"wobz_inhalt":"Tercipta untuk benda yang ada nama umum dan nama sains (atau nama ke-dua yang lain)(itu seringkali yang dapat dicari hal benda mineralogis dan biologis).<br><br>Kiri: Judul tambahan benda<br><br>Kanan: daerah keabsahan judulnya, misalnya "sains"",
"loka_inhalt":"Lain daripada hal "kejadian" yang ada menambahan tempat (jadi, misalnya kota) dapat menambahkan informasi tempat yang lebih persis di sini. Misalnya, tidak hanya menambahkan "Jakarta", menambahkan "Jakarta, Jalan Raya 3".<br>Alat ini tercipta untuk digunakan dengan benda fotografis, biologis dan mineralogis. Hal jenis benda itu, informasi persis tempat pencarian barangkali dibutuhkan.<br><br>Tautan: Anda bisa menamakan lokalisasi secara bebas di sini.<br>Contoh ke-1: "5\u00b0 24` 32``, 16\u00b0 12` 8``"<br>Contoh ke-2: "Bitterfeld, Marktplatz 4"",
"besch_inhalt":"Kalau ada sesuatu yang ditulis di benda, bisa menambahnya di sini.<br><br>Panjangan teks tidak terbatas",
"ausm_inhalt":"Bisa menambahkan lebih banyak informasi ukuran di sini.<br>Jangan melupakan kesatuannya (pilih dari daftar)",
"vergl_inhalt":"Ada benda untuk dibandingkan di museum yang lain? Mungkin ditambahkan di sini. Bisa mencatat museum saja - tetapi juga bisa - kalau terkenal - mencatat nomor inventarisasi atau - kalau ada - halaman web bendanya.",
"max250":"Panjang maksimal teks: 250 huruf",
"unlimited_textlength":"Tanjang teks tidak terbatas",
"separated_measurements":"Ukuran benda terpisah",
"einu_inhalt":"Catatan tentang masukan dalam buku pemasukan \/ bill pemberian",
"invp_inhalt":"Bisa memasukkan nomor inventarisasi yang ada pada masa yang lalu dan yang lain yang ada sekarang ini.<br><br>Contoh pertama: "Nomor tua: V17-25,4.o"",
"konv_inhalt":"Bidang: "Kelompok"<\/b><br>Benda terkandung dalam kelompok benda yang mana?<br>Contoh pertama: "Koleksi Widermayr"<br>Contoh ke-2: "Warisan Meyerbeer"",
"syst_inhalt":"Bidang: "Kelompok subyek"<\/b> dan <b>bidang: "sistematika"<\/b><br><br>Kelompok subyek (kiri) atau sistematika (kanan)<br><br>Sebagaimana anda buat sampai hari ini saja",
"vorb_inhalt":"Benda dimiliki oleh siapa sebelum ke dalam koleksi museum?<br><br>(Nama pemilik terakhir)<br><br>Contoh pertama: "Hermann Meyerbeer, Ummendorf"<br>Contoh ke-2: "VEB Kunstguss, M\u00e4gdesprung"",
"zuga_inhalt":"Pemasukan: kapan ...<br>Pemasukan: sebagai ... Misalnya "hadiah"<br>Pemasukan: untuk ... (hal pembelian: harga dan mata uang)",
"obge_inhalt":"Apa-apa yang menarik tentang sejarah benda",
"schw_inhalt":"Kapan ... waktu estimasi<br>oleh ... nama penilai<br>Nilai diperkirakan ... (Harga dan mata uang)",
"vers_inhalt":"Kapan ... waktu estimasi<br>oleh ... nama penilai<br>Nilai diperkirakan ... (Harga dan mata uang)",
"zust_inhalt":"Pendek! Kalau mungkin, juga memasukkan nama penilai dan waktu estimasi. Bisa memuatkan deskripsi yang lebih persis dalam bidang informasi restorasi.",
"rest_inhalt":"Informasi restorasi, kalau mungkin berisi:<br>Kapan - siapa - Apa - berapa harganya.",
"aktu_inhalt":"Benda sekarang terletak di mana (dalam museum)?<br><br>Contoh pertama: "Pameran standar"<br>Contoh ke-2: "Depo ke-4. Ruang ke-1"<br>Contoh ke-3: "IV-1"",
"stan_inhalt":"Benda biasanya di mana?<br><br>Contoh pertama: "Pameran standar"<br>Contoh ke-2: "Depo ke-4. Ruang ke-1"<br>Contoh ke-3: "IV-1"",
"aust_inhalt":"Kapan benda itu dipamerkan?<br><br>Contoh pertama: "2005, Pameran: Kanak-kanak bangsawan"<br>Contoh ke-2: "1997, Ruang Depan Bank, Pameran: Lukisan-lukisan kanak-kanak"<br>Contoh ke-3: "2007, Moritzburg, Halle (pinjaman)"<br>(... atau dimasukkan dalam daftar di bawah)",
"verl_inhalt":"Nama lembaga peminjam<br><br>Contoh pertama: "Museum Surabaya"<br>Contoh ke-2: "B\u00f6rdemuseum Ummendorf"<br><br>Silahkan hanya memasukkan informasi pinjaman terkini di sini",
"ansp_inhalt":"Nama penanggung jawab untuk benda di lembaga pinjaman",
"vher_inhalt":"Peminjaman terkini sejak kapan sampai kapan",
"vlei_inhalt":"Harga insuransi semahal tertulis dalam kontrak peminjaman terkini",
"alei_inhalt":"Apa-apa yang ingin dicatatkan tentang benda",
"at_museum":"Benda dalam museum",
"on_loan":"Benda sekarang ini dipinjamkan ke luar",
"urhe_inhalt":"Catatan tentang hak cipta benda",
"nure_inhalt":"Catatan tentang hak penggunaan benda",
"arec_inhalt":"Apa-apa yang lain untuk dicatatkan tentang situasi hak benda",
"noti_inhalt":"Bisa mencatat apa yang masih akan diedit dan dijelaskan atau catatan nama orang yang tahu lebih banyak tentang benda itu<br><br>Contoh pertama: "Asal-usul benda belum tahu, harus diterangkan"<br>Contoh ke-2: "Itu tentu saja dimiliki museum??? Tidak ada kontrak pembelian - Terangkan"<br>Contoh ke-3: "Pak AAAA tahu lebih banyak tentang temanya"",
"kurz_inhalt":"Diciptakan untuk catatan yang sangat penting - teksnya berwarna teks merah",
"oaim_inhalt":"Apakah sebagai cetakan atau gambaran digital ...<br>Bisa mencatat di mana gambaran benda dapat dicari dalam museum",
"odim_inhalt":"Apakah sebagai cetakan atau file gambaran atau teks ...<br>Bisa mencatat di mana gambaran benda dapat dicari dalam museum",
"make_rule_for":"Buat aturan khusus",
"too_short":"Kurang daripada 20 huruf. Inilah terlalu pendek!",
"whose_rule":"Silahkan mengaitkan benda ini dengan lembaga dulu. Kalau tidak, lembaga aturan khusus ini juga tidak jelas.",
"erwerb_inhalt":"<b>Siapa<\/b> mendapat \/ beli benda ini untuk museum?<br><b>Di mana<\/b> benda ini dibeli \/ didapat?",
"erfasst_inhalt":"<b>Siapa<\/b> pertama orang yang medaftarkan benda ini untuk museum?<br><b>Pada waktu yang mana<\/b> benda ini didaftarkan pada pertama kali?",
"separate_material_technique":"Bidang tersendiri: Material dan cara",
"mat_tech_inhalt":"Material: Silahkan mendaftar semua material yang digunakan dalam kreasi benda ini, terpisah dengan komma<br>Cara: Silahkan mendaftar semua cara yang digunakan dalam kreasi benda ini, terpisah dengan komma",
"ddesc_inhalt":"Inilah tempat deskripsi berdetail benda. Setelah pemasukan teks, bisa beralih apakah diskripsi ini akan diterbitkan",
"group_values_measurements":"Mengelompokkan informasi ukuran tersendiri dan memindahnya ke bidang \"ukuran\" utama. (nilai bidangnya akan digantikan)",
"group_values_mattech":"Mengelompokkan informasi material \/ cara tersendiri dan memindahnya ke bidang \"material \/ cara\" utama. (nilai bidangnya akan digantikan)",
"object_set_nonpublic":"Benda baru disembunyikan",
"object_set_public":"Benda baru diterbitkan",
"notes_updated":"Catatan benda baru disunting",
"rights_updated":"Informasi hak \/ lisensi baru disunting",
"location_updated":"Lokasi benda baru disunting",
"social_media_yes":"Benda ini akan diterbitkan dengan tautan ke media sosial",
"social_media_no":"Benda ini akan diterbitkan tanpa tautan ke media sosial",
"pos_in_src_explica":"Optional position in source. This may e.g. be a page number (p. 15), a foot note number, or a the number of the figure.",
"reception_source_explica":"The publication, in which the object was published or being published on. Please type and then select an entry from the drop-down list appearing as you type. If the publication is not listed in the drop-down list yet, you can add one by the \"+\" in front of the input field.",
"reception_publication_type_explica":"The way the object was published in the selected source. If the object is a photography, which was printed in the source, the publication type would be \"image published\". If no suitable publication type for your case can be found in the list, please contact an administrator.",
"custom_obj_edits_intro":"Here you can create your own customized object editing interface. To do so, add some fields and position them using drag and drop. You can also start by using one of the available presets and adjusting it to your likes after.",
"condition_checking_requirements_explica":"Note on the ways the object's condition is to be checked.",
"installation_note":"Installation note",
"installation_note_explica":"A note on how the object is to be installed safely in an exhibition or how it is to be safely stored. E.g. \"Should not be rotated\".",
"security_requirements_explica":"A note on the requirements the object's security poses. E.g. \"must be guarded around the clock\" or \"must be displayed behind a glass wall\".",
"suggest_inventory_number_flex_at_pos":"Suggest inventory number; increment number #",
"period_copyright":"Copyright period",
"period_copyright_explica":"The date until which the object is locked under copyright if applicable.",
"period_freeze":"Freeze period",
"period_freeze_explica":"A date until which the object's is locked against being published. This may e.g. be for legal reasons.",
"period_autopublish":"Publish object at",
"period_autopublish_explica":"Filling out this field enables a timer, when the object will be automatically published. This way, a \"moving wall\" for publication can be implemented.",
"owner_explica":"If the object is not owned by the museum, the owner can be entered here. Selectable owners are drawn from the contacts module and need to be added there separately (possible by clicking on the \"+\" button).",
"disposal_method_explica":"Method the object is to be or was disposed.",
"disposal_recipient_new_id":"New ID at recipient",
"disposal_recipient_new_id_explica":"New inventory number of the object at the receiving museum (for sales or donations to other institutions).",
"deaccession_date":"Date of deaccession",
"deaccession_date_explica":"Date the object was deaccessed legally.",
"disposal_date":"Date of disposal",
"disposal_date_explica":"Date the object was disposed physically (e.g. when it was transported out of the museum or when it was physically destroyed).",
"disposal_note":"General note on disposal",
"disposal_note_explica":"Free text information about the disposal of the object.",
"disposal_cost_value":"Cost of disposal",
"disposal_cost_value_explica":"Total costs the museum incurred disposing of the object.",
"disposal_cost_currency":"Cost of disposal (currency)",
"disposal_cost_currency_explica":"Currency in which the cost of the disposal of the object is measured.",
"disposal_price_value":"Disposal price",
"disposal_price_value_explica":"Total of the money the museum earned by selling the object.",
"disposal_price_currency_explica":"Currency in which the object is to be or was sold.",
"disposal_conditions":"Disposal conditions",
"disposal_conditions_explica":"Here one can note down special conditions restricting the disposal of the object. The object may e.g. only be disposed within the country or it may only be returned to the previous owners.",
"period_scheduled_end_to_deposit_explica":"Determines when the object will be removed from the museum, if that is known beforehand. This may e.g. be the case with loaned objects. A notification is triggered if the object's scheduled end to deposit nears.",
"damage_type":"Damage type",
"damage_type_explica":"The type of the damage, e.g. if it was caused by water or by the object breaking apart.",
"damage_identification_date":"Date of identification",
"damage_identification_date_explica":"The date the damage was identified.",
"damage_note_explica":"Here additional information on the damage, its circumstances or details you noticed can be added.",
"damage_reporter_explica":"The person who first found out about the damage.",
"damage_status_explica":"The current status of the damage. Starting from it's finding, the damage should progress to either be marked as irreparable or it should be repaired.",
"conservation_authorization_date_explica":"Date the conservation \/ restoration was authorized.",
"conservation_method_explica":"Method of conservation \/ restoration.",
"conservator_explica":"Name of the conservator enacting the conservation \/ restoration treatment.",
"conservation_begin_date":"Begin date",
"conservation_begin_date_explica":"Date of the start of the conservation \/ restoration.",
"conservation_end_date":"End date",
"conservation_end_date_explica":"Date of the end of conservation \/ restoration.",
"check_type":"Type of check",
"check_type_explica":"The type of the check registered.",
"check_date":"Date of check",
"check_date_explica":"The prospected or actual date of the check.",
"check_executed_by_explica":"Name of the person who is expected to do the check.",
"check_scope_explica":"Here one may enter more specific details on which aspect of the object is to be checked. E.g. a comparison of the database with the actual objects may be limited to the correctness of objects' measurements.",
"check_note_explica":"General notes on the check.",
"period_next_planned_relocation_explica":"This field allows one to mark when the object will next be moved. It makes sense to clear the field once the object has actually been moved.",
"acquisition_id_explica":"This select list allows one to link the object's acquisition to a dedicated acquisition process in the acquisition module. This allows grouping multiple objects together in the acquisition and improved searching by the acquisition properties.",
"last_change_of_permanent_location_explica":"Date of the last change of the permanent location. This field is not automatically updated, as the decision to change the location may have been made before one started using musdb.",
"refine_tag":"Refine tag",
"type_to_link_tag":"Type to link (another) tag",
"type_to_link_actor":"Type to link (another) actor",
"type_to_link_place":"Type to link (another) place",
"type_to_link_time":"Type to link (another) time",
"tag_relation_type_explica":"Describes the relationship between the object and the tag.",
"other_object_name_explica":"For objects that have more than one name, e.g. a general one and a scientific one. This is usually the case with biological and mineralogical objects.",
"other_object_name_type":"Type of alternative object name.",
"other_object_name_type_explica":"Here you can enter the type of the alternative name you entered for the object.",
"separate_material_explica":"All kinds of materials separated by comma",
"emergency_priority":"Priority during emergencies",
"emergency_priority_explica":"A numeric value of the priority of the object's rescue during an emergency. Using this field, you can e.g. note down, if this object should be among the first to be rescued by emergency workers during a flood or similar incident.",
"emergency_priority_note":"Note on emergency priority",
"emergency_priority_note_explica":"Here, further information about why the object may be especially relevant to rescue during an emergency may be noted down.",
"emergency_priority_determined_by_explica":"Name of the person or group who determined the object's prioritized status during emergency rescue operations.",