Added german translation.
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
$translations['submit'] = 'Abschicken';
$translations['options'] = 'Optionen';
$translations['start'] = 'Start';
$translations['fileUpload'] = 'Dateiupload';
$translations['users'] = 'Benutzer';
$translations['pages'] = 'Seiten';
$translations['pagesOverview'] = 'Seitenübersicht';
$translations['newPage'] = 'Eine neue Seite hinzufügen';
$translations['edit'] = 'Bearbeiten';
$translations['settings'] = 'Einstellungen';
$translations['administration'] = 'Administration';
$translations['tools'] = 'Tools';
$translations['preview'] = 'Vorschau';
$translations['banner'] = 'Banner';
$translations['delete'] = 'Löschen';
$translations['general'] = 'Generelle Einstellungen';
$translations['security'] = 'Sicherheit';
$translations['aboutThisSite'] = 'Über diese Seite';
$translations['numberOfPages'] = 'Anzahl aller Seiten';
$translations['numberOfPublicPages'] = 'Anzahl aller öffentlichen Seiten';
$translations['phpVersion'] = 'PHP-Version';
$translations['aboutMDCMS'] = 'Über md:cms';
$translations['aboutMDCMS_content'] = '<p>md:cms ist ein Content Management System für museumsbezogene Websites. Es bietet verschiedene Funkionen zum Einbetten von Inhalten aus einer gegebenen Instanz von museum-digital. Zur Benutzung von md:cms sind ein Webserver mit PHP7 und ein SSL-Zertifikat für ihre Domain die einzigen Vorraussetzungen.</p>';
$translations['integrationWithMD'] = 'Integration mit museum-digital';
$translations['languageUnavailable'] = 'Diese Sprache ist nicht verfügbar';
$translations['settingsUpdated'] = 'Einstellungen wurden gespeichert';
$translations['storedEditsToPage'] = 'Bearbeitungen an dieser Seite wurden gespeichert';
$translations['storedEditsToPageElement'] = 'Bearbeitungen an diesem Element wurden gespeichert';
$translations['deletedPage'] = 'Seite wurde gelöscht';
$translations['staticPageTitle'] = 'Seitentitel';
$translations['staticPageContent'] = 'Seiteninhalt';
$translations['staticPagePublic'] = 'Entwurf / Öffentlich';
$translations['helpStaticPagePublic'] = '<p>Mithilfe dieses Schalters können Sie das Dokument veröffentlichen.</p>';
$translations['staticPageHigher'] = 'Höhere Seite in Hierarchie';
$translations['helpStaticPageHigher'] = '<p>Die nächst-höhere Seite in der Seitenhierarchie.</p>';
$translations['helpPagesOverview'] = '<p>Diese Seite bietet eine Übersicht aller statischen Seiten.</p>';
$translations['helpSettings'] = '<p>Auf dieser Seite können Sie die generellen Einstellungen der Seite bearbeiten.</p>';
$translations['helpURL'] = '<p>URL der Seite.</p>';
$translations['startPage'] = 'Startseite';
$translations['helpStartPage'] = '<p>Die Startseite des öffentlichen Bereichs.</p>';
$translations['mdImgFolder'] = 'Medienortner (md)';
$translations['helpMDimgFolder'] = '<p>Der Ordner, in dem bei der verlinkten Instanz von museum-digital Mediendateien gespeichert werden.</p>';
$translations['logo'] = 'Logo';
$translations['helpLogo'] = '<p>Das Logo dieser Seite. Der Inhalt dieses Feldes wird hauptsächlich für das kleine Icon, das Sie oben neben dem Titel in ihrem Browser sehen, verwendet.</p>';
$translations['mdVersion'] = 'Version / Instanz von museum-digital';
$translations['helpMDVersion'] = '<p>Viele Inhalte können durch eine Verknüpfung mit museum-digital eingebunden werden. Dafür muss jedoch spezifiziert werden, welche Instanz von museum-digital verknüpft sein soll. Tragen Sie etwa <code></code> ein.</p>';
$translations['settingsPageTitle'] = 'Titel der Webseite';
$translations['helpSettingsPageTitle'] = '<p>Der Titel, der in ihrem Browser gezeigt wird. Könnte etwa der Name des Museums sein.</p>';
$translations['admin'] = 'Admin';
$translations['helpAdmin'] = '<p>Ist der Benutzer ein Administrator?</p>';
$translations['language'] = 'Sprache';
$translations['helpLanguage'] = '<p>Die hier genutzte Sprache.</p>';
$translations['sendHTTPHeaders'] = 'Zusätzliche HTTP-Header senden';
$translations['helpSendHTTPHeaders'] = '<p>md:cms kann zusätzliche HTTP-Header senden, um die Sicherheit ihrer Benutzer zu erhöhen.</p>
<p>Auch Ihr Server-Administrator kann diese Header auf Server-Ebene senden. Diese Option ist wesentlich besser, als dass md:cms diese Aufgabe übernimmt, wird aber nach wie vor häufig nicht umgesetzt. Sollte der Serveradministrator schon dafür gesorgt haben, dass die Header gesendet werden, deaktivieren Sie bitte diese Option. Für weitere Informationen ist das <a href=\'\'>Mozilla Observatory</a> eine hilfreiche Resource.</p>
The default headers sent are the following:
X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block
Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000; preload
Referrer-Policy: strict-origin
$translations['CSPimageSources'] = 'Bildquellen (Whitelist)';
$translations['helpCSPimageSources'] = ' <p>Um die Sicherheit Ihrer Benutzer zu erhöhen, weißt md:cms den Browser der Benutzer an, Bilder nur von bekannten Quellen zu laden. Standardmäßig sind diese nur die derzeit genutzte Domain und die verknüpfte Version von museum-digital.</p>
<p>Möchten Sie etwa Bilder von einbinden, so können Sie diese entweder herunterladen und hier wieder heraufladen, oder sie whitelisten flickr. Um Domains zu whitelisten, tragen Sie sie bitte - durch ein Komma getrennt - in das Eingabefeld ein. Z.B.:<br />
$translations['CSPobjectSources'] = 'Objektquellen (Whitelist)';
$translations['helpCSPobjectSources'] = ' <p>Um die Sicherheit Ihrer Benutzer zu erhöhen, weißt md:cms den Browser der Benutzer an, Objekte und Frame-Inhalte nur von bekannten Quellen zu laden. Standardmäßig sind diese nur die derzeit genutzte Domain und die verknüpfte Version von museum-digital.</p>
<p>Möchten Sie etwa Videos von einbinden, so können Sie youtube hier whitelisten. Um Domains zu whitelisten, tragen Sie sie bitte - durch ein Komma getrennt - in das Eingabefeld ein. Z.B.:<br />
$translations['maxFileSize'] = 'Maximale Upload-Größe';
$translations['helpMaxFileSize'] = '<p>Die maximale Dateigröße von Uploads.</p>';
$translations['cacheRefreshInterval'] = 'Interval der Zwischenspeicherung';
$translations['helpCacheRefreshInterval'] = '<p>Mit dieser Einstellung bestimmen Sie, wie häufig Inhalte von museum-digital neu geladen werden. Die Frequenz wird in Sekunden bemessen.
<li>Bei einem Wert von <code>0</code> ist der Zwischenspeicher abgeschaltet</li>
<li>Mit einem niedriegen Wert erhalten sie ggfs. aktuellere Daten, aber die Seite lädt langsamer.</li>
<li>Mit einem hohen Wert können ihre Inhalte leicht veraltet sein, aber die Seite lädt wesentlich schneller.</li>
$translations['settingsUsedCSS'] = 'Theme';
$translations['helpSettingsUsedCSS'] = '<p>Hier können Sie das zu benutzende Theme auswählen. Neue Themes können per FTP installiert werden.</p>';
$translations['hideInstitution'] = 'Institution verstecken';
$translations['helpHideInstitution'] = '<p>Wird diese Seite nur von einem einzelnen Museum genutzt, ist die Anzeige zu welchem Museum ein Objekt, eine Sammlung, etc. gehört obsolet. Mit diesem Schalter können Sie den entsprechenden Text verstecken.</p>';
$translations['limitToInstitutions'] = 'Beschränkung auf Institution(en)';
$translations['helpLimitToInstitutions'] = '<p>md:cms bietet die Möglichkeit, die angezeigten und von museum-digital eingebundenen Objekte, Sammlungen, etc. auf solche zu beschränken, die zu ausgewählten Institutionen gehören. Wird diese Seite etwa von einem Museum genutzt, so sollten die Inhalte anderer Museen möglicherweise nicht hier erscheinen. Um diese Beschränkung zu aktivieren, tragen Sie einfach die Museums-IDs der erlaubten Institutionen bei museum-digital in das nebenstehende Feld ein - getrennt durch ein Komma, falls es mehrere sind.</p>';
$translations['IDatMD'] = 'ID bei museum-digital';
$translations['embedFromMD'] = 'Einbetten aus museum-digital';
$translations['helpEmbedFromMD'] = '<p>In diesem Feld können Sie sich einen Platzhalter generieren, mit dem Sie Inhalte aus museum-digital einbinden können. Dafür müssen Sie zuerst den Typ der Einbettung auswählen, dann die zusätzlichen URL-Parameter eingeben (bei Objekten wäre das etwa: Kachel-Modus auswählen, dann unten "oges=1005" eingeben). Danach können Sie den Platzhalter mit einem klick auf "Generieren" generieren. Anschließend können Sie ihn durch copy-paste im Text verwenden.</p>';
$translations['footer'] = 'Fußzeile';
$translations['helpfooter'] = '<p>Auf dieser Seite können Sie die Fußzeile bearbeiten. Um keine Fußzeile anzuzeigen, stellen Sie bitte sicher, dass das Eingabefeld <i>keinen</i> Inhalt hat.</p>';
$translations['helpbanner'] = '<p>Auf dieser Seite können Sie das Banner bearbeiten. Um kein Banner anzuzeigen, stellen Sie bitte sicher, dass das Eingabefeld <i>keinen</i> Inhalt hat.</p>';
$translations['aside'] = 'Seitenspalte';
$translations['helpaside'] = '<p>Auf dieser Seite können Sie die Seitenspalte bearbeiten. Um keine Seitenspalte anzuzeigen, stellen Sie bitte sicher, dass das Eingabefeld <i>keinen</i> Inhalt hat.</p>';
$translations['welcomeMsg'] = 'Willkommensnachricht';
$translations['helpwelcomeMsg'] = '<p>Auf dieser Seite können Sie die Willkommensnachricht bearbeiten, die nach dem Einloggen auf der Startseite des Eingabebereichs erscheint.</p>';
$translations['urlAbbr'] = '<abbr title="Uniform Resource Locator">URL</abbr>';
$translations['url'] = 'URL';
$translations['specifyToEdit'] = 'Bitte spezifizieren Sie, was Sie bearbeiten wollen.';
$translations['specifyToDelete'] = 'Bitte spezifizieren Sie, was Sie löschen möchten.';
$translations['usersOverview'] = 'Übersicht aller Benutzer';
$translations['listUsers'] = 'Benutzer auflisten';
$translations['addUser'] = 'Benutzer hinzufügen';
$translations['userAdded'] = 'Neuer Benutzer wurde erfolgreich angelegt: ';
$translations['username'] = 'Benutzername';
$translations['helpUsername'] = '<p>Der Benutzername des Benutzers. Der Benutzer loggt sich mit dem Benutzernamen ein.</p><p><b>Obligatorisch.</b></p>';
$translations['email'] = 'Email-Adresse';
$translations['helpEmail'] = '<p>Email-Adresse des Benutzers. Dies wird vorrausgesetzt, um den Benutzer später kontaktieren zu können.</p><p><b>Obligatorisch.</b></p>';
$translations['password'] = 'Passwort';
$translations['passwordVerify'] = 'Passwort (Verifikation)';
$translations['helpPassword'] = '<p>Passwort des Benutzers. Das Passwort muss mindestens acht (8) Zeichen lang sein.</p><p><b>Obligatorisch.</b></p>';
$translations['realName'] = 'Realname';
$translations['helpRealName'] = '<p>Der volle Realname des Benutzers.</p><p><b>Obligatorisch.</b></p>';
$translations['helpUsers'] = '<p>Auf dieser Seite können Sie eine Übersicht aller Benutzer sehen. Des weiteren können Sie hier neue Benutzer hinzufügen.</p>';
$translations['helpStart'] = '<p>Dies ist die Startseite von md:cms.</p>';
$translations['helpSinglePage'] = '<p>Auf dieser Seite können Sie statische Seiten hinzufügen und bearbeiten.</p>';
$translations['requiredValueMissing'] = 'Ein obligatorischer Wert fehlt.';
$translations['passwordsDoNotMatch'] = 'Die Passwörter stimmen nicht überein.';
$translations['passwordTooShort'] = 'Das eingegebene Passwort ist zu kurz.';
@ -1,137 +1,125 @@
$translations = [
"submit" => "Submit",
"options" => "Options",
"start" => "Start",
"fileUpload" => "File Uploads",
"users" => "Users",
"pages" => "Pages",
"pagesOverview" => "Overview of Pages",
"newPage" => "Adding a Pages",
"edit" => "Edit",
"settings" => "Settings",
"administration" => "Administration",
"tools" => "Tools",
"preview" => "Preview",
"banner" => "Banner",
"delete" => "Delete",
"general" => "General Settings",
"security" => "Security",
"aboutThisSite" => "About this page",
"numberOfPages" => "Number of pages (overall)",
"numberOfPublicPages" => "Number of pages (public)",
"phpVersion" => "PHP Version",
"aboutMDCMS" => "About md:cms",
"aboutMDCMS_content" => "<p>md:cms is a content management system for museum-related websites. It offers many functions for embedding contents from museum-digital. The only requirements are a web server running PHP7 and SSL encryption for the domain.</p>",
"integrationWithMD" => "Integration with Museum-Digital",
"languageUnavailable" => "This language is not available.",
"settingsUpdated" => "Updated settings.",
"storedEditsToPage" => "Stored edits to page.",
"storedEditsToPageElement" => "Stored edits to page element.",
"deletedPage" => "Removed page.",
"staticPageTitle" => "Page title",
"staticPageContent" => "Page content",
"staticPagePublic" => "Draft / Public",
"helpStaticPagePublic" => "<p>Using this switch, you can publish the document.</p>",
"staticPageHigher" => "Higher page in hierarchy",
"helpStaticPageHigher" => "<p>The next higher page in the hierarchy of pages.</p>",
"helpPagesOverview" => "<p>This page provides an overview of all static pages available here.</p>",
"helpSettings" => "<p>This is the settings page for general settings.</p>",
"helpURL" => "<p>URL of the page. Filling out this field helps with optimization for search engines.</p>",
"startPage" => "Start page",
"helpStartPage" => "<p>The start page of the public site.</p>",
"mdImgFolder" => "Image folder (md)",
"helpMDimgFolder" => "<p>The folder in which image files are stored in the given instance of museum-digital.</p>",
"logo" => "Logo",
"helpLogo" => "<p>The logo of the site. Is mainly used for the little icon you see in the browser, right next to the title of the tab.</p>",
"mdVersion" => "Version of Museum-Digital",
"helpMDVersion" => "<p>Much of the data in md:cms is pulled from museum-digital.</p>",
"settingsPageTitle" => "Website Title",
"helpSettingsPageTitle" => "<p>The page title displayed in the browser. Could be, e.g., your museum's name.</p>",
"admin" => "Admin",
"helpAdmin" => "<p>Is the user an administrator?</p>",
"language" => "Language",
"helpLanguage" => "<p>The default language of this instance of md:cms.</p>",
"sendHTTPHeaders" => "Send additional HTTP Headers",
"helpSendHTTPHeaders" => "<p>md:cms can send additional directives to the browser to increase security. Your server administrator can set these server wide, and if they have done so already, you should disable this option (this is by far the prefered way). In most cases, server administrators have not opted to do so yet, and keeping this option enabled makes sense. If you want to inquire into this further, the <a href=''>Mozilla Observatory</a> is a useful resource.</p>
The default headers sent are the following:
X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block
Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000; preload
Referrer-Policy: strict-origin
"CSPimageSources" => "Image sources (whitelist)",
"helpCSPimageSources" => "
<p>To increase security, md:cms directs browsers to refrain from loading images from any but the whitelisted sources. By default, only the current domain and the linked instance of museum-digital are whitelisted.</p>
<p>If you, for example, want to embed images from, you either need to download the images and upload them here, or you whitelist flickr. To whitelist domains, please enter them one by one into the field, separated by whitespaces. E.g.<br />
"CSPobjectSources" => "Object sources (whitelist)",
"helpCSPobjectSources" => "
<p>To increase security, md:cms directs browsers to refrain from loading frames and objects from any but the whitelisted sources. By default, only the current domain and the linked instance of museum-digital are whitelisted.</p>
<p>If you, for example, want to embed videos from, you need to whitelist youtube. To whitelist domains, please enter them one by one into the field, separated by whitespaces. E.g.<br />
"maxFileSize" => "Maximum upload size",
"helpMaxFileSize" => "<p>The maximum file size of file uploads.</p>",
"cacheRefreshInterval" => "Cache Refresh Interval",
"helpCacheRefreshInterval" => "<p>This setting determines how often contents fetched from museum-digital should be refreshed (the number equals X seconds).
<li>Setting it to <code>0</code> disables it</li>
<li>Using a low value, means more accurate data, but slower loading time.</li>
<li>Using a high value, means data could be slightly outdated, but makes loading much faster.</li>
"settingsUsedCSS" => "Theme",
"helpSettingsUsedCSS" => "<p>Select the used theme. New themes can be installed using FTP.</p>",
"hideInstitution" => "Hide institution",
"helpHideInstitution" => "<p>If this page is used for only a single museum, you can opt to not display the institution on tiles for exhibitions, collections, etc. by moving the slider to the right.</p>",
"limitToInstitutions" => "Limit to institutions",
"helpLimitToInstitutions" => "<p>The CMS offers the option to display objects, exhibitions, etc. from museum-digital based on their ID. By default all objects can be accessed using this functionality. To not display data that is not yours, you can restrict the data by the linked institution.</p>
<p>Enter IDs of institutions separated by commas.</p>",
"IDatMD" => "ID at museum-digital",
"embedFromMD" => "Embed from museum-digital",
"helpEmbedFromMD" => "<p>In this field, you can select one type of embedding from museum-digital. To have the embedding take effect, you need to specify the ID of the entry you want to embed in the field right below.</p>",
"footer" => "Footer",
"helpfooter" => "<p>On this page, you can edit the footer. To not display a footer, simply empty this page.</p>",
"banner" => "Banner",
"helpbanner" => "<p>On this page, you can edit the banner.</p>",
"aside" => "Sidebar",
"helpaside" => "<p>On this page, you can edit the sidebar. To not display a sidebar at all, simply empty this page.</p>",
"welcomeMsg" => "Welcome Message",
"helpwelcomeMsg" => "<p>On this page, you can edit the welcome message appearing on the start page of the input interface (what people see, when they log in).</p>",
"urlAbbr" => "<abbr title=\"Uniform Resource Locator\">URL</abbr>",
"url" => "URL",
"specifyToEdit" => "Please specify what you want to edit.",
"specifyToDelete" => "Please specify what you want to delete.",
"usersOverview" => "Overview of All Users",
"listUsers" => "List users",
"addUser" => "Add user",
"userAdded" => "Successfully added new user: ",
"username" => "Username",
"helpUsername" => "<p>Username of the user. The user logs in with his or her username.</p><p><b>Required.</b></p>",
"email" => "Email Address",
"helpEmail" => "<p>Email address of the user. This needs to be saved, to be able to contact the user later on.</p><p><b>Required.</b></p>",
"password" => "Password",
"passwordVerify" => "Password (Verification)",
"helpPassword" => "<p>Password of the user. The password needs to be at least 8 characters long.</p><p><b>Required.</b></p>",
"realName" => "Real name",
"helpRealName" => "<p>Full, real name of the user. The full name is displayed next to entries by that person.</p><p><b>Required.</b></p>",
"helpUsers" => "<p>On this page, you can see access an overview of all users. You can also add new users here.</p>",
"helpStart" => "<p>This is the start page of md:cms.</p>",
"helpSinglePage" => "<p>On this page, you can add or edit static pages.</p>",
"requiredValueMissing" => "A required value is missing.",
"passwordsDoNotMatch" => "The passwords do not match.",
"passwordTooShort" => "The passwords is too short.",
$translations['submit'] = 'Submit';
$translations['options'] = 'Options';
$translations['start'] = 'Start';
$translations['fileUpload'] = 'File Uploads';
$translations['users'] = 'Users';
$translations['pages'] = 'Pages';
$translations['pagesOverview'] = 'Overview of Pages';
$translations['newPage'] = 'Adding a Page';
$translations['edit'] = 'Edit';
$translations['settings'] = 'Settings';
$translations['administration'] = 'Administration';
$translations['tools'] = 'Tools';
$translations['preview'] = 'Preview';
$translations['banner'] = 'Banner';
$translations['delete'] = 'Delete';
$translations['general'] = 'General Settings';
$translations['security'] = 'Security';
$translations['aboutThisSite'] = 'About this page';
$translations['numberOfPages'] = 'Number of pages (overall)';
$translations['numberOfPublicPages'] = 'Number of pages (public)';
$translations['phpVersion'] = 'PHP Version';
$translations['aboutMDCMS'] = 'About md:cms';
$translations['aboutMDCMS_content'] = '<p>md:cms is a content management system for museum-related websites. It offers many functions for embedding contents from museum-digital. The only requirements are a web server running PHP7 and SSL encryption for the domain.</p>';
$translations['integrationWithMD'] = 'Integration with Museum-Digital';
$translations['languageUnavailable'] = 'This language is not available.';
$translations['settingsUpdated'] = 'Updated settings.';
$translations['storedEditsToPage'] = 'Stored edits to page.';
$translations['storedEditsToPageElement'] = 'Stored edits to page element.';
$translations['deletedPage'] = 'Removed page.';
$translations['staticPageTitle'] = 'Page title';
$translations['staticPageContent'] = 'Page content';
$translations['staticPagePublic'] = 'Draft / Public';
$translations['helpStaticPagePublic'] = '<p>Using this switch, you can publish the document.</p>';
$translations['staticPageHigher'] = 'Higher page in hierarchy';
$translations['helpStaticPageHigher'] = '<p>The next higher page in the hierarchy of pages.</p>';
$translations['helpPagesOverview'] = '<p>This page provides an overview of all static pages available here.</p>';
$translations['helpSettings'] = '<p>This is the settings page for general settings.</p>';
$translations['helpURL'] = '<p>URL of the page. Filling out this field helps with optimization for search engines.</p>';
$translations['startPage'] = 'Start page';
$translations['helpStartPage'] = '<p>The start page of the public site.</p>';
$translations['mdImgFolder'] = 'Image folder (md)';
$translations['helpMDimgFolder'] = '<p>The folder in which image files are stored in the given instance of museum-digital.</p>';
$translations['logo'] = 'Logo';
$translations['helpLogo'] = '<p>The logo of the site. Is mainly used for the little icon you see in the browser, right next to the title of the tab.</p>';
$translations['mdVersion'] = 'Version of Museum-Digital';
$translations['helpMDVersion'] = '<p>Much of the data in md:cms is pulled from museum-digital.</p>';
$translations['settingsPageTitle'] = 'Website Title';
$translations['helpSettingsPageTitle'] = '<p>The page title displayed in the browser. Could be, e.g., your museum\'s name.</p>';
$translations['admin'] = 'Admin';
$translations['helpAdmin'] = '<p>Is the user an administrator?</p>';
$translations['language'] = 'Language';
$translations['helpLanguage'] = '<p>The default language of this instance of md:cms.</p>';
$translations['sendHTTPHeaders'] = 'Send additional HTTP Headers';
$translations['helpSendHTTPHeaders'] = '<p>md:cms can send additional directives to the browser to increase security. Your server administrator can set these server wide, and if they have done so already, you should disable this option (this is by far the prefered way). In most cases, server administrators have not opted to do so yet, and keeping this option enabled makes sense. If you want to inquire into this further, the <a href=\'\'>Mozilla Observatory</a> is a useful resource.</p>
The default headers sent are the following:
X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block
Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000; preload
Referrer-Policy: strict-origin
$translations['CSPimageSources'] = 'Image sources (whitelist)';
$translations['helpCSPimageSources'] = ' <p>To increase security, md:cms directs browsers to refrain from loading images from any but the whitelisted sources. By default, only the current domain and the linked instance of museum-digital are whitelisted.</p>
<p>If you, for example, want to embed images from, you either need to download the images and upload them here, or you whitelist flickr. To whitelist domains, please enter them one by one into the field, separated by whitespaces. E.g.<br />
$translations['CSPobjectSources'] = 'Object sources (whitelist)';
$translations['helpCSPobjectSources'] = ' <p>To increase security, md:cms directs browsers to refrain from loading frames and objects from any but the whitelisted sources. By default, only the current domain and the linked instance of museum-digital are whitelisted.</p>
<p>If you, for example, want to embed videos from, you need to whitelist youtube. To whitelist domains, please enter them one by one into the field, separated by whitespaces. E.g.<br />
$translations['maxFileSize'] = 'Maximum upload size';
$translations['helpMaxFileSize'] = '<p>The maximum file size of file uploads.</p>';
$translations['cacheRefreshInterval'] = 'Cache Refresh Interval';
$translations['helpCacheRefreshInterval'] = '<p>This setting determines how often contents fetched from museum-digital should be refreshed (the number equals X seconds).
<li>Setting it to <code>0</code> disables it</li>
<li>Using a low value, means more accurate data, but slower loading time.</li>
<li>Using a high value, means data could be slightly outdated, but makes loading much faster.</li>
$translations['settingsUsedCSS'] = 'Theme';
$translations['helpSettingsUsedCSS'] = '<p>Select the used theme. New themes can be installed using FTP.</p>';
$translations['hideInstitution'] = 'Hide institution';
$translations['helpHideInstitution'] = '<p>If this page is used for only a single museum, you can opt to not display the institution on tiles for exhibitions, collections, etc. by moving the slider to the right.</p>';
$translations['limitToInstitutions'] = 'Limit to institutions';
$translations['helpLimitToInstitutions'] = '<p>The CMS offers the option to display objects, exhibitions, etc. from museum-digital based on their ID. By default all objects can be accessed using this functionality. To not display data that is not yours, you can restrict the data by the linked institution.</p>
<p>Enter IDs of institutions separated by commas.</p>';
$translations['IDatMD'] = 'ID at museum-digital';
$translations['embedFromMD'] = 'Embed from museum-digital';
$translations['helpEmbedFromMD'] = '<p>In this area, you can generate placeholder, with which you can embed contents from museum-digital. To do so, you first need to select an embedding type, then you can enter additional parameters determining what you want to embed. If you want to - for example - embed the object with ID 1005 as a tile, select the object tile embedding type. Then enter oges=1005 into the field appearing below (these parameters can be seen in the URL when surfing museum-digital). Once you\'re done with that, you can generate the placeholder by clicking on "Generate". Finally, the placeholder appears, ready to be copy-pasted and used in the text.</p>';
$translations['footer'] = 'Footer';
$translations['helpfooter'] = '<p>On this page, you can edit the footer. To not display a footer, simply empty this page.</p>';
$translations['helpbanner'] = '<p>On this page, you can edit the banner.</p>';
$translations['aside'] = 'Sidebar';
$translations['helpaside'] = '<p>On this page, you can edit the sidebar. To not display a sidebar at all, simply empty this page.</p>';
$translations['welcomeMsg'] = 'Welcome Message';
$translations['helpwelcomeMsg'] = '<p>On this page, you can edit the welcome message appearing on the start page of the input interface (what people see, when they log in).</p>';
$translations['urlAbbr'] = '<abbr title="Uniform Resource Locator">URL</abbr>';
$translations['url'] = 'URL';
$translations['specifyToEdit'] = 'Please specify what you want to edit.';
$translations['specifyToDelete'] = 'Please specify what you want to delete.';
$translations['usersOverview'] = 'Overview of All Users';
$translations['listUsers'] = 'List users';
$translations['addUser'] = 'Add user';
$translations['userAdded'] = 'Successfully added new user: ';
$translations['username'] = 'Username';
$translations['helpUsername'] = '<p>Username of the user. The user logs in with his or her username.</p><p><b>Required.</b></p>';
$translations['email'] = 'Email Address';
$translations['helpEmail'] = '<p>Email address of the user. This needs to be saved, to be able to contact the user later on.</p><p><b>Required.</b></p>';
$translations['password'] = 'Password';
$translations['passwordVerify'] = 'Password (Verification)';
$translations['helpPassword'] = '<p>Password of the user. The password needs to be at least 8 characters long.</p><p><b>Required.</b></p>';
$translations['realName'] = 'Real name';
$translations['helpRealName'] = '<p>Full, real name of the user. The full name is displayed next to entries by that person.</p><p><b>Required.</b></p>';
$translations['helpUsers'] = '<p>On this page, you can see access an overview of all users. You can also add new users here.</p>';
$translations['helpStart'] = '<p>This is the start page of md:cms.</p>';
$translations['helpSinglePage'] = '<p>On this page, you can add or edit static pages.</p>';
$translations['requiredValueMissing'] = 'A required value is missing.';
$translations['passwordsDoNotMatch'] = 'The passwords do not match.';
$translations['passwordTooShort'] = 'The password is too short.';
Reference in New Issue
Block a user