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2024-03-25 15:52:00 +01:00
"actor": {
2024-04-11 15:06:44 +02:00
"type_is": "Actorul care trebuie prezentat este ...",
"type_institution_typename": "Institu\u021bia",
"type_institution_first": "de exemplu, \"Calea ferat\u0103 german\u0103\", \"Prim\u0103ria din Osnabr\u00fcck\", \"Armata turc\u0103\", dar nu \"Gara din Ebisfeld\" - dac\u0103 este vorba despre o cl\u0103dire sau o \u021bar\u0103, v\u0103 rug\u0103m s\u0103 le ad\u0103uga\u021bi ca obiecte geografice.",
2024-04-18 14:44:37 +02:00
"type_institution_explica": "Atunci c\u00e2nd ad\u0103uga\u021bi institu\u021bii, v\u0103 rug\u0103m s\u0103 \u021bine\u021bi cont de faptul c\u0103 institu\u021biile ar putea purta numele unei persoane: de exemplu, \"J. Friedl\u00e4nder\" este folosit ca nume al unei tipografii \u0219i al unei edituri. \u00cen acest caz, ad\u0103uga\u021bi tipul de societate \u00eentre paranteze dup\u0103 nume: \"J. Friedl\u00e4nder (tipografie \/ editur\u0103)\". Studiourile fotografice istorice purtau adesea numele proprietarului lor. \u00cen aceste cazuri, v\u0103 rug\u0103m de asemenea s\u0103 ad\u0103uga\u021bi dup\u0103 \u0219i domeniul de activitate al companiei: \"J. C. Schaarw\u00e4chter (studio foto)\". \u00cen cazul \u00een care linia de lucru este necunoscut\u0103, ad\u0103uga\u021bi (companie) dup\u0103 denumire.",
"type_person_typename": "o persoan\u0103",
2024-05-24 19:31:17 +02:00
"type_person_first": "de exemplu. \u201eFriedrich Schiller\u201d, nu \u201eScufi\u021ba ro\u0219ie\u201d \u2013 dac\u0103 se are \u00een vedere basmul. \u201eScufi\u021ba Ro\u0219ie\u201d, dac\u0103 este personajul fictiv care trebuie ad\u0103ugat, ele trebuie ad\u0103ugate ca \u201e... zeu, fantom\u0103, erou\u201d",
"type_person_explica": "Atunci c\u00e2nd ad\u0103uga\u021bi persoane, v\u0103 rug\u0103m s\u0103 ad\u0103uga\u021bi numai persoane concrete. Nume precum \u201epictor necunoscut\u201d sau \u201eartist necunoscut\u201d nu sunt persoane - nu trebuie folosite. \u00cen astfel de cazuri, este mai bine s\u0103 v\u0103 ab\u021bine\u021bi de a introduce asemenea informa\u021bii.",
"type_hero_typename": "un zeu, o fantom\u0103, un erou",
"type_hero_first": "De exemplu, \u201eOdiseu\u201d, \u201eZeus\u201d sau personaje de fic\u021biune precum \u201eScufi\u021ba Ro\u0219ie\u201d - \u00een cazul \u00een care este vorba de un personaj.",
"type_hero_explica": "Atunci c\u00e2nd ad\u0103uga\u021bi un \u201ezeu, fantom\u0103, erou\u201d, v\u0103 rug\u0103m s\u0103 ave\u021bi grij\u0103: Teoretic, pute\u021bi ad\u0103uga aici orice persoan\u0103 care nu are un prenume. Cu toate acestea, trebuie s\u0103 ave\u021bi grij\u0103 ca persoana ad\u0103ugat\u0103 s\u0103 poat\u0103 fi distins\u0103. De exemplu, este imposibil de identificat un \u201eSmith\u201d (ca nume de familie). \u00cen astfel de cazuri, nu introduce\u021bi nimic.",
"institution_name": "Numele institu\u021biei",
"nameinst_explica": "Numele concret al unei institu\u021bii Exemplu: Combinatul de ma\u0219ini grele \u201eErnst Th\u00e4lmann\u201d",
"institution_short": "Abreviere pentru institu\u021bie",
"kurznameinst_explica": "Unele institu\u021bii au abrevieri prestabilite Exemplu: Allgemeine Elektricit\u00e4ts-Gesellschaft -> AEG",
"short_description": "Descriere scurt\u0103",
"kurzbeschinst_explica": "Scurt\u0103 descriere <br\/><br\/>Exemplu \u201e\u00cenfiin\u021bat\u0103 \u00een 1897. Redenumit\u0103... \u00een 1904. Magazin \u00eenchis \u00een 1921.\u201d",
"hero_name": "Nume",
2024-03-25 15:52:00 +01:00
"geistname_explica": "Example:<br\/>Zeus, Peleus, Red Riding Hood (fictional character)<br\/><br\/>Basically, you can add any person, that has no given name here! But, it must be possible to identify the person. If you just add \"Smith\" because you do not know the given name here you will cause incorrect links between the object to <b>anybody<\/b> named \"Smith\". In such cases, it is better, to not enter a name at all.",
"kurzbeschpers_explica": "Short description<br\/><br\/>Example: \"Painter, Author, Actor, born 1817 in Hamburg\"",
"name_first": "First name(s)",
"vorname_explica": "You can list all first names of a person<br\/><br\/>Example:<br\/>\"Georg Friedrich\" (H&auml;ndel)<br\/>\"Gotthold Ephraim\" (Lessing)<br\/><br\/>It makes little sense to add a person if only the surname is known (How could two people from the same family be distinguished?) If you do not know the first name you might add their occupation as a name (e.g. Blacksmith)",
"name_first_short": "Abbreviation (First name)",
"namenskuerzel_explica": "Example:<br\/>\"G. F.\" for Georg Friedrich H&auml;ndel<br\/>\"Gotthold E.\" for Lessing<br\/><br\/><b>Only fill in this field if necessary<\/b>",
"surname": "Surname",
"nachname_explica": "Add prepositions used for names of the nobility after the given name<br\/><br\/>Examples:<br\/>Goethe (Given name: Johann Wolfgang von)<br\/>Sachsen-Weimar (Given name: Bernhard von)",
"year_birth": "Year of birth",
"geburtsjahr_explica": "Always a year (number, <b>four digits<\/b>)<br\/><br\/>Example: 1815",
"year_death": "Year of death",
"no_name": "Please enter a correct name",
"name_needed": "A name is required",
"surname_needed": "A surname is required",
"change_intro": "<b>Attention:<\/b> This changes information, it does <b>NOT<\/b> change the relation of this person or institution to an event or object",
"name_long": "Long name",
"langbezeichnung_explica": "Please put names of persons in the form:<br\/>[First name][ ][Surname][ (][Year of birth][-][Year of death][)]<br\/><br\/>Example (person): Andreas Achenbach (1815-1910)<br\/><br\/>If the years are unknown, put name in \"normal form\"<br\/>Example: \"Andreas Achenbach\"<br\/><br\/>Please put names of institutions in \"normal form\"<br\/>Example: Brauerei Landsberg GmbH<br\/><br\/>If name of institution is also a person's name please add \"(company)\" at the end of the string<br\/>Example: \"A. Lehmann (company)\"",
"name_short": "Short name",
"kurzbezeichnung_explica": "Please put name of persons in the form:<br\/>[Surname][,][First name]<br\/>Example: Achenbach, Andreas<br\/><br\/>Please put name of institution in \"normal form\"<br\/>Example: Brauerei Landsberg GmbH<br\/><br\/>If name of institution is a person name please put \"(company)\" behind<br\/>Example: \"A. Lehmann (company)\"",
"status": "Status",
"remark_change_year": "<b>Attention<\/b>: If you change the year of birth or year of death - please do not forget to correct the long name",
"no_long_name": "Please enter a name for the person or institution!",
"already_known": "A person\/institution with similar information is already known",
"add_vocabulary": "Add controlled vocabulary",
"delete": "Delete person\/institution",
"no_shortname": "You have to provide a short form for the name (might be identical with the long name)",
"actor_annotated": "An annotation has been stored for this person\/institution.",
"added": "A new actor has been added.",
"edited": "Information on this actor has been updated.",
"annotation": "Annotation",
"add_new_annotation": "Add a new annotation:",
"description_too_short": "The description is too short. Minimum: 10 characters.",
"no_description": "The description is missing.",
"gender": "Gender",
"gender_female": "Female",
"gender_male": "Male",
"gender_other": "Other",
"gender_explica": "Gender of the actor",
"no_catalogue_raisonne_available": "No catalogue raisonne available",
"create_new_catalogue": "Create new catalogue raisonne",
"open_catalogue": "Open catalogue raisonne",
"research_status_note": "Notes on Research Status",
"wikipedia_page_of_entry": "Wikipedia page of the actor"