
This commit is contained in:
Joshua Ramon Enslin 2021-09-30 14:58:42 +00:00 committed by md translation bot
parent 959003151f
commit 100dc7bbbd
24 changed files with 166 additions and 40 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
"improvement_suggestions": {
"improvement_suggestions_help": "Swipe left (dismiss) or right (act) on a line to act on the suggestion. Alternatively, you can click: + (approve) or - (dismiss) on your keyboard.",
"dismiss": "Dismiss",
"accept": "Accept"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
"improvement_suggestions": {
"improvement_suggestions_help": "Swipe left (dismiss) or right (act) on a line to act on the suggestion. Alternatively, you can click: + (approve) or - (dismiss) on your keyboard.",
"dismiss": "Dismiss",
"accept": "Accept"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
"improvement_suggestions": {
"improvement_suggestions_help": "Swipe left (dismiss) or right (act) on a line to act on the suggestion. Alternatively, you can click: + (approve) or - (dismiss) on your keyboard.",
"dismiss": "Dismiss",
"accept": "Accept"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
"improvement_suggestions": {
"improvement_suggestions_help": "Swipe left (dismiss) or right (act) on a line to act on the suggestion. Alternatively, you can click: + (approve) or - (dismiss) on your keyboard.",
"dismiss": "Dismiss",
"accept": "Accept"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
"improvement_suggestions": {
"improvement_suggestions_help": "Swipe left (dismiss) or right (act) on a line to act on the suggestion. Alternatively, you can click: + (approve) or - (dismiss) on your keyboard.",
"dismiss": "Dismiss",
"accept": "Accept"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
"improvement_suggestions": {
"improvement_suggestions_help": "Swipe left (dismiss) or right (act) on a line to act on the suggestion. Alternatively, you can click: + (approve) or - (dismiss) on your keyboard.",
"dismiss": "Dismiss",
"accept": "Accept"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
"improvement_suggestions": {
"improvement_suggestions_help": "Swipe left (dismiss) or right (act) on a line to act on the suggestion. Alternatively, you can click: + (approve) or - (dismiss) on your keyboard.",
"dismiss": "Dismiss",
"accept": "Accept"

View File

@ -96,8 +96,8 @@
"online_usage_museum": "M\u00fazeumDigit\u00e1r l\u00e1togatotts\u00e1ga",
"stats_instance_contents": "Kimutat\u00e1sok az adatb\u00e1zisr\u00f3l (region\u00e1lis)",
"video_conference": "Vide\u00f3konferencia",
"image_choose": "Select an image ...",
"image_choose": "V\u00e1lasszon egy k\u00e9pet...",
"stats_institution_contents": "Int\u00e9zm\u00e9ny adatb\u00e1zis\u00e1nak tartalma",
"online_usage": "Online usage"
"online_usage": "Online haszn\u00e1lat"

View File

@ -54,9 +54,9 @@
"down": "Le",
"main_image": "Kezd\u0151k\u00e9p",
"add_alternative_language": "Az \u00f6sszes adatbeviteli nyelv ehhez a gy\u0171jtem\u00e9nyhez",
"no_superordinate_collection": "No superordinate collection has been assigned",
"no_subordinate_collection": "No subordinate collection has been assigned",
"hide_collection": "Collection is public. Hide it",
"publish_collection": "Collection is hidden. Publish."
"no_superordinate_collection": "Nincs kijel\u00f6lt f\u00f6l\u00e9rednelt gy\u0171jtem\u00e9ny",
"no_subordinate_collection": "Nincs kijel\u00f6lt al\u00e1rednelt gy\u0171jtem\u00e9ny",
"hide_collection": "Gy\u0171jtem\u00e9ny elrejt\u00e9se",
"publish_collection": "Gy\u0171jtem\u00e9ny publik\u00e1l\u00e1sa"

View File

@ -41,16 +41,16 @@
"new_contact": "\u00daj kapcsolat",
"no_contacts": "A kapcsolati lista \u00fcres",
"no_contacts_text": "Kapcsolat m\u00e9g nincs hozz\u00e1rendelve az int\u00e9zm\u00e9nyhez",
"phone_number_added": "Phone number added",
"phone": "Phone",
"phone_type_work": "Work",
"phone_type_home": "Home",
"phone_type_mobile": "Mobile",
"phone_type_work_mobile": "Work mobile",
"phone_number_added": "Telefonsz\u00e1m hozz\u00e1adva",
"phone": "Telefonsz\u00e1m",
"phone_type_work": "Munkahelyi",
"phone_type_home": "Otthoni",
"phone_type_mobile": "Mobil",
"phone_type_work_mobile": "Munkahelyi mobil",
"phone_type_fax": "Fax",
"phone_type_fax_work": "Fax work",
"phone_number_deleted": "Phone number deleted",
"phone_number_updated": "Phone number updated"
"phone_type_fax_work": "Fax (munkahelyi)",
"phone_number_deleted": "Telefonsz\u00e1m t\u00f6r\u00f6lve",
"phone_number_updated": "Telefonsz\u00e1m friss\u00edtve"
"gender": [

View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
"improvement_suggestions": {
"improvement_suggestions_help": "Swipe left (dismiss) or right (act) on a line to act on the suggestion. Alternatively, you can click: + (approve) or - (dismiss) on your keyboard.",
"dismiss": "Dismiss",
"accept": "Accept"

View File

@ -119,6 +119,6 @@
"social_media": "K\u00f6z\u00f6ss\u00e9gi m\u00e9dia",
"allow_all": "\u00d6sszes enged\u00e9lyez\u00e9se",
"disallow_all": "\u00d6sszes tilt\u00e1sa",
"all_exhibitions": "All exhibitions"
"all_exhibitions": "\u00d6sszes ki\u00e1ll\u00edt\u00e1s"

View File

@ -23,19 +23,19 @@
"url_explica": "A URL representing the work. Usually, the page where it or a digitized version of it can be found.",
"doi": "<abbr title=\"Digital Object Identifier\">DOI<\/abbr>",
"doi_explica": "A DOI representing the source.",
"journal": "Journal",
"publisher": "Publisher",
"institution": "Institution",
"edit_source": "Edit source",
"bibliography": "Bibliography",
"elsewhere": "Elsewhere",
"journal": "Foly\u00f3irat",
"publisher": "Kiad\u00f3",
"institution": "Int\u00e9zm\u00e9ny",
"edit_source": "Forr\u00e1s szerkeszt\u00e9se",
"bibliography": "Bibliogr\u00e1fia",
"elsewhere": "M\u00e1shol",
"statements": "Statements",
"added_new_statement": "Added new statement",
"manage_statement": "Manage statement",
"statement": "Statement",
"added_new_link_w_statement": "Added a new link with a statement",
"involvement": "Involvement",
"sources": "Sources",
"sources": "Forr\u00e1sok",
"add_new_statement": "Add a new statement",
"pos_in_src": "Position in source",
"source": "Source",
@ -45,30 +45,30 @@
"added_new_source": "A new source has been added",
"deleted_link_w_statement": "A link with the statement has been deleted",
"deleted_statement": "The statement has been deleted,<br \/>because only one link with it was left.",
"volume": "Volume",
"volume": "K\u00f6tet",
"volume_explica": "The volume of the journal the article was published in.",
"issue": "Issue",
"issue": "Sz\u00e1m",
"issue_explica": "The issue of the volume the article was published in.",
"medium": "Medium",
"random_actor": "Random actor",
"random_place": "Random place",
"random_time": "Random time",
"random_actor": "Random szerepel\u0151",
"random_place": "Random helysz\u00edn",
"random_time": "Random id\u0151",
"random_tag": "Random tag",
"broader": "Broader",
"narrower": "Narrower",
"broader": "T\u00e1gabb",
"narrower": "Sz\u0171kebb",
"involvement_in_statement": "Involvement in the statement",
"entity_of_origin": "Entity of origin",
"entity_target": "Target entity",
"about_backgrounds": "About the Backgrounds Section",
"about_backgrounds_text": "A text about the backgrounds section will appear here.",
"license": "License",
"license": "Licensz",
"license_explica": "The license of the source or the digitized version thereof.",
"source_fulltext": "Full text",
"editor": "Editor",
"editor_explica": "Editor or editors of this work. Type in and select an editor from the list. If none can be found, you can add a new one by clicking on the \"+\"-button in front of the text field.",
"booktitle": "Book title",
"source_fulltext": "Teljes sz\u00f6veg",
"editor": "Szerkeszt\u0151",
"editor_explica": "A k\u00f6tet szerkszt\u0151i vagy szerkeszt\u0151je. V\u00e1lassza ki a list\u00e1b\u00f3l a megfele\u0151 szem\u00e9lyeket, amennyiben nem tal\u00e1lja a k\u00edv\u00e1nt szem\u00e9lyt adja hozz\u00e1 a list\u00e1hoz a \"+\" jelre kattintva.",
"booktitle": "K\u00f6tet c\u00edme",
"booktitle_explica": "The book a chapter was published in.",
"isbn": "ISBN",
"isbn_explica": "ISBN of the book. Should be left empty for books published without an ISBN."
"isbn_explica": "A k\u00f6t\u00f6t ISBN sz\u00e1ma. Amennyiben a k\u00f6nyv nem rendelekzik ISBN sz\u00e1mmal k\u00e9rem hagyja \u00fcresen."

View File

@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
"version_links": "Links to other services",
"public_frontend": "Publlic page",
"norm_data_controlled_voc": "Norm data \/ controlled vocabularies",
"handbook": "Handbook",
"handbook": "K\u00e9zik\u00f6nyv",
"blog": "Blog",
"global_timers": "Timers for Caches",
"public_objects_cache": "Cache for public objects",
@ -53,10 +53,10 @@
"visitors_by_language": "Browser languages",
"visitors_by_time_of_day": "Visitors by time of day",
"online_usage_last_30_days": "Online usage of the last 30 days",
"searches": "Searches",
"searches": "Keres\u00e9sek",
"pageviews": "Page views",
"total": "Total",
"checked": "Checked",
"total": "\u00d6sszesen",
"checked": "Ellen\u0151rizve",
"approved_generally": "Enrichment progress overall",
"noda_enrichment_status_institution": "Enrichment progress for entries of the museum",
"actors_most_linked_to_objects": "Actors most linked to objects of the museum",

View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
"improvement_suggestions": {
"improvement_suggestions_help": "Swipe left (dismiss) or right (act) on a line to act on the suggestion. Alternatively, you can click: + (approve) or - (dismiss) on your keyboard.",
"dismiss": "Dismiss",
"accept": "Accept"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
"improvement_suggestions": {
"improvement_suggestions_help": "Swipe left (dismiss) or right (act) on a line to act on the suggestion. Alternatively, you can click: + (approve) or - (dismiss) on your keyboard.",
"dismiss": "Dismiss",
"accept": "Accept"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
"improvement_suggestions": {
"improvement_suggestions_help": "Swipe left (dismiss) or right (act) on a line to act on the suggestion. Alternatively, you can click: + (approve) or - (dismiss) on your keyboard.",
"dismiss": "Dismiss",
"accept": "Accept"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
"improvement_suggestions": {
"improvement_suggestions_help": "Swipe left (dismiss) or right (act) on a line to act on the suggestion. Alternatively, you can click: + (approve) or - (dismiss) on your keyboard.",
"dismiss": "Dismiss",
"accept": "Accept"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
"improvement_suggestions": {
"improvement_suggestions_help": "Swipe left (dismiss) or right (act) on a line to act on the suggestion. Alternatively, you can click: + (approve) or - (dismiss) on your keyboard.",
"dismiss": "Dismiss",
"accept": "Accept"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
"improvement_suggestions": {
"improvement_suggestions_help": "Swipe left (dismiss) or right (act) on a line to act on the suggestion. Alternatively, you can click: + (approve) or - (dismiss) on your keyboard.",
"dismiss": "Dismiss",
"accept": "Accept"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
"improvement_suggestions": {
"improvement_suggestions_help": "Swipe left (dismiss) or right (act) on a line to act on the suggestion. Alternatively, you can click: + (approve) or - (dismiss) on your keyboard.",
"dismiss": "Dismiss",
"accept": "Accept"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
"improvement_suggestions": {
"improvement_suggestions_help": "Swipe left (dismiss) or right (act) on a line to act on the suggestion. Alternatively, you can click: + (approve) or - (dismiss) on your keyboard.",
"dismiss": "Dismiss",
"accept": "Accept"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
"improvement_suggestions": {
"improvement_suggestions_help": "Swipe left (dismiss) or right (act) on a line to act on the suggestion. Alternatively, you can click: + (approve) or - (dismiss) on your keyboard.",
"dismiss": "Dismiss",
"accept": "Accept"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
"improvement_suggestions": {
"improvement_suggestions_help": "Swipe left (dismiss) or right (act) on a line to act on the suggestion. Alternatively, you can click: + (approve) or - (dismiss) on your keyboard.",
"dismiss": "Dismiss",
"accept": "Accept"