Add translation file for GND entity encodings for nodac
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
"tlGndEntities": {
"gib": "Bauwerke und Bauensembles, Monumentalplastiken, Denkm\u00e4ler, Grabm\u00e4ler",
"gif": "Gliedstaaten",
"gik": "Gebietsk\u00f6rperschaften und Verwaltungseinheiten (ohne instantiellen Oberbegriff)",
"gil": "L\u00e4nder, Staaten (selbst\u00e4ndig)",
"gin": "Nat\u00fcrliche geographische Einheiten, biogeographische und pal\u00e4ografische Einheiten, Namen von geografischen Teileinheiten mit Himmelsrichtung",
"gio": "Kleinr\u00e4umige Geographika innerhalb eines Ortes, ausgenommen Bauwerke und Bauensembles",
"gir": "Religi\u00f6se Territorien, Verwaltungseinheiten von Religionsgemeinschaften",
"giv": "Verwaltungseinheiten die einen instantiierten Oberbegriff vom Gattungsbegriff bekommen",
"giw": "Grenzen, Wege, Linien",
"gix": "Extraterrestrika",
"giz": "Alle geographischen Namen, die sich keinem der anderen Entit\u00e4ten-Untertypen zuordnen lassen",
"gxz": "Fiktive Orte",
"kif": "Firmen",
"kim": "Musikalische K\u00f6rperschaften",
"kio": "Organe von Gebietsk\u00f6rperschaften",
"kip": "Projekte und projekt\u00e4hnliche Vorhaben und Programme",
"kir": "Religi\u00f6se K\u00f6rperschaften",
"kiv": "Religi\u00f6se Verwaltungseinheiten",
"kiz": "Alle \u00fcbrigen K\u00f6rperschaften, die keinem anderen speziellen Eintit\u00e4tentyp zugeh\u00f6ren",
"kxz": "Fiktive K\u00f6rperschaften",
"pif": "Familien",
"pik": "Regierende F\u00fcrsten, Mitglieder regierender F\u00fcrstenh\u00e4user",
"pip": "Pseudonyme",
"pis": "Sammelpseudonyme",
"piz": "Personennamen, die keinem anderen Entit\u00e4tentyp zugeh\u00f6ren",
"pxg": "G\u00f6tter",
"pxl": "Literarische Gestalten, Sagengestalten",
"pxs": "Geister",
"sab": "Musikalische Besetzung",
"sad": "Datentr\u00e4ger",
"saf": "Formangaben zur Art des Inhalts",
"sag": "Musikalisches Genre",
"sam": "Musikalische Ausgabeform",
"saz": "Allgemeinbegriffe, d.h. alle Sachschlagw\u00f6rter, die keinem anderen speziellen Entit\u00e4tentyp zugeh\u00f6ren",
"sie": "Ethnografika",
"sif": "Verkehrsmittel mit Individualnamen",
"sih": "Historische Einzelereignisse",
"sip": "Produkte und Markennamen au\u00dfer siw",
"sis": "Sprachen",
"siu": "Personengruppen, die keine K\u00f6rperschaft sind",
"siw": "Softwareprodukte",
"siz": "Alle individuellen Sachverhalte, die als Sachbegriff erfasst werden und sich keinem der anderen Entit\u00e4ten-Untertypen zuordnen lassen, z.B. Wettbewerbe",
"slz": "Buchstaben, Morpheme, W\u00f6rter als Gegenstand linguistischer Untersuchungen",
"snz": "Nomenklatur Biologie - Chemie",
"sxz": "Fiktive Sachbegriffe",
"szz": "Alle Zweifelsf\u00e4lle (g,k,p,s,v)",
"vie": "Kongresse, Veranstaltungen",
"vif": "Kongressfolgen, Veranstaltungsfolgen"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
"tlGndEntities": {
"gib": "Buildings, monuments, monument plastics, graves",
"gif": "Parts of a state",
"gik": "body politics (without instantial superior)",
"gil": "Countries, states (independent)",
"gin": "Natural geographic units",
"gio": "Small scale geographic units (no buildings)",
"gir": "Religious territories, administrative units of religious bodies",
"giv": "Administrative units that have an instantial superior",
"giw": "Borders, routes, lines",
"gix": "Extraterrestial territories",
"giz": "Geographic names, that do not need the other criteria",
"gxz": "Ficticious places",
"kif": "Companies",
"kim": "Musical bodies",
"kio": "Organs of administrative units",
"kip": "Projects and project-alikes",
"kir": "Religious bodies",
"kiv": "Religious administrative bodies",
"kiz": "Units, that do not meet the other criteria",
"kxz": "Ficticious bodies",
"pif": "Families",
"pik": "Reigning lords, members of reigning families",
"pip": "Pseudonyms",
"pis": "Collective pseudonyms",
"piz": "Person names that do not meet the other criteria",
"pxg": "Gods",
"pxl": "Literary figures, characters from fairy tales",
"pxs": "Ghosts",
"sab": "Musical group",
"sad": "Data medium",
"saf": "Information about the content of a work",
"sag": "Musical genre",
"sam": "Musical expression",
"saz": "General keywords that do not meet any other entity type's criteria",
"sie": "Ethnographic entities",
"sif": "Means of transportation (with individual names)",
"sih": "Single historical events",
"sip": "Products and brand names (sans siw)",
"sis": "Languages",
"siu": "Groups of people (that are not bodies)",
"siw": "Software products",
"siz": "All individual keywords that do not meet any other criteria",
"slz": "Letters, morphemes, words as subject of linguistic research",
"snz": "Nomenclature - Biology - Chemistry",
"sxz": "Ficticious keywords",
"szz": "Unknown cases",
"vie": "Congresses, events",
"vif": "Congress series, event series"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
"tlGndEntities": {
"gib": "Buildings, monuments, monument plastics, graves",
"gif": "Parts of a state",
"gik": "body politics (without instantial superior)",
"gil": "Countries, states (independent)",
"gin": "Natural geographic units",
"gio": "Small scale geographic units (no buildings)",
"gir": "Religious territories, administrative units of religious bodies",
"giv": "Administrative units that have an instantial superior",
"giw": "Borders, routes, lines",
"gix": "Extraterrestial territories",
"giz": "Geographic names, that do not need the other criteria",
"gxz": "Ficticious places",
"kif": "Companies",
"kim": "Musical bodies",
"kio": "Organs of administrative units",
"kip": "Projects and project-alikes",
"kir": "Religious bodies",
"kiv": "Religious administrative bodies",
"kiz": "Units, that do not meet the other criteria",
"kxz": "Ficticious bodies",
"pif": "Families",
"pik": "Reigning lords, members of reigning families",
"pip": "Pseudonyms",
"pis": "Collective pseudonyms",
"piz": "Person names that do not meet the other criteria",
"pxg": "Gods",
"pxl": "Literary figures, characters from fairy tales",
"pxs": "Ghosts",
"sab": "Musical group",
"sad": "Data medium",
"saf": "Information about the content of a work",
"sag": "Musical genre",
"sam": "Musical expression",
"saz": "General keywords that do not meet any other entity type's criteria",
"sie": "Ethnographic entities",
"sif": "Means of transportation (with individual names)",
"sih": "Single historical events",
"sip": "Products and brand names (sans siw)",
"sis": "Languages",
"siu": "Groups of people (that are not bodies)",
"siw": "Software products",
"siz": "All individual keywords that do not meet any other criteria",
"slz": "Letters, morphemes, words as subject of linguistic research",
"snz": "Nomenclature - Biology - Chemistry",
"sxz": "Ficticious keywords",
"szz": "Unknown cases",
"vie": "Congresses, events",
"vif": "Congress series, event series"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
"tlGndEntities": {
"gib": "Buildings, monuments, monument plastics, graves",
"gif": "Parts of a state",
"gik": "body politics (without instantial superior)",
"gil": "Countries, states (independent)",
"gin": "Natural geographic units",
"gio": "Small scale geographic units (no buildings)",
"gir": "Religious territories, administrative units of religious bodies",
"giv": "Administrative units that have an instantial superior",
"giw": "Borders, routes, lines",
"gix": "Extraterrestial territories",
"giz": "Geographic names, that do not need the other criteria",
"gxz": "Ficticious places",
"kif": "Companies",
"kim": "Musical bodies",
"kio": "Organs of administrative units",
"kip": "Projects and project-alikes",
"kir": "Religious bodies",
"kiv": "Religious administrative bodies",
"kiz": "Units, that do not meet the other criteria",
"kxz": "Ficticious bodies",
"pif": "Families",
"pik": "Reigning lords, members of reigning families",
"pip": "Pseudonyms",
"pis": "Collective pseudonyms",
"piz": "Person names that do not meet the other criteria",
"pxg": "Gods",
"pxl": "Literary figures, characters from fairy tales",
"pxs": "Ghosts",
"sab": "Musical group",
"sad": "Data medium",
"saf": "Information about the content of a work",
"sag": "Musical genre",
"sam": "Musical expression",
"saz": "General keywords that do not meet any other entity type's criteria",
"sie": "Ethnographic entities",
"sif": "Means of transportation (with individual names)",
"sih": "Single historical events",
"sip": "Products and brand names (sans siw)",
"sis": "Languages",
"siu": "Groups of people (that are not bodies)",
"siw": "Software products",
"siz": "All individual keywords that do not meet any other criteria",
"slz": "Letters, morphemes, words as subject of linguistic research",
"snz": "Nomenclature - Biology - Chemistry",
"sxz": "Ficticious keywords",
"szz": "Unknown cases",
"vie": "Congresses, events",
"vif": "Congress series, event series"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
"tlGndEntities": {
"gib": "Buildings, monuments, monument plastics, graves",
"gif": "Parts of a state",
"gik": "body politics (without instantial superior)",
"gil": "Countries, states (independent)",
"gin": "Natural geographic units",
"gio": "Small scale geographic units (no buildings)",
"gir": "Religious territories, administrative units of religious bodies",
"giv": "Administrative units that have an instantial superior",
"giw": "Borders, routes, lines",
"gix": "Extraterrestial territories",
"giz": "Geographic names, that do not need the other criteria",
"gxz": "Ficticious places",
"kif": "Companies",
"kim": "Musical bodies",
"kio": "Organs of administrative units",
"kip": "Projects and project-alikes",
"kir": "Religious bodies",
"kiv": "Religious administrative bodies",
"kiz": "Units, that do not meet the other criteria",
"kxz": "Ficticious bodies",
"pif": "Families",
"pik": "Reigning lords, members of reigning families",
"pip": "Pseudonyms",
"pis": "Collective pseudonyms",
"piz": "Person names that do not meet the other criteria",
"pxg": "Gods",
"pxl": "Literary figures, characters from fairy tales",
"pxs": "Ghosts",
"sab": "Musical group",
"sad": "Data medium",
"saf": "Information about the content of a work",
"sag": "Musical genre",
"sam": "Musical expression",
"saz": "General keywords that do not meet any other entity type's criteria",
"sie": "Ethnographic entities",
"sif": "Means of transportation (with individual names)",
"sih": "Single historical events",
"sip": "Products and brand names (sans siw)",
"sis": "Languages",
"siu": "Groups of people (that are not bodies)",
"siw": "Software products",
"siz": "All individual keywords that do not meet any other criteria",
"slz": "Letters, morphemes, words as subject of linguistic research",
"snz": "Nomenclature - Biology - Chemistry",
"sxz": "Ficticious keywords",
"szz": "Unknown cases",
"vie": "Congresses, events",
"vif": "Congress series, event series"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
"tlGndEntities": {
"gib": "Buildings, monuments, monument plastics, graves",
"gif": "Parts of a state",
"gik": "body politics (without instantial superior)",
"gil": "Countries, states (independent)",
"gin": "Natural geographic units",
"gio": "Small scale geographic units (no buildings)",
"gir": "Religious territories, administrative units of religious bodies",
"giv": "Administrative units that have an instantial superior",
"giw": "Borders, routes, lines",
"gix": "Extraterrestial territories",
"giz": "Geographic names, that do not need the other criteria",
"gxz": "Ficticious places",
"kif": "Companies",
"kim": "Musical bodies",
"kio": "Organs of administrative units",
"kip": "Projects and project-alikes",
"kir": "Religious bodies",
"kiv": "Religious administrative bodies",
"kiz": "Units, that do not meet the other criteria",
"kxz": "Ficticious bodies",
"pif": "Families",
"pik": "Reigning lords, members of reigning families",
"pip": "Pseudonyms",
"pis": "Collective pseudonyms",
"piz": "Person names that do not meet the other criteria",
"pxg": "Gods",
"pxl": "Literary figures, characters from fairy tales",
"pxs": "Ghosts",
"sab": "Musical group",
"sad": "Data medium",
"saf": "Information about the content of a work",
"sag": "Musical genre",
"sam": "Musical expression",
"saz": "General keywords that do not meet any other entity type's criteria",
"sie": "Ethnographic entities",
"sif": "Means of transportation (with individual names)",
"sih": "Single historical events",
"sip": "Products and brand names (sans siw)",
"sis": "Languages",
"siu": "Groups of people (that are not bodies)",
"siw": "Software products",
"siz": "All individual keywords that do not meet any other criteria",
"slz": "Letters, morphemes, words as subject of linguistic research",
"snz": "Nomenclature - Biology - Chemistry",
"sxz": "Ficticious keywords",
"szz": "Unknown cases",
"vie": "Congresses, events",
"vif": "Congress series, event series"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
"tlGndEntities": {
"gib": "Buildings, monuments, monument plastics, graves",
"gif": "Parts of a state",
"gik": "body politics (without instantial superior)",
"gil": "Countries, states (independent)",
"gin": "Natural geographic units",
"gio": "Small scale geographic units (no buildings)",
"gir": "Religious territories, administrative units of religious bodies",
"giv": "Administrative units that have an instantial superior",
"giw": "Borders, routes, lines",
"gix": "Extraterrestial territories",
"giz": "Geographic names, that do not need the other criteria",
"gxz": "Ficticious places",
"kif": "Companies",
"kim": "Musical bodies",
"kio": "Organs of administrative units",
"kip": "Projects and project-alikes",
"kir": "Religious bodies",
"kiv": "Religious administrative bodies",
"kiz": "Units, that do not meet the other criteria",
"kxz": "Ficticious bodies",
"pif": "Families",
"pik": "Reigning lords, members of reigning families",
"pip": "Pseudonyms",
"pis": "Collective pseudonyms",
"piz": "Person names that do not meet the other criteria",
"pxg": "Gods",
"pxl": "Literary figures, characters from fairy tales",
"pxs": "Ghosts",
"sab": "Musical group",
"sad": "Data medium",
"saf": "Information about the content of a work",
"sag": "Musical genre",
"sam": "Musical expression",
"saz": "General keywords that do not meet any other entity type's criteria",
"sie": "Ethnographic entities",
"sif": "Means of transportation (with individual names)",
"sih": "Single historical events",
"sip": "Products and brand names (sans siw)",
"sis": "Languages",
"siu": "Groups of people (that are not bodies)",
"siw": "Software products",
"siz": "All individual keywords that do not meet any other criteria",
"slz": "Letters, morphemes, words as subject of linguistic research",
"snz": "Nomenclature - Biology - Chemistry",
"sxz": "Ficticious keywords",
"szz": "Unknown cases",
"vie": "Congresses, events",
"vif": "Congress series, event series"
Reference in New Issue
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