This commit is contained in:
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
"api_title": "Schnittstellen",
"api_text": "Zur Ver\u00f6ffentlichung und Verf\u00fcgbarmachung z\u00e4hlt nicht nur das Erm\u00f6glichen der Betrachtung. Auch eigene Ideen mit den Daten umzusetzen geh\u00f6rt dazu. Entsprechend sind alle Informationen, die mit der \"Ausgabe\" von museum-digital ver\u00f6ffentlicht sind auch maschinell \u00fcber eine einfach zu benutzende <abbr title=\"JavaScript Object Notation\">JSON<\/abbr>-Schnittstelle auslesbar.<\/p> <p>Soweit sinnvoll, gibt die \"Ausgabe\" Informationen auch in passenden offenen Standardformaten aus: Objektinformationen k\u00f6nnen im <a href=\"http:\/\/\/\"><abbr title=\"Lightweight Information Describing Objects\">LIDO<\/a>-Format<\/a> abgerufen werden, f\u00fcr Museumsinformationen stehen digitale Visitenkarten (<a href=\"https:\/\/\/wiki\/VCard\">vCard<\/a>) und f\u00fcr Termine Kalender und Kalendereintr\u00e4ge im <a href=\"https:\/\/\/wiki\/ICalendar\">iCalendar-Format<\/a> zur Verf\u00fcgung.",
"development_title": "Entwicklung",
"development_text": "Die Ausgabe von museum-digital basiert auf PHP7 und MySQL. F\u00fcr Visualisierungen kommt JavaScript zum Einsatz, auch unter Zuhilfenahme einer Reihe von Bibliotheken, die <a href=\"https:\/\/\/?lan=de&q=Weiteres\/Dependencies\">hier<\/a> eingesehen werden k\u00f6nnen. F\u00fcr die Versionierung benutzen wir <a href=\"https:\/\/\/\">git<\/a>.",
"development_text": "Die Ausgabe von museum-digital basiert auf PHP8 und MySQL. F\u00fcr Visualisierungen kommt JavaScript zum Einsatz, auch unter Zuhilfenahme einer Reihe von Bibliotheken, die <a href=\"https:\/\/\/?lan=de&q=Weiteres\/Dependencies\">hier<\/a> eingesehen werden k\u00f6nnen. F\u00fcr die Versionierung benutzen wir <a href=\"https:\/\/\/\">git<\/a>.",
"screenshots": "Screenshots",
"resources": "Resourcen",
"in_blog": "Neuigkeiten zur Entwicklung der Ausgabe im Blog",
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
"design_principles_title": "Design",
"design_principles_text": "musdb soll einfach und intuitiv zu benutzen sein. Es soll Spa\u00df machen. Das hei\u00dft, dass die Oberfl\u00e4che einen klaren Fokus auf den Haupt-Gegenstand der jeweiligen Seite bieten sollte. Um dieses Ziel zu erreichen besteht f\u00fcr Benutzer an vielen Stellen die M\u00f6glichkeit, sich Features an- und auszuschalten. Optionale Features (etwa die zur Generierung eines QR-Codes f\u00fcr Objektseiten, oder ein \"Inhaltsverzeichnis\" um auf einer l\u00e4ngeren Seite direkt zum richtigen Bereich zu springen) sind in einer Toolbox am Fensterrand untergebracht.<\/p>\r\n\r\n<p><i>Einfach<\/i> hei\u00dft aber auch, dass h\u00e4ufige Benutzer schnell - und auf die ihnen am meisten gelegene Art - arbeiten k\u00f6nnen. Daf\u00fcr bietet musdb eine Vielzahl an Hilfestellungen. Bei der folgenden Liste handelt es sich deshalb nur um eine Auswahl:<\/p>\r\n<ul>\r\n <li>Eine Anzeige, wieviele Buchstaben in einem Eingabefeld eingegeben sind und wieviele es mindestens und maximal sein k\u00f6nnen<\/li>\r\n <li>PuQi: Der Publikationsqualit\u00e4tsindex zeigt, wie sich die Angaben zum Objekt verbessern lassen<\/li>\r\n <li>Plausi: Mithilfe der kontrollierten Vokabulare kann musdb warnen, wenn Eingaben nicht plausibel sind (Beispiel: Eine Malerin kann ein Gem\u00e4lde nicht gemalt haben, bevor sie geboren wurde)<\/li>\r\n <li>Textbausteine erleichtern die schnelle Eingabe von gleichen Inhalten<\/li>\r\n<\/ul>\r\n<p>Alternativ zur \u00fcblichen Navigation mit der Maus erm\u00f6glicht musdb eine umfassende Steuerung per Tastatur und ein eigenes Kontextmen\u00fc.",
"development_title": "Entwicklung",
"development_text": "musdb basiert auf PHP7 und MySQL. Eine Reihe PHP- und JavaScript-Bibliotheken kommen zum Einsatz. Die Liste der verwendeten Bibliotheken kann <a href=\"https:\/\/\/?lan=de&q=Weiteres\/Dependencies#2\">im Handbuch<\/a> gefunden werden.",
"development_text": "musdb basiert auf PHP8 und MySQL. Eine Reihe PHP- und JavaScript-Bibliotheken kommen zum Einsatz. Die Liste der verwendeten Bibliotheken kann <a href=\"https:\/\/\/?lan=de&q=Weiteres\/Dependencies#2\">im Handbuch<\/a> gefunden werden.",
"screenshots": "Screenshots",
"resources": "Resourcen",
"in_handbook": "musdb im Handbuch",
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
"api_title": "API(s)",
"api_text": "Publishing and making things accessible doesn't only mean making it possible to view something. It also means enabling people to use data to realize their own ideas. Accordingly, all information that is published using the \"frontend\" of museum-digital is also accessible in a machine-readable way via our <abbr title=\"JavaScript Object Notation\">JSON<\/abbr> API.<\/p><p>As much as possible, the \"frontend\" provides information in open standards as well: object information can be accessed in <a href=\"http:\/\/\/cidoc\/working-groups\/lido\/what-is-lido\/\">LIDO<\/a>, information about museums can be downloaded as electronic business cards (<a href=\"https:\/\/\/wiki\/VCard\">vCard<\/a>), and calendar information such as exhibitions can be integrated with calendar tools using the <a href=\"https:\/\/\/wiki\/ICalendar\">iCalendar<\/a> standard.",
"development_title": "Development",
"development_text": "The \"frontend\" of museum-digital is built using PHP7 and MySQL. JavaScript is used for interactive features and visualizations. A list of the used libraries can be found <a href=\"https:\/\/\/?lan=de&q=Weiteres\/Dependencies\">here<\/a>. We use <a href=\"https:\/\/\/\">git<\/a> for version control.",
"development_text": "The \"frontend\" of museum-digital is built using PHP8 and MySQL. JavaScript is used for interactive features and visualizations. A list of the used libraries can be found <a href=\"https:\/\/\/?lan=de&q=Weiteres\/Dependencies\">here<\/a>. We use <a href=\"https:\/\/\/\">git<\/a> for version control.",
"screenshots": "Screenshots",
"resources": "Resources",
"in_blog": "News About the Frontend in the Blog",
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
"design_principles_title": "Design Principles",
"design_principles_text": "Musdb should be easy and intuitive to use. It should be fun to use. On the one hand, this means that the design should give a clear focus to the main subject of a given page. To reach this aim, options exist to toggle many features on or off. Optional features (like generating QR codes for object pages or a table of contents to directly jump to the wanted section of a page) are available in a toolbox on the left border of the window.<\/p>\r\n\r\n<p>But <i>easy<\/i> and <i>intuitive<\/i> also means that power users can work efficiently in whatever way suits them best. Musdb offers a variety of aids for this. A selection of these are:<\/p>\r\n\r\n<p>\r\n<ul>\r\n<li>Clicking into a field, users can see how many characters have been entered, how many are required, and how many are allowed at max.<\/li>\r\n<li>PuQi: the \"Publication Quality Index\" shows, how object information can be enhanced<\/li>\r\n<li>Plausi: using the controlled vocabularies, musdb can warn about implausible entries (e.g. a painter cannot have painted a painting before she was born)<\/li>\r\n<li>Text blocks provide for a quick entry of similar contents<\/li>\r\n<\/ul>",
"development_title": "Development",
"development_text": "Musdb is based on PHP7 and MySQL. A number of PHP and JavaScript libraries are used, a list of which can be found <a href=\"https:\/\/\/?lan=de&q=Weiteres\/Dependencies#2\">in the handbook<\/a>.",
"development_text": "Musdb is based on PHP8 and MySQL. A number of PHP and JavaScript libraries are used, a list of which can be found <a href=\"https:\/\/\/?lan=de&q=Weiteres\/Dependencies#2\">in the handbook<\/a>.",
"screenshots": "Screenshots",
"resources": "Resources",
"in_handbook": "Documentation for musdb",
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
"api_title": "API(s)",
"api_text": "Publishing and making things accessible doesn't only mean making it possible to view something. It also means enabling people to use data to realize their own ideas. Accordingly, all information that is published using the \"frontend\" of museum-digital is also accessible in a machine-readable way via our <abbr title=\"JavaScript Object Notation\">JSON<\/abbr> API.<\/p><p>As much as possible, the \"frontend\" provides information in open standards as well: object information can be accessed in <a href=\"http:\/\/\/cidoc\/working-groups\/lido\/what-is-lido\/\">LIDO<\/a>, information about museums can be downloaded as electronic business cards (<a href=\"https:\/\/\/wiki\/VCard\">vCard<\/a>), and calendar information such as exhibitions can be integrated with calendar tools using the <a href=\"https:\/\/\/wiki\/ICalendar\">iCalendar<\/a> standard.",
"development_title": "Development",
"development_text": "The \"frontend\" of museum-digital is built using PHP7 and MySQL. JavaScript is used for interactive features and visualizations. A list of the used libraries can be found <a href=\"https:\/\/\/?lan=de&q=Weiteres\/Dependencies\">here<\/a>. We use <a href=\"https:\/\/\/\">git<\/a> for version control.",
"development_text": "The \"frontend\" of museum-digital is built using PHP8 and MySQL. JavaScript is used for interactive features and visualizations. A list of the used libraries can be found <a href=\"https:\/\/\/?lan=de&q=Weiteres\/Dependencies\">here<\/a>. We use <a href=\"https:\/\/\/\">git<\/a> for version control.",
"screenshots": "Screenshots",
"resources": "Resources",
"in_blog": "News About the Frontend in the Blog",
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
"design_principles_title": "Design Principles",
"design_principles_text": "musdb should be easy and intuitive to use. It should be fun to use. One the one hand, this means that the design should give a clear focus to the main subject of a given page. To reach this aim, options exist to toggle many features on or off. Optional features (like generating QR codes for object pages or a table of contents to directly jump to the wanted section of a page) are available in a toolbox on the left border of the window.<\/p>\r\n\r\n<p>But easy and intuitive also means that power users can work efficiently in whatever way suits them best. musdb offers a variety of helpers for this. A selection of these are:<\/p>\r\n\r\n<ul>\r\n<li>Clicking into a field, users can see how many characters have been entered, how many are required, and how many are allowed at max.<\/li>\r\n<li>PuQi: the \"Publication Quality Index\" shows, how object information can be enhanced<\/li>\r\n<li>Plausi: using the controlled vocabularies, musdb can warn about implausible entries (e.g. a painter cannot have painted a painting before she was born)<\/li>\r\n<li>Text blocks provide for a quick entry of similar contents<\/li>\r\n<\/ul>",
"development_title": "Development",
"development_text": "musdb is based on PHP7 and MySQL. A number of PHP and JavaScript libraries are used, a list of which can be found <a href=\"https:\/\/\/?lan=de&q=Weiteres\/Dependencies#2\">in the handbook<\/a>.",
"development_text": "musdb is based on PHP8 and MySQL. A number of PHP and JavaScript libraries are used, a list of which can be found <a href=\"https:\/\/\/?lan=de&q=Weiteres\/Dependencies#2\">in the handbook<\/a>.",
"screenshots": "Screenshots",
"resources": "Resources",
"in_handbook": "Documentation for musdb",
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