
This commit is contained in:
Joshua Ramon Enslin 2024-05-24 17:31:22 +00:00 committed by md translation bot
parent 17d7c33a10
commit 33854d23a7
5 changed files with 42 additions and 42 deletions

View File

@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
declare(strict_types = 1);
$institution_basic_category_set = array (
'archive' => 'Archive',
'library' => 'Library',
'memorial_site' => 'Memorial site',
'private_collection' => 'Private collection',
'museum' => 'Museum',
'archive' => 'Archívum',
'library' => 'Könyvtár',
'memorial_site' => 'Emlékhely',
'private_collection' => 'Magánygyűjtemény',
'museum' => 'Múzeum',

View File

@ -1,30 +1,30 @@
declare(strict_types = 1);
$institution_collection_area_set = array (
'everyday_life' => 'Everyday life',
'archaeology' => 'Archaeology',
'architecture' => 'Architecture',
'history_of_mining' => 'History of mining',
'botany' => 'Botany',
'history_of_film' => 'History of film',
'political_history' => 'Political history',
'arts' => 'Arts',
'applied_arts' => 'Applied arts',
'agriculture' => 'Agriculture',
'literature' => 'Literature',
'history_of_medicine' => 'History of medicine',
'military_history' => 'Military history',
'mineralogy' => 'Mineralogy',
'music' => 'Music',
'numismatics' => 'Numismatics',
'paleontology' => 'Paleontology',
'everyday_life' => 'Mindennapok',
'archaeology' => 'Régészet',
'architecture' => 'Építészet',
'history_of_mining' => 'Bányászattörténet',
'botany' => 'Botanika',
'history_of_film' => 'Filmtörténet',
'political_history' => 'Politikatörténet',
'arts' => 'Képzőművészet',
'applied_arts' => 'Alkalmazott művészet',
'agriculture' => 'Mezőgazdaság',
'literature' => 'Irodalom',
'history_of_medicine' => 'Gyógyszertörténet',
'military_history' => 'Hadtörténet',
'mineralogy' => 'Ásványtan',
'music' => 'Zene',
'numismatics' => 'Numizmatika',
'paleontology' => 'Paleontológia',
'personalia' => 'Personalia',
'regional_history' => 'Regional history',
'religion' => 'Religion',
'technology' => 'Technology',
'ethnography' => 'Ethnography',
'zoology' => 'Zoology',
'regional_history' => 'Helytörténet',
'religion' => 'Vallás',
'technology' => 'Technológia',
'ethnography' => 'Néprajz',
'zoology' => 'Zoológia',
$institution_basic_category_set = array (
'museum' => 'Museum',
'museum' => 'Múzeum',

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
declare(strict_types = 1);
$institution_musdb_use_case_set = array (
'collection_management' => 'Collection management',
'publication' => 'Publication',
'collection_management_and_publication' => 'Collection management and publication',
'collection_management' => 'Gyűjteménykezelés',
'publication' => 'Publikáicó',
'collection_management_and_publication' => 'Gyűjteménykezelés és publikáció',

View File

@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
declare(strict_types = 1);
$institution_public_private_category_set = array (
'public' => 'Public',
'private' => 'Private',
'religious' => 'Religious',
'mixed' => 'Mixed',
'public' => 'Közintézmény',
'private' => 'Magánintézmény',
'religious' => 'Egyházi',
'mixed' => 'Vegyes',

View File

@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
declare(strict_types = 1);
$object_document_type_set = array (
'undefined' => 'Undefined',
'provenance_report' => 'Provenance report',
'purchase_contract' => 'Purchase contract',
'restoration_report' => 'Restoration report',
'assessment' => 'Assessment',
'correspondence' => 'Correspondence',
'legacy_documentation' => 'Legacy documentation',
'undefined' => 'Meghatározatlan',
'provenance_report' => 'Proveniencia beszámoló',
'purchase_contract' => 'Adásvételi szerződés',
'restoration_report' => 'Restaurálási dokumentáció',
'assessment' => 'Értékelés',
'correspondence' => 'Levelezés',
'legacy_documentation' => 'Hagyatéki dokumentáció',