"assignment_wrong_user_role":"Assignments to collections, series, and literature entries are always bound to an institution. These assignments can only be set by users of the user role \"museum director\". Please log in as a museum director if need be.",
"object_overview":"Object overview",
"toggle_navigation":"Toggle navigation",
"main_image":"Main image",
"find_an_expert":"Find an expert",
"return_to_list":"Return to overview"
"assign_results":"Assign results",
"assignment_to":"Assignment to",
"assignment_create":"Create assignment",
"assignment_terminate":"Terminate assignment",
"assignment_if_not_exists":"if not exists",
"assignment_if_exists":"if exists",
"all_objectgroups":"All object groups",
"goto_mdid_title":"Search for Object-ID",
"goto_mdid_explica":"If you search a certain object and you know the md:ID you can insert the ID here. The md:ID can be found when calling an object in the frontend as last part of the URL: ... oges=nnn where nnn is the md:ID.",
"goto_without_title":"Search for incomplete object-records",
"goto_without_explica":"By choosing an attribute from this menu you can select all object-records without entries for this attribute.",
"goto_inv_title":"Search for inventory number",
"goto_inv_explica1":"By inserting a search value you can find an object with exactly this search value as the inventory number.",
"goto_inv_explica2":"By placing % directly behind a search value you select objects with an inventory number that start with the search value.",
"goto_inv_explica3":"By placing % directly before a search value you select objects with an inventory number that ends with the search value.",
"goto_inv_explica4":"By placing % directly before and directly behind a search value you select objects with the search value somewhere inside the inventory number.",
"goto_inv_explica5":"By using comma as a separator you may search for more than one inventory number.",