85 lines
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85 lines
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"settings": {
"rights_default_intro": "Default media licences for object representations",
"rights_default_set": "ustal warto\u015bci domy\u015blne",
"rights_rightsholder": "W\u0142a\u015bciciel praw autorskich",
"rights_rightsstatus": "Status praw autorskich",
"rights_photo_create": "Fotograf \/ Tw\u00f3rca",
"rights_current_values": "Aktualne warto\u015bci",
"rights_change_case": "Zmie\u0144 w przypadku",
"rights_images_only": "Tylko przes\u0142ane pliki graficzne",
"external_intro": "Prezentacja zawarto\u015bci na witrynie",
"external_collection_overview": "Poka\u017c prze\u0142\u0105cznik "Przegl\u0105d kolekcji"",
"external_collection_description": "Klikni\u0119cie nazwy kolekcji w "przegl\u0105dzie kolekcji" przenosi do opisu kolekcji",
"external_collection_objects": "Klikni\u0119cie nazwy kolekcji w "przegl\u0105dzie kolekcji" przenosi do listy obiekt\u00f3w w kolekcji",
"external_collection_link": "Poka\u017c link "... wi\u0119cej na temat tej kolekcji " poni\u017cej opisu kolekcji",
"services_for": "Us\u0142ugi dla",
"services_export": "Eksport",
"services_export_dialogue": "Okno dialogowe eksportu. Mo\u017cliwo\u015b\u0107 wyboru informacji, obiekt\u00f3w i formatu",
"users_registered_intro": "U\u017cytkownicy zarejestrowani od",
"users_register_new": "Zarejestruj nowego u\u017cytkownika",
"users_register_admin": "Administrator",
"users_register_director": "Dyrektor",
"users_register_private": "Praktykant\/sta\u017cysta",
"users_register_volunteer": "Tylko wprowadzanie",
"users_register_visitor": "Profesor wizytuj\u0105cy",
"headline_rights": "Dost\u0119pne okre\u015blenia praw autorskich do plik\u00f3w graficznych (oraz innych wizerunk\u00f3w obiekt\u00f3w)",
"museum_stored": "Museum-specific settings have been updated.",
"users_specifically_determined": "Specifically determined",
"socialmedia": "Display social media buttons for new objects by default",
"socialmedia_buttons": "Show newly incorporated objects with social media buttons",
"pdf_catalogue": "PDF Catalogue",
"pdf_catalogue_explain": "Create a PDF catalogues.",
"pdf_catalogue_explica": "To save server capacity it is only possible to create catalogues with a maximum of 50 objects at once. But you are free to create as many catalogues as necessary.",
"pdf_catalogue_start": "Start with object # ",
"map": "Objects at map",
"volume": "Volume",
"close": "Close",
"provenance_section": "Provenance Check)",
"provenance_kind": "Kind of check (e.g.: Expropriation)",
"provenance_added_new": "Added new kind of provenance check",
"provenance_removed_category": "Deleted kind of provenance check",
"delete": "Delete",
"edit_image_rights_by_group": "Edit image rights by group (only for uploaded objects)",
"mir_caution_message": "(Caution: Using this function, you can batch edit many entries in one go. Be cautious!)",
"following_cases_appear_select": "Die folgenden F\u00e4lle treten auf. Bitte w\u00e4hlen Sie den zu \u00e4ndernden Fall.",
"return_museum_list": "Return to list of museums",
"return_settings_services": "Return to settings and services",
"simple_inputs_no_symbols": "Please use simple inputs. Say, avoid adding a copyright symbol before the rights holder, or \"photographer\" before the photographer's name.",
"institution_elsewhere": "The institution elsewhere on the web",
"elsewhere_link_text": "Link text",
"elsewhere_link_url": "URL",
"elsewhere_link_added": "Added link to other representation of the museum",
"elsewhere_link_removed": "Removed link to other representation of the museum",
"metadata_rights": "Metadata rights:",
"obj_link_default_sort_by": "Link to objects: Default sort parameter",
"obj_link_default_sort_order": "Link to objects: Default sort order",
"comment_on_md_who": "Commenting on MD: Who can comment?",
"comments_by_all": "Everybody",
"comments_by_logged_in": "Any logged in users",
"comments_by_viewer": "Users with viewing rights",
"comments_by_editor": "Users with editing rights",
"comments_by_nobody": "Nobody",
"make_statistics_accessible": "Make (online) visitor statistics accessible",
"offer_image_download_button": "Offer download button on image pages",
"share_dumps": "Share XML dumps \/ automatic exports",
"share_folder_none": "None",
"share_folder_share-link": "Via share link",
"share_folder_public": "Public",
"share_dumps_link": "Share link",
"socialmedia_buttons_disable": "Do not show social media buttons on default object pages",
"use_event_sources": "Show option to add sources to events",
"iframe": "iframe",
"additional_features": "Additional features",
"object_input_page": "Object input page",
"social_media_buttons": "Social media buttons",
"enable_ai_image_categorization": "Enable AI image categorization when adding objects",
"activate_additional_features": "Activate additional features",
"embed_presentation_in_iframe": "Presentation in iframe",
"additional_fields_on_object_add": "Additional fields when adding new objects",
"additional_fields_on_object_add_explanation": "Here you can add or remove additional entry fields that shall be made available directly when adding a new object. You may also set them to be required for adding the object altogether.",
"enable_strict_mode_for_values": "Enforce value information (estimated value, insurance value) to be numeric",
"enable_strict_mode_for_sizes": "Enforce sizes (height, weight, etc.) to be numeric",
"enable_strict_mode_for_dates": "Add date picker for dates and enforce entry and estimation dates are actual date fields"
} |