
171 lines
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Raw Normal View History

2018-04-08 00:49:00 +02:00
"museum": {
"delete": "Usu\u0144 muzeum",
"col_short": "Kolekcja",
"obj_short": "Obiekt",
"export": "Eksport",
"museum_name": "Nazwa muzeum",
"musnam_explica": "Prosz\u0119 okre\u015bli\u0107 j\u0119zyk tego wpisu, z u\u017cyciem dwuliterowego kodu ISO 639-1, np. en, de, pl, hu, itp.<br><br>Pole to nale\u017cy zawsze wype\u0142ni\u0107!",
"museum_description": "Opis",
"musbesch_explica": "Opis muzeum jako instytucji kolekcjonuj\u0105cej i przechowuj\u0105cej zbiory oraz bawaczej. Opis powinien mie\u0107 d\u0142ugo\u015b\u0107 ok. 1000 znak\u00f3w (jeden lub dwa akapity).<br><br>Mo\u017cna zamie\u015bci\u0107 r\u00f3wnie\u017c bardziej szczeg\u00f3\u0142owy opis. W tym przypadku prosimy przes\u0142a\u0107 go do administratora strony.<br><br>Pole to nale\u017cy zawsze wype\u0142ni\u0107.",
"street_house": "Ulica i numer adresowy",
"musstra_explica": "Ulica i numer adresowy<br><br>Przyk\u0142ady:<br>\u201eRynek Staromiejski 1\u201d<br>\u201eul. S\u0142owackiego 1A\u201d<br>\u201eal. W Korfantego 3\u201d<br><br>Pole to nale\u017cy zawsze wype\u0142ni\u0107.",
"zip_place": "Kod pocztowy i miasto",
"musplz_explica": "Kod pocztowy i miasto<br><br>Przyk\u0142ady:<br>\u201e87-100 Toru\u0144\u201d<br>\u201e40-205 Katowice\u201d<br><br>Pole to nale\u017cy zawsze wype\u0142ni\u0107.",
"telefone": "Numer telefonu",
"musfon_explica": "Nie ma \u015bcis\u0142ych regu\u0142 dotycz\u0105cych formatowania numeru telefonu, ale nale\u017cy wprowadzi\u0107 bezpo\u015brednio numer, bez skr\u00f3t\u00f3w typu \u201etel.\u201d<br><br>Przyk\u0142ady:<br>(0366) 121214<br>0366-121214<br><br>Pole to mo\u017ce pozosta\u0107 puste.",
"telefax": "Numer telefaxu",
"musfax_explica": "Nie ma \u015bcis\u0142ych regu\u0142 dotycz\u0105cych formatowania numeru telefaxu, ale nale\u017cy wprowadzi\u0107 bezpo\u015brednio numer, bez skr\u00f3t\u00f3w typu \u201etel.\u201d<br><br>Przyk\u0142ady:<br>(0366) 121214<br>0366-121214<br><br>Pole to mo\u017ce pozosta\u0107 puste.",
"mail": "Adres poczty elektronicznej",
"musmail_explica": "Prosz\u0119 wprowadzi\u0107 w tym miejscu adres poczty elektronicznej.<br><br>Je\u015bli adres mailowy zostanie wprowadzony, u\u017cytkownicy zyskaj\u0105 opcj\u0119 zapytania o informacj\u0119 lub przes\u0142ania uwag pod opisem obiektu. Je\u015bli nie chcemy umo\u017cliwia\u0107 tej opcji, pole to nale\u017cy pozostawi\u0107 puste.<br><br>Pole to mo\u017ce pozosta\u0107 puste.",
"isil": "Numer muzeum w bazie ISIL",
"musisil_explica": "Wprowad\u017a numer muzeum w bazie ISIL. Numery te s\u0105 szczeg\u00f3lnie wa\u017cne w przypadku elektronicznej wymiany danych.<br><br>Numer ISIL Twojego muzeum mo\u017cna znale\u017a\u0107 pod adresem<br><br>Pole to mo\u017ce pozosta\u0107 puste.",
"url": "Adres URL strony muzeum.",
"musurl_explica": "Adres URL witryny muzeum. Je\u015bli muzeum nie posiada witryny, nale\u017cy pole to pozostawi\u0107 puste.<br><br>Nale\u017cy u\u017cy\u0107 bezwzgl\u0119dnego adresu URL, z \u201ehttp:\/\/\u201d (lub \u201ehttps:\/\/\u201d) na pocz\u0105tku.<br><br>Pole to mo\u017ce pozosta\u0107 puste.",
"association": "Adres URL muzeum na portalu stowarzyszenia",
"musverb_explica": "Adres URL strony na portalu stowarzyszenia, do kt\u00f3rego nale\u017cy muzeum. Je\u015bli taka strona nie istnieje, pole to nale\u017cy pozostawi\u0107 puste.<br><br>Nale\u017cy u\u017cy\u0107 bezwzgl\u0119dnego adresu URL, z \u201ehttp:\/\/\u201d (lub \u201ehttps:\/\/\u201d) na pocz\u0105tku.<br><br>Pole to mo\u017ce pozosta\u0107 puste.",
"target_image": "Adres URL po klikni\u0119ciu w grafik\u0119",
"musbild_explica": "W tym miejscu mo\u017cna wprowadzi\u0107 adres URL, pod kt\u00f3ry u\u017cytkownik zostanie przeniesiony po klikni\u0119ciu w grafik\u0119 (logo, zdj\u0119cie) symbolizuj\u0105c\u0105 instytucj\u0119. Mo\u017ce to by\u0107 np. witryna internetowa muzeum lub opis jakiego\u015b obiektu w Muzeum Cyfrowym.<br><br>Prosz\u0119 poda\u0107 bezwzgl\u0119dny adres URL, z \u201ehttp:\/\/\u201d lub \u201ehttps:\/\/\u201d na pocz\u0105tku.<br><br>Pole to mo\u017ce pozosta\u0107 puste.",
"datasheet": "Adres URL broszury informacyjnej",
"musdaba_explica": "Prosz\u0119 nie wype\u0142nia\u0107 tego pola!<br><br>Oprogramowanie umie\u015bci tu dokument ze szczeg\u00f3\u0142owym opisem muzeum, zwykle w formacie PDF.",
"no_name": "Prosz\u0119 poda\u0107 nazwe muzeum!<br>[Ka\u017cde muzeum ma jak\u0105\u015b nazw\u0119. W miar\u0119 mo\u017cliwo\u015bci nale\u017cy u\u017cy\u0107 \u0142atwo rozpoznawalnej formy nazwy.]",
"no_description": "Prosz\u0119 wprowadzi\u0107 opis muzeum!<br>[Opisy s\u0105 najwa\u017cniejsz\u0105 cz\u0119\u015bci\u0105 tego portalu. Muzeum powinno zosta\u0107 przedstawione jako miejsce przechowywania, kolekcjonowania i badania zbior\u00f3w. Zaleca si\u0119 u\u017cycie ok. 1000 znak\u00f3w.]",
"no_zipcode": "Prosz\u0119 wprowadzi\u0107 kod pocztowy i nazw\u0119 miasta!<br>[Kod pocztowy nale\u017cy wprowadzi\u0107 bez spacji, natomiast spacja powinna oddziela\u0107 kod pocztowy od nazwy miasta.]",
"no_streetname": "Prosz\u0119 tu wprowadzi\u0107 nazw\u0119 ulicy\/placu i numer adresowy!<br>[S\u0105 to podstawowe dane kontaktowe pozwalaj\u0105ce znale\u017a\u0107 muzeum.]",
"museum_image": "Grafika reprezentuj\u0105ca muzeum w portalu",
"museum_image_change": "Zmie\u0144 grafik\u0119",
"museum_no_image_uploaded": "Nie za\u0142adowano obrazu!",
"upload_image": "Prze\u015blij obraz",
"settings_services": "Ustawienia i us\u0142ugi dotycz\u0105ce muzeum.",
"add_collection": "Dodaj kolekcj\u0119",
"collections_added": "Kolekcje",
"objectgroups_added": "Grupy obiekt\u00f3w",
"objects_added": "Obiekty",
"collections_overview": "Przegl\u0105d kolekcji",
"objectgroups_overview": "Przegl\u0105d grup obiekt\u00f3w",
"objects_overview": "Przegl\u0105d obiekt\u00f3w",
"delete_question": "Czy na pewno chcesz usun\u0105\u0107 profil muzeum?",
"delete_no": "Nie (powr\u00f3t do poprzedniej strony)",
"delete_yes": "Tak",
"target_image_rights": "Prawa autorskie do grafiki reprezentuj\u0105cej muzeum w portalu",
"musbild_rights_explica": "Informacja na temat praw autorskich grafiki u\u017cytej do zilustrowania strony muzeum w portalu.",
"location_ns": "Map, latitude",
"location_ns_explica": "Coordinates of the museum (latitute)",
"location_ow": "Map, longitude",
"location_ow_explica": "Coordinates of the museum (longitude)",
"location_zoom": "Map, zoom",
"location_zoom_explica": "Zoom-faktor for display on map",
"museum_has_been_added": "The museum has been added",
"museum_has_been_edited": "Edits to the museum have been stored.",
"museum_has_been_deleted": "The museum has been deleted.",
"museum_add_record": "Add alternative language data for the museum",
"museumrecord_deleted": "Removed alternative language record.",
"museumrecord_visibility_off": "The alternative language record has been made non-public.",
"museumrecord_visibility_on": "The alternative language record has been made public.",
"collections": "Collections",
2018-10-09 12:54:44 +02:00
"public": "Public",
2018-09-11 10:13:51 +02:00
"add_edit_tour": "Add \/ edit tour of the museum",
"tour_tool_headline": "Tour creation tool",
"tour_tool_explica": "Using this tool, you can create tours through your museum. Each different picture is linked to a \"scene\", on which hotspots (small notifiers \/ info markers) can be displayed. To position a hotspot, move the center of the picture (where you see that \"+\") to the spot to mark. Click into the input fields for pitch and yaw to enter the current position for a given hotspot.",
"scene_data": "Scene data",
"sceneHaov": "haov",
"sceneVoav": "vaov",
"edit_hotspots": "Edit hotspots",
"hotspot": "Hotspot",
"pitch": "Pitch",
"yaw": "yaw",
"hotspotText": "Text",
"hotspotType": "Type",
"hotspotURL": "URL",
"hotspotSceneID": "Scene ID",
"remove_hotspot": "Remove hotspot",
"options": "Options",
"add_hotspot": "Add a new hotspot",
"remove_scene_image": "Remove image",
"add_scene": "Add scene",
"remove_scene": "Remove scene",
"remove_tour": "Remove tour",
"add_tour": "Add tour of the museum",
"edit_tour": "Edit tour of the museum",
"sceneTitle": "Scene Title",
"sceneVaov": "vaov",
"sceneChange": "Scene Change",
"return_to_museum": "Return to museum page",
2018-10-09 12:54:44 +02:00
"return_to_exhibition": "Return to exhibition page",
"accessibility": "Accessibility",
"accessibility_explica": "Can the museum be categorized as accessible to disabled people or not?",
"accessibility_text": "Notes on accessibility",
"accessibility_text_explica": "Here you can describe the accessibility situation of the institution in detail.",
"founding_date": "Founding date",
"founding_date_explica": "Year the museum was founded.",
"photos_allowed": "Photos allowed?",
"photos_allowed_explica": "Is it allowed to take photos in the museum?",
"cloakroom_available": "Is a cloakroom available in the museum?",
"lockers_available": "Lockers available?",
"lockers_available_explica": "Are lockers available in the museum?",
"shop_available": "Shop available?",
"shop_available_explica": "Does the museum have a museum store?",
"cafe_available": "Caf\u00e9 available?",
"cafe_available_explica": "Does the museum have a museum caf\u00e9?",
"babycare_room_available": "Baby care room available",
"babycare_room_available_explica": "Is a baby care room available at the museum?",
"cloakroom_available_explica": "Is a cloakroom available in the museum?",
"general_note_opening_hours": "General note on opening hours",
"start_hour": "Start (HH:MM)",
"end_hour": "End (HH:MM)",
"opening_hours_note": "Note for this time time block",
"dow": "Day of week",
"regular_opening_hours": "Regular opening hours",
"new_entry": "New entry",
"entries": "Entries",
"ticket_types": "Ticket types",
"new_ticket_type_name": "New ticket type: name",
"price": "Price",
"currency": "Currency",
"ticket_type_name": "Ticket type: name",
"view_visitor_statistics": "View visitor statistics",
"dow_0": "Monday",
"dow_1": "Tuesday",
"dow_2": "Wednesday",
"dow_3": "Thursday",
"dow_4": "Friday",
"dow_5": "Saturday",
"dow_6": "Sunday",
"base_data": "Base data about the museum",
"check_map": "Check for availability of map",
"public_page": "Public page",
"minimum_3_characters": "3 characters minimum",
"all_museums": "All museums",
"must_be_float": "Muss ein numerischer Wert sein, ggfs. mit Komma. Z.B. 5,2; 1.20, etc",
"opening_hours_have_been_edited": "Edit to the opening hours has been saved",
"ticket_prices_have_been_edited": "Your edit to the ticket prices has been saved",
"zip_code": "Zip code",
2018-11-09 12:39:36 +01:00
"place": "Place",
"must_upload_image_for_scene": "You must upload an image for this scene. There is none yet.",
"room_information_updated": "Room information has been updated",
"rooms": "Rooms",
"new_room_name": "New Room: Name",
"temperature_ideal": "Temperature (ideal)",
"temperature_current": "Temperature (current)",
"humidity_ideal": "Humidity (ideal)",
"humidity_current": "Humidity (current)",
"room_name": "Room name",
"room_has_been_added": "A new room has been added",
"room_has_been_deleted": "The room has been deleted",
"room_objects": "Objects from this room",
2020-10-26 00:27:21 +01:00
"icon": "Icon",
2020-10-26 01:17:03 +01:00
"faq": "FAQ",
2020-10-26 10:01:02 +01:00
"add_new_faq_entry": "Add a new FAQ entry",
2020-10-26 13:20:32 +01:00
"faq_entry_has_been_added": "A new FAQ entry has been added",
"faq_entry_has_been_deleted": "The FAQ entry has been deleted",
2023-04-10 02:29:37 +02:00
"faq_information_updated": "The FAQ entry has been updated",
2024-05-23 00:26:29 +02:00
"institution_external_id": "ID with external institutions",
"survey_basic_institution_type": "Please select the type of your institution",
"survey_estimated_of_objects": "How many objects comprise the museum's collections (estimation)",
"survey_collection_focus_areas": "Please select the main topical foci of your collection",
"survey_exhibition_space": "How large is your exhibition space (sqm)?",
"survey_md_use_case": "What does your institution use museum-digital for?",
"survey_intro": "Every now and than questions about who is actually using museum-digital arise. Thus far we ourselves can only guess or provide case studies but there is no quantifiable data available. To remidy this situation please help us by giving some basic information about your institution.",
"survey_public_private_type": "Is your institution a privately-run or a public institution?"
2018-04-08 00:49:00 +02:00