"author_creator_explica":"A forr\u00e1sanyag szerz\u0151je. Irja be a nevet a szerz\u0151 kiv\u00e1laszt\u00e1s\u00e1hoz. Egy forr\u00e1asanyaghoz t\u00f6bb szerz\u0151t \/k\u00f6zrem\u0171k\u00f6d\u0151t is kapcsolhat is ",
"title_explica":"A foorr\u00e1asanyag c\u00edme",
"year_explica":"A megjelen\u00e9s \u00e9ve",
"venue_explica":"The venue the work was published in.<br\/>In the case of an article, this field stands for the volume the article was published in.<br\/>In case of a book, it represents the publisher.",
"pages_explica":"The page number of the work. In case of an article, this is the page range within the journal or volume. In case of a book, this field is all optional, but can be filled with the total sum of pages.",
"editor_explica":"Editor or editors of this work. Type in and select an editor from the list. If none can be found, you can add a new one by clicking on the \"+\"-button in front of the text field.",