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2019-01-16 14:26:18 +01:00
"link": {
"link_explica": "Please enter sources from anywhere else on the Internet here. The sources should have a close relation to the object. Please do not enter links to sources, which focus on the creator instead of the object itself. Mind, linking is only worthwhile if the source is trustworthy and it is probable that it will not vanish too soon. For example: private homepages often disappear soon after they have been created.",
"link_not_listed": "If you want to link to a source that is not yet listed, please click here",
"text": "Text to be shown",
"linkname_explica": "This text will be displayed along with the object. It should be as short as possible. If it links to Wikipedia, please start it like this: \"Wikipedia entry about ...\"<br><br><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#660000;\">Please always fill in this field!<\/b>",
"url": "URL (with http:\/\/ or https:\/\/)",
"linklink_explica": "Please enter an absolute URL here!! (That means, incl. \"http:\/\/\" or \"https:\/\/\")<br><br><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#660000;\">Please always fill in this field!<\/b>",
"no_text": "Please enter a text for displaying the link!<\/p><p class=\"ohne\">Users will click on this text to activate the link. It is also used to identify the link in the editing\/adding tool. E.g.: \"Wikipedia entry about...\"",
"no_url": "Please enter an URL to link to!<\/p><p class=\"ohne\">The URL of the website the link leads to.",
"document_explica": "* Here you can upload documents related to the object (as PDF files exclusively) - or just link the object with an already existent document.",
"document_not_listed": "If the document is not listed, please click here",
"objobj_explica": "* Please use this function only if you want to link a <b style=\"color:006600;\">single object<\/b> with <b style=\"color:#006600;\">another single object<\/b>.<br>* Please <b style=\"color:#990000;\">do not<\/b> use it if you want to link it with a group (2 or more) of objects.",
"link_from": "First",
"single_to": "You are about to link to another object at museum-digital. Please enter the ID of the target object here",
"single_target": "Second",
"single_first_bottom": "What links the objects to each other? Please enter here how the object on the left is related to the one on the right?<br>Example 1: \"Almost identical object\"<br>Example 2: \"Object of the same kind in another museum\"<br>Example 3: \"The person on the left can be found on the other photo\"",
"single_second_bottom": "What links the objects to each other? Please enter here how the object on the right is related to the one on the left?<br>Example 1: \"Almost identical object\"<br>Example 2: \"Object of the same kind in another museum\"<br>Example 3: \"The person on the left can be found on the other photo\"",
"single_either": "Either add ... and send",
"single_as_left": "Same text on both sides",
"single_no_backlink": "No link back to the first object",
"series_explica": "* Here you can link an object with a Objekt einer group of objects. Examples for object groups are: a photo album, a folder containing drawings, a series of bills, ...<br>* Please do not use to link to another single object.",
"series_part_of": "The object already belongs to the following object groups",
"series_make_part": "You may make the object part of an existing object group",
"series_create_series": "You may create a new object group",
"series_name": "Name of object group",
"seriename_explica": "This text is the name of the object group\/series in the editing tool and it is used for overview functions. No name of a series may exist more than once.<br><br><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#660000;\">Please always fill in this field!<\/b>",
"series_description": "Description of object group",
"serietext_explica": "This text will serve as the description of the group\/series\/album ...<br>Suggestions on content: What similarities do the objects share? How many objects are contained? Are there any notable facts about the group\/album\/series?<br><br><b style=\"font-weight:normal;color:#660000;\">Please always fill in this field!<\/b>",
"series_no_name": "Please enter a title for the series!<\/p><p class=\"ohne\">A short title is best! No title may exist more than once.",
"series_no_description": "Please enter a description for the series!<\/p><p class=\"ohne\">A description of the series as a text. There are no limitations to the length of the text.",
"series_back_object": "Back to object",
"series_back_series": "Back to object group connection",
"series_back_table": "Back to object group overview",
"series_list": "Generate table from object group",
"series_move_down": "Moves object towards the rear of the series",
"series_move_up": "Moves object towards the front of the series",
"relate_objekt": "Add relation to an object",
"series_no_series": "No object group available",
"hide_objectgroup": "Hide object group",
"show_objectgroup": "Make object group public",
"objectgroup_number_member": "Number of objects in this group",
"html_catalogue": "HTML catalogue",
"series_belongs": "Object group belongs to",
"series_delete": "Delete object group",
"series_delete_question": "You are about deleting an object group",
"series_presentation": "Show object group as ...",
"show_series_at_museumsite": "Show at museum page",
"hide_series_at_museumsite": "Hide at museum page",
"show_map_with_series": "Show map for public",
"hide_map_with_series": "Hide map for public",
"series_map_set_nonpublic": "The series page will be displayed without a map.",
"series_map_set_public": "The series page will be displayed with a map.",
"series_add": "Add an object group",
"series_added": "A new object group has been added.",
"series_update": "Edit an object group",
"series_updated": "Information on the object group has been updated.",
"series_objpos_backward": "The object was moved backwards.",
"series_objpos_forward": "The object was moved forward.",
"linked_obj_obj": "Linked object with another object.",
"linked_obj_series": "Linked object with a series.",
"objectgroup_hidden": "The series has been made non-public.",
"objectgroup_visible": "The series has been made public.",
"objectgroup_visible_museumpage": "The series will be shown at the museum page",
"objectgroup_hidden_museumpage": "The series will not be shown at the museum page",
"single_from": "From",
"link_edited": "Link was edited",
"files_in_index": "Files in index",
"links_good": "Links with no issues",
"links_referral": "Links with a referral only",
"links_error": "Links with errors",
"index_more": "Index more",
"url_simple": "URL",
"status_code": "Status Code",
"date_checked": "Date checked",
"link_validity_check": "Link validity check",
"no_checks_run_yet": "No checks run yet",
"all_series": "All series",
"series_base_data": "Basic information about the series",
"series_objects": "Objects for series",
"xml_export": "Export (XML)",
"link_validation_tool": "Hyperlink validation tool",
"linked_objects": "Linked objects",
"series_deleted": "The series has been deleted",
"series_no_series_text": "No series \/ object group has been added for your museum yet (hence, we cannot list any). You may:"