70 lines
3.6 KiB

"instmus": {
"page_museumatweb": "Witryna internetowa muzeum",
"page_museumatmap": "Muzeum na mapie",
"page_museumatassociation": "Muzeum w stowarzyszeniach",
"page_museummoreabout": "\u2026 wi\u0119cej na temat muzeum i jego kolekcji",
"page_museumsearchcollection": "Wyszukuj w\u015br\u00f3d",
"page_museumshowallobjects": "Poka\u017c wszystkie obiekty z tej instytucji",
"page_museumsearchobjects": "Wyszukaj obiekty z tej instytucji",
"page_collection_title": "Kolekcja",
"page_collection_document": "\u2026 wi\u0119cej na temat tej kolekcji (dokument)",
"page_collection_web": "\u2026 wi\u0119cej na temat tej kolekcji (HTML)",
"page_collection_parts": "Kolekcja ta sk\u0142ada si\u0119 z nast\u0119puj\u0105cych cz\u0119\u015bci",
"page_collection_showobjects": "Poka\u017c obiekty z tej kolekcji",
"page_collection_museumindatabase": "w tej bazie danych",
"page_collection_super": "This collection is part of",
"page_collection_onmap": "Show objects of collection at map",
"page_museum_objects_onmap": "Show objects of the museum at map",
"about_museum": "About the museum",
"rss": "Objekte abonnieren",
"export_contact": "Kontakt exportieren",
"objects_from_collection": "Objects from collection",
"objects_from_institution": "Objects from institution",
"about_collection": "About the collection",
"exhibitions_rss": "Subscribe to Exhibitions",
"export_calendar_exhibitions": "Calendar: exhibitions",
"upcoming_events": "Upcoming events",
"see_more": "See more",
"timeline_objects_museum": "Timeline for objects of the museum",
"map_objects_museum": "Map showing objects of the museum",
"timeline_objects_collection": "Timeline for objects of the collection",
"map_objects_collection": "Map showing objects of the collection",
"all_events": "Alle Veranstaltungen anzeigen",
"tour": "Tour of the museum",
"accessible": "Accessible",
"not_accessible": "Not accessible",
"photos_allowed": "Photos allowed",
"photos_not_allowed": "Photos not allowed",
"cloakroom_available": "Cloakroom available",
"cloakroom_not_available": "Cloakroom not available",
"lockers_available": "Lockers available",
"lockers_not_available": "Lockers not available",
"shop_available": "Shop available",
"shop_not_available": "Shop not available",
"cafe_available": "Caf\u00e9 available",
"cafe_not_available": "Caf\u00e9 not available",
"babycare_room_available": "Baby care room available",
"babycare_room_not_available": "Baby care room not available",
"dow_0": "Monday",
"dow_1": "Tuesday",
"dow_2": "Wednesday",
"dow_3": "Thursday",
"dow_4": "Friday",
"dow_5": "Saturday",
"dow_6": "Sunday",
"regular_opening_hours": "Regul\u00e4re \u00d6ffnungszeiten",
"general_note_opening_hours": "General note",
"cloakroom": "Cloakroom",
"lockers": "Lockers",
"museum_shop": "Museum shop",
"babycare_room": "Baby care room",
"ticket_prices": "Ticket prices",
"online_visitor_statistics": "Visitor statistics",
"institution_share": "Public shares",
"institution_share_introduction": "Here you can download XML dumps of the public data of the museum.",
"summary": "Summary",
"format": "Format",
"last_generated": "Last generated"