Add translations for missing help tooltips
Added help tooltips for: - condition - loans - object_addendum - transcriptions - provenance Also added missing translations for data history.
This commit is contained in:
@ -23,6 +23,11 @@
"creator": "Creator",
"creator": "Creator",
"date": "Date",
"date": "Date",
"delete": "Delete",
"delete": "Delete",
"type": "Type"
"type": "Type",
"report_title_explica": "The title of the conservation \/ restoration report. Should be a concise name that helps identifying the report.",
"report_content_explica": "Content of the conservation \/ restoration report.",
"report_type_explica": "Type of the report.",
"report_creator_explica": "Name of the author of the report.",
"report_date_explica": "Date of the report creation."
@ -19,6 +19,12 @@
"visibility": "Visibility",
"visibility": "Visibility",
"type_of_edit": "Changed ...",
"type_of_edit": "Changed ...",
"date": "at",
"date": "at",
"user": "by"
"user": "by",
"transcription": "Transcription",
"restorationReport": "Restoration report",
"exhibition": "Exhibition",
"loan": "Loan",
"provenance": "Provenance report",
"image": "Abbildung"
@ -46,6 +46,9 @@
"all_loan_entries": "All loan entries",
"all_loan_entries": "All loan entries",
"must_be_numeric": "Must be a numeric value",
"must_be_numeric": "Must be a numeric value",
"insurance_currency": "Insurance value: currency",
"insurance_currency": "Insurance value: currency",
"loans_list_empty_text": "No loan entry has been added for your museum yet (hence, we cannot list any). You may:"
"loans_list_empty_text": "No loan entry has been added for your museum yet (hence, we cannot list any). You may:",
"loan_obj_remark_explica": "Note about the specific circumstances of the object as part of the loan.",
"select_loan_entry_explica": "Select the loan entry you want to link the object with from the list. If the loan entry has not been added before, you can add it by clicking on the \"+\" symbol.",
"partner_person": "Contact person"
@ -78,7 +78,9 @@
"ausm_visibility_md": "Visibility of separated measurements on museum-digital",
"ausm_visibility_md": "Visibility of separated measurements on museum-digital",
"ausm_visibility_extern": "Visibility of separated measurements for external use",
"ausm_visibility_extern": "Visibility of separated measurements for external use",
"vergl_visibility_md": "Visibility of comparable object information on museum-digital",
"vergl_visibility_md": "Visibility of comparable object information on museum-digital",
"vergl_visibility_extern": "Visibility of comparable object information for external use"
"vergl_visibility_extern": "Visibility of comparable object information for external use",
"metadata_rights_holder_explica": "Rights holder of the metadata of the object.",
"metadata_rights_status_explica": "License of the object metadata."
"ortart": [
"ortart": [
@ -10,6 +10,10 @@
"final": "Finished",
"final": "Finished",
"creator": "Creator",
"creator": "Creator",
"date": "Date",
"date": "Date",
"upload_document": "Upload a document"
"upload_document": "Upload a document",
"provenance_content_explica": "Text des (Provenienz-)Forschungsberichts.",
"provenance_status_explica": "Status of the research.",
"provenance_creator_explica": "Author(s) of the report.",
"provenance_date_explica": "Date of the report creation."
@ -9,6 +9,9 @@
"transcript_deleted": "The transcript has been deleted",
"transcript_deleted": "The transcript has been deleted",
"transcript_updated": "The transcript has been updated",
"transcript_updated": "The transcript has been updated",
"edit_transcript_TEI": "Edit transcript (TEI mode)",
"edit_transcript_TEI": "Edit transcript (TEI mode)",
"edit_transcript_for_object": "Edit transcript for object"
"edit_transcript_for_object": "Edit transcript for object",
"is_tranlation_explica": "Using this switch you can determine if this transcription is featured immediately on the document or if the entry represents a translation of the actual transcription.",
"transcript_language_explica": "You need to determine the language of the text you are transcribing. Please select it from the list.",
"transcript_content_explica": "The content of the transcription. The content of this field can either be plain text or encoded following the TEI (Text-Encoding Initiative) standard."
@ -23,6 +23,11 @@
"creator": "Verfasser",
"creator": "Verfasser",
"date": "Datum",
"date": "Datum",
"delete": "L\u00f6schen",
"delete": "L\u00f6schen",
"type": "Typ"
"type": "Typ",
"report_title_explica": "Titel des Konservierungs- bzw. Restaurationsreports. Sollte ein kurzer Name sein, der der Identifikation des Berichts dient.",
"report_content_explica": "Text des Berichts.",
"report_type_explica": "Typ des Berichts.",
"report_creator_explica": "Name des oder der Autoren des Berichts.",
"report_date_explica": "Datum der Erstellung des Berichts."
@ -19,6 +19,12 @@
"visibility": "Sichtbarkeit",
"visibility": "Sichtbarkeit",
"type_of_edit": "Ge\u00e4ndert ...",
"type_of_edit": "Ge\u00e4ndert ...",
"date": "am",
"date": "am",
"user": "von"
"user": "von",
"transcription": "Transkription",
"restorationReport": "Restaurations-\/Konservierungs-Berichte",
"exhibition": "Ausstellung",
"loan": "Leihverkehr",
"provenance": "Provenienz",
"image": "Abbildung"
@ -46,6 +46,9 @@
"all_loan_entries": "Alle Leihverkehrseintr\u00e4ge",
"all_loan_entries": "Alle Leihverkehrseintr\u00e4ge",
"must_be_numeric": "Muss eine Zahl sein",
"must_be_numeric": "Muss eine Zahl sein",
"insurance_currency": "Versicherungswert: W\u00e4hrung",
"insurance_currency": "Versicherungswert: W\u00e4hrung",
"loans_list_empty_text": "Es wurde noch kein Leihvorgang f\u00fcr Ihr Museum erfasst (entsprechend k\u00f6nnen wir keine Auflisten). Sie k\u00f6nnen:"
"loans_list_empty_text": "Es wurde noch kein Leihvorgang f\u00fcr Ihr Museum erfasst (entsprechend k\u00f6nnen wir keine Auflisten). Sie k\u00f6nnen:",
"loan_obj_remark_explica": "Notiz zu den spezifischen Umst\u00e4nden des Objektes im Leihverkehr.",
"select_loan_entry_explica": "Auswahl des Leihverkehrs mit dem das Objekt verkn\u00fcpft werden soll. Sollte der Leihverkehr noch nicht erfasst sein, kann er durch einen Klick auf das \"+\"-Symbol eingef\u00fcgt werden.",
"partner_person": "Kontaktperson"
@ -78,7 +78,9 @@
"ausm_visibility_md": "Sichtbarkeit der getrennten Ma\u00dfangaben auf museum-digital",
"ausm_visibility_md": "Sichtbarkeit der getrennten Ma\u00dfangaben auf museum-digital",
"ausm_visibility_extern": "Sichtbarkeit der getrennten Ma\u00dfangaben bei externer Ausspielung",
"ausm_visibility_extern": "Sichtbarkeit der getrennten Ma\u00dfangaben bei externer Ausspielung",
"vergl_visibility_md": "Sichtbarkeit der Vergleichsobjekte auf museum-digital",
"vergl_visibility_md": "Sichtbarkeit der Vergleichsobjekte auf museum-digital",
"vergl_visibility_extern": "Sichtbarkeit der Vergleichsobjekte bei externer Ausspielung"
"vergl_visibility_extern": "Sichtbarkeit der Vergleichsobjekte bei externer Ausspielung",
"metadata_rights_holder_explica": "Rechteinhaber der Objekt-Metadatenrechte.",
"metadata_rights_status_explica": "Lizenzstatus der Objekt-Metadaten."
"ortart": [
"ortart": [
@ -10,6 +10,10 @@
"final": "Abgeschlossen",
"final": "Abgeschlossen",
"creator": "Verfasser",
"creator": "Verfasser",
"date": "Datum",
"date": "Datum",
"upload_document": "Ein Dokument heraufladen"
"upload_document": "Ein Dokument heraufladen",
"provenance_content_explica": "Text des (Provenienz-)Forschungsberichts.",
"provenance_status_explica": "Status der Forschung.",
"provenance_creator_explica": "Autoren des Forschungsberichts.",
"provenance_date_explica": "Datum der Erstellung."
@ -9,6 +9,9 @@
"transcript_deleted": "Die Transkription wurde gel\u00f6scht",
"transcript_deleted": "Die Transkription wurde gel\u00f6scht",
"transcript_updated": "Die Transkription wurde bearbeitet",
"transcript_updated": "Die Transkription wurde bearbeitet",
"edit_transcript_TEI": "Transkription bearbeiten (TEI-Modus)",
"edit_transcript_TEI": "Transkription bearbeiten (TEI-Modus)",
"edit_transcript_for_object": "Transkription bearbeiten f\u00fcr: "
"edit_transcript_for_object": "Transkription bearbeiten f\u00fcr: ",
"is_tranlation_explica": "Mithilfe dieses Schalters k\u00f6nnen Sie einstellen, ob es sich bei diesem Eintrag um eine direkte Transkription des Textes des Objektes handelt, oder ob es sich um eine \u00dcbersetzung des Textes handelt.",
"transcript_language_explica": "Hier k\u00f6nnen Sie die Sprache des transkribierten Textes einstellen.",
"transcript_content_explica": "Der transkribierte Text. Beim Inhalt dieses Feldes kann es sich entweder um einfachen Text oder um eine TEI (Text Encoding Initiative)-kodierte Version des Textes handeln. "
@ -23,6 +23,11 @@
"creator": "Creator",
"creator": "Creator",
"date": "Date",
"date": "Date",
"delete": "Delete",
"delete": "Delete",
"type": "Type"
"type": "Type",
"report_title_explica": "The title of the conservation \/ restoration report. Should be a concise name that helps identifying the report.",
"report_content_explica": "Content of the conservation \/ restoration report.",
"report_type_explica": "Type of the report.",
"report_creator_explica": "Name of the author of the report.",
"report_date_explica": "Date of the report creation."
@ -19,6 +19,12 @@
"visibility": "Visibility",
"visibility": "Visibility",
"type_of_edit": "Changed ...",
"type_of_edit": "Changed ...",
"date": "at",
"date": "at",
"user": "by"
"user": "by",
"transcription": "Transcription",
"restorationReport": "Restoration report",
"exhibition": "Exhibition",
"loan": "Loan",
"provenance": "Provenance report",
"image": "Abbildung"
@ -46,6 +46,9 @@
"all_loan_entries": "All loan entries",
"all_loan_entries": "All loan entries",
"must_be_numeric": "Must be a numeric value",
"must_be_numeric": "Must be a numeric value",
"insurance_currency": "Insurance value: currency",
"insurance_currency": "Insurance value: currency",
"loans_list_empty_text": "No loan entry has been added for your museum yet (therefore, we cannot list any). You may:"
"loans_list_empty_text": "No loan entry has been added for your museum yet (therefore, we cannot list any). You may:",
"loan_obj_remark_explica": "Note about the specific circumstances of the object as part of the loan.",
"select_loan_entry_explica": "Select the loan entry you want to link the object with from the list. If the loan entry has not been added before, you can add it by clicking on the \"+\" symbol.",
"partner_person": "Contact person"
@ -78,7 +78,9 @@
"ausm_visibility_md": "Visibility of separated measurements on museum-digital",
"ausm_visibility_md": "Visibility of separated measurements on museum-digital",
"ausm_visibility_extern": "Visibility of separated measurements for external use",
"ausm_visibility_extern": "Visibility of separated measurements for external use",
"vergl_visibility_md": "Visibility of comparable object information on museum-digital",
"vergl_visibility_md": "Visibility of comparable object information on museum-digital",
"vergl_visibility_extern": "Visibility of comparable object information for external use"
"vergl_visibility_extern": "Visibility of comparable object information for external use",
"metadata_rights_holder_explica": "Rights holder of the metadata of the object.",
"metadata_rights_status_explica": "License of the object metadata."
"ortart": [
"ortart": [
@ -10,6 +10,10 @@
"final": "Finished",
"final": "Finished",
"creator": "Creator",
"creator": "Creator",
"date": "Date",
"date": "Date",
"upload_document": "Upload a document"
"upload_document": "Upload a document",
"provenance_content_explica": "Text des (Provenienz-)Forschungsberichts.",
"provenance_status_explica": "Status of the research.",
"provenance_creator_explica": "Author(s) of the report.",
"provenance_date_explica": "Date of the report creation."
@ -9,6 +9,9 @@
"transcript_deleted": "The transcript has been deleted",
"transcript_deleted": "The transcript has been deleted",
"transcript_updated": "The transcript has been updated",
"transcript_updated": "The transcript has been updated",
"edit_transcript_TEI": "Edit transcript (TEI mode)",
"edit_transcript_TEI": "Edit transcript (TEI mode)",
"edit_transcript_for_object": "Edit transcript for object"
"edit_transcript_for_object": "Edit transcript for object",
"is_tranlation_explica": "Using this switch you can determine if this transcription is featured immediately on the document or if the entry represents a translation of the actual transcription.",
"transcript_language_explica": "You need to determine the language of the text you are transcribing. Please select it from the list.",
"transcript_content_explica": "The content of the transcription. The content of this field can either be plain text or encoded following the TEI (Text-Encoding Initiative) standard."
@ -23,6 +23,11 @@
"creator": "Creator",
"creator": "Creator",
"date": "Date",
"date": "Date",
"delete": "Delete",
"delete": "Delete",
"type": "Type"
"type": "Type",
"report_title_explica": "The title of the conservation \/ restoration report. Should be a concise name that helps identifying the report.",
"report_content_explica": "Content of the conservation \/ restoration report.",
"report_type_explica": "Type of the report.",
"report_creator_explica": "Name of the author of the report.",
"report_date_explica": "Date of the report creation."
@ -19,6 +19,12 @@
"visibility": "Visibility",
"visibility": "Visibility",
"type_of_edit": "Changed ...",
"type_of_edit": "Changed ...",
"date": "at",
"date": "at",
"user": "by"
"user": "by",
"transcription": "Transcription",
"restorationReport": "Restoration report",
"exhibition": "Exhibition",
"loan": "Loan",
"provenance": "Provenance report",
"image": "Abbildung"
@ -46,6 +46,9 @@
"all_loan_entries": "All loan entries",
"all_loan_entries": "All loan entries",
"must_be_numeric": "Must be a numeric value",
"must_be_numeric": "Must be a numeric value",
"insurance_currency": "Insurance value: currency",
"insurance_currency": "Insurance value: currency",
"loans_list_empty_text": "No loan entry has been added for your museum yet (hence, we cannot list any). You may:"
"loans_list_empty_text": "No loan entry has been added for your museum yet (hence, we cannot list any). You may:",
"loan_obj_remark_explica": "Note about the specific circumstances of the object as part of the loan.",
"select_loan_entry_explica": "Select the loan entry you want to link the object with from the list. If the loan entry has not been added before, you can add it by clicking on the \"+\" symbol.",
"partner_person": "Contact person"
@ -78,7 +78,9 @@
"ausm_visibility_md": "Visibility of separated measurements on museum-digital",
"ausm_visibility_md": "Visibility of separated measurements on museum-digital",
"ausm_visibility_extern": "Visibility of separated measurements for external use",
"ausm_visibility_extern": "Visibility of separated measurements for external use",
"vergl_visibility_md": "Visibility of comparable object information on museum-digital",
"vergl_visibility_md": "Visibility of comparable object information on museum-digital",
"vergl_visibility_extern": "Visibility of comparable object information for external use"
"vergl_visibility_extern": "Visibility of comparable object information for external use",
"metadata_rights_holder_explica": "Rights holder of the metadata of the object.",
"metadata_rights_status_explica": "License of the object metadata."
"ortart": [
"ortart": [
@ -10,6 +10,10 @@
"final": "Finished",
"final": "Finished",
"creator": "Creator",
"creator": "Creator",
"date": "Date",
"date": "Date",
"upload_document": "Upload a document"
"upload_document": "Upload a document",
"provenance_content_explica": "Text des (Provenienz-)Forschungsberichts.",
"provenance_status_explica": "Status of the research.",
"provenance_creator_explica": "Author(s) of the report.",
"provenance_date_explica": "Date of the report creation."
@ -9,6 +9,9 @@
"transcript_deleted": "The transcript has been deleted",
"transcript_deleted": "The transcript has been deleted",
"transcript_updated": "The transcript has been updated",
"transcript_updated": "The transcript has been updated",
"edit_transcript_TEI": "Edit transcript (TEI mode)",
"edit_transcript_TEI": "Edit transcript (TEI mode)",
"edit_transcript_for_object": "Edit transcript for object"
"edit_transcript_for_object": "Edit transcript for object",
"is_tranlation_explica": "Using this switch you can determine if this transcription is featured immediately on the document or if the entry represents a translation of the actual transcription.",
"transcript_language_explica": "You need to determine the language of the text you are transcribing. Please select it from the list.",
"transcript_content_explica": "The content of the transcription. The content of this field can either be plain text or encoded following the TEI (Text-Encoding Initiative) standard."
@ -23,6 +23,11 @@
"creator": "Creator",
"creator": "Creator",
"date": "Date",
"date": "Date",
"delete": "Delete",
"delete": "Delete",
"type": "Type"
"type": "Type",
"report_title_explica": "The title of the conservation \/ restoration report. Should be a concise name that helps identifying the report.",
"report_content_explica": "Content of the conservation \/ restoration report.",
"report_type_explica": "Type of the report.",
"report_creator_explica": "Name of the author of the report.",
"report_date_explica": "Date of the report creation."
@ -19,6 +19,12 @@
"visibility": "Visibility",
"visibility": "Visibility",
"type_of_edit": "Changed ...",
"type_of_edit": "Changed ...",
"date": "at",
"date": "at",
"user": "by"
"user": "by",
"transcription": "Transcription",
"restorationReport": "Restoration report",
"exhibition": "Exhibition",
"loan": "Loan",
"provenance": "Provenance report",
"image": "Abbildung"
@ -46,6 +46,9 @@
"all_loan_entries": "All loan entries",
"all_loan_entries": "All loan entries",
"must_be_numeric": "Must be a numeric value",
"must_be_numeric": "Must be a numeric value",
"insurance_currency": "Insurance value: currency",
"insurance_currency": "Insurance value: currency",
"loans_list_empty_text": "No loan entry has been added for your museum yet (hence, we cannot list any). You may:"
"loans_list_empty_text": "No loan entry has been added for your museum yet (hence, we cannot list any). You may:",
"loan_obj_remark_explica": "Note about the specific circumstances of the object as part of the loan.",
"select_loan_entry_explica": "Select the loan entry you want to link the object with from the list. If the loan entry has not been added before, you can add it by clicking on the \"+\" symbol.",
"partner_person": "Contact person"
@ -78,7 +78,9 @@
"ausm_visibility_md": "Visibility of separated measurements on museum-digital",
"ausm_visibility_md": "Visibility of separated measurements on museum-digital",
"ausm_visibility_extern": "Visibility of separated measurements for external use",
"ausm_visibility_extern": "Visibility of separated measurements for external use",
"vergl_visibility_md": "Visibility of comparable object information on museum-digital",
"vergl_visibility_md": "Visibility of comparable object information on museum-digital",
"vergl_visibility_extern": "Visibility of comparable object information for external use"
"vergl_visibility_extern": "Visibility of comparable object information for external use",
"metadata_rights_holder_explica": "Rights holder of the metadata of the object.",
"metadata_rights_status_explica": "License of the object metadata."
"ortart": [
"ortart": [
@ -10,6 +10,10 @@
"final": "Finished",
"final": "Finished",
"creator": "Creator",
"creator": "Creator",
"date": "Date",
"date": "Date",
"upload_document": "Upload a document"
"upload_document": "Upload a document",
"provenance_content_explica": "Text des (Provenienz-)Forschungsberichts.",
"provenance_status_explica": "Status of the research.",
"provenance_creator_explica": "Author(s) of the report.",
"provenance_date_explica": "Date of the report creation."
@ -9,6 +9,9 @@
"transcript_deleted": "The transcript has been deleted",
"transcript_deleted": "The transcript has been deleted",
"transcript_updated": "The transcript has been updated",
"transcript_updated": "The transcript has been updated",
"edit_transcript_TEI": "Edit transcript (TEI mode)",
"edit_transcript_TEI": "Edit transcript (TEI mode)",
"edit_transcript_for_object": "Edit transcript for object"
"edit_transcript_for_object": "Edit transcript for object",
"is_tranlation_explica": "Using this switch you can determine if this transcription is featured immediately on the document or if the entry represents a translation of the actual transcription.",
"transcript_language_explica": "You need to determine the language of the text you are transcribing. Please select it from the list.",
"transcript_content_explica": "The content of the transcription. The content of this field can either be plain text or encoded following the TEI (Text-Encoding Initiative) standard."
@ -23,6 +23,11 @@
"creator": "K\u00e9sz\u00edt\u0151",
"creator": "K\u00e9sz\u00edt\u0151",
"date": "D\u00e1tum",
"date": "D\u00e1tum",
"delete": "T\u00f6rl\u00e9s",
"delete": "T\u00f6rl\u00e9s",
"type": "T\u00edpus"
"type": "T\u00edpus",
"report_title_explica": "The title of the conservation \/ restoration report. Should be a concise name that helps identifying the report.",
"report_content_explica": "Content of the conservation \/ restoration report.",
"report_type_explica": "Type of the report.",
"report_creator_explica": "Name of the author of the report.",
"report_date_explica": "Date of the report creation."
@ -19,6 +19,12 @@
"visibility": "Publik\u00e1l\u00e1s\/ Elrejt\u00e9s be\u00e1ll\u00edt\u00e1sa",
"visibility": "Publik\u00e1l\u00e1s\/ Elrejt\u00e9s be\u00e1ll\u00edt\u00e1sa",
"type_of_edit": "Esem\u00e9ny",
"type_of_edit": "Esem\u00e9ny",
"date": "Id\u0151pont",
"date": "Id\u0151pont",
"user": "Felhaszn\u00e1l\u00f3"
"user": "Felhaszn\u00e1l\u00f3",
"transcription": "Transcription",
"restorationReport": "Restoration report",
"exhibition": "Exhibition",
"loan": "Loan",
"provenance": "Provenance report",
"image": "Abbildung"
@ -46,6 +46,9 @@
"all_loan_entries": "\u00d6sszes haszonk\u00f6lcs\u00f6n",
"all_loan_entries": "\u00d6sszes haszonk\u00f6lcs\u00f6n",
"must_be_numeric": "Csak sz\u00e1mmal megadhat\u00f3 \u00e9rt\u00e9k",
"must_be_numeric": "Csak sz\u00e1mmal megadhat\u00f3 \u00e9rt\u00e9k",
"insurance_currency": "Biztos\u00edt\u00e1si \u00e9rt\u00e9k valutaneme",
"insurance_currency": "Biztos\u00edt\u00e1si \u00e9rt\u00e9k valutaneme",
"loans_list_empty_text": "Haszonk\u00f6lcs\u00f6n m\u00e9g nincs a m\u00fazeumhoz rendelve. Tov\u00e1bbi lehet\u0151s\u00e9gek:"
"loans_list_empty_text": "Haszonk\u00f6lcs\u00f6n m\u00e9g nincs a m\u00fazeumhoz rendelve. Tov\u00e1bbi lehet\u0151s\u00e9gek:",
"loan_obj_remark_explica": "Note about the specific circumstances of the object as part of the loan.",
"select_loan_entry_explica": "Select the loan entry you want to link the object with from the list. If the loan entry has not been added before, you can add it by clicking on the \"+\" symbol.",
"partner_person": "Contact person"
@ -78,7 +78,9 @@
"ausm_visibility_md": "Visibility of separated measurements on museum-digital",
"ausm_visibility_md": "Visibility of separated measurements on museum-digital",
"ausm_visibility_extern": "Visibility of separated measurements for external use",
"ausm_visibility_extern": "Visibility of separated measurements for external use",
"vergl_visibility_md": "Visibility of comparable object information on museum-digital",
"vergl_visibility_md": "Visibility of comparable object information on museum-digital",
"vergl_visibility_extern": "Visibility of comparable object information for external use"
"vergl_visibility_extern": "Visibility of comparable object information for external use",
"metadata_rights_holder_explica": "Rights holder of the metadata of the object.",
"metadata_rights_status_explica": "License of the object metadata."
"ortart": [
"ortart": [
@ -10,6 +10,10 @@
"final": "Elk\u00e9sz\u00fclt",
"final": "Elk\u00e9sz\u00fclt",
"creator": "Szerz\u0151",
"creator": "Szerz\u0151",
"date": "D\u00e1tum",
"date": "D\u00e1tum",
"upload_document": "Dokumentum felt\u00f6lt\u00e9se"
"upload_document": "Dokumentum felt\u00f6lt\u00e9se",
"provenance_content_explica": "Text des (Provenienz-)Forschungsberichts.",
"provenance_status_explica": "Status of the research.",
"provenance_creator_explica": "Author(s) of the report.",
"provenance_date_explica": "Date of the report creation."
@ -9,6 +9,9 @@
"transcript_deleted": "The transcript has been deleted",
"transcript_deleted": "The transcript has been deleted",
"transcript_updated": "The transcript has been updated",
"transcript_updated": "The transcript has been updated",
"edit_transcript_TEI": "Edit transcript (TEI mode)",
"edit_transcript_TEI": "Edit transcript (TEI mode)",
"edit_transcript_for_object": "Edit transcript for object"
"edit_transcript_for_object": "Edit transcript for object",
"is_tranlation_explica": "Using this switch you can determine if this transcription is featured immediately on the document or if the entry represents a translation of the actual transcription.",
"transcript_language_explica": "You need to determine the language of the text you are transcribing. Please select it from the list.",
"transcript_content_explica": "The content of the transcription. The content of this field can either be plain text or encoded following the TEI (Text-Encoding Initiative) standard."
@ -23,6 +23,11 @@
"creator": "Creator",
"creator": "Creator",
"date": "Date",
"date": "Date",
"delete": "Delete",
"delete": "Delete",
"type": "Type"
"type": "Type",
"report_title_explica": "The title of the conservation \/ restoration report. Should be a concise name that helps identifying the report.",
"report_content_explica": "Content of the conservation \/ restoration report.",
"report_type_explica": "Type of the report.",
"report_creator_explica": "Name of the author of the report.",
"report_date_explica": "Date of the report creation."
@ -19,6 +19,12 @@
"visibility": "Visibility",
"visibility": "Visibility",
"type_of_edit": "Changed ...",
"type_of_edit": "Changed ...",
"date": "at",
"date": "at",
"user": "by"
"user": "by",
"transcription": "Transcription",
"restorationReport": "Restoration report",
"exhibition": "Exhibition",
"loan": "Loan",
"provenance": "Provenance report",
"image": "Abbildung"
@ -46,6 +46,9 @@
"all_loan_entries": "All loan entries",
"all_loan_entries": "All loan entries",
"must_be_numeric": "Must be a numeric value",
"must_be_numeric": "Must be a numeric value",
"insurance_currency": "Insurance value: currency",
"insurance_currency": "Insurance value: currency",
"loans_list_empty_text": "No loan entry has been added for your museum yet (hence, we cannot list any). You may:"
"loans_list_empty_text": "No loan entry has been added for your museum yet (hence, we cannot list any). You may:",
"loan_obj_remark_explica": "Note about the specific circumstances of the object as part of the loan.",
"select_loan_entry_explica": "Select the loan entry you want to link the object with from the list. If the loan entry has not been added before, you can add it by clicking on the \"+\" symbol.",
"partner_person": "Contact person"
@ -78,7 +78,9 @@
"ausm_visibility_md": "Visibility of separated measurements on museum-digital",
"ausm_visibility_md": "Visibility of separated measurements on museum-digital",
"ausm_visibility_extern": "Visibility of separated measurements for external use",
"ausm_visibility_extern": "Visibility of separated measurements for external use",
"vergl_visibility_md": "Visibility of comparable object information on museum-digital",
"vergl_visibility_md": "Visibility of comparable object information on museum-digital",
"vergl_visibility_extern": "Visibility of comparable object information for external use"
"vergl_visibility_extern": "Visibility of comparable object information for external use",
"metadata_rights_holder_explica": "Rights holder of the metadata of the object.",
"metadata_rights_status_explica": "License of the object metadata."
"ortart": [
"ortart": [
@ -10,6 +10,10 @@
"final": "Finished",
"final": "Finished",
"creator": "Creator",
"creator": "Creator",
"date": "Date",
"date": "Date",
"upload_document": "Upload a document"
"upload_document": "Upload a document",
"provenance_content_explica": "Text des (Provenienz-)Forschungsberichts.",
"provenance_status_explica": "Status of the research.",
"provenance_creator_explica": "Author(s) of the report.",
"provenance_date_explica": "Date of the report creation."
@ -9,6 +9,9 @@
"transcript_deleted": "The transcript has been deleted",
"transcript_deleted": "The transcript has been deleted",
"transcript_updated": "The transcript has been updated",
"transcript_updated": "The transcript has been updated",
"edit_transcript_TEI": "Edit transcript (TEI mode)",
"edit_transcript_TEI": "Edit transcript (TEI mode)",
"edit_transcript_for_object": "Edit transcript for object"
"edit_transcript_for_object": "Edit transcript for object",
"is_tranlation_explica": "Using this switch you can determine if this transcription is featured immediately on the document or if the entry represents a translation of the actual transcription.",
"transcript_language_explica": "You need to determine the language of the text you are transcribing. Please select it from the list.",
"transcript_content_explica": "The content of the transcription. The content of this field can either be plain text or encoded following the TEI (Text-Encoding Initiative) standard."
@ -23,6 +23,11 @@
"creator": "Creator",
"creator": "Creator",
"date": "Date",
"date": "Date",
"delete": "Delete",
"delete": "Delete",
"type": "Type"
"type": "Type",
"report_title_explica": "The title of the conservation \/ restoration report. Should be a concise name that helps identifying the report.",
"report_content_explica": "Content of the conservation \/ restoration report.",
"report_type_explica": "Type of the report.",
"report_creator_explica": "Name of the author of the report.",
"report_date_explica": "Date of the report creation."
@ -19,6 +19,12 @@
"visibility": "Visibility",
"visibility": "Visibility",
"type_of_edit": "Changed ...",
"type_of_edit": "Changed ...",
"date": "at",
"date": "at",
"user": "by"
"user": "by",
"transcription": "Transcription",
"restorationReport": "Restoration report",
"exhibition": "Exhibition",
"loan": "Loan",
"provenance": "Provenance report",
"image": "Abbildung"
@ -46,6 +46,9 @@
"all_loan_entries": "All loan entries",
"all_loan_entries": "All loan entries",
"must_be_numeric": "Must be a numeric value",
"must_be_numeric": "Must be a numeric value",
"insurance_currency": "Insurance value: currency",
"insurance_currency": "Insurance value: currency",
"loans_list_empty_text": "No loan entry has been added for your museum yet (hence, we cannot list any). You may:"
"loans_list_empty_text": "No loan entry has been added for your museum yet (hence, we cannot list any). You may:",
"loan_obj_remark_explica": "Note about the specific circumstances of the object as part of the loan.",
"select_loan_entry_explica": "Select the loan entry you want to link the object with from the list. If the loan entry has not been added before, you can add it by clicking on the \"+\" symbol.",
"partner_person": "Contact person"
@ -78,7 +78,9 @@
"ausm_visibility_md": "Visibility of separated measurements on museum-digital",
"ausm_visibility_md": "Visibility of separated measurements on museum-digital",
"ausm_visibility_extern": "Visibility of separated measurements for external use",
"ausm_visibility_extern": "Visibility of separated measurements for external use",
"vergl_visibility_md": "Visibility of comparable object information on museum-digital",
"vergl_visibility_md": "Visibility of comparable object information on museum-digital",
"vergl_visibility_extern": "Visibility of comparable object information for external use"
"vergl_visibility_extern": "Visibility of comparable object information for external use",
"metadata_rights_holder_explica": "Rights holder of the metadata of the object.",
"metadata_rights_status_explica": "License of the object metadata."
"ortart": [
"ortart": [
@ -10,6 +10,10 @@
"final": "Finished",
"final": "Finished",
"creator": "Creator",
"creator": "Creator",
"date": "Date",
"date": "Date",
"upload_document": "Upload a document"
"upload_document": "Upload a document",
"provenance_content_explica": "Text des (Provenienz-)Forschungsberichts.",
"provenance_status_explica": "Status of the research.",
"provenance_creator_explica": "Author(s) of the report.",
"provenance_date_explica": "Date of the report creation."
@ -9,6 +9,9 @@
"transcript_deleted": "The transcript has been deleted",
"transcript_deleted": "The transcript has been deleted",
"transcript_updated": "The transcript has been updated",
"transcript_updated": "The transcript has been updated",
"edit_transcript_TEI": "Edit transcript (TEI mode)",
"edit_transcript_TEI": "Edit transcript (TEI mode)",
"edit_transcript_for_object": "Edit transcript for object"
"edit_transcript_for_object": "Edit transcript for object",
"is_tranlation_explica": "Using this switch you can determine if this transcription is featured immediately on the document or if the entry represents a translation of the actual transcription.",
"transcript_language_explica": "You need to determine the language of the text you are transcribing. Please select it from the list.",
"transcript_content_explica": "The content of the transcription. The content of this field can either be plain text or encoded following the TEI (Text-Encoding Initiative) standard."
@ -23,6 +23,11 @@
"creator": "Creator",
"creator": "Creator",
"date": "Date",
"date": "Date",
"delete": "Delete",
"delete": "Delete",
"type": "Type"
"type": "Type",
"report_title_explica": "The title of the conservation \/ restoration report. Should be a concise name that helps identifying the report.",
"report_content_explica": "Content of the conservation \/ restoration report.",
"report_type_explica": "Type of the report.",
"report_creator_explica": "Name of the author of the report.",
"report_date_explica": "Date of the report creation."
@ -19,6 +19,12 @@
"visibility": "Visibility",
"visibility": "Visibility",
"type_of_edit": "Changed ...",
"type_of_edit": "Changed ...",
"date": "at",
"date": "at",
"user": "by"
"user": "by",
"transcription": "Transcription",
"restorationReport": "Restoration report",
"exhibition": "Exhibition",
"loan": "Loan",
"provenance": "Provenance report",
"image": "Abbildung"
@ -46,6 +46,9 @@
"all_loan_entries": "All loan entries",
"all_loan_entries": "All loan entries",
"must_be_numeric": "Must be a numeric value",
"must_be_numeric": "Must be a numeric value",
"insurance_currency": "Insurance value: currency",
"insurance_currency": "Insurance value: currency",
"loans_list_empty_text": "No loan entry has been added for your museum yet (hence, we cannot list any). You may:"
"loans_list_empty_text": "No loan entry has been added for your museum yet (hence, we cannot list any). You may:",
"loan_obj_remark_explica": "Note about the specific circumstances of the object as part of the loan.",
"select_loan_entry_explica": "Select the loan entry you want to link the object with from the list. If the loan entry has not been added before, you can add it by clicking on the \"+\" symbol.",
"partner_person": "Contact person"
@ -78,7 +78,9 @@
"ausm_visibility_md": "Visibility of separated measurements on museum-digital",
"ausm_visibility_md": "Visibility of separated measurements on museum-digital",
"ausm_visibility_extern": "Visibility of separated measurements for external use",
"ausm_visibility_extern": "Visibility of separated measurements for external use",
"vergl_visibility_md": "Visibility of comparable object information on museum-digital",
"vergl_visibility_md": "Visibility of comparable object information on museum-digital",
"vergl_visibility_extern": "Visibility of comparable object information for external use"
"vergl_visibility_extern": "Visibility of comparable object information for external use",
"metadata_rights_holder_explica": "Rights holder of the metadata of the object.",
"metadata_rights_status_explica": "License of the object metadata."
"ortart": [
"ortart": [
@ -10,6 +10,10 @@
"final": "Finished",
"final": "Finished",
"creator": "Creator",
"creator": "Creator",
"date": "Date",
"date": "Date",
"upload_document": "Upload a document"
"upload_document": "Upload a document",
"provenance_content_explica": "Text des (Provenienz-)Forschungsberichts.",
"provenance_status_explica": "Status of the research.",
"provenance_creator_explica": "Author(s) of the report.",
"provenance_date_explica": "Date of the report creation."
@ -9,6 +9,9 @@
"transcript_deleted": "The transcript has been deleted",
"transcript_deleted": "The transcript has been deleted",
"transcript_updated": "The transcript has been updated",
"transcript_updated": "The transcript has been updated",
"edit_transcript_TEI": "Edit transcript (TEI mode)",
"edit_transcript_TEI": "Edit transcript (TEI mode)",
"edit_transcript_for_object": "Edit transcript for object"
"edit_transcript_for_object": "Edit transcript for object",
"is_tranlation_explica": "Using this switch you can determine if this transcription is featured immediately on the document or if the entry represents a translation of the actual transcription.",
"transcript_language_explica": "You need to determine the language of the text you are transcribing. Please select it from the list.",
"transcript_content_explica": "The content of the transcription. The content of this field can either be plain text or encoded following the TEI (Text-Encoding Initiative) standard."
@ -23,6 +23,11 @@
"creator": "Creator",
"creator": "Creator",
"date": "Date",
"date": "Date",
"delete": "Delete",
"delete": "Delete",
"type": "Type"
"type": "Type",
"report_title_explica": "The title of the conservation \/ restoration report. Should be a concise name that helps identifying the report.",
"report_content_explica": "Content of the conservation \/ restoration report.",
"report_type_explica": "Type of the report.",
"report_creator_explica": "Name of the author of the report.",
"report_date_explica": "Date of the report creation."
@ -19,6 +19,12 @@
"visibility": "Visibility",
"visibility": "Visibility",
"type_of_edit": "Changed ...",
"type_of_edit": "Changed ...",
"date": "at",
"date": "at",
"user": "by"
"user": "by",
"transcription": "Transcription",
"restorationReport": "Restoration report",
"exhibition": "Exhibition",
"loan": "Loan",
"provenance": "Provenance report",
"image": "Abbildung"
@ -46,6 +46,9 @@
"all_loan_entries": "All loan entries",
"all_loan_entries": "All loan entries",
"must_be_numeric": "Must be a numeric value",
"must_be_numeric": "Must be a numeric value",
"insurance_currency": "Insurance value: currency",
"insurance_currency": "Insurance value: currency",
"loans_list_empty_text": "No loan entry has been added for your museum yet (hence, we cannot list any). You may:"
"loans_list_empty_text": "No loan entry has been added for your museum yet (hence, we cannot list any). You may:",
"loan_obj_remark_explica": "Note about the specific circumstances of the object as part of the loan.",
"select_loan_entry_explica": "Select the loan entry you want to link the object with from the list. If the loan entry has not been added before, you can add it by clicking on the \"+\" symbol.",
"partner_person": "Contact person"
@ -78,7 +78,9 @@
"ausm_visibility_md": "Visibility of separated measurements on museum-digital",
"ausm_visibility_md": "Visibility of separated measurements on museum-digital",
"ausm_visibility_extern": "Visibility of separated measurements for external use",
"ausm_visibility_extern": "Visibility of separated measurements for external use",
"vergl_visibility_md": "Visibility of comparable object information on museum-digital",
"vergl_visibility_md": "Visibility of comparable object information on museum-digital",
"vergl_visibility_extern": "Visibility of comparable object information for external use"
"vergl_visibility_extern": "Visibility of comparable object information for external use",
"metadata_rights_holder_explica": "Rights holder of the metadata of the object.",
"metadata_rights_status_explica": "License of the object metadata."
"ortart": [
"ortart": [
@ -10,6 +10,10 @@
"final": "Finished",
"final": "Finished",
"creator": "Creator",
"creator": "Creator",
"date": "Date",
"date": "Date",
"upload_document": "Upload a document"
"upload_document": "Upload a document",
"provenance_content_explica": "Text des (Provenienz-)Forschungsberichts.",
"provenance_status_explica": "Status of the research.",
"provenance_creator_explica": "Author(s) of the report.",
"provenance_date_explica": "Date of the report creation."
@ -9,6 +9,9 @@
"transcript_deleted": "The transcript has been deleted",
"transcript_deleted": "The transcript has been deleted",
"transcript_updated": "The transcript has been updated",
"transcript_updated": "The transcript has been updated",
"edit_transcript_TEI": "Edit transcript (TEI mode)",
"edit_transcript_TEI": "Edit transcript (TEI mode)",
"edit_transcript_for_object": "Edit transcript for object"
"edit_transcript_for_object": "Edit transcript for object",
"is_tranlation_explica": "Using this switch you can determine if this transcription is featured immediately on the document or if the entry represents a translation of the actual transcription.",
"transcript_language_explica": "You need to determine the language of the text you are transcribing. Please select it from the list.",
"transcript_content_explica": "The content of the transcription. The content of this field can either be plain text or encoded following the TEI (Text-Encoding Initiative) standard."
@ -23,6 +23,11 @@
"creator": "Creator",
"creator": "Creator",
"date": "Date",
"date": "Date",
"delete": "Delete",
"delete": "Delete",
"type": "Type"
"type": "Type",
"report_title_explica": "The title of the conservation \/ restoration report. Should be a concise name that helps identifying the report.",
"report_content_explica": "Content of the conservation \/ restoration report.",
"report_type_explica": "Type of the report.",
"report_creator_explica": "Name of the author of the report.",
"report_date_explica": "Date of the report creation."
@ -19,6 +19,12 @@
"visibility": "Visibility",
"visibility": "Visibility",
"type_of_edit": "Changed ...",
"type_of_edit": "Changed ...",
"date": "at",
"date": "at",
"user": "by"
"user": "by",
"transcription": "Transcription",
"restorationReport": "Restoration report",
"exhibition": "Exhibition",
"loan": "Loan",
"provenance": "Provenance report",
"image": "Abbildung"
@ -46,6 +46,9 @@
"all_loan_entries": "All loan entries",
"all_loan_entries": "All loan entries",
"must_be_numeric": "Must be a numeric value",
"must_be_numeric": "Must be a numeric value",
"insurance_currency": "Insurance value: currency",
"insurance_currency": "Insurance value: currency",
"loans_list_empty_text": "No loan entry has been added for your museum yet (hence, we cannot list any). You may:"
"loans_list_empty_text": "No loan entry has been added for your museum yet (hence, we cannot list any). You may:",
"loan_obj_remark_explica": "Note about the specific circumstances of the object as part of the loan.",
"select_loan_entry_explica": "Select the loan entry you want to link the object with from the list. If the loan entry has not been added before, you can add it by clicking on the \"+\" symbol.",
"partner_person": "Contact person"
@ -78,7 +78,9 @@
"ausm_visibility_md": "Visibility of separated measurements on museum-digital",
"ausm_visibility_md": "Visibility of separated measurements on museum-digital",
"ausm_visibility_extern": "Visibility of separated measurements for external use",
"ausm_visibility_extern": "Visibility of separated measurements for external use",
"vergl_visibility_md": "Visibility of comparable object information on museum-digital",
"vergl_visibility_md": "Visibility of comparable object information on museum-digital",
"vergl_visibility_extern": "Visibility of comparable object information for external use"
"vergl_visibility_extern": "Visibility of comparable object information for external use",
"metadata_rights_holder_explica": "Rights holder of the metadata of the object.",
"metadata_rights_status_explica": "License of the object metadata."
"ortart": [
"ortart": [
@ -10,6 +10,10 @@
"final": "Finished",
"final": "Finished",
"creator": "Creator",
"creator": "Creator",
"date": "Date",
"date": "Date",
"upload_document": "Upload a document"
"upload_document": "Upload a document",
"provenance_content_explica": "Text des (Provenienz-)Forschungsberichts.",
"provenance_status_explica": "Status of the research.",
"provenance_creator_explica": "Author(s) of the report.",
"provenance_date_explica": "Date of the report creation."
@ -9,6 +9,9 @@
"transcript_deleted": "The transcript has been deleted",
"transcript_deleted": "The transcript has been deleted",
"transcript_updated": "The transcript has been updated",
"transcript_updated": "The transcript has been updated",
"edit_transcript_TEI": "Edit transcript (TEI mode)",
"edit_transcript_TEI": "Edit transcript (TEI mode)",
"edit_transcript_for_object": "Edit transcript for object"
"edit_transcript_for_object": "Edit transcript for object",
"is_tranlation_explica": "Using this switch you can determine if this transcription is featured immediately on the document or if the entry represents a translation of the actual transcription.",
"transcript_language_explica": "You need to determine the language of the text you are transcribing. Please select it from the list.",
"transcript_content_explica": "The content of the transcription. The content of this field can either be plain text or encoded following the TEI (Text-Encoding Initiative) standard."
@ -23,6 +23,11 @@
"creator": "Creator",
"creator": "Creator",
"date": "Date",
"date": "Date",
"delete": "Delete",
"delete": "Delete",
"type": "Type"
"type": "Type",
"report_title_explica": "The title of the conservation \/ restoration report. Should be a concise name that helps identifying the report.",
"report_content_explica": "Content of the conservation \/ restoration report.",
"report_type_explica": "Type of the report.",
"report_creator_explica": "Name of the author of the report.",
"report_date_explica": "Date of the report creation."
@ -19,6 +19,12 @@
"visibility": "Visibility",
"visibility": "Visibility",
"type_of_edit": "Changed ...",
"type_of_edit": "Changed ...",
"date": "at",
"date": "at",
"user": "by"
"user": "by",
"transcription": "Transcription",
"restorationReport": "Restoration report",
"exhibition": "Exhibition",
"loan": "Loan",
"provenance": "Provenance report",
"image": "Abbildung"
@ -46,6 +46,9 @@
"all_loan_entries": "All loan entries",
"all_loan_entries": "All loan entries",
"must_be_numeric": "Must be a numeric value",
"must_be_numeric": "Must be a numeric value",
"insurance_currency": "Insurance value: currency",
"insurance_currency": "Insurance value: currency",
"loans_list_empty_text": "No loan entry has been added for your museum yet (hence, we cannot list any). You may:"
"loans_list_empty_text": "No loan entry has been added for your museum yet (hence, we cannot list any). You may:",
"loan_obj_remark_explica": "Note about the specific circumstances of the object as part of the loan.",
"select_loan_entry_explica": "Select the loan entry you want to link the object with from the list. If the loan entry has not been added before, you can add it by clicking on the \"+\" symbol.",
"partner_person": "Contact person"
@ -78,7 +78,9 @@
"ausm_visibility_md": "Visibility of separated measurements on museum-digital",
"ausm_visibility_md": "Visibility of separated measurements on museum-digital",
"ausm_visibility_extern": "Visibility of separated measurements for external use",
"ausm_visibility_extern": "Visibility of separated measurements for external use",
"vergl_visibility_md": "Visibility of comparable object information on museum-digital",
"vergl_visibility_md": "Visibility of comparable object information on museum-digital",
"vergl_visibility_extern": "Visibility of comparable object information for external use"
"vergl_visibility_extern": "Visibility of comparable object information for external use",
"metadata_rights_holder_explica": "Rights holder of the metadata of the object.",
"metadata_rights_status_explica": "License of the object metadata."
"ortart": [
"ortart": [
@ -10,6 +10,10 @@
"final": "Finished",
"final": "Finished",
"creator": "Creator",
"creator": "Creator",
"date": "Date",
"date": "Date",
"upload_document": "Upload a document"
"upload_document": "Upload a document",
"provenance_content_explica": "Text des (Provenienz-)Forschungsberichts.",
"provenance_status_explica": "Status of the research.",
"provenance_creator_explica": "Author(s) of the report.",
"provenance_date_explica": "Date of the report creation."
@ -9,6 +9,9 @@
"transcript_deleted": "The transcript has been deleted",
"transcript_deleted": "The transcript has been deleted",
"transcript_updated": "The transcript has been updated",
"transcript_updated": "The transcript has been updated",
"edit_transcript_TEI": "Edit transcript (TEI mode)",
"edit_transcript_TEI": "Edit transcript (TEI mode)",
"edit_transcript_for_object": "Edit transcript for object"
"edit_transcript_for_object": "Edit transcript for object",
"is_tranlation_explica": "Using this switch you can determine if this transcription is featured immediately on the document or if the entry represents a translation of the actual transcription.",
"transcript_language_explica": "You need to determine the language of the text you are transcribing. Please select it from the list.",
"transcript_content_explica": "The content of the transcription. The content of this field can either be plain text or encoded following the TEI (Text-Encoding Initiative) standard."
@ -23,6 +23,11 @@
"creator": "Creator",
"creator": "Creator",
"date": "Date",
"date": "Date",
"delete": "Delete",
"delete": "Delete",
"type": "Type"
"type": "Type",
"report_title_explica": "The title of the conservation \/ restoration report. Should be a concise name that helps identifying the report.",
"report_content_explica": "Content of the conservation \/ restoration report.",
"report_type_explica": "Type of the report.",
"report_creator_explica": "Name of the author of the report.",
"report_date_explica": "Date of the report creation."
@ -19,6 +19,12 @@
"visibility": "Visibility",
"visibility": "Visibility",
"type_of_edit": "Changed ...",
"type_of_edit": "Changed ...",
"date": "sa",
"date": "sa",
"user": "ni"
"user": "ni",
"transcription": "Transcription",
"restorationReport": "Restoration report",
"exhibition": "Exhibition",
"loan": "Loan",
"provenance": "Provenance report",
"image": "Abbildung"
@ -46,6 +46,9 @@
"all_loan_entries": "All loan entries",
"all_loan_entries": "All loan entries",
"must_be_numeric": "Must be a numeric value",
"must_be_numeric": "Must be a numeric value",
"insurance_currency": "Insurance value: currency",
"insurance_currency": "Insurance value: currency",
"loans_list_empty_text": "No loan entry has been added for your museum yet (hence, we cannot list any). You may:"
"loans_list_empty_text": "No loan entry has been added for your museum yet (hence, we cannot list any). You may:",
"loan_obj_remark_explica": "Note about the specific circumstances of the object as part of the loan.",
"select_loan_entry_explica": "Select the loan entry you want to link the object with from the list. If the loan entry has not been added before, you can add it by clicking on the \"+\" symbol.",
"partner_person": "Contact person"
@ -78,7 +78,9 @@
"ausm_visibility_md": "Visibility of separated measurements on museum-digital",
"ausm_visibility_md": "Visibility of separated measurements on museum-digital",
"ausm_visibility_extern": "Visibility of separated measurements for external use",
"ausm_visibility_extern": "Visibility of separated measurements for external use",
"vergl_visibility_md": "Visibility of comparable object information on museum-digital",
"vergl_visibility_md": "Visibility of comparable object information on museum-digital",
"vergl_visibility_extern": "Visibility of comparable object information for external use"
"vergl_visibility_extern": "Visibility of comparable object information for external use",
"metadata_rights_holder_explica": "Rights holder of the metadata of the object.",
"metadata_rights_status_explica": "License of the object metadata."
"ortart": [
"ortart": [
@ -10,6 +10,10 @@
"final": "Finished",
"final": "Finished",
"creator": "Creator",
"creator": "Creator",
"date": "Date",
"date": "Date",
"upload_document": "Upload a document"
"upload_document": "Upload a document",
"provenance_content_explica": "Text des (Provenienz-)Forschungsberichts.",
"provenance_status_explica": "Status of the research.",
"provenance_creator_explica": "Author(s) of the report.",
"provenance_date_explica": "Date of the report creation."
@ -9,6 +9,9 @@
"transcript_deleted": "The transcript has been deleted",
"transcript_deleted": "The transcript has been deleted",
"transcript_updated": "The transcript has been updated",
"transcript_updated": "The transcript has been updated",
"edit_transcript_TEI": "Edit transcript (TEI mode)",
"edit_transcript_TEI": "Edit transcript (TEI mode)",
"edit_transcript_for_object": "Edit transcript for object"
"edit_transcript_for_object": "Edit transcript for object",
"is_tranlation_explica": "Using this switch you can determine if this transcription is featured immediately on the document or if the entry represents a translation of the actual transcription.",
"transcript_language_explica": "You need to determine the language of the text you are transcribing. Please select it from the list.",
"transcript_content_explica": "The content of the transcription. The content of this field can either be plain text or encoded following the TEI (Text-Encoding Initiative) standard."
@ -23,6 +23,11 @@
"creator": "Verfasser",
"creator": "Verfasser",
"date": "Datum",
"date": "Datum",
"delete": "L\u00f6schen",
"delete": "L\u00f6schen",
"type": "Typ"
"type": "Typ",
"report_title_explica": "The title of the conservation \/ restoration report. Should be a concise name that helps identifying the report.",
"report_content_explica": "Content of the conservation \/ restoration report.",
"report_type_explica": "Type of the report.",
"report_creator_explica": "Name of the author of the report.",
"report_date_explica": "Date of the report creation."
@ -19,6 +19,12 @@
"visibility": "Sichtbarkeit",
"visibility": "Sichtbarkeit",
"type_of_edit": "Ge\u00e4ndert ...",
"type_of_edit": "Ge\u00e4ndert ...",
"date": "am",
"date": "am",
"user": "von"
"user": "von",
"transcription": "Transcription",
"restorationReport": "Restoration report",
"exhibition": "Exhibition",
"loan": "Loan",
"provenance": "Provenance report",
"image": "Abbildung"
@ -46,6 +46,9 @@
"all_loan_entries": "Alle Leihverkehrseintr\u00e4ge",
"all_loan_entries": "Alle Leihverkehrseintr\u00e4ge",
"must_be_numeric": "Muss eine Zahl sein",
"must_be_numeric": "Muss eine Zahl sein",
"insurance_currency": "Versicherungswert: W\u00e4hrung",
"insurance_currency": "Versicherungswert: W\u00e4hrung",
"loans_list_empty_text": "Es wurde noch kein Leihvorgang f\u00fcr Ihr Museum erfasst (entsprechend k\u00f6nnen wir keine Auflisten). Sie k\u00f6nnen:"
"loans_list_empty_text": "Es wurde noch kein Leihvorgang f\u00fcr Ihr Museum erfasst (entsprechend k\u00f6nnen wir keine Auflisten). Sie k\u00f6nnen:",
"loan_obj_remark_explica": "Note about the specific circumstances of the object as part of the loan.",
"select_loan_entry_explica": "Select the loan entry you want to link the object with from the list. If the loan entry has not been added before, you can add it by clicking on the \"+\" symbol.",
"partner_person": "Contact person"
@ -78,7 +78,9 @@
"ausm_visibility_md": "Visibility of separated measurements on museum-digital",
"ausm_visibility_md": "Visibility of separated measurements on museum-digital",
"ausm_visibility_extern": "Visibility of separated measurements for external use",
"ausm_visibility_extern": "Visibility of separated measurements for external use",
"vergl_visibility_md": "Visibility of comparable object information on museum-digital",
"vergl_visibility_md": "Visibility of comparable object information on museum-digital",
"vergl_visibility_extern": "Visibility of comparable object information for external use"
"vergl_visibility_extern": "Visibility of comparable object information for external use",
"metadata_rights_holder_explica": "Rights holder of the metadata of the object.",
"metadata_rights_status_explica": "License of the object metadata."
"ortart": [
"ortart": [
@ -10,6 +10,10 @@
"final": "Abgeschlossen",
"final": "Abgeschlossen",
"creator": "Verfasser",
"creator": "Verfasser",
"date": "Datum",
"date": "Datum",
"upload_document": "Ein Dokument heraufladen"
"upload_document": "Ein Dokument heraufladen",
"provenance_content_explica": "Text des (Provenienz-)Forschungsberichts.",
"provenance_status_explica": "Status of the research.",
"provenance_creator_explica": "Author(s) of the report.",
"provenance_date_explica": "Date of the report creation."
@ -9,6 +9,9 @@
"transcript_deleted": "The transcript has been deleted",
"transcript_deleted": "The transcript has been deleted",
"transcript_updated": "The transcript has been updated",
"transcript_updated": "The transcript has been updated",
"edit_transcript_TEI": "Edit transcript (TEI mode)",
"edit_transcript_TEI": "Edit transcript (TEI mode)",
"edit_transcript_for_object": "Edit transcript for object"
"edit_transcript_for_object": "Edit transcript for object",
"is_tranlation_explica": "Using this switch you can determine if this transcription is featured immediately on the document or if the entry represents a translation of the actual transcription.",
"transcript_language_explica": "You need to determine the language of the text you are transcribing. Please select it from the list.",
"transcript_content_explica": "The content of the transcription. The content of this field can either be plain text or encoded following the TEI (Text-Encoding Initiative) standard."
Reference in New Issue
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