"numberOfPublicPages"=>"Number of pages (public)",
"phpVersion"=>"PHP Version",
"aboutMDCMS"=>"About md:cms",
"aboutMDCMS_content"=>"<p>md:cms is a content management system for museum-related websites. It offers many functions for embedding contents from museum-digital. The only requirements are a web server running PHP7 and SSL encryption for the domain.</p>",
"helpSendHTTPHeaders"=>"<p>md:cms can send additional directives to the browser to increase security. Your server administrator can set these server wide, and if they have done so already, you should disable this option (this is by far the prefered way). In most cases, server administrators have not opted to do so yet, and keeping this option enabled makes sense. If you want to inquire into this further, the <a href='https://observatory.mozilla.org/'>Mozilla Observatory</a> is a useful resource.</p>
"helpCacheRefreshInterval"=>"<p>This setting determines how often contents fetched from museum-digital should be refreshed (the number equals X seconds).
"helpSettingsUsedCSS"=>"<p>Select the used theme. New themes can be installed using FTP.</p>",
"hideInstitution"=>"Hide institution",
"helpHideInstitution"=>"<p>If this page is used for only a single museum, you can opt to not display the institution on tiles for exhibitions, collections, etc. by moving the slider to the right.</p>",
"limitToInstitutions"=>"Limit to institutions",
"helpLimitToInstitutions"=>"<p>The CMS offers the option to display objects, exhibitions, etc. from museum-digital based on their ID. By default all objects can be accessed using this functionality. To not display data that is not yours, you can restrict the data by the linked institution.</p>
"helpEmbedFromMD"=>"<p>In this field, you can select one type of embedding from museum-digital. To have the embedding take effect, you need to specify the ID of the entry you want to embed in the field right below.</p>",
"helpfooter"=>"<p>On this page, you can edit the footer. To not display a footer, simply empty this page.</p>",
"helpbanner"=>"<p>On this page, you can edit the banner.</p>",
"helpaside"=>"<p>On this page, you can edit the sidebar. To not display a sidebar at all, simply empty this page.</p>",
"helpwelcomeMsg"=>"<p>On this page, you can edit the welcome message appearing on the start page of the input interface (what people see, when they log in).</p>",