112 lines
15 KiB

"settings": {
"rights_default_intro": "Default media licences for object representations",
"rights_default_set": "Definisi nilai standar",
"rights_rightsholder": "Pemilik hak",
"rights_rightsstatus": "Status hak",
"rights_photo_create": "Fotograf \/ Pengarang",
"rights_current_values": "Nilai yang sudah ada",
"rights_change_case": "Sunting sesuai dengan kondisi",
"rights_images_only": "Gambaran yang diunggah saja",
"external_intro": "Pertunjukan isi di sisi",
"external_collection_overview": "Tunjukkan tombol "ikthisar koleksi"",
"external_collection_description": "Klik ke judul koleksi di ikhtisar koleksi menunjukkan deskripsi koleksi",
"external_collection_objects": "Klik ke judul koleksi di ikhtisar koleksi menunjukkan benda dalam koleksi",
"external_collection_link": "Menunjukkan link di bawah deskripsi koleksi (" ... informasi lanjut tentang koleksi ini di internet ... ")",
"services_for": "Layanan untuk",
"services_export": "Ekspor",
"services_export_dialogue": "Dialog ekspor. Informasi terpilih tentang benda terpilih",
"users_registered_intro": "Pengguna termasuk untuk",
"users_register_new": "Tambahkan pengguna yang baru",
"users_register_admin": "Administrator",
"users_register_director": "Direktur Museum",
"users_register_private": "Karyawan",
"users_register_volunteer": "Pemasuk",
"users_register_visitor": "Visiting Scientist",
"headline_rights": "Bentuk hukum yang bisa dipilih untuk gambaran (dan pertunjukan benda yang lain)",
"museum_stored": "Museum-specific settings have been updated.",
"users_specifically_determined": "Specifically determined",
"socialmedia": "Display social media buttons for new objects by default",
"socialmedia_buttons": "Show newly incorporated objects with social media buttons",
"pdf_catalogue": "Katalog PDF",
"pdf_catalogue_explain": "Create a PDF catalogues.",
"pdf_catalogue_explica": "To save server capacity it is only possible to create catalogues with a maximum of 50 objects at once. But you are free to create as many catalogues as necessary.",
"pdf_catalogue_start": "Start with object # ",
"map": "Objects at map",
"volume": "Jilid",
"close": "Tutup",
"provenance_section": "Cek asal (bidang pencarian asal)",
"provenance_kind": "Jenis cek (misalnya: perampasan)",
"provenance_added_new": "Jenis cek asal baru ditambahkan",
"provenance_removed_category": "Jenis cek asal dihapuskan",
"delete": "Hapuskan",
"edit_image_rights_by_group": "Sunting informasi lisensi gamabaran sekelompok (gambaran yang diunggah saja)",
"mir_caution_message": "(Awas: Fungsi ini akan menyunting banyak benda.)",
"following_cases_appear_select": "Ada hal ini. Silahkan memilih apa yang cocok untuk melanjutkan.",
"return_museum_list": "Kembali ke daftar museum",
"return_settings_services": "Kembali ke halaman pengaturan museum",
"simple_inputs_no_symbols": "Silahkan memasukkan informasi dasar. Misalnya, tidak memasukkan lambak copyright di depan nama pemilik hak atau kata \"fotograf\" di depan nama fotograf.",
"institution_elsewhere": "Representasi museum lain di internet",
"elsewhere_link_text": "Teks tautan",
"elsewhere_link_url": "URL",
"elsewhere_link_added": "Tautan ke representasi museum lain baru ditambahkan",
"elsewhere_link_removed": "Tautan ke representasi museum lain baru dihapuskan",
"metadata_rights": "Informasi lisensi metadata:",
"obj_link_default_sort_by": "Link ke para benda: Parameter penyortiran standar",
"obj_link_default_sort_order": "Link ke para benda: Penyortiran standar",
"comment_on_md_who": "Fungsi komentar di museum-digital: Siapa bisa menulis komentar?",
"comments_by_all": "Semua pengguna",
"comments_by_logged_in": "Pengguna yang dilogin saja",
"comments_by_viewer": "Pengguna dengan ijin pelihatan",
"comments_by_editor": "Pengguna dengan ijin penyuntingan",
"comments_by_nobody": "Tidak seorang",
"make_statistics_accessible": "Terbitkan statistik pengguna online",
"offer_image_download_button": "Terbitkan button untuk pengunduhan di halaman pertunjukan",
"share_dumps": "Share XML dumps \/ automatic exports",
"share_folder_none": "None",
"share_folder_share-link": "Via share link",
"share_folder_public": "Public",
"share_dumps_link": "Share link",
"socialmedia_buttons_disable": "Do not show social media buttons on default object pages",
"use_event_sources": "Show option to add sources to events",
"iframe": "iframe",
"additional_features": "Additional features",
"object_input_page": "Object input page",
"social_media_buttons": "Social media buttons",
"enable_ai_image_categorization": "Enable AI image categorization when adding objects",
"activate_additional_features": "Activate additional features",
"embed_presentation_in_iframe": "Presentation in iframe",
"additional_fields_on_object_add": "Additional fields when adding new objects",
"additional_fields_on_object_add_explanation": "Here you can add or remove additional entry fields that shall be made available directly when adding a new object. You may also set them to be required for adding the object altogether.",
"enable_strict_mode_for_values": "Enforce value information (estimated value, insurance value) to be numeric",
"enable_strict_mode_for_sizes": "Enforce sizes (height, weight, etc.) to be numeric",
"enable_strict_mode_for_dates": "Add date picker for dates and enforce entry and estimation dates are actual date fields",
"enable_strict_mode_for_invno": "Enforce unique inventory numbers within the museum without any exceptions or overrides",
"invno_scheme": "Scheme for suggested inventory numbers",
"explica_media_rights_defaults": "When uploading images, videos, audio and other media files, the following entries are entered into the respective fields for the media files' license status by default. During the upload, they can be changed to a more suitable value for the current media file. To generally update the default values however, change the fields below.",
"explica_object_metadata_rights_defaults": "The following values describe the default license status and rights holder entered for the metadata (title, description, etc.) for newly recorded objects. If you are to change the license status or rights holder later on, you can do so using the respective fields of the \"rights\" tab of the object editing page or generally overwrite any existing license status or rights holders by clicking on the buttons below (\"rebase\").",
"explica_social_media_buttons": "At the bottom of each object page in the public frontend of museum-digital, share buttons for common social media sites can be displayed. Whether they actually are displayed can be set on a per-object basis. A default value for new objects can be set here however.",
"explica_download_button_images": "On single image pages for object images in the public frontend of museum-digital, a download button can be displayed. This only pertains to pages for images (not other resources) hosted with museum-digital. In some cases, e.g. if the object is a recent artwork where the museum itself only holds restricted control over the licensing of the object or its display online, it may be necessary to disable the download button. Regardless of the setting here, users can still download the image using a right click.",
"commenting_function": "Commenting",
"explica_commenting": "Commenting can be enabled in the public frontend of museum-digital. The commenting function can either be opened to anybody, or only to specific user groups, which can be selected below. If the commenting function is activated and anybody leaves a comment, new comments can be moderated using the moderation tool accessible through musdb's dashboard (section: tools).",
"explica_share_dumps": "If a museum wants to grant the public - or certain other parties such as aggregators or portals - ongoing access to a full download of its published object data at museum-digital, this can be done using the setting below. If the shared dumps are made public, they will be linked on the museum's institution page. If they are set to sharing by a link, they will be made accessible using a link only to be found in an entry field of this subsection.",
"preferred_object_order": "Preferred order of objects",
"explica_preferred_object_order": "Using the buttons below a preferred order of the object listing for all objects of the institution when accessed through the respective links at the bottom of the institution page can be adjusted.",
"explica_strict_mode_sizes": "If this setting is enabled, the fields for separated measurements are converted into number fields. This way, only valid, numeric information can be entered into the fields. Consequently, one can be sure that the objects can be properly searched (e.g. using a search for all objects taller or smaller than 500 mm). Strictly requiring numeric information using the respective input field type however makes it impossible to display pre-existing, non-numeric data. Hence, this setting should only be enabled if one is certain, that all contents in the respective fields is valid and numeric. ",
"explica_strict_mode_dates": "If this setting is enabled, the fields for date information on object pages (e.g. entry date) are converted into date fields. This way, only valid dates can be entered into the fields (e.g. \"August 20th, 2022\"; not \"ca. 2022\"). The date fields now contain a date picker. Consequently, one can be sure that the objects can be properly searched (e.g. using a search for all objects entering the museums before a given day). Strictly requiring date information using the respective input field type however makes it impossible to display pre-existing and invalid dates. Hence, this setting should not be enabled if any information has been entered into the date fields already.",
"explica_strict_mode_values": "If this setting is enabled, the fields for values (e..g insurance value, estimated value) are converted into number fields. This way, only valid, numeric information can be entered into the fields. Consequently, one can be sure that the objects can be properly searched (e.g. using a search for all objects more or less expensive than 500 \u20ac). Strictly requiring numeric information using the respective input field type however makes it impossible to display pre-existing, non-numeric data. Hence, this setting should only be enabled if one is certain, that all contents in the respective fields is valid and numeric. ",
"explica_strict_mode_invno": "By default, a warning is given if a new object with a duplicate inventory number is entered. It is however possible to proceed entering the object regardless by pressing the respective button. Enabling this setting removes the button and makes it fully impossible to enter objects of a duplicate inventory number.",
"explica_how_event_sources": "If a museum has a strong research focus or a focus on provenenance research, it may be useful to note the source from which the information for events (e.g. who bought the object at a given date?) was retrieved. The option to do so in a regularized fashion is available once this option has been activated.",
"explica_object_categorization_ai": "When adding objects, an AI-based image categorization can be run for a rough tagging of the objects (provided that images are uploaded as the object is added). As this image categoriation is far from perfect and blocks the upload process for some time, it needs to be enabled here if it is to be used.",
"explica_invno_scheme": "If this field is filled, a suggestion for inventory numbers for new objects can be provided by the system. Variable components of an inventory number - a counter and often an identifier for the collection - can be marked using the placeholders {no} (for a counter counting up) and {c_sig} for the collection signature. Suggesting collection signatures required a collection to have already been selected as the suggestion button is pressed. Signatures for the collection can be entered using the collection page. An example for such an inventory number scheme may thus be XYZ-{no}8, meaning that any suggested inventory number will start with \"XYZ-\", followed by a counter padded to 8 characters. The first proposed inventory number would thus be XYZ-00000001, the second XYZ-00000002.",
"enable_strict_mode_for_object_type": "Require users to select an object type from the drop-down list when adding a new object",
"explica_strict_mode_object_type": "If this setting is enabled, the object input page is adjusted to prevent users from adding new objects with free-text object types. Instead, the object type needs to be selected from the drop-down menu appearing as one types in the relevant field. Thus, the object type is also always searchable as a tag and the object is directly categorizable using norm data links in case of exports and the like.",
"image_downloads": "Image downloads",
"bulk_download_text": "Text appearing for users when bulk downloading object images",
"explica_bulk_download_text": "Using this setting the museum can determine a text that will appear in an overlay as users download all object images in bulk. The users may thus be asked to notify the museum when using the images, even though the license permits them to use them without notification.",
"nextcloud_base_url": "Nextcloud integration: base URL",
"explica_nextcloud_base_url": "musdb can be integrated with an institution's Nextcloud instance. To do so, the base URL (https:\/\/cloud.example.com) needs to be entered here. If that has been done, each user of the institution can enter their username and an app password (available using the user security settings in Nextcloud) in their personal settings. Subsequently, musdb will indicate if one has access to folders with additional data for an entry - e.g. a loan or an exhibition. For this to work, folder names need to include the entity's reference number (displayed in the sidebar).",
"custom_report_templates_explanation": "Here you can upload templates for reports and overviews. At the respecitve places (page of an object, object overview, \u2026) these template might be used to autogenerate the reports and overviews with the relevant information. Placeholders mark the space where the respective information is filled in when the report is generated. A list of the placeholders available for a given type of report can be accessed by clicking one of the buttons below. The templates need to be uploaded in a plain text format (e.g. html, csv, txt, \u2026).",
"custom_report_templates_object_loop_explanation": "Where a given type of report concerns multiple objects, the section for representing object information has to be encapsulted with the marker {object_loop}."