Approval in backend
This commit is contained in:
@ -25,6 +25,8 @@
"funding_conditions": "Funding conditions",
"funding_conditions_explica": "Conditions set by the funders",
"note": "Acquisition note",
"note_explica": "Any remark regarding the acquisition."
"note_explica": "Any remark regarding the acquisition.",
"acquisitions_list": "List of acquisitions",
"all_acquisitions": "All acquisitions"
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
"name_explica": "A concise name that helps colleagues to identify the shipment",
"note": "Shipment none",
"note_explica": "Any remark concerning the present shipment in general",
"transport_method": "Transport methoid",
"transport_method": "Transport method",
"transport_method_explica": "Information regarding the method of transportation",
"authorized_by": "Authorized by",
"authorized_by_explica": "Full name of the person who authorized the shipment",
@ -36,6 +36,12 @@
"packaging_note": "Packaging note",
"packaging_note_explica": "Any remark on the packaging",
"delivery_note": "Delivery note",
"delivery_note_explica": "Remarks on the delivery, e.g. the courier arrived five day late."
"delivery_note_explica": "Remarks on the delivery, e.g. the courier arrived five day late.",
"shipment_note": "Shipment note",
"shipments_list": "List of shipments",
"all_shipments": "All shipments"
"shipment_method_set": {
"transport_method": "Transport method"
@ -1,30 +1,32 @@
"acquisitions": {
"type": "Acquisition type",
"type_explica": "Here you can select how the acquisition was done. E.g. if the objects were a gift or if you bought them..",
"name": "Acquisition name",
"name_explica": "Name the can be used for identifying the acquisition process.",
"date": "Acquisiton date",
"date_explica": "Date the acquisition was performed.",
"done_by": "Done by",
"done_by_explica": "Full name of the person who did the acquisition.",
"price": "Purchase price",
"price_explica": "Total sum paid for acquiring the objects.",
"price_currency": "Price currency",
"price_currency_explica": "The currency the price was paid in.",
"source": "Source",
"source_explica": "Source (or person) from which the objects were acquired.",
"funding_source": "Funding source",
"funding_source_explica": "Person or instition who provided funding for the acquisition.",
"reason": "Reason",
"reason_explica": "Remarks on why the objects were acquired.",
"authorized_by": "Authorized by",
"authorized_by_explica": "Person who authorized the acquisition.",
"conditions": "Conditions",
"conditions_explica": "General condition of the acquisition.",
"funding_conditions": "Funding conditions",
"funding_conditions_explica": "Conditions set by the funders",
"note": "Acquisition note",
"note_explica": "Any remark regarding the acquisition."
"type": "Zugangsart",
"type_explica": "Hier k\u00f6nnen Sie die Zugangsart ausw\u00e4hlen.",
"name": "Bezeichnung des Zugangs",
"name_explica": "Bezeichnung, die helfen kann, diesen Zugang zu identifizieren.",
"date": "Zugangszeitpunkt",
"date_explica": "Datum des Zugangs",
"done_by": "Durchgef\u00fchrt von",
"done_by_explica": "Vollst\u00e4ndiger Name der Person, welche den Zugang abgewickelt hat.",
"price": "Preis des Erwerbs",
"price_explica": "Gesamter Betrag, der aufgewendet wurde um den Zugang zu erm\u00f6glichen.",
"price_currency": "W\u00e4hrung",
"price_currency_explica": "Die W\u00e4hrung in welcher der Preis entrichtet wurde.",
"source": "Quelle",
"source_explica": "Quelle oder Person von der die Objekte erhalten wurden.",
"funding_source": "Finanzierungsquelle",
"funding_source_explica": "Person oder Institution, die Mittel f\u00fcr den Zugang bereit stellte.",
"reason": "Grund",
"reason_explica": "Bemerkungen zur Absicht, die mit dem Zugang \/ Erwerb verfolgt wurde.",
"authorized_by": "Bewilligt von",
"authorized_by_explica": "Person, welche den Zugang \/ Erwerb autorisiert hat.",
"conditions": "Bedingungen",
"conditions_explica": "Allgemeine Bedingungen, die an den Zugang gekn\u00fcpft sind.",
"funding_conditions": "Finanzierungsklauseln",
"funding_conditions_explica": "Bedingungen, welche die Finanzgeber aufgestellt haben.",
"note": "Anmerkung zum Zugang",
"note_explica": "Jede Art von Anmerkung zu diesem Zugang.",
"acquisitions_list": "Liste von Erwerbungen",
"all_acquisitions": "Alle Erwerbungen"
@ -1,41 +1,47 @@
"shipments": {
"type_explica": "Might be incoming or outgoing shipment",
"name": "Shipment name",
"name_explica": "A concise name that helps colleagues to identify the shipment",
"note": "Shipment none",
"note_explica": "Any remark concerning the present shipment in general",
"transport_method": "Transport methoid",
"transport_method_explica": "Information regarding the method of transportation",
"authorized_by": "Authorized by",
"authorized_by_explica": "Full name of the person who authorized the shipment",
"exit_time": "Exit time",
"exit_time_explica": "Date and time when the shipment left the place of origin",
"exit_address": "Exit address",
"exit_address_explica": "Address of the place of origin of the shipment",
"send_by": "Send by",
"send_by_explica": "Full name of the person who handed the shipment over",
"sent_by": "Sent by",
"sent_by_explica": "Full name of the person who sent the shipment away or handed it over to a courier.",
"executor": "Executor",
"executor_explica": "Person or company who actually transported the shipment. This field references the contact\/address book feature.",
"destination_time": "Destination time",
"destination_time_explica": "Time of arrival of the shipment",
"destination_address": "Destination address",
"destination_address_explica": "Address of the destination of the shipment",
"received_by": "Received by",
"received_by_explica": "Full name of the person who received the shipment",
"type_explica": "Es kann sich um einen eingehenden oder ausgehenden Transport handeln.",
"name": "Name des Transports",
"name_explica": "Eine Bezeichnung f\u00fcr den Transport, die Kollegen helfen kann, den Transport zu identifizieren.",
"note": "Anmerkung zum Transport",
"note_explica": "Allgemeine Anmerkungen zu diesem Transport",
"transport_method": "Transport method",
"transport_method_explica": "Information \u00fcber die Transportmethode",
"authorized_by": "Autorisiert von",
"authorized_by_explica": "Vollst\u00e4ndiger Name der Person, welche den Transport autorisiert hat.",
"exit_time": "Beginn des Transports",
"exit_time_explica": "Tag und Uhrzeit, zu denen der Transport seinen Ursprungsort verlassen hat.",
"exit_address": "Ausgangsadresse",
"exit_address_explica": "Addresse des Ausgangspunktes des Transports.",
"send_by": "Verschickt von",
"send_by_explica": "Vollst\u00e4ndiger Name der Person die den Transport bearbeitet.",
"sent_by": "Verschickt von",
"sent_by_explica": "Vollst\u00e4ndiger Name der Person die den Transport bearbeitet oder ihn dem Transporteur \u00fcbergeben hat.",
"executor": "Durchf\u00fchrung von",
"executor_explica": "Person oder Institution die den Transport tats\u00e4chlich abgewickelt haben. Dieses Feld ist mit der Kontaktfunktion verkn\u00fcpft.",
"destination_time": "Ende des Transports",
"destination_time_explica": "Zeitpunkt der Ankunft des Transportes",
"destination_address": "Zieladresse",
"destination_address_explica": "Adresse des Empf\u00e4ngers des Transportes",
"received_by": "Entgegengenommen von",
"received_by_explica": "Vollst\u00e4ndiger Name der Person, welche den Transport entgegengenommen hat.",
"partner": "Partner",
"partner_explica": "Institution who is the exchange partner for the shipment",
"partner_contact": "Partner contact",
"partner_contact_explica": "Contact person at the partner institution. This field references the address feature.",
"partner_explica": "Person oder Institution, an die der Transport gesendet wurde (bei ausgehenden Transporten) oder die den Transport abgesendet hat (bei eingehenden Transporten).",
"partner_contact": "Kontakt bei Partnerinstitution",
"partner_contact_explica": "Kontaktperson in der Partnereinrichtung. Dieses Feld ist mit der Kontaktfunktion von museum-digital verkn\u00fcpft.",
"tracking_code": "Tracking code",
"tracking_code_explica": "Tracking code at the courier, if any exists.",
"conditions": "Conditions",
"conditions_explica": "General conditions placed upon the shipment.",
"packaging_note": "Packaging note",
"packaging_note_explica": "Any remark on the packaging",
"delivery_note": "Delivery note",
"delivery_note_explica": "Remarks on the delivery, e.g. the courier arrived five day late."
"tracking_code_explica": "Tracking code bei der Spedition (falls vorhanden)",
"conditions": "Bedingungen",
"conditions_explica": "Allgemeine Bedingungen, welchen der Transport unterliegt.",
"packaging_note": "Anmerkung zur Verpackung",
"packaging_note_explica": "Jede Form von Bemerkungen zur Verpackung",
"delivery_note": "Auslieferungsnotiz",
"delivery_note_explica": "Anmerkungen zur Auslieferung (Bsp.: Der Transport dauerte 5 Tage l\u00e4nger als geplant.)",
"shipment_note": "Anmerkung zum Transport",
"shipments_list": "Liste von Transporten",
"all_shipments": "Alle Transporte"
"shipment_method_set": {
"transport_method": "Transportmethode"
@ -25,6 +25,8 @@
"funding_conditions": "Funding conditions",
"funding_conditions_explica": "Conditions set by the funders",
"note": "Acquisition note",
"note_explica": "Any remark regarding the acquisition."
"note_explica": "Any remark regarding the acquisition.",
"acquisitions_list": "List of acquisitions",
"all_acquisitions": "All acquisitions"
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
"name_explica": "A concise name that helps colleagues to identify the shipment",
"note": "Shipment none",
"note_explica": "Any remark concerning the present shipment in general",
"transport_method": "Transport methoid",
"transport_method": "Transport method",
"transport_method_explica": "Information regarding the method of transportation",
"authorized_by": "Authorized by",
"authorized_by_explica": "Full name of the person who authorized the shipment",
@ -36,6 +36,12 @@
"packaging_note": "Packaging note",
"packaging_note_explica": "Any remark on the packaging",
"delivery_note": "Delivery note",
"delivery_note_explica": "Remarks on the delivery, e.g. the courier arrived five day late."
"delivery_note_explica": "Remarks on the delivery, e.g. the courier arrived five day late.",
"shipment_note": "Shipment note",
"shipments_list": "List of shipments",
"all_shipments": "All shipments"
"shipment_method_set": {
"transport_method": "Transport method"
@ -25,6 +25,8 @@
"funding_conditions": "Funding conditions",
"funding_conditions_explica": "Conditions set by the funders",
"note": "Acquisition note",
"note_explica": "Any remark regarding the acquisition."
"note_explica": "Any remark regarding the acquisition.",
"acquisitions_list": "List of acquisitions",
"all_acquisitions": "All acquisitions"
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
"name_explica": "A concise name that helps colleagues to identify the shipment",
"note": "Shipment none",
"note_explica": "Any remark concerning the present shipment in general",
"transport_method": "Transport methoid",
"transport_method": "Transport method",
"transport_method_explica": "Information regarding the method of transportation",
"authorized_by": "Authorized by",
"authorized_by_explica": "Full name of the person who authorized the shipment",
@ -36,6 +36,12 @@
"packaging_note": "Packaging note",
"packaging_note_explica": "Any remark on the packaging",
"delivery_note": "Delivery note",
"delivery_note_explica": "Remarks on the delivery, e.g. the courier arrived five day late."
"delivery_note_explica": "Remarks on the delivery, e.g. the courier arrived five day late.",
"shipment_note": "Shipment note",
"shipments_list": "List of shipments",
"all_shipments": "All shipments"
"shipment_method_set": {
"transport_method": "Transport method"
@ -25,6 +25,8 @@
"funding_conditions": "Funding conditions",
"funding_conditions_explica": "Conditions set by the funders",
"note": "Acquisition note",
"note_explica": "Any remark regarding the acquisition."
"note_explica": "Any remark regarding the acquisition.",
"acquisitions_list": "List of acquisitions",
"all_acquisitions": "All acquisitions"
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
"name_explica": "A concise name that helps colleagues to identify the shipment",
"note": "Shipment none",
"note_explica": "Any remark concerning the present shipment in general",
"transport_method": "Transport methoid",
"transport_method": "Transport method",
"transport_method_explica": "Information regarding the method of transportation",
"authorized_by": "Authorized by",
"authorized_by_explica": "Full name of the person who authorized the shipment",
@ -36,6 +36,12 @@
"packaging_note": "Packaging note",
"packaging_note_explica": "Any remark on the packaging",
"delivery_note": "Delivery note",
"delivery_note_explica": "Remarks on the delivery, e.g. the courier arrived five day late."
"delivery_note_explica": "Remarks on the delivery, e.g. the courier arrived five day late.",
"shipment_note": "Shipment note",
"shipments_list": "List of shipments",
"all_shipments": "All shipments"
"shipment_method_set": {
"transport_method": "Transport method"
@ -25,6 +25,8 @@
"funding_conditions": "Funding conditions",
"funding_conditions_explica": "Conditions set by the funders",
"note": "Acquisition note",
"note_explica": "Any remark regarding the acquisition."
"note_explica": "Any remark regarding the acquisition.",
"acquisitions_list": "List of acquisitions",
"all_acquisitions": "All acquisitions"
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
"name_explica": "A concise name that helps colleagues to identify the shipment",
"note": "Shipment none",
"note_explica": "Any remark concerning the present shipment in general",
"transport_method": "Transport methoid",
"transport_method": "Transport method",
"transport_method_explica": "Information regarding the method of transportation",
"authorized_by": "Authorized by",
"authorized_by_explica": "Full name of the person who authorized the shipment",
@ -36,6 +36,12 @@
"packaging_note": "Packaging note",
"packaging_note_explica": "Any remark on the packaging",
"delivery_note": "Delivery note",
"delivery_note_explica": "Remarks on the delivery, e.g. the courier arrived five day late."
"delivery_note_explica": "Remarks on the delivery, e.g. the courier arrived five day late.",
"shipment_note": "Shipment note",
"shipments_list": "List of shipments",
"all_shipments": "All shipments"
"shipment_method_set": {
"transport_method": "Transport method"
@ -25,6 +25,8 @@
"funding_conditions": "Funding conditions",
"funding_conditions_explica": "Conditions set by the funders",
"note": "Acquisition note",
"note_explica": "Any remark regarding the acquisition."
"note_explica": "Any remark regarding the acquisition.",
"acquisitions_list": "List of acquisitions",
"all_acquisitions": "All acquisitions"
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
"name_explica": "A concise name that helps colleagues to identify the shipment",
"note": "Shipment none",
"note_explica": "Any remark concerning the present shipment in general",
"transport_method": "Transport methoid",
"transport_method": "Transport method",
"transport_method_explica": "Information regarding the method of transportation",
"authorized_by": "Authorized by",
"authorized_by_explica": "Full name of the person who authorized the shipment",
@ -36,6 +36,12 @@
"packaging_note": "Packaging note",
"packaging_note_explica": "Any remark on the packaging",
"delivery_note": "Delivery note",
"delivery_note_explica": "Remarks on the delivery, e.g. the courier arrived five day late."
"delivery_note_explica": "Remarks on the delivery, e.g. the courier arrived five day late.",
"shipment_note": "Shipment note",
"shipments_list": "List of shipments",
"all_shipments": "All shipments"
"shipment_method_set": {
"transport_method": "Transport method"
@ -25,6 +25,8 @@
"funding_conditions": "Funding conditions",
"funding_conditions_explica": "Conditions set by the funders",
"note": "Acquisition note",
"note_explica": "Any remark regarding the acquisition."
"note_explica": "Any remark regarding the acquisition.",
"acquisitions_list": "List of acquisitions",
"all_acquisitions": "All acquisitions"
@ -103,7 +103,7 @@
"cloakroom_available": "Ruhat\u00e1r",
"lockers_available": "Csomagmeg\u0151rz\u00e9s",
"lockers_available_explica": "Van-e csomagmeg\u0151rz\u00e9s a m\u00fazeumban?",
"shop_available": "M\u00fazeumi shop",
"shop_available": "M\u00fazeum shop",
"shop_available_explica": "Van a m\u00fazeumnak boltja?",
"cafe_available": "K\u00e1v\u00e9z\u00f3\/b\u00fcf\u00e9",
"cafe_available_explica": "Van-e k\u00e1v\u00e9z\u00f3\/b\u00fcf\u00e9 a m\u00fazeumban?",
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
"name_explica": "A concise name that helps colleagues to identify the shipment",
"note": "Shipment none",
"note_explica": "Any remark concerning the present shipment in general",
"transport_method": "Transport methoid",
"transport_method": "Transport method",
"transport_method_explica": "Information regarding the method of transportation",
"authorized_by": "Authorized by",
"authorized_by_explica": "Full name of the person who authorized the shipment",
@ -36,6 +36,12 @@
"packaging_note": "Packaging note",
"packaging_note_explica": "Any remark on the packaging",
"delivery_note": "Delivery note",
"delivery_note_explica": "Remarks on the delivery, e.g. the courier arrived five day late."
"delivery_note_explica": "Remarks on the delivery, e.g. the courier arrived five day late.",
"shipment_note": "Shipment note",
"shipments_list": "List of shipments",
"all_shipments": "All shipments"
"shipment_method_set": {
"transport_method": "Transport method"
@ -25,6 +25,8 @@
"funding_conditions": "Funding conditions",
"funding_conditions_explica": "Conditions set by the funders",
"note": "Acquisition note",
"note_explica": "Any remark regarding the acquisition."
"note_explica": "Any remark regarding the acquisition.",
"acquisitions_list": "List of acquisitions",
"all_acquisitions": "All acquisitions"
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
"name_explica": "A concise name that helps colleagues to identify the shipment",
"note": "Shipment none",
"note_explica": "Any remark concerning the present shipment in general",
"transport_method": "Transport methoid",
"transport_method": "Transport method",
"transport_method_explica": "Information regarding the method of transportation",
"authorized_by": "Authorized by",
"authorized_by_explica": "Full name of the person who authorized the shipment",
@ -36,6 +36,12 @@
"packaging_note": "Packaging note",
"packaging_note_explica": "Any remark on the packaging",
"delivery_note": "Delivery note",
"delivery_note_explica": "Remarks on the delivery, e.g. the courier arrived five day late."
"delivery_note_explica": "Remarks on the delivery, e.g. the courier arrived five day late.",
"shipment_note": "Shipment note",
"shipments_list": "List of shipments",
"all_shipments": "All shipments"
"shipment_method_set": {
"transport_method": "Transport method"
@ -25,6 +25,8 @@
"funding_conditions": "Funding conditions",
"funding_conditions_explica": "Conditions set by the funders",
"note": "Acquisition note",
"note_explica": "Any remark regarding the acquisition."
"note_explica": "Any remark regarding the acquisition.",
"acquisitions_list": "List of acquisitions",
"all_acquisitions": "All acquisitions"
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
"name_explica": "A concise name that helps colleagues to identify the shipment",
"note": "Shipment none",
"note_explica": "Any remark concerning the present shipment in general",
"transport_method": "Transport methoid",
"transport_method": "Transport method",
"transport_method_explica": "Information regarding the method of transportation",
"authorized_by": "Authorized by",
"authorized_by_explica": "Full name of the person who authorized the shipment",
@ -36,6 +36,12 @@
"packaging_note": "Packaging note",
"packaging_note_explica": "Any remark on the packaging",
"delivery_note": "Delivery note",
"delivery_note_explica": "Remarks on the delivery, e.g. the courier arrived five day late."
"delivery_note_explica": "Remarks on the delivery, e.g. the courier arrived five day late.",
"shipment_note": "Shipment note",
"shipments_list": "List of shipments",
"all_shipments": "All shipments"
"shipment_method_set": {
"transport_method": "Transport method"
@ -25,6 +25,8 @@
"funding_conditions": "Funding conditions",
"funding_conditions_explica": "Conditions set by the funders",
"note": "Acquisition note",
"note_explica": "Any remark regarding the acquisition."
"note_explica": "Any remark regarding the acquisition.",
"acquisitions_list": "List of acquisitions",
"all_acquisitions": "All acquisitions"
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
"name_explica": "A concise name that helps colleagues to identify the shipment",
"note": "Shipment none",
"note_explica": "Any remark concerning the present shipment in general",
"transport_method": "Transport methoid",
"transport_method": "Transport method",
"transport_method_explica": "Information regarding the method of transportation",
"authorized_by": "Authorized by",
"authorized_by_explica": "Full name of the person who authorized the shipment",
@ -36,6 +36,12 @@
"packaging_note": "Packaging note",
"packaging_note_explica": "Any remark on the packaging",
"delivery_note": "Delivery note",
"delivery_note_explica": "Remarks on the delivery, e.g. the courier arrived five day late."
"delivery_note_explica": "Remarks on the delivery, e.g. the courier arrived five day late.",
"shipment_note": "Shipment note",
"shipments_list": "List of shipments",
"all_shipments": "All shipments"
"shipment_method_set": {
"transport_method": "Transport method"
@ -25,6 +25,8 @@
"funding_conditions": "Funding conditions",
"funding_conditions_explica": "Conditions set by the funders",
"note": "Acquisition note",
"note_explica": "Any remark regarding the acquisition."
"note_explica": "Any remark regarding the acquisition.",
"acquisitions_list": "List of acquisitions",
"all_acquisitions": "All acquisitions"
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
"name_explica": "A concise name that helps colleagues to identify the shipment",
"note": "Shipment none",
"note_explica": "Any remark concerning the present shipment in general",
"transport_method": "Transport methoid",
"transport_method": "Transport method",
"transport_method_explica": "Information regarding the method of transportation",
"authorized_by": "Authorized by",
"authorized_by_explica": "Full name of the person who authorized the shipment",
@ -36,6 +36,12 @@
"packaging_note": "Packaging note",
"packaging_note_explica": "Any remark on the packaging",
"delivery_note": "Delivery note",
"delivery_note_explica": "Remarks on the delivery, e.g. the courier arrived five day late."
"delivery_note_explica": "Remarks on the delivery, e.g. the courier arrived five day late.",
"shipment_note": "Shipment note",
"shipments_list": "List of shipments",
"all_shipments": "All shipments"
"shipment_method_set": {
"transport_method": "Transport method"
@ -25,6 +25,8 @@
"funding_conditions": "Funding conditions",
"funding_conditions_explica": "Conditions set by the funders",
"note": "Acquisition note",
"note_explica": "Any remark regarding the acquisition."
"note_explica": "Any remark regarding the acquisition.",
"acquisitions_list": "List of acquisitions",
"all_acquisitions": "All acquisitions"
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
"name_explica": "A concise name that helps colleagues to identify the shipment",
"note": "Shipment none",
"note_explica": "Any remark concerning the present shipment in general",
"transport_method": "Transport methoid",
"transport_method": "Transport method",
"transport_method_explica": "Information regarding the method of transportation",
"authorized_by": "Authorized by",
"authorized_by_explica": "Full name of the person who authorized the shipment",
@ -36,6 +36,12 @@
"packaging_note": "Packaging note",
"packaging_note_explica": "Any remark on the packaging",
"delivery_note": "Delivery note",
"delivery_note_explica": "Remarks on the delivery, e.g. the courier arrived five day late."
"delivery_note_explica": "Remarks on the delivery, e.g. the courier arrived five day late.",
"shipment_note": "Shipment note",
"shipments_list": "List of shipments",
"all_shipments": "All shipments"
"shipment_method_set": {
"transport_method": "Transport method"
@ -25,6 +25,8 @@
"funding_conditions": "Funding conditions",
"funding_conditions_explica": "Conditions set by the funders",
"note": "Acquisition note",
"note_explica": "Any remark regarding the acquisition."
"note_explica": "Any remark regarding the acquisition.",
"acquisitions_list": "List of acquisitions",
"all_acquisitions": "All acquisitions"
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
"name_explica": "A concise name that helps colleagues to identify the shipment",
"note": "Shipment none",
"note_explica": "Any remark concerning the present shipment in general",
"transport_method": "Transport methoid",
"transport_method": "Transport method",
"transport_method_explica": "Information regarding the method of transportation",
"authorized_by": "Authorized by",
"authorized_by_explica": "Full name of the person who authorized the shipment",
@ -36,6 +36,12 @@
"packaging_note": "Packaging note",
"packaging_note_explica": "Any remark on the packaging",
"delivery_note": "Delivery note",
"delivery_note_explica": "Remarks on the delivery, e.g. the courier arrived five day late."
"delivery_note_explica": "Remarks on the delivery, e.g. the courier arrived five day late.",
"shipment_note": "Shipment note",
"shipments_list": "List of shipments",
"all_shipments": "All shipments"
"shipment_method_set": {
"transport_method": "Transport method"
@ -25,6 +25,8 @@
"funding_conditions": "Funding conditions",
"funding_conditions_explica": "Conditions set by the funders",
"note": "Acquisition note",
"note_explica": "Any remark regarding the acquisition."
"note_explica": "Any remark regarding the acquisition.",
"acquisitions_list": "List of acquisitions",
"all_acquisitions": "All acquisitions"
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
"name_explica": "A concise name that helps colleagues to identify the shipment",
"note": "Shipment none",
"note_explica": "Any remark concerning the present shipment in general",
"transport_method": "Transport methoid",
"transport_method": "Transport method",
"transport_method_explica": "Information regarding the method of transportation",
"authorized_by": "Authorized by",
"authorized_by_explica": "Full name of the person who authorized the shipment",
@ -36,6 +36,12 @@
"packaging_note": "Packaging note",
"packaging_note_explica": "Any remark on the packaging",
"delivery_note": "Delivery note",
"delivery_note_explica": "Remarks on the delivery, e.g. the courier arrived five day late."
"delivery_note_explica": "Remarks on the delivery, e.g. the courier arrived five day late.",
"shipment_note": "Shipment note",
"shipments_list": "List of shipments",
"all_shipments": "All shipments"
"shipment_method_set": {
"transport_method": "Transport method"
@ -25,6 +25,8 @@
"funding_conditions": "Funding conditions",
"funding_conditions_explica": "Conditions set by the funders",
"note": "Acquisition note",
"note_explica": "Any remark regarding the acquisition."
"note_explica": "Any remark regarding the acquisition.",
"acquisitions_list": "List of acquisitions",
"all_acquisitions": "All acquisitions"
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
"name_explica": "A concise name that helps colleagues to identify the shipment",
"note": "Shipment none",
"note_explica": "Any remark concerning the present shipment in general",
"transport_method": "Transport methoid",
"transport_method": "Transport method",
"transport_method_explica": "Information regarding the method of transportation",
"authorized_by": "Authorized by",
"authorized_by_explica": "Full name of the person who authorized the shipment",
@ -36,6 +36,12 @@
"packaging_note": "Packaging note",
"packaging_note_explica": "Any remark on the packaging",
"delivery_note": "Delivery note",
"delivery_note_explica": "Remarks on the delivery, e.g. the courier arrived five day late."
"delivery_note_explica": "Remarks on the delivery, e.g. the courier arrived five day late.",
"shipment_note": "Shipment note",
"shipments_list": "List of shipments",
"all_shipments": "All shipments"
"shipment_method_set": {
"transport_method": "Transport method"
@ -25,6 +25,8 @@
"funding_conditions": "Funding conditions",
"funding_conditions_explica": "Conditions set by the funders",
"note": "Acquisition note",
"note_explica": "Any remark regarding the acquisition."
"note_explica": "Any remark regarding the acquisition.",
"acquisitions_list": "List of acquisitions",
"all_acquisitions": "All acquisitions"
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
"name_explica": "A concise name that helps colleagues to identify the shipment",
"note": "Shipment none",
"note_explica": "Any remark concerning the present shipment in general",
"transport_method": "Transport methoid",
"transport_method": "Transport method",
"transport_method_explica": "Information regarding the method of transportation",
"authorized_by": "Authorized by",
"authorized_by_explica": "Full name of the person who authorized the shipment",
@ -36,6 +36,12 @@
"packaging_note": "Packaging note",
"packaging_note_explica": "Any remark on the packaging",
"delivery_note": "Delivery note",
"delivery_note_explica": "Remarks on the delivery, e.g. the courier arrived five day late."
"delivery_note_explica": "Remarks on the delivery, e.g. the courier arrived five day late.",
"shipment_note": "Shipment note",
"shipments_list": "List of shipments",
"all_shipments": "All shipments"
"shipment_method_set": {
"transport_method": "Transport method"
@ -25,6 +25,8 @@
"funding_conditions": "Funding conditions",
"funding_conditions_explica": "Conditions set by the funders",
"note": "Acquisition note",
"note_explica": "Any remark regarding the acquisition."
"note_explica": "Any remark regarding the acquisition.",
"acquisitions_list": "List of acquisitions",
"all_acquisitions": "All acquisitions"
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
"name_explica": "A concise name that helps colleagues to identify the shipment",
"note": "Shipment none",
"note_explica": "Any remark concerning the present shipment in general",
"transport_method": "Transport methoid",
"transport_method": "Transport method",
"transport_method_explica": "Information regarding the method of transportation",
"authorized_by": "Authorized by",
"authorized_by_explica": "Full name of the person who authorized the shipment",
@ -36,6 +36,12 @@
"packaging_note": "Packaging note",
"packaging_note_explica": "Any remark on the packaging",
"delivery_note": "Delivery note",
"delivery_note_explica": "Remarks on the delivery, e.g. the courier arrived five day late."
"delivery_note_explica": "Remarks on the delivery, e.g. the courier arrived five day late.",
"shipment_note": "Shipment note",
"shipments_list": "List of shipments",
"all_shipments": "All shipments"
"shipment_method_set": {
"transport_method": "Transport method"
@ -25,6 +25,8 @@
"funding_conditions": "Funding conditions",
"funding_conditions_explica": "Conditions set by the funders",
"note": "Acquisition note",
"note_explica": "Any remark regarding the acquisition."
"note_explica": "Any remark regarding the acquisition.",
"acquisitions_list": "List of acquisitions",
"all_acquisitions": "All acquisitions"
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
"name_explica": "A concise name that helps colleagues to identify the shipment",
"note": "Shipment none",
"note_explica": "Any remark concerning the present shipment in general",
"transport_method": "Transport methoid",
"transport_method": "Transport method",
"transport_method_explica": "Information regarding the method of transportation",
"authorized_by": "Authorized by",
"authorized_by_explica": "Full name of the person who authorized the shipment",
@ -36,6 +36,12 @@
"packaging_note": "Packaging note",
"packaging_note_explica": "Any remark on the packaging",
"delivery_note": "Delivery note",
"delivery_note_explica": "Remarks on the delivery, e.g. the courier arrived five day late."
"delivery_note_explica": "Remarks on the delivery, e.g. the courier arrived five day late.",
"shipment_note": "Shipment note",
"shipments_list": "List of shipments",
"all_shipments": "All shipments"
"shipment_method_set": {
"transport_method": "Transport method"
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