Translated the rest of nodac to Indonesian
This commit is contained in:
@ -40,6 +40,7 @@
"no_counting_time_hint": "Z.B. \"1784\", bei einem Zeitraum, der l\u00e4nger als ein Jahr dauert, bitte die Mitte angeben (z.B. Zeitbegriff ist \"1870-1880\" -> Z\u00e4hlzeit ist \"1875\". Monat und Tag sind als Ziffern anzugeben, bsp. Monat -> \"4\", Tag -> \"12\" - beides muss nicht ausgef\u00fcllt werden",
"no_counting_time_hint": "Z.B. \"1784\", bei einem Zeitraum, der l\u00e4nger als ein Jahr dauert, bitte die Mitte angeben (z.B. Zeitbegriff ist \"1870-1880\" -> Z\u00e4hlzeit ist \"1875\". Monat und Tag sind als Ziffern anzugeben, bsp. Monat -> \"4\", Tag -> \"12\" - beides muss nicht ausgef\u00fcllt werden",
"wrong_month": "Bitte Monat korrekt angeben",
"wrong_month": "Bitte Monat korrekt angeben",
"wrong_day": "Bitte Tag korrekt angeben",
"wrong_day": "Bitte Tag korrekt angeben",
"end_before_start": "Your time starts after it ended",
"added_new_time_entry": "Neuen Zeitbegriff erfasst",
"added_new_time_entry": "Neuen Zeitbegriff erfasst",
"updated_approval_status_of_time_entry": "Status des Zeiteintrags ge\u00e4ndert",
"updated_approval_status_of_time_entry": "Status des Zeiteintrags ge\u00e4ndert",
"merged_times": "Zeitbegriffe zusammen gef\u00fchrt",
"merged_times": "Zeitbegriffe zusammen gef\u00fchrt",
@ -47,4 +48,4 @@
"deleted_time_entry": "Zeitbegriff gel\u00f6scht",
"deleted_time_entry": "Zeitbegriff gel\u00f6scht",
"updated_base_information_for_time_entry": "Basisinformation zum Zeitbegriff aktualisiert"
"updated_base_information_for_time_entry": "Basisinformation zum Zeitbegriff aktualisiert"
@ -4,9 +4,6 @@
"take_description_and_link": "Beschreibung und Link \u00fcbernehmen",
"take_description_and_link": "Beschreibung und Link \u00fcbernehmen",
"dont_take_description_or_link": "Beschreibung und Link verwerfen",
"dont_take_description_or_link": "Beschreibung und Link verwerfen",
"back": "Zur\u00fcck",
"back": "Zur\u00fcck",
"no_dbpedia": "Die Suche \u00fcber dbpedia war leider erfolglos",
"no_wikipedia": "Die Suche \u00fcber wikipedia war leider erfolglos",
"only_take_exact": "Wenn der Hauptbegriff der rechts angezeigten Wikipedia-Seite nicht exakt so lautet, dann bitte den Link NICHT \u00fcbernehmen",
"overwrite_all": "ALLE \u00dcBERSCHREIBEN",
"overwrite_all": "ALLE \u00dcBERSCHREIBEN",
"so_far": "Bisher vorhanden",
"so_far": "Bisher vorhanden",
"new_values": "Neue Werte",
"new_values": "Neue Werte",
@ -15,4 +12,4 @@
"transferred_translations_from_qid": "\u00dcbersetzungen von Wikidata \u00fcbernommen",
"transferred_translations_from_qid": "\u00dcbersetzungen von Wikidata \u00fcbernommen",
"fetch_from_wikidata": "Wikidata auslesen"
"fetch_from_wikidata": "Wikidata auslesen"
@ -41,7 +41,6 @@
"wrong_month": "Please give month in the correct way",
"wrong_month": "Please give month in the correct way",
"wrong_day": "Please give day in the correct way",
"wrong_day": "Please give day in the correct way",
"end_before_start": "Your time starts after it ended",
"end_before_start": "Your time starts after it ended",
"40": "",
"added_new_time_entry": "Added new time entry",
"added_new_time_entry": "Added new time entry",
"updated_approval_status_of_time_entry": "Updated approval status of time entry",
"updated_approval_status_of_time_entry": "Updated approval status of time entry",
"merged_times": "Zeitbegriffe zusammen gef\u00fchrt",
"merged_times": "Zeitbegriffe zusammen gef\u00fchrt",
@ -49,4 +48,4 @@
"deleted_time_entry": "Deleted time entry",
"deleted_time_entry": "Deleted time entry",
"updated_base_information_for_time_entry": "Updated base information for time entry"
"updated_base_information_for_time_entry": "Updated base information for time entry"
@ -4,9 +4,6 @@
"take_description_and_link": "Take description and link",
"take_description_and_link": "Take description and link",
"dont_take_description_or_link": "Neither take description nor link",
"dont_take_description_or_link": "Neither take description nor link",
"back": "Back",
"back": "Back",
"no_dbpedia": "Search in dbpedia was not successful",
"no_wikipedia": "Search in Wikipedia was not successful",
"only_take_exact": "[If the title of the Wikipedia page shown on the right does not exactly match this term, please do NOT take the link]",
"overwrite_all": "Overwrite all",
"overwrite_all": "Overwrite all",
"so_far": "Known so far",
"so_far": "Known so far",
"new_values": "New values",
"new_values": "New values",
@ -15,4 +12,4 @@
"transferred_translations_from_qid": "Transferred translations from Wikidata",
"transferred_translations_from_qid": "Transferred translations from Wikidata",
"fetch_from_wikidata": "Fetch from Wikidata"
"fetch_from_wikidata": "Fetch from Wikidata"
@ -48,4 +48,4 @@
"deleted_time_entry": "Deleted time entry",
"deleted_time_entry": "Deleted time entry",
"updated_base_information_for_time_entry": "Updated base information for time entry"
"updated_base_information_for_time_entry": "Updated base information for time entry"
@ -4,9 +4,6 @@
"take_description_and_link": "Take description and link",
"take_description_and_link": "Take description and link",
"dont_take_description_or_link": "Neither take description nor link",
"dont_take_description_or_link": "Neither take description nor link",
"back": "Back",
"back": "Back",
"no_dbpedia": "Search in dbpedia was not successful",
"no_wikipedia": "Search in wikipedia was not successful",
"only_take_exact": "[If the title of the wikipedia-page shown on the right does not exactly match this term, please do NOT take the link]",
"overwrite_all": "Overwrite all",
"overwrite_all": "Overwrite all",
"so_far": "Known so far",
"so_far": "Known so far",
"new_values": "New values",
"new_values": "New values",
@ -15,4 +12,4 @@
"transferred_translations_from_qid": "Transferred translations from Wikidata",
"transferred_translations_from_qid": "Transferred translations from Wikidata",
"fetch_from_wikidata": "Fetch from Wikidata"
"fetch_from_wikidata": "Fetch from Wikidata"
@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
"statistics": {
"statistics": {
"total_number": "Entries in this vocabulary",
"total_number": "Masukan dalam repositori ini",
"checked": "Checked",
"checked": "Yang diperiksa",
"unchecked": "Unchecked",
"unchecked": "Belum diperiksa",
"unprocessed": "Unprocessed",
"unprocessed": "Belum diproses",
"question": "Questionable",
"question": "Minta diperiksa lagi",
"last_changed_by": "Last changed by",
"last_changed_by": "Diubah oleh",
"connected_to_authorities": "Connected to authority files",
"connected_to_authorities": "Terkait dengan sumber",
"missing_information": "Missing information"
"missing_information": "Informasi yang bisa disempurnakan"
@ -1,50 +1,50 @@
"tags": {
"tags": {
"keyword": "Keyword",
"keyword": "Kata kunci",
"keyword_explica": "Any keyword is allowed here. Names of places, people, or timespans do belong to their own vocabularies",
"keyword_explica": "Bisa memasukkan kata kunci yang mana-mana saja.",
"in_english": "in English",
"in_english": "Dalam Bahasa Inggris.",
"in_english_explica": "Please provide an English translation. Use the plural form if possible",
"in_english_explica": "Terjemahan bahasa Inggris.",
"remarks": "Remarks",
"remarks": "Catatan",
"remarks_explica": "Short definition of the keyword. If possible with name of the source",
"remarks_explica": "Definisi pendek.",
"tag_contains": "Keyword contains",
"tag_contains": "Nama berbagian ...",
"alphabet": "Alphabet",
"alphabet": "Alfabet",
"unite_names": "Unite keywords",
"unite_names": "Menyatukan kata kunci dengan",
"unite_with": "Unite with",
"unite_with": "Menyatukan dengan",
"unite_leave_mode": "Leave mode \"unification\"",
"unite_leave_mode": "Keluar mode penyatuan",
"unite_first": "Unite two tags. Please select the first",
"unite_first": "Menyatukan dua masukan. Pilih masukan pertama.",
"unite_second": "Unite two tags. Please select the second",
"unite_second": "Menyatukan dua masukan. Pilih masukan kedua.",
"add_superordinates": "Broader term",
"add_superordinates": "Lebih luas",
"add_subordinates": "Narrower term",
"add_subordinates": "Lebih spesifik",
"add_related": "Related term",
"add_related": "Istilah terkait",
"delete_tag": "Delete the keyword",
"delete_tag": "Hapuskan kata kunci",
"insert_tag": "Please give a keyword",
"insert_tag": "Silahkan memasukkan kata kunci",
"please_select": "Please select a keyword",
"please_select": "Silahkan memilih salah satu kata kunci",
"new_tag": "New tag",
"new_tag": "Tambahkan kata kunic",
"delete_tags_check": "You are about to delete a keyword",
"delete_tags_check": "Anda akan menghapuskan kata kunci",
"broader_generic": "broader generic",
"broader_generic": "lebih luas (umum)",
"broader_partitive": "broader partitive",
"broader_partitive": "lebih luas (partitif)",
"broader_instantiate": "broader instantiate",
"broader_instantiate": "lebih luas (instansi)",
"narrower_generic": "narrower generic",
"narrower_generic": "lebih spesifik (umum)",
"narrower_partitive": "narrower partitive",
"narrower_partitive": "lebih spesifik (partitif)",
"narrower_instantiate": "narrower instantiate",
"narrower_instantiate": "lebih spesifik (instansi)",
"added_new_tag": "Added new tag",
"added_new_tag": "Kata kunci baru sudah ditambahkan",
"updated_approval_status_of_tag": "Updated approval status of tag",
"updated_approval_status_of_tag": "Status masukan sudah diperbarui",
"added_link_to_superordinate_term": "Added link to superordinate term",
"added_link_to_superordinate_term": "Kata kunci baru dikaitkan dengan istilah lebih luas",
"added_new_related_term": "Added new related term",
"added_new_related_term": "Kata kunci baru dikaitkan dengan istilah lebih berhubung",
"added_link_to_synonymous_term": "Added link to synonymous term",
"added_link_to_synonymous_term": "Kata kunci baru dikaitkan dengan istilah sinonim",
"transferred_tag_to_actor": "Transferred tag to actor",
"transferred_tag_to_actor": "Kata kunci sudah dipindai menjadi orang \/ lembaga",
"added_new_translation": "Added new translation",
"added_new_translation": "Terjemahan yang baru sudah ditambahkan",
"deleted_all_translations": "Deleted all translations",
"deleted_all_translations": "Semua terjemahan baru dihapuskan",
"deleted_translation": "Deleted translation",
"deleted_translation": "Terjemahan baru dihapuskan",
"updated_translations": "Updated translations",
"updated_translations": "Terjemahan sudah diperbarui",
"updated_base_information_of_tag": "Updated base information of tag",
"updated_base_information_of_tag": "Informasi dasar kata kunci sudah diperbarui",
"removed_synonym_group": "Removed synonym group",
"removed_synonym_group": "Kelompok sinonim baru dihapuskan",
"deleted_tag": "Deleted tag",
"deleted_tag": "Kata kunci sudah dihapuskan",
"transferred_tag_to_time": "Transferred tag to time",
"transferred_tag_to_time": "Kata kunci sudah dipindai menjadi istilah waktu",
"transferred_tag_to_place": "Transferred tag to place",
"transferred_tag_to_place": "Kata kunci sudah dipindai menjadi tempat",
"changed_main_tag_in_synonym_group": "Changed main tag in synonym group",
"changed_main_tag_in_synonym_group": "Sinonim utama sudah diubah",
"added_link_to_subordinate_term": "Added link to subordinate term",
"added_link_to_subordinate_term": "Kaitan dengan kata kunci lebih spesifik sudah ditambahkan",
"deleted_link_to_other_tag": "Deleted link to other tag",
"deleted_link_to_other_tag": "Kaitan dengan kata kunci yang lain sudah dihapuskan",
"merged_tags": "Merged tags"
"merged_tags": "Kata kunci sudah disatukan"
@ -1,52 +1,51 @@
"tempi": {
"tempi": {
"timename": "Time name",
"timename": "Istilah waktu",
"counting_time_start": "Counting time starts with",
"counting_time_start": "Waktu perhitungan bermula pada",
"name_contains": "Time name contains",
"name_contains": "Nama berbagian ....",
"unite_names": "Unite two time names",
"unite_names": "Menyatukan istilah waktu dengan",
"unite_with": "Unite with",
"unite_with": "Menyatukan dengan",
"unite_leave_mode": "Leave mode \"unification\"",
"unite_leave_mode": "Keluar mode penyatuan",
"time_begin": "Begin (Year)",
"time_begin": "Awal [Tahun]",
"time_end": "End (Year)",
"time_end": "Akhir [Tahun]",
"counting_time": "Counting time",
"counting_time": "Waktu perhitungan",
"counting_time_info": "Counting time - Info",
"counting_time_info": "Waktu perhitungan - informasi",
"annotation": "Remarks",
"annotation": "Catatan",
"time_tool": "Time tool",
"time_tool": "Alat waktu",
"time_disassemble": "(Disassemble time)",
"time_disassemble": "Bagikan waktu",
"time_year": "Year",
"time_year": "Tahun",
"time_month": "Month",
"time_month": "Bulan",
"time_day": "Day",
"time_day": "Hari",
"timename_explica": "Please always fill in<br><br>You are free to choose any name<br>Example 1: 16.02.1913 <br>Example 2: 1st half 12. century<br>Example 3: 1655-1699<br><br>(The \"time name\" is a public denomination)",
"timename_explica": "Masukan (hampir) acak<br><br>Contoh pertama: 16.02.1913 <br>Contoh ke-2: Separuh abad ke-12<br>Contoh ke-3: 1655-1699<br><br>Informasi "istilah waktu" digunakan untuk pertunjunkkan.<br><br><b>Hati-hati:<\/b><br><b>"Konfrontasi", "Zaman Majapahit", ...<\/b><br>... adalah "peristiwa" sejarah, <b>bukan<\/b> istilah waktu<br><b>"Rokoko", "Klasisisme", ...<\/b><br>... adalah masa seni, <b>bukan<\/b> istilah waktu<br><b>"Masa Srivijaya", "Zaman batu", ...<\/b><br>... tidak digunakan secara konsisten, itu <b>bukan<\/b> istilah waktu<br><b>"Miosen", "Kambrium", ...<\/b><br>... <b>bukan<\/b> istilah waktu yang digunakan secara waktu (Nama masa seperti itu tidak digunakan oleh ilmuwan secara konsisten)<br>(Jangan memasukkannya sebagai istilah waktu)",
"time_begin_explica": "Please always fill in<br><br>Use 4-digit-values only<br>Example 1: 1913<br>Example 2: -1800<br><br>If the time is B.C. please place a \"-\" (minus) in front<br><br>With time concept like \"Before 1830\", when the beginning is not known, please put a question mark here.",
"time_begin_explica": "Silahkan memasukkan nomor tahun (<b>empat digit<\/b>).<br><br>- Hal nomor tahun yang sebelum era umum, menambahkan tanda "-" di depan nomor tahun<br>- Hal nomor tahun tidak terkenal secara persis, memasukkan tanda tanya saja.<br><br>Contoh pertama: 1913<br>Contoh ke-2: -1800<br>Contoh ke-3: ?",
"time_end_explica": "Please always fill in<br><br>Use 4-digit-values only<br>Example 1: 1913<br>Example 2: -1800<br><br>If the time is B.C. please place a \"-\" (minus) in front<br><br>With time concept like \"After 1830\", when the end is not known, please put a question mark here.",
"time_end_explica": "Silahkan memasukkan nomor tahun (<b>empat digit<\/b>).<br><br>- Hal nomor tahun yang sebelum era umum, menambahkan tanda "-" di depan nomor tahun<br>- Hal nomor tahun tidak terkenal secara persis, memasukkan tanda tanya saja.<br><br>Contoh pertama: 1913<br>Contoh ke-2: -1800<br>Contoh ke-3: ?",
"counting_time_explica": "Important for internal processing",
"counting_time_explica": "Digunakan dalam proses internal.",
"annotation_explica": "Only fill in if needed<br><br>Keep it short!",
"annotation_explica": "Catatan pendek.",
"please_select": "Please select a time name",
"please_select": "Silahkan memilih istilah waktu",
"new_time": "Create new time name",
"new_time": "Tambahkan istilah waktu baru",
"delete_time": "Delete the time-entry",
"delete_time": "Hapuskan istilah waktu",
"delete_time_check": "You are about to delete a time-entry",
"delete_time_check": "Anda akan hapuskan masukan waktu",
"no_time": "Please give a name for this time",
"no_time": "Silahkan memasukkan nama waktu",
"no_time_hint": "Something like \"1784\" or \"12. Januar 1785\" or \"Early mediaval times\"",
"no_time_hint": "Misalnya 1784.",
"no_about": "Please use exact names (not starting or ending with \"about\")",
"no_about": "Silahkan menggunakan nama persis (bukan \"mungkin\" atau \"sekitar\")",
"no_about_hint": "Uncertainty might be expressed in the event module for objects",
"no_about_hint": "Informasi tentang kepastian bisa dimasukkan dalam modul peristiwa para benda sendiri",
"no_begin": "Please name a starting point",
"no_begin": "Silahkan memasukkan awal",
"no_begin_hint": "If the time is a year (e.g. \"1784\"), simply repeat (e.g. \"1784\"). If the begin was before christ, please put \"-\" in front (e.g. \"-1200\"). For time entries like \"until 1902\", where the exact begin is unclear, please put \"?\" here",
"no_begin_hint": "Silahkan memasukkan nomor tahun (<b>empat digit<\/b>).<br><br>- Hal nomor tahun yang sebelum era umum, menambahkan tanda "-" di depan nomor tahun<br>- Hal nomor tahun tidak terkenal secara persis, memasukkan tanda tanya saja.<br><br>Contoh pertama: 1913<br>Contoh ke-2: -1800<br>Contoh ke-3: ?",
"no_end": "Please enter an end time",
"no_end": "Silahkan memasukkan tahun akhir",
"no_end_hint": "If the time is a year (e.g. \"1784\"), simply repeat (e.g. \"1784\"). If the end was before christ, please put \"-\" in front (e.g. \"-1200\"). For time entries like \"after 1902\", where the exact end is unclear, please put \"?\" here",
"no_end_hint": "Silahkan memasukkan nomor tahun (<b>empat digit<\/b>).<br><br>- Hal nomor tahun yang sebelum era umum, menambahkan tanda "-" di depan nomor tahun<br>- Hal nomor tahun tidak terkenal secara persis, memasukkan tanda tanya saja.<br><br>Contoh pertama: 1913<br>Contoh ke-2: -1800<br>Contoh ke-3: ?",
"no_begin_numeric": "As starting points only years (numeric) are allowed",
"no_begin_numeric": "Awal harus berbagian nomor saja",
"no_begin_end_numeric_hint": "Please give a year (numeric) - if needed with \"-\" in front",
"no_begin_end_numeric_hint": "Silahkan memasukkan informasi tahun serupa nomor",
"no_end_numeric": "As ending points only years (numeric) are allowed",
"no_end_numeric": "Akhir harus berbagian nomor saja",
"no_counting_time": "A (internal) counting-time has to always be given! Minimum: A year (in four digits)",
"no_counting_time": "Anda harus memasukkan waktu perhitungang.",
"no_counting_time_hint": "Eg. \"1784\". With timespans larger than one year please calculate the year in the middle (e.g. Time is \"1870-1880\" -> Counting time is \"1875\". Month and day have to be digits, e.g. month -> \"04\", day -> \"12\" - both might be left empty",
"no_counting_time_hint": "Waktu perhitungang digunakan dalam proses internal.",
"wrong_month": "Please give month in the correct way",
"wrong_month": "Silahkan memasukkan bulan secara baik",
"wrong_day": "Please give day in the correct way",
"wrong_day": "Silahkan memasukkan hari secara baik",
"end_before_start": "Your time starts after it ended",
"end_before_start": "Waktu ini berakhir sebelum awalnya ",
"40": "",
"added_new_time_entry": "Istilah waktu baru sudah ditambahkan",
"added_new_time_entry": "Added new time entry",
"updated_approval_status_of_time_entry": "Status masukan sudah diperbarui",
"updated_approval_status_of_time_entry": "Updated approval status of time entry",
"merged_times": "Dua istilah waktu sudah disatukan",
"merged_times": "Zeitbegriffe zusammen gef\u00fchrt",
"transferred_time_to_tag": "Istilah waktu baru dipindai kata kunci",
"transferred_time_to_tag": "Transferred time to tag",
"deleted_time_entry": "Istilah waktu baru dihapuskan",
"deleted_time_entry": "Deleted time entry",
"updated_base_information_for_time_entry": "Informasi dasar sudah diperbarui"
"updated_base_information_for_time_entry": "Updated base information for time entry"
@ -4,15 +4,12 @@
"take_description_and_link": "Gunakan deskripsi dan tautan",
"take_description_and_link": "Gunakan deskripsi dan tautan",
"dont_take_description_or_link": "Bukan deskripsi, bukan tautan",
"dont_take_description_or_link": "Bukan deskripsi, bukan tautan",
"back": "Kembali",
"back": "Kembali",
"no_dbpedia": "Search in dbpedia was not successful",
"overwrite_all": "Gantikan semua",
"no_wikipedia": "Search in Wikipedia was not successful",
"so_far": "Yang sudah kita ketahui",
"only_take_exact": "[If the title of the Wikipedia page shown on the right does not exactly match this term, please do NOT take the link]",
"new_values": "Informasi baru",
"overwrite_all": "Overwrite all",
"take_it_or_not": "Gunakan informasi baru?",
"so_far": "Known so far",
"transferred_from_qid": "Informasi baru diambil dari Wikidata",
"new_values": "New values",
"transferred_translations_from_qid": "Terjemahan baru diambil dari Wikidata",
"take_it_or_not": "Take new value?",
"fetch_from_wikidata": "Ambil informasi dari Wikidata"
"transferred_from_qid": "Transferred data from wikidata",
"transferred_translations_from_qid": "Transferred translations from Wikidata",
"fetch_from_wikidata": "Fetch from Wikidata"
Reference in New Issue
Block a user