2021-04-18 22:18:35 +00:00

120 lines
7.6 KiB

"image_incha": {
"replace_version": "Ganti versi gambar",
"replace_maximum": "Versi besar",
"replace_medium": "Versi ukuran medium",
"replace_small": "Versi terkecil",
"replace_all": "Semua tiga versi",
"replace_remark": "Versi ukuran medium sekarang ini diperlihatkan. Kalau versi besar atau kecil diubahkan nanti, mungkin ada perbedaan.",
"image_name": "Nama gambaran",
"bildname_explica": "Nama gambaran penting untuk<br\/>&bull; search engine optimization (\"title tags\")<br\/>&bull; Ikhtisar pertunjukkan.<br\/><br\/>Kebanyakkan hal, bisa menggunakan nama benda saja.<br\/><br\/>[Standar: Judul benda]",
"image_description": "Deskripsi gambaran",
"bildbesch_explica": "Di sini, bisa simpan catatan tentang gambaran sendiri (<b>bukan<\/b> benda) <br\/><br\/>Contoh 1: \"Detail\"<br\/>Contoh 2: \"Sisi belakang\"<br\/>Contoh 3: \"1 dari 4\"",
"image_folder": "Image folder",
"ordner_explica": "The image folder is shown during the uploading process. Usually it starts with the word \"images\", the year, the month. For example: \"images 201504\"<br\/><br\/><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#660000;\">Please always fill out<\/b>",
"image_filename": "Image filename",
"dateiname_explica": "The filename of the image is shown during the uploading process. It has to be provided including the extension (eg. \"317.jpg\" instead of \"317)",
"photographer": "Fotograf",
"creator_explica": "Bidang ini berfungsi penyinmpanan nama fotograf gambaran ini. Silahkan tulis nama saja, jadi bisa ditunjukkan di bawah gambaran.",
"image_rightsholder": "Pemilik hak",
"owner_explica": "Siapa perhak penerbitan gambaran ini?",
"rights_status": "Lisensi (gambaran)",
"rechte_explica": "Lisensi yang mana digunakan untuk gambaran ini? Silahkan pilih dari daftar di sisi kiri. <br\/><br\/>[Default: CC BY-NC-SA]",
"rights_allowed": "Lisensi tersedia",
"info_needed": "Silahkan masukkan nama pemilik hak dan status lisensi",
"image_connect": "Kaitan dengan benda",
"go_object": "Kembali ke benda",
"info_completeit": "Komplitkan informasi dan klik \"simpan\"",
"replace": "Ganti",
"change_from_folder": "Dari folder",
"change_file": "Dokumen",
"replace_with": "Diganti dengan",
"upload_jpg_title": "Unggah gambaran benda (JPG)",
"prerequisites": "Kondisi",
"prerequisites_fileformat": "Gambaran harus merupakan dokumen JPG dengan 72 atau 96 dpi",
"prerequisites_imagesize_general": "Sisi pendek gambaran berukuran paling sedikit 540px.",
"prerequisites_imagesize_mussam": "Lebar paling sedikit 200px",
"prerequisites_filesize_general": "Ukuran dokumen tidak boleh lebih dari 2 MB. Biasanya, 500 KB sehingga 1 MB sudah cukup.",
"prerequisites_filesize_mussam": "Ukuran dokumen tidak boleh lebih dari 2 MB",
"reduction_museum": "Silahkan pilih dokumen untuk diungah",
"reduction_general": "Silahkan pilih dokumen gambaran besar untuk diunggah. Versi yang lebih kecil akan digenerasikan dengan otomatis",
"last_uploaded": "Pengunggahan terakhir",
"upload_failed": "Something went wrong. Possibly you did not give a filename. To try again, please use the <em>back<\/em> button of your browser",
"too_small": "Anda baru mencoba unggah gambaran yang kurang besar daripada ukuran minimum",
"shortcuts": "Shortcut",
"shortcut_description": "Klik untuk digunakan sebagai deskripsi gambaran",
"global_max_upload_size": "Ukuran seluruh pengunggahan adalah",
"image_data": "Informasi gambaran",
"annotate_image": "Catatkan pertunjukkan",
"added_annotation": "Catatan baru ditambahkan",
"updated_annotation": "Catatan baru disunting",
"deleted_annotation": "Catatan baru dihapuskan",
"annotation_explica": "Untuk mencatatatkan seksi gambaran, klik ke pinggir kiri atas dan memindah tikus ke kanan bawa. Menu sisi akan dibukan dengan opsi pemasukan informasi catatan.",
"added_annotation_translation": "Added annotation translation",
"updated_annotation_translation": "Updated annotation translation",
"deleted_annotation_translation": "Deleted annotation translation",
"global_max_file_uploads": "Overall, the maximum number of images that can be uploaded in one go is",
"image_upload_page_title": "Image upload form",
"master_filename": "Name of master file",
"master_filename_explica": "The name of the masterfile including the file extension but without the filepath",
"color": "Color",
"orientation": "Orientation",
"image_size": "Image size",
"minimum_width": "Minimum width",
"maximum_width": "Maximum width",
"minimum_height": "Minimum height",
"maximum_height": "Maximum height",
"orientation_landscape": "Landscape",
"orientation_square": "Square",
"orientation_portrait": "Portrait",
"rotate_left": "Rotate counterclockwise",
"rotate_right": "Rotate clockwise",
"dominant_color": "Dominant color",
"color_black": "black",
"color_green": "green",
"color_silver": "silver",
"color_lime": "lime",
"color_gray": "gray",
"color_olive": "olive",
"color_white": "white",
"color_yellow": "yellow",
"color_maroon": "maroon",
"color_navy": "navy",
"color_red": "red",
"color_blue": "blue",
"color_purple": "purple",
"color_teal": "teal",
"color_fuchsia": "fuchsia",
"color_aqua": "aqua",
"object_filter_active": "You have an active filter for objects. The listed images are restricted to images of these objects.",
"toggle_display_with_master": "Toggle display of image with a master file",
"toggle_display_without_master": "Toggle display of image without an available master file",
"flip": "Invert horizontally",
"flop": "Invert vertically",
"sort_object_images": "Sort object images",
"sort_object_images_explica": "On this page, you can more easily sort object images one by one. Left and right of the image, you can find two buttons for moving the object one position to the front or back. At the very bottom of the page, you can find a list of all resources linked to the object, to quickly jump to them without moving the currently selected image."
"incha_image": {
"front": "Sisi depan",
"rear": "Sisi belakang",
"overall": "Pertunjukkan komplit",
"detail": "Pertunjukkan detail",
"insert": "Masukkan",
"insert_go": "Masukkan dan lanjut",
"no_title": "Silahkan masukkan judul gambaran",
"image_switched_forward": "Gambaran sudah dipindah ke depan dalam sususan gambaran",
"image_switched_backward": "Gambaran sudah dipindah ke belakang dalam sususan gambaran",
"made_main": "Gambaran ini sudah beralih menjadikan gambaran utama bendanya",
"switched_non-public": "Gambaran baru disembunyikan",
"switched_public": "Gambaran baru diterbitkan",
"edit_image": "Sunting informasi gambaran",
"rewrote_iptc": "Informasi IPTC sudah disunting",
"rewrote_iptc_all": "Informasi IPTC sudah disunting untuk semua gambaran yang terkait",
"rotated": "Gambaran sudah diputar",
"flipped": "Gambaran sudah dibalikkan secara vertikal",
"flopped": "Gambaran sudah dibalikkan secara horisontal",
"edited": "Informasi pertunjukkan baru disunting",
"deleted": "Pertunjukkan sudah dihapuskan",
"uploaded": "Gambaran sudah diunggah"