
130 lines
5.7 KiB

"basis": {
"title_museums": "Kat\u0131l\u0131mc\u0131 m\u00fczeler",
"title_collections": "Kat\u0131lan m\u00fczelerin koleksiyonlar\u0131",
"title_objects": "Kat\u0131lan m\u00fczelerin nesneleri",
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"no_search": "Bo\u015f aramada hi\u00e7bir \u015fey bulunamad\u0131 ... \u015fa\u015f\u0131lacak bir \u015fey yok!",
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"searchfield_empty": "Arama alan\u0131 bo\u015ftu ...",
"searchfield_empty_hint": "[Kim bir \u015fey aramaz - hi\u00e7bir \u015fey bulamaz ... en az\u0131ndan burada]",
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"archived_version": "Archived version",
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"watchlist_is_client_side": "Your watch list is stored exclusively in your browser. This means that will not be sent to the server unless you search for it or share it otherwise. If you however choose to empty your browser cache, the watch list will be lost. To be able to continue to work with the same watch list even after emptying the cache, you may use buttons below to export the watch list and import from the same file later on.",
"calculate_distance_to_current_location": "Calculate distance to your current location",
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