
This commit is contained in:
Joshua Ramon Enslin 2022-10-27 15:48:42 +00:00 committed by md translation bot
parent 7a803b85bd
commit a5ac0d16f0
24 changed files with 196 additions and 196 deletions

@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
$actor_variant_types_set['birth_name'] = 'Birth name';
$actor_variant_types_set['married_name'] = 'Married name';
$actor_variant_types_set['monastic_name'] = 'Monastic name';
$actor_variant_types_set['pseudonym'] = 'Pseudonym';
$actor_variant_types_set['regnal_name'] = 'Regnal name';
$actor_variant_types_set['nickname'] = 'Nickname';
$actor_variant_types_set['artist_name'] = 'Artist name';
$actor_variant_types_set['civil_name'] = 'Civil name';
$actor_variant_types_set['generic_other_name'] = 'Alternative Name (generic)';
$actor_variant_types_set['birth_name'] = 'Nom de naissance';
$actor_variant_types_set['married_name'] = 'Nom d\'épouse';
$actor_variant_types_set['monastic_name'] = 'Nom demprunt';
$actor_variant_types_set['pseudonym'] = 'Pseudonyme';
$actor_variant_types_set['regnal_name'] = 'Nom légal';
$actor_variant_types_set['nickname'] = 'Surnom';
$actor_variant_types_set['artist_name'] = 'Nom d\'artiste';
$actor_variant_types_set['civil_name'] = 'Nom civil';
$actor_variant_types_set['generic_other_name'] = 'Orthographe alternative';

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
$appointment_attendance_modes['offline'] = 'Offline';
$appointment_attendance_modes['online'] = 'Online';
$appointment_attendance_modes['mixed'] = 'Offline and online';
$appointment_attendance_modes['offline'] = 'Hors ligne';
$appointment_attendance_modes['online'] = 'En ligne';
$appointment_attendance_modes['mixed'] = 'Hors ligne et en ligne';

@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
$appointment_contributor_roles['organizer'] = 'Organizer';
$appointment_contributor_roles['presenter'] = 'Presenter';
$appointment_contributor_roles['organizer'] = 'Organisation';
$appointment_contributor_roles['presenter'] = 'Intervenant';

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
$appointment_status['scheduled'] = 'Scheduled';
$appointment_status['cancelled'] = 'Cancelled';
$appointment_status['moved_online'] = 'Moved online';
$appointment_status['postponed'] = 'Postponed';
$appointment_status['scheduled'] = 'Planifié';
$appointment_status['cancelled'] = 'Annulé';
$appointment_status['moved_online'] = 'Transformé en événement en ligne';
$appointment_status['postponed'] = 'Reporté';

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
$closer_location_types_set['0'] = '';
$closer_location_types_set['1'] = 'Place of recording';
$closer_location_types_set['2'] = 'Place of discovery';
$closer_location_types_set['3'] = 'Former place';
$closer_location_types_set['1'] = 'Lieu denregistrement';
$closer_location_types_set['2'] = 'Lieu de la découverte';
$closer_location_types_set['3'] = 'Localisation précédente';

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
$conservation_report_type_set['damage'] = 'Damage';
$conservation_report_type_set['damage'] = 'Dommages';
$conservation_report_type_set['conservation'] = 'Conservation';
$conservation_report_type_set['condition'] = 'Condition';
$conservation_report_type_set['restoration'] = 'Restoration';
$conservation_report_type_set['other_report'] = 'Other report';
$conservation_report_type_set['other'] = 'Other report';
$conservation_report_type_set['condition'] = 'État';
$conservation_report_type_set['restoration'] = 'Restauration';
$conservation_report_type_set['other_report'] = 'Autre rapport';
$conservation_report_type_set['other'] = 'Autre rapport';

@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
$currencies_set['eu-EUR'] = 'Euro';
$currencies_set['de-DM'] = 'Deutsche Mark';
$currencies_set['de-RM'] = 'Reichsmark (Germany)';
$currencies_set['es-Real'] = 'Spanish Real';
$currencies_set['de-RM'] = 'Reichsmark (Empire allemand)';
$currencies_set['es-Real'] = 'Real (Espagne)';
$currencies_set['hu-Ft'] = 'Forint';
$currencies_set['hu-Lari'] = 'Lari';
$currencies_set['hu-Pengő'] = 'Pengő';
$currencies_set['id-IDR'] = 'Indonesian Rupiah';
$currencies_set['id-IDR'] = 'Roupie indonésienne';
$currencies_set['pl-Złoty'] = 'Złoty';
$currencies_set['us-USD'] = 'US Dollar';
$currencies_set['ddr-Mark'] = 'Mark (GDR)';
$currencies_set['ddr-MDN'] = 'MDN (GDR)';
$currencies_set['hu-Korona'] = 'Austro-Hungarian krone';
$currencies_set['us-USD'] = 'Dollar américain';
$currencies_set['ddr-Mark'] = 'Mark (RDA)';
$currencies_set['ddr-MDN'] = 'MDN (RDA)';
$currencies_set['hu-Korona'] = 'Couronne austro-hongroise';
$currencies_set['fr-FF'] = 'French Franc';
$license_full_names['CC BY-NC-ND'] = 'Attribution - Non Commercial - No Derivates';
$license_full_names['CC BY-NC-ND'] = 'Attribution - non commercial - pas de dérivés';

@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
$entry_types['0'] = '';
$entry_types['1'] = 'Donation';
$entry_types['2'] = 'Purchase';
$entry_types['3'] = 'Excavation';
$entry_types['4'] = 'Emergency Rescue';
$entry_types['5'] = 'Inheritance';
$entry_types['6'] = 'Endowment';
$entry_types['7'] = 'Dispossession';
$entry_types['8'] = 'Original condition';
$entry_types['9'] = 'Loan';
$entry_types['10'] = 'Exchange';
$entry_types['11'] = 'In-house production';
$entry_types['12'] = 'Material Strain (Törzsanyag)';
$entry_types['14'] = 'Vorlass';
$entry_types['15'] = 'Finding';
$entry_types['98'] = 'To be checked';
$entry_types['99'] = 'Other legal acquisition';
$entry_types['16'] = 'Permanent loan';
$entry_types['1'] = 'Don';
$entry_types['2'] = 'Achat';
$entry_types['3'] = 'Fouille';
$entry_types['4'] = 'Secours durgence';
$entry_types['5'] = 'Succession';
$entry_types['6'] = 'Fondation';
$entry_types['7'] = 'Expropriation';
$entry_types['8'] = 'Stock dorigine';
$entry_types['9'] = 'Prêt';
$entry_types['10'] = 'Échange';
$entry_types['11'] = 'Production propre';
$entry_types['12'] = 'Déformation du matériau (Törzsanyag)';
$entry_types['14'] = 'Abandon';
$entry_types['15'] = 'Découverte';
$entry_types['98'] = 'Inconnu';
$entry_types['99'] = 'Autre accès légitime';
$entry_types['16'] = 'Prêt longue durée';

@ -1,49 +1,49 @@
$eventname['1'] = 'Created';
$eventname['2'] = 'Found';
$eventname['3'] = 'Published';
$eventname['4'] = 'Creation of reference';
$eventname['5'] = 'Was imaged';
$eventname['6'] = 'Was used';
$eventname['7'] = 'Written';
$eventname['8'] = 'Collected';
$eventname['9'] = 'Painted';
$eventname['10'] = 'Image taken';
$eventname['11'] = 'Received';
$eventname['12'] = 'Printing plate produced';
$eventname['13'] = 'Sent';
$eventname['14'] = 'Issued';
$eventname['15'] = 'Signed';
$eventname['16'] = 'Type description';
$eventname['19'] = 'Drawn';
$eventname['20'] = 'Copied (by hand)';
$eventname['21'] = 'Has lived';
$eventname['22'] = '[Relationship to location]';
$eventname['23'] = '[Relation to person or institution]';
$eventname['24'] = '[Relation to time]';
$eventname['25'] = 'Commissioned';
$eventname['26'] = 'Printed';
$eventname['27'] = 'Recorded';
$eventname['28'] = 'Sung';
$eventname['29'] = 'Decor designed';
$eventname['30'] = 'Form designed';
$eventname['31'] = 'Modelled';
$eventname['32'] = 'Autographed';
$eventname['33'] = 'Mentioned';
$eventname['34'] = 'Buried';
$eventname['35'] = 'Intellectual creation';
$eventname['36'] = 'Was depicted';
$eventname['37'] = 'Painted on';
$eventname['38'] = 'Illustrated';
$eventname['39'] = 'Assembled';
$eventname['40'] = 'Auctioned';
$eventname['41'] = 'Bought';
$eventname['42'] = 'Owned';
$eventname['43'] = 'Sold';
$eventname['44'] = 'Restorated';
$eventname['45'] = 'Damaged';
$eventname['46'] = 'Destroyed';
$eventname['47'] = 'Lost';
$eventname['48'] = 'Edited';
$eventname['1'] = 'Fabriqué';
$eventname['2'] = 'Trouvé';
$eventname['3'] = 'Publié';
$eventname['4'] = 'Présentation';
$eventname['5'] = 'A été illustré (acteur)';
$eventname['6'] = 'A été utilisé';
$eventname['7'] = 'Élaboré';
$eventname['8'] = 'Collecté';
$eventname['9'] = 'Peint';
$eventname['10'] = 'Enregistré';
$eventname['11'] = 'Reçu';
$eventname['12'] = 'Produit par plaque dimpression';
$eventname['13'] = 'Envoyé';
$eventname['14'] = 'Fabriqué';
$eventname['15'] = 'Signé';
$eventname['16'] = 'Première description';
$eventname['19'] = 'Dessiné';
$eventname['20'] = 'Rédigé';
$eventname['21'] = 'A vécu';
$eventname['22'] = '[Référence géographique]';
$eventname['23'] = '[Référence personne-organisme]';
$eventname['24'] = '[Référence temporelle]';
$eventname['25'] = 'Demandé';
$eventname['26'] = 'Imprimé';
$eventname['27'] = 'Parlé';
$eventname['28'] = 'Chanté';
$eventname['29'] = 'Décoré';
$eventname['30'] = 'Forme élaborée';
$eventname['31'] = 'Modélisé';
$eventname['32'] = 'Signé';
$eventname['33'] = 'A été mentionné';
$eventname['34'] = 'Enfoui';
$eventname['35'] = 'Création intellectuelle';
$eventname['36'] = 'A été illustré (lieu)';
$eventname['37'] = 'Peint';
$eventname['38'] = 'Illustré';
$eventname['39'] = 'Regroupé';
$eventname['40'] = 'Augmenté';
$eventname['41'] = 'Acheté';
$eventname['42'] = 'Détenu';
$eventname['43'] = 'Vendu';
$eventname['44'] = 'Restauré';
$eventname['45'] = 'Endommagé';
$eventname['46'] = 'Détruit';
$eventname['47'] = 'Perdu';
$eventname['48'] = 'Édité';
$eventname['49'] = 'Donated / present';
$eventname['50'] = 'Inherited';

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
$exhibition_contributor_roles['concept'] = 'Conception';
$exhibition_contributor_roles['curator'] = 'Curator';
$exhibition_contributor_roles['design'] = 'Dessin';
$exhibition_contributor_roles['coordinator'] = 'Coordinateur';
$exhibition_contributor_roles['concept'] = 'Concept';
$exhibition_contributor_roles['curator'] = 'Conservateur';
$exhibition_contributor_roles['design'] = 'Conception';
$exhibition_contributor_roles['coordinator'] = 'Coordination';
$exhibition_contributor_roles['protagonist'] = 'Protagoniste';

@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
$license_explica['CC BY-NC-SA'] = 'For non commercial purposes the material might be used (even changed) freely if the attribution is given. Rights status has to be kept as it is in case of distribution.';
$license_explica['CC BY-NC-ND'] = 'For non commercial purposes the material might be used freely if the attribution is given. It may not be altered.';
$license_explica['CC BY-NC'] = 'For non commercial purposes the material might be used freely if the attribution is given.';
$license_explica['CC BY-ND'] = 'The material might be used freely if the attribution is given. It may not be altered.';
$license_explica['CC BY-SA'] = 'The material might be used freely (and even altered) if the attribution is given. Rights status has to be kept as it is in case of distribution.';
$license_explica['CC BY'] = 'The material might be used freely (and even altered) if the attribution is given.';
$license_explica['CC0'] = 'No Rights Reserved. You only should use CC0 if you have the right to waive all rights.';
$license_explica['RR-F'] = 'Free access - no reuse.';
$license_explica['RR-P'] = 'Paid access - no reuse. Previews might be freely accessible.';
$license_explica['RR-R'] = 'Restricted access. Reserved rights.';
$license_explica['Orphan Work'] = 'The rightsholder could not be determined. The work is listed at the EU list of orphan works.';
$license_explica['Public Domain Mark'] = 'This work has been identified as being free of known restrictions under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights.';
$license_explica['CC BY-NC-SA'] = 'Le matériel peut être utilisé librement (même modifié) à des fins non commerciales avec attribution. En cas de transmission, le statut des droits doit être conservé.';
$license_explica['CC BY-NC-ND'] = 'Le matériel peut être utilisé librement à des fins non commerciales avec attribution. Il ne doit pas être modifié.';
$license_explica['CC BY-NC'] = 'Le matériel peut être utilisé librement à des fins non commerciales avec attribution.';
$license_explica['CC BY-ND'] = 'Le matériau peut être utilisé librement en cas dattribution. Il ne doit pas être modifié.';
$license_explica['CC BY-SA'] = ' Le matériau peut être utilisé librement (même modifié) en cas dattribution. En cas de transmission, le statut des droits doit être conservé.';
$license_explica['CC BY'] = 'Le matériau peut être utilisé librement en cas dattribution.';
$license_explica['CC0'] = 'Renonciation à tous les droits. Ne doit être sélectionné que sil existe un droit de renonciation.';
$license_explica['RR-F'] = 'Accès libre - pas de réutilisation.';
$license_explica['RR-P'] = 'Accès uniquement après paiement - pas de réutilisation. Les aperçus peuvent être librement accessibles.';
$license_explica['RR-R'] = 'Accès restreint. Tous droits réservés.';
$license_explica['Orphan Work'] = 'Le titulaire des droits ne peut plus être identifié même après un examen approfondi.';
$license_explica['Public Domain Mark'] = 'Le matériel est dans le domaine public.';

@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
$license_full_names['CC BY-NC-SA'] = 'Attribution - Non Commercial - Share Alike';
$license_full_names['CC BY-NC'] = 'Attribution - Non Commercial';
$license_full_names['CC BY-ND'] = 'Attribution - No Derivates';
$license_full_names['CC BY-SA'] = 'Attribution - Share Alike';
$license_full_names['CC BY-NC-SA'] = 'Attribution - non commercial - transmission dans les mêmes conditions';
$license_full_names['CC BY-NC'] = 'Attribution - non commercial';
$license_full_names['CC BY-ND'] = 'Attribution - pas de traitement';
$license_full_names['CC BY-SA'] = 'Attribution - transmission dans les mêmes conditions';
$license_full_names['CC BY'] = 'Attribution';
$license_full_names['CC0'] = 'No Rights Reserved';
$license_full_names['RR-F'] = 'Rights Reserved - Free Access';
$license_full_names['RR-P'] = 'Rights Reserved - Paid Access';
$license_full_names['RR-R'] = 'Rights Reserved - Restricted Access';
$license_full_names['Orphan Work'] = 'Orphan Work';
$license_full_names['Public Domain Mark'] = 'Public Domain Mark';
$license_full_names['CC BY-NC-ND'] = 'Attribution - Non Commercial - No Derivates';
$license_full_names['CC0'] = 'Domaine public (renonciation aux droits)';
$license_full_names['RR-F'] = 'Accès libre - pas de réutilisation';
$license_full_names['RR-P'] = 'Accès payant - pas de réutilisation';
$license_full_names['RR-R'] = 'Accès restreint - tous droits réservés';
$license_full_names['Orphan Work'] = 'Œuvres orphelines';
$license_full_names['Public Domain Mark'] = 'Domaine public';
$license_full_names['CC BY-NC-ND'] = 'Attribution - non commercial - pas de traitements';

@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
$marking_types['signature'] = 'Signature';
$marking_types['watermark'] = 'Watermark';
$marking_types['engraving'] = 'Engraving';
$marking_types['scratch'] = 'Scratching';
$marking_types['stamp'] = 'Stamped';
$marking_types['overprint'] = 'Overprint';
$marking_types['embossing'] = 'Embossing';
$marking_types['handwritten'] = 'Handwritten';
$marking_types['glued'] = 'Glued';
$marking_types['embroidered'] = 'Embroidered';
$marking_types['sewn'] = 'Sewn';
$marking_types['screwed'] = 'Screwed';
$marking_types['burnt_in'] = 'Burnt in';
$marking_types['riveted'] = 'Riveted';
$marking_types['nailed'] = 'Nailed';
$marking_types['hallmarked'] = 'Hallmarked';
$marking_types['punched'] = 'Punched';
$marking_types['scarified'] = 'Scarified';
$marking_types['cast'] = 'Cast';
$marking_types['watermark'] = 'Filigrane';
$marking_types['engraving'] = 'Gravure';
$marking_types['scratch'] = 'Griffé';
$marking_types['stamp'] = 'Tamponné';
$marking_types['overprint'] = 'Imprimé';
$marking_types['embossing'] = 'Marqué';
$marking_types['handwritten'] = 'Manuel';
$marking_types['glued'] = 'Collé';
$marking_types['embroidered'] = 'Brodé';
$marking_types['sewn'] = 'Cousu';
$marking_types['screwed'] = 'Vissé';
$marking_types['burnt_in'] = 'Gravé';
$marking_types['riveted'] = 'Riveté';
$marking_types['nailed'] = 'Cloué';
$marking_types['hallmarked'] = 'Poinçonné';
$marking_types['punched'] = 'Estampé';
$marking_types['scarified'] = 'Taillé';
$marking_types['cast'] = 'Fonte';

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
$object_publication_background['0'] = 'Image published';
$object_publication_background['1'] = 'Transcript published';
$object_publication_background['2'] = 'Discussed';
$object_publication_background['3'] = 'Rezensiert';
$object_publication_background['4'] = 'Referenced';
$object_publication_background['5'] = 'Advertised';
$object_publication_background['0'] = 'Illustration publiée';
$object_publication_background['1'] = 'Transcription publiée';
$object_publication_background['2'] = 'discuté';
$object_publication_background['3'] = 'recensé';
$object_publication_background['4'] = 'référencé';
$object_publication_background['5'] = 'annoncé';

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
$phone_types['work'] = 'Work';
$phone_types['home'] = 'Home';
$phone_types['mobile'] = 'Mobile';
$phone_types['work mobile'] = 'Work mobile';
$phone_types['work'] = 'Travail';
$phone_types['home'] = 'Domicile';
$phone_types['mobile'] = 'Mobile ';
$phone_types['work mobile'] = 'Mobile : travail';
$phone_types['fax'] = 'Fax';
$phone_types['fax work'] = 'Fax (Work)';
$phone_types['fax work'] = 'Fax : travail';

@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
$tlPlacetypes['0'] = 'Administrative';
$tlPlacetypes['1'] = 'Historical';
$tlPlacetypes['2'] = 'Region';
$tlPlacetypes['3'] = 'Street';
$tlPlacetypes['4'] = 'Building';
$tlPlacetypes['5'] = 'Mountains';
$tlPlacetypes['6'] = 'Forrest';
$tlPlacetypes['7'] = 'Body of water';
$tlPlacetypes['8'] = 'Island';
$tlPlacetypes['0'] = 'Administratif';
$tlPlacetypes['1'] = 'Historique';
$tlPlacetypes['2'] = 'Région';
$tlPlacetypes['3'] = 'Rue';
$tlPlacetypes['4'] = 'Bâtiment';
$tlPlacetypes['5'] = 'Montagne';
$tlPlacetypes['6'] = 'Forêt';
$tlPlacetypes['7'] = 'Milieu aquatique';
$tlPlacetypes['8'] = 'Île';

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
$podcast_contributor_roles['onair'] = 'On air';
$podcast_contributor_roles['recording'] = 'Recording';
$podcast_contributor_roles['technical_support'] = 'Technical support';
$podcast_contributor_roles['organization'] = 'Organization';
$podcast_contributor_roles['onair'] = 'Orateur';
$podcast_contributor_roles['recording'] = 'Enregistrement';
$podcast_contributor_roles['technical_support'] = 'Technique';
$podcast_contributor_roles['organization'] = 'Organisation';

@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
$position_set['left'] = 'Left';
$position_set['top_left'] = 'Top left';
$position_set['top'] = 'Top';
$position_set['top_right'] = 'Top right';
$position_set['right'] = 'Right';
$position_set['bottom_right'] = 'Bottom right';
$position_set['bottom'] = 'Bottom';
$position_set['bottom_left'] = 'Unten links';
$position_set['center'] = 'Center';
$position_set['rear_side'] = 'Rear side';
$position_set['edge'] = 'Edge';
$position_set['other'] = 'Other';
$position_set['left'] = 'Gauche';
$position_set['top_left'] = 'En haut à gauche';
$position_set['top'] = 'Haut';
$position_set['top_right'] = 'En haut à droite';
$position_set['right'] = 'Droite';
$position_set['bottom_right'] = 'En bas à droite';
$position_set['bottom'] = 'Bas';
$position_set['bottom_left'] = 'En bas à gauche';
$position_set['center'] = 'Au centre';
$position_set['rear_side'] = 'Arrière';
$position_set['edge'] = 'Bord';
$position_set['other'] = 'Autre';

@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
$recording_types_set['audio'] = 'Audio';
$recording_types_set['video'] = 'Video';
$recording_types_set['video'] = 'Vidéo';

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
$research_status['bad'] = 'Not researched much';
$research_status['medium'] = 'Partly researched';
$research_status['good'] = 'Well researched';
$research_status['bad'] = 'Mal étudié';
$research_status['medium'] = 'Partiellement étudié';
$research_status['good'] = 'Bien étudié';

@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
$source_type_set['article'] = 'Article';
$source_type_set['inbook'] = 'Article in collected volume';
$source_type_set['book'] = 'Book';
$source_type_set['phdthesis'] = 'PhD thesis';
$source_type_set['electronical'] = 'Electronic resource';
$source_type_set['misc'] = 'Miscelaneous';
$source_type_set['patent'] = 'Patent';
$source_type_set['unpublished'] = 'Unpublished';
$source_type_set['inbook'] = 'Article dans un recueil';
$source_type_set['book'] = 'Livre';
$source_type_set['phdthesis'] = 'Travail de doctorat';
$source_type_set['electronical'] = 'Ressource électronique';
$source_type_set['misc'] = 'Autre';
$source_type_set['patent'] = 'Fascicule de brevet';
$source_type_set['unpublished'] = 'Non publié';

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
$syndication_repos['ddb'] = 'German Digital Library (DDB)';
$syndication_repos['ddb'] = 'Bibliothèque numérique allemande (DDB)';
$syndication_repos['europeana'] = 'Europeana';
$syndication_repos['smb-digital'] = 'SMB-digital';
$syndication_repos['kalliope-verbund'] = 'Kalliope Verbund';
$syndication_repos['kalliope-verbund'] = 'Association Kalliope';

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
$title_types_set[''] = ' ';
$title_types_set['Science'] = 'Science';
$title_types_set['Everyday speech'] = 'Everyday speech';
$title_types_set['Colloquial speech'] = 'Colloquial speech';
$title_types_set['Dialect'] = 'Dialect';
$title_types_set['Everyday speech'] = 'Langage courant';
$title_types_set['Colloquial speech'] = 'Argot';
$title_types_set['Dialect'] = 'Dialecte';

@ -3,5 +3,5 @@ $units_length_set['m'] = 'm';
$units_length_set['dm'] = 'dm';
$units_length_set['cm'] = 'cm';
$units_length_set['mm'] = 'mm';
$units_length_set['ft'] = 'ft';
$units_length_set['in'] = 'inch';
$units_length_set['ft'] = 'pieds';
$units_length_set['in'] = 'pouces';