Approval in backend
This commit is contained in:
@ -82,6 +82,22 @@
"enable_strict_mode_for_sizes": "Enforce sizes (height, weight, etc.) to be numeric",
"enable_strict_mode_for_sizes": "Enforce sizes (height, weight, etc.) to be numeric",
"enable_strict_mode_for_dates": "Add date picker for dates and enforce entry and estimation dates are actual date fields",
"enable_strict_mode_for_dates": "Add date picker for dates and enforce entry and estimation dates are actual date fields",
"enable_strict_mode_for_invno": "Enforce unique inventory numbers within the museum without any exceptions or overrides",
"enable_strict_mode_for_invno": "Enforce unique inventory numbers within the museum without any exceptions or overrides",
"invno_scheme": "Scheme for suggested inventory numbers"
"invno_scheme": "Scheme for suggested inventory numbers",
"explica_media_rights_defaults": "When uploading images, videos, audio and other media files, the following entries are entered into the respective fields for the media files' license status by default. During the upload, they can be changed to a more suitable value for the current media file. To generally update the default values however, change the fields below.",
"explica_object_metadata_rights_defaults": "The following values describe the default license status and rights holder entered for the metadata (title, description, etc.) for newly recorded objects. If you are to change the license status or rights holder later on, you can do so using the respective fields of the \"rights\" tab of the object editing page or generally overwrite any existing license status or rights holders by clicking on the buttons below (\"rebase\").",
"explica_social_media_buttons": "At the bottom of each object page in the public frontend of museum-digital, share buttons for common social media sites can be displayed. Whether they actually are displayed can be set on a per-object basis. A default value for new objects can be set here however.",
"explica_download_button_images": "On single image pages for object images in the public frontend of museum-digital, a download button can be displayed. This only pertains to pages for images (not other resources) hosted with museum-digital. In some cases, e.g. if the object is a recent artwork where the museum itself only holds restricted control over the licensing of the object or its display online, it may be necessary to disable the download button. Regardless of the setting here, users can still download the image using a right click.",
"commenting_function": "Commenting",
"explica_commenting": "Commenting can be enabled in the public frontend of museum-digital. The commenting function can either be opened to anybody, or only to specific user groups, which can be selected below. If the commenting function is activated and anybody leaves a comment, new comments can be moderated using the moderation tool accessible through musdb's dashboard (section: tools).",
"explica_share_dumps": "If a museum wants to grant the public - or certain other parties such as aggregators or portals - ongoing access to a full download of its published object data at museum-digital, this can be done using the setting below. If the shared dumps are made public, they will be linked on the museum's institution page. If they are set to sharing by a link, they will be made accessible using a link only to be found in an entry field of this subsection.",
"preferred_object_order": "Preferred order of objects",
"explica_preferred_object_order": "Using the buttons below a preferred order of the object listing for all objects of the institution when accessed through the respective links at the bottom of the institution page can be adjusted.",
"explica_strict_mode_sizes": "If this setting is enabled, the fields for separated measurements are converted into number fields. This way, only valid, numeric information can be entered into the fields. Consequently, one can be sure that the objects can be properly searched (e.g. using a search for all objects taller or smaller than 500 mm). Strictly requiring numeric information using the respective input field type however makes it impossible to display pre-existing, non-numeric data. Hence, this setting should only be enabled if one is certain, that all contents in the respective fields is valid and numeric. ",
"explica_strict_mode_dates": "If this setting is enabled, the fields for date information on object pages (e.g. entry date) are converted into date fields. This way, only valid dates can be entered into the fields (e.g. \"August 20th, 2022\"; not \"ca. 2022\"). The date fields now contain a date picker. Consequently, one can be sure that the objects can be properly searched (e.g. using a search for all objects entering the museums before a given day). Strictly requiring date information using the respective input field type however makes it impossible to display pre-existing and invalid dates. Hence, this setting should not be enabled if any information has been entered into the date fields already.",
"explica_strict_mode_values": "If this setting is enabled, the fields for values (e..g insurance value, estimated value) are converted into number fields. This way, only valid, numeric information can be entered into the fields. Consequently, one can be sure that the objects can be properly searched (e.g. using a search for all objects more or less expensive than 500 \u20ac). Strictly requiring numeric information using the respective input field type however makes it impossible to display pre-existing, non-numeric data. Hence, this setting should only be enabled if one is certain, that all contents in the respective fields is valid and numeric. ",
"explica_strict_mode_invno": "By default, a warning is given if a new object with a duplicate inventory number is entered. It is however possible to proceed entering the object regardless by pressing the respective button. Enabling this setting removes the button and makes it fully impossible to enter objects of a duplicate inventory number.",
"explica_how_event_sources": "If a museum has a strong research focus or a focus on provenenance research, it may be useful to note the source from which the information for events (e.g. who bought the object at a given date?) was retrieved. The option to do so in a regularized fashion is available once this option has been activated.",
"explica_object_categorization_ai": "When adding objects, an AI-based image categorization can be run for a rough tagging of the objects (provided that images are uploaded as the object is added). As this image categoriation is far from perfect and blocks the upload process for some time, it needs to be enabled here if it is to be used.",
"explica_invno_scheme": "If this field is filled, a suggestion for inventory numbers for new objects can be provided by the system. Variable components of an inventory number - a counter and often an identifier for the collection - can be marked using the placeholders {no} (for a counter counting up) and {c_sig} for the collection signature. Suggesting collection signatures required a collection to have already been selected as the suggestion button is pressed. Signatures for the collection can be entered using the collection page. An example for such an inventory number scheme may thus be XYZ-{no}8, meaning that any suggested inventory number will start with \"XYZ-\", followed by a counter padded to 8 characters. The first proposed inventory number would thus be XYZ-00000001, the second XYZ-00000002."
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
"headline_rights": "W\u00e4hlbare Rechtsformen f\u00fcr Abbildungen (und andere Objekt-Darstellungen)",
"headline_rights": "W\u00e4hlbare Rechtsformen f\u00fcr Abbildungen (und andere Objekt-Darstellungen)",
"museum_stored": "Einstellungen f\u00fcr das Museum wurden gespeichert",
"museum_stored": "Einstellungen f\u00fcr das Museum wurden gespeichert",
"users_specifically_determined": "Einzelbestimmung",
"users_specifically_determined": "Einzelbestimmung",
"socialmedia": "Display social media buttons for new objects by default",
"socialmedia": "Social-Media-Buttons standardm\u00e4\u00dfig anzeigen",
"socialmedia_buttons": "Zeige neu erfasste Objekte mit Social-Media-Buttons",
"socialmedia_buttons": "Zeige neu erfasste Objekte mit Social-Media-Buttons",
"pdf_catalogue": "PDF-Katalog",
"pdf_catalogue": "PDF-Katalog",
"pdf_catalogue_explain": "Erstellen eines Kataloges aus jeweils 50 Objekten.",
"pdf_catalogue_explain": "Erstellen eines Kataloges aus jeweils 50 Objekten.",
@ -82,6 +82,22 @@
"enable_strict_mode_for_sizes": "Erzwinge numerische (und damit suchbare) Eingaben bei Gr\u00f6\u00dfenangaben",
"enable_strict_mode_for_sizes": "Erzwinge numerische (und damit suchbare) Eingaben bei Gr\u00f6\u00dfenangaben",
"enable_strict_mode_for_dates": "Aktiviere Datumsauswahl bei Datumsangaben und erzwinge diese f\u00fcr Datumsfelder (z.B. Eingangsdatum)",
"enable_strict_mode_for_dates": "Aktiviere Datumsauswahl bei Datumsangaben und erzwinge diese f\u00fcr Datumsfelder (z.B. Eingangsdatum)",
"enable_strict_mode_for_invno": "Erzwinge eindeutige Inventarnummern im Museum",
"enable_strict_mode_for_invno": "Erzwinge eindeutige Inventarnummern im Museum",
"invno_scheme": "Schema f\u00fcr vorgeschlagene Inventarnummern"
"invno_scheme": "Schema f\u00fcr vorgeschlagene Inventarnummern",
"explica_media_rights_defaults": "Beim Heraufladen von Bildern, Videos, Audio-Dateien etc. werden die hier gemachten Angaben standardm\u00e4\u00dfig in die Felder f\u00fcr die Lizenz- und Rechteangaben der jeweiligen Dateien geschrieben. Sie k\u00f6nnen beim Heraufladen durch jeweils passende Werte ersetzt werden.\r\nUm die Vorgabewerte f\u00fcr neu heraufzuladende Bilder, Videos, etc. zu \u00e4ndern k\u00f6nnen die untenstehenden Felder genutzt werden.",
"explica_object_metadata_rights_defaults": "Die folgenden Werte beschreiben die standardm\u00e4\u00dfig ausgew\u00e4hlten Lizenz- und Rechteangaben f\u00fcr die Objekt-Metadaten (Name, Beschreibung, etc.) bei der Erfassung eines neuen Objektes. M\u00f6chten Sie die Lizenz- und Rechteangaben sp\u00e4ter \u00e4ndern, k\u00f6nnen Sie dies mithilfe der entsprechenden Eingabefelder auf dem Reiter \"Rechte\" der Objekt-Bearbeitungsseite tun - oder alle schon vorhandenen Werte Lizenz- oder Rechteangaben durch einen Klick auf den entsprechenden Button (\"rebase\") mit den dann aktuellen Standardwerten \u00fcberschreiben.",
"explica_social_media_buttons": "Unten auf jeder Objekt-Seite im \u00f6ffentlichen Frontend von museum-digital gibt es die M\u00f6glichkeit, \"Teilen\"-Buttons f\u00fcr ausgew\u00e4hlte Social-Media-Dienste anzuzeigen. Mit dieser Einstellung kann bestimmt werden, ob diese Buttons bei neuen Objekten Standardm\u00e4\u00dfig angezeigt werden sollen oder nicht. Eine spezifische Einstellung pro Objekt kann auf der Objektseite getroffen werden.",
"explica_download_button_images": "Auf den Seiten f\u00fcr einzelne Objekt-Abbildungen gibt es die M\u00f6glichkeit Download-Buttons f\u00fcr die jeweilige Abbildung anzuzeigen. Mit dieser Einstellung lassen sich diese Download-Buttons verstecken oder anzeigen. Auch versteckte Download-Buttons verhindern allerdings nicht, dass Benutzer die Abbildung \u00fcber einen Rechtsklick auf die Abbildung oder \u00e4hnliches herunterladen.",
"commenting_function": "Kommentieren",
"explica_commenting": "Das Kommentieren von Objektseiten in der Ausgabe von museum-digital kann hier aktiviert werden. Die Kommentarfunktion steht entweder allen, einer bestimmten Benutzergruppe entsprechend den Berechtigungen in musdb, oder niemandem zur Verf\u00fcgung. Ist die Kommentarfunktion aktiviert, m\u00fcssen neue Kommentare vor ihrer Ver\u00f6ffentlichung \u00fcber die Moderationsfunktion (erreichbar \u00fcber das Dashboard - Bereich \"Werkzeuge\" - in musdb) moderiert werden.",
"explica_share_dumps": "M\u00f6chte eine Institution der \u00d6ffentlichkeit oder gegebenen Dritten wie Portalen und Aggregatoren einen dauerhaften Zugriff auf Gesamtdownloads seiner schon \u00f6ffentlichen Objektdaten geben, kann dies \u00fcber die untenstehende Einstellung in Form von LIDO-Dumps getan werden. Werden die Dumps generell ver\u00f6ffentlicht, wird eine Download-Seite in der Seitenspalte der Institutions-Seite des Museums in der Ausgabe von museum-digital angezeigt. Alternativ k\u00f6nnen die Dumps \u00fcber einen Link zur Verf\u00fcgung gestellt werden, sodass jeder, der den zuf\u00e4llig generierten Link kennt, einen Zugriff auf die Dumps hat. link, they will be made accessible using a link only to be found in an entry field of this subsection.",
"preferred_object_order": "Pr\u00e4ferierte Objekt-Reihenfolge",
"explica_preferred_object_order": "Mithilfe der untenstehenden Einstellung kann die pr\u00e4ferierte Reihenfolge der Objekte des Hauses eingestellt werden. Dieser entsprechend werden die Objekte aufgelistet, wenn ein Benutzer auf die Links zu allen Objekten des Museums unten auf der Institutions-Seite in der Ausgabe klickt.",
"explica_strict_mode_sizes": "Ist diese Einstellung aktiviert, werden die Felder f\u00fcr getrennte Ma\u00dfangaben auf der Objekt-Bearbeitungsseite als Nummernfelder ausgezeichnet. So wird es unm\u00f6glich, nicht numerische Eingaben zu machen. In der Folge sind die eingegebenen Daten sicher konsistent und mit erweiterten Suchoptionen wie gr\u00f6\u00dfer- und kleiner-Suchen nutzbar (z.B. die Suche nach allen Objekten, die h\u00f6her als 500 mm sind). Andererseits k\u00f6nnen schon vorhandene, nicht numerische Inhalte so nicht mehr angezeigt werden und werden beim n\u00e4chsten Abspeichern gel\u00f6scht. Um einen Datenverlust zu vermeiden, sollte diese Einstellung also nur mit Vorsicht aktiviert werden und ist vor allem f\u00fcr Institutonen geeignet, die bisher noch keine Ma\u00dfangaben in musdb erfasst haben und nicht importieren.",
"explica_strict_mode_dates": "Ist diese Einstellung aktiviert, werden die Felder f\u00fcr Datumsangaben (z.B. Eingangsdatum) auf der Objekt-Bearbeitungsseite als Datumsfelder ausgezeichnet. So wird es unm\u00f6glich, Angaben in diesen Feldern zu machen, die keine validen Daten abbilden. In der Folge sind die eingegebenen Daten sicher konsistent und mit erweiterten Suchoptionen wie gr\u00f6\u00dfer- und kleiner-Suchen nutzbar (z.B. die Suche nach allen Objekten, die vor einem Datum eingegangen sind). Andererseits k\u00f6nnen schon vorhandene, nicht valide Inhalte so nicht mehr angezeigt werden und werden beim n\u00e4chsten Abspeichern gel\u00f6scht. Um einen Datenverlust zu vermeiden, sollte diese Einstellung also nur mit Vorsicht aktiviert werden und ist vor allem f\u00fcr Institutonen geeignet, die bisher noch keine Datumsangaben in musdb erfasst haben und nicht importieren.",
"explica_strict_mode_values": "Ist diese Einstellung aktiviert, werden die Felder f\u00fcr Wert-Angaben (z.B. Sch\u00e4tzwert, Versicherungswert) auf der Objekt-Bearbeitungsseite als Nummernfelder ausgezeichnet. So wird es unm\u00f6glich, nicht numerische Eingaben zu machen. In der Folge sind die eingegebenen Daten sicher konsistent und mit erweiterten Suchoptionen wie gr\u00f6\u00dfer- und kleiner-Suchen nutzbar (z.B. die Suche nach allen Objekten, die auf mehr als 50 Euro gesch\u00e4tz wurden). Andererseits k\u00f6nnen schon vorhandene, nicht numerische Inhalte so nicht mehr angezeigt werden und werden beim n\u00e4chsten Abspeichern gel\u00f6scht. Um einen Datenverlust zu vermeiden, sollte diese Einstellung also nur mit Vorsicht aktiviert werden und ist vor allem f\u00fcr Institutonen geeignet, die bisher noch keine Ma\u00dfangaben in musdb erfasst haben und nicht importieren.",
"explica_strict_mode_invno": "Standardm\u00e4\u00dfig erscheint eine Warnung, wenn man versucht, ein Objekt mit einer schon von einem anderen Objekt bekannten Inventarnummer einzugeben. Diese Warnung kann allerdings durch einen Klick auf den entsprechenden Button \u00fcbergangen werden. \r\nIst diese Einstellung aktiviert bricht das Programm statt der Warnung ab, sodass eine doppelte Vergabe von Inventarnummern ausgeschlossen ist.",
"explica_how_event_sources": "Hat eine Institution einen starken Forschungsfokus oder befasst sie sich ausf\u00fchrlich mit Provenienzforschung, wird es sinnvoll, Quellenangaben f\u00fcr die Ereignisse eines Objektes (z.B. wann ein Objekt von wem gekauft wurde) zu erfassen. Ist diese Option aktiviert, k\u00f6nnen Quellenangaben \u00fcber die Ereignis-bearbeiten-Seite erfasst werden.",
"explica_object_categorization_ai": "Werden direkt bei der Objekteingabe Objektfotos hochgeladen, k\u00f6nnen diese mit KI kategorisiert werden. Diese Kategorisierung kann nun als Grundlage f\u00fcr eine grobe Verschlagwortung der Objekte genutzt werden. Weil die Bild-Kategorisierung leider noch recht ungenau und langsam ist, muss sie hier aktiviert werden, bevor sie genutzt werden kann.",
"explica_invno_scheme": "Ist dieses Feld bef\u00fcllt, k\u00f6nnen Vorschl\u00e4ge f\u00fcr neu zu vergebende Inventarnummern bei der Objekteingabe gemacht werden.\r\nDie variablen Teile einer Inventarnummer, f\u00fcr gew\u00f6hnlich ein Z\u00e4hler und ggfs. ein Identifikator f\u00fcr die Sammlung, k\u00f6nnen \u00fcber Platzhalter gekennzeichnet werden. Hierbei steht {no} f\u00fcr einen einfach nach oben z\u00e4hlenden Z\u00e4hler (der idealerweise durch die Angabe einer L\u00e4nge, z.B. {no}8 f\u00fcr einen auf acht Zahlen ausgebreiteten Z\u00e4hler); {c_sig} steht f\u00fcr die Signatur der Sammlung.\r\nEin Beispiel f\u00fcr ein Inventarnummer-Schema k\u00f6nnte also XYZ-{no}8 sein. In diesem Fall w\u00fcrde zuerst die Inventarnummer XYZ-00000001 vorgeschlagen, und sobald diese vergeben wurde XYZ-00000002.\r\nIst dieses Feld bef\u00fcllt, k\u00f6nnen Vorschl\u00e4ge f\u00fcr neu zu vergebende Inventarnummern bei der Objekteingabe gemacht werden.\r\nDie variablen Teile einer Inventarnummer, f\u00fcr gew\u00f6hnlich ein Z\u00e4hler und ggfs. ein Identifikator f\u00fcr die Sammlung, k\u00f6nnen \u00fcber Platzhalter gekennzeichnet werden. Hierbei steht {no} f\u00fcr einen einfach nach oben z\u00e4hlenden Z\u00e4hler (der idealerweise durch die Angabe einer L\u00e4nge, z.B. {no}8 f\u00fcr einen auf acht Zahlen ausgebreiteten Z\u00e4hler); {c_sig} steht f\u00fcr die Signatur der Sammlung.\r\nEin Beispiel f\u00fcr ein Inventarnummer-Schema k\u00f6nnte also XYZ-{no}8 sein. In diesem Fall w\u00fcrde zuerst die Inventarnummer XYZ-00000001 vorgeschlagen, und sobald diese vergeben wurde XYZ-00000002."
@ -82,6 +82,22 @@
"enable_strict_mode_for_sizes": "Enforce sizes (height, weight, etc.) to be numeric",
"enable_strict_mode_for_sizes": "Enforce sizes (height, weight, etc.) to be numeric",
"enable_strict_mode_for_dates": "Add date picker for dates and enforce entry and estimation dates are actual date fields",
"enable_strict_mode_for_dates": "Add date picker for dates and enforce entry and estimation dates are actual date fields",
"enable_strict_mode_for_invno": "Enforce unique inventory numbers within the museum without any exceptions or overrides",
"enable_strict_mode_for_invno": "Enforce unique inventory numbers within the museum without any exceptions or overrides",
"invno_scheme": "Scheme for suggested inventory numbers"
"invno_scheme": "Scheme for suggested inventory numbers",
"explica_media_rights_defaults": "When uploading images, videos, audio and other media files, the following entries are entered into the respective fields for the media files' license status by default. During the upload, they can be changed to a more suitable value for the current media file. To generally update the default values however, change the fields below.",
"explica_object_metadata_rights_defaults": "The following values describe the default license status and rights holder entered for the metadata (title, description, etc.) for newly recorded objects. If you are to change the license status or rights holder later on, you can do so using the respective fields of the \"rights\" tab of the object editing page or generally overwrite any existing license status or rights holders by clicking on the buttons below (\"rebase\").",
"explica_social_media_buttons": "At the bottom of each object page in the public frontend of museum-digital, share buttons for common social media sites can be displayed. Whether they actually are displayed can be set on a per-object basis. A default value for new objects can be set here however.",
"explica_download_button_images": "On single image pages for object images in the public frontend of museum-digital, a download button can be displayed. This only pertains to pages for images (not other resources) hosted with museum-digital. In some cases, e.g. if the object is a recent artwork where the museum itself only holds restricted control over the licensing of the object or its display online, it may be necessary to disable the download button. Regardless of the setting here, users can still download the image using a right click.",
"commenting_function": "Commenting",
"explica_commenting": "Commenting can be enabled in the public frontend of museum-digital. The commenting function can either be opened to anybody, or only to specific user groups, which can be selected below. If the commenting function is activated and anybody leaves a comment, new comments can be moderated using the moderation tool accessible through musdb's dashboard (section: tools).",
"explica_share_dumps": "If a museum wants to grant the public - or certain other parties such as aggregators or portals - ongoing access to a full download of its published object data at museum-digital, this can be done using the setting below. If the shared dumps are made public, they will be linked on the museum's institution page. If they are set to sharing by a link, they will be made accessible using a link only to be found in an entry field of this subsection.",
"preferred_object_order": "Preferred order of objects",
"explica_preferred_object_order": "Using the buttons below a preferred order of the object listing for all objects of the institution when accessed through the respective links at the bottom of the institution page can be adjusted.",
"explica_strict_mode_sizes": "If this setting is enabled, the fields for separated measurements are converted into number fields. This way, only valid, numeric information can be entered into the fields. Consequently, one can be sure that the objects can be properly searched (e.g. using a search for all objects taller or smaller than 500 mm). Strictly requiring numeric information using the respective input field type however makes it impossible to display pre-existing, non-numeric data. Hence, this setting should only be enabled if one is certain, that all contents in the respective fields is valid and numeric. ",
"explica_strict_mode_dates": "If this setting is enabled, the fields for date information on object pages (e.g. entry date) are converted into date fields. This way, only valid dates can be entered into the fields (e.g. \"August 20th, 2022\"; not \"ca. 2022\"). The date fields now contain a date picker. Consequently, one can be sure that the objects can be properly searched (e.g. using a search for all objects entering the museums before a given day). Strictly requiring date information using the respective input field type however makes it impossible to display pre-existing and invalid dates. Hence, this setting should not be enabled if any information has been entered into the date fields already.",
"explica_strict_mode_values": "If this setting is enabled, the fields for values (e..g insurance value, estimated value) are converted into number fields. This way, only valid, numeric information can be entered into the fields. Consequently, one can be sure that the objects can be properly searched (e.g. using a search for all objects more or less expensive than 500 \u20ac). Strictly requiring numeric information using the respective input field type however makes it impossible to display pre-existing, non-numeric data. Hence, this setting should only be enabled if one is certain, that all contents in the respective fields is valid and numeric. ",
"explica_strict_mode_invno": "By default, a warning is given if a new object with a duplicate inventory number is entered. It is however possible to proceed entering the object regardless by pressing the respective button. Enabling this setting removes the button and makes it fully impossible to enter objects of a duplicate inventory number.",
"explica_how_event_sources": "If a museum has a strong research focus or a focus on provenenance research, it may be useful to note the source from which the information for events (e.g. who bought the object at a given date?) was retrieved. The option to do so in a regularized fashion is available once this option has been activated.",
"explica_object_categorization_ai": "When adding objects, an AI-based image categorization can be run for a rough tagging of the objects (provided that images are uploaded as the object is added). As this image categoriation is far from perfect and blocks the upload process for some time, it needs to be enabled here if it is to be used.",
"explica_invno_scheme": "If this field is filled, a suggestion for inventory numbers for new objects can be provided by the system. Variable components of an inventory number - a counter and often an identifier for the collection - can be marked using the placeholders {no} (for a counter counting up) and {c_sig} for the collection signature. Suggesting collection signatures required a collection to have already been selected as the suggestion button is pressed. Signatures for the collection can be entered using the collection page. An example for such an inventory number scheme may thus be XYZ-{no}8, meaning that any suggested inventory number will start with \"XYZ-\", followed by a counter padded to 8 characters. The first proposed inventory number would thus be XYZ-00000001, the second XYZ-00000002."
@ -82,6 +82,22 @@
"enable_strict_mode_for_sizes": "Enforce sizes (height, weight, etc.) to be numeric",
"enable_strict_mode_for_sizes": "Enforce sizes (height, weight, etc.) to be numeric",
"enable_strict_mode_for_dates": "Add date picker for dates and enforce entry and estimation dates are actual date fields",
"enable_strict_mode_for_dates": "Add date picker for dates and enforce entry and estimation dates are actual date fields",
"enable_strict_mode_for_invno": "Enforce unique inventory numbers within the museum without any exceptions or overrides",
"enable_strict_mode_for_invno": "Enforce unique inventory numbers within the museum without any exceptions or overrides",
"invno_scheme": "Scheme for suggested inventory numbers"
"invno_scheme": "Scheme for suggested inventory numbers",
"explica_media_rights_defaults": "When uploading images, videos, audio and other media files, the following entries are entered into the respective fields for the media files' license status by default. During the upload, they can be changed to a more suitable value for the current media file. To generally update the default values however, change the fields below.",
"explica_object_metadata_rights_defaults": "The following values describe the default license status and rights holder entered for the metadata (title, description, etc.) for newly recorded objects. If you are to change the license status or rights holder later on, you can do so using the respective fields of the \"rights\" tab of the object editing page or generally overwrite any existing license status or rights holders by clicking on the buttons below (\"rebase\").",
"explica_social_media_buttons": "At the bottom of each object page in the public frontend of museum-digital, share buttons for common social media sites can be displayed. Whether they actually are displayed can be set on a per-object basis. A default value for new objects can be set here however.",
"explica_download_button_images": "On single image pages for object images in the public frontend of museum-digital, a download button can be displayed. This only pertains to pages for images (not other resources) hosted with museum-digital. In some cases, e.g. if the object is a recent artwork where the museum itself only holds restricted control over the licensing of the object or its display online, it may be necessary to disable the download button. Regardless of the setting here, users can still download the image using a right click.",
"commenting_function": "Commenting",
"explica_commenting": "Commenting can be enabled in the public frontend of museum-digital. The commenting function can either be opened to anybody, or only to specific user groups, which can be selected below. If the commenting function is activated and anybody leaves a comment, new comments can be moderated using the moderation tool accessible through musdb's dashboard (section: tools).",
"explica_share_dumps": "If a museum wants to grant the public - or certain other parties such as aggregators or portals - ongoing access to a full download of its published object data at museum-digital, this can be done using the setting below. If the shared dumps are made public, they will be linked on the museum's institution page. If they are set to sharing by a link, they will be made accessible using a link only to be found in an entry field of this subsection.",
"preferred_object_order": "Preferred order of objects",
"explica_preferred_object_order": "Using the buttons below a preferred order of the object listing for all objects of the institution when accessed through the respective links at the bottom of the institution page can be adjusted.",
"explica_strict_mode_sizes": "If this setting is enabled, the fields for separated measurements are converted into number fields. This way, only valid, numeric information can be entered into the fields. Consequently, one can be sure that the objects can be properly searched (e.g. using a search for all objects taller or smaller than 500 mm). Strictly requiring numeric information using the respective input field type however makes it impossible to display pre-existing, non-numeric data. Hence, this setting should only be enabled if one is certain, that all contents in the respective fields is valid and numeric. ",
"explica_strict_mode_dates": "If this setting is enabled, the fields for date information on object pages (e.g. entry date) are converted into date fields. This way, only valid dates can be entered into the fields (e.g. \"August 20th, 2022\"; not \"ca. 2022\"). The date fields now contain a date picker. Consequently, one can be sure that the objects can be properly searched (e.g. using a search for all objects entering the museums before a given day). Strictly requiring date information using the respective input field type however makes it impossible to display pre-existing and invalid dates. Hence, this setting should not be enabled if any information has been entered into the date fields already.",
"explica_strict_mode_values": "If this setting is enabled, the fields for values (e..g insurance value, estimated value) are converted into number fields. This way, only valid, numeric information can be entered into the fields. Consequently, one can be sure that the objects can be properly searched (e.g. using a search for all objects more or less expensive than 500 \u20ac). Strictly requiring numeric information using the respective input field type however makes it impossible to display pre-existing, non-numeric data. Hence, this setting should only be enabled if one is certain, that all contents in the respective fields is valid and numeric. ",
"explica_strict_mode_invno": "By default, a warning is given if a new object with a duplicate inventory number is entered. It is however possible to proceed entering the object regardless by pressing the respective button. Enabling this setting removes the button and makes it fully impossible to enter objects of a duplicate inventory number.",
"explica_how_event_sources": "If a museum has a strong research focus or a focus on provenenance research, it may be useful to note the source from which the information for events (e.g. who bought the object at a given date?) was retrieved. The option to do so in a regularized fashion is available once this option has been activated.",
"explica_object_categorization_ai": "When adding objects, an AI-based image categorization can be run for a rough tagging of the objects (provided that images are uploaded as the object is added). As this image categoriation is far from perfect and blocks the upload process for some time, it needs to be enabled here if it is to be used.",
"explica_invno_scheme": "If this field is filled, a suggestion for inventory numbers for new objects can be provided by the system. Variable components of an inventory number - a counter and often an identifier for the collection - can be marked using the placeholders {no} (for a counter counting up) and {c_sig} for the collection signature. Suggesting collection signatures required a collection to have already been selected as the suggestion button is pressed. Signatures for the collection can be entered using the collection page. An example for such an inventory number scheme may thus be XYZ-{no}8, meaning that any suggested inventory number will start with \"XYZ-\", followed by a counter padded to 8 characters. The first proposed inventory number would thus be XYZ-00000001, the second XYZ-00000002."
@ -82,6 +82,22 @@
"enable_strict_mode_for_sizes": "Enforce sizes (height, weight, etc.) to be numeric",
"enable_strict_mode_for_sizes": "Enforce sizes (height, weight, etc.) to be numeric",
"enable_strict_mode_for_dates": "Add date picker for dates and enforce entry and estimation dates are actual date fields",
"enable_strict_mode_for_dates": "Add date picker for dates and enforce entry and estimation dates are actual date fields",
"enable_strict_mode_for_invno": "Enforce unique inventory numbers within the museum without any exceptions or overrides",
"enable_strict_mode_for_invno": "Enforce unique inventory numbers within the museum without any exceptions or overrides",
"invno_scheme": "Scheme for suggested inventory numbers"
"invno_scheme": "Scheme for suggested inventory numbers",
"explica_media_rights_defaults": "When uploading images, videos, audio and other media files, the following entries are entered into the respective fields for the media files' license status by default. During the upload, they can be changed to a more suitable value for the current media file. To generally update the default values however, change the fields below.",
"explica_object_metadata_rights_defaults": "The following values describe the default license status and rights holder entered for the metadata (title, description, etc.) for newly recorded objects. If you are to change the license status or rights holder later on, you can do so using the respective fields of the \"rights\" tab of the object editing page or generally overwrite any existing license status or rights holders by clicking on the buttons below (\"rebase\").",
"explica_social_media_buttons": "At the bottom of each object page in the public frontend of museum-digital, share buttons for common social media sites can be displayed. Whether they actually are displayed can be set on a per-object basis. A default value for new objects can be set here however.",
"explica_download_button_images": "On single image pages for object images in the public frontend of museum-digital, a download button can be displayed. This only pertains to pages for images (not other resources) hosted with museum-digital. In some cases, e.g. if the object is a recent artwork where the museum itself only holds restricted control over the licensing of the object or its display online, it may be necessary to disable the download button. Regardless of the setting here, users can still download the image using a right click.",
"commenting_function": "Commenting",
"explica_commenting": "Commenting can be enabled in the public frontend of museum-digital. The commenting function can either be opened to anybody, or only to specific user groups, which can be selected below. If the commenting function is activated and anybody leaves a comment, new comments can be moderated using the moderation tool accessible through musdb's dashboard (section: tools).",
"explica_share_dumps": "If a museum wants to grant the public - or certain other parties such as aggregators or portals - ongoing access to a full download of its published object data at museum-digital, this can be done using the setting below. If the shared dumps are made public, they will be linked on the museum's institution page. If they are set to sharing by a link, they will be made accessible using a link only to be found in an entry field of this subsection.",
"preferred_object_order": "Preferred order of objects",
"explica_preferred_object_order": "Using the buttons below a preferred order of the object listing for all objects of the institution when accessed through the respective links at the bottom of the institution page can be adjusted.",
"explica_strict_mode_sizes": "If this setting is enabled, the fields for separated measurements are converted into number fields. This way, only valid, numeric information can be entered into the fields. Consequently, one can be sure that the objects can be properly searched (e.g. using a search for all objects taller or smaller than 500 mm). Strictly requiring numeric information using the respective input field type however makes it impossible to display pre-existing, non-numeric data. Hence, this setting should only be enabled if one is certain, that all contents in the respective fields is valid and numeric. ",
"explica_strict_mode_dates": "If this setting is enabled, the fields for date information on object pages (e.g. entry date) are converted into date fields. This way, only valid dates can be entered into the fields (e.g. \"August 20th, 2022\"; not \"ca. 2022\"). The date fields now contain a date picker. Consequently, one can be sure that the objects can be properly searched (e.g. using a search for all objects entering the museums before a given day). Strictly requiring date information using the respective input field type however makes it impossible to display pre-existing and invalid dates. Hence, this setting should not be enabled if any information has been entered into the date fields already.",
"explica_strict_mode_values": "If this setting is enabled, the fields for values (e..g insurance value, estimated value) are converted into number fields. This way, only valid, numeric information can be entered into the fields. Consequently, one can be sure that the objects can be properly searched (e.g. using a search for all objects more or less expensive than 500 \u20ac). Strictly requiring numeric information using the respective input field type however makes it impossible to display pre-existing, non-numeric data. Hence, this setting should only be enabled if one is certain, that all contents in the respective fields is valid and numeric. ",
"explica_strict_mode_invno": "By default, a warning is given if a new object with a duplicate inventory number is entered. It is however possible to proceed entering the object regardless by pressing the respective button. Enabling this setting removes the button and makes it fully impossible to enter objects of a duplicate inventory number.",
"explica_how_event_sources": "If a museum has a strong research focus or a focus on provenenance research, it may be useful to note the source from which the information for events (e.g. who bought the object at a given date?) was retrieved. The option to do so in a regularized fashion is available once this option has been activated.",
"explica_object_categorization_ai": "When adding objects, an AI-based image categorization can be run for a rough tagging of the objects (provided that images are uploaded as the object is added). As this image categoriation is far from perfect and blocks the upload process for some time, it needs to be enabled here if it is to be used.",
"explica_invno_scheme": "If this field is filled, a suggestion for inventory numbers for new objects can be provided by the system. Variable components of an inventory number - a counter and often an identifier for the collection - can be marked using the placeholders {no} (for a counter counting up) and {c_sig} for the collection signature. Suggesting collection signatures required a collection to have already been selected as the suggestion button is pressed. Signatures for the collection can be entered using the collection page. An example for such an inventory number scheme may thus be XYZ-{no}8, meaning that any suggested inventory number will start with \"XYZ-\", followed by a counter padded to 8 characters. The first proposed inventory number would thus be XYZ-00000001, the second XYZ-00000002."
@ -82,6 +82,22 @@
"enable_strict_mode_for_sizes": "Enforce sizes (height, weight, etc.) to be numeric",
"enable_strict_mode_for_sizes": "Enforce sizes (height, weight, etc.) to be numeric",
"enable_strict_mode_for_dates": "Add date picker for dates and enforce entry and estimation dates are actual date fields",
"enable_strict_mode_for_dates": "Add date picker for dates and enforce entry and estimation dates are actual date fields",
"enable_strict_mode_for_invno": "Enforce unique inventory numbers within the museum without any exceptions or overrides",
"enable_strict_mode_for_invno": "Enforce unique inventory numbers within the museum without any exceptions or overrides",
"invno_scheme": "Scheme for suggested inventory numbers"
"invno_scheme": "Scheme for suggested inventory numbers",
"explica_media_rights_defaults": "When uploading images, videos, audio and other media files, the following entries are entered into the respective fields for the media files' license status by default. During the upload, they can be changed to a more suitable value for the current media file. To generally update the default values however, change the fields below.",
"explica_object_metadata_rights_defaults": "The following values describe the default license status and rights holder entered for the metadata (title, description, etc.) for newly recorded objects. If you are to change the license status or rights holder later on, you can do so using the respective fields of the \"rights\" tab of the object editing page or generally overwrite any existing license status or rights holders by clicking on the buttons below (\"rebase\").",
"explica_social_media_buttons": "At the bottom of each object page in the public frontend of museum-digital, share buttons for common social media sites can be displayed. Whether they actually are displayed can be set on a per-object basis. A default value for new objects can be set here however.",
"explica_download_button_images": "On single image pages for object images in the public frontend of museum-digital, a download button can be displayed. This only pertains to pages for images (not other resources) hosted with museum-digital. In some cases, e.g. if the object is a recent artwork where the museum itself only holds restricted control over the licensing of the object or its display online, it may be necessary to disable the download button. Regardless of the setting here, users can still download the image using a right click.",
"commenting_function": "Commenting",
"explica_commenting": "Commenting can be enabled in the public frontend of museum-digital. The commenting function can either be opened to anybody, or only to specific user groups, which can be selected below. If the commenting function is activated and anybody leaves a comment, new comments can be moderated using the moderation tool accessible through musdb's dashboard (section: tools).",
"explica_share_dumps": "If a museum wants to grant the public - or certain other parties such as aggregators or portals - ongoing access to a full download of its published object data at museum-digital, this can be done using the setting below. If the shared dumps are made public, they will be linked on the museum's institution page. If they are set to sharing by a link, they will be made accessible using a link only to be found in an entry field of this subsection.",
"preferred_object_order": "Preferred order of objects",
"explica_preferred_object_order": "Using the buttons below a preferred order of the object listing for all objects of the institution when accessed through the respective links at the bottom of the institution page can be adjusted.",
"explica_strict_mode_sizes": "If this setting is enabled, the fields for separated measurements are converted into number fields. This way, only valid, numeric information can be entered into the fields. Consequently, one can be sure that the objects can be properly searched (e.g. using a search for all objects taller or smaller than 500 mm). Strictly requiring numeric information using the respective input field type however makes it impossible to display pre-existing, non-numeric data. Hence, this setting should only be enabled if one is certain, that all contents in the respective fields is valid and numeric. ",
"explica_strict_mode_dates": "If this setting is enabled, the fields for date information on object pages (e.g. entry date) are converted into date fields. This way, only valid dates can be entered into the fields (e.g. \"August 20th, 2022\"; not \"ca. 2022\"). The date fields now contain a date picker. Consequently, one can be sure that the objects can be properly searched (e.g. using a search for all objects entering the museums before a given day). Strictly requiring date information using the respective input field type however makes it impossible to display pre-existing and invalid dates. Hence, this setting should not be enabled if any information has been entered into the date fields already.",
"explica_strict_mode_values": "If this setting is enabled, the fields for values (e..g insurance value, estimated value) are converted into number fields. This way, only valid, numeric information can be entered into the fields. Consequently, one can be sure that the objects can be properly searched (e.g. using a search for all objects more or less expensive than 500 \u20ac). Strictly requiring numeric information using the respective input field type however makes it impossible to display pre-existing, non-numeric data. Hence, this setting should only be enabled if one is certain, that all contents in the respective fields is valid and numeric. ",
"explica_strict_mode_invno": "By default, a warning is given if a new object with a duplicate inventory number is entered. It is however possible to proceed entering the object regardless by pressing the respective button. Enabling this setting removes the button and makes it fully impossible to enter objects of a duplicate inventory number.",
"explica_how_event_sources": "If a museum has a strong research focus or a focus on provenenance research, it may be useful to note the source from which the information for events (e.g. who bought the object at a given date?) was retrieved. The option to do so in a regularized fashion is available once this option has been activated.",
"explica_object_categorization_ai": "When adding objects, an AI-based image categorization can be run for a rough tagging of the objects (provided that images are uploaded as the object is added). As this image categoriation is far from perfect and blocks the upload process for some time, it needs to be enabled here if it is to be used.",
"explica_invno_scheme": "If this field is filled, a suggestion for inventory numbers for new objects can be provided by the system. Variable components of an inventory number - a counter and often an identifier for the collection - can be marked using the placeholders {no} (for a counter counting up) and {c_sig} for the collection signature. Suggesting collection signatures required a collection to have already been selected as the suggestion button is pressed. Signatures for the collection can be entered using the collection page. An example for such an inventory number scheme may thus be XYZ-{no}8, meaning that any suggested inventory number will start with \"XYZ-\", followed by a counter padded to 8 characters. The first proposed inventory number would thus be XYZ-00000001, the second XYZ-00000002."
@ -82,6 +82,22 @@
"enable_strict_mode_for_sizes": "Enforce sizes (height, weight, etc.) to be numeric",
"enable_strict_mode_for_sizes": "Enforce sizes (height, weight, etc.) to be numeric",
"enable_strict_mode_for_dates": "Add date picker for dates and enforce entry and estimation dates are actual date fields",
"enable_strict_mode_for_dates": "Add date picker for dates and enforce entry and estimation dates are actual date fields",
"enable_strict_mode_for_invno": "Enforce unique inventory numbers within the museum without any exceptions or overrides",
"enable_strict_mode_for_invno": "Enforce unique inventory numbers within the museum without any exceptions or overrides",
"invno_scheme": "Scheme for suggested inventory numbers"
"invno_scheme": "Scheme for suggested inventory numbers",
"explica_media_rights_defaults": "When uploading images, videos, audio and other media files, the following entries are entered into the respective fields for the media files' license status by default. During the upload, they can be changed to a more suitable value for the current media file. To generally update the default values however, change the fields below.",
"explica_object_metadata_rights_defaults": "The following values describe the default license status and rights holder entered for the metadata (title, description, etc.) for newly recorded objects. If you are to change the license status or rights holder later on, you can do so using the respective fields of the \"rights\" tab of the object editing page or generally overwrite any existing license status or rights holders by clicking on the buttons below (\"rebase\").",
"explica_social_media_buttons": "At the bottom of each object page in the public frontend of museum-digital, share buttons for common social media sites can be displayed. Whether they actually are displayed can be set on a per-object basis. A default value for new objects can be set here however.",
"explica_download_button_images": "On single image pages for object images in the public frontend of museum-digital, a download button can be displayed. This only pertains to pages for images (not other resources) hosted with museum-digital. In some cases, e.g. if the object is a recent artwork where the museum itself only holds restricted control over the licensing of the object or its display online, it may be necessary to disable the download button. Regardless of the setting here, users can still download the image using a right click.",
"commenting_function": "Commenting",
"explica_commenting": "Commenting can be enabled in the public frontend of museum-digital. The commenting function can either be opened to anybody, or only to specific user groups, which can be selected below. If the commenting function is activated and anybody leaves a comment, new comments can be moderated using the moderation tool accessible through musdb's dashboard (section: tools).",
"explica_share_dumps": "If a museum wants to grant the public - or certain other parties such as aggregators or portals - ongoing access to a full download of its published object data at museum-digital, this can be done using the setting below. If the shared dumps are made public, they will be linked on the museum's institution page. If they are set to sharing by a link, they will be made accessible using a link only to be found in an entry field of this subsection.",
"preferred_object_order": "Preferred order of objects",
"explica_preferred_object_order": "Using the buttons below a preferred order of the object listing for all objects of the institution when accessed through the respective links at the bottom of the institution page can be adjusted.",
"explica_strict_mode_sizes": "If this setting is enabled, the fields for separated measurements are converted into number fields. This way, only valid, numeric information can be entered into the fields. Consequently, one can be sure that the objects can be properly searched (e.g. using a search for all objects taller or smaller than 500 mm). Strictly requiring numeric information using the respective input field type however makes it impossible to display pre-existing, non-numeric data. Hence, this setting should only be enabled if one is certain, that all contents in the respective fields is valid and numeric. ",
"explica_strict_mode_dates": "If this setting is enabled, the fields for date information on object pages (e.g. entry date) are converted into date fields. This way, only valid dates can be entered into the fields (e.g. \"August 20th, 2022\"; not \"ca. 2022\"). The date fields now contain a date picker. Consequently, one can be sure that the objects can be properly searched (e.g. using a search for all objects entering the museums before a given day). Strictly requiring date information using the respective input field type however makes it impossible to display pre-existing and invalid dates. Hence, this setting should not be enabled if any information has been entered into the date fields already.",
"explica_strict_mode_values": "If this setting is enabled, the fields for values (e..g insurance value, estimated value) are converted into number fields. This way, only valid, numeric information can be entered into the fields. Consequently, one can be sure that the objects can be properly searched (e.g. using a search for all objects more or less expensive than 500 \u20ac). Strictly requiring numeric information using the respective input field type however makes it impossible to display pre-existing, non-numeric data. Hence, this setting should only be enabled if one is certain, that all contents in the respective fields is valid and numeric. ",
"explica_strict_mode_invno": "By default, a warning is given if a new object with a duplicate inventory number is entered. It is however possible to proceed entering the object regardless by pressing the respective button. Enabling this setting removes the button and makes it fully impossible to enter objects of a duplicate inventory number.",
"explica_how_event_sources": "If a museum has a strong research focus or a focus on provenenance research, it may be useful to note the source from which the information for events (e.g. who bought the object at a given date?) was retrieved. The option to do so in a regularized fashion is available once this option has been activated.",
"explica_object_categorization_ai": "When adding objects, an AI-based image categorization can be run for a rough tagging of the objects (provided that images are uploaded as the object is added). As this image categoriation is far from perfect and blocks the upload process for some time, it needs to be enabled here if it is to be used.",
"explica_invno_scheme": "If this field is filled, a suggestion for inventory numbers for new objects can be provided by the system. Variable components of an inventory number - a counter and often an identifier for the collection - can be marked using the placeholders {no} (for a counter counting up) and {c_sig} for the collection signature. Suggesting collection signatures required a collection to have already been selected as the suggestion button is pressed. Signatures for the collection can be entered using the collection page. An example for such an inventory number scheme may thus be XYZ-{no}8, meaning that any suggested inventory number will start with \"XYZ-\", followed by a counter padded to 8 characters. The first proposed inventory number would thus be XYZ-00000001, the second XYZ-00000002."
@ -82,6 +82,22 @@
"enable_strict_mode_for_sizes": "Enforce sizes (height, weight, etc.) to be numeric",
"enable_strict_mode_for_sizes": "Enforce sizes (height, weight, etc.) to be numeric",
"enable_strict_mode_for_dates": "Add date picker for dates and enforce entry and estimation dates are actual date fields",
"enable_strict_mode_for_dates": "Add date picker for dates and enforce entry and estimation dates are actual date fields",
"enable_strict_mode_for_invno": "Enforce unique inventory numbers within the museum without any exceptions or overrides",
"enable_strict_mode_for_invno": "Enforce unique inventory numbers within the museum without any exceptions or overrides",
"invno_scheme": "Scheme for suggested inventory numbers"
"invno_scheme": "Scheme for suggested inventory numbers",
"explica_media_rights_defaults": "When uploading images, videos, audio and other media files, the following entries are entered into the respective fields for the media files' license status by default. During the upload, they can be changed to a more suitable value for the current media file. To generally update the default values however, change the fields below.",
"explica_object_metadata_rights_defaults": "The following values describe the default license status and rights holder entered for the metadata (title, description, etc.) for newly recorded objects. If you are to change the license status or rights holder later on, you can do so using the respective fields of the \"rights\" tab of the object editing page or generally overwrite any existing license status or rights holders by clicking on the buttons below (\"rebase\").",
"explica_social_media_buttons": "At the bottom of each object page in the public frontend of museum-digital, share buttons for common social media sites can be displayed. Whether they actually are displayed can be set on a per-object basis. A default value for new objects can be set here however.",
"explica_download_button_images": "On single image pages for object images in the public frontend of museum-digital, a download button can be displayed. This only pertains to pages for images (not other resources) hosted with museum-digital. In some cases, e.g. if the object is a recent artwork where the museum itself only holds restricted control over the licensing of the object or its display online, it may be necessary to disable the download button. Regardless of the setting here, users can still download the image using a right click.",
"commenting_function": "Commenting",
"explica_commenting": "Commenting can be enabled in the public frontend of museum-digital. The commenting function can either be opened to anybody, or only to specific user groups, which can be selected below. If the commenting function is activated and anybody leaves a comment, new comments can be moderated using the moderation tool accessible through musdb's dashboard (section: tools).",
"explica_share_dumps": "If a museum wants to grant the public - or certain other parties such as aggregators or portals - ongoing access to a full download of its published object data at museum-digital, this can be done using the setting below. If the shared dumps are made public, they will be linked on the museum's institution page. If they are set to sharing by a link, they will be made accessible using a link only to be found in an entry field of this subsection.",
"preferred_object_order": "Preferred order of objects",
"explica_preferred_object_order": "Using the buttons below a preferred order of the object listing for all objects of the institution when accessed through the respective links at the bottom of the institution page can be adjusted.",
"explica_strict_mode_sizes": "If this setting is enabled, the fields for separated measurements are converted into number fields. This way, only valid, numeric information can be entered into the fields. Consequently, one can be sure that the objects can be properly searched (e.g. using a search for all objects taller or smaller than 500 mm). Strictly requiring numeric information using the respective input field type however makes it impossible to display pre-existing, non-numeric data. Hence, this setting should only be enabled if one is certain, that all contents in the respective fields is valid and numeric. ",
"explica_strict_mode_dates": "If this setting is enabled, the fields for date information on object pages (e.g. entry date) are converted into date fields. This way, only valid dates can be entered into the fields (e.g. \"August 20th, 2022\"; not \"ca. 2022\"). The date fields now contain a date picker. Consequently, one can be sure that the objects can be properly searched (e.g. using a search for all objects entering the museums before a given day). Strictly requiring date information using the respective input field type however makes it impossible to display pre-existing and invalid dates. Hence, this setting should not be enabled if any information has been entered into the date fields already.",
"explica_strict_mode_values": "If this setting is enabled, the fields for values (e..g insurance value, estimated value) are converted into number fields. This way, only valid, numeric information can be entered into the fields. Consequently, one can be sure that the objects can be properly searched (e.g. using a search for all objects more or less expensive than 500 \u20ac). Strictly requiring numeric information using the respective input field type however makes it impossible to display pre-existing, non-numeric data. Hence, this setting should only be enabled if one is certain, that all contents in the respective fields is valid and numeric. ",
"explica_strict_mode_invno": "By default, a warning is given if a new object with a duplicate inventory number is entered. It is however possible to proceed entering the object regardless by pressing the respective button. Enabling this setting removes the button and makes it fully impossible to enter objects of a duplicate inventory number.",
"explica_how_event_sources": "If a museum has a strong research focus or a focus on provenenance research, it may be useful to note the source from which the information for events (e.g. who bought the object at a given date?) was retrieved. The option to do so in a regularized fashion is available once this option has been activated.",
"explica_object_categorization_ai": "When adding objects, an AI-based image categorization can be run for a rough tagging of the objects (provided that images are uploaded as the object is added). As this image categoriation is far from perfect and blocks the upload process for some time, it needs to be enabled here if it is to be used.",
"explica_invno_scheme": "If this field is filled, a suggestion for inventory numbers for new objects can be provided by the system. Variable components of an inventory number - a counter and often an identifier for the collection - can be marked using the placeholders {no} (for a counter counting up) and {c_sig} for the collection signature. Suggesting collection signatures required a collection to have already been selected as the suggestion button is pressed. Signatures for the collection can be entered using the collection page. An example for such an inventory number scheme may thus be XYZ-{no}8, meaning that any suggested inventory number will start with \"XYZ-\", followed by a counter padded to 8 characters. The first proposed inventory number would thus be XYZ-00000001, the second XYZ-00000002."
@ -82,6 +82,22 @@
"enable_strict_mode_for_sizes": "Enforce sizes (height, weight, etc.) to be numeric",
"enable_strict_mode_for_sizes": "Enforce sizes (height, weight, etc.) to be numeric",
"enable_strict_mode_for_dates": "Add date picker for dates and enforce entry and estimation dates are actual date fields",
"enable_strict_mode_for_dates": "Add date picker for dates and enforce entry and estimation dates are actual date fields",
"enable_strict_mode_for_invno": "Enforce unique inventory numbers within the museum without any exceptions or overrides",
"enable_strict_mode_for_invno": "Enforce unique inventory numbers within the museum without any exceptions or overrides",
"invno_scheme": "Scheme for suggested inventory numbers"
"invno_scheme": "Scheme for suggested inventory numbers",
"explica_media_rights_defaults": "When uploading images, videos, audio and other media files, the following entries are entered into the respective fields for the media files' license status by default. During the upload, they can be changed to a more suitable value for the current media file. To generally update the default values however, change the fields below.",
"explica_object_metadata_rights_defaults": "The following values describe the default license status and rights holder entered for the metadata (title, description, etc.) for newly recorded objects. If you are to change the license status or rights holder later on, you can do so using the respective fields of the \"rights\" tab of the object editing page or generally overwrite any existing license status or rights holders by clicking on the buttons below (\"rebase\").",
"explica_social_media_buttons": "At the bottom of each object page in the public frontend of museum-digital, share buttons for common social media sites can be displayed. Whether they actually are displayed can be set on a per-object basis. A default value for new objects can be set here however.",
"explica_download_button_images": "On single image pages for object images in the public frontend of museum-digital, a download button can be displayed. This only pertains to pages for images (not other resources) hosted with museum-digital. In some cases, e.g. if the object is a recent artwork where the museum itself only holds restricted control over the licensing of the object or its display online, it may be necessary to disable the download button. Regardless of the setting here, users can still download the image using a right click.",
"commenting_function": "Commenting",
"explica_commenting": "Commenting can be enabled in the public frontend of museum-digital. The commenting function can either be opened to anybody, or only to specific user groups, which can be selected below. If the commenting function is activated and anybody leaves a comment, new comments can be moderated using the moderation tool accessible through musdb's dashboard (section: tools).",
"explica_share_dumps": "If a museum wants to grant the public - or certain other parties such as aggregators or portals - ongoing access to a full download of its published object data at museum-digital, this can be done using the setting below. If the shared dumps are made public, they will be linked on the museum's institution page. If they are set to sharing by a link, they will be made accessible using a link only to be found in an entry field of this subsection.",
"preferred_object_order": "Preferred order of objects",
"explica_preferred_object_order": "Using the buttons below a preferred order of the object listing for all objects of the institution when accessed through the respective links at the bottom of the institution page can be adjusted.",
"explica_strict_mode_sizes": "If this setting is enabled, the fields for separated measurements are converted into number fields. This way, only valid, numeric information can be entered into the fields. Consequently, one can be sure that the objects can be properly searched (e.g. using a search for all objects taller or smaller than 500 mm). Strictly requiring numeric information using the respective input field type however makes it impossible to display pre-existing, non-numeric data. Hence, this setting should only be enabled if one is certain, that all contents in the respective fields is valid and numeric. ",
"explica_strict_mode_dates": "If this setting is enabled, the fields for date information on object pages (e.g. entry date) are converted into date fields. This way, only valid dates can be entered into the fields (e.g. \"August 20th, 2022\"; not \"ca. 2022\"). The date fields now contain a date picker. Consequently, one can be sure that the objects can be properly searched (e.g. using a search for all objects entering the museums before a given day). Strictly requiring date information using the respective input field type however makes it impossible to display pre-existing and invalid dates. Hence, this setting should not be enabled if any information has been entered into the date fields already.",
"explica_strict_mode_values": "If this setting is enabled, the fields for values (e..g insurance value, estimated value) are converted into number fields. This way, only valid, numeric information can be entered into the fields. Consequently, one can be sure that the objects can be properly searched (e.g. using a search for all objects more or less expensive than 500 \u20ac). Strictly requiring numeric information using the respective input field type however makes it impossible to display pre-existing, non-numeric data. Hence, this setting should only be enabled if one is certain, that all contents in the respective fields is valid and numeric. ",
"explica_strict_mode_invno": "By default, a warning is given if a new object with a duplicate inventory number is entered. It is however possible to proceed entering the object regardless by pressing the respective button. Enabling this setting removes the button and makes it fully impossible to enter objects of a duplicate inventory number.",
"explica_how_event_sources": "If a museum has a strong research focus or a focus on provenenance research, it may be useful to note the source from which the information for events (e.g. who bought the object at a given date?) was retrieved. The option to do so in a regularized fashion is available once this option has been activated.",
"explica_object_categorization_ai": "When adding objects, an AI-based image categorization can be run for a rough tagging of the objects (provided that images are uploaded as the object is added). As this image categoriation is far from perfect and blocks the upload process for some time, it needs to be enabled here if it is to be used.",
"explica_invno_scheme": "If this field is filled, a suggestion for inventory numbers for new objects can be provided by the system. Variable components of an inventory number - a counter and often an identifier for the collection - can be marked using the placeholders {no} (for a counter counting up) and {c_sig} for the collection signature. Suggesting collection signatures required a collection to have already been selected as the suggestion button is pressed. Signatures for the collection can be entered using the collection page. An example for such an inventory number scheme may thus be XYZ-{no}8, meaning that any suggested inventory number will start with \"XYZ-\", followed by a counter padded to 8 characters. The first proposed inventory number would thus be XYZ-00000001, the second XYZ-00000002."
@ -82,6 +82,22 @@
"enable_strict_mode_for_sizes": "Enforce sizes (height, weight, etc.) to be numeric",
"enable_strict_mode_for_sizes": "Enforce sizes (height, weight, etc.) to be numeric",
"enable_strict_mode_for_dates": "Add date picker for dates and enforce entry and estimation dates are actual date fields",
"enable_strict_mode_for_dates": "Add date picker for dates and enforce entry and estimation dates are actual date fields",
"enable_strict_mode_for_invno": "Enforce unique inventory numbers within the museum without any exceptions or overrides",
"enable_strict_mode_for_invno": "Enforce unique inventory numbers within the museum without any exceptions or overrides",
"invno_scheme": "Scheme for suggested inventory numbers"
"invno_scheme": "Scheme for suggested inventory numbers",
"explica_media_rights_defaults": "When uploading images, videos, audio and other media files, the following entries are entered into the respective fields for the media files' license status by default. During the upload, they can be changed to a more suitable value for the current media file. To generally update the default values however, change the fields below.",
"explica_object_metadata_rights_defaults": "The following values describe the default license status and rights holder entered for the metadata (title, description, etc.) for newly recorded objects. If you are to change the license status or rights holder later on, you can do so using the respective fields of the \"rights\" tab of the object editing page or generally overwrite any existing license status or rights holders by clicking on the buttons below (\"rebase\").",
"explica_social_media_buttons": "At the bottom of each object page in the public frontend of museum-digital, share buttons for common social media sites can be displayed. Whether they actually are displayed can be set on a per-object basis. A default value for new objects can be set here however.",
"explica_download_button_images": "On single image pages for object images in the public frontend of museum-digital, a download button can be displayed. This only pertains to pages for images (not other resources) hosted with museum-digital. In some cases, e.g. if the object is a recent artwork where the museum itself only holds restricted control over the licensing of the object or its display online, it may be necessary to disable the download button. Regardless of the setting here, users can still download the image using a right click.",
"commenting_function": "Commenting",
"explica_commenting": "Commenting can be enabled in the public frontend of museum-digital. The commenting function can either be opened to anybody, or only to specific user groups, which can be selected below. If the commenting function is activated and anybody leaves a comment, new comments can be moderated using the moderation tool accessible through musdb's dashboard (section: tools).",
"explica_share_dumps": "If a museum wants to grant the public - or certain other parties such as aggregators or portals - ongoing access to a full download of its published object data at museum-digital, this can be done using the setting below. If the shared dumps are made public, they will be linked on the museum's institution page. If they are set to sharing by a link, they will be made accessible using a link only to be found in an entry field of this subsection.",
"preferred_object_order": "Preferred order of objects",
"explica_preferred_object_order": "Using the buttons below a preferred order of the object listing for all objects of the institution when accessed through the respective links at the bottom of the institution page can be adjusted.",
"explica_strict_mode_sizes": "If this setting is enabled, the fields for separated measurements are converted into number fields. This way, only valid, numeric information can be entered into the fields. Consequently, one can be sure that the objects can be properly searched (e.g. using a search for all objects taller or smaller than 500 mm). Strictly requiring numeric information using the respective input field type however makes it impossible to display pre-existing, non-numeric data. Hence, this setting should only be enabled if one is certain, that all contents in the respective fields is valid and numeric. ",
"explica_strict_mode_dates": "If this setting is enabled, the fields for date information on object pages (e.g. entry date) are converted into date fields. This way, only valid dates can be entered into the fields (e.g. \"August 20th, 2022\"; not \"ca. 2022\"). The date fields now contain a date picker. Consequently, one can be sure that the objects can be properly searched (e.g. using a search for all objects entering the museums before a given day). Strictly requiring date information using the respective input field type however makes it impossible to display pre-existing and invalid dates. Hence, this setting should not be enabled if any information has been entered into the date fields already.",
"explica_strict_mode_values": "If this setting is enabled, the fields for values (e..g insurance value, estimated value) are converted into number fields. This way, only valid, numeric information can be entered into the fields. Consequently, one can be sure that the objects can be properly searched (e.g. using a search for all objects more or less expensive than 500 \u20ac). Strictly requiring numeric information using the respective input field type however makes it impossible to display pre-existing, non-numeric data. Hence, this setting should only be enabled if one is certain, that all contents in the respective fields is valid and numeric. ",
"explica_strict_mode_invno": "By default, a warning is given if a new object with a duplicate inventory number is entered. It is however possible to proceed entering the object regardless by pressing the respective button. Enabling this setting removes the button and makes it fully impossible to enter objects of a duplicate inventory number.",
"explica_how_event_sources": "If a museum has a strong research focus or a focus on provenenance research, it may be useful to note the source from which the information for events (e.g. who bought the object at a given date?) was retrieved. The option to do so in a regularized fashion is available once this option has been activated.",
"explica_object_categorization_ai": "When adding objects, an AI-based image categorization can be run for a rough tagging of the objects (provided that images are uploaded as the object is added). As this image categoriation is far from perfect and blocks the upload process for some time, it needs to be enabled here if it is to be used.",
"explica_invno_scheme": "If this field is filled, a suggestion for inventory numbers for new objects can be provided by the system. Variable components of an inventory number - a counter and often an identifier for the collection - can be marked using the placeholders {no} (for a counter counting up) and {c_sig} for the collection signature. Suggesting collection signatures required a collection to have already been selected as the suggestion button is pressed. Signatures for the collection can be entered using the collection page. An example for such an inventory number scheme may thus be XYZ-{no}8, meaning that any suggested inventory number will start with \"XYZ-\", followed by a counter padded to 8 characters. The first proposed inventory number would thus be XYZ-00000001, the second XYZ-00000002."
@ -82,6 +82,22 @@
"enable_strict_mode_for_sizes": "Enforce sizes (height, weight, etc.) to be numeric",
"enable_strict_mode_for_sizes": "Enforce sizes (height, weight, etc.) to be numeric",
"enable_strict_mode_for_dates": "Add date picker for dates and enforce entry and estimation dates are actual date fields",
"enable_strict_mode_for_dates": "Add date picker for dates and enforce entry and estimation dates are actual date fields",
"enable_strict_mode_for_invno": "Enforce unique inventory numbers within the museum without any exceptions or overrides",
"enable_strict_mode_for_invno": "Enforce unique inventory numbers within the museum without any exceptions or overrides",
"invno_scheme": "Scheme for suggested inventory numbers"
"invno_scheme": "Scheme for suggested inventory numbers",
"explica_media_rights_defaults": "When uploading images, videos, audio and other media files, the following entries are entered into the respective fields for the media files' license status by default. During the upload, they can be changed to a more suitable value for the current media file. To generally update the default values however, change the fields below.",
"explica_object_metadata_rights_defaults": "The following values describe the default license status and rights holder entered for the metadata (title, description, etc.) for newly recorded objects. If you are to change the license status or rights holder later on, you can do so using the respective fields of the \"rights\" tab of the object editing page or generally overwrite any existing license status or rights holders by clicking on the buttons below (\"rebase\").",
"explica_social_media_buttons": "At the bottom of each object page in the public frontend of museum-digital, share buttons for common social media sites can be displayed. Whether they actually are displayed can be set on a per-object basis. A default value for new objects can be set here however.",
"explica_download_button_images": "On single image pages for object images in the public frontend of museum-digital, a download button can be displayed. This only pertains to pages for images (not other resources) hosted with museum-digital. In some cases, e.g. if the object is a recent artwork where the museum itself only holds restricted control over the licensing of the object or its display online, it may be necessary to disable the download button. Regardless of the setting here, users can still download the image using a right click.",
"commenting_function": "Commenting",
"explica_commenting": "Commenting can be enabled in the public frontend of museum-digital. The commenting function can either be opened to anybody, or only to specific user groups, which can be selected below. If the commenting function is activated and anybody leaves a comment, new comments can be moderated using the moderation tool accessible through musdb's dashboard (section: tools).",
"explica_share_dumps": "If a museum wants to grant the public - or certain other parties such as aggregators or portals - ongoing access to a full download of its published object data at museum-digital, this can be done using the setting below. If the shared dumps are made public, they will be linked on the museum's institution page. If they are set to sharing by a link, they will be made accessible using a link only to be found in an entry field of this subsection.",
"preferred_object_order": "Preferred order of objects",
"explica_preferred_object_order": "Using the buttons below a preferred order of the object listing for all objects of the institution when accessed through the respective links at the bottom of the institution page can be adjusted.",
"explica_strict_mode_sizes": "If this setting is enabled, the fields for separated measurements are converted into number fields. This way, only valid, numeric information can be entered into the fields. Consequently, one can be sure that the objects can be properly searched (e.g. using a search for all objects taller or smaller than 500 mm). Strictly requiring numeric information using the respective input field type however makes it impossible to display pre-existing, non-numeric data. Hence, this setting should only be enabled if one is certain, that all contents in the respective fields is valid and numeric. ",
"explica_strict_mode_dates": "If this setting is enabled, the fields for date information on object pages (e.g. entry date) are converted into date fields. This way, only valid dates can be entered into the fields (e.g. \"August 20th, 2022\"; not \"ca. 2022\"). The date fields now contain a date picker. Consequently, one can be sure that the objects can be properly searched (e.g. using a search for all objects entering the museums before a given day). Strictly requiring date information using the respective input field type however makes it impossible to display pre-existing and invalid dates. Hence, this setting should not be enabled if any information has been entered into the date fields already.",
"explica_strict_mode_values": "If this setting is enabled, the fields for values (e..g insurance value, estimated value) are converted into number fields. This way, only valid, numeric information can be entered into the fields. Consequently, one can be sure that the objects can be properly searched (e.g. using a search for all objects more or less expensive than 500 \u20ac). Strictly requiring numeric information using the respective input field type however makes it impossible to display pre-existing, non-numeric data. Hence, this setting should only be enabled if one is certain, that all contents in the respective fields is valid and numeric. ",
"explica_strict_mode_invno": "By default, a warning is given if a new object with a duplicate inventory number is entered. It is however possible to proceed entering the object regardless by pressing the respective button. Enabling this setting removes the button and makes it fully impossible to enter objects of a duplicate inventory number.",
"explica_how_event_sources": "If a museum has a strong research focus or a focus on provenenance research, it may be useful to note the source from which the information for events (e.g. who bought the object at a given date?) was retrieved. The option to do so in a regularized fashion is available once this option has been activated.",
"explica_object_categorization_ai": "When adding objects, an AI-based image categorization can be run for a rough tagging of the objects (provided that images are uploaded as the object is added). As this image categoriation is far from perfect and blocks the upload process for some time, it needs to be enabled here if it is to be used.",
"explica_invno_scheme": "If this field is filled, a suggestion for inventory numbers for new objects can be provided by the system. Variable components of an inventory number - a counter and often an identifier for the collection - can be marked using the placeholders {no} (for a counter counting up) and {c_sig} for the collection signature. Suggesting collection signatures required a collection to have already been selected as the suggestion button is pressed. Signatures for the collection can be entered using the collection page. An example for such an inventory number scheme may thus be XYZ-{no}8, meaning that any suggested inventory number will start with \"XYZ-\", followed by a counter padded to 8 characters. The first proposed inventory number would thus be XYZ-00000001, the second XYZ-00000002."
@ -82,6 +82,22 @@
"enable_strict_mode_for_sizes": "Enforce sizes (height, weight, etc.) to be numeric",
"enable_strict_mode_for_sizes": "Enforce sizes (height, weight, etc.) to be numeric",
"enable_strict_mode_for_dates": "Add date picker for dates and enforce entry and estimation dates are actual date fields",
"enable_strict_mode_for_dates": "Add date picker for dates and enforce entry and estimation dates are actual date fields",
"enable_strict_mode_for_invno": "Enforce unique inventory numbers within the museum without any exceptions or overrides",
"enable_strict_mode_for_invno": "Enforce unique inventory numbers within the museum without any exceptions or overrides",
"invno_scheme": "Scheme for suggested inventory numbers"
"invno_scheme": "Scheme for suggested inventory numbers",
"explica_media_rights_defaults": "When uploading images, videos, audio and other media files, the following entries are entered into the respective fields for the media files' license status by default. During the upload, they can be changed to a more suitable value for the current media file. To generally update the default values however, change the fields below.",
"explica_object_metadata_rights_defaults": "The following values describe the default license status and rights holder entered for the metadata (title, description, etc.) for newly recorded objects. If you are to change the license status or rights holder later on, you can do so using the respective fields of the \"rights\" tab of the object editing page or generally overwrite any existing license status or rights holders by clicking on the buttons below (\"rebase\").",
"explica_social_media_buttons": "At the bottom of each object page in the public frontend of museum-digital, share buttons for common social media sites can be displayed. Whether they actually are displayed can be set on a per-object basis. A default value for new objects can be set here however.",
"explica_download_button_images": "On single image pages for object images in the public frontend of museum-digital, a download button can be displayed. This only pertains to pages for images (not other resources) hosted with museum-digital. In some cases, e.g. if the object is a recent artwork where the museum itself only holds restricted control over the licensing of the object or its display online, it may be necessary to disable the download button. Regardless of the setting here, users can still download the image using a right click.",
"commenting_function": "Commenting",
"explica_commenting": "Commenting can be enabled in the public frontend of museum-digital. The commenting function can either be opened to anybody, or only to specific user groups, which can be selected below. If the commenting function is activated and anybody leaves a comment, new comments can be moderated using the moderation tool accessible through musdb's dashboard (section: tools).",
"explica_share_dumps": "If a museum wants to grant the public - or certain other parties such as aggregators or portals - ongoing access to a full download of its published object data at museum-digital, this can be done using the setting below. If the shared dumps are made public, they will be linked on the museum's institution page. If they are set to sharing by a link, they will be made accessible using a link only to be found in an entry field of this subsection.",
"preferred_object_order": "Preferred order of objects",
"explica_preferred_object_order": "Using the buttons below a preferred order of the object listing for all objects of the institution when accessed through the respective links at the bottom of the institution page can be adjusted.",
"explica_strict_mode_sizes": "If this setting is enabled, the fields for separated measurements are converted into number fields. This way, only valid, numeric information can be entered into the fields. Consequently, one can be sure that the objects can be properly searched (e.g. using a search for all objects taller or smaller than 500 mm). Strictly requiring numeric information using the respective input field type however makes it impossible to display pre-existing, non-numeric data. Hence, this setting should only be enabled if one is certain, that all contents in the respective fields is valid and numeric. ",
"explica_strict_mode_dates": "If this setting is enabled, the fields for date information on object pages (e.g. entry date) are converted into date fields. This way, only valid dates can be entered into the fields (e.g. \"August 20th, 2022\"; not \"ca. 2022\"). The date fields now contain a date picker. Consequently, one can be sure that the objects can be properly searched (e.g. using a search for all objects entering the museums before a given day). Strictly requiring date information using the respective input field type however makes it impossible to display pre-existing and invalid dates. Hence, this setting should not be enabled if any information has been entered into the date fields already.",
"explica_strict_mode_values": "If this setting is enabled, the fields for values (e..g insurance value, estimated value) are converted into number fields. This way, only valid, numeric information can be entered into the fields. Consequently, one can be sure that the objects can be properly searched (e.g. using a search for all objects more or less expensive than 500 \u20ac). Strictly requiring numeric information using the respective input field type however makes it impossible to display pre-existing, non-numeric data. Hence, this setting should only be enabled if one is certain, that all contents in the respective fields is valid and numeric. ",
"explica_strict_mode_invno": "By default, a warning is given if a new object with a duplicate inventory number is entered. It is however possible to proceed entering the object regardless by pressing the respective button. Enabling this setting removes the button and makes it fully impossible to enter objects of a duplicate inventory number.",
"explica_how_event_sources": "If a museum has a strong research focus or a focus on provenenance research, it may be useful to note the source from which the information for events (e.g. who bought the object at a given date?) was retrieved. The option to do so in a regularized fashion is available once this option has been activated.",
"explica_object_categorization_ai": "When adding objects, an AI-based image categorization can be run for a rough tagging of the objects (provided that images are uploaded as the object is added). As this image categoriation is far from perfect and blocks the upload process for some time, it needs to be enabled here if it is to be used.",
"explica_invno_scheme": "If this field is filled, a suggestion for inventory numbers for new objects can be provided by the system. Variable components of an inventory number - a counter and often an identifier for the collection - can be marked using the placeholders {no} (for a counter counting up) and {c_sig} for the collection signature. Suggesting collection signatures required a collection to have already been selected as the suggestion button is pressed. Signatures for the collection can be entered using the collection page. An example for such an inventory number scheme may thus be XYZ-{no}8, meaning that any suggested inventory number will start with \"XYZ-\", followed by a counter padded to 8 characters. The first proposed inventory number would thus be XYZ-00000001, the second XYZ-00000002."
@ -82,6 +82,22 @@
"enable_strict_mode_for_sizes": "Enforce sizes (height, weight, etc.) to be numeric",
"enable_strict_mode_for_sizes": "Enforce sizes (height, weight, etc.) to be numeric",
"enable_strict_mode_for_dates": "Add date picker for dates and enforce entry and estimation dates are actual date fields",
"enable_strict_mode_for_dates": "Add date picker for dates and enforce entry and estimation dates are actual date fields",
"enable_strict_mode_for_invno": "Enforce unique inventory numbers within the museum without any exceptions or overrides",
"enable_strict_mode_for_invno": "Enforce unique inventory numbers within the museum without any exceptions or overrides",
"invno_scheme": "Scheme for suggested inventory numbers"
"invno_scheme": "Scheme for suggested inventory numbers",
"explica_media_rights_defaults": "When uploading images, videos, audio and other media files, the following entries are entered into the respective fields for the media files' license status by default. During the upload, they can be changed to a more suitable value for the current media file. To generally update the default values however, change the fields below.",
"explica_object_metadata_rights_defaults": "The following values describe the default license status and rights holder entered for the metadata (title, description, etc.) for newly recorded objects. If you are to change the license status or rights holder later on, you can do so using the respective fields of the \"rights\" tab of the object editing page or generally overwrite any existing license status or rights holders by clicking on the buttons below (\"rebase\").",
"explica_social_media_buttons": "At the bottom of each object page in the public frontend of museum-digital, share buttons for common social media sites can be displayed. Whether they actually are displayed can be set on a per-object basis. A default value for new objects can be set here however.",
"explica_download_button_images": "On single image pages for object images in the public frontend of museum-digital, a download button can be displayed. This only pertains to pages for images (not other resources) hosted with museum-digital. In some cases, e.g. if the object is a recent artwork where the museum itself only holds restricted control over the licensing of the object or its display online, it may be necessary to disable the download button. Regardless of the setting here, users can still download the image using a right click.",
"commenting_function": "Commenting",
"explica_commenting": "Commenting can be enabled in the public frontend of museum-digital. The commenting function can either be opened to anybody, or only to specific user groups, which can be selected below. If the commenting function is activated and anybody leaves a comment, new comments can be moderated using the moderation tool accessible through musdb's dashboard (section: tools).",
"explica_share_dumps": "If a museum wants to grant the public - or certain other parties such as aggregators or portals - ongoing access to a full download of its published object data at museum-digital, this can be done using the setting below. If the shared dumps are made public, they will be linked on the museum's institution page. If they are set to sharing by a link, they will be made accessible using a link only to be found in an entry field of this subsection.",
"preferred_object_order": "Preferred order of objects",
"explica_preferred_object_order": "Using the buttons below a preferred order of the object listing for all objects of the institution when accessed through the respective links at the bottom of the institution page can be adjusted.",
"explica_strict_mode_sizes": "If this setting is enabled, the fields for separated measurements are converted into number fields. This way, only valid, numeric information can be entered into the fields. Consequently, one can be sure that the objects can be properly searched (e.g. using a search for all objects taller or smaller than 500 mm). Strictly requiring numeric information using the respective input field type however makes it impossible to display pre-existing, non-numeric data. Hence, this setting should only be enabled if one is certain, that all contents in the respective fields is valid and numeric. ",
"explica_strict_mode_dates": "If this setting is enabled, the fields for date information on object pages (e.g. entry date) are converted into date fields. This way, only valid dates can be entered into the fields (e.g. \"August 20th, 2022\"; not \"ca. 2022\"). The date fields now contain a date picker. Consequently, one can be sure that the objects can be properly searched (e.g. using a search for all objects entering the museums before a given day). Strictly requiring date information using the respective input field type however makes it impossible to display pre-existing and invalid dates. Hence, this setting should not be enabled if any information has been entered into the date fields already.",
"explica_strict_mode_values": "If this setting is enabled, the fields for values (e..g insurance value, estimated value) are converted into number fields. This way, only valid, numeric information can be entered into the fields. Consequently, one can be sure that the objects can be properly searched (e.g. using a search for all objects more or less expensive than 500 \u20ac). Strictly requiring numeric information using the respective input field type however makes it impossible to display pre-existing, non-numeric data. Hence, this setting should only be enabled if one is certain, that all contents in the respective fields is valid and numeric. ",
"explica_strict_mode_invno": "By default, a warning is given if a new object with a duplicate inventory number is entered. It is however possible to proceed entering the object regardless by pressing the respective button. Enabling this setting removes the button and makes it fully impossible to enter objects of a duplicate inventory number.",
"explica_how_event_sources": "If a museum has a strong research focus or a focus on provenenance research, it may be useful to note the source from which the information for events (e.g. who bought the object at a given date?) was retrieved. The option to do so in a regularized fashion is available once this option has been activated.",
"explica_object_categorization_ai": "When adding objects, an AI-based image categorization can be run for a rough tagging of the objects (provided that images are uploaded as the object is added). As this image categoriation is far from perfect and blocks the upload process for some time, it needs to be enabled here if it is to be used.",
"explica_invno_scheme": "If this field is filled, a suggestion for inventory numbers for new objects can be provided by the system. Variable components of an inventory number - a counter and often an identifier for the collection - can be marked using the placeholders {no} (for a counter counting up) and {c_sig} for the collection signature. Suggesting collection signatures required a collection to have already been selected as the suggestion button is pressed. Signatures for the collection can be entered using the collection page. An example for such an inventory number scheme may thus be XYZ-{no}8, meaning that any suggested inventory number will start with \"XYZ-\", followed by a counter padded to 8 characters. The first proposed inventory number would thus be XYZ-00000001, the second XYZ-00000002."
@ -82,6 +82,22 @@
"enable_strict_mode_for_sizes": "Enforce sizes (height, weight, etc.) to be numeric",
"enable_strict_mode_for_sizes": "Enforce sizes (height, weight, etc.) to be numeric",
"enable_strict_mode_for_dates": "Add date picker for dates and enforce entry and estimation dates are actual date fields",
"enable_strict_mode_for_dates": "Add date picker for dates and enforce entry and estimation dates are actual date fields",
"enable_strict_mode_for_invno": "Enforce unique inventory numbers within the museum without any exceptions or overrides",
"enable_strict_mode_for_invno": "Enforce unique inventory numbers within the museum without any exceptions or overrides",
"invno_scheme": "Scheme for suggested inventory numbers"
"invno_scheme": "Scheme for suggested inventory numbers",
"explica_media_rights_defaults": "When uploading images, videos, audio and other media files, the following entries are entered into the respective fields for the media files' license status by default. During the upload, they can be changed to a more suitable value for the current media file. To generally update the default values however, change the fields below.",
"explica_object_metadata_rights_defaults": "The following values describe the default license status and rights holder entered for the metadata (title, description, etc.) for newly recorded objects. If you are to change the license status or rights holder later on, you can do so using the respective fields of the \"rights\" tab of the object editing page or generally overwrite any existing license status or rights holders by clicking on the buttons below (\"rebase\").",
"explica_social_media_buttons": "At the bottom of each object page in the public frontend of museum-digital, share buttons for common social media sites can be displayed. Whether they actually are displayed can be set on a per-object basis. A default value for new objects can be set here however.",
"explica_download_button_images": "On single image pages for object images in the public frontend of museum-digital, a download button can be displayed. This only pertains to pages for images (not other resources) hosted with museum-digital. In some cases, e.g. if the object is a recent artwork where the museum itself only holds restricted control over the licensing of the object or its display online, it may be necessary to disable the download button. Regardless of the setting here, users can still download the image using a right click.",
"commenting_function": "Commenting",
"explica_commenting": "Commenting can be enabled in the public frontend of museum-digital. The commenting function can either be opened to anybody, or only to specific user groups, which can be selected below. If the commenting function is activated and anybody leaves a comment, new comments can be moderated using the moderation tool accessible through musdb's dashboard (section: tools).",
"explica_share_dumps": "If a museum wants to grant the public - or certain other parties such as aggregators or portals - ongoing access to a full download of its published object data at museum-digital, this can be done using the setting below. If the shared dumps are made public, they will be linked on the museum's institution page. If they are set to sharing by a link, they will be made accessible using a link only to be found in an entry field of this subsection.",
"preferred_object_order": "Preferred order of objects",
"explica_preferred_object_order": "Using the buttons below a preferred order of the object listing for all objects of the institution when accessed through the respective links at the bottom of the institution page can be adjusted.",
"explica_strict_mode_sizes": "If this setting is enabled, the fields for separated measurements are converted into number fields. This way, only valid, numeric information can be entered into the fields. Consequently, one can be sure that the objects can be properly searched (e.g. using a search for all objects taller or smaller than 500 mm). Strictly requiring numeric information using the respective input field type however makes it impossible to display pre-existing, non-numeric data. Hence, this setting should only be enabled if one is certain, that all contents in the respective fields is valid and numeric. ",
"explica_strict_mode_dates": "If this setting is enabled, the fields for date information on object pages (e.g. entry date) are converted into date fields. This way, only valid dates can be entered into the fields (e.g. \"August 20th, 2022\"; not \"ca. 2022\"). The date fields now contain a date picker. Consequently, one can be sure that the objects can be properly searched (e.g. using a search for all objects entering the museums before a given day). Strictly requiring date information using the respective input field type however makes it impossible to display pre-existing and invalid dates. Hence, this setting should not be enabled if any information has been entered into the date fields already.",
"explica_strict_mode_values": "If this setting is enabled, the fields for values (e..g insurance value, estimated value) are converted into number fields. This way, only valid, numeric information can be entered into the fields. Consequently, one can be sure that the objects can be properly searched (e.g. using a search for all objects more or less expensive than 500 \u20ac). Strictly requiring numeric information using the respective input field type however makes it impossible to display pre-existing, non-numeric data. Hence, this setting should only be enabled if one is certain, that all contents in the respective fields is valid and numeric. ",
"explica_strict_mode_invno": "By default, a warning is given if a new object with a duplicate inventory number is entered. It is however possible to proceed entering the object regardless by pressing the respective button. Enabling this setting removes the button and makes it fully impossible to enter objects of a duplicate inventory number.",
"explica_how_event_sources": "If a museum has a strong research focus or a focus on provenenance research, it may be useful to note the source from which the information for events (e.g. who bought the object at a given date?) was retrieved. The option to do so in a regularized fashion is available once this option has been activated.",
"explica_object_categorization_ai": "When adding objects, an AI-based image categorization can be run for a rough tagging of the objects (provided that images are uploaded as the object is added). As this image categoriation is far from perfect and blocks the upload process for some time, it needs to be enabled here if it is to be used.",
"explica_invno_scheme": "If this field is filled, a suggestion for inventory numbers for new objects can be provided by the system. Variable components of an inventory number - a counter and often an identifier for the collection - can be marked using the placeholders {no} (for a counter counting up) and {c_sig} for the collection signature. Suggesting collection signatures required a collection to have already been selected as the suggestion button is pressed. Signatures for the collection can be entered using the collection page. An example for such an inventory number scheme may thus be XYZ-{no}8, meaning that any suggested inventory number will start with \"XYZ-\", followed by a counter padded to 8 characters. The first proposed inventory number would thus be XYZ-00000001, the second XYZ-00000002."
@ -82,6 +82,22 @@
"enable_strict_mode_for_sizes": "Enforce sizes (height, weight, etc.) to be numeric",
"enable_strict_mode_for_sizes": "Enforce sizes (height, weight, etc.) to be numeric",
"enable_strict_mode_for_dates": "Add date picker for dates and enforce entry and estimation dates are actual date fields",
"enable_strict_mode_for_dates": "Add date picker for dates and enforce entry and estimation dates are actual date fields",
"enable_strict_mode_for_invno": "Enforce unique inventory numbers within the museum without any exceptions or overrides",
"enable_strict_mode_for_invno": "Enforce unique inventory numbers within the museum without any exceptions or overrides",
"invno_scheme": "Scheme for suggested inventory numbers"
"invno_scheme": "Scheme for suggested inventory numbers",
"explica_media_rights_defaults": "When uploading images, videos, audio and other media files, the following entries are entered into the respective fields for the media files' license status by default. During the upload, they can be changed to a more suitable value for the current media file. To generally update the default values however, change the fields below.",
"explica_object_metadata_rights_defaults": "The following values describe the default license status and rights holder entered for the metadata (title, description, etc.) for newly recorded objects. If you are to change the license status or rights holder later on, you can do so using the respective fields of the \"rights\" tab of the object editing page or generally overwrite any existing license status or rights holders by clicking on the buttons below (\"rebase\").",
"explica_social_media_buttons": "At the bottom of each object page in the public frontend of museum-digital, share buttons for common social media sites can be displayed. Whether they actually are displayed can be set on a per-object basis. A default value for new objects can be set here however.",
"explica_download_button_images": "On single image pages for object images in the public frontend of museum-digital, a download button can be displayed. This only pertains to pages for images (not other resources) hosted with museum-digital. In some cases, e.g. if the object is a recent artwork where the museum itself only holds restricted control over the licensing of the object or its display online, it may be necessary to disable the download button. Regardless of the setting here, users can still download the image using a right click.",
"commenting_function": "Commenting",
"explica_commenting": "Commenting can be enabled in the public frontend of museum-digital. The commenting function can either be opened to anybody, or only to specific user groups, which can be selected below. If the commenting function is activated and anybody leaves a comment, new comments can be moderated using the moderation tool accessible through musdb's dashboard (section: tools).",
"explica_share_dumps": "If a museum wants to grant the public - or certain other parties such as aggregators or portals - ongoing access to a full download of its published object data at museum-digital, this can be done using the setting below. If the shared dumps are made public, they will be linked on the museum's institution page. If they are set to sharing by a link, they will be made accessible using a link only to be found in an entry field of this subsection.",
"preferred_object_order": "Preferred order of objects",
"explica_preferred_object_order": "Using the buttons below a preferred order of the object listing for all objects of the institution when accessed through the respective links at the bottom of the institution page can be adjusted.",
"explica_strict_mode_sizes": "If this setting is enabled, the fields for separated measurements are converted into number fields. This way, only valid, numeric information can be entered into the fields. Consequently, one can be sure that the objects can be properly searched (e.g. using a search for all objects taller or smaller than 500 mm). Strictly requiring numeric information using the respective input field type however makes it impossible to display pre-existing, non-numeric data. Hence, this setting should only be enabled if one is certain, that all contents in the respective fields is valid and numeric. ",
"explica_strict_mode_dates": "If this setting is enabled, the fields for date information on object pages (e.g. entry date) are converted into date fields. This way, only valid dates can be entered into the fields (e.g. \"August 20th, 2022\"; not \"ca. 2022\"). The date fields now contain a date picker. Consequently, one can be sure that the objects can be properly searched (e.g. using a search for all objects entering the museums before a given day). Strictly requiring date information using the respective input field type however makes it impossible to display pre-existing and invalid dates. Hence, this setting should not be enabled if any information has been entered into the date fields already.",
"explica_strict_mode_values": "If this setting is enabled, the fields for values (e..g insurance value, estimated value) are converted into number fields. This way, only valid, numeric information can be entered into the fields. Consequently, one can be sure that the objects can be properly searched (e.g. using a search for all objects more or less expensive than 500 \u20ac). Strictly requiring numeric information using the respective input field type however makes it impossible to display pre-existing, non-numeric data. Hence, this setting should only be enabled if one is certain, that all contents in the respective fields is valid and numeric. ",
"explica_strict_mode_invno": "By default, a warning is given if a new object with a duplicate inventory number is entered. It is however possible to proceed entering the object regardless by pressing the respective button. Enabling this setting removes the button and makes it fully impossible to enter objects of a duplicate inventory number.",
"explica_how_event_sources": "If a museum has a strong research focus or a focus on provenenance research, it may be useful to note the source from which the information for events (e.g. who bought the object at a given date?) was retrieved. The option to do so in a regularized fashion is available once this option has been activated.",
"explica_object_categorization_ai": "When adding objects, an AI-based image categorization can be run for a rough tagging of the objects (provided that images are uploaded as the object is added). As this image categoriation is far from perfect and blocks the upload process for some time, it needs to be enabled here if it is to be used.",
"explica_invno_scheme": "If this field is filled, a suggestion for inventory numbers for new objects can be provided by the system. Variable components of an inventory number - a counter and often an identifier for the collection - can be marked using the placeholders {no} (for a counter counting up) and {c_sig} for the collection signature. Suggesting collection signatures required a collection to have already been selected as the suggestion button is pressed. Signatures for the collection can be entered using the collection page. An example for such an inventory number scheme may thus be XYZ-{no}8, meaning that any suggested inventory number will start with \"XYZ-\", followed by a counter padded to 8 characters. The first proposed inventory number would thus be XYZ-00000001, the second XYZ-00000002."
@ -82,6 +82,22 @@
"enable_strict_mode_for_sizes": "Enforce sizes (height, weight, etc.) to be numeric",
"enable_strict_mode_for_sizes": "Enforce sizes (height, weight, etc.) to be numeric",
"enable_strict_mode_for_dates": "Add date picker for dates and enforce entry and estimation dates are actual date fields",
"enable_strict_mode_for_dates": "Add date picker for dates and enforce entry and estimation dates are actual date fields",
"enable_strict_mode_for_invno": "Enforce unique inventory numbers within the museum without any exceptions or overrides",
"enable_strict_mode_for_invno": "Enforce unique inventory numbers within the museum without any exceptions or overrides",
"invno_scheme": "Scheme for suggested inventory numbers"
"invno_scheme": "Scheme for suggested inventory numbers",
"explica_media_rights_defaults": "When uploading images, videos, audio and other media files, the following entries are entered into the respective fields for the media files' license status by default. During the upload, they can be changed to a more suitable value for the current media file. To generally update the default values however, change the fields below.",
"explica_object_metadata_rights_defaults": "The following values describe the default license status and rights holder entered for the metadata (title, description, etc.) for newly recorded objects. If you are to change the license status or rights holder later on, you can do so using the respective fields of the \"rights\" tab of the object editing page or generally overwrite any existing license status or rights holders by clicking on the buttons below (\"rebase\").",
"explica_social_media_buttons": "At the bottom of each object page in the public frontend of museum-digital, share buttons for common social media sites can be displayed. Whether they actually are displayed can be set on a per-object basis. A default value for new objects can be set here however.",
"explica_download_button_images": "On single image pages for object images in the public frontend of museum-digital, a download button can be displayed. This only pertains to pages for images (not other resources) hosted with museum-digital. In some cases, e.g. if the object is a recent artwork where the museum itself only holds restricted control over the licensing of the object or its display online, it may be necessary to disable the download button. Regardless of the setting here, users can still download the image using a right click.",
"commenting_function": "Commenting",
"explica_commenting": "Commenting can be enabled in the public frontend of museum-digital. The commenting function can either be opened to anybody, or only to specific user groups, which can be selected below. If the commenting function is activated and anybody leaves a comment, new comments can be moderated using the moderation tool accessible through musdb's dashboard (section: tools).",
"explica_share_dumps": "If a museum wants to grant the public - or certain other parties such as aggregators or portals - ongoing access to a full download of its published object data at museum-digital, this can be done using the setting below. If the shared dumps are made public, they will be linked on the museum's institution page. If they are set to sharing by a link, they will be made accessible using a link only to be found in an entry field of this subsection.",
"preferred_object_order": "Preferred order of objects",
"explica_preferred_object_order": "Using the buttons below a preferred order of the object listing for all objects of the institution when accessed through the respective links at the bottom of the institution page can be adjusted.",
"explica_strict_mode_sizes": "If this setting is enabled, the fields for separated measurements are converted into number fields. This way, only valid, numeric information can be entered into the fields. Consequently, one can be sure that the objects can be properly searched (e.g. using a search for all objects taller or smaller than 500 mm). Strictly requiring numeric information using the respective input field type however makes it impossible to display pre-existing, non-numeric data. Hence, this setting should only be enabled if one is certain, that all contents in the respective fields is valid and numeric. ",
"explica_strict_mode_dates": "If this setting is enabled, the fields for date information on object pages (e.g. entry date) are converted into date fields. This way, only valid dates can be entered into the fields (e.g. \"August 20th, 2022\"; not \"ca. 2022\"). The date fields now contain a date picker. Consequently, one can be sure that the objects can be properly searched (e.g. using a search for all objects entering the museums before a given day). Strictly requiring date information using the respective input field type however makes it impossible to display pre-existing and invalid dates. Hence, this setting should not be enabled if any information has been entered into the date fields already.",
"explica_strict_mode_values": "If this setting is enabled, the fields for values (e..g insurance value, estimated value) are converted into number fields. This way, only valid, numeric information can be entered into the fields. Consequently, one can be sure that the objects can be properly searched (e.g. using a search for all objects more or less expensive than 500 \u20ac). Strictly requiring numeric information using the respective input field type however makes it impossible to display pre-existing, non-numeric data. Hence, this setting should only be enabled if one is certain, that all contents in the respective fields is valid and numeric. ",
"explica_strict_mode_invno": "By default, a warning is given if a new object with a duplicate inventory number is entered. It is however possible to proceed entering the object regardless by pressing the respective button. Enabling this setting removes the button and makes it fully impossible to enter objects of a duplicate inventory number.",
"explica_how_event_sources": "If a museum has a strong research focus or a focus on provenenance research, it may be useful to note the source from which the information for events (e.g. who bought the object at a given date?) was retrieved. The option to do so in a regularized fashion is available once this option has been activated.",
"explica_object_categorization_ai": "When adding objects, an AI-based image categorization can be run for a rough tagging of the objects (provided that images are uploaded as the object is added). As this image categoriation is far from perfect and blocks the upload process for some time, it needs to be enabled here if it is to be used.",
"explica_invno_scheme": "If this field is filled, a suggestion for inventory numbers for new objects can be provided by the system. Variable components of an inventory number - a counter and often an identifier for the collection - can be marked using the placeholders {no} (for a counter counting up) and {c_sig} for the collection signature. Suggesting collection signatures required a collection to have already been selected as the suggestion button is pressed. Signatures for the collection can be entered using the collection page. An example for such an inventory number scheme may thus be XYZ-{no}8, meaning that any suggested inventory number will start with \"XYZ-\", followed by a counter padded to 8 characters. The first proposed inventory number would thus be XYZ-00000001, the second XYZ-00000002."
@ -82,6 +82,22 @@
"enable_strict_mode_for_sizes": "Enforce sizes (height, weight, etc.) to be numeric",
"enable_strict_mode_for_sizes": "Enforce sizes (height, weight, etc.) to be numeric",
"enable_strict_mode_for_dates": "Add date picker for dates and enforce entry and estimation dates are actual date fields",
"enable_strict_mode_for_dates": "Add date picker for dates and enforce entry and estimation dates are actual date fields",
"enable_strict_mode_for_invno": "Enforce unique inventory numbers within the museum without any exceptions or overrides",
"enable_strict_mode_for_invno": "Enforce unique inventory numbers within the museum without any exceptions or overrides",
"invno_scheme": "Scheme for suggested inventory numbers"
"invno_scheme": "Scheme for suggested inventory numbers",
"explica_media_rights_defaults": "When uploading images, videos, audio and other media files, the following entries are entered into the respective fields for the media files' license status by default. During the upload, they can be changed to a more suitable value for the current media file. To generally update the default values however, change the fields below.",
"explica_object_metadata_rights_defaults": "The following values describe the default license status and rights holder entered for the metadata (title, description, etc.) for newly recorded objects. If you are to change the license status or rights holder later on, you can do so using the respective fields of the \"rights\" tab of the object editing page or generally overwrite any existing license status or rights holders by clicking on the buttons below (\"rebase\").",
"explica_social_media_buttons": "At the bottom of each object page in the public frontend of museum-digital, share buttons for common social media sites can be displayed. Whether they actually are displayed can be set on a per-object basis. A default value for new objects can be set here however.",
"explica_download_button_images": "On single image pages for object images in the public frontend of museum-digital, a download button can be displayed. This only pertains to pages for images (not other resources) hosted with museum-digital. In some cases, e.g. if the object is a recent artwork where the museum itself only holds restricted control over the licensing of the object or its display online, it may be necessary to disable the download button. Regardless of the setting here, users can still download the image using a right click.",
"commenting_function": "Commenting",
"explica_commenting": "Commenting can be enabled in the public frontend of museum-digital. The commenting function can either be opened to anybody, or only to specific user groups, which can be selected below. If the commenting function is activated and anybody leaves a comment, new comments can be moderated using the moderation tool accessible through musdb's dashboard (section: tools).",
"explica_share_dumps": "If a museum wants to grant the public - or certain other parties such as aggregators or portals - ongoing access to a full download of its published object data at museum-digital, this can be done using the setting below. If the shared dumps are made public, they will be linked on the museum's institution page. If they are set to sharing by a link, they will be made accessible using a link only to be found in an entry field of this subsection.",
"preferred_object_order": "Preferred order of objects",
"explica_preferred_object_order": "Using the buttons below a preferred order of the object listing for all objects of the institution when accessed through the respective links at the bottom of the institution page can be adjusted.",
"explica_strict_mode_sizes": "If this setting is enabled, the fields for separated measurements are converted into number fields. This way, only valid, numeric information can be entered into the fields. Consequently, one can be sure that the objects can be properly searched (e.g. using a search for all objects taller or smaller than 500 mm). Strictly requiring numeric information using the respective input field type however makes it impossible to display pre-existing, non-numeric data. Hence, this setting should only be enabled if one is certain, that all contents in the respective fields is valid and numeric. ",
"explica_strict_mode_dates": "If this setting is enabled, the fields for date information on object pages (e.g. entry date) are converted into date fields. This way, only valid dates can be entered into the fields (e.g. \"August 20th, 2022\"; not \"ca. 2022\"). The date fields now contain a date picker. Consequently, one can be sure that the objects can be properly searched (e.g. using a search for all objects entering the museums before a given day). Strictly requiring date information using the respective input field type however makes it impossible to display pre-existing and invalid dates. Hence, this setting should not be enabled if any information has been entered into the date fields already.",
"explica_strict_mode_values": "If this setting is enabled, the fields for values (e..g insurance value, estimated value) are converted into number fields. This way, only valid, numeric information can be entered into the fields. Consequently, one can be sure that the objects can be properly searched (e.g. using a search for all objects more or less expensive than 500 \u20ac). Strictly requiring numeric information using the respective input field type however makes it impossible to display pre-existing, non-numeric data. Hence, this setting should only be enabled if one is certain, that all contents in the respective fields is valid and numeric. ",
"explica_strict_mode_invno": "By default, a warning is given if a new object with a duplicate inventory number is entered. It is however possible to proceed entering the object regardless by pressing the respective button. Enabling this setting removes the button and makes it fully impossible to enter objects of a duplicate inventory number.",
"explica_how_event_sources": "If a museum has a strong research focus or a focus on provenenance research, it may be useful to note the source from which the information for events (e.g. who bought the object at a given date?) was retrieved. The option to do so in a regularized fashion is available once this option has been activated.",
"explica_object_categorization_ai": "When adding objects, an AI-based image categorization can be run for a rough tagging of the objects (provided that images are uploaded as the object is added). As this image categoriation is far from perfect and blocks the upload process for some time, it needs to be enabled here if it is to be used.",
"explica_invno_scheme": "If this field is filled, a suggestion for inventory numbers for new objects can be provided by the system. Variable components of an inventory number - a counter and often an identifier for the collection - can be marked using the placeholders {no} (for a counter counting up) and {c_sig} for the collection signature. Suggesting collection signatures required a collection to have already been selected as the suggestion button is pressed. Signatures for the collection can be entered using the collection page. An example for such an inventory number scheme may thus be XYZ-{no}8, meaning that any suggested inventory number will start with \"XYZ-\", followed by a counter padded to 8 characters. The first proposed inventory number would thus be XYZ-00000001, the second XYZ-00000002."
@ -82,6 +82,22 @@
"enable_strict_mode_for_sizes": "Enforce sizes (height, weight, etc.) to be numeric",
"enable_strict_mode_for_sizes": "Enforce sizes (height, weight, etc.) to be numeric",
"enable_strict_mode_for_dates": "Add date picker for dates and enforce entry and estimation dates are actual date fields",
"enable_strict_mode_for_dates": "Add date picker for dates and enforce entry and estimation dates are actual date fields",
"enable_strict_mode_for_invno": "Enforce unique inventory numbers within the museum without any exceptions or overrides",
"enable_strict_mode_for_invno": "Enforce unique inventory numbers within the museum without any exceptions or overrides",
"invno_scheme": "Scheme for suggested inventory numbers"
"invno_scheme": "Scheme for suggested inventory numbers",
"explica_media_rights_defaults": "When uploading images, videos, audio and other media files, the following entries are entered into the respective fields for the media files' license status by default. During the upload, they can be changed to a more suitable value for the current media file. To generally update the default values however, change the fields below.",
"explica_object_metadata_rights_defaults": "The following values describe the default license status and rights holder entered for the metadata (title, description, etc.) for newly recorded objects. If you are to change the license status or rights holder later on, you can do so using the respective fields of the \"rights\" tab of the object editing page or generally overwrite any existing license status or rights holders by clicking on the buttons below (\"rebase\").",
"explica_social_media_buttons": "At the bottom of each object page in the public frontend of museum-digital, share buttons for common social media sites can be displayed. Whether they actually are displayed can be set on a per-object basis. A default value for new objects can be set here however.",
"explica_download_button_images": "On single image pages for object images in the public frontend of museum-digital, a download button can be displayed. This only pertains to pages for images (not other resources) hosted with museum-digital. In some cases, e.g. if the object is a recent artwork where the museum itself only holds restricted control over the licensing of the object or its display online, it may be necessary to disable the download button. Regardless of the setting here, users can still download the image using a right click.",
"commenting_function": "Commenting",
"explica_commenting": "Commenting can be enabled in the public frontend of museum-digital. The commenting function can either be opened to anybody, or only to specific user groups, which can be selected below. If the commenting function is activated and anybody leaves a comment, new comments can be moderated using the moderation tool accessible through musdb's dashboard (section: tools).",
"explica_share_dumps": "If a museum wants to grant the public - or certain other parties such as aggregators or portals - ongoing access to a full download of its published object data at museum-digital, this can be done using the setting below. If the shared dumps are made public, they will be linked on the museum's institution page. If they are set to sharing by a link, they will be made accessible using a link only to be found in an entry field of this subsection.",
"preferred_object_order": "Preferred order of objects",
"explica_preferred_object_order": "Using the buttons below a preferred order of the object listing for all objects of the institution when accessed through the respective links at the bottom of the institution page can be adjusted.",
"explica_strict_mode_sizes": "If this setting is enabled, the fields for separated measurements are converted into number fields. This way, only valid, numeric information can be entered into the fields. Consequently, one can be sure that the objects can be properly searched (e.g. using a search for all objects taller or smaller than 500 mm). Strictly requiring numeric information using the respective input field type however makes it impossible to display pre-existing, non-numeric data. Hence, this setting should only be enabled if one is certain, that all contents in the respective fields is valid and numeric. ",
"explica_strict_mode_dates": "If this setting is enabled, the fields for date information on object pages (e.g. entry date) are converted into date fields. This way, only valid dates can be entered into the fields (e.g. \"August 20th, 2022\"; not \"ca. 2022\"). The date fields now contain a date picker. Consequently, one can be sure that the objects can be properly searched (e.g. using a search for all objects entering the museums before a given day). Strictly requiring date information using the respective input field type however makes it impossible to display pre-existing and invalid dates. Hence, this setting should not be enabled if any information has been entered into the date fields already.",
"explica_strict_mode_values": "If this setting is enabled, the fields for values (e..g insurance value, estimated value) are converted into number fields. This way, only valid, numeric information can be entered into the fields. Consequently, one can be sure that the objects can be properly searched (e.g. using a search for all objects more or less expensive than 500 \u20ac). Strictly requiring numeric information using the respective input field type however makes it impossible to display pre-existing, non-numeric data. Hence, this setting should only be enabled if one is certain, that all contents in the respective fields is valid and numeric. ",
"explica_strict_mode_invno": "By default, a warning is given if a new object with a duplicate inventory number is entered. It is however possible to proceed entering the object regardless by pressing the respective button. Enabling this setting removes the button and makes it fully impossible to enter objects of a duplicate inventory number.",
"explica_how_event_sources": "If a museum has a strong research focus or a focus on provenenance research, it may be useful to note the source from which the information for events (e.g. who bought the object at a given date?) was retrieved. The option to do so in a regularized fashion is available once this option has been activated.",
"explica_object_categorization_ai": "When adding objects, an AI-based image categorization can be run for a rough tagging of the objects (provided that images are uploaded as the object is added). As this image categoriation is far from perfect and blocks the upload process for some time, it needs to be enabled here if it is to be used.",
"explica_invno_scheme": "If this field is filled, a suggestion for inventory numbers for new objects can be provided by the system. Variable components of an inventory number - a counter and often an identifier for the collection - can be marked using the placeholders {no} (for a counter counting up) and {c_sig} for the collection signature. Suggesting collection signatures required a collection to have already been selected as the suggestion button is pressed. Signatures for the collection can be entered using the collection page. An example for such an inventory number scheme may thus be XYZ-{no}8, meaning that any suggested inventory number will start with \"XYZ-\", followed by a counter padded to 8 characters. The first proposed inventory number would thus be XYZ-00000001, the second XYZ-00000002."
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