"samnam_explica":"Use a short title - This title will be displayed in tables and lists.<br><br>Example 1: \"Paintings\"<br>Example 2: \"Collection on brewing beer\"<br>Example 3: \"Estate of Illies\"",
"sambesch_explica":"A description of the collection. A good length is about 1000 characters (one to two paragraphs).<br><br>Possible questions: What topics does the collection deal with? How many objects regarding these are included? What led to the creation of the collection? Are there any special objects in this collection?<br><br>A very thorough description is an option, too. In case you want to have this, please send the description to the administrator",
"link_to_source":"Link to external source",
"samurl_explica":"Here you can enter a link to an external website, that has further information on the collection.<br><br>Please provide an absolute URL: Keep the \"http:\/\/\" or \"https:\/\/\" at the start of the URL",
"mail":"Mail address for collection",
"sammail_explica":"A mail address for questions regarding the collection. If an E-mail address has been entered here, users will be given the option to ask for information or send notes via E-mail below the objects included in this collection. In this case, the recipient line of the mail formular will be automatically filled in with the respective information.",
"image_click":"Target for click on image",
"sambild_explica":"Just enter anything, if you want to upload an image. The URL put into this field will be used as a link for when users click on the image of the collection.<br><br>Please use an absolute URL: Keep the \"http:\/\/\" or \"https:\/\/\" at the start of the URL.",
"factsheet":"Link to fact sheet",
"samdaba_explica":"Please leave this field empty!<br><br>The internal place a document with a thorough description of the collection will be saved here. Usually this document is saved as a .PDF file.",
"no_name":"Please enter the title of the collection!<\/p><p class=\"ohne\">[A collection without a title will be hard to find]",
"no_descroption":"Please enter a description of the collection!<\/p><p class=\"ohne\">[A collection`s description deals with e.g. what is included in the collection, what is special about it, how many objects are in it... A good length is about 1000 letters (one to two paragraphs). Less is possible, too, but please, It needs to be descriptive!]",
"subordinate":"Subordinate this collection to another",
"subordinate_choose":"Please choose the collection it should subordinate to from the list",
"raise_level":"Raise level of this collection",
"delete":"Delete collection",
"no_description":"Description missing",
"satellite":"Collections do not belong to a museum",
"collection_image":"Image for collection page",
"collection_image_change":"Change image",
"collection_image_delete":"Delete image",
"collection_no_image":"No image uploaded",
"collection_upload_image":"Upload image",
"connect_to_museum":"Link with a museum",
"connected_to_museum":"Connect to a museum",
"connected_to_museums":"Connect to more than one museum",
"no_disconnect":"<b>Attention:<\/b> The connection to the institution can only be cut if this collection does not have any subcollections and is not a subcollection itself.",
"no_of_objects":"Objects in collection",
"list_of_objects":"List of objects",
"delete_question":"You are about to delete a collection !",
"delete_no":"No, not really (back)",
"delete_yes":"Yes, that's what I want",
"add_a_collection":"Add a collection",
"collection_has_been_added":"The collection has been added",
"edit_a_collection":"Edit a collection",
"collection_has_been_edited":"Edits to the collection have been stored",
"collection_overview":"Collection overview",
"no_collection_yet":"You (or your institution) do not yet have any collections",
"collection_moved":"The collection was moved",
"base_data":"Basic information about the collection",