Remove obsolete text parts in German and English translation for musdb
This commit is contained in:
@ -11,16 +11,16 @@
"type_hero_first": "z.B. \"Odysseus\", \"Zeus\", auch fiktive Gestalten, wie \"Rotk\u00e4ppchen\" - falls die Figur gemeint ist",
"type_hero_first": "z.B. \"Odysseus\", \"Zeus\", auch fiktive Gestalten, wie \"Rotk\u00e4ppchen\" - falls die Figur gemeint ist",
"type_hero_explica": "Bei \"Gott, Geist, Held\" bitte beachten: Theoretisch k\u00f6nnen Sie hier alle fiktiven und realen Personen eintragen, die ohne Vornamen sind. Es sollte aber darauf geachtet werden, dass diese Personen von anderen Personen unterscheidbar sind. \"M\u00fcller\" (als Nachname) ist z.B. nicht zu identifizieren. In solchen F\u00e4llen tragen Sie bitte einfach keinen Akteur ein.",
"type_hero_explica": "Bei \"Gott, Geist, Held\" bitte beachten: Theoretisch k\u00f6nnen Sie hier alle fiktiven und realen Personen eintragen, die ohne Vornamen sind. Es sollte aber darauf geachtet werden, dass diese Personen von anderen Personen unterscheidbar sind. \"M\u00fcller\" (als Nachname) ist z.B. nicht zu identifizieren. In solchen F\u00e4llen tragen Sie bitte einfach keinen Akteur ein.",
"institution_name": "Name der Institution",
"institution_name": "Name der Institution",
"nameinst_explica": "Der Name einer konkreten Institution<br><br>Beispiel:<br>Schwermaschinen-Bau Kombinat \"Ernst Th\u00e4lmann\"<br><br><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#660000;\">Bitte immer ausf\u00fcllen<\/b>",
"nameinst_explica": "Der Name einer konkreten Institution<br><br>Beispiel:<br>Schwermaschinen-Bau Kombinat \"Ernst Th\u00e4lmann\"",
"institution_short": "Kurzbezeichnung der Institution",
"institution_short": "Kurzbezeichnung der Institution",
"kurznameinst_explica": "Manche Institutionsbezeichnungen haben feststehende Abk\u00fcrzungen<br><br>Beispiel:<br>Allgemeine Elektricit\u00e4ts-Gesellschaft -> AEG",
"kurznameinst_explica": "Manche Institutionsbezeichnungen haben feststehende Abk\u00fcrzungen<br><br>Beispiel:<br>Allgemeine Elektricit\u00e4ts-Gesellschaft -> AEG",
"short_description": "Kurze Beschreibung",
"short_description": "Kurze Beschreibung",
"kurzbeschinst_explica": "Stichwortartige Kurzeintr\u00e4ge<br><br>Beispiel \"Gegr\u00fcndet 1897. Umbenennung in ... 1904. Schlie\u00dfung 1921. Verlegung des Firmensitzes von ... nach ...\"",
"kurzbeschinst_explica": "Stichwortartige Kurzeintr\u00e4ge<br><br>Beispiel \"Gegr\u00fcndet 1897. Umbenennung in ... 1904. Schlie\u00dfung 1921. Verlegung des Firmensitzes von ... nach ...\"",
"hero_name": "Name",
"hero_name": "Name",
"geistname_explica": "Beispiele:<br>Zeus, Peleus, Rotk\u00e4ppchen (fiktive Gestalt)<br><br>Im Grunde k\u00f6nnen Sie hier jede Person ohne Vornamen eintragen! ABER: Die Person muss identifizierbar sein. Wenn Sie nur \"Lehmann\" eingeben - dies w\u00fcrde zu zweifelhaften Verkn\u00fcpfungen f\u00fchren, etwa alle Objekte hergestellt von <b>irgendeinem<\/b> Lehmann dessen Vorname unbekannt ist. In solchen F\u00e4llen (Person bleibt nicht-identifizierbar) ist es besser keinen Akteur oder Personen-K\u00f6rperschaft-Bezug anzugeben.<br><br><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#660000;\">Bitte immer ausf\u00fcllen<\/b>",
"geistname_explica": "Beispiele:<br>Zeus, Peleus, Rotk\u00e4ppchen (fiktive Gestalt)<br><br>Im Grunde k\u00f6nnen Sie hier jede Person ohne Vornamen eintragen! ABER: Die Person muss identifizierbar sein. Wenn Sie nur \"Lehmann\" eingeben - dies w\u00fcrde zu zweifelhaften Verkn\u00fcpfungen f\u00fchren, etwa alle Objekte hergestellt von <b>irgendeinem<\/b> Lehmann dessen Vorname unbekannt ist. In solchen F\u00e4llen (Person bleibt nicht-identifizierbar) ist es besser keinen Akteur oder Personen-K\u00f6rperschaft-Bezug anzugeben.",
"kurzbeschpers_explica": "Stichwortartiger Kurzeintrag<br><br>Beispiel \"Maler, Schriftsteller, Schauspieler, geboren 1817 in Hamburg\"",
"kurzbeschpers_explica": "Stichwortartiger Kurzeintrag<br><br>Beispiel \"Maler, Schriftsteller, Schauspieler, geboren 1817 in Hamburg\"",
"name_first": "Vorname(n)",
"name_first": "Vorname(n)",
"vorname_explica": "Sie k\u00f6nnen alle Vornamen einer Person auflisten<br><br>Beispiele:<br>\"Georg Friedrich\" (f\u00fcr H\u00e4ndel)<br>\"Gotthold Ephraim\" (f\u00fcr Lessing)<br><br>Es macht wenig Sinn Personen einzutragen, wenn von Ihnen nur der Nachname bekannt ist (Wie soll man zwei Personen dieser Art auseinanderhalten?). Wenn Ihnen der Vorname nicht gel\u00e4ufig ist, dann schreiben Sie z.B. eine Berufsbezeichnung hier hinein (z.B. Schmiedemeister)<br><br><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#660000;\">Bitte immer ausf\u00fcllen<\/b>",
"vorname_explica": "Sie k\u00f6nnen alle Vornamen einer Person auflisten<br><br>Beispiele:<br>\"Georg Friedrich\" (f\u00fcr H\u00e4ndel)<br>\"Gotthold Ephraim\" (f\u00fcr Lessing)<br><br>Es macht wenig Sinn Personen einzutragen, wenn von Ihnen nur der Nachname bekannt ist (Wie soll man zwei Personen dieser Art auseinanderhalten?). Wenn Ihnen der Vorname nicht gel\u00e4ufig ist, dann schreiben Sie z.B. eine Berufsbezeichnung hier hinein (z.B. Schmiedemeister)",
"name_first_short": "Gel\u00e4ufiges Vornamensk\u00fcrzel",
"name_first_short": "Gel\u00e4ufiges Vornamensk\u00fcrzel",
"namenskuerzel_explica": "Beispiele:<br>\"G. F.\" f\u00fcr Georg Friedrich H\u00e4ndel<br>\"Gotthold E.\" f\u00fcr Lessing<br><br>Nur ausf\u00fcllen wenn bekannt\/sinnvoll",
"namenskuerzel_explica": "Beispiele:<br>\"G. F.\" f\u00fcr Georg Friedrich H\u00e4ndel<br>\"Gotthold E.\" f\u00fcr Lessing<br><br>Nur ausf\u00fcllen wenn bekannt\/sinnvoll",
"surname": "Nachname",
"surname": "Nachname",
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
"name_long": "Langbezeichnung",
"name_long": "Langbezeichnung",
"langbezeichnung_explica": "Name von Personen bitte eintragen als:<br>[Vorname][ ][Nachname][ (][Geburtsjahr][-][Sterbejahr][)]<br><br>Beispiel (Person): Achenbach Andreas (1815-1910)<br><br>Wenn Jahreszahlen nicht bekannt, dann nur Name in \"Normalform\"<br>Beispiel: \"Andreas Achenbach\"<br><br>Name von Institutionen bitte in \"Normalform\" angeben<br>Beispiel: Brauerei Landsberg GmbH<br><br>Wenn Firma mit Personenname, dann \"(Firma)\" anf\u00fcgen<br>Beispiel: \"A. Lehmann (Firma)\"",
"langbezeichnung_explica": "Name von Personen bitte eintragen als:<br>[Vorname][ ][Nachname][ (][Geburtsjahr][-][Sterbejahr][)]<br><br>Beispiel (Person): Achenbach Andreas (1815-1910)<br><br>Wenn Jahreszahlen nicht bekannt, dann nur Name in \"Normalform\"<br>Beispiel: \"Andreas Achenbach\"<br><br>Name von Institutionen bitte in \"Normalform\" angeben<br>Beispiel: Brauerei Landsberg GmbH<br><br>Wenn Firma mit Personenname, dann \"(Firma)\" anf\u00fcgen<br>Beispiel: \"A. Lehmann (Firma)\"",
"name_short": "Kurzbezeichnung",
"name_short": "Kurzbezeichnung",
"kurzbezeichnung_explica": "Name von Personen bitte eintragen als:<br>[Nachname][,][Vorname]<br>Beispiel: Achenbach, Andreas<br><br>Name von Institutionen bitte in \"Normalform\"<br>Beispiel: Brauerei Landsberg GmbH<br><br>Wenn Firma mit Personenname, dann \"(Firma)\" anf\u00fcgen<br>Beispiel: \"A. Lehmann (Firma)<br><br><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#660000;\">Bitte immer ausf\u00fcllen<\/b>",
"kurzbezeichnung_explica": "Name von Personen bitte eintragen als:<br>[Nachname][,][Vorname]<br>Beispiel: Achenbach, Andreas<br><br>Name von Institutionen bitte in \"Normalform\"<br>Beispiel: Brauerei Landsberg GmbH<br><br>Wenn Firma mit Personenname, dann \"(Firma)\" anf\u00fcgen<br>Beispiel: \"A. Lehmann (Firma)",
"status": "Status",
"status": "Status",
"remark_change_year": "<b>Anmerkung<\/b>: Falls Sie Geburtsjahr oder Sterbejahr \u00e4ndern, vergessen Sie bitte nicht, dieses auch im Feld \"Langbezeichnung\" zu korrigieren",
"remark_change_year": "<b>Anmerkung<\/b>: Falls Sie Geburtsjahr oder Sterbejahr \u00e4ndern, vergessen Sie bitte nicht, dieses auch im Feld \"Langbezeichnung\" zu korrigieren",
"no_long_name": "Bitte einen Namen (Person, Institution, ...) eingeben!<\/p><p class=\"ohne\">[Bei Personen in der Form: \"Nachname, Vorname\"]<br>[Bei Institutionen in Kurzform (Bsp: VEB Metallwaren Zwickau)]",
"no_long_name": "Bitte einen Namen (Person, Institution, ...) eingeben!<\/p><p class=\"ohne\">[Bei Personen in der Form: \"Nachname, Vorname\"]<br>[Bei Institutionen in Kurzform (Bsp: VEB Metallwaren Zwickau)]",
@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
"collection": {
"collection": {
"name": "Name der Sammlung",
"name": "Name der Sammlung",
"samnam_explica": "Kurzen Namen verwenden - dieser Name erscheint in Tabellen.<br><br>Beispiel 1: \"Gem\u00e4lde\"<br>Beispiel 2: \"Brauereisammlung\"<br>Beispiel 3: \"Nachlass Illies\"<br><br><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#660000;\">Bitte immer ausf\u00fcllen<\/b>",
"samnam_explica": "Kurzen Namen verwenden - dieser Name erscheint in Tabellen.<br><br>Beispiel 1: \"Gem\u00e4lde\"<br>Beispiel 2: \"Brauereisammlung\"<br>Beispiel 3: \"Nachlass Illies\"",
"description": "Beschreibender Text",
"description": "Beschreibender Text",
"sambesch_explica": "Eine Beschreibung der Sammlung. Eine gute Textmenge sind ca. 1000 Zeichen (ein bis zwei Abs\u00e4tze).<br><br>M\u00f6gliche Fragen: Was enth\u00e4lt die Sammlung? Wieviel enth\u00e4lt die Sammlung davon? Wie ist die Sammlung zustande gekommen? Worin liegt die Bedeutung der Sammlung? Besondere Objekte in dieser Sammlung?<br><br>Auch eine umfangreichere Beschreibung ist m\u00f6glich. Bitte schicken Sie in diesem Fall den Text an<br><br><br><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#660000;\">Bitte immer ausf\u00fcllen<\/b>",
"sambesch_explica": "Eine Beschreibung der Sammlung. Eine gute Textmenge sind ca. 1000 Zeichen (ein bis zwei Abs\u00e4tze).<br><br>M\u00f6gliche Fragen: Was enth\u00e4lt die Sammlung? Wieviel enth\u00e4lt die Sammlung davon? Wie ist die Sammlung zustande gekommen? Worin liegt die Bedeutung der Sammlung? Besondere Objekte in dieser Sammlung?<br><br>Auch eine umfangreichere Beschreibung ist m\u00f6glich. Bitte schicken Sie in diesem Fall den Text an<br>",
"link_to_source": "Link zu externer Quelle",
"link_to_source": "Link zu externer Quelle",
"samurl_explica": "Hier k\u00f6nnen Sie einen Link zu einer externen Internetseite angeben, auf der mehr \u00fcber diese Sammlung zu erfahren ist.<br><br>Bitte \"absolute\" URL, also mit \"http:\/\/\" davor, angeben<br><br><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#006600;\">Darf leer bleiben<\/b>",
"samurl_explica": "Hier k\u00f6nnen Sie einen Link zu einer externen Internetseite angeben, auf der mehr \u00fcber diese Sammlung zu erfahren ist.<br><br>Bitte \"absolute\" URL, also mit \"http:\/\/\" davor, angeben.",
"mail": "Mail-Anschrift f\u00fcr R\u00fcckfragen",
"mail": "Mail-Anschrift f\u00fcr R\u00fcckfragen",
"sammail_explica": "Mailanschrift f\u00fcr R\u00fcckfragen. Wenn dieses Feld ausgef\u00fcllt ist, dann erscheint unterhalb der Objekte dieser Sammlung in der Objektanzeige ein Link \u00fcber den sich ein mail-Fenster \u00f6ffnen l\u00e4sst. Das mail-Formular ist dann vorausgef\u00fcllt mit der hier angegebenen Adresse.<br><br><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#006600;\">Darf leer bleiben<\/b>",
"sammail_explica": "Mailanschrift f\u00fcr R\u00fcckfragen. Wenn dieses Feld ausgef\u00fcllt ist, dann erscheint unterhalb der Objekte dieser Sammlung in der Objektanzeige ein Link \u00fcber den sich ein mail-Fenster \u00f6ffnen l\u00e4sst. Das mail-Formular ist dann vorausgef\u00fcllt mit der hier angegebenen Adresse.",
"image_click": "Ziel f\u00fcr Klick auf Bild",
"image_click": "Ziel f\u00fcr Klick auf Bild",
"sambild_explica": "Nur ausf\u00fcllen, wenn Sie ein Bild heraufladen. Die hier angegebene URL ist das Ziel, zu welchem jemand geleitet wird, der auf das Bild zur Sammlung klickt.<br><br>Bitte \"absolute\" URL, also mit \"http:\/\/\" am Anfang, eintragen.<br><br><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#006600;\">Darf leer bleiben<\/b>",
"sambild_explica": "Nur ausf\u00fcllen, wenn Sie ein Bild heraufladen. Die hier angegebene URL ist das Ziel, zu welchem jemand geleitet wird, der auf das Bild zur Sammlung klickt.<br><br>Bitte \"absolute\" URL, also mit \"http:\/\/\" am Anfang, eintragen.",
"factsheet": "Datenblatt zur Sammlung",
"factsheet": "Datenblatt zur Sammlung",
"samdaba_explica": "Dieses Feld bitte nicht ausf\u00fcllen. Es wird zentral ausgef\u00fcllt<br><br>Hier steht der interne Speicherort eines Dokumentes zur ausf\u00fchrlichen Sammlungsbeschreibung. \u00dcblicherweise im PDF-Format.",
"samdaba_explica": "Dieses Feld bitte nicht ausf\u00fcllen. Es wird zentral ausgef\u00fcllt<br><br>Hier steht der interne Speicherort eines Dokumentes zur ausf\u00fchrlichen Sammlungsbeschreibung. \u00dcblicherweise im PDF-Format.",
"no_name": "Bitte einen Sammlungsnamen eingeben!<\/p><p class=\"ohne\">[Eine Sammlung ohne Name wird schwerlich wiedergefunden]",
"no_name": "Bitte einen Sammlungsnamen eingeben!<\/p><p class=\"ohne\">[Eine Sammlung ohne Name wird schwerlich wiedergefunden]",
@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
"tlComments": {
"tlComments": {
"moderate_comments": "Moderate comments",
"moderate_comments": "Kommentare moderieren",
"Moderated": "Moderated",
"Moderated": "Moderiert",
"All": "All",
"All": "Alle",
"only_moderated": "Only moderated",
"only_moderated": "Nur moderierte",
"only_unmoderated": "Only unmoderated",
"only_unmoderated": "Nur unmoderierte",
"only_public": "Only public",
"only_public": "Nur \u00f6ffentliche",
"only_unpublished": "Only unpublished",
"only_unpublished": "Nur unver\u00f6ffentlichte",
"commented_object": "commented object",
"commented_object": "kommentiertes Objekt",
"Public": "Public"
"Public": "\u00d6ffentlich"
@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
"firstsaved_by": "Zuerst erfasst von",
"firstsaved_by": "Zuerst erfasst von",
"addendum": "Zusatzinformationen",
"addendum": "Zusatzinformationen",
"administration": "Objektverwaltung",
"administration": "Objektverwaltung",
"backup_intro": "Die Sicherung, die Sie erstellen, enth\u00e4lt <b>alle<\/b> Informationen zu <b>allen<\/b> Objekten ihres Museums. Insbesondere dann, wenn Sie museum-digital zum Inventarisieren verwenden, gilt: <\/p><p style=\"text-align:center\"><br><b style=\"color:993333;\">Geben sie diese Sicherung nicht au\u00dfer Haus!<\/b><\/p><br>Sobald Sie auf \"Sicherung erstellen\" klicken erzeugt der Server einen ZIP-Ordner. Dieser Ordner enth\u00e4lt viele kleine Dateien - eine xml-Datei pro Objekt. Sofort nach Erstellung schickt Ihnen der Server diesen Ordner automatisch zu. Sie sollten diesen Ordner an einem sicheren Platz speichern.<\/p><p style=\"margin:0px;padding:0px;\">Sicherungen sollten in regelm\u00e4\u00dfigen Abst\u00e4nden (z.B. alle 2 Wochen) erstellt werden. Je mehr sich an Ihren Daten \u00e4ndert, desto h\u00e4ufiger sollten Sie auf dieser Seite vorbeischauen.<\/p><p style=\"margin:0px;padding:0px;\">(Bei umfangreicheren Datenmengen kann das Erstellen des Sicherungsordners eine kleine Weile dauern. Bitte einfach warten ...)",
"backup_intro": "Die Sicherung, die Sie erstellen, enth\u00e4lt <b>alle<\/b> Informationen zu <b>allen<\/b> Objekten ihres Museums. Insbesondere dann, wenn Sie museum-digital zum Inventarisieren verwenden, gilt: <\/p><p><br><b>Geben sie diese Sicherung nicht au\u00dfer Haus!<\/b><\/p><br>Sobald Sie auf \"Sicherung erstellen\" klicken erzeugt der Server einen ZIP-Ordner. Dieser Ordner enth\u00e4lt viele kleine Dateien - eine xml-Datei pro Objekt. Sofort nach Erstellung schickt Ihnen der Server diesen Ordner automatisch zu. Sie sollten diesen Ordner an einem sicheren Platz speichern.<\/p><p>Sicherungen sollten in regelm\u00e4\u00dfigen Abst\u00e4nden (z.B. alle 2 Wochen) erstellt werden. Je mehr sich an Ihren Daten \u00e4ndert, desto h\u00e4ufiger sollten Sie auf dieser Seite vorbeischauen.<\/p>",
"exact_location_place_two": "Genauere Ortsangabe, Name Ort2",
"exact_location_place_two": "Genauere Ortsangabe, Name Ort2",
"exact_location_place_relation_two": "Genauere Ortsangabe, Beziehung Ort2",
"exact_location_place_relation_two": "Genauere Ortsangabe, Beziehung Ort2",
"exact_location_place_longitude_two": "Genauere Ortsangabe, Geogr. L\u00e4nge Ort2",
"exact_location_place_longitude_two": "Genauere Ortsangabe, Geogr. L\u00e4nge Ort2",
@ -5,30 +5,30 @@
"obj_short": "Obj.",
"obj_short": "Obj.",
"export": "Export",
"export": "Export",
"museum_name": "Name des Museums",
"museum_name": "Name des Museums",
"musnam_explica": "Der Name wird in Tabellen aufgef\u00fchrt, deshalb bitte m\u00f6glichst kurz halten<br><br><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#660000;\">Bitte immer ausf\u00fcllen<\/b>",
"musnam_explica": "Der Name wird in Tabellen aufgef\u00fchrt, deshalb bitte m\u00f6glichst kurz halten",
"museum_description": "Beschreibender Text",
"museum_description": "Beschreibender Text",
"musbesch_explica": "Eine Beschreibung des Museums als sammelnde, bewahrende und forschende Einrichtung. Eine gute Textmenge sind ca. 1000 Zeichen (ein bis zwei Abs\u00e4tze).<br><br>Auch eine sehr ausf\u00fchrliche Beschreibung ist m\u00f6glich. Schicken Sie in diesem Fall den Beschreibungstext an den Administrator.<br><br><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#660000;\">Bitte immer ausf\u00fcllen<\/b>",
"musbesch_explica": "Eine Beschreibung des Museums als sammelnde, bewahrende und forschende Einrichtung. Eine gute Textmenge sind ca. 1000 Zeichen (ein bis zwei Abs\u00e4tze).<br><br>Auch eine sehr ausf\u00fchrliche Beschreibung ist m\u00f6glich. Schicken Sie in diesem Fall den Beschreibungstext an den Administrator.",
"street_house": "Stra\u00dfe und Hausnummer",
"street_house": "Stra\u00dfe und Hausnummer",
"musstra_explica": "Angabe der Stra\u00dfe und der Hausnummer<br><br>Beispiel 1: \"Am Rathaus 1\"<br>Beispiel 2: \"Unterweg 12a\"<br>Beispiel 3: \"Rathausplatz\"<br><br><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#660000;\">Bitte immer ausf\u00fcllen<\/b>",
"musstra_explica": "Angabe der Stra\u00dfe und der Hausnummer<br><br>Beispiel 1: \"Am Rathaus 1\"<br>Beispiel 2: \"Unterweg 12a\"<br>Beispiel 3: \"Rathausplatz\"",
"zip_place": "Postleitzahl und Ort",
"zip_place": "Postleitzahl und Ort",
"musplz_explica": "Angabe der Postleitzahl und des Ortes<br><br>Beispiel 1: \"06811 Landsberg\"<br>Beispiel 2: \"33649 Bielefeld-Holtkamp\"<br><br><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#660000;\">Bitte immer ausf\u00fcllen<\/b>",
"musplz_explica": "Angabe der Postleitzahl und des Ortes<br><br>Beispiel 1: \"06811 Landsberg\"<br>Beispiel 2: \"33649 Bielefeld-Holtkamp\"",
"telefone": "Telefon",
"telefone": "Telefon",
"musfon_explica": "Keine Schreibvorschrift, aber bitte nicht \"Tel. ...\" oder \u00c4hnliches eintragen. Hier kommt nur die Nummer hinein<br><br>Beispiel 1: (0366) 121214<br>Beispiel 2: 0366-121214<br><br><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#006600;\">Darf leer bleiben<\/b>",
"musfon_explica": "Keine Schreibvorschrift, aber bitte nicht \"Tel. ...\" oder \u00c4hnliches eintragen. Hier kommt nur die Nummer hinein<br><br>Beispiel 1: (0366) 121214<br>Beispiel 2: 0366-121214",
"telefax": "Telefax",
"telefax": "Telefax",
"musfax_explica": "Keine Schreibvorschrift, aber bitte nicht \"Fax. ...\" oder \u00c4hnliches eintragen. Hier kommt nur die Nummer hinein<br><br>Beispiel 1: (0366) 121214<br>Beispiel 2: 0366-121214<br><br><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#006600;\">Darf leer bleiben<\/b>",
"musfax_explica": "Keine Schreibvorschrift, aber bitte nicht \"Fax. ...\" oder \u00c4hnliches eintragen. Hier kommt nur die Nummer hinein<br><br>Beispiel 1: (0366) 121214<br>Beispiel 2: 0366-121214",
"mail": "Mailanschrift",
"mail": "Mailanschrift",
"musmail_explica": "Hier bitte eine zentrale email-Adresse eintragen.<br><br>Wird hier eine mail-Adresse eingetragen, dann erscheint unter den Objekten des Museums die M\u00f6glichkeit zu dem Objekt per mail etwas anzumerken. M\u00f6chte das Museum dieses nicht, dann bitte einfach leer lassen.<br><br><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#006600;\">Darf leer bleiben<\/b>",
"musmail_explica": "Hier bitte eine zentrale email-Adresse eintragen.<br><br>Wird hier eine mail-Adresse eingetragen, dann erscheint unter den Objekten des Museums die M\u00f6glichkeit zu dem Objekt per mail etwas anzumerken. M\u00f6chte das Museum dieses nicht, dann bitte einfach leer lassen.",
"isil": "ISIL des Museums",
"isil": "ISIL des Museums",
"musisil_explica": "Hier bitte eine ISIL f\u00fcr das Museum eintragen. ISIL-Nummern sind insbesondere f\u00fcr den elektronischen Datenaustausch von Bedeutung.<br><br>Sie finden die ISIL des Museums unter:<br><a href=\"http:\/\/\" target=\"blank\"><img src=\"img\/go.gif\" width=\"13\" height=\"9\" alt=\"Geht zu\" border=\"0\"><\/a><br><br><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#006600;\">Darf leer bleiben<\/b>",
"musisil_explica": "Hier bitte eine ISIL f\u00fcr das Museum eintragen. ISIL-Nummern sind insbesondere f\u00fcr den elektronischen Datenaustausch von Bedeutung.<br><br>Sie finden die ISIL des Museums unter:<br><a href=\"http:\/\/\" target=\"blank\"><img src=\"img\/go.gif\" width=\"13\" height=\"9\" alt=\"Geht zu\" border=\"0\"><\/a>",
"url": "URL der eigenen Seite",
"url": "URL der eigenen Seite",
"musurl_explica": "Hier bitte eine URL f\u00fcr die eigene Internetseite des Museums eintragen. Wenn das Museum ohne eigene Internetseite ist, dann bitte einfach leer lassen.<br><br>Bitte \"absolute URL\" verwenden, d.h. mit \"http:\/\/\" davor.<br><br><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#006600;\">Darf leer bleiben<\/b>",
"musurl_explica": "Hier bitte eine URL f\u00fcr die eigene Internetseite des Museums eintragen. Wenn das Museum ohne eigene Internetseite ist, dann bitte einfach leer lassen.<br><br>Bitte \"absolute URL\" verwenden, d.h. mit \"http:\/\/\" oder \"https:\/\/\" davor.",
"association": "URL bei Museumsverband",
"association": "URL bei Museumsverband",
"musverb_explica": "Hier bitte eine URL f\u00fcr jene Internetseite des Museumsverbandes eintragen, auf welcher das Museum vorgestellt wird. Wird das Museum nicht auf einer Verbandsseite pr\u00e4sentiert, dann bitte einfach leer lassen.<br><br>Bitte \"absolute URL\" verwenden, d.h. mit \"http:\/\/\" davor.<br><br><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#006600;\">Darf leer bleiben<\/b>",
"musverb_explica": "Hier bitte eine URL f\u00fcr jene Internetseite des Museumsverbandes eintragen, auf welcher das Museum vorgestellt wird. Wird das Museum nicht auf einer Verbandsseite pr\u00e4sentiert, dann bitte einfach leer lassen.<br><br>Bitte \"absolute URL\" verwenden, d.h. mit \"http:\/\/\" davor.",
"target_image": "URL f\u00fcr Klick auf Bild",
"target_image": "URL f\u00fcr Klick auf Bild",
"musbild_explica": "Hier bitte eine URL eintragen zu welcher der Besucher gelenkt wird, wenn er auf das Bild zum Museum klickt. Er kann z.B. auf die Internetseite des Museums oder auf die Seite zu einem Objekt bei museum-digital gelenkt werden.<br><br>Bitte \"absolute URL\" verwenden, d.h. mit \"http:\/\/\" davor.<br><br><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#006600;\">Darf leer bleiben<\/b>",
"musbild_explica": "Hier bitte eine URL eintragen zu welcher der Besucher gelenkt wird, wenn er auf das Bild zum Museum klickt. Er kann z.B. auf die Internetseite des Museums oder auf die Seite zu einem Objekt bei museum-digital gelenkt werden.<br><br>Bitte \"absolute URL\" verwenden, d.h. mit \"http:\/\/\" oder \"https:\/\/\" davor.",
"datasheet": "Datenblatt zum Museum",
"datasheet": "Datenblatt zum Museum",
"musdaba_explica": "Dieses Feld bitte nicht ausf\u00fcllen. Es wird zentral ausgef\u00fcllt<br><br>Hier steht der interne Speicherort eines Dokumentes zur ausf\u00fchrlichen Museumsbeschreibung. \u00dcblicherweise im PDF-Format.",
"musdaba_explica": "Dieses Feld bitte nicht ausf\u00fcllen. Es wird zentral ausgef\u00fcllt<br><br>Hier steht der interne Speicherort eines Dokumentes zur ausf\u00fchrlichen Museumsbeschreibung. \u00dcblicherweise im PDF-Format.",
"no_name": "Bitte einen Museumsnamen eingeben!<\/p><p class=\"ohne\">[Ein Museum hat immer einen Namen. Bitte wenn m\u00f6glich eine pr\u00e4gnante Kurzform w\u00e4hlen.]",
"no_name": "Bitte einen Museumsnamen eingeben!<\/p><p>[Ein Museum hat immer einen Namen. Bitte wenn m\u00f6glich eine pr\u00e4gnante Kurzform w\u00e4hlen.]",
"no_description": "Bitte eine Beschreibung f\u00fcr das Museum eingeben!<\/p><p class=\"ohne\">[Die Beschreibung ist zentral f\u00fcr dieses Vorhaben. Es soll ja Museum als bewahrende, forschende und sammelnde Institution vorgestellt werden. Idealer Textumfang ist 1.000 Zeichen. Weniger geht aber auch.]",
"no_description": "Bitte eine Beschreibung f\u00fcr das Museum eingeben!<\/p><p class=\"ohne\">[Die Beschreibung ist zentral f\u00fcr dieses Vorhaben. Es soll ja Museum als bewahrende, forschende und sammelnde Institution vorgestellt werden. Idealer Textumfang ist 1.000 Zeichen. Weniger geht aber auch.]",
"no_zipcode": "Bitte eine Postleitzahl und einen Ort angeben!<\/p><p class=\"ohne\">[Die Postleitzahl bitte f\u00fcnfstellig, ein Leerzeichen und dann einen Ortsnamen eingeben]",
"no_zipcode": "Bitte eine Postleitzahl und einen Ort angeben!<\/p><p class=\"ohne\">[Die Postleitzahl bitte f\u00fcnfstellig, ein Leerzeichen und dann einen Ortsnamen eingeben]",
"no_streetname": "Bitte einen Stra\u00dfen-\/Platznamen samt Hausnummer (so vorhanden) angeben!<\/p><p class=\"ohne\">[Wie soll man sonst den Weg zum Museum finden?]",
"no_streetname": "Bitte einen Stra\u00dfen-\/Platznamen samt Hausnummer (so vorhanden) angeben!<\/p><p class=\"ohne\">[Wie soll man sonst den Weg zum Museum finden?]",
@ -3,25 +3,25 @@
"placenames": "Ortsnamen",
"placenames": "Ortsnamen",
"intro": "- Verwenden Sie aktuelle oder historische Bezeichnungen. M\u00f6glich sind politische und geographische Bezeichnungen wie Stadtnamen, Flussnamen, Bergnamen, ... und Geb\u00e4udenamen.<br>- Verwenden Sie gebr\u00e4uchliche Bezeichnungen (Beispiel: Dessau - nicht Dessau-Ro\u00dflau).<br>- Namenszus\u00e4tze wie \"Halle (Saale)\" oder \"Lutherstadt Wittenberg\" sollten verwendet werden.<br>- Wenn Sie Ortsteile eingeben, bitte in der Form (Beispiele): \"Hamburg-Altona\" oder \"Altona (Hamburg)\".",
"intro": "- Verwenden Sie aktuelle oder historische Bezeichnungen. M\u00f6glich sind politische und geographische Bezeichnungen wie Stadtnamen, Flussnamen, Bergnamen, ... und Geb\u00e4udenamen.<br>- Verwenden Sie gebr\u00e4uchliche Bezeichnungen (Beispiel: Dessau - nicht Dessau-Ro\u00dflau).<br>- Namenszus\u00e4tze wie \"Halle (Saale)\" oder \"Lutherstadt Wittenberg\" sollten verwendet werden.<br>- Wenn Sie Ortsteile eingeben, bitte in der Form (Beispiele): \"Hamburg-Altona\" oder \"Altona (Hamburg)\".",
"placename": "Ortsname",
"placename": "Ortsname",
"ortsname_explica": "\u00dcbliche Ortsnamen eintragen. Ortsteilname getrennt durch OT:<br><br>Beispiel 1: Magdeburg <br>Beispiel 2: Halle (Saale)<br>Beispiel 3: Bernburg OT Aderstedt<br>Beispiel 4: Rheinland (in diesem Falle ist unter Staat einzutragen: \"Deutschland (Region)\"<br><br>Wenn nicht besser m\u00f6glich, ist auch z.B. \"Italien\" erlaubt<br><br><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#660000;\">Bitte immer ausf\u00fcllen<\/b>",
"ortsname_explica": "\u00dcbliche Ortsnamen eintragen. Ortsteilname getrennt durch OT:<br><br>Beispiel 1: Magdeburg <br>Beispiel 2: Halle (Saale)<br>Beispiel 3: Bernburg OT Aderstedt<br>Beispiel 4: Rheinland (in diesem Falle ist unter Staat einzutragen: \"Deutschland (Region)\"<br><br>Wenn nicht besser m\u00f6glich, ist auch z.B. \"Italien\" erlaubt",
"placetype": "Ortstyp",
"placetype": "Ortstyp",
"ortstyp_explica": "Wenn der einzugebenden Ort (oder das Geb\u00e4ude) <br><b>kein<\/b> aktuell existierender Wohnplatz (Dorf, Stadt, ...) und <br><b>keine<\/b> aktuell exitierende politische Einheit (Kreis, Land, ...) ist<br>- dann w\u00e4hlen Sie bitte hier einen passenden Ortstyp.<br><br>F\u00fcr bestehende D\u00f6rfer, St\u00e4dte, L\u00e4nder ... (und in Zweifelsf\u00e4llen) bitte leer lassen<br><br>Existiert der einzutragende Ort (oder das Geb\u00e4ude) nicht mehr, dann w\u00e4hlen Sie bitte in jedem Fall: \"historisch\"<br><br><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#006600;\">Nur ausf\u00fcllen wenn passend.<\/b>",
"ortstyp_explica": "Wenn der einzugebenden Ort (oder das Geb\u00e4ude) <br><b>kein<\/b> aktuell existierender Wohnplatz (Dorf, Stadt, ...) und <br><b>keine<\/b> aktuell exitierende politische Einheit (Kreis, Land, ...) ist<br>- dann w\u00e4hlen Sie bitte hier einen passenden Ortstyp.<br><br>F\u00fcr bestehende D\u00f6rfer, St\u00e4dte, L\u00e4nder ... (und in Zweifelsf\u00e4llen) bitte leer lassen<br><br>Existiert der einzutragende Ort (oder das Geb\u00e4ude) nicht mehr, dann w\u00e4hlen Sie bitte in jedem Fall: \"historisch\"<br><br><b>Nur ausf\u00fcllen wenn passend.<\/b>",
"remarks": "Kurze Anmerkung",
"remarks": "Kurze Anmerkung",
"ortanm_explica": "An dieser Stelle k\u00f6nnen Sie allgemeine Hinweise zu unbekannteren Orten oder Geb\u00e4uden eintragen. Bitte halten Sie diese Hinweise kurz. Der Zweck dieser Angaben ist es, der Normdatenredaktion weitere Informationen zur eindeutigen Identifizierung des Ortes zu geben.<br><br><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#006600;\">Darf leer bleiben<b>",
"ortanm_explica": "An dieser Stelle k\u00f6nnen Sie allgemeine Hinweise zu unbekannteren Orten oder Geb\u00e4uden eintragen. Bitte halten Sie diese Hinweise kurz. Der Zweck dieser Angaben ist es, der Normdatenredaktion weitere Informationen zur eindeutigen Identifizierung des Ortes zu geben.",
"no_name": "Bitte einen Ortsnamen eingeben",
"no_name": "Bitte einen Ortsnamen eingeben",
"geo_title": "Geokoordinaten",
"geo_title": "Geokoordinaten",
"geo_intro": "- Sie k\u00f6nnen den Ortsnamen im Eingabefeld korrigieren - m\u00fcssen dann aber auf \"Go!\" klicken.<br>- Bitte klicken Sie im Kartenausschnitt auf die Stelle des gemeinten Ortes.<br>- In der Sprechblase erscheint \"=> Abschicken\/Speichern\". Klicken Sie darauf.",
"geo_intro": "- Sie k\u00f6nnen den Ortsnamen im Eingabefeld korrigieren - m\u00fcssen dann aber auf \"Go!\" klicken.<br>- Bitte klicken Sie im Kartenausschnitt auf die Stelle des gemeinten Ortes.<br>- In der Sprechblase erscheint \"=> Abschicken\/Speichern\". Klicken Sie darauf.",
"change_intro": "<b>Achtung:<\/b> Dies \u00e4ndert Informationen, es \u00e4ndert <b style=\"color:#990000\">nicht<\/b> die Zuordnung dieses Ortes\/Geb\u00e4udes zu Ereignissen oder Objekten.",
"change_intro": "<b>Achtung:<\/b> Dies \u00e4ndert Informationen, es \u00e4ndert <b>nicht<\/b> die Zuordnung dieses Ortes\/Geb\u00e4udes zu Ereignissen oder Objekten.",
"country": "Staat",
"country": "Staat",
"staatsname_explica": "Bitte den Staat in dem der Ort (das Geb\u00e4ude) zu finden ist angeben. Erstreckt sich die zu erfassende Einheit \u00fcber mehr als einen Staat, dann w\u00e4hlen sie die n\u00e4chsth\u00f6here politische Einheit.<br><br>Beispiel: \"Rhein\" -> \"Mitteleuropa\" <br><br><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#006600;\">Darf leer bleiben<b>",
"staatsname_explica": "Bitte den Staat in dem der Ort (das Geb\u00e4ude) zu finden ist angeben. Erstreckt sich die zu erfassende Einheit \u00fcber mehr als einen Staat, dann w\u00e4hlen sie die n\u00e4chsth\u00f6here politische Einheit.<br><br>Beispiel: \"Rhein\" -> \"Mitteleuropa\" ",
"getty": "TGN (Getty)",
"getty": "TGN (Getty)",
"getty_explica": "Die Identifikationsnummer des Ortes im Thesaurus of Geographic Names (TGN, Getty).<br>Klicken Sie auf den rechts stehenden Pfeil, um - in einem neuen Bildschirmfenster - die Nummer zu ermitteln.<br><br><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#006600;\">Darf leer bleiben<\/b>",
"getty_explica": "Die Identifikationsnummer des Ortes im Thesaurus of Geographic Names (TGN, Getty).<br>Klicken Sie auf den rechts stehenden Pfeil, um - in einem neuen Bildschirmfenster - die Nummer zu ermitteln.",
"geonames": "geonames",
"geonames": "geonames",
"geonames_explica": "Die Identifikationsnummer des Ortes bei geonames.<br>Klicken Sie auf den rechts stehenden Pfeil, um - in einem neuen Bildschirmfenster - die Nummer zu ermitteln.<br><br><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#006600;\">Darf leer bleiben<\/b>",
"geonames_explica": "Die Identifikationsnummer des Ortes bei geonames.<br>Klicken Sie auf den rechts stehenden Pfeil, um - in einem neuen Bildschirmfenster - die Nummer zu ermitteln.",
"coordinates_northsouth": "Koordinaten, Nord-S\u00fcd",
"coordinates_northsouth": "Koordinaten, Nord-S\u00fcd",
"nw_explica": "Bitte \".\" (Punkt) als Dezimalzeichen verwenden und Zahl ohne Grad-Zeichen einf\u00fcgen<br><br>Beispiel \"Berlin\": 52.518333<br><br><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#660000;\">Bitte immer ausf\u00fcllen<b>",
"nw_explica": "Bitte \".\" (Punkt) als Dezimalzeichen verwenden und Zahl ohne Grad-Zeichen einf\u00fcgen<br><br>Beispiel \"Berlin\": 52.518333",
"coordinates_westeast": "Koordinaten, West-Ost",
"coordinates_westeast": "Koordinaten, West-Ost",
"zoom_explica": "Bestimmt den Zoomfaktor in der Kartenanzeige.<br><br>Meist passende Werte:<br>- kleinere Ortschaft: 10<br>- gr\u00f6\u00dfere Ortschaft: 9<br>- gro\u00dfe Ortschaft: 8<br>- Land: 7<br><br>Bestenfalls einen Wert w\u00e4hlen und mittels Betrachtung der erzielten Darstellung korrigieren<br><br><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#660000;\">Bitte immer ausf\u00fcllen<\/b>",
"zoom_explica": "Bestimmt den Zoomfaktor in der Kartenanzeige.<br><br>Meist passende Werte:<br>- kleinere Ortschaft: 10<br>- gr\u00f6\u00dfere Ortschaft: 9<br>- gro\u00dfe Ortschaft: 8<br>- Land: 7<br><br>Bestenfalls einen Wert w\u00e4hlen und mittels Betrachtung der erzielten Darstellung korrigieren",
"status": "Status",
"status": "Status",
"delete": "Den Ortseintrag l\u00f6schen",
"delete": "Den Ortseintrag l\u00f6schen",
"added": "Einen neuen Ort hinzugef\u00fcgt",
"added": "Einen neuen Ort hinzugef\u00fcgt",
@ -10,17 +10,17 @@
"prehistoric_time": "eine pr\u00e4historische Zeit",
"prehistoric_time": "eine pr\u00e4historische Zeit",
"prehistoric_time_example": "z.B. Mesozoikum, 250000 v.Chr., Kreidezeit, ... [vor dem Jahr 10000 v.Chr.]",
"prehistoric_time_example": "z.B. Mesozoikum, 250000 v.Chr., Kreidezeit, ... [vor dem Jahr 10000 v.Chr.]",
"time_term": "Zeitbegriff",
"time_term": "Zeitbegriff",
"zeitbegriff_explica": "(Fast) beliebige Eingabe<br><br>Beispiel 1: 16.02.1913 <br>Beispiel 2: Erste H\u00e4lfte 12. Jh.<br>Beispiel 3: 1655-1699<br><br>Die \"Zeitbegriff\"-Angabe wird f\u00fcr die Anzeige ben\u00f6tigt.<br><br><b style=\"color:#990000\">Bitte beachten:<\/b><br><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#990000\">\"1. Weltkrieg\", \"NS-Zeit\", ...<\/b><br>... historische \"Ereignisse\", <b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#990000\">keine<\/b> Zeitangabe<br><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#990000\">\"Rokoko\", \"Klassizismus\", ...<\/b><br>... Stilepochen, <b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#990000\">keine<\/b> Zeitangabe<br><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#990000\">\"R\u00f6mische Kaiserzeit\", \"Sp\u00e4te Jungsteinzeit\", ...<\/b><br>... werden verschieden gebraucht <b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#990000\">keine<\/b> Zeitangaben<br><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#990000\">\"Mioz\u00e4n\", \"Cambrium\", ...<\/b><br>... sind <b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#990000\">keine<\/b> eindeutigen Zeitangaben (Zeitraum-\u00c4quivalente werden von Wissenschaft st\u00e4ndig neu definiert)<br>(Derlei Nicht-Zeit-Angaben bitte als Schlagworte behandeln)<br><br><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#660000;\">Bitte immer ausf\u00fcllen<\/b>",
"zeitbegriff_explica": "(Fast) beliebige Eingabe<br><br>Beispiel 1: 16.02.1913 <br>Beispiel 2: Erste H\u00e4lfte 12. Jh.<br>Beispiel 3: 1655-1699<br><br>Die \"Zeitbegriff\"-Angabe wird f\u00fcr die Anzeige ben\u00f6tigt.<br><br><b>Bitte beachten:<\/b><br><b>\"1. Weltkrieg\", \"NS-Zeit\", ...<\/b><br>... historische \"Ereignisse\", <b>keine<\/b> Zeitangabe<br><b>\"Rokoko\", \"Klassizismus\", ...<\/b><br>... Stilepochen, <b>keine<\/b> Zeitangabe<br><b>\"R\u00f6mische Kaiserzeit\", \"Sp\u00e4te Jungsteinzeit\", ...<\/b><br>... werden verschieden gebraucht <b>keine<\/b> Zeitangaben<br><b>\"Mioz\u00e4n\", \"Cambrium\", ...<\/b><br>... sind <b>keine<\/b> eindeutigen Zeitangaben (Zeitraum-\u00c4quivalente werden von Wissenschaft st\u00e4ndig neu definiert)<br>(Derlei Nicht-Zeit-Angaben bitte als Schlagworte behandeln)",
"begin": "Beginn [JAHR]",
"begin": "Beginn [JAHR]",
"zeitbeginn_explica": "Bitte immer eine Jahreszahl (<b>vierstellig<\/b>) eingeben<br><br>- Bei Werten vor dem Jahre Null ein Minuszeichen davor setzen<br>- Bei Zeitbegriffen wie \"Vor 1830\", wenn also der Beginn ungekannt ist, bitte ein Fragezeichen eintragen<br><br>Beispiel 1: 1913<br>Beispiel 2: -1800<br>Beispiel 3: ?<br><br><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#660000;\">Bitte immer ausf\u00fcllen<\/b>",
"zeitbeginn_explica": "Bitte immer eine Jahreszahl (<b>vierstellig<\/b>) eingeben<br><br>- Bei Werten vor dem Jahre Null ein Minuszeichen davor setzen<br>- Bei Zeitbegriffen wie \"Vor 1830\", wenn also der Beginn ungekannt ist, bitte ein Fragezeichen eintragen<br><br>Beispiel 1: 1913<br>Beispiel 2: -1800<br>Beispiel 3: ?",
"end": "Ende [JAHR]",
"end": "Ende [JAHR]",
"zeitende_explica": "Bitte immer eine Jahreszahl (<b>vierstellig<\/b>) eingeben<br><br>- Bei Werten vor dem Jahre Null ein Minuszeichen davor setzen<br>- Bei Zeitbegriffen wie \"Nach 1830\", wenn also das exakte Zeitraum-Ende ungekannt ist, bitte ein Fragezeichen eintragen<br><br>Beispiel 1: 1913<br>Beispiel 2: -1800<br>Beispiel 3: ?<br><br><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#660000;\">Bitte immer ausf\u00fcllen<\/b>",
"zeitende_explica": "Bitte immer eine Jahreszahl (<b>vierstellig<\/b>) eingeben<br><br>- Bei Werten vor dem Jahre Null ein Minuszeichen davor setzen<br>- Bei Zeitbegriffen wie \"Nach 1830\", wenn also das exakte Zeitraum-Ende ungekannt ist, bitte ein Fragezeichen eintragen<br><br>Beispiel 1: 1913<br>Beispiel 2: -1800<br>Beispiel 3: ?",
"counted": "Z\u00e4hlzeit",
"counted": "Z\u00e4hlzeit",
"year": "Jahr",
"year": "Jahr",
"month": "Monat",
"month": "Monat",
"day": "Tag",
"day": "Tag",
"zaehlzeit1_explica": "<b>Feld: Jahr<\/b><br>Bitte eine Jahreszahl (vierstellig) angeben.<br>Bei Zeitr\u00e4umen ist die Mitte zu nennen,<br> Bsp: Zeitbegriff=\"19. Jahrhundert\" -> Z\u00e4hlzeit=\"1850\"<br><br><b>Feld: [+\/-]<\/b><br>Das - steht f\u00fcr Zeiten vor Beginn der Zeitrechnung, das + f\u00fcr den Beginn der Zeitrechnung und folgende Jahre.<br><br>(Angaben werden f\u00fcr interne Zwecke, z.B. f\u00fcr Sortierung nach Zeit, ben\u00f6tigt)<br><br><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#660000;\">Bitte immer ausf\u00fcllen<\/b>",
"zaehlzeit1_explica": "<b>Feld: Jahr<\/b><br>Bitte eine Jahreszahl (vierstellig) angeben.<br>Bei Zeitr\u00e4umen ist die Mitte zu nennen,<br> Bsp: Zeitbegriff=\"19. Jahrhundert\" -> Z\u00e4hlzeit=\"1850\"<br><br><b>Feld: [+\/-]<\/b><br>Das - steht f\u00fcr Zeiten vor Beginn der Zeitrechnung, das + f\u00fcr den Beginn der Zeitrechnung und folgende Jahre.<br><br>(Angaben werden f\u00fcr interne Zwecke, z.B. f\u00fcr Sortierung nach Zeit, ben\u00f6tigt)",
"zaehlzeit2_explica": "<b>Feld: Tag<\/b> und <b>Feld: Monat<\/b><br>Bitte in zweistelliger Schreibweise angeben (\"08\",\"05\",...)<br><br><b>Feld: Jahr<\/b><br>Bitte eine Jahreszahl (vierstellig) angeben.<br>Bei Zeitr\u00e4umen ist die Mitte zu nennen,<br> Bsp: Zeitbegriff=\"19. Jahrhundert\" -> Z\u00e4hlzeit=\"1850\"<br><br><b>Feld: [+\/-]<\/b><br>Das - steht f\u00fcr Zeiten vor Beginn der Zeitrechnung, das + f\u00fcr den Beginn der Zeitrechnung und folgende Jahre.<br><br>(Angaben werden f\u00fcr interne Zwecke, z.B. f\u00fcr Sortierung nach Zeit, ben\u00f6tigt)<br><br><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#660000;\">Bitte immer ausf\u00fcllen<\/b>",
"zaehlzeit2_explica": "<b>Feld: Tag<\/b> und <b>Feld: Monat<\/b><br>Bitte in zweistelliger Schreibweise angeben (\"08\",\"05\",...)<br><br><b>Feld: Jahr<\/b><br>Bitte eine Jahreszahl (vierstellig) angeben.<br>Bei Zeitr\u00e4umen ist die Mitte zu nennen,<br> Bsp: Zeitbegriff=\"19. Jahrhundert\" -> Z\u00e4hlzeit=\"1850\"<br><br><b>Feld: [+\/-]<\/b><br>Das - steht f\u00fcr Zeiten vor Beginn der Zeitrechnung, das + f\u00fcr den Beginn der Zeitrechnung und folgende Jahre.<br><br>(Angaben werden f\u00fcr interne Zwecke, z.B. f\u00fcr Sortierung nach Zeit, ben\u00f6tigt)",
"no_timeterm": "Bitte einen Zeitbegriff eingeben!<\/p><p class=\"ohne\">[Ein beliebiger Zeitbegriff, z.B. \"1784\" oder \"12. Januar 1785\" oder \"Fr\u00fchmittelalter (500-800)\"]",
"no_timeterm": "Bitte einen Zeitbegriff eingeben!<\/p><p class=\"ohne\">[Ein beliebiger Zeitbegriff, z.B. \"1784\" oder \"12. Januar 1785\" oder \"Fr\u00fchmittelalter (500-800)\"]",
"not_exact": "Bitte keinen Zeitbegriff mit \"Um\" oder \"Ca.\" etc. beginnen lassen!<\/p><p class=\"ohne\">[Unscharfe Zuordnungen zu Zeitbegriffen lassen sich in der Ereignismaske eintragen.]",
"not_exact": "Bitte keinen Zeitbegriff mit \"Um\" oder \"Ca.\" etc. beginnen lassen!<\/p><p class=\"ohne\">[Unscharfe Zuordnungen zu Zeitbegriffen lassen sich in der Ereignismaske eintragen.]",
"no_start": "Bitte einen Zeitraumbeginn eingeben!<\/p><p class=\"ohne\">[Wenn der Zeitbegriff ein Jahr ist (z.B. \"1784\"), einfach wiederholen (z.B. \"1784\"). Bei Beginn eines Zeitraums vor der Zeitrechnung bitte ein \"-\" davor setzen (z.B. \"-1200\")]",
"no_start": "Bitte einen Zeitraumbeginn eingeben!<\/p><p class=\"ohne\">[Wenn der Zeitbegriff ein Jahr ist (z.B. \"1784\"), einfach wiederholen (z.B. \"1784\"). Bei Beginn eines Zeitraums vor der Zeitrechnung bitte ein \"-\" davor setzen (z.B. \"-1200\")]",
@ -31,10 +31,10 @@
"valid_month": "Bitte Monat korrekt angeben",
"valid_month": "Bitte Monat korrekt angeben",
"valid_day": "Bitte Tag korrekt angeben",
"valid_day": "Bitte Tag korrekt angeben",
"end_before_begin": "Der angegebene Zeitraum beginnt nachdem er geendet hat<\/p><p class=\"ohne\">[Bitte f\u00fcr Zeitraumbeginn eine kleinere Zahl als f\u00fcr Zeitraumende eingeben.]",
"end_before_begin": "Der angegebene Zeitraum beginnt nachdem er geendet hat<\/p><p class=\"ohne\">[Bitte f\u00fcr Zeitraumbeginn eine kleinere Zahl als f\u00fcr Zeitraumende eingeben.]",
"cha_intro": "<b>Achtung:<\/b> Dies \u00e4ndert Informationen, es \u00e4ndert <b style=\"color:#990000\">nicht<\/b> die Zuordnung dieses Zeitbegriffes zu Ereignissen oder Objekten",
"cha_intro": "<b>Achtung:<\/b> Dies \u00e4ndert Informationen, es \u00e4ndert <b>nicht<\/b> die Zuordnung dieses Zeitbegriffes zu Ereignissen oder Objekten",
"cha_counts": "Z\u00e4hlzeit",
"cha_counts": "Z\u00e4hlzeit",
"cha_remarks": "Kurze Anmerkung",
"cha_remarks": "Kurze Anmerkung",
"zeitanm_explica": "Anmerkungen sind vor allem wichtig, wenn es sich um umstrittene Zeitangaben handelt.<br><br><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#006600;\">Muss nicht ausgef\u00fcllt werden<\/b>",
"zeitanm_explica": "Anmerkungen sind vor allem wichtig, wenn es sich um umstrittene Zeitangaben handelt.<br><br><b>Muss nicht ausgef\u00fcllt werden<\/b>",
"no_vague_values": "Bitte keinen Zeitbegriff mit \"Um\" oder \"Ca.\" etc. beginnen lassen!<\/p><p class=\"ohne\">[Unscharfe Zuordnungen zu Zeitbegriffen lassen sich in der Ereignismaske eintragen.]",
"no_vague_values": "Bitte keinen Zeitbegriff mit \"Um\" oder \"Ca.\" etc. beginnen lassen!<\/p><p class=\"ohne\">[Unscharfe Zuordnungen zu Zeitbegriffen lassen sich in der Ereignismaske eintragen.]",
"time_delete": "Den Zeiteintrag l\u00f6schen",
"time_delete": "Den Zeiteintrag l\u00f6schen",
"time_annotated": "Anmerkung zum Zeiteintrag hinzugef\u00fcgt",
"time_annotated": "Anmerkung zum Zeiteintrag hinzugef\u00fcgt",
@ -11,31 +11,31 @@
"type_hero_first": "e.g. \"Odysseus\", \"Zeus\", or fictional characters like \"Red Riding Hood\" - if the character is meant.",
"type_hero_first": "e.g. \"Odysseus\", \"Zeus\", or fictional characters like \"Red Riding Hood\" - if the character is meant.",
"type_hero_explica": "When adding a \"god, ghost, hero\", please mind: In theory, you could add any person that has no given name here. You should however take care to keep the added person distinguishable. For example, it is impossible to identify a \"Smith\" (as a surname). In such cases, just do not enter anything.",
"type_hero_explica": "When adding a \"god, ghost, hero\", please mind: In theory, you could add any person that has no given name here. You should however take care to keep the added person distinguishable. For example, it is impossible to identify a \"Smith\" (as a surname). In such cases, just do not enter anything.",
"institution_name": "Name of institution",
"institution_name": "Name of institution",
"nameinst_explica": "Concrete name of an institution\r\n \r\nExample: Heavy machinery combine \"Ernst Th\u00e4lmann\"\r\n\r\n<br\/><br\/><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#660000;\">Please always fill in this field<\/b>",
"nameinst_explica": "Concrete name of an institution\r\n \r\nExample: Heavy machinery combine \"Ernst Th\u00e4lmann\"",
"institution_short": "Abbreviation for institution",
"institution_short": "Abbreviation for institution",
"kurznameinst_explica": "Some institutions have set abbreviations<br\/><br\/>Example:<br\/>Allgemeine Elektricit\u00e4ts-Gesellschaft -> AEG<br\/><br\/><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#006600;\">Does not need to be filled in<\/b>",
"kurznameinst_explica": "Some institutions have set abbreviations<br\/><br\/>Example:<br\/>Allgemeine Elektricit\u00e4ts-Gesellschaft -> AEG",
"short_description": "Short desription",
"short_description": "Short desription",
"kurzbeschinst_explica": "Short description <br\/><br\/>Example \"Founded 1897. Renamed... in 1904. Closed shop in 1921.\"<br\/><br\/><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#006600;\">Does not need to be filled in<\/b>",
"kurzbeschinst_explica": "Short description <br\/><br\/>Example \"Founded 1897. Renamed... in 1904. Closed shop in 1921.\"",
"hero_name": "Name",
"hero_name": "Name",
"geistname_explica": "Example:<br\/>Zeus, Peleus, Red Riding Hood (fictional character)<br\/><br\/>Basically, you can add any person, that has no given name here! But, it must be possible to identify the person. If you just add \"Smith\" because you do not know the given name here you will cause incorrect links between the object to <b>anybody<\/b> named \"Smith\". In such cases, it is better, to not enter a name at all.<br\/><br\/><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#660000;\">Please always fill in this field<\/b>",
"geistname_explica": "Example:<br\/>Zeus, Peleus, Red Riding Hood (fictional character)<br\/><br\/>Basically, you can add any person, that has no given name here! But, it must be possible to identify the person. If you just add \"Smith\" because you do not know the given name here you will cause incorrect links between the object to <b>anybody<\/b> named \"Smith\". In such cases, it is better, to not enter a name at all.",
"kurzbeschpers_explica": "Short description<br\/><br\/>Example: \"Painter, Author, Actor, born 1817 in Hamburg\"<br\/><br\/><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#006600;\">Does not need to be filled in<\/b>",
"kurzbeschpers_explica": "Short description<br\/><br\/>Example: \"Painter, Author, Actor, born 1817 in Hamburg\"",
"name_first": "First name(s)",
"name_first": "First name(s)",
"vorname_explica": "You can list all first names of a person<br\/><br\/>Example:<br\/>\"Georg Friedrich\" (Händel)<br\/>\"Gotthold Ephraim\" (Lessing)<br\/><br\/>It makes little sense to add a person if only the surname is known (How could two people from the same family be distinguished?) If you do not know the first name you might add their occupation as a name (e.g. Blacksmith)<br\/><br\/><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#660000;\">Please always fill in this field<\/b>",
"vorname_explica": "You can list all first names of a person<br\/><br\/>Example:<br\/>\"Georg Friedrich\" (Händel)<br\/>\"Gotthold Ephraim\" (Lessing)<br\/><br\/>It makes little sense to add a person if only the surname is known (How could two people from the same family be distinguished?) If you do not know the first name you might add their occupation as a name (e.g. Blacksmith)",
"name_first_short": "Abbreviation (First name)",
"name_first_short": "Abbreviation (First name)",
"namenskuerzel_explica": "Example:<br\/>\"G. F.\" for Georg Friedrich Händel<br\/>\"Gotthold E.\" for Lessing<br\/><br\/><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#006600;\">Only fill in this field if necessary<\/b>",
"namenskuerzel_explica": "Example:<br\/>\"G. F.\" for Georg Friedrich Händel<br\/>\"Gotthold E.\" for Lessing<br\/><br\/><b>Only fill in this field if necessary<\/b>",
"surname": "Surname",
"surname": "Surname",
"nachname_explica": "Add prepositions used for names of the nobility after the given name<br\/><br\/>Examples:<br\/>Goethe (Given name: Johann Wolfgang von)<br\/>Sachsen-Weimar (Given name: Bernhard von)<br\/><br\/><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#660000;\">Please always fill in this field<\/b>",
"nachname_explica": "Add prepositions used for names of the nobility after the given name<br\/><br\/>Examples:<br\/>Goethe (Given name: Johann Wolfgang von)<br\/>Sachsen-Weimar (Given name: Bernhard von)",
"year_birth": "Year of birth",
"year_birth": "Year of birth",
"geburtsjahr_explica": "Always a year (number, <b>four digits<\/b>)<br\/><br\/>Example: 1815<br\/><br\/><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#660000;\">Please always fill in this field<\/b>",
"geburtsjahr_explica": "Always a year (number, <b>four digits<\/b>)<br\/><br\/>Example: 1815",
"year_death": "Year of death",
"year_death": "Year of death",
"no_name": "Please enter a correct name",
"no_name": "Please enter a correct name",
"name_needed": "A name is required",
"name_needed": "A name is required",
"surname_needed": "A surname is required",
"surname_needed": "A surname is required",
"change_intro": "<b>Attention:<\/b> This changes information, it does <b style=\"color:#990000\">NOT<\/b> change the relation of this person or institution to an event or object",
"change_intro": "<b>Attention:<\/b> This changes information, it does <b>NOT<\/b> change the relation of this person or institution to an event or object",
"name_long": "Long name",
"name_long": "Long name",
"langbezeichnung_explica": "Please put names of persons in the form:<br\/>[First name][ ][Surname][ (][Year of birth][-][Year of death][)]<br\/><br\/>Example (person): Achenbach Andreas (1815-1910)<br\/><br\/>If the years are unknown, put name in \"normal form\"<br\/>Example: \"Andreas Achenbach\"<br\/><br\/>Please put names of institutions in \"normal form\"<br\/>Example: Brauerei Landsberg GmbH<br\/><br\/>If name of institution is also a person's name please add \"(company)\" at the end of the string<br\/>Example: \"A. Lehmann (company)\"<br\/><br\/><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#660000;\">Please always fill in this field<\/b>",
"langbezeichnung_explica": "Please put names of persons in the form:<br\/>[First name][ ][Surname][ (][Year of birth][-][Year of death][)]<br\/><br\/>Example (person): Achenbach Andreas (1815-1910)<br\/><br\/>If the years are unknown, put name in \"normal form\"<br\/>Example: \"Andreas Achenbach\"<br\/><br\/>Please put names of institutions in \"normal form\"<br\/>Example: Brauerei Landsberg GmbH<br\/><br\/>If name of institution is also a person's name please add \"(company)\" at the end of the string<br\/>Example: \"A. Lehmann (company)\"",
"name_short": "Short name",
"name_short": "Short name",
"kurzbezeichnung_explica": "Please put name of persons in the form:<br\/>[Surname][,][First name]<br\/>Example: Achenbach, Andreas<br\/><br\/>Please put name of institution in \"normal form\"<br\/>Example: Brauerei Landsberg GmbH<br\/><br\/>If name of institution is a person name please put \"(company)\" behind<br\/>Example: \"A. Lehmann (company)\"<br\/><br\/><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#660000;\">Please always fill in this field<\/b>",
"kurzbezeichnung_explica": "Please put name of persons in the form:<br\/>[Surname][,][First name]<br\/>Example: Achenbach, Andreas<br\/><br\/>Please put name of institution in \"normal form\"<br\/>Example: Brauerei Landsberg GmbH<br\/><br\/>If name of institution is a person name please put \"(company)\" behind<br\/>Example: \"A. Lehmann (company)\"",
"status": "Status",
"status": "Status",
"remark_change_year": "<b>Attention<\/b>: If you change the year of birth or year of death - please do not forget to correct the long name",
"remark_change_year": "<b>Attention<\/b>: If you change the year of birth or year of death - please do not forget to correct the long name",
"no_long_name": "Please enter a name for the person or institution!",
"no_long_name": "Please enter a name for the person or institution!",
@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
"collection": {
"collection": {
"name": "Collection title",
"name": "Collection title",
"samnam_explica": "Use a short title - This title will be displayed in tables and lists.<br><br>Example 1: \"Paintings\"<br>Example 2: \"Collection on brewing beer\"<br>Example 3: \"Estate of Illies\"<br><br><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#660000;\">Please always fill in this field!<\/b>",
"samnam_explica": "Use a short title - This title will be displayed in tables and lists.<br><br>Example 1: \"Paintings\"<br>Example 2: \"Collection on brewing beer\"<br>Example 3: \"Estate of Illies\"",
"description": "Description",
"description": "Description",
"sambesch_explica": "A description of the collection. A good length is about 1000 characters (one to two paragraphs).<br><br>Possible questions: What topics does the collection deal with? How many objects regarding these are included? What led to the creation of the collection? Are there any special objects in this collection?<br><br>A very thorough description is an option, too. In case you want to have this, please send the description to the administrator<br><br><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#660000;\">Please always fill in this field!<\/b>",
"sambesch_explica": "A description of the collection. A good length is about 1000 characters (one to two paragraphs).<br><br>Possible questions: What topics does the collection deal with? How many objects regarding these are included? What led to the creation of the collection? Are there any special objects in this collection?<br><br>A very thorough description is an option, too. In case you want to have this, please send the description to the administrator",
"link_to_source": "Link to external source",
"link_to_source": "Link to external source",
"samurl_explica": "Here you can enter a link to an external website, that has further information on the collection.<br><br>Please provide an absolute URL: Keep the \"http:\/\/\" or \"https:\/\/\" at the start of the URL.<br><br><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#006600;\">This field can be left empty<\/b>",
"samurl_explica": "Here you can enter a link to an external website, that has further information on the collection.<br><br>Please provide an absolute URL: Keep the \"http:\/\/\" or \"https:\/\/\" at the start of the URL",
"mail": "Mail address for collection",
"mail": "Mail address for collection",
"sammail_explica": "A mail address for questions regarding the collection. If an E-mail address has been entered here, users will be given the option to ask for information or send notes via E-mail below the objects included in this collection. In this case, the recipient line of the mail formular will be automatically filled in with the respective information.<br><br><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#006600;\">This field can be left empty<\/b>",
"sammail_explica": "A mail address for questions regarding the collection. If an E-mail address has been entered here, users will be given the option to ask for information or send notes via E-mail below the objects included in this collection. In this case, the recipient line of the mail formular will be automatically filled in with the respective information.",
"image_click": "Target for click on image",
"image_click": "Target for click on image",
"sambild_explica": "Just enter anything, if you want to upload an image. The URL put into this field will be used as a link for when users click on the image of the collection.<br><br>Please use an absolute URL: Keep the \"http:\/\/\" or \"https:\/\/\" at the start of the URL.<br><br><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#006600;\">This field can be left empty<\/b>",
"sambild_explica": "Just enter anything, if you want to upload an image. The URL put into this field will be used as a link for when users click on the image of the collection.<br><br>Please use an absolute URL: Keep the \"http:\/\/\" or \"https:\/\/\" at the start of the URL.",
"factsheet": "Link to fact sheet",
"factsheet": "Link to fact sheet",
"samdaba_explica": "Please leave this field empty!<br><br>The internal place a document with a thorough description of the collection will be saved here. Usually this document is saved as a .PDF file.",
"samdaba_explica": "Please leave this field empty!<br><br>The internal place a document with a thorough description of the collection will be saved here. Usually this document is saved as a .PDF file.",
"no_name": "Please enter the title of the collection!<\/p><p class=\"ohne\">[A collection without a title will be hard to find]",
"no_name": "Please enter the title of the collection!<\/p><p class=\"ohne\">[A collection without a title will be hard to find]",
@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
"firstsaved_by": "First edit by",
"firstsaved_by": "First edit by",
"addendum": "Additional information",
"addendum": "Additional information",
"administration": "Object administration",
"administration": "Object administration",
"backup_intro": "The backup you are creating contains <b>all<\/b> informationen from <b>all<\/b> objects of your institution. Especially if you use museum-digital for inventory, keep in mind: <\/p><p style=\"text-align:center\"><br><b style=\"color:993333;\">Don't give this backup to anyone!<\/b><\/p><p>As soon as you click the button below the server will create a ZIP-file. This file contains many small files - one per object. Immediately after creation the server sends you this file automatically. Please store this file in a safe place. Backups should be made at fixed intervals (e.g. every second week). If there is a lot of data the creation of the backup might take some time. Please sit back and wait a moment ...",
"backup_intro": "The backup you are creating contains <b>all<\/b> informationen from <b>all<\/b> objects of your institution. Especially if you use museum-digital for inventory, keep in mind: <\/p><p><br><b>Don't give this backup to anyone!<\/b><\/p><p>As soon as you click the button below the server will create a ZIP-file. This file contains many small files - one per object. Immediately after creation the server sends you this file automatically. Please store this file in a safe place. Backups should be made at fixed intervals (e.g. every second week). If there is a lot of data the creation of the backup might take some time. Please sit back and wait a moment ...",
"exact_location_place_two": "Exact location, name of place 2",
"exact_location_place_two": "Exact location, name of place 2",
"exact_location_place_relation_two": "Exact location, relations to place 2",
"exact_location_place_relation_two": "Exact location, relations to place 2",
"exact_location_place_longitude_two": "Exact location, longitude of place 2",
"exact_location_place_longitude_two": "Exact location, longitude of place 2",
@ -7,19 +7,19 @@
"replace_all": "All three versions",
"replace_all": "All three versions",
"replace_remark": "The medium-size version is on display. Because of later edits the smaller or larger version might differ.",
"replace_remark": "The medium-size version is on display. Because of later edits the smaller or larger version might differ.",
"image_name": "Name of image",
"image_name": "Name of image",
"bildname_explica": "The image name is important for<br\/>• search engine optimization (\"Title-Tags\")<br\/>• overview in the list of representations.<br\/><br\/>In most cases it suffices to repeat the name of the object represented.<br\/><br\/>[Default value is object name]<br\/><br\/><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#660000;\">Please always fill out<\/b>",
"bildname_explica": "The image name is important for<br\/>• search engine optimization (\"Title-Tags\")<br\/>• overview in the list of representations.<br\/><br\/>In most cases it suffices to repeat the name of the object represented.<br\/><br\/>[Default value is object name]",
"image_description": "Image description",
"image_description": "Image description",
"bildbesch_explica": "Here you can store annotations and remarks concerning the object representation (<b style=\"color:#990000;\">NOT<\/b> concerning the object itself) <br\/><br\/>Example 1: \"Detail\"<br\/>Example 2: \"Rear side\"<br\/>Example 3: \"1 of 4\"<br\/><br\/><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#006600;\">Might be left empty<\/b>",
"bildbesch_explica": "Here you can store annotations and remarks concerning the object representation (<b>NOT<\/b> concerning the object itself) <br\/><br\/>Example 1: \"Detail\"<br\/>Example 2: \"Rear side\"<br\/>Example 3: \"1 of 4\"",
"image_folder": "Image folder",
"image_folder": "Image folder",
"ordner_explica": "The image folder is shown during the uploading process. Usually it starts with the word \"images\", the year, the month. For example: \"images 201504\"<br\/><br\/><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#660000;\">Please always fill out<\/b>",
"ordner_explica": "The image folder is shown during the uploading process. Usually it starts with the word \"images\", the year, the month. For example: \"images 201504\"",
"image_filename": "Image filename",
"image_filename": "Image filename",
"dateiname_explica": "The filename of the image is shown during the uploading process. It has to be provided including the extension (eg. \"317.jpg\" instead of \"317)<br\/><br\/><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#660000;\">Please always fill out<\/b>",
"dateiname_explica": "The filename of the image is shown during the uploading process. It has to be provided including the extension (eg. \"317.jpg\" instead of \"317)",
"photographer": "Photographer",
"photographer": "Photographer",
"creator_explica": "Even if you work on behalf of the museum, photographers have a right of naming. If known, enter the photographer's name here, it will then appear below the image in the enlarged view. \r\nPlease enter only the name.<br\/><br\/>Example: \"A. Schnitzler\"<br\/>Example: \"Manfred Zweigelt\"<br\/><br\/><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#660000;\">Please always fill out<\/b>",
"creator_explica": "Even if you work on behalf of the museum, photographers have a right of naming. If known, enter the photographer's name here, it will then appear below the image in the enlarged view. \r\nPlease enter only the name.<br\/><br\/>Example: \"A. Schnitzler\"<br\/>Example: \"Manfred Zweigelt\"",
"image_rightsholder": "Rights holder of the image",
"image_rightsholder": "Rights holder of the image",
"owner_explica": "Who owns the digital representation of the object?\"<br\/><br\/><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#660000;\">Please always fill out<\/b>",
"owner_explica": "Who owns the digital representation of the object?\"",
"rights_status": "Rights status of the image",
"rights_status": "Rights status of the image",
"rechte_explica": "Which <b style=\"color:#000099;\">license applies for the image<\/b> (in all sizes) apply?<br\/>i.e. <b style=\"color:#990000;\">NOT<\/b> rights of the displayed object<br\/>E.g. <b style=\"color:#990000\">NOT<\/b> rights of previews<br\/><br\/><br\/>Please select a value from the list (left)<br\/>More information available by clicking the brown [i] (right)<br\/><br\/>[Default: CC BY-NC-SA]",
"rechte_explica": "Which <b>license applies for the image<\/b> (in all sizes) apply?<br\/>i.e. <b >NOT<\/b> rights of the displayed object<br\/>E.g. <b>NOT<\/b> rights of previews<br\/><br\/><br\/>Please select a value from the list (left)<br\/>More information available by clicking the brown [i] (right)<br\/><br\/>[Default: CC BY-NC-SA]",
"rights_allowed": "Selectable legal forms",
"rights_allowed": "Selectable legal forms",
"info_needed": "You have to name the rights holder and rights status",
"info_needed": "You have to name the rights holder and rights status",
"image_connect": "Link with an object",
"image_connect": "Link with an object",
@ -75,4 +75,4 @@
"deleted": "The resource has been removed",
"deleted": "The resource has been removed",
"uploaded": "The image has been uploaded"
"uploaded": "The image has been uploaded"
@ -3,14 +3,14 @@
"link_explica": "Please enter sources from anywhere else on the Internet here. The sources should have a close relation to the object. Please do not enter links to sources, which focus on the creator instead of the object itself. Keep in mind, linking is only worthwhile if the source is trustworthy and it is probable that it will not vanish too soon. For example: private homepages often disappear soon after they have been created.",
"link_explica": "Please enter sources from anywhere else on the Internet here. The sources should have a close relation to the object. Please do not enter links to sources, which focus on the creator instead of the object itself. Keep in mind, linking is only worthwhile if the source is trustworthy and it is probable that it will not vanish too soon. For example: private homepages often disappear soon after they have been created.",
"link_not_listed": "If you want to link to a source that is not yet listed, please click here",
"link_not_listed": "If you want to link to a source that is not yet listed, please click here",
"text": "Display text",
"text": "Display text",
"linkname_explica": "This text will be displayed along with the object. It should be as short as possible. If it links to Wikipedia, please start it like this: \"Wikipedia entry about ...\"<br><br><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#660000;\">Please always fill in this field!<\/b>",
"linkname_explica": "This text will be displayed along with the object. It should be as short as possible. If it links to Wikipedia, please start it like this: \"Wikipedia entry about ...\"",
"url": "URL (with http:\/\/ or https:\/\/)",
"url": "URL (with http:\/\/ or https:\/\/)",
"linklink_explica": "Please enter an absolute URL here! (That means, incl. \"http:\/\/\" or \"https:\/\/\")<br><br><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#660000;\">Please always fill in this field!<\/b>",
"linklink_explica": "Please enter an absolute URL here! (That means, incl. \"http:\/\/\" or \"https:\/\/\")",
"no_text": "Please enter a text for displaying the link!<\/p><p class=\"ohne\">Users will click on this text to activate the link. It is also used to identify the link in the editing\/adding tool. E.g.: \"Wikipedia entry about...\"",
"no_text": "Please enter a text for displaying the link!<\/p><p class=\"ohne\">Users will click on this text to activate the link. It is also used to identify the link in the editing\/adding tool. E.g.: \"Wikipedia entry about...\"",
"no_url": "Please enter a URL to link to!<\/p><p class=\"ohne\">The URL of the website the link leads to.",
"no_url": "Please enter a URL to link to!<\/p><p class=\"ohne\">The URL of the website the link leads to.",
"document_explica": "* Here you can upload documents related to the object (as PDF files exclusively) - or just link the object with an already existing document",
"document_explica": "* Here you can upload documents related to the object (as PDF files exclusively) - or just link the object with an already existing document",
"document_not_listed": "If the document is not listed, please click here",
"document_not_listed": "If the document is not listed, please click here",
"objobj_explica": "* Please use this function only if you want to link a <b style=\"color:006600;\">single object<\/b> with <b style=\"color:#006600;\">another single object<\/b>.<br>* Please <b style=\"color:#990000;\">do not<\/b> use it if you want to link it with a group (2 or more) of objects.",
"objobj_explica": "* Please use this function only if you want to link a <b>single object<\/b> with <b>another single object<\/b>.<br>* Please <b>do not<\/b> use it if you want to link it with a group (2 or more) of objects.",
"link_from": "First",
"link_from": "First",
"single_to": "You are about to link to another object at museum-digital. Please enter the ID of the target object here",
"single_to": "You are about to link to another object at museum-digital. Please enter the ID of the target object here",
"single_target": "Target object",
"single_target": "Target object",
@ -24,9 +24,9 @@
"series_make_part": "You may make the object part of an existing object group",
"series_make_part": "You may make the object part of an existing object group",
"series_create_series": "You may create a new object group",
"series_create_series": "You may create a new object group",
"series_name": "Name of object group",
"series_name": "Name of object group",
"seriename_explica": "This text is the name of the object group\/series in the editing tool and it is used for overview functions. No name of a series may exist more than once.<br><br><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#660000;\">Please always fill in this field!<\/b>",
"seriename_explica": "This text is the name of the object group\/series in the editing tool and it is used for overview functions. No name of a series may exist more than once.",
"series_description": "Description of object group",
"series_description": "Description of object group",
"serietext_explica": "This text will serve as the description of the object group\/series\/album\/maps ...<br>Suggestions on content: What similarities do the objects share? How many objects are contained? Are there any notable facts about the group\/album\/series?<br><br><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#660000;\">Please always fill in this field!<\/b>",
"serietext_explica": "This text will serve as the description of the object group\/series\/album\/maps ...<br>Suggestions on content: What similarities do the objects share? How many objects are contained? Are there any notable facts about the group\/album\/series?",
"series_no_name": "Please enter a title for the series!<\/p><p class=\"ohne\">A short title is best! A series name may not occur more than once ",
"series_no_name": "Please enter a title for the series!<\/p><p class=\"ohne\">A short title is best! A series name may not occur more than once ",
"series_no_description": "Please enter a description for the series!<\/p><p class=\"ohne\">A description of the series as a text. There are no limitations to the length of the text.",
"series_no_description": "Please enter a description for the series!<\/p><p class=\"ohne\">A description of the series as a text. There are no limitations to the length of the text.",
"series_back_object": "Back to object",
"series_back_object": "Back to object",
@ -88,6 +88,7 @@
"deleted_image": "Deleted image",
"deleted_image": "Deleted image",
"uploaded_image": "The object group image was uploaded",
"uploaded_image": "The object group image was uploaded",
"11": "",
"11": "",
"87": ""
"87": "",
"88": ""
@ -2,13 +2,13 @@
"literature": {
"literature": {
"if_unknown": "If the bibliography is not listed below, please click here",
"if_unknown": "If the bibliography is not listed below, please click here",
"author": "Author",
"author": "Author",
"autor_explica": "Name in reverse order, that means:<br\/>[Surname][, ][First name]<br><br>Example 1: \"Albrecht, Rainer\"<br>Example 2: \"Puhle, Matthias (Ed.)\"<br><br><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#660000;\">Please always fill in this field!<\/b>",
"autor_explica": "Name in reverse order, that means:<br\/>[Surname][, ][First name]<br><br>Example 1: \"Albrecht, Rainer\"<br>Example 2: \"Puhle, Matthias (Ed.)\"",
"year": "Date of publication",
"year": "Date of publication",
"jahr_explica": "Year of publication (Year)<br><br><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#660000;\">Please always fill in this field!<\/b>",
"jahr_explica": "Year of publication (Year)",
"title": "Title",
"title": "Title",
"titel_explica": "Title of the work<br><br><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#660000;\">Please always fill in this field!<\/b>",
"titel_explica": "Title of the work",
"place": "Place of publication",
"place": "Place of publication",
"ort_explica": "Book: Place the book was published at<br>Article: Name of the magazine\/newspaper the article was published in, page numbers and an \"In: \" at the start.<br><br>Example 1: \"London\"<br>Example 2: \"In: Merkur, Vol. 27, P.7-54\"<br><br><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#660000;\">Please always fill in this field!<\/b>",
"ort_explica": "Book: Place the book was published at<br>Article: Name of the magazine\/newspaper the article was published in, page numbers and an \"In: \" at the start.<br><br>Example 1: \"London\"<br>Example 2: \"In: Merkur, Vol. 27, P.7-54\"",
"kvk": "Link in KVK",
"kvk": "Link in KVK",
"kvk_explica": "The arrow on the right opens a search window in the Karlsruhe Virtual Catalog (KVK). Please only fill in if the literature was found there. After finding the literature, please copy the whole URL into this field. Please only fill in links to the KVK. No links to the DNB or to regional groups.",
"kvk_explica": "The arrow on the right opens a search window in the Karlsruhe Virtual Catalog (KVK). Please only fill in if the literature was found there. After finding the literature, please copy the whole URL into this field. Please only fill in links to the KVK. No links to the DNB or to regional groups.",
"no_autor": "Please enter the name of the author",
"no_autor": "Please enter the name of the author",
@ -22,19 +22,19 @@
"literature_show_assigned": "Show only entries that are assigned to an institution",
"literature_show_assigned": "Show only entries that are assigned to an institution",
"literature_show_notassigned": "Show only entries that are NOT assigned to an institution",
"literature_show_notassigned": "Show only entries that are NOT assigned to an institution",
"abbr": "Abbreviation",
"abbr": "Abbreviation",
"abbr_explica": "An abbreviation for this entry<br><br><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#006600;\">Can be left empty<\/b>",
"abbr_explica": "An abbreviation for this entry",
"id_in_museum": "ID (in museum)",
"id_in_museum": "ID (in museum)",
"id_in_museum_explica": "The ID of the literature in the library of the museum<br><br><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#006600;\">Can be left empty<\/b>",
"id_in_museum_explica": "The ID of the literature in the library of the museum",
"annotation": "Annotations (internal)",
"annotation": "Annotations (internal)",
"annotation_explica": "Any remarks concerning this literatur will not be published<br><br><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#006600;\">Can be left empty<\/b>",
"annotation_explica": "Any remarks concerning this literatur will not be published",
"isbn": "ISBN",
"isbn": "ISBN",
"isbn_explica": "The ISBN of the book. It does not matter if you type in dashes or use ISBN10 or ISBN13.<br><br><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#660000;\">Can be left empty<\/b>",
"isbn_explica": "The ISBN of the book. It does not matter if you type in dashes or use ISBN10 or ISBN13.",
"isbn_explica_auto": "The ISBN of the book. It does not matter if you type in dashes or use ISBN10 or ISBN13.<br>If you enther an ISBN here and store it, you will open the opportunity to retrieve information book from the Library of Congress (Washington) by clicking on the arrow to the right. If you like you can thus overwrite your entry.<br><br><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#660000;\">Can be left empty<\/b>",
"isbn_explica_auto": "The ISBN of the book. It does not matter if you type in dashes or use ISBN10 or ISBN13.<br>If you enther an ISBN here and store it, you will open the opportunity to retrieve information book from the Library of Congress (Washington) by clicking on the arrow to the right. If you like you can thus overwrite your entry.",
"gnd": "National Library",
"gnd": "National Library",
"gnd_short": "NatLib",
"gnd_short": "NatLib",
"gnd_explica": "The number of the book in the catalogue of the National Library<br><br><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#660000;\">Can be left empty<\/b>",
"gnd_explica": "The number of the book in the catalogue of the National Library",
"online": "Online version",
"online": "Online version",
"online_explica": "Link to a version of the literature available online.<br>Please include http:\/\/ or https:\/\/<br><br><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#660000;\">Can be left empty<\/b>",
"online_explica": "Link to a version of the literature available online.<br>Please include http:\/\/ or https:\/\/",
"no_relation": "Please assign the bibliography to an institution",
"no_relation": "Please assign the bibliography to an institution",
"inlit_added": "Reference to a place in a literature has been stored",
"inlit_added": "Reference to a place in a literature has been stored",
"inlit_removed": "Reference to a place in a literature has been removed",
"inlit_removed": "Reference to a place in a literature has been removed",
@ -5,27 +5,27 @@
"obj_short": "Obj.",
"obj_short": "Obj.",
"export": "Export",
"export": "Export",
"museum_name": "Name of museum",
"museum_name": "Name of museum",
"musnam_explica": "The name is listed in tables, so please keep it as short as possible <br><br><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#660000;\">Please always fill in this field!<\/b>",
"musnam_explica": "The name is listed in tables, so please keep it as short as possible.",
"museum_description": "Description",
"museum_description": "Description",
"musbesch_explica": "A description of the museum as an institution dedicated to collecting, safe-keeping, and research. A good length is about 1000 characters (one to two paragraphs).<br><br>Of course, a very thorough description is an option, too. If you prefer this, please send the description to the administrator.<br><br><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#660000;\">Please always fill in this field!<\/b>",
"musbesch_explica": "A description of the museum as an institution dedicated to collecting, safe-keeping, and research. A good length is about 1000 characters (one to two paragraphs).<br><br>Of course, a very thorough description is an option, too. If you prefer this, please send the description to the administrator.",
"street_house": "Street address",
"street_house": "Street address",
"musstra_explica": "Street adress<br><br>Example 1: \"Am Rathaus 1\"<br>Example 2: \"Unterweg 12a\"<br>Example 3: \"Rathausplatz\"<br><br><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#660000;\">Please always fill in this field!<\/b>",
"musstra_explica": "Street adress<br><br>Example 1: \"Am Rathaus 1\"<br>Example 2: \"Unterweg 12a\"<br>Example 3: \"Rathausplatz\"",
"zip_place": "Zip code and city",
"zip_place": "Zip code and city",
"musplz_explica": "Zip code and city<br><br>Example 1: \"06811 Landsberg\"<br>Example 2: \"33649 Bielefeld-Holtkamp\"<br><br><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#660000;\">Please always fill in this field!<\/b>",
"musplz_explica": "Zip code and city<br><br>Example 1: \"06811 Landsberg\"<br>Example 2: \"33649 Bielefeld-Holtkamp\"",
"telefone": "Phone number",
"telefone": "Phone number",
"musfon_explica": "There are no rules on the formatting here but don't enter something like \"Tel. ...\". Enter the immediate number only.<br><br>Example 1: (0366) 121214<br>Example 2: 0366-121214<br><br><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#006600;\">This field can be left empty<\/b>",
"musfon_explica": "There are no rules on the formatting here but don't enter something like \"Tel. ...\". Enter the immediate number only.<br><br>Example 1: (0366) 121214<br>Example 2: 0366-121214",
"telefax": "Telefax number",
"telefax": "Telefax number",
"musfax_explica": "There are no rules on the formatting here but don't enter something like \"Fax ...\". Enter the immediate number only.<br><br>Example 1: (0366) 121214<br>Example 2: 0366-121214<br><br><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#006600;\">This field can be left empty<\/b>",
"musfax_explica": "There are no rules on the formatting here but don't enter something like \"Fax ...\". Enter the immediate number only.<br><br>Example 1: (0366) 121214<br>Example 2: 0366-121214",
"mail": "Mail address",
"mail": "Mail address",
"musmail_explica": "Please enter a main mail address of the museum here<br><br>If an E-mail address has been entered here, users will have the option to ask for information or send notes by mail below the museum's objects. To not offer this option to the users, please leave this field empty.<br><br><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#006600;\">This field can be left empty<\/b>",
"musmail_explica": "Please enter a main mail address of the museum here<br><br>If an E-mail address has been entered here, users will have the option to ask for information or send notes by mail below the museum's objects. To not offer this option to the users, please leave this field empty.",
"isil": "ISIL of museum",
"isil": "ISIL of museum",
"musisil_explica": "Enter the ISIL number of your museum. ISIL numbers are especially important for the electronic exchange of data.<br><br>You can find your museum\u00b4s ISIL number at:<br><a href=\"http:\/\/\" target=\"blank\"><img src=\"img\/go.gif\" alt=\"Go to\"><\/a><br><br><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#006600;\">This field can be left empty<\/b>",
"musisil_explica": "Enter the ISIL number of your museum. ISIL numbers are especially important for the electronic exchange of data.<br><br>You can find your museum\u00b4s ISIL number at:<br><a href=\"http:\/\/\" target=\"blank\"><img src=\"img\/go.gif\" alt=\"Go to\"><\/a>",
"url": "URL of museum\u00b4s website",
"url": "URL of museum\u00b4s website",
"musurl_explica": "Please enter the URL of your museum's website. If your museum does not have a website, you can simply ignore this field.<br><br>Please use an absolute URL: Keep the \"http:\/\/\" or \"https:\/\/\" at the beginning of the URL.<br><br><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#006600;\">This field can be left empty<\/b>",
"musurl_explica": "Please enter the URL of your museum's website. If your museum does not have a website, you can simply ignore this field.<br><br>Please use an absolute URL: Keep the \"http:\/\/\" or \"https:\/\/\" at the beginning of the URL.",
"association": "URL of museum association",
"association": "URL of museum association",
"musverb_explica": "Please enter the URL of the page of this museum on the museum associaton's website. If such a page does not exist, please just leave this field empty.<br><br>Please use an absolute URL: Keep the \"http:\/\/\" at the start of the URL.<br><br><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#006600;\">This field can be left empty<\/b>",
"musverb_explica": "Please enter the URL of the page of this museum on the museum associaton's website. If such a page does not exist, please just leave this field empty.<br><br>Please use an absolute URL: Keep the \"http:\/\/\" at the start of the URL.",
"target_image": "URL to click on image",
"target_image": "URL to click on image",
"musbild_explica": "Here you can enter a URL the user will be linked to upon clicking on the museum\u00b4s image. By this, the user might be linked to, for example, the website of the museum or a certain object on museum-digital.<br><br>Please use an absolute URL: Keep the \"http:\/\/\" or \"https:\/\/\" at the start of the URL.<br><br><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#006600;\">This field can be left empty<\/b>",
"musbild_explica": "Here you can enter a URL the user will be linked to upon clicking on the museum\u00b4s image. By this, the user might be linked to, for example, the website of the museum or a certain object on museum-digital.<br><br>Please use an absolute URL: Keep the \"http:\/\/\" or \"https:\/\/\" at the start of the URL.",
"datasheet": "Data sheet of the museum",
"datasheet": "Data sheet of the museum",
"musdaba_explica": "Please leave this field empty!<br><br>The internal place a document with a thorough description of your museum will be saved here. Usually this document is saved as a PDF file.",
"musdaba_explica": "Please leave this field empty!<br><br>The internal place a document with a thorough description of your museum will be saved here. Usually this document is saved as a PDF file.",
"no_name": "A museum's name is required!<\/p><p class=\"ohne\">[Every museum has a name. Please use a succinct short form of the name if possible.]",
"no_name": "A museum's name is required!<\/p><p class=\"ohne\">[Every museum has a name. Please use a succinct short form of the name if possible.]",
@ -155,4 +155,4 @@
"room_objects": "Objects from this room",
"room_objects": "Objects from this room",
"icon": "Icon"
"icon": "Icon"
@ -3,25 +3,25 @@
"placenames": "Place names",
"placenames": "Place names",
"intro": "- Use current or historical names of places (as in cities). You can also add geographical units like lakes, rivers, seas ...<br>- Use common names (Example: Dessau - not Dessau-Ro\u00dflau).<br>- Enter additives to the name if there are any: \"Halle (Saale)\" or \"Lutherstadt Wittenberg\" instead of \"Halle\" or \"Wittenberg\" respectively.<br>- Do not add districts if possible. If you add a district, please do so using the following format (Example): \"London OT Brixton\".",
"intro": "- Use current or historical names of places (as in cities). You can also add geographical units like lakes, rivers, seas ...<br>- Use common names (Example: Dessau - not Dessau-Ro\u00dflau).<br>- Enter additives to the name if there are any: \"Halle (Saale)\" or \"Lutherstadt Wittenberg\" instead of \"Halle\" or \"Wittenberg\" respectively.<br>- Do not add districts if possible. If you add a district, please do so using the following format (Example): \"London OT Brixton\".",
"placename": "Name of place",
"placename": "Name of place",
"ortsname_explica": "Enter common names of places. In case of districts, separate the city and the district by the string \"OT\":<br><br>Example 1: London <br>Example 2: Halle (Saale)<br>Example 3: New York OT Brooklyn<br>Example 4: Wales (in this case, add \"UK (Region) in the country line\"<br><br>If nothing else is appropriate, you can also add - e.g. - \"Italy\" as a place.<br><br><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#660000;\">Please always fill in this field!<\/b>",
"ortsname_explica": "Enter common names of places. In case of districts, separate the city and the district by the string \"OT\":<br><br>Example 1: London <br>Example 2: Halle (Saale)<br>Example 3: New York OT Brooklyn<br>Example 4: Wales (in this case, add \"UK (Region) in the country line\"<br><br>If nothing else is appropriate, you can also add - e.g. - \"Italy\" as a place.",
"placetype": "Type of place",
"placetype": "Type of place",
"ortstyp_explica": "If the place (or building) is <b>NOT<\/b> an existing place where people live (village, city, ...) and is <b>NOT<\/b> a currently existiting political unit (County, Federal state, ...) - Please choose a suitable type.<br><br>For currently existing villages, cities, countries, ... (and in cases of doubt) please leave empty<br><br>If the the place (or building) does not exist any longer, please select \"historic\"<br><br><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#006600;\">Only fill out if appropriate<\/b>",
"ortstyp_explica": "If the place (or building) is <b>NOT<\/b> an existing place where people live (village, city, ...) and is <b>NOT<\/b> a currently existiting political unit (County, Federal state, ...) - Please choose a suitable type.<br><br>For currently existing villages, cities, countries, ... (and in cases of doubt) please leave empty<br><br>If the the place (or building) does not exist any longer, please select \"historic\"",
"remarks": "Short Remarks",
"remarks": "Short Remarks",
"ortanm_explica": "At this place you can enter any hint to help people identify little known places (or buildings). Please keep it brief and concise. These remarks are for internal use only.<br><br><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#006600;\">Can be left empty<b>",
"ortanm_explica": "At this place you can enter any hint to help people identify little known places (or buildings). Please keep it brief and concise. These remarks are for internal use only.",
"no_name": "Please enter a place name",
"no_name": "Please enter a place name",
"geo_title": "Coordinates",
"geo_title": "Coordinates",
"geo_intro": "- You may correct the place name below - but then you have to click on \"Go!\"<br>- Please select place on map with a click.<br>- In the appearing bubble \"Send\/Save\" will appear. Click on it",
"geo_intro": "- You may correct the place name below - but then you have to click on \"Go!\"<br>- Please select place on map with a click.<br>- In the appearing bubble \"Send\/Save\" will appear. Click on it",
"change_intro": "<b>Attention:<\/b> This modifies information, it does <b style=\"color:#990000\">NOT<\/b> change the connection between place\/building and events or objects.",
"change_intro": "<b>Attention:<\/b> This modifies information, it does <b>NOT<\/b> change the connection between place\/building and events or objects.",
"country": "Country",
"country": "Country",
"staatsname_explica": "Please provide the name of the country, in which the place (or building) is located. In case the place is in more than one country, please give the political entity comprising all countries.<br><br><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#006600;\">Can be left empty<b>",
"staatsname_explica": "Please provide the name of the country, in which the place (or building) is located. In case the place is in more than one country, please give the political entity comprising all countries.",
"getty": "TGN (Getty)",
"getty": "TGN (Getty)",
"getty_explica": "The ID of the place in the Thesaurus of Geographic Names (TGN, Getty).<br>Use the arrow on the right to get the number (new window opens)<br><br><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#006600;\">Can be left empty<\/b>",
"getty_explica": "The ID of the place in the Thesaurus of Geographic Names (TGN, Getty).<br>Use the arrow on the right to get the number (new window opens)",
"geonames": "geonames",
"geonames": "geonames",
"geonames_explica": "The ID of the place at geonames.<br>Use the arrow on the right to get the number (new window opens)<br><br><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#006600;\">Can be left empty<\/b>",
"geonames_explica": "The ID of the place at geonames.<br>Use the arrow on the right to get the number (new window opens)",
"coordinates_northsouth": "Coordinates, North-South",
"coordinates_northsouth": "Coordinates, North-South",
"nw_explica": "Please use \".\" (dot) a decimal and numbers without \u00b0-symbol<br><br><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#660000;\">Please always fill out<b>",
"nw_explica": "Please use \".\" (dot) a decimal and numbers without \u00b0-symbol",
"coordinates_westeast": "Coordinates, West-East",
"coordinates_westeast": "Coordinates, West-East",
"zoom_explica": "The zoom used at the map.<br><br>Common values:<br>- Village: 10<br>- Small city: 9<br>- Larger city: 8<br>- Country: 7<br><br><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#660000;\">Please always fill out<\/b>",
"zoom_explica": "The zoom used at the map.<br><br>Common values:<br>- Village: 10<br>- Small city: 9<br>- Larger city: 8<br>- Country: 7",
"status": "Status",
"status": "Status",
"delete": "Delete the place",
"delete": "Delete the place",
"added": "Added a new place",
"added": "Added a new place",
@ -2,20 +2,20 @@
"resource_incha": {
"resource_incha": {
"replace_preview": "Replace preview",
"replace_preview": "Replace preview",
"resource_name": "Name of resource",
"resource_name": "Name of resource",
"bildname_explica": "The resource name is important for<br>• search engine optimization (\"title tag\")<br>• overview in the list of representations.<br><br>In most cases repeating the object's name is sufficient.<br><br>[Default value is object name]<br><br><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#660000;\">Please always fill out<\/b>",
"bildname_explica": "The resource name is important for<br>• search engine optimization (\"title tag\")<br>• overview in the list of representations.<br><br>In most cases repeating the object's name is sufficient.<br><br>[Default value is object name]",
"resource_description": "Resource description",
"resource_description": "Resource description",
"bildbesch_explica": "Here you can store annotations\/remarks concerning the representation (<b style=\"color:#990000;\">NOT<\/b> concerning the object itself) <br><br>Example 1: \"Detail\"<br>Example 2: \"Rear\"<br>Example 3: \"1 of 4\"<br><br><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#006600;\">Can be left empty<\/b>",
"bildbesch_explica": "Here you can store annotations\/remarks concerning the representation (<b>NOT<\/b> concerning the object itself) <br><br>Example 1: \"Detail\"<br>Example 2: \"Rear\"<br>Example 3: \"1 of 4\"",
"image_folder": "Resource folder",
"image_folder": "Resource folder",
"ordner_explica": "The image folder is displayed during the upload process. Usually it starts with the word \"images\", the year (e.g. \"2009\"), and the month (e.g. \"11\"). The name of the example: \"images 200911\"<br><br><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#660000;\">Please always fill out<\/b>",
"ordner_explica": "The image folder is displayed during the upload process. Usually it starts with the word \"images\", the year (e.g. \"2009\"), and the month (e.g. \"11\"). The name of the example: \"images 200911\"",
"image_filename": "Image file name",
"image_filename": "Image file name",
"dateiname_explica": "The image filename is displayed during the upload process. It has to be entered including the extension (eg. \"317.jpg\" instead of \"317)<br><br><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#660000;\">Please always fill out<\/b>",
"dateiname_explica": "The image filename is displayed during the upload process. It has to be entered including the extension (eg. \"317.jpg\" instead of \"317)",
"photographer": "Photographer",
"photographer": "Photographer",
"creator": "Author\/Producer",
"creator": "Author\/Producer",
"creator_explica": "What should appear below the representation if it is shown in a single view?<br><br>This is a good place to name contributors to a video or audio resource if the rights are with the museum <br><br><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#006600;\">Please always fill out<\/b>",
"creator_explica": "What should appear below the representation if it is shown in a single view?<br><br>This is a good place to name contributors to a video or audio resource if the rights are with the museum",
"resource_rightsholder": "Resource rights holder",
"resource_rightsholder": "Resource rights holder",
"owner_explica": "Who owns the rights of the digital resource?\"<br><br><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#660000;\">Please always fill out<\/b>",
"owner_explica": "Who owns the rights of the digital resource?",
"rights_status": "Legal status of the image",
"rights_status": "Legal status of the image",
"rechte_explica": "Which <b style=\"color:#000099;\">license<\/b> applies to the resource?<br>i.e. <b style=\"color:#990000;\">NOT<\/b> rights of the shown object<br>i.e. <b style=\"color:#990000\">NOT<\/b> rights of previews<br><br><br>Please choose a value from the list (left)<br>More information available by clicking the brown [i] (right)<br><br>[Default: CC BY-NC-SA]",
"rechte_explica": "Which <b>license<\/b> applies to the resource?<br>i.e. <b>NOT<\/b> rights of the shown object<br>i.e. <b>NOT<\/b> rights of previews<br><br><br>Please choose a value from the list (left)<br>More information available by clicking the brown [i] (right)<br><br>[Default: CC BY-NC-SA]",
"rights_allowed": "Selectable legal forms",
"rights_allowed": "Selectable legal forms",
"info_needed": "You have to name an image owner and a rights status",
"info_needed": "You have to name an image owner and a rights status",
"image_connect": "Add connection to an object",
"image_connect": "Add connection to an object",
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
"preview_general": "A preview (placeholder image, at least 200px wide) will be uploaded (must be present) or selected",
"preview_general": "A preview (placeholder image, at least 200px wide) will be uploaded (must be present) or selected",
"give_rightsinfo": "Rights pertaining to the external file are provided",
"give_rightsinfo": "Rights pertaining to the external file are provided",
"url": "URL (must include http:\/\/)",
"url": "URL (must include http:\/\/)",
"linklink_explica": "Please provide an absolute URL (must include \"http:\/\/\")<br><br><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#660000;\">Please always fill out<\/b>",
"linklink_explica": "Please provide an absolute URL (must include \"http:\/\/\")",
"no_url": "Please provide a link (URL) of the image file!<\/p><p class=\"ohne\">The URL of the file that should be linked.",
"no_url": "Please provide a link (URL) of the image file!<\/p><p class=\"ohne\">The URL of the file that should be linked.",
"url_not_complete": "Please provide an absolute URL!<\/p><p class=\"ohne\">URL has to begin with http:\/\/ or https:\/\/ and should end with - for example - \".jpg\"",
"url_not_complete": "Please provide an absolute URL!<\/p><p class=\"ohne\">URL has to begin with http:\/\/ or https:\/\/ and should end with - for example - \".jpg\"",
"url_wrong_extension": "Please provide the address of a suitable file here!<\/p><p class=\"ohne\">The following file extensions are allowed",
"url_wrong_extension": "Please provide the address of a suitable file here!<\/p><p class=\"ohne\">The following file extensions are allowed",
@ -10,17 +10,17 @@
"prehistoric_time": "a prehistoric time",
"prehistoric_time": "a prehistoric time",
"prehistoric_time_example": "e.g. Mesozoic, 250000 BC, Cretaceous Period, ... [Before 10000 BC]",
"prehistoric_time_example": "e.g. Mesozoic, 250000 BC, Cretaceous Period, ... [Before 10000 BC]",
"time_term": "Time term",
"time_term": "Time term",
"zeitbegriff_explica": "(Almost) random format of entry<br><br>Example 1: 16.02.1913 <br>Example 2: First half 12th centrury.<br>Example 3: 1655-1699<br><br>The entry \"time term\" is used for displaying the time.<br><br><b style=\"color:#990000\">Please keep in mind:<\/b><br><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#990000\">\"World War I\", \"Reagan Era\", ...<\/b><br>... are historical \"events\", <b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#990000\">not<\/b> times<br><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#990000\">\"Rococo\", \"Classicism\", ...<\/b><br>... are stylistic eras, <b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#990000\">not<\/b> times<br><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#990000\">\"Roman empire\", \"Late stone age\", ...<\/b><br>... are not used consistently, they are <b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#990000\">no<\/b> times<br><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#990000\">\"Miocene\", \"Cambrian\", ...<\/b><br>... are <b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#990000\">not<\/b> consistently used times (Names and categories of time are being re-defined every day by scientists)<br>(Please enter such terms as events, not as times)<br><br><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#660000;\">Please always fill in this field!<\/b>",
"zeitbegriff_explica": "(Almost) random format of entry<br><br>Example 1: 16.02.1913 <br>Example 2: First half 12th centrury.<br>Example 3: 1655-1699<br><br>The entry \"time term\" is used for displaying the time.<br><br><b>Please keep in mind:<\/b><br><b>\"World War I\", \"Reagan Era\", ...<\/b><br>... are historical \"events\", <b>not<\/b> times<br><b>\"Rococo\", \"Classicism\", ...<\/b><br>... are stylistic eras, <b>not<\/b> times<br><b>\"Roman empire\", \"Late stone age\", ...<\/b><br>... are not used consistently, they are <b>no<\/b> times<br><b>\"Miocene\", \"Cambrian\", ...<\/b><br>... are <b>not<\/b> consistently used times (Names and categories of time are being re-defined every day by scientists)<br>(Please enter such terms as events, not as times)",
"begin": "Start [YEAR]",
"begin": "Start [YEAR]",
"zeitbeginn_explica": "Please always enter a year here (<b>four digits number<\/b>)<br><br>- In case of years before common era, add a \"minus\" before the the number<br>- In case of times like \"before 1830\", where the immediate year is unknown, please enter a question mark.<br><br>Example 1: 1913<br>Example 2: -1800<br>Example 3: ?<br><br><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#660000;\">Please always fill in this field!<\/b>",
"zeitbeginn_explica": "Please always enter a year here (<b>four digits number<\/b>)<br><br>- In case of years before common era, add a \"minus\" before the the number<br>- In case of times like \"before 1830\", where the immediate year is unknown, please enter a question mark.<br><br>Example 1: 1913<br>Example 2: -1800<br>Example 3: ?",
"end": "End [YEAR]",
"end": "End [YEAR]",
"zeitende_explica": "Please always enter a year here (<b>four digits number<\/b>)<br><br>- In case of years before common era, add a \"minus\" before the the number<br>- In case of times like \"after 1830\", where the immediate year is unknown, please enter a question mark.<br><br>Example 1: 1913<br>Example 2: -1800<br>Example 3: ?<br><br><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#660000;\">Please always fill in this field!<\/b>",
"zeitende_explica": "Please always enter a year here (<b>four digits number<\/b>)<br><br>- In case of years before common era, add a \"minus\" before the the number<br>- In case of times like \"after 1830\", where the immediate year is unknown, please enter a question mark.<br><br>Example 1: 1913<br>Example 2: -1800<br>Example 3: ?",
"counted": "Counted time",
"counted": "Counted time",
"year": "Year",
"year": "Year",
"month": "Month",
"month": "Month",
"day": "Day",
"day": "Day",
"zaehlzeit1_explica": "<b>Field: Year<\/b><br>Please always enter a year here (<b>four digits number<\/b>)<br>In case of time periods, enter the middle,<br> E.g.: Time term=\"19th century\" -> Counted time=\"1850\"<br><br><b>Field: [+\/-]<\/b><br>- refers to times before common era, + refers to the year 0 CE and anything after.<br><br>(This information is used for internal functions, e.g. sorting by time)<br><br><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#660000;\">Please always fill in this field!<\/b>",
"zaehlzeit1_explica": "<b>Field: Year<\/b><br>Please always enter a year here (<b>four digits number<\/b>)<br>In case of time periods, enter the middle,<br> E.g.: Time term=\"19th century\" -> Counted time=\"1850\"<br><br><b>Field: [+\/-]<\/b><br>- refers to times before common era, + refers to the year 0 CE and anything after.<br><br>(This information is used for internal functions, e.g. sorting by time)",
"zaehlzeit2_explica": "<b>Field: Tag<\/b> and <b>Field: Month<\/b><br>Please enter two digits numbers (\"08\",\"05\",...)<br><br><b>Field: Year<\/b><br>Please enter a year (four digits number).<br>In case of time periods, enter the middle,<br> E.g.: Time term=\"19th century\" -> Counted time=\"1850\"<br><br><b>Field: [+\/-]<\/b><br>- refers to times before common era, + refers to the year 0 CE and anything after.<br><br>(This information is used for internal functions, e.g. sorting by time)<br><br><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#660000;\">Please always fill in this field!<\/b>",
"zaehlzeit2_explica": "<b>Field: Tag<\/b> and <b>Field: Month<\/b><br>Please enter two digits numbers (\"08\",\"05\",...)<br><br><b>Field: Year<\/b><br>Please enter a year (four digits number).<br>In case of time periods, enter the middle,<br> E.g.: Time term=\"19th century\" -> Counted time=\"1850\"<br><br><b>Field: [+\/-]<\/b><br>- refers to times before common era, + refers to the year 0 CE and anything after.<br><br>(This information is used for internal functions, e.g. sorting by time)",
"no_timeterm": "Please enter a time term!<\/p><p class=\"ohne\">[A random term relating to a time, for example: \"1784\" or \"January 12 1785\" or \"Early middle ages (500-800)\"]",
"no_timeterm": "Please enter a time term!<\/p><p class=\"ohne\">[A random term relating to a time, for example: \"1784\" or \"January 12 1785\" or \"Early middle ages (500-800)\"]",
"not_exact": "Please do not enter a time term that starts with \"about\" or \"ca.\"!<\/p><p class=\"ohne\">[Enter imprecise times as \"events\".]",
"not_exact": "Please do not enter a time term that starts with \"about\" or \"ca.\"!<\/p><p class=\"ohne\">[Enter imprecise times as \"events\".]",
"no_start": "Enter the beginning of the time period!<\/p><p class=\"ohne\">[If the time term is a year number (e.g. \"1784\"), just repeat it (e.g. \"1784\"). If the time period starts before common era, enter a minus before the year (e.g. \"-1200\")]",
"no_start": "Enter the beginning of the time period!<\/p><p class=\"ohne\">[If the time term is a year number (e.g. \"1784\"), just repeat it (e.g. \"1784\"). If the time period starts before common era, enter a minus before the year (e.g. \"-1200\")]",
@ -31,10 +31,10 @@
"valid_month": "Please enter the month properly",
"valid_month": "Please enter the month properly",
"valid_day": "Please enter the day properly",
"valid_day": "Please enter the day properly",
"end_before_begin": "The entered time period ends before it has even started<\/p><p class=\"ohne\">[The start of a time period has a smaller number than the end of the given time period.]",
"end_before_begin": "The entered time period ends before it has even started<\/p><p class=\"ohne\">[The start of a time period has a smaller number than the end of the given time period.]",
"cha_intro": "<b>Attention:<\/b> This changes information, it does <b style=\"color:#990000\">NOT<\/b> change the relation between time and event or object",
"cha_intro": "<b>Attention:<\/b> This changes information, it does <b>NOT<\/b> change the relation between time and event or object",
"cha_counts": "Internal value",
"cha_counts": "Internal value",
"cha_remarks": "Short note",
"cha_remarks": "Short note",
"zeitanm_explica": "Annotations are especially important if this is about time terms not everyone agrees upon.<br><br><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#006600;\">Can be left empty<\/b>",
"zeitanm_explica": "Annotations are especially important if this is about time terms not everyone agrees upon.<br><br><b>Can be left empty<\/b>",
"no_vague_values": "Please do not give vague data!<\/p><p class=\"ohne\">[Vague relations to time might be created in the event or tag setting]",
"no_vague_values": "Please do not give vague data!<\/p><p class=\"ohne\">[Vague relations to time might be created in the event or tag setting]",
"time_delete": "Delete time term",
"time_delete": "Delete time term",
"time_annotated": "The time has been annotated",
"time_annotated": "The time has been annotated",
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