The next update will include new institution settings options for who can comment on objects and the default sort order of objects of an institutions when accessed from an institution or collection page.
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"settings": {
"rights_default_intro": "Informasi hak untuk pertunjukan benda",
"rights_default_set": "Definisi nilai standar",
"rights_rightsholder": "Pemilik hak",
"rights_rightsstatus": "Status hak",
"rights_photo_create": "Fotograf \/ Pengarang",
"rights_current_values": "Nilai yang sudah ada",
"rights_change_case": "Sunting sesuai dengan kondisi",
"rights_images_only": "Gambaran yang diunggah saja",
"external_intro": "Pertunjukan isi di sisi",
"external_collection_overview": "Tunjukkan tombol "ikthisar koleksi"",
"external_collection_description": "Klik ke judul koleksi di ikhtisar koleksi menunjukkan deskripsi koleksi",
"external_collection_objects": "Klik ke judul koleksi di ikhtisar koleksi menunjukkan benda dalam koleksi",
"external_collection_link": "Menunjukkan link di bawah deskripsi koleksi (" ... informasi lanjut tentang koleksi ini di internet ... ")",
"services_for": "Layanan untuk",
"services_export": "Ekspor",
"services_export_dialogue": "Dialog ekspor. Informasi terpilih tentang benda terpilih",
"users_registered_intro": "Pengguna termasuk untuk",
"users_register_new": "Tambahkan pengguna yang baru",
"users_register_admin": "Administrator",
"users_register_director": "Direktur Museum",
"users_register_private": "Karyawan",
"users_register_volunteer": "Pemasuk",
"users_register_visitor": "Visiting Scientist",
"headline_rights": "Bentuk hukum yang bisa dipilih untuk gambaran (dan pertunjukan benda yang lain)",
"museum_stored": "Museum-specific settings have been updated.",
"users_specifically_determined": "Specifically determined",
"socialmedia": "Use social media at this platform for",
"socialmedia_buttons": "Show newly incorporated objects with social media buttons",
"pdf_catalogue": "PDF Catalogue",
"pdf_catalogue_explain": "Create a PDF catalogues.",
"pdf_catalogue_explica": "To save server capacity it is only possible to create catalogues with a maximum of 50 objects at once. But you are free to create as many catalogues as necessary.",
"pdf_catalogue_start": "Start with object # ",
"map": "Objects at map",
"volume": "Volume",
"close": "Close",
"provenance_section": "Provenance Check)",
"provenance_kind": "Kind of check (e.g.: Expropriation)",
"provenance_added_new": "Added new kind of provenance check",
"provenance_removed_category": "Deleted kind of provenance check",
"delete": "Delete",
"edit_image_rights_by_group": "Edit image rights by group (only for uploaded objects)",
"mir_caution_message": "(Caution: Using this function, you can batch edit many entries in one go. Be cautious!)",
"following_cases_appear_select": "Die folgenden F\u00e4lle treten auf. Bitte w\u00e4hlen Sie den zu \u00e4ndernden Fall.",
"return_museum_list": "Return to list of museums",
"return_settings_services": "Return to settings and services",
"simple_inputs_no_symbols": "Please use simple inputs. Say, avoid adding a copyright symbol before the rights holder, or \"photographer\" before the photographer's name.",
"institution_elsewhere": "The institution elsewhere on the web",
"elsewhere_link_text": "Link text",
"elsewhere_link_url": "URL",
"elsewhere_link_added": "Added link to other representation of the museum",
"elsewhere_link_removed": "Removed link to other representation of the museum",
"metadata_rights": "Metadata rights:",
"obj_link_default_sort_by": "Link to objects: Default sort parameter",
"obj_link_default_sort_order": "Link to objects: Default sort order",
"comment_on_md_who": "Commenting on MD: Who can comment?",
"comments_by_all": "Everybody",
"comments_by_logged_in": "Any logged in users",
"comments_by_viewer": "Users with viewing rights",
"comments_by_editor": "Users with editing rights",
"comments_by_nobody": "Nobody"
} |