/ representations are likely in the public domain (license status: Public Domain Mark)." ,
"legal_check_msg_type_expect_restricted_legal_status" : "The object and images \/ representations of it are likely under restricted access." ,
"current_license" : "Current license status" ,
"creator_represented_by_copyright_collective" : "The creator or somebody of the same name is represented by a copyright collective"
2018-04-08 00:49:00 +02:00