80 lines
4.3 KiB
80 lines
4.3 KiB
"tlSources": {
"add_new_source": "Tambahkan sumber yang baru",
"type": "Jenis",
"type_explica": "Jenis sumber.",
"article": "Artikel",
"inbook": "Artikel dari kumpulannya",
"book": "Buku",
"phdthesis": "Skripsi S3",
"electronical": "Electronical",
"misc": "Lain-lain",
"author_creator": "Penulis",
"author_creator_explica": "Penulis sumber ini. Silahkan masukkan nama penulis dan setelah itu pilih dari daftar yang baru muncul.",
"title": "Judul",
"title_explica": "Judul karya ini",
"year": "Tahun",
"year_explica": "Tahun penerbitan sumber ini.",
"venue": "Forum publikasi",
"venue_explica": "Forum penerbitan. Hal salah satu artikel, bidang ini diganakan untuk jurnalnya. Kalau sumber ini berjenis buku, inilah penerbitnya.",
"pages": "Nomor halaman",
"pages_explica": "Nomor halaman sumber lengkap ini.",
"url": "<abbr title=\"Uniform Resource Locator\">URL<\/abbr>",
"url_explica": "Salah satu URL yang merepresentasikan sumber ini. Biasanya inilah halamannya atau halaman versi digitalnya.",
"doi": "<abbr title=\"Digital Object Identifier\">DOI<\/abbr>",
"doi_explica": "DOI yang merepresentasikan sumber ini.",
"journal": "Jurnal",
"publisher": "Penerbit",
"institution": "Lembaga",
"edit_source": "Sunting sumber",
"bibliography": "Bibliografi",
"elsewhere": "Di tempat lain",
"statements": "Pernyataan",
"added_new_statement": "Pernyataan sudah ditambahkan",
"manage_statement": "Sunting pernyataan",
"statement": "Pernyataan",
"added_new_link_w_statement": "Baru menambahkan tautan dengan pernyataan",
"involvement": "Penyertaan",
"sources": "Sumber",
"add_new_statement": "Tambahkan pernyataan",
"pos_in_src": "Posisi dalam sumber",
"source": "Sumber",
"linked_with": "Terkait dengan",
"linked_with_entity": "Masukan terkait",
"linked_with_involvement": "Penyertaan masukan ini",
"added_new_source": "Sumber baru sudah ditambahkan",
"deleted_link_w_statement": "Tautan dengan pernyataan baru dihapuskan",
"deleted_statement": "Pernyataan ini dihapuskan, karena ada satu tautan dengannya saja",
"volume": "Jilid",
"volume_explica": "Jilid jurnal penerbitan artikel ini.",
"issue": "Isu",
"issue_explica": "Isu jurnal penerbitan artikel ini.",
"medium": "Medium",
"random_actor": "Orang \/ lembaga acak",
"random_place": "Tempat acak",
"random_time": "Istilah waktu acak",
"random_tag": "Kata kunci acak",
"broader": "Lebih luas",
"narrower": "Lebih persis",
"involvement_in_statement": "Penyertaan dalam pernyataan",
"entity_of_origin": "Entity of origin",
"entity_target": "Target entity",
"about_backgrounds": "Tentang seksi \"latar belakang\"",
"about_backgrounds_text": "\"Latar belakang\" berarti konteks benda. Masukan latar belakang ini mewujudkan informasi orang \/ lembaga, tempat, waktu, dan kata kunci yang dikumpulkan di latar belakang museum-digital.",
"license": "Lisensi",
"license_explica": "Lisensi sumber atau versi digitalnya.",
"source_fulltext": "Teks lengkap",
"editor": "Editor",
"editor_explica": "Editor or editors of this work. Type in and select an editor from the list. If none can be found, you can add a new one by clicking on the \"+\"-button in front of the text field.",
"booktitle": "Book title",
"booktitle_explica": "The book a chapter was published in.",
"isbn": "ISBN",
"isbn_explica": "ISBN of the book. Should be left empty for books published without an ISBN.",
"location": "Location",
"location_explica": "The location the source was published. Commonly the location of the publisher.",
"organization": "Organization",
"organization_explica": "Organization that holds the source (for archival material) or organization organizing the publication for white papers and theses.",
"signature": "Signature",
"signature_explica": "Signature of the source. Mainly to be used for archival materials, this is NOT the signature at the user's museum."
} |