"provenance_kind":"Kind of check (e.g.: Expropriation)",
"provenance_added_new":"Added new type of provenance check",
"provenance_removed_category":"Deleted type of provenance check",
"edit_image_rights_by_group":"Edit image rights by group (only for uploaded objects)",
"mir_caution_message":"(Caution: Using this function, you can batch edit many entries in one go. Be cautious!)",
"following_cases_appear_select":"The following cases appear. Please choose the case to edit.",
"return_museum_list":"Return to list of museums",
"return_settings_services":"Return to settings and services",
"simple_inputs_no_symbols":"Please use simple information such as avoid using a copyright symbol before the rights holder, or \"photographer\" before the photographer's name.",
"institution_elsewhere":"The institution elsewhere on the web",
"elsewhere_link_text":"Link text",
"elsewhere_link_added":"Added link to other representations of the museum",
"elsewhere_link_removed":"Removed link to other representations of the museum",
"metadata_rights":"Metadata rights:",
"obj_link_default_sort_by":"Link to objects: Default sort parameter",
"obj_link_default_sort_order":"Link to objects: Default sort order",
"comment_on_md_who":"Commenting on MD: Who can comment?",
"embed_presentation_in_iframe":"Presentation in iframe",
"additional_fields_on_object_add":"Additional fields when adding new objects",
"additional_fields_on_object_add_explanation":"Here you can add or remove additional entry fields that shall be made available directly when adding a new object. You may also set them to be required for adding the object altogether."