Approval in backend
This commit is contained in:
@ -309,7 +309,24 @@
"insurance_value_time": "Insurance value (time)",
"insurance_value_time": "Insurance value (time)",
"insurance_value_by": "Insurance value (by)",
"insurance_value_by": "Insurance value (by)",
"insurance_value_value": "Insurance value (value)",
"insurance_value_value": "Insurance value (value)",
"insurance_value_currency": "Insurance value (currency)"
"insurance_value_currency": "Insurance value (currency)",
"valuation_value": "Valuation (value)",
"valuation_currency": "Valuation (currency)",
"closer_location_name_explica": "The name of closer location",
"closer_location_kind_explica": "The kind of a closer location",
"alternative_title_kind_explica": "The kind of an alternate name",
"alternative_title_name_explica": "Any alternative title for the object",
"entry_type_explica": "How did the object enter the museum",
"purchase_price_explica": "The price for which the object was purchased.",
"purchase_price_currency_explica": "The currency used when purchasing the object",
"valuation_time_explica": "When was the last valuation conducted",
"valuation_by_explica": "Who conducted the last valuation?",
"insurance_value_time_explica": "Time the insurance value was last determined.",
"insurance_value_by_explica": "Who determined the last insurance value?",
"insurance_value_value_explica": "The last determined insurance value.",
"insurance_value_currency_explica": "The currency used for the last insurance value.",
"valuation_value_explica": "Value of the last valuation.",
"valuation_currency_explica": "Currency used for the last valuation."
"ortart": [
"ortart": [
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"object_add": {
"object_add": {
"wobz_inhalt": "Gedacht f\u00fcr Objekte, die einen allgemeinen und zugleich einen wissenschaftlichen (oder anderen zus\u00e4tzlichen) Namen haben (H\u00e4ufig bei biologischen oder mineralogischen Objekten)<br><br>Links: Zus\u00e4tzliche Objektbezeichnung <br>(Maximale Textl\u00e4nge: 250 Zeichen)<br><br>Rechts: G\u00fcltigkeitsbereich der Bezeichnung, z.B. \"Wissenschaft\"",
"wobz_inhalt": "Gedacht f\u00fcr Objekte, die einen allgemeinen und zugleich einen wissenschaftlichen (oder anderen zus\u00e4tzlichen) Namen haben (H\u00e4ufig bei biologischen oder mineralogischen Objekten)\r\nLinks: Zus\u00e4tzliche Objektbezeichnung\r\n(Maximale Textl\u00e4nge: 250 Zeichen)\r\n\r\nRechts: G\u00fcltigkeitsbereich der Bezeichnung, z.B. \"Wissenschaft\"",
"loka_inhalt": "W\u00e4hrend innerhalb vonHere one can note down special conditions restricting the disposal of the object. The object may e.g. only be disposed within the country or it may only be returned to the previous owners. \"Ereignissen\" Orte (im Sinne von Ortschaften) erfasst werden - k\u00f6nnen hier genauere Angaben (im Sinne von \"Stelle\") gemacht werden. Also z.B. nicht \"Merseburg\" (Ortschaft, deshalb bei Ereignissen\/Ortsbez\u00fcgen erfasst), sondern \"Merseburg, Domplatz 9\".<br>Gedacht f\u00fcr z.B. fotografische, biologische oder mineralogische Objekte, wo genauere Angaben zum \"Aufnahmeort\" oder \"Fundort\" sinnvoll sein k\u00f6nnen.<br><br>Links: Hier k\u00f6nnen Sie die Lokalisationen beliebig benennen<br>Beispiel 1: \"5\u00b0 24` 32``, 16\u00b0 12` 8``\"<br>Beispiel 2: \"Bitterfeld, Marktplatz 4\"",
"loka_inhalt": "W\u00e4hrend innerhalb von \"Ereignissen\" Orte (im Sinne von Ortschaften) erfasst werden - k\u00f6nnen hier genauere Angaben (im Sinne von \"Stelle\") gemacht werden. Also z.B. nicht \"Merseburg\" (Ortschaft, deshalb bei Ereignissen\/Ortsbez\u00fcgen erfasst), sondern \"Merseburg, Domplatz 9\".\r\nGedacht f\u00fcr z.B. fotografische, biologische oder mineralogische Objekte, wo genauere Angaben zum \"Aufnahmeort\" oder \"Fundort\" sinnvoll sein k\u00f6nnen.\r\n\r\nLinks: Hier k\u00f6nnen Sie die Lokalisationen beliebig benennen\r\nBeispiel 1: \"5\u00b0 24` 32``, 16\u00b0 12` 8``\"\r\nBeispiel 2: \"Bitterfeld, Marktplatz 4\"",
"besch_inhalt": "Steht etwas auf dem Objekt geschrieben, das in einem eigenen Feld erfasst werden soll? Hier ist Platz daf\u00fcr.",
"besch_inhalt": "Steht etwas auf dem Objekt geschrieben, das in einem eigenen Feld erfasst werden soll? Hier ist Platz daf\u00fcr.",
"ausm_inhalt": "Hier ist die getrennte Erfassung von Ma\u00dfangaben m\u00f6glich.<br>Bitte vergessen Sie nicht die jeweiligen Einheiten anzugeben (\u00fcber Aufklapplisten)",
"ausm_inhalt": "Hier ist die getrennte Erfassung von Ma\u00dfangaben m\u00f6glich.<br>Bitte vergessen Sie nicht die jeweiligen Einheiten anzugeben (\u00fcber Aufklapplisten)",
"vergl_inhalt": "Gibt es Vergleichsobjekte in anderen Museen? Hier kann es eingetragen werden. Sie k\u00f6nnen einfach vermerken, in welchem Museum sich ein Vergleichsobjekt befindet, Sie k\u00f6nnen aber auch - wenn bekannt - die dortige Inventarnummer vermerken oder - falls das Objekt im Internet erreichbar ist - die entsprechende URL an dieser Stelle speichern.",
"vergl_inhalt": "Gibt es Vergleichsobjekte in anderen Museen? Hier kann es eingetragen werden. Sie k\u00f6nnen einfach vermerken, in welchem Museum sich ein Vergleichsobjekt befindet, Sie k\u00f6nnen aber auch - wenn bekannt - die dortige Inventarnummer vermerken oder - falls das Objekt im Internet erreichbar ist - die entsprechende URL an dieser Stelle speichern.",
@ -14,11 +14,11 @@
"unlimited_textlength": "Unbegrenzte Textl\u00e4nge",
"unlimited_textlength": "Unbegrenzte Textl\u00e4nge",
"separated_measurements": "Getrennte Ma\u00dfangaben",
"separated_measurements": "Getrennte Ma\u00dfangaben",
"einu_inhalt": "Verweis zum Eintrag im Eingangsbuch \/ Schenkungsnachweis",
"einu_inhalt": "Verweis zum Eintrag im Eingangsbuch \/ Schenkungsnachweis",
"invp_inhalt": "Hier k\u00f6nnen alle Arten von fr\u00fcheren oder parallel vorhandenen Inventarnummern eingetragen werden<br><br>Beispiel 1: \"Alte Nummer: V17-25,4.o\"<br>Beispiel 2: \"Nr. im KWM: A44521-7\"",
"invp_inhalt": "Hier k\u00f6nnen alle Arten von fr\u00fcheren oder parallel vorhandenen Inventarnummern eingetragen werden\r\n\r\nBeispiel 1: \"Alte Nummer: V17-25,4.o\"\r\nBeispiel 2: \"Nr. im KWM: A44521-7\"",
"konv_inhalt": "<b>Feld: \"Konvolut\"<\/b><br>Zu welchem Konvolut geh\u00f6rt das Objekt?<br>Beispiel 1: \"Sammlung Widermayr\"<br>Beispiel 2: \"Nachlass Meyerbeer\"<br>(Maximale Textl\u00e4nge 250 Zeichen)<br><br><b>Feld: \"Teil von\"<\/b><br>Das Objekt ist Teil von ...<br>Beispiel: \"IV-14\" (Inventarnummer einer Objektgruppe)<br>(Wenn beispielsweise ein Kaffeeservice eine Inventarnummer hat und jede Tasse eine eigene, dann sollte hier die Inventarnummer des Services eingetragen werden)<br>(Maximale Textl\u00e4nge 250 Zeichen)",
"konv_inhalt": "<b>Feld: \"Konvolut\"<\/b><br>Zu welchem Konvolut geh\u00f6rt das Objekt?<br>Beispiel 1: \"Sammlung Widermayr\"<br>Beispiel 2: \"Nachlass Meyerbeer\"<br>(Maximale Textl\u00e4nge 250 Zeichen)<br><br><b>Feld: \"Teil von\"<\/b><br>Das Objekt ist Teil von ...<br>Beispiel: \"IV-14\" (Inventarnummer einer Objektgruppe)<br>(Wenn beispielsweise ein Kaffeeservice eine Inventarnummer hat und jede Tasse eine eigene, dann sollte hier die Inventarnummer des Services eingetragen werden)<br>(Maximale Textl\u00e4nge 250 Zeichen)",
"syst_inhalt": "<b>Feld: \"Sachgruppe\"<\/b> und <b>Feld: \"Systematik\"<\/b><br><br>Sachgruppe (links) oder Systematik (rechts)<br><br>Gerade so, wie sie das bisher verwenden<br>(Maximale Textl\u00e4nge jeweils 70 und 200 Zeichen)",
"syst_inhalt": "<b>Feld: \"Sachgruppe\"<\/b> und <b>Feld: \"Systematik\"<\/b><br><br>Sachgruppe (links) oder Systematik (rechts)<br><br>Gerade so, wie sie das bisher verwenden<br>(Maximale Textl\u00e4nge jeweils 70 und 200 Zeichen)",
"vorb_inhalt": "Wer besa\u00df das Objekt, bevor es ins Museum kam?<br><br>(Name des direkten Vorbesitzers)<br><br>Beispiel 1: \"Hermann Meyerbeer, Ummendorf\"<br>Beispiel 2: \"VEB Kunstguss, M\u00e4gdesprung\"",
"vorb_inhalt": "Wer besa\u00df das Objekt, bevor es ins Museum kam?<br><br>(Name des direkten Vorbesitzers)<br><br>Beispiel 1: \"Hermann Meyerbeer, Ummendorf\"<br>Beispiel 2: \"VEB Kunstguss, M\u00e4gdesprung\"",
"zuga_inhalt": "Zugang, wann ... Zeitpunkt<br>Zugang, als ... z.B. \"Schenkung\"<br>Zugang, f\u00fcr ... (bei Kauf: Geldsumme plus W\u00e4hrung)",
"zuga_inhalt": "Zugang, wann ... Zeitpunkt\r\nZugang, als ... z.B. \"Schenkung\"\r\nZugang, f\u00fcr ... (bei Kauf: Geldsumme plus W\u00e4hrung)",
"obge_inhalt": "Allerlei Merkw\u00fcrdigkeiten aus der Geschichte des Objektes",
"obge_inhalt": "Allerlei Merkw\u00fcrdigkeiten aus der Geschichte des Objektes",
"schw_inhalt": "Wann ... Zeitpunkt der Festlegung<br>von ... Name des Festlegenden<br>auf ... (Geldsumme plus W\u00e4hrung)",
"schw_inhalt": "Wann ... Zeitpunkt der Festlegung<br>von ... Name des Festlegenden<br>auf ... (Geldsumme plus W\u00e4hrung)",
"vers_inhalt": "Wann ... Zeitpunkt der Festlegung<br>von ... Name des Festlegenden<br>auf ... (Geldsumme plus W\u00e4hrung)",
"vers_inhalt": "Wann ... Zeitpunkt der Festlegung<br>von ... Name des Festlegenden<br>auf ... (Geldsumme plus W\u00e4hrung)",
@ -309,7 +309,24 @@
"insurance_value_time": "Versicherungswert (Zeit)",
"insurance_value_time": "Versicherungswert (Zeit)",
"insurance_value_by": "Versicherungswert (Bestimmer)",
"insurance_value_by": "Versicherungswert (Bestimmer)",
"insurance_value_value": "Versicherungswert",
"insurance_value_value": "Versicherungswert",
"insurance_value_currency": "Versicherungswert (W\u00e4hrung)"
"insurance_value_currency": "Versicherungswert (W\u00e4hrung)",
"valuation_value": "Sch\u00e4tzwert",
"valuation_currency": "Sch\u00e4tzwert (W\u00e4hrung)",
"closer_location_name_explica": "Bezeichnung f\u00fcr eine genauere Ortsbestimmung",
"closer_location_kind_explica": "Von welcher Art ist der genauere Ort?",
"alternative_title_kind_explica": "Von welcher Art ist der alternative Objekttitel?",
"alternative_title_name_explica": "Alternativer Objektname",
"entry_type_explica": "Art des Zugangs des Objektes",
"purchase_price_explica": "Der Preis zu dem das Objekt erworben wurde.",
"purchase_price_currency_explica": "W\u00e4hrung, in der das Objekt erworben wurde.",
"valuation_time_explica": "Wann wurde der Sch\u00e4tzwert zuletzt bestimmt?",
"valuation_by_explica": "Wer bestimmte zuletzt den Sch\u00e4tzwert?",
"insurance_value_time_explica": "Wann wurde der Versicherungswert festgelegt?",
"insurance_value_by_explica": "Wer legte den Versicherungswert fest?",
"insurance_value_value_explica": "Der zuletzt festgelegte Versicherungswert.",
"insurance_value_currency_explica": "W\u00e4hrung des zuletzt festgelegten Versicherungswertes.",
"valuation_value_explica": "Der zuletzt festgelegte Sch\u00e4tzwert.",
"valuation_currency_explica": "W\u00e4hrung des zuletzt festgelegten Sch\u00e4tzwertes."
"ortart": [
"ortart": [
@ -309,7 +309,24 @@
"insurance_value_time": "Insurance value (time)",
"insurance_value_time": "Insurance value (time)",
"insurance_value_by": "Insurance value (by)",
"insurance_value_by": "Insurance value (by)",
"insurance_value_value": "Insurance value (value)",
"insurance_value_value": "Insurance value (value)",
"insurance_value_currency": "Insurance value (currency)"
"insurance_value_currency": "Insurance value (currency)",
"valuation_value": "Valuation (value)",
"valuation_currency": "Valuation (currency)",
"closer_location_name_explica": "The name of closer location",
"closer_location_kind_explica": "The kind of a closer location",
"alternative_title_kind_explica": "The kind of an alternate name",
"alternative_title_name_explica": "Any alternative title for the object",
"entry_type_explica": "How did the object enter the museum",
"purchase_price_explica": "The price for which the object was purchased.",
"purchase_price_currency_explica": "The currency used when purchasing the object",
"valuation_time_explica": "When was the last valuation conducted",
"valuation_by_explica": "Who conducted the last valuation?",
"insurance_value_time_explica": "Time the insurance value was last determined.",
"insurance_value_by_explica": "Who determined the last insurance value?",
"insurance_value_value_explica": "The last determined insurance value.",
"insurance_value_currency_explica": "The currency used for the last insurance value.",
"valuation_value_explica": "Value of the last valuation.",
"valuation_currency_explica": "Currency used for the last valuation."
"ortart": [
"ortart": [
@ -309,7 +309,24 @@
"insurance_value_time": "Insurance value (time)",
"insurance_value_time": "Insurance value (time)",
"insurance_value_by": "Insurance value (by)",
"insurance_value_by": "Insurance value (by)",
"insurance_value_value": "Insurance value (value)",
"insurance_value_value": "Insurance value (value)",
"insurance_value_currency": "Insurance value (currency)"
"insurance_value_currency": "Insurance value (currency)",
"valuation_value": "Valuation (value)",
"valuation_currency": "Valuation (currency)",
"closer_location_name_explica": "The name of closer location",
"closer_location_kind_explica": "The kind of a closer location",
"alternative_title_kind_explica": "The kind of an alternate name",
"alternative_title_name_explica": "Any alternative title for the object",
"entry_type_explica": "How did the object enter the museum",
"purchase_price_explica": "The price for which the object was purchased.",
"purchase_price_currency_explica": "The currency used when purchasing the object",
"valuation_time_explica": "When was the last valuation conducted",
"valuation_by_explica": "Who conducted the last valuation?",
"insurance_value_time_explica": "Time the insurance value was last determined.",
"insurance_value_by_explica": "Who determined the last insurance value?",
"insurance_value_value_explica": "The last determined insurance value.",
"insurance_value_currency_explica": "The currency used for the last insurance value.",
"valuation_value_explica": "Value of the last valuation.",
"valuation_currency_explica": "Currency used for the last valuation."
"ortart": [
"ortart": [
@ -309,7 +309,24 @@
"insurance_value_time": "Insurance value (time)",
"insurance_value_time": "Insurance value (time)",
"insurance_value_by": "Insurance value (by)",
"insurance_value_by": "Insurance value (by)",
"insurance_value_value": "Insurance value (value)",
"insurance_value_value": "Insurance value (value)",
"insurance_value_currency": "Insurance value (currency)"
"insurance_value_currency": "Insurance value (currency)",
"valuation_value": "Valuation (value)",
"valuation_currency": "Valuation (currency)",
"closer_location_name_explica": "The name of closer location",
"closer_location_kind_explica": "The kind of a closer location",
"alternative_title_kind_explica": "The kind of an alternate name",
"alternative_title_name_explica": "Any alternative title for the object",
"entry_type_explica": "How did the object enter the museum",
"purchase_price_explica": "The price for which the object was purchased.",
"purchase_price_currency_explica": "The currency used when purchasing the object",
"valuation_time_explica": "When was the last valuation conducted",
"valuation_by_explica": "Who conducted the last valuation?",
"insurance_value_time_explica": "Time the insurance value was last determined.",
"insurance_value_by_explica": "Who determined the last insurance value?",
"insurance_value_value_explica": "The last determined insurance value.",
"insurance_value_currency_explica": "The currency used for the last insurance value.",
"valuation_value_explica": "Value of the last valuation.",
"valuation_currency_explica": "Currency used for the last valuation."
"ortart": [
"ortart": [
@ -309,7 +309,24 @@
"insurance_value_time": "Insurance value (time)",
"insurance_value_time": "Insurance value (time)",
"insurance_value_by": "Insurance value (by)",
"insurance_value_by": "Insurance value (by)",
"insurance_value_value": "Insurance value (value)",
"insurance_value_value": "Insurance value (value)",
"insurance_value_currency": "Insurance value (currency)"
"insurance_value_currency": "Insurance value (currency)",
"valuation_value": "Valuation (value)",
"valuation_currency": "Valuation (currency)",
"closer_location_name_explica": "The name of closer location",
"closer_location_kind_explica": "The kind of a closer location",
"alternative_title_kind_explica": "The kind of an alternate name",
"alternative_title_name_explica": "Any alternative title for the object",
"entry_type_explica": "How did the object enter the museum",
"purchase_price_explica": "The price for which the object was purchased.",
"purchase_price_currency_explica": "The currency used when purchasing the object",
"valuation_time_explica": "When was the last valuation conducted",
"valuation_by_explica": "Who conducted the last valuation?",
"insurance_value_time_explica": "Time the insurance value was last determined.",
"insurance_value_by_explica": "Who determined the last insurance value?",
"insurance_value_value_explica": "The last determined insurance value.",
"insurance_value_currency_explica": "The currency used for the last insurance value.",
"valuation_value_explica": "Value of the last valuation.",
"valuation_currency_explica": "Currency used for the last valuation."
"ortart": [
"ortart": [
@ -309,7 +309,24 @@
"insurance_value_time": "Insurance value (time)",
"insurance_value_time": "Insurance value (time)",
"insurance_value_by": "Insurance value (by)",
"insurance_value_by": "Insurance value (by)",
"insurance_value_value": "Insurance value (value)",
"insurance_value_value": "Insurance value (value)",
"insurance_value_currency": "Insurance value (currency)"
"insurance_value_currency": "Insurance value (currency)",
"valuation_value": "Valuation (value)",
"valuation_currency": "Valuation (currency)",
"closer_location_name_explica": "The name of closer location",
"closer_location_kind_explica": "The kind of a closer location",
"alternative_title_kind_explica": "The kind of an alternate name",
"alternative_title_name_explica": "Any alternative title for the object",
"entry_type_explica": "How did the object enter the museum",
"purchase_price_explica": "The price for which the object was purchased.",
"purchase_price_currency_explica": "The currency used when purchasing the object",
"valuation_time_explica": "When was the last valuation conducted",
"valuation_by_explica": "Who conducted the last valuation?",
"insurance_value_time_explica": "Time the insurance value was last determined.",
"insurance_value_by_explica": "Who determined the last insurance value?",
"insurance_value_value_explica": "The last determined insurance value.",
"insurance_value_currency_explica": "The currency used for the last insurance value.",
"valuation_value_explica": "Value of the last valuation.",
"valuation_currency_explica": "Currency used for the last valuation."
"ortart": [
"ortart": [
@ -309,7 +309,24 @@
"insurance_value_time": "Insurance value (time)",
"insurance_value_time": "Insurance value (time)",
"insurance_value_by": "Insurance value (by)",
"insurance_value_by": "Insurance value (by)",
"insurance_value_value": "Insurance value (value)",
"insurance_value_value": "Insurance value (value)",
"insurance_value_currency": "Insurance value (currency)"
"insurance_value_currency": "Insurance value (currency)",
"valuation_value": "Valuation (value)",
"valuation_currency": "Valuation (currency)",
"closer_location_name_explica": "The name of closer location",
"closer_location_kind_explica": "The kind of a closer location",
"alternative_title_kind_explica": "The kind of an alternate name",
"alternative_title_name_explica": "Any alternative title for the object",
"entry_type_explica": "How did the object enter the museum",
"purchase_price_explica": "The price for which the object was purchased.",
"purchase_price_currency_explica": "The currency used when purchasing the object",
"valuation_time_explica": "When was the last valuation conducted",
"valuation_by_explica": "Who conducted the last valuation?",
"insurance_value_time_explica": "Time the insurance value was last determined.",
"insurance_value_by_explica": "Who determined the last insurance value?",
"insurance_value_value_explica": "The last determined insurance value.",
"insurance_value_currency_explica": "The currency used for the last insurance value.",
"valuation_value_explica": "Value of the last valuation.",
"valuation_currency_explica": "Currency used for the last valuation."
"ortart": [
"ortart": [
@ -309,7 +309,24 @@
"insurance_value_time": "Insurance value (time)",
"insurance_value_time": "Insurance value (time)",
"insurance_value_by": "Insurance value (by)",
"insurance_value_by": "Insurance value (by)",
"insurance_value_value": "Insurance value (value)",
"insurance_value_value": "Insurance value (value)",
"insurance_value_currency": "Insurance value (currency)"
"insurance_value_currency": "Insurance value (currency)",
"valuation_value": "Valuation (value)",
"valuation_currency": "Valuation (currency)",
"closer_location_name_explica": "The name of closer location",
"closer_location_kind_explica": "The kind of a closer location",
"alternative_title_kind_explica": "The kind of an alternate name",
"alternative_title_name_explica": "Any alternative title for the object",
"entry_type_explica": "How did the object enter the museum",
"purchase_price_explica": "The price for which the object was purchased.",
"purchase_price_currency_explica": "The currency used when purchasing the object",
"valuation_time_explica": "When was the last valuation conducted",
"valuation_by_explica": "Who conducted the last valuation?",
"insurance_value_time_explica": "Time the insurance value was last determined.",
"insurance_value_by_explica": "Who determined the last insurance value?",
"insurance_value_value_explica": "The last determined insurance value.",
"insurance_value_currency_explica": "The currency used for the last insurance value.",
"valuation_value_explica": "Value of the last valuation.",
"valuation_currency_explica": "Currency used for the last valuation."
"ortart": [
"ortart": [
@ -309,7 +309,24 @@
"insurance_value_time": "Insurance value (time)",
"insurance_value_time": "Insurance value (time)",
"insurance_value_by": "Insurance value (by)",
"insurance_value_by": "Insurance value (by)",
"insurance_value_value": "Insurance value (value)",
"insurance_value_value": "Insurance value (value)",
"insurance_value_currency": "Insurance value (currency)"
"insurance_value_currency": "Insurance value (currency)",
"valuation_value": "Valuation (value)",
"valuation_currency": "Valuation (currency)",
"closer_location_name_explica": "The name of closer location",
"closer_location_kind_explica": "The kind of a closer location",
"alternative_title_kind_explica": "The kind of an alternate name",
"alternative_title_name_explica": "Any alternative title for the object",
"entry_type_explica": "How did the object enter the museum",
"purchase_price_explica": "The price for which the object was purchased.",
"purchase_price_currency_explica": "The currency used when purchasing the object",
"valuation_time_explica": "When was the last valuation conducted",
"valuation_by_explica": "Who conducted the last valuation?",
"insurance_value_time_explica": "Time the insurance value was last determined.",
"insurance_value_by_explica": "Who determined the last insurance value?",
"insurance_value_value_explica": "The last determined insurance value.",
"insurance_value_currency_explica": "The currency used for the last insurance value.",
"valuation_value_explica": "Value of the last valuation.",
"valuation_currency_explica": "Currency used for the last valuation."
"ortart": [
"ortart": [
@ -309,7 +309,24 @@
"insurance_value_time": "Insurance value (time)",
"insurance_value_time": "Insurance value (time)",
"insurance_value_by": "Insurance value (by)",
"insurance_value_by": "Insurance value (by)",
"insurance_value_value": "Insurance value (value)",
"insurance_value_value": "Insurance value (value)",
"insurance_value_currency": "Insurance value (currency)"
"insurance_value_currency": "Insurance value (currency)",
"valuation_value": "Valuation (value)",
"valuation_currency": "Valuation (currency)",
"closer_location_name_explica": "The name of closer location",
"closer_location_kind_explica": "The kind of a closer location",
"alternative_title_kind_explica": "The kind of an alternate name",
"alternative_title_name_explica": "Any alternative title for the object",
"entry_type_explica": "How did the object enter the museum",
"purchase_price_explica": "The price for which the object was purchased.",
"purchase_price_currency_explica": "The currency used when purchasing the object",
"valuation_time_explica": "When was the last valuation conducted",
"valuation_by_explica": "Who conducted the last valuation?",
"insurance_value_time_explica": "Time the insurance value was last determined.",
"insurance_value_by_explica": "Who determined the last insurance value?",
"insurance_value_value_explica": "The last determined insurance value.",
"insurance_value_currency_explica": "The currency used for the last insurance value.",
"valuation_value_explica": "Value of the last valuation.",
"valuation_currency_explica": "Currency used for the last valuation."
"ortart": [
"ortart": [
@ -309,7 +309,24 @@
"insurance_value_time": "Insurance value (time)",
"insurance_value_time": "Insurance value (time)",
"insurance_value_by": "Insurance value (by)",
"insurance_value_by": "Insurance value (by)",
"insurance_value_value": "Insurance value (value)",
"insurance_value_value": "Insurance value (value)",
"insurance_value_currency": "Insurance value (currency)"
"insurance_value_currency": "Insurance value (currency)",
"valuation_value": "Valuation (value)",
"valuation_currency": "Valuation (currency)",
"closer_location_name_explica": "The name of closer location",
"closer_location_kind_explica": "The kind of a closer location",
"alternative_title_kind_explica": "The kind of an alternate name",
"alternative_title_name_explica": "Any alternative title for the object",
"entry_type_explica": "How did the object enter the museum",
"purchase_price_explica": "The price for which the object was purchased.",
"purchase_price_currency_explica": "The currency used when purchasing the object",
"valuation_time_explica": "When was the last valuation conducted",
"valuation_by_explica": "Who conducted the last valuation?",
"insurance_value_time_explica": "Time the insurance value was last determined.",
"insurance_value_by_explica": "Who determined the last insurance value?",
"insurance_value_value_explica": "The last determined insurance value.",
"insurance_value_currency_explica": "The currency used for the last insurance value.",
"valuation_value_explica": "Value of the last valuation.",
"valuation_currency_explica": "Currency used for the last valuation."
"ortart": [
"ortart": [
@ -309,7 +309,24 @@
"insurance_value_time": "Insurance value (time)",
"insurance_value_time": "Insurance value (time)",
"insurance_value_by": "Insurance value (by)",
"insurance_value_by": "Insurance value (by)",
"insurance_value_value": "Insurance value (value)",
"insurance_value_value": "Insurance value (value)",
"insurance_value_currency": "Insurance value (currency)"
"insurance_value_currency": "Insurance value (currency)",
"valuation_value": "Valuation (value)",
"valuation_currency": "Valuation (currency)",
"closer_location_name_explica": "The name of closer location",
"closer_location_kind_explica": "The kind of a closer location",
"alternative_title_kind_explica": "The kind of an alternate name",
"alternative_title_name_explica": "Any alternative title for the object",
"entry_type_explica": "How did the object enter the museum",
"purchase_price_explica": "The price for which the object was purchased.",
"purchase_price_currency_explica": "The currency used when purchasing the object",
"valuation_time_explica": "When was the last valuation conducted",
"valuation_by_explica": "Who conducted the last valuation?",
"insurance_value_time_explica": "Time the insurance value was last determined.",
"insurance_value_by_explica": "Who determined the last insurance value?",
"insurance_value_value_explica": "The last determined insurance value.",
"insurance_value_currency_explica": "The currency used for the last insurance value.",
"valuation_value_explica": "Value of the last valuation.",
"valuation_currency_explica": "Currency used for the last valuation."
"ortart": [
"ortart": [
@ -309,7 +309,24 @@
"insurance_value_time": "Insurance value (time)",
"insurance_value_time": "Insurance value (time)",
"insurance_value_by": "Insurance value (by)",
"insurance_value_by": "Insurance value (by)",
"insurance_value_value": "Insurance value (value)",
"insurance_value_value": "Insurance value (value)",
"insurance_value_currency": "Insurance value (currency)"
"insurance_value_currency": "Insurance value (currency)",
"valuation_value": "Valuation (value)",
"valuation_currency": "Valuation (currency)",
"closer_location_name_explica": "The name of closer location",
"closer_location_kind_explica": "The kind of a closer location",
"alternative_title_kind_explica": "The kind of an alternate name",
"alternative_title_name_explica": "Any alternative title for the object",
"entry_type_explica": "How did the object enter the museum",
"purchase_price_explica": "The price for which the object was purchased.",
"purchase_price_currency_explica": "The currency used when purchasing the object",
"valuation_time_explica": "When was the last valuation conducted",
"valuation_by_explica": "Who conducted the last valuation?",
"insurance_value_time_explica": "Time the insurance value was last determined.",
"insurance_value_by_explica": "Who determined the last insurance value?",
"insurance_value_value_explica": "The last determined insurance value.",
"insurance_value_currency_explica": "The currency used for the last insurance value.",
"valuation_value_explica": "Value of the last valuation.",
"valuation_currency_explica": "Currency used for the last valuation."
"ortart": [
"ortart": [
@ -309,7 +309,24 @@
"insurance_value_time": "Insurance value (time)",
"insurance_value_time": "Insurance value (time)",
"insurance_value_by": "Insurance value (by)",
"insurance_value_by": "Insurance value (by)",
"insurance_value_value": "Insurance value (value)",
"insurance_value_value": "Insurance value (value)",
"insurance_value_currency": "Insurance value (currency)"
"insurance_value_currency": "Insurance value (currency)",
"valuation_value": "Valuation (value)",
"valuation_currency": "Valuation (currency)",
"closer_location_name_explica": "The name of closer location",
"closer_location_kind_explica": "The kind of a closer location",
"alternative_title_kind_explica": "The kind of an alternate name",
"alternative_title_name_explica": "Any alternative title for the object",
"entry_type_explica": "How did the object enter the museum",
"purchase_price_explica": "The price for which the object was purchased.",
"purchase_price_currency_explica": "The currency used when purchasing the object",
"valuation_time_explica": "When was the last valuation conducted",
"valuation_by_explica": "Who conducted the last valuation?",
"insurance_value_time_explica": "Time the insurance value was last determined.",
"insurance_value_by_explica": "Who determined the last insurance value?",
"insurance_value_value_explica": "The last determined insurance value.",
"insurance_value_currency_explica": "The currency used for the last insurance value.",
"valuation_value_explica": "Value of the last valuation.",
"valuation_currency_explica": "Currency used for the last valuation."
"ortart": [
"ortart": [
@ -309,7 +309,24 @@
"insurance_value_time": "Insurance value (time)",
"insurance_value_time": "Insurance value (time)",
"insurance_value_by": "Insurance value (by)",
"insurance_value_by": "Insurance value (by)",
"insurance_value_value": "Insurance value (value)",
"insurance_value_value": "Insurance value (value)",
"insurance_value_currency": "Insurance value (currency)"
"insurance_value_currency": "Insurance value (currency)",
"valuation_value": "Valuation (value)",
"valuation_currency": "Valuation (currency)",
"closer_location_name_explica": "The name of closer location",
"closer_location_kind_explica": "The kind of a closer location",
"alternative_title_kind_explica": "The kind of an alternate name",
"alternative_title_name_explica": "Any alternative title for the object",
"entry_type_explica": "How did the object enter the museum",
"purchase_price_explica": "The price for which the object was purchased.",
"purchase_price_currency_explica": "The currency used when purchasing the object",
"valuation_time_explica": "When was the last valuation conducted",
"valuation_by_explica": "Who conducted the last valuation?",
"insurance_value_time_explica": "Time the insurance value was last determined.",
"insurance_value_by_explica": "Who determined the last insurance value?",
"insurance_value_value_explica": "The last determined insurance value.",
"insurance_value_currency_explica": "The currency used for the last insurance value.",
"valuation_value_explica": "Value of the last valuation.",
"valuation_currency_explica": "Currency used for the last valuation."
"ortart": [
"ortart": [
@ -309,7 +309,24 @@
"insurance_value_time": "Insurance value (time)",
"insurance_value_time": "Insurance value (time)",
"insurance_value_by": "Insurance value (by)",
"insurance_value_by": "Insurance value (by)",
"insurance_value_value": "Insurance value (value)",
"insurance_value_value": "Insurance value (value)",
"insurance_value_currency": "Insurance value (currency)"
"insurance_value_currency": "Insurance value (currency)",
"valuation_value": "Valuation (value)",
"valuation_currency": "Valuation (currency)",
"closer_location_name_explica": "The name of closer location",
"closer_location_kind_explica": "The kind of a closer location",
"alternative_title_kind_explica": "The kind of an alternate name",
"alternative_title_name_explica": "Any alternative title for the object",
"entry_type_explica": "How did the object enter the museum",
"purchase_price_explica": "The price for which the object was purchased.",
"purchase_price_currency_explica": "The currency used when purchasing the object",
"valuation_time_explica": "When was the last valuation conducted",
"valuation_by_explica": "Who conducted the last valuation?",
"insurance_value_time_explica": "Time the insurance value was last determined.",
"insurance_value_by_explica": "Who determined the last insurance value?",
"insurance_value_value_explica": "The last determined insurance value.",
"insurance_value_currency_explica": "The currency used for the last insurance value.",
"valuation_value_explica": "Value of the last valuation.",
"valuation_currency_explica": "Currency used for the last valuation."
"ortart": [
"ortart": [
@ -309,7 +309,24 @@
"insurance_value_time": "Insurance value (time)",
"insurance_value_time": "Insurance value (time)",
"insurance_value_by": "Insurance value (by)",
"insurance_value_by": "Insurance value (by)",
"insurance_value_value": "Insurance value (value)",
"insurance_value_value": "Insurance value (value)",
"insurance_value_currency": "Insurance value (currency)"
"insurance_value_currency": "Insurance value (currency)",
"valuation_value": "Valuation (value)",
"valuation_currency": "Valuation (currency)",
"closer_location_name_explica": "The name of closer location",
"closer_location_kind_explica": "The kind of a closer location",
"alternative_title_kind_explica": "The kind of an alternate name",
"alternative_title_name_explica": "Any alternative title for the object",
"entry_type_explica": "How did the object enter the museum",
"purchase_price_explica": "The price for which the object was purchased.",
"purchase_price_currency_explica": "The currency used when purchasing the object",
"valuation_time_explica": "When was the last valuation conducted",
"valuation_by_explica": "Who conducted the last valuation?",
"insurance_value_time_explica": "Time the insurance value was last determined.",
"insurance_value_by_explica": "Who determined the last insurance value?",
"insurance_value_value_explica": "The last determined insurance value.",
"insurance_value_currency_explica": "The currency used for the last insurance value.",
"valuation_value_explica": "Value of the last valuation.",
"valuation_currency_explica": "Currency used for the last valuation."
"ortart": [
"ortart": [
@ -309,7 +309,24 @@
"insurance_value_time": "Insurance value (time)",
"insurance_value_time": "Insurance value (time)",
"insurance_value_by": "Insurance value (by)",
"insurance_value_by": "Insurance value (by)",
"insurance_value_value": "Insurance value (value)",
"insurance_value_value": "Insurance value (value)",
"insurance_value_currency": "Insurance value (currency)"
"insurance_value_currency": "Insurance value (currency)",
"valuation_value": "Valuation (value)",
"valuation_currency": "Valuation (currency)",
"closer_location_name_explica": "The name of closer location",
"closer_location_kind_explica": "The kind of a closer location",
"alternative_title_kind_explica": "The kind of an alternate name",
"alternative_title_name_explica": "Any alternative title for the object",
"entry_type_explica": "How did the object enter the museum",
"purchase_price_explica": "The price for which the object was purchased.",
"purchase_price_currency_explica": "The currency used when purchasing the object",
"valuation_time_explica": "When was the last valuation conducted",
"valuation_by_explica": "Who conducted the last valuation?",
"insurance_value_time_explica": "Time the insurance value was last determined.",
"insurance_value_by_explica": "Who determined the last insurance value?",
"insurance_value_value_explica": "The last determined insurance value.",
"insurance_value_currency_explica": "The currency used for the last insurance value.",
"valuation_value_explica": "Value of the last valuation.",
"valuation_currency_explica": "Currency used for the last valuation."
"ortart": [
"ortart": [
Reference in New Issue
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