$translations['pagesOverview']='Overview of Pages';
$translations['newPage']='Adding a Page';
$translations['general']='General Settings';
$translations['aboutThisSite']='About this page';
$translations['numberOfPages']='Number of pages (overall)';
$translations['numberOfPublicPages']='Number of pages (public)';
$translations['phpVersion']='PHP Version';
$translations['aboutMDCMS']='About md:cms';
$translations['aboutMDCMS_content']='<p>md:cms is a content management system for museum-related websites. It offers many functions for embedding contents from museum-digital. The only requirements are a web server running PHP7 and SSL encryption for the domain.</p>';
$translations['integrationWithMD']='Integration with Museum-Digital';
$translations['languageUnavailable']='This language is not available.';
$translations['helpStaticPagePublic']='<p>Using this switch, you can publish the document.</p>';
$translations['staticPageHigher']='Higher page in hierarchy';
$translations['helpStaticPageHigher']='<p>The next higher page in the hierarchy of pages.</p>';
$translations['helpPagesOverview']='<p>This page provides an overview of all static pages available here.</p>';
$translations['helpSettings']='<p>This is the settings page for general settings.</p>';
$translations['helpURL']='<p>URL of the page. Filling out this field helps with optimization for search engines.</p>';
$translations['startPage']='Start page';
$translations['helpStartPage']='<p>The start page of the public site.</p>';
$translations['mdImgFolder']='Image folder (md)';
$translations['helpMDimgFolder']='<p>The folder in which image files are stored in the given instance of museum-digital.</p>';
$translations['helpLogo']='<p>The logo of the site. Is mainly used for the little icon you see in the browser, right next to the title of the tab.</p>';
$translations['mdVersion']='Version of Museum-Digital';
$translations['helpMDVersion']='<p>Much of the data in md:cms is pulled from museum-digital.</p>';
$translations['helpHideInstitution']='<p>If this page is used for only a single museum, you can opt to not display the institution on tiles for exhibitions, collections, etc. by moving the slider to the right.</p>';
$translations['limitToInstitutions']='Limit to institutions';
$translations['embedFromMD']='Embed from museum-digital';
$translations['helpEmbedFromMD']='<p>In this area, you can generate placeholder, with which you can embed contents from museum-digital. To do so, you first need to select an embedding type, then you can enter additional parameters determining what you want to embed. If you want to - for example - embed the object with ID 1005 as a tile, select the object tile embedding type. Then enter oges=1005 into the field appearing below (these parameters can be seen in the URL when surfing museum-digital). Once you\'re done with that, you can generate the placeholder by clicking on "Generate". Finally, the placeholder appears, ready to be copy-pasted and used in the text.</p>';
$translations['helpfooter']='<p>On this page, you can edit the footer. To not display a footer, simply empty this page.</p>';
$translations['helpbanner']='<p>On this page, you can edit the banner.</p>';
$translations['helpaside']='<p>On this page, you can edit the sidebar. To not display a sidebar at all, simply empty this page.</p>';
$translations['welcomeMsg']='Welcome Message';
$translations['helpwelcomeMsg']='<p>On this page, you can edit the welcome message appearing on the start page of the input interface (what people see, when they log in).</p>';
$translations['specifyToEdit']='Please specify what you want to edit.';
$translations['specifyToDelete']='Please specify what you want to delete.';
$translations['usersOverview']='Overview of All Users';
$translations['listUsers']='List users';
$translations['addUser']='Add user';
$translations['userAdded']='Successfully added new user: ';
$translations['helpUsername']='<p>Username of the user. The user logs in with his or her username.</p><p><b>Required.</b></p>';
$translations['email']='Email Address';
$translations['helpEmail']='<p>Email address of the user. This needs to be saved, to be able to contact the user later on.</p><p><b>Required.</b></p>';