This commit is contained in:
@ -92,7 +92,7 @@
"mail_to_admin": "K\u00e9rdezd a support csapatot",
"mail_to_admin": "K\u00e9rdezd a support csapatot",
"toggle_watchlist": "Saj\u00e1t lista be-\/ kikapcsol\u00e1sa",
"toggle_watchlist": "Saj\u00e1t lista be-\/ kikapcsol\u00e1sa",
"view_notifications": "\u00c9rtes\u00edt\u00e9sek megtekint\u00e9se",
"view_notifications": "\u00c9rtes\u00edt\u00e9sek megtekint\u00e9se",
"preview": "Preview",
"preview": "El\u0151n\u00e9zet",
"online_usage_museum": "M\u00fazeumDigit\u00e1r l\u00e1togatotts\u00e1ga",
"online_usage_museum": "M\u00fazeumDigit\u00e1r l\u00e1togatotts\u00e1ga",
"stats_instance_contents": "Kimutat\u00e1sok az adatb\u00e1zisr\u00f3l (region\u00e1lis)",
"stats_instance_contents": "Kimutat\u00e1sok az adatb\u00e1zisr\u00f3l (region\u00e1lis)",
"video_conference": "Video conference",
"video_conference": "Video conference",
@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
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"tlArticles": {
"add_edit_article": "Cikk hozz\u00e1ad\u00e1sa \/szerkeszt\u00e9se",
"add_edit_article": "Cikk hozz\u00e1ad\u00e1sa \/szerkeszt\u00e9se",
"articles_edit_description": "Ezen az oldalon hozz\u00e1adhat, vagy szerkeszthet egy cikket",
"articles_edit_description": "Ezen az oldalon hozz\u00e1adhat, vagy szerkeszthet cikkeket",
"article_title": "C\u00edm",
"article_title": "C\u00edm",
"article_abstract": "\u00d6sszefoglal\u00f3",
"article_abstract": "\u00d6sszefoglal\u00f3",
"article_content": "A cikk \u00f6sszefoglal\u00f3ja",
"article_content": "Cikk sz\u00f6vege",
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"license": "Licenc",
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@ -14,48 +14,48 @@
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"add_another_author": "T\u00e1rszerz\u0151 hozz\u00e1ad\u00e1sa ",
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"updated_bibliography": "Szakirodalom friss\u00edtve",
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"added_article": "The article has been added.",
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"download_pdf": "PDF let\u00f6lt\u00e9se",
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"thanks": "Thanks",
"thanks": "K\u00f6sz\u00f6netny\u00edlv\u00e1n\u00edt\u00e1s",
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"added_publications": "Added publication.",
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"updated_publication": "The publication has been updated.",
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"deleted_publication": "The publication has been deleted.",
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"add_edit_publication": "Publication bearbeiten",
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"publisher": "Published by",
"summary": "Zusammenfassung",
"summary": "Zusammenfassung",
"description_summary": "Description \/ Summary",
"description_summary": "Description \/ Summary",
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"issue": "Issue",
"issue": "Kiadv\u00e1ny",
"pages": "Pages",
"pages": "Oldal",
"pages_short": "p.",
"pages_short": "o.",
"uploaded_image": "Abbildung wurde heraufgeladen",
"uploaded_image": "Abbildung wurde heraufgeladen",
"deleted_articles": "Abbildung wurde gel\u00f6scht",
"deleted_articles": "Abbildung wurde gel\u00f6scht",
"deleted_image": "Abbildung wurde gel\u00f6scht",
"deleted_image": "Abbildung wurde gel\u00f6scht",
"delete_article": "Delete this article",
"delete_article": "Cikk t\u00f6rl\u00e9se",
"upload_image": "Upload an image",
"upload_image": "K\u00e9p felt\u00f6lt\u00e9se",
"article_title_explica": "Title of the article.",
"article_title_explica": "Cikk c\u00edme",
"article_abstract_explica": "Abstract of the article. Should be a short summary of the article, that informs the reader of the key points of the article.",
"article_abstract_explica": "Abstract of the article. Should be a short summary of the article, that informs the reader of the key points of the article.",
"article_content_explica": "The article content. The WYSIWYG editor can be used to format the content.",
"article_content_explica": "The article content. The WYSIWYG editor can be used to format the content.",
"article_thanks_explica": "This is the place for saying thanks and provide relevant information about affiliations, funding, etc."
"article_thanks_explica": "This is the place for saying thanks and provide relevant information about affiliations, funding, etc."
@ -114,9 +114,9 @@
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"fill_out_select_from_list": "Please type and select an entry from the drop-down list"
"fill_out_select_from_list": "Please type and select an entry from the drop-down list"
@ -2,10 +2,10 @@
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@ -83,10 +83,10 @@
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"pos_in_src_explica": "Optional position in source. This may e.g. be a page number (p. 15), a foot note number, or a the number of the figure.",
"reception_source_explica": "The publication, in which the object was published or being published on. Please type and then select an entry from the drop-down list appearing as you type. If the publication is not listed in the drop-down list yet, you can add one by the \"+\" in front of the input field.",
"reception_source_explica": "The publication, in which the object was published or being published on. Please type and then select an entry from the drop-down list appearing as you type. If the publication is not listed in the drop-down list yet, you can add one by the \"+\" in front of the input field.",
"reception_publication_type_explica": "The way the object was published in the selected source. If the object is a photography, which was printed in the source, the publication type would be \"image published\". If no suitable publication type for your case can be found in the list, please contact an administrator.",
"reception_publication_type_explica": "The way the object was published in the selected source. If the object is a photography, which was printed in the source, the publication type would be \"image published\". If no suitable publication type for your case can be found in the list, please contact an administrator.",
@ -128,11 +128,11 @@
"16": "Tart\u00f3s lelt\u00e9t"
"16": "Tart\u00f3s lelt\u00e9t"
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"K\u00e9p k\u00f6zz\u00e9t\u00e9tele",
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@ -53,8 +53,8 @@
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"preview": "El\u0151n\u00e9zet",
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"upload_3d_object": "A t\u00e1rgyr\u00f3l k\u00e9sz\u00fclt 3D Objektum felt\u00f6lt\u00e9se \u00e9s \u00f6sszekapcsol\u00e1sa a t\u00e1rggyal",
"image_annotations": "Image annotations"
"image_annotations": "Illusztr\u00e1ci\u00f3 annot\u00e1ci\u00f3i"
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