
169 lines
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2024-03-25 15:52:00 +01:00
"user": {
"username": "Username",
"realname": "Real name",
"mail": "Email",
"password": "Password",
"new_password": "New password (Empty = Keep old one)",
"password_confirmation": "Password confirmation",
"userrole": "Role",
"institution": "Institution",
"admin": "Admin (highest level)",
"director_region": "Regional director",
"director_museum": "Museum director",
"collaborator": "Collaborator",
"not_assigned": "Not assigned",
"name_already_used": "The username is already in use",
"no_username": "Error: No username entered",
"no_realname": "Error: No real name entered",
"no_password": "Error: No password entered",
"no_password_confirmation": "Error: No password confirmation given",
"no_password_match": "Error: Passwords do not match",
"not_assigned_institution": "Error: Not assigned to an institution",
"success_creation": "Success: New user account created",
"no_success_creation": "Error: New account could not be created",
"success_update": "User information was successfully updated",
"no_success_update": "User information could not be updated",
"more_than_one": "Found more (or less) than one user with this ID",
"userlist": "List of all users",
"order_by": "Order by",
"last_login": "Last login",
"registration": "Login",
"input_only": "Input only",
"visiting_scientist": "Visiting Scientist",
"about_deleting_user": "You are about to delete a user",
"deleted": "User was removed successfully",
"specifically_determined": "Specifically determined",
"permissions_museums": "Permissions: Museums",
"permissions_collections": "Permissions: Collections",
"permissions_series": "Permissions: Object groups",
"user_rights_museum": "Museum page",
"user_rights_collection": "Collection page",
"user_rights_objectgroup": "Object group page",
"user_rights_object_base": "Object: Basic data",
"user_rights_object_resource": "Object: Resources",
"user_rights_object_addendum": "Object: Addendum",
"user_rights_object_numbers": "Object: Administrative numbers",
"user_rights_object_classification": "Object: Classification",
"user_rights_object_history": "Object: Object history",
"user_rights_object_values": "Object: Values",
"user_rights_object_state": "Object: State",
"user_rights_object_location": "Object: Location",
"user_rights_object_loan": "Object: Loans",
"user_rights_object_rights": "Object: Rights",
"user_rights_object_remark": "Object: Remarks",
"user_rights_object_provenance": "Object: Provenance research",
"user_rights_object_datahistory": "Object: Record history",
"disable_all_permissions": "All rights: Disable",
"enable_all_permissions": "All rights: Allow editing in all cases",
"remove_from_museum": "Remove relation to this museum",
"remove_from_collection": "Remove relation to this collection",
"remove_from_series": "Remove relation to this objectgroup",
"auth_token": "Authentification Token",
"auth_token_explica": "Using this page, you can generate a new authentication token. You cannot access them through this page again afterwards, so make sure to copy and store the authentication token at a safe place",
"confirm": "Confirm",
"auth_token_generated": "Generated authentication token",
"auth_token_is": "Your new authentication token is",
"password_too_short": "Password too short",
"password_equals_name": "The password may not be the same as the user name",
"mail_invitation": "Invitation to museum-digital:musdb",
"mail_invitation_contents": "You have just been invited to editing on museum-digital:musdb. If you did not expect to get a mail such as this one, please just ignore the mail. If you do want to activate your account, please follow the link below, and set your password. By doing so, you accept our privacy policy.",
"invited": "Invited: ",
"initialSettings": "Initial Settings: ",
"invitationLinkOutdated": "Your invitation token is older than a day. Your invitation was aborted. Please ask your contact to invite you again.",
"successAddingAccount": "Success!",
"successAddingAccountMsg": "Your password was successfully set. You can continue by logging in",
"agreement": "1. By using the input and editing tool of museum-digital (musdb) I agree that\r\n1.1. my personal data will be stored at the following places\r\n1.2. the responsibility for entries made by me lays with me (or my employer) \r\n\r\n2. Personal data stored at museum-digital: musdb\r\n2.1. What personal data is stored for what purpose\r\n2.1.1. Data of persons with access to musdb- For the user management, museum-digital: musdb stores only the name, password, and email of each user. The stored data can be changed by the user himself. It also logs the time of the last login. Personal settings made by the respective user (tab selection, homepage, ...) are also assigned to the user and connected to their account. For object management, museum-digital: musdb stores the name and time of the person editing. Likewise, the names of the initiates are recorded in newly acquired places, time, keyword and person \/ institution information.\r\n2.1.2. Data about third persons (manufacturer, etc.) about third parties, i. Manufacturers, painters, ... who are related to recorded objects will be provided with the usual biographical information as published in the library's common library or lexicon articles (name, year of birth, place of birth, short description ...). Associations between such third parties and objects may either be input by users of museum-digital: musdb or may be imported at their request (see 1.2 above).\r\n2.2. Disclosure of personal data of users of museum-digital: musdb will in no case be passed on to third parties without their express consent. Users of museum-digital: musdb registered personal information about third parties (manufacturers, painters, ...), however, are made publicly available to support historical research.\r\n2.3. Who has access to the personal data of users of museum-digital: musdb\r\n\u00b7 The users themselves\r\n\u00b7 Other persons in an equal or superior role (Museum Director -> Regional Administrator)\r\n\u00b7 The standard data editors\r\n2.4. Deletion of the data. A deletion of the personal data of a user can be demanded at any time and will be implemented immediately.",
"mail_deletion": "Confirm the deletion of your account",
"mail_deletion_contents": "Your account has been flagged for deletion. If you really want to delete your account at museum-digital, you can do so by clicking on the link below:",
"deletion_mail_sent": "A mail has been sent, asking for your confirmation for deleting your account",
"delete": "Delete",
"exportUserData": "Export own account data",
"automatic_mails": "Automatic notifications",
"new_user": "New user",
"upload_image": "Upload image",
"uploaded_profile_img": "Profile picture uploaded",
"delete_image": "Delete image",
"deleted_image": "Profile picture has been deleted",
"make_visible": "Make visible to other users in musdb",
"make_hidden": "Hide your account from other users in musdb",
"this_month": "This month",
"this_year": "This year",
"within_X_month": "Within the last {x} month",
"within_X_years": "Within the last {x} years",
"view_profile": "View profile",
"about": "About",
"user_set_invisible": "Your profile has been set to \"invisible\" to other users in musdb",
"user_set_visible": "Your profile has been set to \"visible\" to other users in musdb",
"user_description_edited": "Your profile description has been edited",
"public_pgp_key": "Public PGP key",
"username_explica": "Username with which a user logs in. Ideally something concise but unique",
"realname_explica": "Full name of the user",
"usermail_explica": "Mail address of the user.<br\/>We need this information to be able to send out invitation mails. Later, it allows <em>musdb<\/em> to send automated mails with recent updates (these need to be enabled below). If the user wants to delete their account, an email asking for confirmation will also be sent to this email address.<br\/>If the user's profile is made visible to other users logged in to musdb, the email address will be visible there, too.",
"password_form": "Must contain at least 8 characters",
"password_explica": "Password. Must be at least 8 characters long",
"automatic_mails_explica": "Should updates (current notifications of recently ending loan entries and notifications from admins and other users) be automatically mailed to the user in regular intervals?",
"user_role_explica": "The user role determines a user's default access rights to contents in musdb. A more in-depth explanation can be found in the handbook",
"user_institution_explica": "Every user (even regional administrators) needs to be linked to a \"home institution\". This \"home institution\" can be set here",
"user_about_explica": "Say something about yourself. This description will be visible on your profile if you set it to visible to other users in musdb.",
"public_pgp_key_explica": "In this field, a public PGP key can be entered. If this is done, future mails will be sent encrypted to you.",
"two_factor_authentication": "Two Factor Authentication",
"via_mail": "Via E-Mail",
"2fa_explica": "Two factor authentication can be enabled here. So far, the only option is two factor authentication using your mail account. After entering your login credentials, you will be sent a code via mail with which you can then log in. By default, two factor authentication is disabled.",
"security": "Security",
"your_account_has_been_deleted": "Your account has been deleted",
"this_is_your_auth_code": "You can find your authentication code below. Enter it to log in to musdb:",
"auth_code": "Authentication code",
"login_at_musdb": "Login to musdb",
"auth_code_invalid": "The authentication code you entered is not valid",
"2fa_screen_explica": "You have enabled the two-factor authentication option in the user settings. Accordingly, you have just received an access code.<br \/>This code is valid for two hours",
"access_denied": "Access denied",
"user_added_pgp_key": "Updated security settings",
"frontend_only_user": "Special functions of the frontend",
"username_too_short": "Username must be at least 5 characters long",
"login_log": "Login log",
"user_profile": "User profile",
"successful_login": "Successful login",
"sso": "Single Sign-On",
"activate_account": "Activate account",
"prelim_account_details": "Preliminary account details",
"mail_invitation_headline": "Welcome to museum-digital",
"user_invitation_autodeletion": "The link is valid only for 72 hours. If you do not activate the account within that timespan, your account will be automatically deleted. Hence, if you do not want an account on museum-digital, you can simply ignore this mail.",
"public_user_profiles": "Public user profiles",
"invite_accepted": "Invite accepted",
"contact_person_in_museum": "Contact person in museum",
"contact_persons_in_museum": "Contact persons in museum",
"contact_person_in_museum_explica": "If this switch is set to yes, the user's name and mail address (and, if the profile is set visible within musdb) will appear in the navigation as a contact for colleagues asking for help.",
"no_email_set": "No email address has been entered",
"user_address_on_blocked_domain": "The user address is hosted by a blocked mail hoster:",
"mail_invalid_domain": "The entered email addresses' domain seems to be invalid.",
"password_has_no_number_no_special_char": "Passwords need at least one number or special character",
"password_in_context": "Password is a common word retrievable based on the context",
"password_is_date": "The password is a date",
"in_compromised_password_list": "The password is found in a list of the most commonly used passwords",
"new_password_has_issues": "The new password has issues",
"password_reset_required": "Password Reset Required",
"password_reset_required_text": "Your password has some weaknesses (see below). Please change it.",
"password_was_reset_hl": "Password reset",
"password_was_reset_text": "Your password at museum-digital has been reset.",
"update_2fa_key_name": "Update key name",
"2fa_key_last_used_for_login": "Key last used for login at",
"register_new_fido_credentials": "Register new FIDO credentials",
"register_hardware_security_tokens": "Registered hardware security tokens",
"enter_verification_code": "Enter the verification code",
"defaults_new_object_page": "Defaults (new object page)",
"work_title": "Work title",
"work_title_explica": "Your title at work.",
"work_department": "Department",
"work_department_explica": "Your department at the museum.",
2024-09-26 15:05:15 +02:00
"user_rights_export": "Exports",
"force_pw_reset": "Force user to reset their password on their next login",
2024-09-26 15:59:34 +02:00
"force_user_mail_confirmation": "Force user to confirm their mail address (the account is locked until the confirmation)",
"user_is_currently_required_to_reset_pw": "This user is currently required to reset their password",
2024-09-26 16:03:40 +02:00
"user_is_currently_required_to_confirm_mail_address": "This user is currently required to confirm their mail address before they can log in again",
"access_to_nodac": "Access to nodac",
"access_to_statements": "Access to statements",
2024-09-26 16:09:32 +02:00
"disable_adding_to_vocabs": "Disable adding to vocabs",
"disable_adding_to_vocabs_explica": "If enabled, this user account cannot be used anymore to enter new entries to the controlled vocabularies. This may be useful to stop colleagues who repeatedly enter wrong \/ unidentifiable \/ rule-contradicting vocabulary entries."
2024-03-25 15:52:00 +01:00